• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 938 Views, 43 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen - Epic Fable

When Sunset and her friends start their summer off with a night of movies things turn strange as a strange storm forms...

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ACT I: Episode 2: Chapter 8

“Grubs on everybody! Us and the digimon got a haul!” Applejack cried out as her group returned to camp. Everyone would look to the herbs but more so the large gathering of the light green colored apples.

“Are those meat apples?” Hagurumon inspected one with his cog like appendage. He would look at it closely as Draco stood by him and sniffed it.

“Oh it is!” Hawkmon came flying in as Rainbow and him returned with a large gathering of lumber. Rainbow dropped the pile onto the ground as she and her bird companion looked at the apples.

“What’s a meat apple?” Rainbow asked.

“Try one and find out.” Hawkmon said with a big grin. Rainbow sniffed one before shrugging and taking a bite. Her eyes would widen as she spat the contents out and was dry heaving and coughing. Some of the digimon would laugh to themselves or out loud though Dracomon watched Hawkmon with mild annoyance. The humans and Spike however showed concern.

“Rainbow are you alright?!” Fluttershy asked in panic.

“What the heck was that?! That was awful! Tasted like I bit into some moldy rotting meat!”

“That is a meat apple. They are delicious…when cooked. You won’t get sick if you eat it raw but they will taste horrible. When you cook them they taste like a variety of meat or meat based dishes. The experience is different from person to person.” Hagurumon explained.

“Gonna make you eat it birdbrain!‘

“How can you if you can’t fly?” Hawkmon said with a grin as Rainbow just fumed. Flash took the chance to take the wood Rainbow had and started to make campfire. As the lumber was piled together Dracomon would breathe fire on the pile igniting it.

“Oh thanks Dracomon. Having you guys really helps.” Sunset patted the little dragon in thanks as the latter smiled.

“Oh I can’t wait to cook these!” Liollmon said as he started to drool. Everyone would take the apples and put them on sticks whether whole or by slices and put them just before the fire to roast and cook them. As the night sky took over the entire group wait in silence. Flash would be the first to break the silence as he let out a drawn out sigh.


“What is it?” Sunset asked him.

“It just…really sunk in on where we are and all that we went through yesterday.”

“Yeah it’s very…surreal.” Applejack commented.

“But don’t you think this is awesome?! I mean it’s a whole other world we found!”

“But the danger is still real. This eclipses what we have been through now.” Twilight replied.

“And we don’t even have our geodes.” Rarity added. All the girls looked glum at that. Pinkie bounced in place as she smiled.

“But heeeeeey! Least we are all together! And we have new friends with us like Flash and the digimon!”

“You guys really go through this all the time?”

“Not like this…” Fluttershy said quietly.

“Yeesh. Got to admit, not used to being on an even playing field with you guys.”

“You're telling me. No geodes sucks!”

“Gasp! Really Rainbow language.” Rarity chided. Floramon just smirked.

“Oh come on Rares give me a break.”

“Oh this smells good.” Applejack said as she looked over the cooked apples. Everyone got closer.

“Should be done about now.” Dracomon stated. Everyone would get their share as they grab their sticks with the apples propped onto it. Everyone would slowly take a bite as they chew and mull over the taste as all the humans and Spike of the group faces lighten up. A collective moan from both human, dog and digimon filled the air.

“Oh! Beef wellington!” Rarity squealed as she took another bite.

“A hamburger!” Rainbow fists pumped as she stuck the entire apple slice in her mouth.

“Tastes like fajitas.” Flash said with a small smile. Twilight took a bite of hers as she gasped.

“Mmmm meatloaf!”

“BBQ pork!” Applejack hollered as she stuck the entire fruit in her mouth in one go. Spike would wag his tail as she commented on his flavor.

“Ohhh bacon.”

“Thank goodness this isn’t real meat…it’s so good…like real steak…” Fluttershy said in wonder.


“Tastes like chicken. An actual decent meal I got to admit.” Sunset would take another bite as she stared at the night sky. All the digimon would devour their portions quickly. Flash would get up and sat next to her.

“Something on your mind?”

“Nothing on yours?” Flash looked dumbfounded when Sunset snapped her response. She would exhale as she just fiddled with part of her apple before turning her attention to him.

“I’m sorry. Just…a lot of things we went through. It’s a lot to take in. I just hope this Sistermon Ciel can really help us like Noir said.”

“Just got to press on. I’ve seen you girls do it plenty of times. Now that I’m here I can just cheer you on even more. We’ll get through this.” Sunset would stare into Flash’s eyes as he returned the gaze. She would smile as he patted her shoulder. She grabbed his hand as she smiled.

“You’re right. We will. We will return home.”

“Got to say it’s oddly fun.”

“This is fun??”

“Well considering what Dracomon turned into I’m curious who we will all get and what they would turn into.”

The same wolf like howl was heard but much closer. Everyone flinched as they stood on their guard.

“So we were being hunted…” Liollmon would get into a cat-like aggressive stance as he looked around quickly. The digimon would follow Liollmons’ gaze only to realize that several silhouettes were shown in the distance of the forest line. They were all red colored wolf like creatures with elongated limbs and a sinister wide mouth toothy grin. They wore several belts and leg padding. Another distant howl was heard as the new creatures marched slowly.

“Get behind us humans!” Liollmon demanded as he stood in front of Flash and the girls. A voice was heard from the same distance.

“Feed…” A howl was heard once again as all the red canine like creatures ran forward.