• Published 2nd Aug 2023
  • 1,870 Views, 77 Comments

Changing Diamonds - ShowShine

Has Rarity ever been a pony? She's very sure that she is, but her recent behaviors have been very...unponylike

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Rarity lay on the floor of the boutique. The tiles were cool against her all-too-hot skin. She whined, rolling onto her back. Her legs dangled hopelessly in the air.

“Uuuuugh.” Rarity groaned, cradling her aching stomach. It felt like her insides were eating itself. The ceiling above her spun, making her stomach feel worse than it already did. Rarity squeezed her eyes shut.

Why must she be cursed to have a changeling diet? It felt like she was dying! Rarity just wanted to lay here until the feeling passed. Or until she passed of starvation.

Unfortunately, the doorbell rang. The ringing was much too high-pitched for Rarity’s ears in this feeble state. Who in their right mind would come at this hour?

“We’re closed!” Rarity proclaimed, hoping whoever was at the door would go away.

Unfortunately, the ringing only got more persistent. The white mare groaned, rolling onto her stomach. Rarity shakily stood up, careful not to topple over.

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” She mumbled, making a weary trot to the door. She pushed the door, it slowly creaking open.

To her surprise, Sweetie Belle stood eagerly at the door. She happily bounced in place. Rarity peeked her head out the door, looking around. No parents in sight.

“Sweetie Belle, what are you doing here?” Rarity asked. Sweetie Belle gave her sister a silly look.

“Mom and Dad are out of town again. They made sure to remind you this time.” She informed, happily skipping in. Rarity had completely forgotten about their little sleepover! This wasn’t good. This wasn’t good at all. She could hardly care for herself right now; how was she meant to watch over a child?

“What are we gonna do? Makeovers? Scary stories?” Sweetie asked, prancing excitedly. Rarity sighed, rubbing her hoof across her face.

“How about we…” Rarity racked her brain, trying to think of anything. Unfortunately, her empty stomach was messing with her brain.

“Can we have dinner? I’m starving.” Sweetie Belle asked. Rarity’s eyes lit up.

“Of course we can. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

Sweetie Belle ran ahead of Rarity, her hooves tapping across the floor. Rarity trailed behind her sister, trying to stop her legs from trembling. She needed to get herself together. Rarity had a guest over. And she didn’t want to worry her dear little sister.

Rarity turned into the kitchen, seeing Sweetie Belle. She stood at the fridge, rummaging through the shelves. The filly gasped, wrapping her hooves around a large box. She held the box above her head, a look of awe across her face.

“Rarity, can I eat these?!” Sweetie Belle asked, giving her sister puppy-dog eyes. Rarity gazed through the plastic of the pastry box. It was filled with Pinkie’s cupcakes. Beautifully decorated, just as she remembered.

Her eyes flickered back to her hopeful sister. Usually, Rarity would insist that she needed real food, but she didn’t have real food. She couldn’t let her dear sister know that.

Rarity put on her best scolding face, puffed cheeks and all.

“I suppose, but just this once.” She said with a shake of her hoof. Sweetie Belle beamed, happily bounding to the table.

“Thanks, Rarity! You’re the best!” Sweetie Belle cheered, flipping the box open. Even from across the room, Rarity could feel her sister's love. She held her breath, trying not to inhale the sweet smell.

Rarity could do this. She always sat with Sweetie Belle when she ate; it would be weird if she didn’t do it now. Rarity puffed out her chest, making her way to the dining table.

She sat cautiously next to Sweetie Belle. This wasn’t too bad. Sweetie Belle gave a frosting-filled smile.

“These are super good!” Sweetie Belle complimented. She scooped up a cupcake, thrusting it into Rarity’s face. “Try one!”

Rarity shrieked, scrunching her face in disgust.

“Keep those things away from me!” Rarity shouted, shoving the cupcake from Sweetie Belle's hooves. It hit the floor with a pathetic ‘splat.’ Sweetie Belle looked at her older sister; confusion riddled across her face.

“My apologies, I don’t know what came over me.” Rarity grimaced at her unladylike act. She needed to get ahold of herself! Her eyes veered to the splattered cupcake.

“Sweetie, can you be a dear and clean that up? Maybe you can get a cutie mark for cleaning.” Rarity attempted to negotiate. Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, getting up from her seat.

“If you wanted me to clean, you could’ve just asked.” She mumbled, going for the paper towels. Rarity leaned into her hoof, taking a few composing breaths. She could do this. One guest wasn’t going to expose her little secret.

“I’m done.” Sweetie Belle said, tossing the napkins into the trash. She paused, pondering for a moment. “Can we go to the movies?” Sweetie Belle asked. Rarity cringed at the thought. Going out in this state wasn’t ideal in the slightest.

“Sweetie, darling, don’t you have something else you need to be doing?” She inquired. Sweetie Belle frowned, hanging her head low.

“Well…I guess I have some homework.” Sweetie Belle pouted.

“Perfect, you go do that. I’ll be in my workshop.” Ratiy said, trotting out the room. That would surely keep Sweetie Belle busy until bedtime.

Rarity sat at her workstation, groggily picking at some fabric.

She couldn’t just laze around when someone was over. She needed to at least act like she was normal. Rarity ran her hooves over the fabric, mimicking the motion of sewing. Her head ached far too much to actually turn her sewing machine on. The soft hum of the device would surely send her into a craze.

The door squeaked open, catching her attention. She swiveled around, seeing Sweetie Belle. She stood at the door, a notebook in her mouth.

“Rarity, can you help me with this question? I can’t seem to get it.” Sweetie asked, tossing the notebook next to the sewing machine. Rarity looked at Sweetie Belle.

She held a look of admiration in her eyes. Her love was just too much. Rarity looked back at her fabric, squeezing her eyes shut. She tried to conceal the trembling of her hooves. She needed to find some control.

“Sweetie…I need you to go to bed now.”

The filly frowned, cocking her head.

“But…you told me to do my homework.” She pointed out.

“Go to bed!” Rarity hissed, stomping. Sweetie Belle squeaked, scattering out of the room. She slammed the door behind her.

Rarity stomped around her room, letting out a few grunts. She reared her legs, slamming her hooves into a mannequin. The head flew off, smacking to a wall. She snarled, pacing around her room.

“Why can’t Sweetie Belle just do what she’s told? Why are ponies so meddling? Always getting into changelings business.” Rarity hissed. She froze, slapping her hoof across her mouth.

What was she doing? She was thinking like a changeling! Rarity shuddered at the thought.

Guilt began to wrack Rarity’s heart. She was far too harsh to Sweetie Belle. She was only a filly. Perhaps she should check on her? Make sure she didn’t hurt her feelings too badly.

Rarity exited her room, keeping her head low. She couldn’t believe she had lashed out in such a way. She was a grown mare; she had grown out of such temper tantrums.

Her walk slowed to a pace as she approached the door. Rarity let out a sigh, composing herself. All she needed to do was apologize, give her a big hug, and get on with her night. It’ll solve that previous outburst.

“Sweetie…?” Rarity whispered, pushing the door open. To her surprise and relief, Sweetie Belle was already sleeping. Her chest rose and fell at a steady rate.

Rarity let out a sigh of relief, backing out of the room. Before she closed the door, a scent caught her attention. It was alluring, nearly knocking her off her hooves. She couldn’t stop herself from following the smell.

The mare ended up at the foot of her sister's bed. It was her. Rarity stared at the mass under the covers, beginning to salivate.

Sweetie Belle just smelled so… delicious. Her love was piquant, smelling like the fanciest taffy in the world. While Rarity wasn’t a fan of such sweets, but this…this was much too sweet to resist.

Rarity was sure that Sweetie Belle wouldn’t mind a little taste. They were sisters, after all, and sisters shared everything. Rarity was sure that Sweetie Belle would be fine. She was a strong filly, after all. She’d bounce back.

She unhinged her jaw, feeling her magic sparking up. Whatever she was doing, it felt natural. It felt like something she should’ve done ages ago.

Sweetie Belle shifted, her eyes peeking open. She smiled warmly.

“I love you, Rarity.” She sleepily muttered, drifting back to sleep. Rarity’s breath hitched. Her eyes veered to a mirror. Her fangs were out, and drool dripped from her lips. Her eyes glowed a ghastly blue. She nearly looked demonic.

Rarity staggered back, clasping her hoof over her mouth. She let out a muffled sob, stumbling out of the room.

The changeling collapsed to the floor, shoving her face into her hooves. Rarity let out another hiss, corrosive acid shooting from her mouth. She let out a haggard cough.

Rarity held back a disgusted scream. She couldn’t be a pony. She was just a changeling. She was going to eat her sister's love, for Celestia’s sake! No pony would ever think of such a thing!

She deserved to be sent away! Locked in the deepest dungeon! Rarity couldn’t even be sure that locking her away would fix her hunger. How was she meant to protect her friends when she couldn’t control herself?

If Rarity couldn’t be locked away, then she needed to leave. She stood up with shaky legs, moving like a newborn fawn. She staggered down the hall, making her way to the main hallway.

Soon, the fake pony stood at the front door. Rarity swung the door open, feeling the cool night air in her face. She turned around, staring at her house one last time. It was a shame to see her life’s work go to waste like this, but it was truly for the best.

She hoped that Sweetie Belle would grow up into a fine young mare. Rarity inhaled, stepping into the crisp dirt. This was a trek to a new life.

Rarity didn’t know where she was going. For once, she'd just had to listen to her instincts.