• Published 12th Oct 2023
  • 970 Views, 56 Comments

Twilight's Biggest Fear - StormLuna

While Twilight was in her office making lesson plans, an insect manages to find its way in. While this would normally not bother Twilight, it was a ladybug that had found its way in. She then asks her guidance counselor to get it out.

  • ...

There's Something in My Office

The past week had been relatively stress free for Twilight. All the students had been getting along and none of the students were failing any of their exams. It was a Friday and Twilight was in her office making up lesson plans for the following week so her weekend could be "her time," time where she could just relax and perhaps catch up on some Daring Do since her duties had kept her from reading for a while.

It was in the afternoon as she was making plans for Pinkie Pie to teach the following week when she thought she saw something move out of the corner of her eye. At first she didn't think anything about it until she thought she saw something fly closer to her. She sighed in frustration, "Ugh stupid flies." She then opened one of her desk drawers where she kept fly swatters for such a situation but once she started to look around, the fly was nowhere to be seen.

She got up and began to look for the fly. She continued to search and she couldn't find it. She then thought that maybe she was seeing things but when she went to sit back down she saw something on her chair that she did not expect, something that terrified her, a ladybug.

She began to panic, "Ah, a ladybug, a ladybug!"

The ladybug then flew up onto her desk and immediately Twilight raced out of her office and into the neighboring office, the one of her guidance counselor. She slammed the door shut and then embraced Starlight and screamed, "Starlight, there's something in my office! You have to get it out of there!"

Starlight was in a state of shock because this was nothing like the Twilight she knew. She initially thought that it might be a changeling but given that the ponies and the changelings get along now, she thought otherwise. Twilight continued to cling to her tightly and after a minute of Twilight clinging to her and breathing heavily, Starlight was able to get her off of her. Starlight was curious as to what was causing Twilight to panic like this. "Twilight," Starlight questioned, "what has you in such a panic? Why are you so scared?"

Twilight screamed, "Starlight, there's a ladybug in my office! You have to get it out of there!"

Starlight couldn't help but snicker a bit over what Twilight told her. She thought to herself, "Seriously, she's afraid of a ladybug of all things?" She knew that she couldn't break down into a full blown laugh. She knew that she had to take on the role of a guidance counselor instead of a friend in disbelief. She asked, "Twilight, did you say a ladybug?"

Twilight had calmed down slightly by this point, "Yes, a ladybug!"

Starlight found the situation rather humorous but she became curious as to why Twilight is afraid of such a harmless creature. "Twilight, why are you so afraid of ladybugs? Did you have a past bad experience with them?"

Twilight was only breathing slightly faster than normal by this point and replied, "Well when I was a filly there was an infestation in my house and Shining Armor told me that their black spots are extra eyes and that they were always watching me!"

While Starlight had only met Shining Armor once, this did not seem like something her brother would do. She asked, "Really, Shining Armor told you this?"

Twilight replied, "He did and he wouldn't lie about things like that!"

Starlight was still unsure about this but she knew that if she was going to help her get past this fear. She took a deep breath and began, "Twilight, I can understand your fear of ladybugs but I really think you need to do something to get past this fear. If you are going to rule this country someday, you can't be scared of something so harmless."

Twilight asked, "But how do I do that?"

Starlight replied, "Well my first bit of advice would be to spend some time in the same room as one. Once you feel comfortable being in the presence of one, you could always get closer to it and ultimately let one land on you. That way you could see that they are nothing to fear."

Twilight's eyes grew wide when she heard this. The very idea of even spending time with a ladybug was causing her to become more nervous again, "But Starlight, it will watch me." She then began to panic more again, "But what if it monitors me, then goes and tells Princess Celestia I'm afraid of it. She might not think I'm fit to be a princess anymore and take my wings away." She once again went into a full blown panic, "And then she'd put me in magic kindergarten!"

Starlight couldn't help but break into a full blown laugh over Twilight's paranoia. Her fear was one thing but these fears of what Celestia would do to her was outlandish. When she heard Starlight's laughing she snapped, "This isn't funny Starlight! That could really happen."

Starlight was wanting to help Twilight but holding back laughs was hard but then she decided to give her some advice, "Twilight, if you're ever going to get over this fear, you have to confront it! You have to go back in your office, ladybug or no ladybug!"

The thoughts of that still scared Twilight but she knew Starlight was right. She did her best to calm herself down and replied, "Alright Starlight, I'll do it."

Starlight replied, "Good. Just remember, it can't harm you and they don't have extra eyes!"

Twilight left Starlight's office and headed slowly back towards her own. When she arrived she noticed that the ladybug was sitting on her desk, watching her. Twilight said to herself, "Ok Twilight, it can't hurt you, it can't hurt you."

The ladybug then took flight and this terrified Twilight. The ladybug then began to speak, "Twilight, it looks like your so-called friend doesn't care that you're scared."

Twilight was close to panicking again, "What do you mean?"

The ladybug replied, "It must bother you so much to know that Starlight is laughing over your fears."

The ladybug then headed towards her causing her to scream and rush back to Starlight's office. Twilight clung to Starlight and screamed, "It's talking to me Starlight, the ladybug is talking to me!"

Starlight was in a state of shock. She knew that Twilight's fears can sometimes get the best of her but this seemed way out there, even for her. She then began to think about what she said about the talking ladybug and became suspicious. She replied, "Twilight, I think I know what is going on. I'm going into your office and confronting this ladybug."

Starlight headed out of her office and stormed into Twilight's office. She was not one bit happy about this and if it was what she thought she was, she knew that the time for an incredibly stern lecture had arrived and if that didn't work, a powerful blast of her magic. When she headed into Twilight's office she noticed that the whole room was filled with ladybugs, including the one on her desk. She took a closer look at it and knew exactly why this was happening.

She yelled, "Discord!"

Discord took on his natural form and replied, "Yesssssss?"

Starlight immediately tore into him, "I can't believe it! I can't believe that you would do this to Twilight." Discord attempted to respond but Starlight continued, "I thought you two were friends yet you turn into something that she is terrified of and scare her."

Discord laughed, "Come on now Starlight, it was just a test! I need to know if she will be ready to rule Equestria after all."

Starlight glared at him and growled, "That isn't your decision now is it?" She paused before ordering, "You're coming with me Discord, you are going to admit this to Twilight and then apologize to her."

Discord sighed in frustration. When they got back to Starlight's office they found Twilight hiding behind Starlight's desk. Starlight saw this and yelled, "It's ok Twilight, the ladybug situation has been taken care of." She then nudged Discord and added, "And someone is here to apologize to you for this."

Twilight got out from behind Starlight's desk and saw that it was Discord. A glare immediately formed on her face as she snapped, "What? You're responsible for the ladybug in my office?"

Discord joyfully replied, "Come on now, you act like I put a quesadilla on your desk!"

Twilight shuddered at the very thoughts of a quesadilla and Starlight immediately noticed this. She asked, "What, you're scared of quesadillas too?"

Twilight shrank back, "Yeah, it's just that they're so cheesy!"

Starlight could hardly believe that not only was her friend scared of ladybugs but that she was also scared of quesadillas. That however was not her primary concern at the moment. Her primary concern was removing the one who was causing Twilight so much stress. She grabbed Discord in her aura and ordered, "Discord, I think you should go. You've caused Twilight enough stress for today already, she doesn't need any more."

Discord sighed, "Oh fine."

He then snapped his claw and teleported out of the school. Once he was gone Twilight embraced Starlight and thanked her, "Thanks Starlight, thanks for taking care of that for me."

Starlight replied, "You're welcome Twilight but I still think you're going to have to face your fear of ladybugs and what was that about quesadillas?

Twilight got a sick feeling when Starlight brought up facing her fears. She did however want to get out of discussing it. She got up and as she was leaving Starlight's office she agreed, "I know but for now, I really need to get back to lesson planning."

Once Twilight headed back to her office Starlight felt a sense of relief. She felt relieved because it did seem like Twilight was open to facing her fears but also that she wasn't going to be afraid of being in her office after the ladybug problem. Just as she thought things were going to be fine she heard a scream come from the neighboring office before Twilight was right back in there with her. She was panicking again, "Starlight, there's something in my office again! You have to get it out of there!"

Starlight was not very happy over this. She yelled angrily, "Ugh Discord, when I get my hooves on you!"

Comments ( 56 )

A ladybug? Really? They’re not that scary.


I don't know if you've seen the short "Starlight the Hypnotist" but Twilight is confirmed to be scared of ladybugs in it because of a childhood experience.

I've seen it but it sounds ridiculous to me. What did they ever do to her?


It is brought up in the story and in the short. There was an infestation in her family's home when she was a filly and Shining Armor told her that the black spots were extra eyes and that they were always watching her.


He is the one to blame since he lied to her about the extra eyes.


As long as Twilight approves though. We certainly don't want the Princess of Friendship being mad at us!

Rats! Foiled by guilt conscious.

11720400 So the whole mess was brought about when Shiny decided to be a pain in the plot? Figures.


Yes, that is when it all happened. Kind of odd though how at the end of "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies" she had no issues with the ladybug at all even when they were still the size of breezies. I like the idea of her being afraid of ladybugs though.

Yeah, that makes the idea even more shaky.


Then again a lot of things in the show seemed to contradict one another. For instance, in "A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1" Cadence is shown as a teenager babysitting Twilight while in "Twilight's Kingdom" it is stated that Tirek doesn't know that there is a fourth Alicorn princess in Equestria. That would imply that Cadence is much older, old enough that Tirek would know about her existence. Yet in the same episode, Celestia brings up how Scorpan came to notify her and Luna, not her, Luna and Cadence.

Anyway I prefer the younger Cadence idea because it just makes more sense to me. Also, Cadence hooking up with a much, much younger Shining Armor seems kind of odd, something not really fit for a kids' show. That would be robbing the cradle on steroids.

There are a headache inducing number of inconsistencies in this show at times.


Tell me about it but the one involving Cadence's age is one of the most annoying ones for me. Of course it is one of the most obvious and easy to point out for anyone who pays even the slightest attention to things in the show.

It's funny in way too, the My Little Pony we grew up with was actually more consistent in some ways.

And it is pretty scattered for the most part. Even still, it never went back on anything that had been previously established.

You know, one could spend an entire week discovering all of the many plot holes that the show writers did to the main story arc. It just goes to show us that the writers were particularly lazy, and never actually thought-out things from previous episodes, unless it was important.


I know yet here is G4 going back and forth on the whole continuity thing. I think the writers for G1 cared more and actually took into account what had been done in the past.


I know. It would take a long time to go through all of it and I do think the change in who were the writers may have been part of it. When you have so many different writers, chances are nothing will be consistent.

While we can't really verify that, it is a distinct possibility at least.

I mainly think it was the benefits of a shorter overall run for this series.


Most likely because once you get to that many seasons, the happenings of earlier seasons may skip the minds of the writers.

Well that, and FiM had a lot of writers over its life. That is bound to cause a lot problems.


I love the show regardless it just has some times where it contradicts itself. I couldn't go on and name all of them but the one with Cadence's age is the primary one that crosses my mind.

Agreed. Consistency was rather problematic. But then again, the show was primarily developed for a young audience, not so much for adults, despite the fact that it soon was known that adults were tuning into the show by its second season. I would have liked to have seen the writing get better, but you know. With various writers, as you and others have indicated, consistency became less of an issue.
The quesadilla thing, however, was from the comics, not the show, if I recall correctly...


Where I live I never got access to the comics except for one, the one where Luna got Tiberius and took on Celestia's duties for the day. Sad, I know but when you live in what many would consider an isolated area, you don't have access to a lot of things.

And, at this point our lives we've both seen worse examples of this same problem.

Heh, Twilight sure got pranked there. Though I still hope she gets over her fear of ladybugs someday. Maybe Fluttershy could show her that there's no point of being terrified of ladybugs.

This gets a fave. That was a neat little story, and it sure gave me a laugh too. :twilightsmile:

This was Almost as good as the version where Ocelles revealed that ladybugs were actually changeling spies fro a rival hive so Twilight was right all along.


Changeling spies? Sounds interesting.

I'm glad you got a laugh out of it, that was what I was hoping for. Yes, Twilight got trolled big time but Starlight definitely was not happy about this.

True, very true.

Discord's at it again I see. Get him Starlight!


Kind of odd though how at the end of "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies" she had no issues with the ladybug at all even when they were still the size of breezies.

If what I heard about is right, what makes the whole oversight of Twilight not being scared of ladybugs in easier episodes go beyond being something the show just missed or forgot about to being more of an epic fail is that the short was originally going to be about Twilight's fear of quesadillas. But it was changed due to someone thinking using quesadillas was too random or silly, so ladybugs it become...and due to the continuity error it introduced, it ended it being even more silly,:rainbowlaugh:

I do like the idea of Twilight being scared of ladybugs in itself, though, like you do. it may seem ridiculous, but to me, it's not that much different then someone freaking out over seeing a cockroach. They can carry diseases, but most people that are scared of cockroaches would probably still freak out at the sight of them even if they are proven to be as safe as a bar of soap. And Twi is scared of far safer quesadillas, so she had already won the silliest fear award well before that short was made,

And as for I feel about cockroaches? I don't even flinch if I see one and have never been scared of them. Hell replace a roach with a ladybug and my reaction to laying eyes on it would barely be any different, as far as not feeling any fear goes anyway.


I can see why they would think the quesadilla would be sillier although ladybugs are living creatures too. We don't have cockroaches where I live but I probably would freak out at the sight of one. It wouldn't be so much the sight of it it would be the filth that they are and I'm pretty sure they do carry diseases.

No Starlight, Confrontation "therapy" does not work . .


I guess forget me ever being a psychiatrist because I thought it would when it came to harmless things like ladybugs.

a phobia, no matter the source, is not a rational thing.
show an arachnophobe even a picture of a spider and
you will set them off with it, despite the spider:
a.) not being able to harm them anyway
b.) in that case NOT EVEN BEING REAL.


My sister is terrified of spiders but I think she must be starting to get past it because she actually held a tarantula down at the butterfly pavilion down in Denver last April before her and I flew off to San Fran for BABSCon. I was a bit nervous myself too but when I learned that their tarantula was perfectly nice, I held her too.


I'm pretty sure they do carry diseases

They can. Several that they can carry and potentially transmit if I heard right, but I don't remember which ones.

To be fair, desensitization therapy for phobias do exist and, from what I can gather, can work so Starlight was at least onto something in this story, although it seems like they just take a long time to work and must be done slowly and with care. So you can't just drop someone with something they have a phobia and expect it to work right away. Sorta like how you don't teach someone to swim by dropping them in a lake as their very first lesson on how to swim.


Things like that are why I'm glad the damn things don't live in the area where I do. It is too arid for them out here.

Cute story. I wonder what would’ve happened if it wasn’t Discord.

I need to stop coming up with fanfic ideas in my comments. I got enough already 😂


That is something that never even crossed my mind given that I had decided in the very beginning that it would be Discord.

I like this


Thanks, I had a good time writing it. Twilight's fear of ladybugs comes from the short "Starlight the Hypnotist." The thing about her fear of quesadillas comes from the episode "Party Pooped" from when they discovered Pinkie's party planning cave and Fluttershy was reading Twilight's file out loud.

I understand, cool, if it’s ok, I might borrow your writing style along with a few others.

So from what I gather you use a lot of description.


Yeah, description is good. I know I'm not the best of it but you want to show and not just tell. Give descriptions so that readers can actually see in their minds what is going on rather than it just sounding like an audio recording.

Yeah, I will try and do that on the next few chapters of it’s a wonderful life.


You did a spectacular job on this!

Of course Twilight would be afraid of ladybugs!!!!!


And we have "Starlight the Hypnotist" to thank for that and this story.

Good old Starlight.

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