• Published 30th Mar 2024
  • 172 Views, 5 Comments

Cutie Mark Crusaders Fight Club, Yay! - ArcadePonyFubuki

The CMCs go for their last-ditch effort to leave their mark on the school yearbook

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Rule #5: Connections


Now, usually, Cozy Glow made sure to not interact with another soul as she made her way down the school halls. Today decided to not be usual.

“Yo Cozy-G, what was your PSN tag again? Is it the same on everything or do you like to change it up?” Button Mash asked as he followed the vertically-challenged girl.

Cozy felt her brain tap into the rarely used part of itself that incited fear as she gave Button a piercing gaze of confusion while he continued rambling on about whatever an ‘XBone’ is.

“Oh my god, there was this one guy at a local once that insisted his main was S-Tier potential when he was barely even C, and he had the gall to-“

“Bet’cha can’t beat me at the quiet game!” Cozy forcibly pinched his mouth shut.

He politely plucked Cozy’s hand off his face. “You’re right I can’t. Anyway I’m just tryna figure out what you wanna jump on tonight.”

“What I wanna WHAT!?

“Y’know like some CS:GO, maybe a bit of 3rd Strike, whatever you’re feeling.”

“I’m feeling annoyed.” She muttered under her breath.

“Oh then you’d love League.”

“Listen Mr… Mutton Bash I wanna say it was? I’d love to keep talking about the game boy or whatever but fourth period starts soon so, y’know.” Cozy blew a raspberry to highlight her immense disappointment with this riveting conversation coming to an end.

“Oh shoot you’re right, thanks for the heads up!” Button yelled as he ran off to his next class.

Cozy sighed as if all possible energy she had left for the day was taken in that instant. She was just happy to finally be left alone with her own voice and her own thoughts.


There’s that fear in her brain firing off again. Cozy reached for her phone and nearly screamed at what she saw.

‘I’ll be on mw2 aftr school. SaiyanKnight signing out ✌️’

How. How did he get her number. She doesn’t even have her parents on there. Well, she doesn’t even have parents at all but that’s besides the point. This worm must be dealt with. She must destroy all that he stands for. Or her name isn’t Cozy fucking Glow.



Scootaloo stepped into their home and dropped their backpack off their shoulder and to the floor. With their two closest friends off on dates, this was the first time in a long time that Scootaloo had an afternoon all to themselves, whether it was by choice or not. Scootaloo sighed as they stood in the doorway.

The whole afternoon to themselves.



EEEEE!There it is!” Sweetie squealed as the pop up shop entered her view. She held Silver’s hand and ran off. “Oh my gosh look at this one!” She said excitedly picking up the first piece of jewelry she saw. “Oh this would be just adorable on you!”

“Really? Isn’t it a little.. sweet?” Silver said skeptically as she inspected the earrings, little charms of what looked to be strawberry smoothies hanging off them.

Sweetie gave a smug look in response to Silver’s apprehension. “Please now, I’ve picked up some notes from my sister. I know a good accessory when I see one.” She held the charms over Silver’s ears to confirm her theory. “Yep, just as I thought. Totally adorable.”

Sweetie Belle opened her pocket book and pulled out her wallet.

“Oh Sweetie Belle, you really don’t have to.” Silver tried to save Sweetie’s bank account.

“Please, please. I insist.” Sweetie smiled. “Now, how much for these earrings?” She asked the clerk.


Sweetie clenched the wallet in her hand as a pained expression spread across her face. “…I guess the lawn needed to be mowed anyway.” She sighed as she handed over the needed amount.

With the transaction completed, Sweetie grabbed the jewelry and dropped it into Silver’s hands. Silver Spoon stared at it for a moment as it laid in her hands. She wasn’t entirely sure why she now owned it, or if she deserved to. She knew literally why but… why?? What had she done for this? She wasn’t sure if she’d ever entirely understand, or if she wanted to.

Locking the gift in her grip, Silver Spoon wrapped her arms under Sweetie’s and rested her head on the girl’s shoulder. Sweetie stumbled a bit in surprise before returning the hug passionately. The two softened a bit, meeting eye to eye. Sweetie raised her hand and wiped a forming tear off Silver’s cheek.

“So, where do you wanna go?”



“PAHAHAHAHA THIS SHOW IS HILARIOUS!” Scootaloo hollered at the television.

“I know right?! They just don’t make them like this anymore!” Scootaloo concurred.

“I wouldn’t go that far, I saw this new show recently tha-“

“Oh shut up Scootaloo no one asked you.” Scootaloo shot down Scootaloo’s attempt at playing devil’s advocate.

“Shh! Shh! This is my favorite part!” Scootaloo quieted the room.

The TV continued to show static, just as it had for the last hour and a half.

“Huh, I remember that being funnier the first time I watched it.”



“Ok I’m ready!” Silver Spoon announced as she stepped out from behind a changing room curtain, dawning a short, poofy, royal blue dress. “So, how does it look?”

“Woah, it sure does look expensive.” Sweetie Belle commented.

“Hehe, thank you!” Silver smiled brightly. “Now it’s your turn!”

“Yeah! Wait, what?” Sweetie Belle questioned before Silver dropped an assortment of frilly, heavy, elaborate, and otherwise large price tag carrying garments into her arms.

Sweetie Belle worked her way through every last piece of apparel Silver Spoon had handpicked for her, said girl getting more and more giddy with every new fitting. The looks ranged from (relatively) simple combinations of varied pieces to full blown designer gala dresses that have no business being in sizes made for 14 year olds.

“Are you sure you’re not Rarity’s sister?” Sweetie Belle joked as she dragged the seven feet of silk trailing off the end of her current attire.

“Ok, so I might be a bit more into fashion design than I let on.” Silver Spoon laughed softly.

“You don’t plan on actually buying all of this, do you?” Sweetie Belle asked in concern.

“Oh definitely not, no way. I’m just trying to get a feel for your style. And besides daddy doesn’t let me spend more than ten-thousand a month.” Silver Spoon said like that was a given.

Sweetie Belle felt her world view twinge in pain at that last comment before her mind rewound to what Silver said before. “My style? Do I even have a style?”

“Everyone has a style honey, and let me just say yours is absolutely stunning. I suppose I’d call it a mix of vintage casual and decora lolita, with a hint of the usual girly aesthetic.” Silver explained in very succinct terms.

“I think those sounded good.” Sweetie Belle tried to not make it obvious she had no idea what Silver just said.

“Or in laymen’s terms, you’re like, really really cute.” Silver said, a hint of a blush creeping on her cheeks.

Sweetie Belle’s face similarly grew a deepening red upon hearing the compliment. She moved forward and smoothly put Silver’s hand into her own.

“Well, now that you know my style, do you maybe wanna head to your place and, I don’t know, design some clothes to go with it?” Sweetie Belle asked as she stepped closer and closer, leaving mere inches between her and Silver Spoon.

“Uh, y-yeah! Sure..” Silver Spoon gave an awkward smile as she lost control of the blush spreading on her face.

Sweetie Belle didn’t react to Silver’s answer, only continuing to close in. She blinked and realized just how close she got, feeling Silver’s breath brush past her neck. She quickly backed up and could only stare back at Silver’s eyes, the two too stunned to make a move. Finally the words processed in Sweetie’s head and she was able to speak again.

“W-well then we better g-get on out of here, aheh.” Sweetie stuttered uncontrollably as she paced for the exit. The store was then filled with the loud beeping of the anti-theft monitors. “Almost forgot to change! Silly me!”



“Okay, okay, hold it hold it.” Scootaloo directed as their pencil moved furiously in their sketchbook. They sat upon the edge of their bed, guiding the utensil in majestic curves, forever immortalizing the model before them in the confines of their sketchbook. A piece of such fidelity that if it were to be colorized it could be mistaken for a living photograph, awake with life and worn by love.

“Aaaaaaaand there!” Scootaloo excitedly flipped the sketch book around to present the finished piece to their artistic muse. The mirror in the corner of the room responded to the perfect replication of its likeness with a resounding silence.

“I knew you’d like it!”


“Makes you look fat? Oh please, if anything I made you slimmer.”


“Oh don’t flatter yourself pal, there’s a reason Susan left you.”


“Shit, sorry, you’re right, I shouldn’t have gone there. Look we’re both friends here let’s just put this all behind us.”


“Cool, so do you wanna go out for drinks or what?”


“What?! You’re busy tonight too? You’re a mirror what the hell do you have to be busy for!”


“Whatever, you never pay your have of the tab anyway.”

Scootaloo flopped back onto their bed, ready to give up on today and begin the next. They released a heavy sigh as they reflected on their past two hours of boredom.

“I wonder if this what being unemployed feels like.”



Cozy Glow was deep in thought. Methodically taking note of every face that entered her gaze. Categorizing each and every person by the clear flaws and fears they exhibited. There wasn’t a single soul at this school that she didn’t know how to destroy.

“Yo yo yo if it isn’t last name Glow first name Cozy!”

Except one.

“Hey why weren’t you on last night? I thought we were gonna get a good grinding sesh in.”

“Listen you mutant, I will not today, tomorrow, or ever want to-” Cozy stopped. The creeping feeling of a devilish plot entering her head. A truly evil, manipulative, selfish, and very un-friendship-of-her-ish kind of idea.

“Hey Cutting Gash.”

“Button Mash.”

“Bless you. You like playing games right?”

“Yeeeeesssss?” Button answered, very concerned on where this was going.

“Well I know a pretty cool game, but I don’t know, it might be too hard for you.”

“Too hard for me? Please, I beat Combat Evolved on legendary without ta-“

“Yeah yeah real cool, do you really think you’re up to it? It’s pretty hardcore.”

Cozy put her hand out, offering Button Mash the chance to give full allegiance to her. He stared at it for a moment as he contemplated how much he could really trust Cozy. She was a shifty, conniving, backstabbing, unforgiving tyrant, and she would no doubt drop him at a moment’s notice. But then an even scarier thought entered his head: if he turned down her challenge he’d look like a total pleb. Taking this into consideration, he smirked in misplaced confidence and took her hand in his, signing the proverbial devil’s contract.

Cozy laughed to herself. “Good choice, now get ready to have some fun.

“What kinda fun we talkin’ here?” Button questioned what exactly Cozy’s definition of fun entailed.

“It’s really very simple! You just gotta get as many people as possible to join that nifty little fight club we’re in! Doesn’t that sound fun!” Cozy Glow put on her most endearing performance.

“Oh. It’s that kinda game. Are you sure you’re old enough to be going to high school?” Button was now severely less hyped.

“Aww c’mon! Bet’cha I can get more than you!” Cozy decided to dig deeper into his psyche.

“Ok, ok, I see you small stack. If it’s a contest you want, then it’s a contest you’ll lose!” Button gloated.

“Alrighty! We’ll meet up at the end of the day and see who won! Good luck frie- what did you call me.”

Button Mash had already ran off, both so he wasn’t late for first period and so he could get a quick head start. Cozy was in no rush to catch up as she snickered to herself.

‘He plays the stupid games and I win all the prizes.’




Her ear twitched at the noise. It had repeated several times throughout class now and she was hoping to ignore it but..


..It beats taking notes I guess.

“What is it that you wish to tell Trixie?!” The magically inclined girl whisper yelled as she turned to the source of her annoyance.

Two rows back and one table to her left sat the culprit.

“Do you wanna fight?” Button asked bluntly.

“To be entirely honest I would not mind punching you right now.” Admitted the candid and truthful Trixie.

“Cool! I got this club I’m in, y’know, nothing big or whatever, just a badass fight club. Meetings are every Wednesday in the yearbook room, but you didn’t hear that from me.” Button spilled the beans.

“Yes I did. You just said it. Who else would I have heard it from?”

“No it’s just- you- I didn’t- oh forget it just show up.”



“Hello there ma’am, do you think you can help me with this problem?”

Lyra Heartstrings looked to her side and saw a small girl handing her a math worksheet, the girl’s watery puppy dog eyes piercing her soul.

“Oh! Uhh, sure, though be warned math isn’t really my strong suit.” It was then that Lyra had a realization. “Why are you doing math in English class?”

“Well, I already finished today’s work, so I asked if I could get a head start on next week’s!”

“Uh-huh, very humble.” Lyra examined the worksheet and took note of the name written at the top. “So, ‘Cozy Glow’, what’s it about math that seems to stump ya?”

“It’s just so hard to keep track of all those tricky numbers!”

“Tell me about it, everybody I know has tried to teach me these tricks and stuff to help but none of them have really worked.” Lyra then remembered who she was talking to and their, assumingely, young age. “N-not that they won’t work for you! It’s just- the- well the- y’know it… just forget I said anything.”

“Already have!”

“Look I’m sorry kid, I don’t think I’m the tutor you’re looking for.” Lyra handed the paper back.

“Aww, don’t worry about it. I go to a study group after school in the yearbook room every Wednesday, I’m sure they’ll help me out!”

“I didn’t know there this school had study groups, how long has it been around?”

“Not very long I don’t think, why don’t ’cha come to the next meeting!”

“Hm, I just might have to take you up on that offer.” Lyra fistbumped Cozy.

“See ya there!”


And so Cozy Glow and Button Mash spent the whole day discreetly (well, Cozy was discreet about it at least) indoctrinating new members. At the end of the day they met back up like they agreed upon.

“So Cozy-G, bet I totally crushed your score. Try beating seve-“

“Eleven. I got eleven people.”

Button zipped his mouth in slight embarrassment.

“Seven ain’t bad! More than I expected.” Cozy said that last part to herself.

“How do you know I wasn’t gonna say seventeen? Or even seventy!” Button got defensive.

Cozy gave him an unamused stare.

“Ok it was just seven.” Button dropped his head.

“It’s a start. And look on the bright side, this club is about to get real interesting.” Cozy smiled devilishly.

Everything was finally going her way, even if a certain propeller-hatted-nuisance was still sticking its head where it didn’t belong, it won’t be long until the residents of this school never forget the name Cozy Glow.

Comments ( 3 )

This leads them to the most obvious solution: beating the shit out of each other.

:facehoof:. Great story idea. Just really stupid way of thinking by these three. Though they were never said to actually be smart.

Someone get Tyler Durden.

Rule #1 of Fight Club. Don't talk about Fight Club.

Rule #2 of Fight Club. You do NOT talk about Fight Club.

Rule #3 of Fight Club. If someone says "Stop" or goes limp, taps out, the fight is over.

Rule #4 of Fight Club. Only two guys to a fight.

Rule #5 Of Fight Club. One fight at a time.

Rule #6 of Fight Club. No shirts, no shoes.

Rule #7 of Fight Club. Fights will go on as long as they have to.

Rule #8 of Fight Club. If this is your first night at Fight Club, you have to fight.

FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! I'm gonna give you a like. Fun stuff, hope i get more of this. Also, i kind of want to say i hope this club will not backfire, but I'm sure it will.

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