• Published 2nd Aug 2023
  • 1,870 Views, 77 Comments

Changing Diamonds - ShowShine

Has Rarity ever been a pony? She's very sure that she is, but her recent behaviors have been very...unponylike

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Rarity stared at her reflection, memorizing every detail on her face. She didn’t look like a changeling. Changelings were nothing but ugly, vile creatures. Rarity was far prettier than the ones she had seen.

Despite these excuses, she couldn’t help but think about last night. She could feel every changeling; she could understand them. It was as if she was made to understand them.

Rarity shook her head. So what if she were a changeling?! Nothing would stop her from the life she was living before. She didn’t need to listen to some changeling queen to know her place in the world.

She let out a content sigh, happy that chapter of her life was now closed.

Her stomach gurgled, interrupting her thoughts. The mare brought her hoof to her stomach. Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t eaten since the wedding reception.

“This simply won’t do!” Rarity announced, walking away from the mirror. She was a lady! Changeling or not, a lady shouldn’t go that long without eating.

Rarity trotted through her house, thoughts still running through her head. She didn’t see what the big deal was; changelings and ponies were practically the same. Rarity didn’t know why the conversation from last night bothered her so much. She chalked it up to sleep deprivation.

She made a sharp turn, entering the kitchen. It was kept spotless, just as she left it before her trip.

She opened her fridge, scouring the shelves for something to eat. Her eyes landed on a takeout container. Despite being a lady, she couldn’t help but indulge in a few unhealthy pleasantries.

Rarity popped the container, taking a whiff of the food. Her stomach churned, and she suppressed a gag. Rarity’s hoof flew to her mouth, and she quickly turned away.

“Oh, dear!” Rarity gasped, sputtering out a cough. She covered her nose, not wanting to inhale any more of the pungent odor.

She knew that the container had been sitting in the fridge for a while, but by Celestia above was that rancid. Rarity stuck her tongue out, tossing the disgusting container into the garbage. She huffed, flipping her mane from her eyes.

No matter, she could eat something else. Rarity opened a carton of eggs, picking up a hooful. Her stomach flipped, causing the mare to double over. Really, the eggs were rotten too?

There had to be something in this house that wasn’t spoiled.

Nothing. There was nothing in this house she could eat. Everything made her feel like vomiting. Her garbage can was filled to the brim with her once fresh produce. All of that money was wasted! Rarity dramatically collapsed to the floor, throwing her hoof against her forehead.

“This is utterly horrible!” Rarity shrieked, laying her face on the cool floor.

Was everything in her house spoiled? It shouldn’t be; she had bought fresh groceries less than a week ago! Her stomach growled with hunger. She had to eat something.

Her eyes landed on a stalk of celery that lay on her table. It was the only food she had left. She brought the celery to her eyes, inspecting it. It didn’t seem to be spoiled. No patches of mold or shriveled spots.

Rarity gave it a tentative sniff. While it smelled fine, the scent made the mare's stomach gurgle uncomfortably. Rarity retched, tossing the stalk across the room. It hit the wall with a crisp ‘crunch.’

She stomped her hoof, letting out an annoyed groan. This was utterly ridiculous! Her stomach growled. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she eat?

She put her hoof to her chin. Rarity did recall Chrysalis saying changelings only ate love. Is that why she couldn’t eat? Rarity huffed. Being a changeling shouldn’t affect her daily routine. There had to be a better solution.

Maybe Twilight would be able to help. She was well educated, after all.

Rarity gazed at the Golden Oaks library, feeling calmed by the familiarity. She knocked on the door, feeling the smooth oak under her hoof.

The door opened, showing Twilight. Her face lit up at the sight of her friend.

“Oh, hi, Rarity! What brings you here?” Twilight asked with a head tilt. Rarity opened her mouth to answer but was caught off guard by a smell.

A sweet aroma flowed from Twilight, catching Rarity off guard. It reminded her of the smell from last night, but this smell had a herbal undertone.

The scent made her stomach growl and her mouth water.

“Rarity? Hello?” Twilight called, waving her hoof in front of her face. Rarity blinked back to reality. She quickly wiped the drool from her lips. How unladylike of her!

“My apologies. I don’t know what came over me.” She mumbled an apology. She fixed her composure.

“Do you think you have any book on changelings?” Rarity asked, veering past Twilight to look at the rows of books behind her. Twilight cocked her head, giving her friend a perplexed expression.

“Changelings? Why would you want to read about them?” Twilight asked, scrunching her face in disgust and confusion. Rarity’s heart sped in her chest.

“Yesterday's…encounter has been on my mind, and…” Rarity trailed off, trying to think of something to say. No matter what she said, she would sound suspicious. To Rarity’s surprise, Twilight gave an understanding nod.

“You want to learn more about them to ease your mind?” Twilight asked. Rarity sighed in relief, quickly nodding her head.

“Yes, yes, that’s it!” Rarity agreed. It felt as if a weight was lifted from her chest. Twilight gave her a sweet smile, gesturing for Rarity to come inside.

“You came at the perfect time! Last night, I found a book on changeling culture!” Twilight beamed. “It was written by a former changeling prisoner. Isn’t that fascinating?” She boasted, holding the book in front of Rarity.

Rarity eyed the book. ‘My Life as A Prisoner’ the title read.

“Oh yes, that’s exactly what I need!” Rarity’s eyes lit up. She took the book from Twilight’s grasp, sitting down.

She flipped open the book, skimming over the table of contents. Rarity’s eyes landed on what she was looking for; “A Changelings Diet.” She flipped to the page, beginning to read.

In my many months of captivity, I’ve noticed changelings don’t eat; not like us ponies at least. Changelings must eat love from an outside source to survive. Once a day, I was taken from my cell, so my love could be eaten. It weakened me.

From what I’ve observed, they are unable to feed off each other. Without this source of nutrients, they’ll be sure to die. I’ve seen it happen many times before.

Rarity’s breath hitched. Die? That seemed rather extreme, didn’t it? Surely a changeling could survive without harming others.

“You doing alright? You got a little tense for a second.” Twilight asked, breaking the mare from her thoughts. Rarity put on her best smile.

“Oh, I’m fine, darling.” Rarity glanced at the book in front of her. “May I borrow this? I just find it… fascinating.” She lied through her teeth. Twilight smiled, emitting more of that sickly smell.

“Sure!” Twilight practically squealed. Rarity looked back down at the book, furrowing her brows.

Rarity would prove Chrysalis wrong. She had to. She had to survive.