• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 968 Views, 44 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen - Epic Fable

When Sunset and her friends start their summer off with a night of movies things turn strange as a strange storm forms...

  • ...

ACT I: Episode 3: Chapter 10

The morning following, the group would be walking from their recent and new camp they had set up following their attack by the pack of Fangmon. While everyone had their rest they would also still be drained. The stress from the fight still present on their faces as the nights’ events still played out. As the group marched on they would see a valley come into view, the cliffs they saw now towering over them all with a stream at their feet.

“Water!” Pinkie and Spike ran to the water before Applejack stopped them.

“Are you nuts?! You both know we should boil it first.”


“Sunset can I borrow Dracomon?” Before Sunset could reply the little dragon would join Applejack as she got some of the supplies together. Kamemon would play in the water as everyone would look around before freezing. Across the lake was a large black and white dinosaur with a large horn with large green eyes as it stared at the group.

“Whoa…is that a dinosaur?!” Rainbow exclaimed. Applejack would pull her back violently and shushed her.

“This is amazing. Sure we saw one before with Tuskmon, but to see all sorts of creatures we would have never see before. Every time we go to a new world it never ceases to amaze me…” Twilight would write notes down as she observed.

“It’s just standing there…what is that monster called? Is it a digimon too?” Flash asked. Hagurumon huffed as he looked too and explained.

“Ah yes. That is a Monochromon. They can be docile so long as you don’t anger them or so have I read.” The rest of the group would gulp as Flash held his digivice to it as Liollmon looked at the creature. A profile would show up in the screen, detailing the beast

“Monochromon: An ankylosaur, champion level digimon. Docile in nature they are very territorial and will fight with its horns and its flames from its mouth.” as Flash finished reading everyone in the group would gulp. The Monochromon would slowly walk to the group making their anxiety grow.

“It’s coming for us!” Rarity shrieked. Hawkmon flew in the air as he flew to everyone's field of vision.

“It’s fine! Like Hagurumon said! They are nice! Let’s be cool.”

The Monochromon would come to the group and looked at everyone, eyes gazing at each person before speaking.

“How do you do little ones?” His voice gruff and old, he spoke almost sounding like a kind grandfather in tone.

“Good…” Applejack said nervously.

“I must say I’ve never seen creatures like you before.” The ankylosaur said as he gazed at the humans.


“You’ve never seen humans before?” Sunset inquired. Monochromon would raise an eyebrow before looking around him then back to the girl.

“I’ve heard of humans, but they are only able to be seen.”


“Yes. From what I’ve heard at least. Through the digital windows.” Twilight woud perk up at that as her eyes widened.

“Digital window? What is that?”

“Can’t say for sure. Mountain life is for me. You all are so young. Rookies I see.” The digimon would nod.

“Best not dawdle around here for too long. In this valley it’s Saberdamon territory.”


“A frightful bird. Luckily my armor can protect me, but most of you seem like you have no protecting shell.”

“Thank you wise champion. We will do our best to be wary.” Dracomon replied. Everyone would look to each other unsure as Monochromon nodded.

“Good. I best be on my way young ones. May we meet again.” The dinosaur would walk off with every thud caused from his footsteps up the hillsides the other watched. Hawkmon would fly around in the air and look at his surroundings.

“Well I’m not scared. I bet we could take them.”

“You mean Dracomon or I could.” Liollmon said with a sneaky grin.

“Shut it cat! I bet if I digivolved I could far surpass you!”

“Nu uh.”

“Yeah huh.”

“Nu uh!”

“Yeah huh!”

“OKAY WE GET IT!” Rainbow shouted, catching the two digimon off guard.

“Well he seemed nice.” Fluttershy said with a smile as she looked to the direction the dinosaur left.

“I do not like the idea of rock climbing.” Rarity said she looked at the cliffs.

"We won't have to. See the path he took? We can just take those!" Pinkie pointed out.

“Maybe we should have asked him to escort us.” Flash commented.

“Hey, we will be with you every step of the way!” Hawkmon chirped.

“Yeah, but we don’t even know how this digivolving could affect you. From what I’ve seen of Dracomon and Liollmon it seems to drain them. How long could you possibly fight like that? What if you run out of energy and get small for example?”

“I still don’t get why it happens. Like I never seen other digimon shrink to a prior form before? Why just you guys?” Twilight asked.

“Allow me.” Hagurumon cleared his throat.

“Usually when we digivolve we stay in our new form. It’s how we evolve. However based on what Dracomon said and what happened with him and Liollmon they borrow a bit of their tamers energy recharge time....I theorize it depends on the digimon themselves and if they are well or not. If this proves to what has happened then your energy becomes ours. Luckily we have two of us who have found their tamers. We just digivolved ourselves so we revert back when drained.”

“Wow…this is so fascinating!” Twilight exclaimed as she started to take notes while Spike rolled his eyes.

“Losing it.”

“And I don’t want to get lost down here.” Rainbow chided.

“I don’t think we will.” There is a steep path that Monochromon took and everyone looked nervous.

“If what he said is true then all the more reason to get out of the valley. Come on guys.” Sunset would lead the way with Dracomon following behind her. The rest would follow suit as they walked across the stream. It would be several minutes before they spot something that did not belong. A giant black feather.