• Published 1st May 2023
  • 658 Views, 8 Comments

The Other End Of the Rainbow - ShowShine

Rainbow Dash, is the most awesome mare in Equestria. But what if she wants to be the most awesome stallion instead?

  • ...

The Shell

Too short, is what Rainbow Dash thought. Rainbow Dash was far too short. She didn’t know why that bothered her; She was the same height as all the other mares she knew. Rainbow leaned closer to her reflection, poking and prodding at her snout.

Her snout was too small for her face. It was stubbier than she wanted it to be. Rainbow Dash lifted her head, staring at her chin. It looked too bare for her liking.

“Ugh, I don’t have time for this.” Rainbow groaned, rolling her eyes. She shouldn’t be focusing on her insecurities; She was the most awesome pony in Equestria, for Celestia’s sake! Awesome ponies didn’t focus on their flaws. Besides, Rainbow had a date with Applejack and didn’t have time to stare in the mirror.

Rarity had insisted on booking them a date to the fanciest restaurant in Ponyville. As much as Rainbow hated fancy schmancy stuff, she was grateful for a free meal.

On the downside, she had to wear a dress. Rainbow Dash shuddered at the thought. She didn’t know why, but the idea of wearing a dress disgusted her.

Rainbow had considered skipping the outing entirely, but it had been a while since she went on a date with Applejack. And she didn’t want Rarity to nag her ear off for wasting her money.

“Let’s just get this over with.” Rainbow grumpily muttered. She opened her wardrobe, scanning through various articles of clothing. She only had a hoofful of dresses. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, picking a dress at random.

“Why do I even own dresses? They’re impossible to fly in.” She muttered, pulling the dress over her head. She didn’t understand the point of wearing clothes; she’s a horse, for Celestia's sake! She was meant to be free.

Rainbow looked at her reflection. She inspected herself, forcing a grin on her face. She looked just like a mare. She scowled.

Rainbow Dash entered the restaurant, keeping her head low. Her heart hammered in her chest, and her stomach twisted. Knowing that ponies could see her in this feminine state made her feel sick.

She didn’t know why this made her feel so bad; she usually loved attention. Rainbow shook her head and straightened her posture. She was fine.

The pegasus leaned on the front desk, eyeing the mare behind it. The mare put on a kind smile, clasping her hooves together.

“How may I help you, Miss?” She asked in a soft-spoken voice. Rainbow Dash grimaced. Why did she have to be all formal? Rainbow quickly looked away from the mare, inspecting her hooves.

“Yeah, I’m here under the name ‘Rarity.’” Rainbow Dash said. The mare flipped through a book, looking through pages.

“Your party has already been seated. You’ll be seated in that section.” She instructed, pointing behind her. Rainbow Dash followed where the mare was pointing.

She scanned the tables looking for her marefriend. Her eyes landed on Applejack, and her heart raced in her chest. Applejack looked as beautiful as ever. She wore a fancy gown; Rarity had made it for this occasion, no doubt.

Applejack made Rainbow Dash melt into a puddle of love. She looked stunning, as always. But of course, Rainbow would never let Applejack know she felt that way.

“Well, well, well, look who decided to show up.” Rainbow Dash joked, sitting across from Applejack.

“It took you long enough. ” Applejack playfully teased, leaning into her hooves. “You took so long I thought I was going to starve. I almost resorted to eating my hat.”

“Oh, haha. Very funny.” Rainbow Dash laughed dryly, leaning back into her seat. She looked down, noticing a glass of soda on her side of the table. Applejack must’ve ordered it for her.

“It’s not my fault you’re always early to things.”

Applejack scoffed.

“Early? You’re twenty minutes late.”

“Ahem.” A stallion cleared his throat, interrupting their playful banter. “May I take your order?”

Applejack smiled at the waiter.

“I’ll have the cobb salad.”

The waiter quickly jotted on his notepad.

“And for you, ma’am?” The waiter asked, turning to Rainbow Dash. She grimaced.

“Just hay and beets for me. And cut it out with all of that ‘ma’am’ stuff.” Rainbow instructed. The waiter cocked his head.

“What would you prefer? Sir?” The waiter half-heartedly suggested.

Rainbow Dash choked on her drink, hacking and coughing into her hoof.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. Just…go get our food.” Rainbow dismissed between coughs. The waiter quickly walked off.

“You alright, sugar cube?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, I’m alright.” She reassured with a wheeze. “How’s it going at the farm?” She changed the subject. Applejack eyed Rainbow Dash’s demeanor before beginning to speak.

“Well, cider season is right, so-”

Rainbow Dash began to zone out, leaning into her hoof. She stared at her reflection in her drink.

Sir? Why would she want to be called a sir? That was ridiculous! It was downright silly. As ridiculous as it sounded, Rainbow Dash didn’t entirely hate being called sir. In fact-

“You alright? You’re real quiet over there.” Applejack pointed out. Rainbow Dash snapped out of her daze.

“Sorry, I kinda zoned out. What about cider season?” Rainbow gazed at her marefriend. She could worry about herself later.

Rainbow Dash tossed her dress in the corner of the room.

“By Celestia, that dress is the worst.” She groaned, stretching her wings. She didn’t even know why she had that dress. It made Rainbow feel too… feminine. She didn’t know how it was possible to feel “too feminine.” All of her friends seemed fine with being feminine.

Rainbow Dash groaned, rubbing her hooves over her face. She had no reason to be upset; she had a great day! She went out with Applejack, and they had fun!

The pegasus flopped onto her bed, snuggling under her blanket. Rainbow was clearly just tired. That’s why she was thinking that way; she was exhausted! She could just sleep it off.

Rainbow Dash quickly drifted off to sleep.

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, drifting through clouds. Oh, she must be lucid dreaming again. It’s been a while since that has happened. Usually, she learned some kind of lesson, like how to be kind or whatever.

“Ok, what am I learning?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking around the clouds. Her eyes landed on a stallion. He was tall, broad, and handsome. He looked familiar, but she couldn’t seem to figure out why.

“Hey, what are you doing in my dream?” She approached the stallion. The stallion shrugged, a smile spreading on his face.

Rainbow Dash slowly flew around the stallion, inspecting him. Who did this dude think he was? It was rude to invade someone's dreams.

He didn’t seem to budge, no matter how hard she stared. As much as Rainbow didn’t want a stranger in her dream, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort.

She sat down next to the stallion gazing at him. He remained silent, staring off into the distance. Rainbow wasn’t the type to sit in silence, but this was…nice.

“So, what’s your deal? Who are you?” Rainbow Dash asked. The stallion put his hoof on Rainbow Dash’s chest, a giddy smile spreading. Her heart sped up in her chest.

Oh. Oh.

They were one.