• Published 2nd Apr 2024
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MLP: One as a Family: A Golden Week in Exile - SaburoDaimando

A prologue to the upcoming Operation Daisy Joy and Beyond Saga

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17: I Dream of Evevanya

I Dream of Evevanya

Wanda Young and Sunset Shimmer were wandering a deep, lush forest in the middle of the night with Abigail Albright following them from behind. They were in awe of the flora, from the deep green of the tree leaves, to the flowers big and small.

“What a beautiful place,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I know this is a dream world, but I can never imagine a forest like this.”

“I can,” Wanda said. “The Everfree Forest. Remember that?”

“Barely,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I think the reason why you remember that forest was because you could feel the magic surrounding it.”

“And I also believed a voice called out to me,” Wanda said. “But I don’t know why it did.”

“But that does make me wonder,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Are we truly in the Everfree Forest, even if it's just a dream?”

“It does,” Wanda said. “And yet, it feels like it doesn't. I don't know why.”

“That we can answer.” The familiar, yet gentle, voice caused Wanda, Sunset and Abigail to come to a slight stop. They looked around the vicinity of the forest, hoping to locate the source of that voice.

“That sounded like mommy,” Wanda said. “But where is she?”

“Good question,” Sunset responded. “I don't see her at all.”

“Oh how silly of us. Maybe we should show our faces to you.” Wanda, Sunset and Abigail turned around to see Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Queen Eleanor Young approached the trio. Wanda and Sunset paused for a moment before they ran up to the adults.

“Mommies, Aunt Woona,” Wanda cheered before Princess Celestia picked her up before she and Queen Eleanor cuddled her.

As Sunset walked up to Princess Luna, she reached out and hugged the alicorn of the night while Abigail rubbed her body on the side of Luna's left arm.

“We're glad you three made it,” Princess Luna said. “We've been expecting you.”

“Expecting us?” Sunset asked. “Are we deep within the Everfree Forest?”

“Not exactly,” Queen Eleanor said. “In fact, it’s not even in Equestria.”

Queen Eleanor pulled away at the foliage that was blocking the path. Wanda, Sunset and Abigail looked beyond and their jaws dropped in awe.

“Is….is this Evevanya?” Wanda asked.

“Not just Evevanya, my darling Wanda,” Queen Eleanor said. “Equinox City.”

In front of Wanda, Sunset and Abigail, was a beautiful stone city partially covered by vines that were dotted by a variety of flowers, and a river that goes through the heart of this metropolis with bridges hanging over. Human-like creatures wandered the vicinity. Some bore insect wings like Wanda while others had beast-like arms and legs and bat-like wings. While the adults had pointy ears and noses, the younglings had rounded ears and noses.

“Equinox City,” Wanda said. “The place of my birth. But….in the dream realm?”

“A taste of what you will expect once we deal with Gold Banks,” Princess Celestia said. “But I believe there is someone who can lead us through.”

“I take it Queen Eleanor will,” Sunset said.”

“Not quite,” Princess Luna said. “In fact, Queen Eleanor was able to help me get through to her.”

“Get through to who?” Sunset asked.

“Why, your new tour guide, and a close friend of your biological mother.” The words of an unknown voice caused Wanda, Sunset and Abigail to turn around. Standing above them was an Evevanyian woman with black hair, pointy ears, and a midnight blue royal dress, holding a jeweled staff in her right hand. Wanda took one good look at her and a spark filled her mind.

“Wait a minute,” Wanda said. “Are you my Evevaniyan mommy's close ally Queen Lillian?”

“You guessed right, little princess,” Queen Lillian responded. “I represent the Dusk side of Equinox City, capital city of the world of Evevanya.”

Wanda and Sunset took no time to bow to Queen Lillian, who only chuckled in amusement.

“Now now, you don't need to be that humble to me,” Queen Lillian laughed. “After all, you both are royalty in your own rights.”

Wanda and Sunset looked up at Queen Lillian and blushed embarrassingly while Abigail let out an innocent meow. The only thing Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Queen Eleanor could do was laugh.

“I'm glad to see Wanda and Sunset smiling and enjoying themselves,” Princess Celestia giggled. “Even in this dream world.”

“I can say the same thing for you, sis” Princess Luna said.

“But all that aside,” Princess Celestia said as she calmed down, “I think it's time to explore Equinox City and give you a small sample just to help boost morale for the trials ahead.”

Princess Celestia pushed her way through the leaves of the tree and made her way towards Equinox City with Queen Lillian and Queen Eleanor by her side. Princess Luna followed her sister and the Evevanyian queens from behind. Wanda turned to Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright, eager to follow from behind.

“Come on, sis,” Wanda said. “Let’s go see what Equinox City is from up close.”

With a flap of her wings, Sunset Shimmer flew over Wanda before she followed Princess Celestia from behind. Abigail jumped onto Wanda’s shoulder before following the filly alicorn from behind. They all made their way towards the streets of Equinox City.

Deep within Equinox City, Queen Lillian led Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Queen Eleanor, Sunset Shimmer, Wanda Young and Abigail Albright. While the buildings stood tall and proud, they are covered in vines and plants to brighten up the mood.

“What a beautiful place,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Mother, have you ever been here before?”

“Can’t say that I have,” Princess Celestia said. “After all, while the foliage around this city is familiar, everything else I have never seen before.”

“Not to mention Equinox City is not as technologically advanced as Equestria,” Princess Luna said.

“It’s true that our kind are not equipped with computers, machines, or electric-powered vehicles,” Queen Eleanor said. “But what we lack in tech, we make up for it with a more liberal use of magic.”

“It sure is pretty,” Wanda said. “But something is bugging me.”

“What is that, my darling Wanda?” Princess Celestia asked.

“It’s the people,” Wanda said. “Something is wrong with them.”

As Sunset Shimmer looked around, she noticed the Evevanyian citizens looking sad and depressed. Some had their heads hung low. Others walked as if they were weighed down by their own emotions.

“You’re right on that,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Did something happen here?”

“That I can actually answer,” Queen Lillian said. “Prior to the incident in Canterlot, I was informed that you were to return to Evevanya with your friends after a tough decision by Princess Celestia and my counterpart. When I told the citizens of Evevanya about Princess Wanda’s return home, they were excited to see her for the first time since her birth.”

“So what happened when they found out about what Gold Banks did?” Wanda asked.

“When I broke the news about the incident in Canterlot, about how Gold Banks seized control, and that you and your companions had to go into hiding, the people fell into a depression,” Queen Lillian explained. “They wanted to see their princess for the first time in twenty five years, and to hear of this news was just horrible. But as they feared that their princess was taken away for good, something horrible came from this revelation. Take a look around.”

Wanda, Sunset and Abigail looked around to see a green mist surrounding the citizens of Evevanya. Some of that mists drifted away from the city and into the forests.

“What is that?” Wanda asked.

“It is called gloom magic,” Queen Lillian explained. “Both the Dawn and the Dusk give off a powerful magic depending on the strength of their mood. When their mood is positive, it gives off a vibrant energy that radiates around. But when the mood is negative, you see this gloomy essence that surrounds them like a plague.”

“Imagine what would happen if someone were to weaponize this….gloom magic,” Sunset Shimmer said.

Looking at the Evevanyians and the mist of gloom that surrounded them, Wanda ran up to Queen Lillian, catching her attention.

“Queen Lillian,” Wanda asked. “If Evevanyians could give off that kind of magic, why can I not do so?”

“That is a good question,” Queen Lillian said. “Because even Earthling-based Evevanyians can still give off magic based on their mood. For twenty five years since your birth, I had yet to figure out why you are unable to radiate magic like the rest of us, and not to mention why you weaken when you use your magic. A defect, perhaps?”

“That also leads me to another question,” Wanda asked. “What about you and my Evevanyian mommy? How come you’re not giving off this gloom magic?”

“Now that I can answer,” Queen Lillian said. “Follow me to the castle.”

As Queen Lillian, Queen Eleanor, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna made their way through the city, Wanda paused for a moment, allowing Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright to catch up to her.

“More questions than answers, I take it,” Sunset responded.

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “The more I ask, the more I don’t even know. I didn’t even know I couldn’t radiate magic like the rest of the Evevanyians.”

“Maybe there is more to you than meets the eye,” Sunset Shimmer said. “But for now, let’s find our answers at the palace.”

Wanda nodded before she, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright followed the adults as they made their way to the central palace of Evevanya.

Inside the palace, Queen Eleanor and Queen Lillian escorted the rest of the group through the royal halls. Wanda and Sunset looked around and was amazed by the interior design. On one side, the wall's colors were as bright as the sun, while the walls on the other side had colors as beautiful as the night.

“So this is where you truly came from,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I’m both jealous and impressed.”

“I'll say,” Wanda said. “Though it has been twenty five years, it feels so familiar, like it reminds me of mommy and Aunt Woona.”

“I think I can figure out why,” Celestia said. “The Dawn and the Dusk have a connection to the sun and the moon, correct?”

“That is correct,” Queen Eleanor said. “Much like the ponies of Equestria, we Evevanyians are connected to the sun and the moon, along with the four mythical beasts.”

“The azure dragon, the red phoenix, the white tiger and the black tortoise,” Queen Lillian said. “Not only are they connected to the four seasons, but also to the morning, noon, evening and night.”

“But why do you both not radiate magic?” Wanda asked.

But both Eleanor and Lillian chuckled a bit before everyone came to a stop.

“My darling Wanda,” Eleanor said as she turned to her biological daughter. “It’s true that Evevanyians are able to radiate magic based off their moon. What separates me and my counterpart from the rest of the Evevanyians is that we can hold our magic back for days, if not years.”

“Hold your magic back?” Wanda responded.

“That is correct,” Queen Lillian said. “But every once in a while, we have to release a tiny bit of magic from our bodies. If we hold it in for too long, it could be fatal. You, as I stated, possess no ability to radiate magic, which makes me wonder if you have a defect within you.”

Wanda let out a sigh before she looked down at her hands. Queen Eleanor placed her hand on Wanda’s shoulder, causing her daughter to look up at her.

“There’s no need to worry,” Queen Eleanor said. “Come. There are people that you should get to know.”

Wanda nodded to her biological mother before she gripped her hands in anticipation. With that, Wanda made her way down the hallway with everyone else following from behind.

“The ability to withhold magic,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I never knew that could exist.”

“It does,” Princess Celestia said. “But in terms of magic, we Equestrians aren’t as powerful as the Eveyanians.”

“At times, it makes me wish I was born an Evevanyian instead of an Equestria,” Sunset joked.

“Maybe in an alternate universe, you would have,” Luna responded. “But then Wanda would have been born a pony.”

As the group made their way down the halls, they passed through an open doorway, where they noticed two human males in royal attire talking with each other. This catches the attention of Sunset Shimmer and Wanda Young.

“Humans in Evevanya?” Sunset Shimmer said, curious. “Especially in the palace?”

“They are more than just humans, they are said to be the kings of Evevanya,” Princess Celestia explained.

“Looks like I taught you well on that subject,” Queen Eleanor laughed.

Queen Eleanor walked up to Wanda before directing her attention towards the brown haired human with a beard, gold armor and light gray pants, who was speaking with the other human with long black hair and beard and a dark blue and white attire.

“Do you know who that is?” Eleanor asked.

“I think I've seen him before in my dreams,” Wanda said. “But I don't know why.”

“That’s your father King Samuel Young,” Eleanor explained. “Son of Eddie Young and Molly Williams Young. The fellow opposite of him is Queen Lillian’s current husband: King Daniel Diamond.”

“What are they doing?” Wanda asked.

“Watch and learn,” Queen Eleanor responded.

As the group stood there, the two humans Samuel Young and Daniel Diamond spoke with each other with Daniel’s hand placed on what appears to be a holographic table projecting the planet of Evevanya.

“Are you really sure about that?” King Samuel Young asked. “After all, I haven’t seen my wife in a week and I don’t know if I will ever see my daughter again.”

“Right now, we have to put our faith in my wife,” King Daniel Diamond responded. “She was told that she could communicate with this Princess Luna fellow beyond the planet’s jurisdiction. Besides, the gloom magic outside won’t be able to penetrate the magic shield.”

“Even so, I do fear for our people,” Samuel said. “When word got out about what happened to my wife and daughter, it affected nearly everyone.”

“And there’s also King Vorak’s son that we have to worry about,” Daniel said. “After all, Prince Tirek is also a source of the gloom magic alongside our people.”

King Samuel paused for a moment while King Daniel took his hand off of the table.

“What’s surprising is that your son Prince Amadeus is not affected by the gloom of Prince Tirek,” Samuel said.

“Even more surprising, it’s because my son has been the last light for his half-brother up at the ruins of Midnight Castle,” Daniel said before he turned away and walked towards a window facing north. “Ever since Tirek took the blame for the death of his father, he chose to hold himself up at the once proud castle of the Dusk people. And no matter how many times we chose to forgive Tirek for his actions, he refuses to step a hoof out from those ruins.”

“Still, the fact that Prince Tirek sees Prince Amadeus as a brother says a whole lot,” Samuel Young said. “I think it’s what keeps his gloom at bay. But doesn’t that make you worry about your own son?”

“That might be an understatement,” Daniel Diamond said. “I still worry for his safety not because of Tirek, but because of the dangers that lurk around the ruins of Midnight Castle. I fear that the corruption that affected Prince Tirek could affect my son as well. May he continue to be safe.”

“Though I barely knew who you were when you came to Evevanya twenty five years ago, you’ve proven to have carried the spark of trust and friendship,” Samuel Young said. “One that proves you are a close friend of the late King Vorak. I bet he would have been proud.”

King Daniel Diamond nodded to King Samuel Young as the two looked out the window towards the north. Nearby, Sunset Shimmer’s ears perked for a bit before she turned back to Wanda, who looked surprised.

“Now I’ve heard everything,” Sunset Shimmer laughed. “This new king of Evevanya has a son named Prince Amadeus. Even more so, he’s formed a close friendship with Prince Tirek. How do you like that?”

“Wait a minute,” Wanda said. “I think I’ve heard this name before.”

Wanda turned towards Abigail, who also looked excited.

“Abby,” Wanda said. “Didn’t you know someone by the name of Amadeus?”

“Yes,” Abigail said. “Amadeus….old…friend.”

“Then you’ve figured it out,” Princess Celestia said. “Abigail, like you, came from Evevanya and she was the close companion of Prince Amadeus.”

“Oh my gosh,” Wanda said, excited. “I can’t wait to see who this Prince Amadeus truly is.”

“Oh that won’t be a problem,” Queen Lillian said. “In fact, I know a shortcut that can get you to the ruins of Midnight Castle.”

Immediately, Wanda got down on her knees before looking up at Queen Lillian.

“Oh please take me to Midnight Castle,” Wanda begged. “Pleaaaaaaase.”

But all Queen Lillian did was chuckle at Wanda’s silliness. Her laughter also caused Celestia, Luna, Eleanor, Sunset and Abigail to laugh as well.

“Oh you didn’t need to ask,” Queen Lillian said as she held her hands in the air. “In fact, I was gonna do so, anyway.”

Holding her staff in the air, Queen Lillian fired a blast of magic from the jewel of her cane. A vortex materialized out of nowhere before it opened up all the way. Princess Luna walked over to the portal before turning towards Princess Luna.

“I’m not the only one who can journey through the dream realm,” Princess Luna said. “Shall we go in?”

Wanda nodded to Princess Luna before she ran towards the portal and jumped in, disappearing without a trace.

“Hey wait,” Sunset Shimmer said as she and Abigail ran towards the portal.

Immediately, Sunset and Abigail jumped into the portal and disappeared completely, leaving the adults behind.

“Well there’s no need for me to waste any time,” Princess Celestia said, flapping her wings with excitement. “It’s time to dive right into the danger zone.”

Princess Celestia ran as fast as she could before she jumped into the portal and disappeared completely. Princess Luna jumped in after her sister, vanishing as well. But before Queen Lillian could jump through, Queen Eleanor held her hand.

“There’s no way I’m going to let you jump through without me accompanying you,” Queen Eleanor laughed.

“Well what are you waiting for?” Queen Lillian said. “Let’s do this.”

With that, Queen Eleanor and Queen Lillian took a few steps back before running towards the portal, holding their hands together. They took a giant leap and disappeared into the portal. Moments later, the vortex shrunk down and disappeared completely.

But in an instant, King Samuel and King Daniel turned around as if they had noticed something was behind them.

“What was that all about?” King Samuel said. “It was as if I could hear my wife and daughter.

“That’s just the magic of Queen Lillian,” King Daniel said. “And don’t you worry. Queen Eleanor and Princess Wanda should be alright.”

“Then it may be a sign that they are still out there,” King Samuel said. “Perhaps one day, my wife and daughter can finally return to Evevanya, and the people will welcome them with open arms.”

To Be Concluded in…

Brothers at Heart

Author's Note:

So good news. I was able to get this part done last night.

Bad news, I'm not done yet. In fact, I'm gonna make the next part finally introduce Prince Tirek and Prince Amadeus. I may even have the latter interact with Wanda in the dream world.

Anyway, expect the conclusion to this prologue as early as this weekend.