• Published 2nd Apr 2024
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MLP: One as a Family: A Golden Week in Exile - SaburoDaimando

A prologue to the upcoming Operation Daisy Joy and Beyond Saga

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05: A New Day in the Golden Land

A new Day in the Golden Land

Wanda Young woke up that beautiful morning in the Golden Land, atop Princess Celestia’s bed. She slid herself off the bed before touching the floor. Looking down, she saw a pair of shoes that stood out in front of her. Wanda grabbed each shoe and placed them on her respective feet. Immediately, she looked to her right and saw her luggage and her dress. Immediately, she reached out and grabbed both items, placing the luggage on the floor and the dress on her shoulder. But as she began to make her way towards the door, she heard the sound of Princess Celestia calling her name.

“Mommy,” Wanda said, turning towards Princess Celestia.

“Are you heading out already?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Yes,” Wanda said before bowing to Princess Celestia. “I want to check up on my sisters before I go explore the Golden Land once more.”

“Wanda,” Princess Celestia said before she placed her hoof on Wanda's face. “As much as I want for you to stay here and keep me comfortable, I know you also desire to explore the now smaller world that you and what's left of your family and friends have become a prisoner in. And you have every right to do so.”

“Mommy, I,.” Wanda said before Celestia placed her hoof on Wanda's mouth.

“I will try to make it without you or the others, even if it does take a toll on my well-being,” Princess Celestia said. “There are two promises that I ask of you.”

As Princess Celestia pulled her hoof away, Wanda looked up to her adopted mother with a tear in her left eye.

“What are these promises?” Wanda asked.

“The first promise is to listen to your eldest sister Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Chancellor Cinch, Queen Novo, Argyle Starshine or your own biological mother while I recover from this fallout,” Princess Celestia explained.

“And what's the other promise?” Wanda asked.

“To at least be happy, even in these tough times,” Princess Celestia responded. “Even if I am not with you, even when I do fall into a depression, just remember to be optimistic for your friends, and for your sisters’ sake. You will feel some form of sadness. But that is apart of who we are.”

Wanda looked up at Princess Celestia as her own eyes became watery. She dropped her luggage and placed her dress on top of it before she reached out and gave Princess Celestia a hug.

“I will, mommy,” Wanda cried. “I will.”

“That's the spirit “ Princess Celestia said, her eyes filled with tears. “Now the world that you live in awaits your presence once more. But you will not be alone, I promise you that.”

As Princess Celestia cradled Wanda closely, Wanda looked up at her adopted mother, her eyes even more watery as tears rolled down her cheek. She nuzzled her face on Celestia’s fur pelt for the moment before pulling herself away.

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “I promise I’ll behave, and to at least be happy.”

“Then the world is now yours to explore, my darling Wanda,” Princess Celestia said as she placed her hoof on Wanda’s head and gently rubbed it. “But you won’t have to explore it alone, as long as your friends remain by your side.”

“I will, mommy,” Wanda said before she grabbed her luggage and her dress. “And thank you.”

Wanda Young bowed to Princess Celestia before she turned around and walked towards the door, pulling her luggage and carrying her dress on her shoulder. She opened the door leading out of the bedroom before walking through. Immediately, the door slammed shut behind her, leaving Princess Celestia all by herself.

Princess Celestia let out a depressed sigh before she used her magic to lock the front door. She turned her attention towards the window leading out to the balcony. Noticing the lock that kept the window shut, Princess Celestia used her magic to pick the lock before opening the window up.

“As much as I don’t wish to be bothered right now,” Princess Celestia said, “There will be a time where I need some fresh air for the moment. Maybe Luna will one day come back to me.”

Princess Celestia immediately turned towards the crystal on the golden mount atop the dresser. She looked at the crystal before her horn lit up.

“Maybe I should look at the message that our father left us before he disappeared for good,” Princess Celestia said.

Princess Celestia’s horn lit up as an aura of magic surrounded the crystal on the dresser. She used her magic to pick it up and pull it closer to her. But just as the crystal was nearing the bed, Celestia dropped her head down and lowered the crystal until it landed gently on the floor before the magic disappeared.

“Maybe now might not be the time to do so,” Princess Celestia said. “It’s true that my depression will return, only because I still worry for Sunset Shimmer’s well being and to see the eyes of my sister once more. But at least, I know my darling Wanda will try to be happy, even if it’s for the sake of her friends.”

Princess Celestia looked up at the window and just stared right at it as a burst of magic emitted from her horn, surrounding the room in a powerful aura.

Outside, Wanda Young walked through the hallway, pulling her luggage and carrying her dress on her shoulder. She looked back at the moment, seeing the locked door that led to Princess Celestia’s bedroom.

“Mommy is going to be alone for a while,” Wanda said. “And…I am going to miss her. I just hope she can make it through these next few days, especially that we lost Aunt Woona yesterday. And there’s still my sister Sunset Shimmer. Oh Sunset. I wish you weren’t in this condition.”

As Wanda let out a deep sigh, she turned away from the door and towards the hall. Immediately, she noticed Starlight Glimmer walking down the hallway, looking slightly content, but with a tiny hint of worry in her eyes.

“Starlight,” Wanda yelled, catching Starlight Glimmer’s attention. “Over here.”

Starlight turned towards Wanda before running up to her.

“Morning Wanda,” Starlight said. “Are you going to check up on Sunset Shimmer?”

“I am,” Wanda said. “In fact, I’m hoping she could wake up.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for as well,” Starlight said. “I still remember yesterday when she turned into her she-demon form and attacked Gold Banks, only to later lose to her.”

“Why don’t we check up on her together?” Wanda said. “That way, we’ll know she’s okay.”

Starlight nodded before she turned towards a nearby door. With a burst of magic, she opened the doorway leading into a room.

“This is where she is, right?” Wanda asked.

“That’s right,” Starlight said. “Come with me.”

Wanda Young and Starlight Glimmer walked through the doorway and into the room. Inside, Sunset Shimmer slept peacefully on the bed with a blanket covering her torso and legs. Next to her were Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Spike the Dragon, Karen the Bulldog and Abigail Albright. A nervous Wanda released her hold on her luggage and placed her dress on top before she approached Sunset Shimmer.

“Sunset,” Wanda said. “I’m sorry for abandoning you when I lost it. I don’t think I deserve any forgiveness after what I pulled.”

Wanda’s words attracted everyone next to Sunset, especially Princess Cadance who walked up to Wanda and gently rubbed her on the head.

“It’s okay, my little sister,” Princess Cadance said. “And good morning to you two.”

“Last night, we chose to stay by Sunset Shimmer’s side while you chose to stay by Princess Celestia’s side,” Shining Armor explained. “So how was she?”

“Well, she was okay,” Wanda said. “And yet, not okay. Mommy still misses Aunt Woona, even though they can both communicate with each other in the dream realm.”

“That resourceful alicorn,” Princess Cadance laughed. “I had a feeling that she would do this, even in captivity.”

“So why haven't I spoke with her in the dream realm?” Wanda asked.

“That's a good question,” Shining Armor responded. “Did Princess Celestia bring that up to you?”

“She did,” Wanda said. “She said something about trying to break into Sunset's dream world, but is unable to. She also mentioned Aunt Woona telling you and Miss Cinch to lead us.”

“Funny you should say that,” Princess Cadance said. “Because Princess Luna spoke with me in the dream realm, asking me and Chancellor Cinch to look after the ponies of the Golden Land. But I let her know that I plan on letting Queen Novo, King Sombra and your biological mother help out while I look after your sister.”

“That’s amazing,” Wanda said. “I hope she can speak with me in the dream realm.”

“She will, Wanda,” Princess Cadance smiled. “She will.”

But before Wanda could say anything, Karen the Bulldog leaped onto Wanda’s chest and began to lick her on the face. Wanda laughed out loud as she struggled to push Karen back.

“Knock it out, Karen,” Wanda giggled. “That tickles.”

Shining Armor laughed as he picked up Karen with his magic and pulled her close.

“That’s enough from you, Karen,” Shining Armor chortled. “Besides, Wanda has a big adventure to go through until Sunset Shimmer awakens.”

Those words caused Wanda and Starlight to turn towards Sunset Shimmer, watching as the filly slept deeply, paying no attention to any sounds whatsoever.

“Sunset,” Starlight cried. “I wish she didn’t have to end up like this.”

“I wish for that as well,” Wanda said. “I also wish Gold Banks never did this to her.”

“Wanda,” Princess Cadance said. “I know what you’re thinking. You want to look after Sunset Shimmer while she’s asleep.”

“I do,” Wanda said, turning to Princess Cadance. “I want to make sure she’s alright.”

“And she will be alright,” Princess Cadance said. “Shining Armor and I will watch over Sunset Shimmer. You and Starlight Glimmer should go and explore with your friends.”

“But big sis,” Wanda said. “What if something horrible happens to Sunset?”

“Don’t you worry,” Shining Armor said as he sat Karen down. “I’ll make sure nothing horrible happens to my future sister-in-law.”

“They’re right on that point, Man’s Cub. They are more than capable of looking after Sunset Shimmer until she awakens.” Wanda Young and Starlight Glimmer turned around and saw Chancellor Abacus Cinch make her way through the doorway and approach the two younglings.

“Miss Cinch,” Wanda said, nervously before she bowed to her.

“At ease,” Cinch said, raising her hoof in her. “I came in here to also check up on Sunset Shimmer and to ensure that she is comfortable until she awakens.”

“So you know about Sunset Shimmer’s condition?” Starlight Glimmer asked.

“You may not know this, but I also spoke with Princess Luna in the dream realm,” Chancellor Cinch said. “She told me that she was taken captive after she sealed us within the Golden Realm, and the condition Sunset Shimmer is going through. She also told me and Princess Cadance to take command of the rulership until further notice.”

“All while mommy is unable to do so?” Wanda asked.

“That’s exactly right,” Princess Cadance said as she gently rubbed Wanda on the head. “Besides, it’s not the first time that I’ve done this.”

“And this time, I will be by her side as co-ruler,” Chancellor Cinch said. “For now, you and your friends should spend some time together just to boost your own morale. Do this for your adopted mother’s sake.”

Wanda looked at Chancellor Cinch square in the eyes, her forehead began to sweat as her eyes twitched a bit.

“I will, Miss Cinch,” Wanda said before she bowed once more.

“Very good,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Now you and Ms Glimmer should meet up with your friends at the foyer of this golden palace. We’ll look after her from here.”

Wanda Young turned towards Starlight Glimmer before she allowed the twin-tailed filly to place her right front hoof into the palm of Wanda’s right hand. But as the two made their way to the doorway…

“Wait,” Shining Armor shouted, causing Wanda and Starlight to pause and turn their heads towards the teen stallion and Princess Cadance.

“Shining?” Wanda asked. “Is something wrong?”

“No,” Shining Armor said before he picked up Spike the Dragon with his magic. “Take Spikey Wikey with you, along with Abigail. They both want to hang out with you, Wanda.”

Wanda released her hold on Starlight’s hoof before she turned towards Spike and Abigail. The baby dragon and kitten up to Wanda and Starlight. Abigail leaped into Wanda’s arms while the Spike approached Starlight Glimmer, allowing the filly to pet the baby dragon on the forehead.

“Don’t worry, big sister and big future brother-in-law,” Wanda said as Abigail hugged her. “We got this.”

“You definitely got this together,” Shining Armor said. “Now go break a leg and have some fun.”

With Abigail in her arms, Wanda Young walked towards the doorway and exited with Spike and Starlight following her from behind. As soon as they were out, Princess Cadance closed the door with her magic before turning back towards Chancellor Cinch and Shining Armor.

“Now that Wanda and Starlight can worry a little less,” Princess Cadance said, “I think we should get down to business about our meeting with Princess Luna last night.”

“How could I forget, when you dragged me into that dream last night?” Shining Armor laughed.

“It was because we didn't want you left out,” Princess Cadance laughed.

“Well as much as I want to continue this comedy charade,” Chancellor Cinch said, “We should get to the point of our meeting with Princess Luna last night.”

“Point taken, chancellor,” Shining Armor said. “It's one thing to be glad that Princess Luna is safe. But….why just us three?”

“Well, Aunt Luna only wished to speak with me and the chancellor last night in our sleep,” Princess Cadance said. “But she made an exception with you, Shining. But there's also the matter with Gold Bank's new power from her Alicorn Amulet.”

“It was the reason why we wanted your sister to return to Evevanya,” Chancellor Cinch explained. “This world had become too dangerous for her own good, from being forced to attend Daisy Joy Tech to being caught in a major conflict on Mount Aris.”

“But before we could get Wanda to safety, Gold Banks threatened to invade Evevanya and capture every youngling there,” Princess Cadance said. “It’s a shame she couldn’t get to go home.”

“And as horrifying as it was that we had to seal ourselves away in the Golden Land, we may have made the right choice,” Chancellor Cinch added. “Had Queen Eleanor opened the gateway to Evevanya, we would have allowed Gold Banks to enter that land and take every child from there away. We would have unintentionally aided an invasion against her people.”

“And resorted to a massive kidnapping of Evevanyian children, be it Dawn or Dusk,” Shining Armor said. “Sometimes I wonder if Wanda is safe in our world, in her world, or at all.”

“That is not a question you’ll find a good answer to,” Chancellor Cinch said, directing her eyes towards the unconscious Sunset Shimmer. “Judging by how Gold Banks has been one step ahead of all of us, the Man’s Cub may not be safe, regardless where she goes.”

Shining Armor walked up to Sunset Shimmer before placing his right hoof on her forehead. The filly dreamed a deep sleep, slowly breathing in and out before Shining Armor took his hoof off and directed his eyes back to Princess Cadance and Chancellor Cinch.

“So what can we do about it?” Shining Armor asked.

“I’ve already spoken with some of the other adults who are willing to pitch in,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Argyle Starshine, Queen Novo, Queen Eleanor Young, and especially a certain king of the Crystal Empire.”

“Wait,” Shining Armor said with a smirk on his face. “You’re talking about King Sombra, aren’t you?”

“Exactly,” Chancellor Cinch said. “In fact, he should be here, any second now.”

Immediately, everyone’s ears perked up as they heard someone say “I heard someone mention my name.” Chancellor Cinch stepped to the side as Princess Cadance and Shining Armor turned their heads towards the entrance. Immediately, King Sombra Brightdawn made his way inside with his little sister Misty by his side.

“King Sombra,” Princess Cadance said, bowing to the half-pony, half-umbrum heroic scoundrel.

“At ease, Princess,” King Sombra chuckled. “You know I prefer to be humble than majestic.”

“Oh, sorry,” Princess Cadance laughed as she lifted her head back up. “Just a common habit.”

As King Sombra walked up to Chancellor Cinch, Misty ran towards the bed and stood on her hind legs, looking at the unconscious Sunset Shimmer.

“Poor Sunset,” Misty Brightdawn said. “I wish she didn’t end up like that.”

“My youngest sister and I agree on that statement, Misty,” Princess Cadance said. “She pushed herself hard with her demon form, only to lose the fight in the end.”

“All that struggle, and her loss only wrecked her spirit,” Misty said, placing her hoof on Sunset’s head. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“I’m afraid not,” Princess Cadance said. “But Princess Luna, despite her capture, can still aid us in the dream realm. She will try to break Sunset Shimmer free from her nightmare. And I have faith in her.”

“I hope so,” Misty Brightdawn said, taking her hoof off of Sunset’s forehead. “Besides, I remember when Sunny Starscout was in that same condition as Sunset Shimmer is. Princess Luna knew how to break into her mind and free her from her own nightmare.”

Princess Cadance looked down at Misty with a warm smile on her face before she reached out and hugged Misty Brightdawn. Nearby, King Sombra stood in front of Chancellor Cinch as Shining Armor walked around the bed and approached the duo.

“So Princess Luna is still able to tap into the dream realm,” King Sombra said. “Clever girl.”

“As clever as she is, we are down by two princesses for the moment,” Chancellor Cinch said. “While Luna’s physical form was locked away in Tartarus, Princess Celestia has locked herself away in her room within these golden halls. We are, but the few remaining adults left to look after the surviving citizens.”

“Not just us,” Shining Armor said. “But others like Queen Novo, Queen Eleanor and Argyle Starshine are available to help out.”

“What about the heads of the Pie family?” King Sombra asked.

“They’re going through some hard times since they were forced into this land,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I would recommend against asking for any help.”

“Noted,” King Sombra said. “And the same can be said for Mr and Mrs Cake.”

“They’ve already pitched in for baking goods for everyone,” Shining Armor said. “Even Pinkie Pie is eager to bake for the ponies of the Golden Land.”

“Seems everyone is eager to play their part in these dark times,” King Sombra said. “Guess I better start pulling my weight as well while we’re absent from the Crystal Empire.”

“One question is how to help push Wanda and her remaining friends’ morale up,” Shining Armor pondered.

“I have an idea,” King Sombra said. “One day, you should consider camping at the place known as Lost within the Emerald Forest, take the young’uns with you. That would be a sweet idea, don’t you think?”

“It would be,” Shining Armor said. “But I’m also aware of Starlight Glimmer’s swinophobia. Last time she was there, the pigs scared her like crazy.”

“Then maybe I should accompany you,” King Sombra said, placing his arm around Shining Armor’s back. “Give the little one a guardian to keep those porkers at bay. Wadda say?”

Shining Armor looked at King Sombra before he said “Sounds like a good idea, you smart scoundrel.”

“At least it’s better than being called a spoony bard,” King Sombra laughed. “But that being said, I think Princess Cadance should go with us.”

“Are….are you sure about that?” Princess Cadance asked.

“Go with them,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I’ll look after Sunset Shimmer and make sure she’s alright.”

But as Princess Cadance pondered the words of Chancellor Cinch, Misty got down from the bed and turned around. She immediately noticed Wanda’s luggage with her dress on top and walked up to it.

“Hey big brother,” Misty said, placing her hoof on the dress. “Isn’t this Wanda’s stuff?”

King Sombra took his arm off of Shining Armor’s back before he walked up to Misty, who took her hoof off the dress and looked up at her brother.

“Why it is,” King Sombra said. “She must have left it behind for some reason.”

“Tell you what,” Misty said. “I’ll catch up to her and deliver her stuff. How does that sound?”

“Sounds like a good idea,” King Sombra said before he rubbed Misty on her mane. “Besides, we’ll need all the fillies so far to keep her content until we can get out of this mess.”

“Thanks, big brother,” Misty said, bowing to King Sombra. “I’ll get to it, right away.”

Misty Brightdawn grabbed Wanda’s shirt and placed it on her back. Using her magic, Misty picked up the luggage before walking towards the doorway. King Sombra stood there, watching as his little sister made her way out of the room.

“She’s still exactly as I remembered her, prior to losing our mother and father,” King Sombra Brightdawn said.

“I know your mother was Princess Amore Brightdawn,” Princess Cadance said. “But who was your father?”

“A stallion with a taste for puzzles, challenges and tea making,” King Sombra said. “We lost him years before we lost our mother. His name….was Alphabittle Blossomforth.”

To Be Continued in…

A piece of Cake to Bake a Pretty Cake

Author's Note:

This is where I add in additional tales to this story. Going beyond just the ones I came up with. It's the reason why I chose to expand the prologue into its own thing rather than just go with 6 parts.

The next part will bring Pinkie Pie into the fray. Though she does face her own conflicts.