• Published 9th Jul 2023
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Filmatic Escapades: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie - Toonwriter

The Mane Six and their friends embark on their second movie adventure right after hearing news of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow's freedom.

  • ...

Arrival in Angel Grove

In another world, a small yellow plane flew through the sky.

"Whoo-hoo! Come on, we're outta here!"

Inside the plane, the cheer came from a teenage boy with short brown hair. He was wearing what looked like a red and white skydiving suit.

"Easy, Rocky." A girl with long brown hair told the boy, despite being excited herself. She wore a pink and white skydiving suit.

Another teen boy- this one with longer brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and wearing a mostly white skydiving suit- stood up. “All right, guys. We’re fifteen seconds to the drop zone.”

Three of the other teens- two boys and one girl- cheered with enthusiasm. One of the boys had dirt blond hair and wore a blue and white skydiving suit while the other boy looked Asian-American, had curly black hair, and wore a black and white skydiving suit. As for the girl, she was African-American, her long black hair braided in dreadlocks, and she wore a yellow and white skydiving suit.

"All right, pinheads, the Stealth Eagle's about to fly!"

The six teenagers turned their attention to a teen who looked a bit on the heavier side. He was wearing what looked like a black leather aviator’s cap and a black vest with a light purple skydiving suit underneath. Interestingly enough, pinned on his vest was what looked like a cop’s badge. Next to him was a much skinnier teenager with jet-black hair and a black skydiving suit. Around his neck was a scarf patterned with skulls and in his arm, he carried a helmet with a rainbow-colored Mohawk.

“Ditto for the Swooping Swallow!” The skinnier teen boastfully added.

Smiling in amusement, the African-American girl just spoke, "Well, lead on, flyboys."

The two looked hesitant at first but nodded and slid open the door. When they looked out, they looked entirely shocked to find they were thousands of feet above the ground.

“That’s a lotta air!” The skinnier teen exclaimed.

"After you, Skull!" The heavy teen said.

"What are you, crazy?!" The skinny teen, Skull, asked in annoyance while glaring at the fat boy, "This was your idea!"

“Hey guys.”

Skull and the other teen, Bulk, turned to look at the brunette teen girl.

“You might wanna slip those on.” She said, gesturing to two parachute bags behind her.

The two boys looked at each other as they said in unison, "Good idea."

As Bulk and Skull went to put on their parachute bags, the blond blue-clad boy, Billy, checked his watch. “All right, guys. We’re three seconds away from the target zone.”

“Aisha, you’re on!” The white-clad teen, Tommy, said to the African-American girl, Aisha.

"Yes!" Aisha confirmed before she jumped off the plane, "STYLIN'!"

“ON YOUR TAIL! WHOO!!” The Asian American boy, Adam, called as he hopped out of the plane next.

"All systems GO!" Billy shouted as he jumped off next.

Next, the red-clad teen, Rocky, jumped out. “BANZAI! WHOO-HOO!!!!”

The brunette girl, Kimberly, put her hand on Tommy's shoulder as she said, "Show 'em your stuff."

“Got it.” Tommy replied before jumping out, a surfboard buckled to his boots, “SURF’S UP! WOO-HOO!!!! YEAH!!!!”

Kimberly then turned around, facing Bulk and Skull, giving a thumbs up while grinning as she said, "Catch you on the flip side!" Then she jumped backward off the plane.

As they dove through the sky, the six teenagers did a few flips and spins, making each flip and spin look stylish. Tommy himself was practically surfing through the air. Pretty soon, they formed a circle after joining hands.

Billy gave a chuckle while Rocky exclaimed with a grin, "Yeah, all right!" The others laughed gleefully while they all looked back and forth to each other. "All right, yeah!"

"All right, guys! Let's break!" Tommy said with a big smile on his face.

Then they broke their circle as they drifted apart before they all activated their parachutes, one by one. With their parachutes opened, the teens made their way to their target landing zone.

Meanwhile, down on the ground in Angel Grove Park, there was a huge gathering. Unknown to the people in the crowd, seven teenagers and a boy and a girl, both about twelve years old walked in through a portal that appeared from out of nowhere. Two of the teens along with the boy and girl were walking fine, but the rest of the teens were walking on all fours just like a familiar purple cute and fluffy dog.

The violet-haired teen looked at the girls on all fours in confusion. "Why're you guys walking like that?"

"Yeah, you're not ponies anymore." The 12-year-old girl, Nyx, added.

The violet curly-haired teen, Rarity, looked to herself as she slowly stood up. She realized she was wearing what looked like a white business suit with matching heel shoes.

“Oh, my. Am I dreaming this?” She asked in awe.

"If you are, then we're all havin' the same dream." The blonde-haired teen, Applejack, remarked in amazement as she slowly stood up. While she still had her signature hat, she noticed that she was also wearing an orange t-shirt with blue jeans and brown cowgirl boots that matched her hat.

The poofy pink-haired teen, Pinkie Pie, stood up, looking excited. She was wearing a light pink T-shirt, pink shorts, and white and light pink sneakers. “Ooh, this is really neat!” She exclaimed, looking at herself.

Once she stood up, the rainbow-haired teen, Rainbow Dash, looked at herself with a grin. She was wearing a light blue t-shirt, blue athletic shorts with white lines on the sides, and light-blue slip-on shoes. "I look awesome as a human, almost as much as a Pegasus!" However, she found herself beginning to lose balance because she wasn't used to standing on just two legs. The rainbow-color-haired teen would have fallen on her rear end if Fluttershy, wearing a sleeveless yellow dress and matching slip-on shoes, hadn't caught her.

"It... might take some getting used to," Fluttershy commented sheepishly.

Twilight looked herself over. She was wearing a lilac vest with a white dress shirt underneath, blue pants, and lilac shoes. "I gotta admit, this is kind of different from when Spike, Nyx, Phobos, Ben and I visited Canterlot High."

"I agree! Look at our skin!" Nyx exclaimed in excitement as she looked herself over, too. She recognized her outfit from back when she and her family went to Canterlot High.

"I remember these cool clothes." Ben remarked with a chuckle as he looked at himself, "Never thought I'd be wearing them once again."

Spike looked himself over, noticing he was wearing an unbuttoned short-sleeved purple shirt with a light green striped t-shirt underneath, purple shorts, and purple and white sneakers.

“This is new…” He commented, even noting how he had green hair.

Nyx looked at Spike and gasped in amazement, "Spike, you're a boy!"

Spike looked confused, “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

"No offense, but I thought you were gonna be a dog like last time," Nyx replied.

“Oh! That!” Spike replied, smiling, “Feels good not being a dog for once. Not that I… didn’t like being a dog.”

"Well, dog or human, you're still a good friend, Spike," Nyx said happily.

"Aww, thanks, Nyx," Spike said.

"And look at me, back to being cute and fluffy!" Phobos exclaimed happily as he showed off his dog form.

"You said it, Phobos!" Applejack remarked as Nyx hugged and nuzzled her pet.

"Look at all those humans!" Fluttershy exclaimed in amazement.

"Yeah, or as Megan said they're called, people," Twilight added.

"I wonder what's the big attraction?" Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow.

“With the arrival of Ryan's Comet just two days away, the Angel Grove Jump-a-thon will breathe new life into the old observatory!” A voice announced over the loudspeakers as the group approached the crowd.

"A comet is coming here?!" Twilight gasped excitedly.

“Tickets to see the comet are available at the fire department booth.” The commentator continued, “And now, folks, raise your eyes to the sky ‘Cuz here comes the team from Angel Grove High!!!”

The crowd cheered as they and the group looked upward to see the six multicolored parachuting skydivers floating down slowly toward the target on the ground.

"Look!" Nyx exclaimed while pointing up at the teens in the sky.

"Ooooh!" Phobos exclaimed in amazement.

“Cool!” Spike spoke in awe.

"My, what colorful daredevils!" Rarity remarked in amazement.

"Yeah, skydivers!" Rainbow exclaimed with an excited grin.

“All right, Dad. Pay close attention,” A voice near them spoke, “This is how the pros do it.”

This got the attention of the group as they turned to the source of the voice. They saw a boy about nine years old speaking to whom they realized was the boy’s father. The boy was wearing a backward baseball cap, a black T-shirt, and white pants. Next to him, the boy’s father wore a red skydiving suit as he held his undone parachute.

"I didn't do so bad." The boy's father said.

"You landed in the parking lot." The boy explained with a frown, "It was embarrassing."

"Well..." The boy's father said with a partly amused, partly embarrassed grin.

“The first of the team is beginning his final approach,” The commentator announced, bringing everyone’s attention back to the sky, “It’s Adam!” Adam parachuted close to the giant bullseye, his feet barely touching the grass while gliding towards it as the commentator spoke, "As he rounds the turn, he looks a little looow, but he pulls up just in time and hits the target dead center!"

Billy glided towards the target next as the announcer continued, "Right behind him is skydiver Billy," The blue skydiver tapped his foot on the target to the crowd's delight, "Who manages a perfect landing!"

Next came Kimberly who glided towards the bullseye. "Skydiver number three is Kimberly!" The announcer exclaimed as the pink-clad teen hit the red circle, causing the crowd to cheer even louder, "Her landing is flawless!"

Twilight and her group were enjoying the skydivers landing on the target so far as much as the crowd was. As they watched, Rocky glided toward the target after Kimberly.

"And here comes Rocky," The announcer shouted as the red-clad teen glided to the red circle with a "Woo-hoo!" before hitting the red circle, making the crowd roar, "Who lands right on target!"

"Whoo!" Aisha whooped as she glided close to the red circle afterward.

"And here comes Aisha!" The commentator announced as the yellow-clad teen hit the red circle upon landing, making the crowd cheer once again while getting up to Rocky, "She makes it a perfect five out of five landing and ties the 1986 record." Then all eyes returned to the sky where Tommy is gliding in, "So now it's all up to Tommy Oliver. Can he make it six for six?"

"YEAH! GO, TOMMY!!!" The boy near Twilight and her group shouted enthusiastically.

Nyx grinned upon hearing the boy's words as she looked at him before she turned back towards Tommy in the sky. "COME ON, TOMMY!!!" She cheered as Phobos barked excitedly like the dog he is.

"YOU GOT THIS!!!" Spike cheered, hopping up and down.

"GO FOR IT!!!" Rainbow cheered.

Pinkie joined Spike in hopping as she shouted, "GO, TOMMY, GO!!!"

"He's making his final approach. Looks a bit wide, but still okay." The announcer commentated as Tommy swooped closer to the target. Twilight and company watched along with the rest of the crowd with bated breath. Applejack and Fluttershy had their fingers crossed as they looked on. "Almost to the ground now. Can he do it?" Tommy slid his surfboard on and across the red circle as the group and the crowd cheered wildly, "AND HE DOES!!! The Angel Grove team sets a new city record! Way to go, guys!"


"YES!!!!" Ben cheered as he pumped his fist.

"YAAAAAAAAY!!!" Nyx cheered as she started jumping for joy.

"YEE-HAA!!!" Phobos cheered as he also joined Nyx in jumping.

"A PERFECT LANDING!!!" Fluttershy cheered in an uncharacteristically loud voice as she started jumping up and down also, "HE DID IT!!! HE DID IT!!! WHOOOOO!!!!!!!!"

"HOO-WHEE!!!!" Applejack cheered.

"YEAH!!!!" Rainbow cheered as she pumped her fists.

"WHOOOOOOOO!!!!" Pinkie cheered ecstatically.

"WA-HA-HA!!!" Rarity laughed excitedly, enjoying the performance like the rest of the group.

"Let's go!" Rainbow and the boy said excitedly, beginning to head over to Tommy.

"Yeah!" Twilight nodded eagerly as she and the rest of the group followed Rainbow.

"Okay." The boy's dad said with a nod and a grin while following him.

"Remember, folks, Ryan's Comet will be passing in just two days." The announcer started as the crowd began dispersing.

Tommy was removing his parachute and goggles when Twilight and her friends made their way over in his and the others’ direction. The young boy came up to Tommy with a big smile on his face.

“Lookin’ good up there!” He praised excitedly.

"Thanks, man." Tommy said as he did a secret high-five with the boy, "Hey, maybe next time, you can join us."

"Really?" The boy asked excitedly before turning to his dad, "Could I?"

“Yeah, well, we’ll talk about that, Fred,” Fred’s dad said, looking a bit unsure, “In about ten or twelve years. All right?”

Tommy chuckled as the boy, Fred Kelman, looked at him. Then Fred's father shook the white-clad teen's hand as he spoke, "Hey, congratulations, Tommy. The observatory just got a new lease on life. It's great, huh?"

"Yeah, thanks, man," Tommy said to Mr. Kelman with a smile.

"Awesome. Ryan's Comet is passing over in two days!" Fred said excitedly.

"Yeah!" His dad nodded in agreement.

“Guys, we did it!” Kimberly cheered as she, Billy, Rocky, Adam, and Aisha joined them.

"That was awesome, Tommy," said Billy with a smile.

"Wonderful!" Aisha added.

"Thanks, guys. You too, man." Tommy said.

“No kidding! You guys were spinning through the air, came swooping in all cool and stuff! And hit the bullseye right on the button!” Pinkie cheered enthusiastically.

"Yeah, you rock!" Rainbow cheered with a grin.

“You guys were amazing. Whoo-hoo.” Fluttershy added, using her usual soft tone.

"Awww!" Kimberly and Aisha exclaimed, finding the yellow-clad girl's tone adorable.

"Absolutely marvelous!" Rarity praised the teens.

“I gotta hand it to ya, I don’t think I’ve seen a more amazin’ skydiving show in my life!” Applejack commented.

"Neither have I!" Twilight said with a grin, "That was really exciting!"

"What a BLAST!!" Ben exclaimed excitedly.

“Hey. Has anybody seen Bulk and Skull?” Billy asked, looking towards the sky for any sign of the two in question.

Nyx, Phobos, and Spike looked up at the sky as well as the latter spoke, "Whoever they are, I don't see those two."

"Me neither," Nyx added.

Fred looked up with the two as Aisha spoke, "Ernie's is serving a free dessert with lunch. They probably landed on the roof."

“They must really love their free dessert.” Applejack joked.

Everyone laughed at Aisha's remark and AJ's joke. Just then, Tommy turned his attention to Twilight. “Say, I don’t think we’ve seen you guys around here before. You new around here?”

“I guess you could say that.” The violet-haired teenager replied with a nod.

"Yeah. This is Twilight Sparkle, and I'm her colt- I mean, boyfriend, Ben Valorheart." Ben said with a smile.

“Nice to meet ya. I’m Twilight’s adopted brother, Spike.” Spike greeted.

"I'm Nyx!" Nyx said happily, "I'm Twilight's... er, cousin." She pointed to her purple dog as she spoke, "And this is my dog. Phobos." Phobos barked in greeting.

"And I'm... Fluttershy." Fluttershy said softly and shyly with a small, cute smile.

“I’m Rainbow Dash. Nice to meet a couple awesome guys like you.” Rainbow greeted, a cocky grin on her face, “You guys got some great stunts!”

"Thanks, girl!" Rocky exclaimed as he and Rainbow did the same special handshake Tommy and Fred did.

“My name’s Rarity.” Rarity greeted politely, “I must say, darlings, I love the color schemes of your skydiving suits.”

"Thanks, Rarity," Aisha said.

"You must be quite a fashionista if you praised our suits that way," Kimberly remarked with a smile.

"As a matter of fact, I am, darling." Rarity said proudly.

“Nice to meet y’all, I’m Applejack!” Applejack greeted politely.

"And I'm Pinkamena Diane Pie, but friends call me Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie greeted happily.

“Nice to meet you guys,” Adam replied with a smile.

"Same at ya." Ben said.

Tommy smiled at the group, “Say, we’re planning to go to Ernie’s. Why don’t you guys come with us?”

"We'd love to!" Twilight replied excitedly.

Meanwhile, back up in the air, the plane still was flying across the sky. Bulk and Skull had, not surprisingly, not yet jumped from the plane and had considered chickening out. Feeling impatient, the pilot turned his attention to the bulky and skinny teenagers. “You guys better hurry up,” He told them both, “We’re running out of fuel.”

"I gotta be the eagle." Bulk said with determination as he slipped on his parachute, "I'm gonna be the eagle!"

“Be the swallow. Be the swallow.” Skull chanted, feeling scared as he slipped on his own parachute.

"Come on, baby!" Bulk shouted, and then the two jumped off the plane together. Skull grabbed ahold of Bulk by the shirt as the fat teen shouted angrily, "Hey, let go of me!"

"I WANT MY MOMMY!" screamed Skull. However, as the two continued to fall down, they screamed all the way.

Back down in Angel Grove, Twilight and the gang, along with Tommy, Kimberly, Billy, Rocky, Adam, and Aisha skated through the streets and park of the city on rollerblades. Rainbow, Pinkie, and Spike, however, were skating on skateboards. Phobos was riding in Nyx's backpack, enjoying himself. As the disguised Equestrians and the teens skated, they all laughed gleefully and had the time of their lives.

"Rock and roll!" Tommy said excitedly.

Billy and Aisha high-fived as they skated side-by-side. Pinkie, at one point, rode her skateboard while doing a handstand on it with one hand.

"Look at me!" Pinkie exclaimed eagerly.

"Yippee! This is fun!" Nyx cheered happily.

Some time into their skate through the city, Billy did an air somersault. Seeing this, Rainbow smirked before she followed suit and did a triple-air somersault.

"Yeah!!!" Rainbow shouted as she did so.

"Air time!" Tommy cheered, jumping high in the air.

"Up and away!" Kimberly exclaimed, following suit.

"WHEEEEE!!" Pinkie cheered as she jumped as well.

"Yee-haw!" Applejack whooped as she did the same.

"Watch this, guys!" Nyx said eagerly before she jumped and did a triple-air somersault just like Rainbow did while Phobos held on tightly.

"Nice one!" Twilight cheered.

"That's my girl!" Ben said happily.

"You learned that from me! Nice one, Nyxie!" Rainbow praised Nyx as she gave her a high five.

"Fabulous, darling!" Rarity said happily before she gave a confident smirk as she spoke, "But take a look at this!" Then she jumped and did a midair triple axel.

"Nice one, Rarity!" Spike cheered.

Then he, Twilight, Ben, and Fluttershy did some high jumps in the air also. They were followed suit by Adam, Aisha, and Rocky before they went on their way. They skated alongside the monorail tracks as the vehicle in question honked its horn, down a set of stairs in a local park and near a construction zone.

"Hey, let's take a shortcut!" Tommy said.

"Right behind ya!" Kimberly said.

And take a shortcut, they did. They skated past construction workers and under poles and went along to Ernie's after making it through. Unknown to any of them, who should land in another part of the construction zone but Bulk and Skull.

"Hey, this doesn't look like the target landing zone!" Skull commented in confusion and annoyance, "Huh! Where's the free food?"

“You idiot! All your kicking and screaming threw off the Stealth Eagle’s sense of direction!” Bulk shot back, getting the attention of a couple of nearby construction workers as he and Skull landed.

"Stealth Eagle? Lame Duck is more like it." Skull remarked dryly.

“Hey!” A construction worker called as soon as the two teens had their feet on the ground.

"Uh-oh!" Bulk yelped as he and Skull looked at each other in worry, then back at the worker that called them as he walked up to them.

“You guys, what do ya think you’re doin’?” The construction worker asked, approaching the two.

"Uhhh..." Bulk stuttered.

Then, he and Skull started thinking of a way out of this situation. Whenever those two were usually in trouble, they'd think up possibly the lamest excuse in a lifetime. Suddenly, the fat boy thought something up.

"We're from the- uh- Angel Grove building inspector's office," Bulk said nervously.

"Yeah! That building's supposed to be over there!" said Skull, pointing in a random direction.

Bulk nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and what's that man doing over there without proper foot protection?"

"Who's in charge around here? Huh?"






“Hey, Dave!” Another construction worker called to him, “Come and have a look at this.”

The worker, Dave, glanced up at the guy who called him, then back at Bulk and Skull. The skinny boy signaled him to the group. "Go on, Dave."

As soon as Dave headed up to the others, Skull snickered. “That was a close one.”

"Uh-huh." Bulk agreed smugly.

"Ya hungry?" Skull asked.

"Always," Bulk replied with a grin.

Pretty soon, almost every construction worker gathered at the top of the hill around their discovery. What they had found was what looked like a giant manhole cover. But the design of the cover resembled the face of an unknown creature, much to their bewilderment.

"What in the world is this?" Dave asked in wonder.

One of Dave's co-workers sighed before he replied, "It sure as heck ain't DWP."

"Let's get a crane in here," Dave said.

Minutes later, they did just that. They hooked a couple ropes in some of the cover’s holes and once they were secured, one of the workers gestured to the man operating the crane.

“Okay, take it up!”

Then the lid got pulled up and off of the ground. As smoke rose from the hole, something slowly came out of it as well. Once the smoke had cleared, it revealed that standing there was some type of giant purple egg of sorts, clutched in place by a metallic claw. All of the workers stared at this object like it was something they had never seen in their lives, which ironically, was true.

“Incredible!” Dave managed to say, staring at the egg in awe, “What do you think it is?”

“No… idea…” The other construction worker, John, replied as he cautiously stepped towards the egg.

John slowly reached out to touch the egg, but just when he was about to do so, the egg sent a huge bolt of purple electricity through him. Upon that happening, John got zapped and then sent flying over the crowd, and he landed roughly on his back, and started breathing heavily as the other workers rushed up to him.

“John! Are you all right?!” Dave asked in concern.

The only thing that the zapped worker did in response was to breathe more heavily. All of the workers then glanced back at the strange giant egg. It was certainly something they normally don't see every day. Unaware of what happened at the construction site, the six teens and Twilight's group were skating to Ernie's.

"Hey, guys! Let's get something to eat!" Adam suggested.

“Yeah!” Rainbow cheered. But before they could go any further, they heard a beeping sound that caused them to stop.

"Hang on," Tommy said as the teens and the group stopped skating.

"What is it, Tommy?" Twilight asked in confusion.

Tommy looked around for an area where there weren’t a lot of people. He then spotted an empty area and gestured to it. “Let’s go over there.”

Then the teens headed to the empty area with the confused Twilight's group following. Once they were sure nobody else was around, Tommy pressed a button on his watch.

“What’s up, Alpha?” He asked.

"Rangers, Zordon needs you in the command center! It's urgent!" A voice spoke from the watch.

“Alpha?” Rainbow spoke in confusion.

“Zordon?” Spike asked.

Fluttershy looked puzzled, “Why do those names sound familiar?”

"The title crawl at the beginning before we got inside!" Twilight exclaimed softly in realization, enough for only her group to hear.

"Oh, that's right!" Rarity exclaimed.

“So does that mean you guys are-?” Pinkie began to ask Tommy and the others.

“We’ll explain at the Command Center.” Tommy replied before turning back to his communicator, “We’re on our way!”

"Hold on to us, you guys," Rocky said. Twilight and her group then held onto the teens who pressed the button on their watches at the same time Nyx and Spike held onto Twilight, and they all teleported on their way to the command center in beams of colored light.

In a mountain peak near Angel Grove, there resided a command center, where none other than the wise Zordon and his robot companion Alpha 5 stayed at. Inside, the latter was rushing from console to console as the alarms blared throughout the room. The walls were metallic, lights glowing through the gaps in the metal. There were also four light columns encased in glass, and a viewing globe was at one side, off the main console ring. The main console ring itself was on a raised gantry, as were the paths leading to the edges. The floor of the console ring was separated into different pie segments, and each one flashed in order.

“Ay yi yi yi yi!” cried a robot rushing from console to console, “The subtronic interphasers are short-circuiting. I have to find a way to alternate the frequency modulators!”

That little robot, Alpha 5, had a gold head that slightly resembled a flying saucer, a red torso, and black arms and legs. On his chest was a lightning bolt emblem that would flash every now and then. At that moment, the teens and the animated disguised Equestrians teleported in the middle of the room.

“Whoa…” Twilight managed, taking a look at hers and the others’ surroundings.

"This place is magnificent!" Rarity exclaimed in amazement.

Tommy walked up to Alpha, “Alpha, what’s going on?”

"A massive surge of evil energy is overloading our sensors!" Alpha exclaimed urgently, "Ay yi yi yi yi!"

Suddenly, a face appeared in a giant tube at one end of the chamber.

“Rangers!” The face spoke.

Everyone turned, Twilight's group looking amazed at seeing the giant face. Naturally, she and her friends were quick to assume this must have been the Zordon they heard of from the movie’s title crawl.

"You must act swiftly." Zordon said, "The planet is in grave danger."

"Danger from what?" asked Kimberly in concern.

Upon being asked that question, Zordon began to explain. "6,000 years ago, a morphological being known as Ivan Ooze ruled the world with a reign of unparalleled terror. He was on the verge of completing construction of his ultimate weapon, the Ectomorphicon Titans, twin machines capable of enslaving the entire universe."

"What happened to him?" Rocky asked in wonder.

"A group of warriors like yourselves lured him into a hyperlock chamber and buried him deep underground." Zordon explained, "But now, the chamber has been accidentally uncovered. You must return it to the depths before it is opened and Ivan is released.”

Fluttershy looked concerned, “This Ivan Ooze sounds really scary…”

“His Ectomorphicons were buried near the chamber. If Ivan escapes, he's sure to find them.” Alpha told them.

“Use extreme caution, Rangers. You're dealing with an evil that is beyond all imagination." Zordon spoke.

The teenagers and Twilight's group looked concerned, knowing that the former's mentor might be right.

Just then, Alpha noticed Twilight and her group as he exclaimed in surprise, "Ay yi yi yi yi! There are more people in here, and they look like cartoons!"

“Cartoons?” Rainbow asked, looking herself over in confusion.

"Well, we are in another one of those worlds, if you recall The Pagemaster," Pinkie commented.

"Calm down, Alpha." Zordon said, "I believe they can be trusted. In fact, judging from their looks, I believe there's more to them than you think, Rangers."

“What do you mean?” Billy asked.

"Instead of telling you, I will show you," Zordon replied, and then, electricity came from him onto the group, zapping them but not painfully. The group glowed and was transformed back from their human forms into their Equestrian selves, much to theirs, the Rangers', and Alpha's surprise!

"Hey, what the--?!" Applejack exclaimed in shock as she looked at herself.

Twilight realized immediately she was once again an Alicorn and looked nervous. “Uh-oh…” She managed.

"We're busted..." Nyx said nervously.

Rainbow hardly noticed she was once again a pegasus while she stood on her hind legs. However, she found it hard to keep her balance and fell forward to the floor. It was when she used her forehooves to break her fall that she realized in shock she was back in her equine form.

"Whoa! Multicolored ponies!" Aisha exclaimed in shock.

"And two dragons!" Adam added in the same tone.

“Uh… surprise?” Pinkie replied, smiling nervously.

"Do not worry, ponies." Zordon assured Twilight and her group, "I know exactly who you are and where you came from."

“You do?” Twilight asked in surprise.

"That is correct, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria," Zordon replied.

“Oh, yeah?” Pinkie remarked, a challenging smirk on her face, “What’s my full name, middle name included?”

“Really, Pinkie. There’s no need for questions like that.” Rarity chided her.

"Even so, your full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie." Zordon simply replied. Rarity looked a bit gobsmacked at hearing that.

"Wow! You're good!" Pinkie exclaimed, sharing Rarity's astonishment.

"Anyways..." Twilight spoke, turning her attention back to Zordon, "We believe a few enemies of our own may be running about in you guys' world."

"Indeed they are, Twilight." Zordon replied, "They were freed by Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa, and have pledged their loyalty to them, wanting to take over not only our world and yours but others as well."

“That’s exactly what Princess Celestia told us,” Spike replied.

"Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa must be two of the villains that Princess Luna mentioned," Nyx said.

“So let’s find them, Tirek, Chrysalis, and that li’l brat Cozy and kick their flanks and seal away that chamber!” Applejack insisted, looking determined.

Twilight spoke, “As much as I agree with that, I doubt it’d be that easy.”

"Twilight is right, Applejack." Zordon said, "As long as Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow are working with Lord Zedd, they are unstoppable, which is why I'm going to give you something that should be helpful when you aid the Rangers."

The ponies, Spike and Phobos looked curious about hearing what the wise alien had told them. They wondered what he could possibly give them to help in aiding the Rangers.

"What can you give the ponies and the dragons that could help us, Zordon?" Tommy asked.

"I sense a lot of potential in them, especially since I recall being told about them by two old friends of mine; the current rulers of Equestria known as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna," Zordon explained.

Twilight gasped in awe, “You know Princesses Celestia and Luna?!”

"Your mentor, her sister, and I go way back,” Zordon replied. “Long before even you and the Rangers were born, Your Highness.”

“What?!” Twilight said, wide-eyed.

"No way!!!" Ben shouted, sharing Twilight's expression.

“Wow!!!” Everypony else said, amazed.

"Incredible!" Tommy exclaimed.

"We didn't know Zordon was friends with ponies!" Kimberly said aloud.

“Long ago before I was in the time warp, when I was young as you are,” The being in the tube explained to Twilight, “I visited many worlds while watching over the balance between light and darkness. One day, I stumbled onto Equestria and there Celestia found me. She took care of me since that day, we even became close friends. We taught each other our ways of magic, and I told her of the countless worlds in our universe. I even met her sister and, of course, their master before I went back to my own. He and I were much alike, and you probably know whom I am talking about.”

“You knew Star Swirl?” Twilight asked.

“I do,” Zordon nodded, with a smile. “Celestia told me you saved him and the Pillars from limbo.”

“She told you that?” Nyx asked.

“But how could she tell you when we learned of different worlds the other day?” Pinkie asked, bringing up a point.

“We come in contact once in a while,” Zordon replied. “She told me everything about you, the things you’ve learned and achieved, and, of course, how overachieving you can be.”

The other ponies couldn’t but giggle, while Twilight blushed.

“She also told me about the friendships you’ve mended and fixed. If I didn't know better, you, Twilight Sparkle, had no interest in making friends in the first place, ever since Ben Valorheart went missing years back.”

Again Twilight sheepishly smiled, remembering that time too well.

“But it does not matter. Everyone makes mistakes, even Celestia made a few in her day.”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile, but it turned into a frown. “But why didn’t Princess Celestia tell me about you?” Twilight asked. “Just after we first experienced…”

“Let’s just say back in the day, some people, or ponies in your case, weren’t used to inhabitants of other worlds,” Zordon interrupted. Twilight nodded in understanding, reflecting on their initial interactions.

"Wait a minute." Nyx said in curiosity, "If you know Celestia and Luna, and the Mane Six, do you know about me, too?"

"You may have called yourself Twilight's cousin, Nyx, but that was in your human disguise." Zordon pointed out, "I know that in actuality, you are the reincarnation of Nightmare Moon, and the adopted daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Ben Valorheart."

Nyx gasped in amazement at what Zordon said.

"You're Twilight's daughter?!" Kimberly asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I am," Nyx admitted, yet was still surprised at Zordon's wisdom.

"So what're you gonna give us if we're to help Tommy and his friends?" Ben asked Zordon in curiosity.

The big white head in the tube replied with a question, "Do you recall when you all were magically sent into a certain comic book?"

“You mean the Power Ponies comic? Do I ever!” Spike replied in excitement, recalling how he and the girls got sucked into his comic book and took down Mane-iac.

"Yeah, me and Phobos became fans of that comic franchise ever since!" Nyx added, equally as excited as Spike.

"It was a blast!" Phobos exclaimed with a grin.

"Then you all should know this: I am going to give each of you the same powers you had when you were in that comic," Zordon said.

“I beg your pardon?” Rarity asked in surprise.

"If you were Power Ponies in that comic book, then you shall be Power Ponies whenever you're in our world," Zordon replied.

Rarity gasped excitedly, "Surely you don't mean..."

"Indeed I do, Rarity," Zordon replied with a nod.

"But what about me, Nyx, and Phobos?" Ben asked, "Last time we went to the Power Ponies with them, we never had superpowers of our own."

"Never fear, Ben." replied Zordon, "You shall be given superpowers as well."

"Awesome!" Nyx cheered excitedly.

Spike looked a bit hesitant as if he was nervous to ask anything. "Well, I... didn't really have superpowers of my own either. So, um... if it's not too much to ask..."

"I know precisely what you were going to ask, Spike, and you, too, shall be given superpowers," Zordon said.

"For real?!" Spike asked, looking excited.

"Yes, Spike, but these are no mere superpowers." The Rangers' mentor said, "You shall be given dragon powers and abilities that no dragon in your world has ever used before."

"All right!!" The young dragon cheered, hopping up and down excitedly.

"Now we're really superheroes like Mom, Spike!" Nyx exclaimed happily.

Fluttershy looked confused and timid. "So, um... do we have our powers just like that? Or... do we need to say a special phrase or... well... something? Mister Zordon Sir..."

"As a matter of fact, there is a special phrase, Fluttershy." Zordon explained, "That phrase is a certain catchphrase that one of you said once back in the comic."

"You mean that phrase?" Applejack asked.

"Correct, Applejack." Zordon confirmed, "But before you join the Rangers on the mission, I shall explain your new members' powers."

The mentor glanced at Spike as he said, "Spike, playful and supportive, as the originally powerless Humdrum, you will use enhanced dragon abilities and different elemental powers."

"Ohh, wait till Smolder and Garble hear about this!" said Spike in excitement.

"Ben, brave and determined, you shall be known as Knight Sentinel." Zordon said to Twilight's coltfriend, "You will possess superhuman strength, speed, durability, enhanced agility, and an unyielding sense of justice. You shall wield a shining sword that emits brilliant beams of light, and a magical shield that can deflect attacks and project protective barriers. You can also summon and manipulate light energy, using it to create powerful blasts or to provide illumination in dark situations."

"Mom and Aunt Luna are gonna love this!" Ben remarked with a confident grin.

The white sage turned to Nyx as he continued, "Nyx, brave and innocent, you will be known as Shadowheart, with the ability to manipulate shadows and darkness, allowing you to move swiftly and stealthily. You can also create solid constructs out of shadows, using them both as defense and offense."

"Those are my kinda powers!" Nyx exclaimed with elation.

Zordon then turned to Phobos as he said, "And Phobos, loyal and steadfast, you shall become Lunaflare, able to breathe fire mixed with glowing stardust, create protective energy shields, and navigate the night sky with exceptional agility. You shall also possess the ability to control moonlight and lunar energy, and harness the power of the moon to heal and protect, as well as to emit powerful beams of energy against adversaries."

"All right!" Phobos grinned, loving the idea of using those powers.

"Finally, you should know three strict rules, the same ones I told the Power Rangers." Zordon explained, "1) You must never use your powers for personal gain. 2) You must never escalate a fight unless your enemy forces you to. And 3) You must never reveal your secret identity."

"You can count on us, Zordon," said Twilight with determination and confidence.

"Even though you're ponies and dragons, I think we're gonna love working with you," Tommy remarked with a smile.

"Now, then... let's go seal away that chamber!" Rainbow exclaimed in determination.

"Hang onto us, you guys! There's no time to lose!" Tommy said as Twilight's group held onto him and the other Power Rangers, and they all teleported off to the construction site in Angel Grove.