• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 9: Return to Earth

Back with Vomi, Twilight, and Tempest.

With only 2 hours before they would get back to Earth. This was do to them not needing to look for anything worth their time, so they were able to just fly right home. The trip back to Earth was not even a week long, due to all the upgrades that Vomi had made to the ship over their trip, whenever she had the chance to. And with so little time left before they got to Earth, Twilight and Tempest stopped their training so they would be able to get themselves cleaned up before going back to Earth, with Twilight taking the bath first and going back to the same style she normally had.

While Tempest had taken her own clothes she used when she was free from work, which fit her far better than the solider outfit she had on when they first met, now she was standing in her brown combat boots. with cargo pants with a normal camo and a belt bucket with a star in the middle of it, which reminds Twilight of her own star on the back. And with Tempest's tail already having grown back, it was resting around her waist. And Tempest had been given her own armor from Vomi; there was more design just like Twilight's own being a sports bra, for it turned out that under her armor she was the same size as Twilight, so all they had to do was make one of Twilight's a bit longer to fit Tempest. Over that, she had a black t-shirt that went down half her arms and a green vest over it. And she had fingerless gloves on. Then there was the arm band that hid her Ki that Twilight had made for her, which looked like a normal sliver arm band, and the new scouter that she had made as well, with a clean glass lens that turned pink when it was on.

"Aaah, it feels good to be back in my own clothes again," said Tempest as she walked out of the bathroom, walked over to the table where they were eating at, and started to put food on her own plate. "I think the only thing I will miss are the few friends I made while working for Frieza. Otherwise, I am so happy that you two found me. And I am happy to see that you are doing so well here, Twilight. And the training gear that you have made Vomi is really good. And with Twilight healing me when I have been going down, I think I might be stronger than most of my old friends." As she finished, she started to eat. And just like Twilight, she had the ability to become a bottomless pit for food.

Twilight looking up from her own food. "Hey Tempest. Who are those friends you made? You make them sound like they are powerful." She ask. Looking at Tempest, waiting for her to be done with her mouthful.

"Oh, they are powerful. But nowhere near you, from what I can tell. You have probably not heard about them, but they are Frieza's Special Forces."

This made Twilight cut of Tempest, "Do you mean the Ginyu Force?"

"Yeah!. How do you know about them? From what I know, people outside of the Frieza space don't like to talk about them because of how dangerous they are seen as."

"Well, I learned about them in GP space, when I hacked into their database and downloaded everything they had, I learned them there for they had a lot off info on them, and they seem to have been sending the GP music videos of themselves as a form of propaganda. And that led me to see their bounty's of their whole team," explains Twilight. As she looked over at Tempest, who looked like she was enjoying what she was hearing,

"I did not think they would do it. Ginyu must have been serious when he said he wanted to make me a member of the force, for he and the boys had asked me to join them; they even offered to train me and help me find you. Just to get me to join them, So I told Ginyu that if he sent the GP a video of themselves making a music number out of their work, then I would join them. Yes, the work they do is evil, but as Ginyu said to me, we all have to work, and no matter what you find, look for a way to enjoy it. If we find them, can you hire them, Twilight? For they were great friends for the time I got to know them. Though you might have to kill Frieza for that. For if there is no Frieza then they will need a new job."

"Sure, I would not mind having your friends around. Though, without knowing how strong Frieza really is, it's probably better to wait a bit before we try and take him on."

"That is for the best, for Ginyu is a very loyal man. And besides, I really want to be able to fully show of when I get a chance to talk to them again. And with the training you have been helping me do, it will probably not be long before I am stronger than all of them, for the only one who is still stronger than me is Ginyu himself."

Seeing both girls eating like they had not gotten food for a full year. It was a good thing they were rich; otherwise, Vomi would not know how to feed Twilight, and now that Tempest was here as well, it would have been impossible to pay for all that food. But Vomi would not change them even if she was able to, for she had gotten used to Twilight eating like there was no tomorrow. And maybe with Tempest being a normal Saiyan, Vomi would be able to find out how the Saiyans were doing this, for if she found a way to do that, she would probably do it to herself. But that is for another day, and she would need to ask Tempest before she even tried something like that. Else seeing how fast Tempest and Twilight had gotten to talk, like they were old friends, made Vomi sure what they had been told was true. But it did raise more questions about who is stopping Tempest from speaking. Why so much effort to keep information away from her little star?

"Say tempest," said Vomi. She looked at both of them to make sure she had their attention. "I want to ask you how much you can say about what Twilight was before she ended up here."

"Well, the only thing I have been able to say is that there is a major thing from back where we came from. Is that Twilight saved me from myself. She is a princess. And that she made me her personal guard, I can't even say why she did it. And last, I can say how she has changed from how she was before we ended up here. And from what I can understand, Twilight has been here far longer than me. For I have only been here for five years, while she has been here for twenty-three years. explained Tempest. after which she let out a sigh. "I wish I was able to say more, but I can't. So I'm just enjoying that I found her safe and in good health. Otherwise, this universe is not half bad; it's even let me regain a part of myself I lost. And the bad thing was that I was fearing the worst for Twilight. And that is over now, I need is to become strong enough, so I can help her again with anything that might come after her and her new family in any way I can." She finished, giving them both a smile.

This made Vomi laugh. "And we will be more than happy to have you. Though this makes me want to ask you, do you want a weapon like Twilight's?" Questioned Vomi

"Nah, I am good without a weapon." Reply Tempest towards Vomi, just for her to turn her head and look at Twilight. "But I would like to take a look at your sword, Twilight. It looks like Vomi made a great blade." Which Twilight was happy to allow, handing over Tranquil Night to Tempest so she would be able to see the blade. "Just holding this, I can feel the power in it. What in the world did you make this sword out of? for I have not see anything like this metal before." Ask Tempest while looking at Vomi.

"Would you believe me if I told you that the materials were given to me by a wish-granting dragon?" Vomi said while looking back at Tempest.

Handing back to the sword to Twilight, Tempest gave out a sigh. "It seems no matter the universe, you and your family always find a way to surprise me. So yeah, I believe it, for when it comes to Twilight, there is no way to know what she is going to run into next. You are a magnet for trouble and crazy adventures, my princess." she said as she lean back in her chair, looking at Twilight, who looked embarrassed by her words. While Vomi was laughing at both of them, If there had been any point that Vomi had doubt if Tempest would not fit into their family, they would be gone after that.

"There is something I would like to ask you, Tempest," said Twilight after she had gotten over her embarrassment. "Why is your hair not black like all Saiyan's have? From what I understand, all Saiyans have pure black hair. I know that is odd for me to ask with my hair stripes. which I still don't know why I have."

Running one of her hands through her hair, Tempest started to explain. "Well, I am happy that you still have your stripes. For it was how I realized who you were. As to why my hair is not black, I have been using hair dye to keep my old color while looking for you, for I believe that you were in the same boat as me and was just lost in this universe, so I tried to make myself look as close as I could to how I always looked. Now that I found you, I am probably going to stop dyeing, for it's not really needed anymore." Looking out of the window of the ship, Tempest was able to see Earth coming up. "You said the planet's name was Earth, right?" A nod from both Twilight and Vomi was given to her for the question. This made Tempest look out the window again at Earth, making her think about how the planet looked just like their old home planet; it was going to be easy to get used to this new planet. And with Twilight there, it was probably not going to get less crazy than it had been back in their old home. which made Tempest sure on one thing she would need to get stronger fast, and she still have over 350 levels of gravity training left to do before she would be close to Twilight. And with Twilight having the ability to heal her, she would be able to push herself far more then normal. But first, they would need to land the ship and unload everything from the ship.

The next week went quietly by, with nothing big happening. Gero had been more than happy to let Vomi take the company back after coming home, for he was not a people person, so no longer having to deal with being a CEO of one of the biggest companies on Earth was something he had looked forward to. Sure, he still loved his family, but he liked being a part of it from his lab, helping them in any way he was able to. And that he had done, for his free time had been spent either working on Lapis, Lazuil, and his son Gavo. And making his own upgrades on the gravity tech they had, and with him having been able to see what Vomi had done to upgrade the ship and the Titan's Binds, or TB as they had nicknamed them, and having found a way to upgrade them up to a 500x Earth gravity while at the same time making a few copies of the TB. And when it came to Tempest, Gero had been happy to let her into their lives, and after hearing that, she wanted to protect Twilight with her own life. Gero had been far more than pleased to let her be part of the household. And with Twilight's help, Tempest had gotten far in her short time with them, starting out at about 20x and now being up to 80x Earth's gravity, while Twilight herself had not gained much power, keeping herself to Tempest's level to let her catch up. But their training was stopped after 7 days because Twilight felt something she did not like.

The surprise of what she felt made her punch with a bit to much force, sending Tempest flying into a wall which cracked in her impact, "I feel like I got hit by a meteor, you really do pack a major punch when you want to Twilight." Said Tempest. While sitting on the floor getting healed by Twilight, after she had let a punch get far too much power into it,

"I'm sorry about that, Tempest. I felt something that I need to look into, and I am going alone for this, for it feels like something really bad has just happened to my friends on Namek. I can barely feel any power left where their planet is. So I am going to go there and take a look. It will not take a long time with Instant Transmission. So take a break, Tempest. I will be back once I have checked it out." Said Twilight. As she finished healing Tempest, Twilight put two fingers up to her forehead and was gone.

And where she ended up was not what she was ready for; where there had been a green planet, there was nothing now. And for a second, she feared dying from the lag of air, but it turned out she was able to breathe in space, which might be due to her magic, for she felt the mark on her back doing something, and with how she was breathing fine, it was probably making an air bubble around her. Else she opened op senses to their max, she was able to find most of the Namekies on Earth, and one ki there was near by felt like that of someone with little care for life, which marks them as the ones who did this, and with their ki still being there means they are probably still alive, something Twilight would have to change if she were right about them.

Flying around what was left of Namek was making Twilight angry. Why would anyone want to do this much meaningless destruction? Something she would need to ask about when she finds the one who did this, which seems like she has just done. She was not sure what she was looking at. Its body was white, with purple on his shoulders and on top of his head, with a last spot in the middle of his torso, and if she recalls what she had seen of him, this was Frieza. And he seems to be knocked unconscious. And with how messed up his body was, she was surprised he was still alive, which she was planning on fixing. For if the Namekies are on Earth, then she is sure that it has something to do with Earth, and with how Frieza's family is, then it's better to end it here. And so she prepared a blast that would remove the rest of him and make sure he was dead.

But before she was able to fire it off, she got a call on her Scouter phone from her dad. "Hi dad. I was just about to remove a future problem. "Answer Twilight looking towards Frieza.

"And that is why I call you Twilight. You see, the monster you are about to end has something I would like to ask you to give me, I need a small DNA sample, I am not telling you to take him back home; no, I am just asking you to take a blood sample or a small piece of him; it would be really useful for my research," answers Dr. Gero.

Looking around Twilight, I saw Frieza's other arm was here, making it an easy thing to do. "Sure, I can get you some of his DNA," said Twilight. "However, I would not need his main body for that." As she finishes saying that, she releases her blast, killing Frieza and erasing every bit of him but the left-over arm, which she would give to her dad. Which would be the first thing she did. Running around with the arm of an overlord would probably be hard to explain. "I am coming by the lab in a bit with the arm, Dad."

"I look forward to seeing you, my little star. And I should let you know that Tempest and Vomi have set up lunch and are ready for you."

"That lunch sadly has to wait a bit, for I need to see if the Nemakiens are doing okay. So I will drop this arm off at your lab and then go take a look."

As Twilight came into her dad's lab, he came towards her. "Twilight Before you go and look, you need to know that they are at the Brief's family home, so you need to be careful if you want us to stay hidden. Though lucky for you, it seems that the only ones you have to fear finding are the Briefs themselves and Prince Vegeta. But the Prince should not be a problem; he only seems to care about his training, which, to my surprise, is gravity training, though nowhere near the same levels as you, and Temepest has done so, so his taking over over you two will be far from here, if ever. And about the arm, you can lay it in that glass case over there." Said Gero. As he point to where it was, just for Twilight to use her magic to move it over there.

"Well, Dad Tempest also got a bit of a helping hand there, for you do remember how Saiyan's get stronger as we get beaten up? I have been healing her every time she has gone too far, so her training doesn't stop for long, while Vegeta doesn't have that luxury. Else Don't worry about me being found; I am going to go in with Instant Transmission, but not before making myself smaller. Then I will talk to the first one I find, which might be Dende, for I think I can feel his Ki. So take care, Dad. I am going, so I can get back to get lunch with Mom and Tempest." Finish Twilight up before she becomes really small and just vanishes.

Leaving Gero to stand and look at where His Little Star had been, and with a small chuckle, Dr. Gero went back to his work, thinking about how much good having Twilight in the family had done for him. Sure, he did not spend that much time with the girl, but he enjoyed all the little bits he got.

Inside the Brief's compound, Twilight reappeared in a bush in their indoor garden.

Looking out of the bush, Twilight saw a lot of Nemakieans, but also Bulma briefs, following after Vegeta yelled at each other.

"Why can't you just take better care of yourself? You don't need to ruin your own body just to get stronger, you know." Yell Bulma

"Why do you care what I do to my body? And besides, I need to push my training harder if I want to become a super Saiyan. I will not be beaten by Kakarrot when it comes to power, and with him having achieved Super Saiyan, so will I. And there is nothing that will stop me from gaining that power and taking back my crown as the strongest Saiyan in the universe! So I need you to do your job, woman, and fix my training gear." Yell Vegeta back at Bulma.

To Twilight, these two just need to get it over with and get a room, for the tension between them is something else, and both of them are too stubborn to admit that they like each other. And it seems Twilight's magic was agreeing with her, for she was able to feel it wanting to take control for a bit, something Twilight was only fighting against for a short bit before, she let it guide her control, casting a spell she had never seen before, but still felt like she was familiar with it, and a name even came to her mind as she cast it: Mend Hearts, a spell that brings out the love of those it hits, making the feeling of love stronger for a short time. and she was casting it at Vegeta and Bulma, who were still yelling at each other, and the second it hit, they just stopped and were looking at each other like they were seeing each other for the first time. And then they just start making out, which shocks Twilight, where the last thing she saw of them before they were gone was Bulma telling Vegeta they were going to her room, making Twilight sure on one thing: this spell is something she needs to be careful about.

But on the plus side, everyone of the brief's was out of the room. which let her talk with Dende freely.

And it did not take long to find him; he was sitting by himself at a small pond, lost in his own thoughts. letting Twilight sneak up close to him before starting to talk. "How are you holding up, Dende?" Shocking him out of his thoughts, Dende started looking around for whoever was talking to him. "Down here, Dende," said Twilight.

Looking down, Dende saw Twilight, or what he was thinking was Twilight. "Twilight?" Getting a nod from her, he continued. "Wow, it's good to see you again. But I got to ask, How are you this small?" Ask Dende as he was looking over Twilight at her smaller form, only being about 10cm.

"Oh, this is just a skill I have picked up while traveling around; it's good for when you don't want to be found or want to stand just as tall as the one you are fighting. But I need to ask you what happened with Namek. I felt it blow up and went there, and all I found was a half-dead Frieza, which is now fully dead."

This shocked Dende. "Are you telling me that Gohan's dad had not killed him!?"

"Yeah, he was still alive and would have lived to see another day if I had not looked into what had happened. It seems his race can live with most of their bodies gone, but I finish it, so he is fully dead. And I got no idea if it was on purpose or not that he was still alive. And I take it that his near death is the work of the Saiyan who lives here on Earth as well, for I am able to feel his ki out in space, on the planet of Yardrat. So I am not sure if he left him alive to get out of there himself or if he was hoping for him to turn over a new leaf. If he left him alive on purpose, then he is more stupid than I first believed, for Frieza, from what I have learned, is pure evil. But before we keep talking, can we find a place where we can be just the two of us, so I can go back to my normal size?"

Getting a nod from Dende, they went a bit away from where anyone was, which was easy given the big green house they were in. So it was easy for Twilight to get back to her normal size without being seen. And so, after getting away, both of them sat down and started to talk again.

"You are not wrong there; for the little I saw of him, he was always doing something evil. He even killed me! We got lucky that Earth's dragon balls were ready for use, and there was still one wish left on our own, for without those two, we would all have been dead. But yeah, I will tell you the whole story." And so Dende starts telling Twilight about the whole thing. With how Frieza just showed up, wanting to wish for immortality, sending his troops all over the planet and killing anyone who came across, some had gotten away on the ships Vomi had made and had gotten to Earth before the wish, who had joined up with the rest of them as they got to Earth as well. And how the only people who ended up dying to Frieza only ending up being Krillin, for the wish got himself back, while Krillin stayed dead, something Dende was not sure on why that was; more would have died if not for another Nanekian called Piccolo who had been wish there, who was able to hold off Frieza together with Vegeta, due to him having absorbed Nail. At least that is how he understood it, from what he was told after they got to Earth. And last, he told her of their plans for a new Namek. And that Namek had been blown up for over a half year, which really surprised Twilight, for she had just felt it today. which made her think about how Tempest has been blocked from telling her things about her past; is this also the same meddling there that stops that? And hearing about Goku's new form was a good thing, for that means they can try and push for that themselves, though something told Twilight that she would not be able to go for that herself. And it also meant what Vegeta was talking about was a real thing.

As Dende was telling the story, a Namekien frog was jumping towards them and seemed to be paying attention to what was being talked about, not that either of the two noticed.

"Sounds like things have been crazy for you guys. I feel kind of bad not having been there for any of you," said Twilight while she got up from sitting down. "And I can't say I'm happy about what happened to Nail. I will be honest, it makes me kind of mad... But that will not help anything. But I did get lucky not long ago; I found an old friend of mine. Sadly, I can't recall how we became friends, but I believe Tempest when she says that we were friends."

At the name of Tempest, the frog started to jump towards Twilight as fast as it was able to land on her boot, making her look down.

"Dende?" Twilight said, getting him to look up at her from where he was sitting. "Did you wish for the animals of Namekie to come to earth as well?"

Making Dende look at Twilight's boot to see the frog there "Oh, that frog... Yeah, there is a bit of a story about it, at least from what I have been told. From what Bulma has said, that Frog is a guy named Ginyu."

Looking back down at the frog, Twilight was able to see him not like what was told. "Well, would you mind if I took the frog with me?"

Making the Frog Look at Twilight in Surprise

"No, not really, and I don't think Bulma would care that he is gone. But why would you want to take him?" Dende asks while looking at the frog.

"Well, you would probably not believe me, but my friend Tempest was good friends with him and his team, so I feel like I kind of own it to her to help him." said Twilight as she picked him up and put him in one of the pockets in her lab coat. which he was happy to accept. "And before you ask, I know he and his people probably did some damage. But that is part of the job he was doing, so I am fine with giving him a chance. I might come by the ones you have made yourself a new Namek and use a few wishes to get his team back as well. For they would be under the same deal as him."

"That's fine; otherwise, I will be looking forward to seeing you again. We should make the wish for a new planet tomorrow, Twilight." said Dende with a smile. " Though I do want to know before you leave. Why is it that you felt the need to hide that you were here?"

Giving a sigh, Twilight explained her history with Goku, which made it clear to Dende that it was better if he kept their meeting to himself as long as they were still on earth. So he got up and gave a hug to Twilight before she teleported away.

Reappeared inside the kitchen, where Tempest and Vomi had been waiting for her.

"Twilight! Where have you been? The food is getting cold." Said Vomi as she was looking at Twilight before spotting her pocket. "And... is that a frog in your pocket? Never mind that; come over to the table, and you can tell us everything while we are eating."

And so Twilight did tell them everything that happened.

"And you are sure this frog is Ginyu?" Ask Tempest. As she looked at the frog, it was nodding its head at what she said.

Finishing off a bite, Twilight reply" I think so, for the frog is far smarter than normal ones. And the wish was to just move the people off Namek, not animals, and this frog is the only one there came with them, and with his ability to changes body, he probably got unlucky."

"Well, with us knowing he is not a frog, he should be able to handle himself until we can find him someone to take over, that no one will care is gone." Said Tempest. Which got a reply from Ginyu, which was just a sigh but also a nod to this being far better than what he thought his life was going to end up as.

"Else, we can always wish for him to get a new body in a half year; the Namek Dragon balls will be ready as well, and with it being less the two years ago that they die, we should still be able to bring them back as a group, while still having a wish left, so if we don't find a body before then, then I do have a wish that I would love to make." Ask Twilight.

"Well then I hope we find a body for Ginyu. For then we can all get something out of this." said Tempest.

"Alright, that is settled then. When we are done eating, we need to return to your training schedule, for we still have our own plan and timetable. And if you want to watch Ginyu, you should probably stay back, for it's going to get really rough, and I do not think the frog body would handle being hit by anything from us."

"While you two do that, I will go and make a translator for him; that way, he can at least talk while we wait for him to get a new body. And I can get one of our people to go out and get him a bed that will fit him while waiting; I should be done before the two of you are done eating," said Vomi. As she walked out of the room, leaving Twilight and Tempest to do the thing Saiyan's does best: eat more than their weight in food.

As they were just about to finish eating, Vomi came back into the room with the translator for Ginyu, which fit him perfectly.

"I will be fully honest. I'm not too happy with everything I have learned today, but I do appreciate how you are all helping me and that you are planning on helping me get a new body as well, and even going for bringing my team back. I will forgive you for killing Frieza. I will ask that you give me and my men a new job, just like you have done for Tempest. For Frieza was paying us well." Said Ginyu as he was looking up at them. as his first words.

"Well, I think we can handle that. My husband has already made plans for when we are done with our present goals. And it would need strong people for that to work, for he wants to take the space there was left behind when Frieza die. And with you knowing how Frieza worked, you would be a great help. And the pay for such work would be great, together with the benefits. However, we can understand if you do not want to do this. And if you say no,we will let you leave without any problems. Do you think this can work for you, Captain Ginyu?" Responded Vomi.

"Well, I got a team to think about, but they normally want to do anything I ask. But what type of team leader would I be if I did not keep my men's wants in mind? So I will hear what you got to offer, and then when my team is back to me, we will talk about it. So for now I would like to hear what we would gain for joining, this would help me talk them into it."

"For starters, my husband's enchantment program would give you and your team a major boost in power. The level of power is something we can show you in a few years. But I can give you a list of things this can do for you and any of your people. And we can talk about what type of bonus's you would want when you have had a chance to look over the enchantment's." Said Vomi. As she was handing over a data pad to Ginyu. "And don't worry about not being able to read it, for the pad can translate it to the text that Frieza was using in his empire. And you can keep the pad; it will allow you to learn more about Earth as well. Now then, I will leave you all for a while; I have a few meetings. But before I fully leave, Tempest, try to make Twilight take a break now and then, for no matter how strong your body's muscles are, rest is something your body needs now then, see you all later." And with that, Vomi started walked out of the room.

"I will try Vomi, but I do not think I got the power to do that, I might need a wish on the dragon balls to make that happen." reply Tempest as she let out a small laugh.

This made Vomi stop and turn around, "Well then if you need help you know where to find me, I might know a trick or two there can get her to sit down and relax for at least a hour." And with that said she walked out laughing to herself.

"Sigh... Well, I will always be my mom's little girl, no matter how old I get. And to be honest, I'm happy about that, for I really do not know what I would do without her around." Said Twilight with a caring smile on her face. "Now then, would you like to watch us train Ginyu, or is there something else you wish to do?" She asked while looking at Ginyu.

"I would love to see how far Tempest has gotten, and seeing what you can do would be great as well. If I am going to work for you, I need to be sure you have the power of a good boss. for what kind of boss can't fight their own people? A bad one, I say. A boss needs to be an image to look up to a strong character who can handle whatever the uninverse throws at them. That is what I believe in. So seeing how you and Tempest train will be good," said Ginyu while striking a pose.

"Well, ok, then," said Twilight as she picked up Ginyu and sat him on her shoulder before she and Tempest started to walk towards the training room.

When they got there, Twilight put Ginyu down on a table in the room that they normally kept their drinks on. And while taking on their training gear, Twilight explained how it worked and how much it helped with training. And when they started training, Ginyu realized fast that Twilight was far more powerful than he had believed, and the same could be said about Tempest, even though she was full on losing to Twilight. And being healed back up again every time. Twilight also explained to him how she had gained the ability to heal others by being trained by the Namekies, which made Ginyu realize that they would have been far better allies than dead, like Frieza had done.

over the next half-year. Ginyu learned about everything he had missed and how things are on earth, while also sitting in on all their training sessions. And a week before Twilight had planned to go to New Namek, she got a call on the Universal phone from Merus. For it seemed that two forces were moving towards Earth as they were speaking, and do to the other fighters on earth, they had to pick one to fight, that they would take care of themselves, while leaving the other for The Z Fighters. There would only be time to set up one Ki hiding field, and so Twilight made her pick.

And so it was Twilight, Tempest, and Ginyu on Twilight's shoulder, finding themselves in the middle of a forest, waiting for the spaceship there was on its way to where they were.