• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 17: When You Want Something Done

With Tempest just as Vegeta and Trunks have left.

"Well they will probably not help deal with Cell," said Tempest as she looked after after them as they were leaving. Just for her to turn to the Earthlings and Piccolo, "Well there is something else I have for you guys," she said, as she pull out a box from her own pocket space, this made come over to her, "Now this is only for Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien, sorry Piccolo, but we were not able to make this work for Namekies," as she got done saying that she opened the box, and inside it was three cans there looked like soda, each of them having a name on them, this confused them a bit.

"Not to question you Tempest, but why are giving us soda?" said Yamcha as he picked his up and took a sip realizing it was good he drank the whole thing, Tien and Krillin did not drink it yet for they wanted to hear what it really was before doing so.

"Well to explain this is not a normal soda, this soda has been load with a stream of power so to say." as Tempest said this Yamcha look at her for a second and then start to feel his body changes a small bit, nothing bad but a odd feeling.

"Well I do not feel more powerful? Are you sure about this?" said Yamcha.

"I'm 100% sure, the power from it is not given free, but is more of a major boost to how well your body takes to training, this boost lets you gain around 50% of the growth speed of a Saiyan. While Twilight also said it allows a Human to gain their own forms of power, base on the person and their fighting style. And from what we have seen of your training style you three can keep up with us Saiyans if you drink this, and it's also why we have given you all your own TB's allowing you to do safe and control gravity training anywhere, there is also a set of that for Piccolo." explain Tempest.

"Well what do you think Piccolo can we trust them?" said Tien as he looked over at the Namekien.

"To be honest I think you can, for I have been looking over some of the memories of Twilight, that Nail had... And I do not think she would ever want to win like that, which we all got a look of when Goku had his heart attack, she stopped fighting and even made sure he got home safe, so if you want to keep being useful in combat, those ''soda's'' are probably your way to do it. Else I think I need to leave, there is something I need to do before going on the hunt for Cell with you all." said Piccolo as he took on the scouter that Twilight had given him, and then took off.

"Well that is good enough for me," said Krillin as he emptied his, which made Tien shrug before drinking his own, "So Tempest how are we going to hunt this Cell down?" he asked while look at her, before she pull out another box, and opened it where in there was 7 scouters, each with a name on them.

"The scouter is sadly the best way to do it, for Cell will be killing people to gain power, and normal Ki sensing will just miss that may small ones going away, but Twilight made these scouters able to chose which type of power we are looking for, so we put it on looking for normal human's and then we go where the numbers are dropping, this way we should be able to catch him. But before we start going after him, I will explain some thing first." and so Tempest told them everything they knew about Cell which should help them avoid Cell getting the jump on them, she also explain how they were not going to fight him one on one, and they would just aim for the kill, which they all agreed to.

And so they set off on their hunt, but it seem Cell was always able to tell when they were getting close for he would stop and go somewhere else, this hunt lasted all of 8 hours, before Tempest got a call. That she let the others in on as well.

"Tempest here what is going on?" she replied.

"Before I explain you might need to add the others, for they will probably want to know about this." said Burter

"Already done that buddy, so you can go ahead." said Tempest.

And so Burter explain what Jeice had already told Twilight.

"Well this is a major problem," said Tempest before she looked at Krillin, Yamcha and Tien, "You guys can probably handle the solo android, so if you go right to South City, and the use the scouter to look for Androids, he should be easy to spot."

"Sure sounds like a plan, but what is this Android able to do?" asked Tien

And that is when a new voice join the talk, "That is where I come in, for who is better to tell you have to end the android then the man who made it, I will explain everything you need as you go towards South City." said Dr. Gero.

"Dr. Gero will tell you anything you need to know about him. While Tempest you need to go and keep a eye on Twilight, for she is planning on taking care of the three herself." finish Burter.

"Alright I will lock in on her Scouter and follow her. I will see the three of you when she is done turning those three into scrap." said Tempest before she flew off towards Twilight, while the other went towards South City.

As Tempest was flying towards where she was picking up Twilight to be going she also got the lock on to the Androids, she notice that they were not moving and just seem to be waiting, they probably know that they were being followed, and stopped. And when Tempest was about 5 mins flight away from them she notice Twilight just a bit ahead of her.

"So how are we going to do this?" said Tempest as she got up next to Twilight, who was still flying towards the droids.

"Well I'm hopping they are up for one on one battles, for if they are I will take my time and enjoy taking them down starting at 15, then 14, and lastly 13, for I never liked that guy." said Twilight

"And if they are not up for that?" replied Tempest with a curious tone.

"Simple, if they don't, we both attack with full force, and end it fast, for if they don't want to play then there is no fun in dragging it out." said Twilight showing smile.

"Alright, do you want help to end these three, or do you just want me to take the sideline?" asked Tempest.

"Well if you are ok with it I would love to handle it on my own. Though from what I hear you might want to join yourself, for I hear Vegeta made a mess of things." answer Twilight.

"As much as he was a problem, dealing with him was not to bad, for it allowed me to see Lazuli beat him down, so that was a plus, so I think I will let you handle these guys, it's just a shame that your brother is not here, for he would probably have loved to beat the hell out of these three, for I recall right he knew them before, they signed up for being turned into a full android." said Tempest

"Yeah, they were the worst ones in the RR, so Gevo had to deal with them a lot, which he was not happy about. So Cell probably did not even need to changes anything about them, to make them do this, they are just doing what they would be doing anyways." said Twilight

"Well we are about to find out, for they seem to just be standing up ahead, though why they chose the middle of a Icey tundra I got no idea. Though at least you can see the stars out here, so there is at least that." said Tempest as she looked around the frozen area.

"They probably want a advantage, for fighting here for anyone normal will slow them down normally, but against androids don't feel cold, and their inner heating keeps the frost out of them, so they probably think this place will give them a advantages against, blood and flesh... Just a shame for them, that I do not feel the cold either." said Twilight with a smug smile.

"Yeah that is easy for you to say. I still feel it and man I do not like this." said Tempest while looking a little annoyed

"Then why do you not use the heat Cloak spell? You learned it just in case we went to places like this." asked Twilight, which she already knew the answer to, for Tempest had not yet gotten use to being able to cast spells when she needs them yet, even though she had been able to cast freely for a long time now. Now she had remember that she can cast spells, for having lived her whole life without being able to, and then gaining it again, makes one forget.

"Right sorry Twilight." said Tempest, as she cast the spell over herself.

"No need to say sorry Tempest, I may not know the story of why you did not have magic before, but you got it in this universe, so it's just about getting use to it," said Twilight giving Tempest a understanding smile, which was return.

"Else I take it you want me to take your hoodie again?" said Tempest.

"Sure, I don't want to ruin it. I will give it to you if they agree with the idea of just fighting me," said Twilight as she looked forward spotting the three standing on the ice a little below, " Well here we go Tempest said Twilight as she got ready to land."

"Well now, when we were told that we would get a chance to play, I did not think I would get the chance to end the Dr.'s little Hell spawn, well more like a monkey he took in. Isn't that right boys? And it seems she found herself a friend." said Android 13, which made both 14, and 15, laugh.

"Coming from the Redneck, who can't even drive a Truck right, for I recall your driving... I have seen a man from the middle of nowhere who has never been to school drive better then you... And thinking about it, I even did better then you when I was just 5 years old," said Twilight with a sweet smile which made 13 a bit mad, but before he was able to do anything, Twilight talked again, "Now before we start to ''play'' I want to throw you a deal, I will fight you all alone, if you fight me one on one, or two on one, for I'm really in the mood for some fun," she finish as she licked her teeth.

This made the three look at each other being laughing, "Well if you want to die you little monkey, then sure, 14 and 15 would love to give you the beating of your life," said 13, which just made Twilight throw her hoodie to Tempest, which made the three look at her like she was crazy, " Girl if you want to die to the cold, then just say so, for I doubt you can handle this place as well as we can." finish 13 with a laugh, which stopped fast as he notice that Twilight did not show any sign of the cold getting to her.

Give them a dark smile while walking forward, "You would think, but no, I'm not touch by this cold at all. So how about we get this show on the road, and then come and fight me, or do you need the woman to take the lead?" finish Twilight and she took a stances.

This pissed off 13, "What you two idiot's doing? GO GET HER!" yell 13 at them, while pointing at her, which send both of them flying of towards Twilight, who just carried a dark smile. With Tempest just rolling her eyes, those two poor men had no idea what they were going into.

And as they start to attack her, they learned that she was fast, dodging both of them without having to block just keeping her arms on her back, 14 and 15, were outclassed far more then Twilight had been ready for, sure she knew they were outdated models, but there was something there made the three special, but Twilight did not recall what it was, and she did not really care to recall it, she wanted a fight... No she needed a fight, so she was going to make the best of this and play with them.

While 14 kept attacking Twilight not realizing that they were not able to hit her. 15 was a bit smarter, and had realize that she was not even trying yet, "Boss we can't hit this bitch!" yell 15 who had already gotten a bit nervous. But had doom himself when he had called Twilight a bitch while still being close to her, for just as the words left his mouth, she had grab him by the neck. While with her other hand she had blasted the head of 14.

"You just had to make me mad did you? I have been looking forward to having a real fight today, and it seems I will be denied at every turn," said Twilight as her grip got stronger and stronger making 15's head finally pop of, making Twilight turn towards 13, who seem surprise at how fast that happen, "So I hope you are able to give me more of a fight, for I was told there was something special about the three of you... So far I'm not impressed."

To this 13 just looked stunned for a second and then started to laughing, "Damn girl I'm truly impressed, for I was sure that they would at least get a punch in on you, I truly believe that, "said 13 before he stood up form where he was, "Well if you want a fight girl, then all you will have to do is wait a bit," he finish as he started to laugh as parts of both androids came flying towards him, and then getting absorbed into him transforming him slowly, where he slowly started to get bigger, and his skin turn, his hair also turning orange, and when it ended he was about the same size at Tempest.

"Now we are talking!" said Twilight with a big smile, as she got ready again, while this time also going into wrathful.

And while this was going on Tempest notice that Vegeta and Trunks arrived, but they seem to have picked to stay a bit away from the fight. Which was fine with Tempest, for she really did not want to deal with Vegeta right now.

Twilight, and 13, charge each other and crashed with a punched each, which cracked the ice under it the impact zone which kept going, and cut the ice flare and with each punch and Kick Twilight and 13 threw at each other more and more was being torn apart but with 13 being a bit slower then allowed Twilight to land some hits, but nothing came of them, do to 13's defends being higher then anything else on him, but with him not being able to keep up with her, allow her to test everything she was able to think about. Neck? That did not work and do to him being an android, he did not need air. Stomach? A little less defended but did nothing as well. And his legs did nothing as well. Twilight had to admit her dad had made one hell of a Android out of the Redneck, and the best part? He was no longer able to speak. Dad had really done well thought Twilight to herself as the battle rage on.

"Well I guess it's time I try something a little harder hitting," said Twilight as she jump back, and unleash a new magic she had been working on, which made her glow for a second before an purple transparent dragon shoot out of her, there was the size of a horse, "Go spike keep him still for me!" And as the words left Twilight's mouth, the Dragon shoot forward biting one arm while using it's tail to hold the other, meanwhile Twilight had gotten her Dragon Buster ready, and as she fired it the Dragon let go and got away just fast enough to get away from the blast. and was right back at Twilight's side, who petted it, and look towards where the smoke was clearing 13 was standing with no damage still, this made Twilight a little surprised, for she thought this would at least do a little bit of damage.

"It seems I'm going to have to try something a little more... Experimental," said Twilight as she took her hand of Spike and pull the magic back, before putting her hand into pocket space, and pull out Tranquil Night, "Now I really do not know how powerful this is going to be, but I think I can end this with one more attack," finish Twilight as she looked towards 13 who was making a attack of his own a big red ball he was charging, and looking over him Twilight saw the moon, which made her smile, for do to her control she was not going to transform. And with that Twilight took a stance putting both her legs a part while putting both her hands on Tranquil Night and as she start to lift the blade over her head slowly with the blade igniting into purple flames, and when the blade was fully over her head, she took a moment where she inhaled, "Dimension Slash!" yell Twilight as she pull the blade down, which was mix with magic and Ki, to make the blade even more deadly.

And as the Slash went off, it was like she had cut the world it self in front of her and every thing else in front of her, for the attack 13 had send her way fell a part like a ball there had been cut into two, just like 13 had start to split as well but both blew up. And seeing the job done, Twilight drop Wrathful and turn towards Tempest, "You know, I feel so much better after that," said Twilight with a happy smile while resting the back of her blade on her shoulder.

While Twilight had been look at her friend. Tempest notice something, "Well Twilight I think you need to be careful about how you use that attack," said Tempest as she pointed towards the sky.

Which made Twilight turn around and look up, which made her beyond surprised. For what she saw was that she had not just cut 13, but the Moon as well, which was now in two parts. And Twilight was not the only one in shock about that.

For from where Vegeta and Trunk had been seeing the battle happen both saw the power Twilight had used to end 13, and neither of them had been ready for that. And did not take it well either for he left in a hurry followed by Trunks.

Having kept a eye on the two Tempest looked back towards Twilight who was still in a bit of a shock over having cut the moon in half," Well it seems the Prince did not take your power well Twilight," she said as she walked over to Twilight, and pat her on the shoulder making her come out of her shock, "Well Twilight you did say it was a experimental attack, and from what we know the moon has been blown up before, so having two moons even thought they are helves, will be interesting."

And as Tempest got done talking a call came in, "Twilight! What did you do?" came the voice of Vomi over the scouter when a hint of worry and panic.

And so Twilight got busy explaining to her mom, what she had done. And while that was happening Tempest thought about how things were going with Tien, Krillin, and Yamcha.

Author's Note:

So yeah 13, 14 and 15 did not really stand a chance against Twilight, do to where her power is at. And sure I might have been able to buff him, but that would not make sense with how Dr. Gero and his family see them here, so he would not have put to much into them, and when it comes to Super 13, he was slow but his defends seem higher then even his power, a bit like ''Super Saiyan Third Grade'' it got great power and better defense, but the speed is bad, so with the from for Super 13 he would only be able to hurt Twilight, if he was able to catch her, which he would not be able to do, so the fight becomes sadly really short.