• Published 15th Apr 2016
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Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 131: Negotiations

Episode 131: Negotiations

Surveying the fresh wreckage of what was left of much of Camp Everfree, Celestia felt the weight of the Soul Reaper’s uniform she wore all the more. She’d replaced the damaged Captain’s coat that had been largely torn up during her fight with Grogar, having been given one while she’d frustratingly waited for Captain Hurricane to mobilize his Division and for Central 46 to grant approval for the large deployment of forces to the living world. Her jaw still ached slightly from the way she’d clenched it the entire time, waiting for the Senkaimon Gate to be opened, knowing full well that every second could cost precious lives.

And by the time she and Hurricane had gotten here with their reinforcements, it was already over...

On one hand, a part of her was relieved that Sunset Shimmer and her friends had managed to win the day. Not without help from Celestia’s fellow Captains, but Celestia was still trying to get the whole picture of what had happened. Luna was being rather sourly tight lipped about what exactly had transpired between her and Adagio Dazzle, although Celestia knew her sister well enough to tell that Luna was more than merely sore over losing a fight. Something else was bothering her, but Luna wasn’t saying anything, deflecting Celestia’s questions with mumbled ‘Tell you later’ or ‘Not now’.

Sweet Cider was similarly being light on words. She’d said very little other than to report that she’d driven off an Espada, with Applejack’s assistance. Celestia didn’t know Sweet Cider as well as her sister, of course, but Sweet Cider wore her emotions clearly enough to make it apparent that whatever had occurred, it had been far more than a mere battle against any old foe.

Then there was the “prisoner” that Sweet Cider was standing guard over. Though she stood as nonchalantly as possible in the center of the remains of Camp Everfree, the woman whom Celestia had previously known as the human Gloriosa Daisy the focal point of much nervous gazes from the Soul Reapers who kept watch over the camp. If Sweet Cider wasn’t there, Celestia had to wonder if anyone would have made the mistake of attacking “Gloriosa” out of fear. Celestia was not caught up on the full details, but if what Discord said was true, then for all intents and purposes the human Gloriosa was gone, and in her place was a strange amalgam of her and the ancient Arrancar, Gaia Everfree.

Celestia knew the name, as Gaia had been fairly well known in her time, even if that time was before Celestia’s. She didn’t know what to think, looking at Gaia now. A threat? A victim? A possible ally? All she knew was that things had gotten more complicated with Gaia here, and it probably didn’t bode well for Sunset Shimmer and the girls keeping out of trouble with Central 46.

Gaia aside, there was the perhaps even more immediate issue of the Quincy. Celestia’s eyes were drawn to where the group of white uniformed individuals gathered on Camp Everfree’s eastern side, near what was once the lakeshore, now just a wet field of mud and rock. She saw Filthy Rich, kneeling down on one knee in front of his daughter, Silver Spoon standing beside them with one hand lightly on her friend’s shoulder. Celestia couldn’t hear what was being said, but she couldn’t miss the pained pinch of Rich’s features, the strained exhaustion of Diamond Tiara’s. The child’s eyes kept darting between that of her father, and that of her mother. Spoiled Rich was unconscious, held bound by magical chains and kept under watch alongside Gladmane by a towering silver figure. That figure alone, the transformed Sternritter Sapphire Shores, made Celestia’s stomach churn both with apprehension and a bit of sympathy.

To think Sombra was going this far to push his people for victory. Somehow the way Sapphire Shore’s body was changed permanently reminded Celestia of how Grogar had mutilated his soul with spirit-based machinery.

We’re killing our own souls in this war. Sacrificing ourselves, piece by piece. We Soul Reapers did it with Hitsuyo-Aku, and the things we made there, and the Quincy and Hollows do the same. Will there even be anything of us left by the end of it, even if there is a winner?

Her heart went out to Diamond Tiara. From the confusion and denial on the girl’s face she wasn’t going to quickly come to terms with the truth of her family. Celestia didn’t know what had transpired that left Spoiled Rich and Gladmane both in chains, and Sapphire Shores... somehow under thrall. She recognized Cadence’s Lust, although she’d never witnessed the Schrift’s power used to such a complete extent. She was suddenly glad of the fact that neither she or Luna ever fought Cadence in earnest, or vice versa. She’d always thought of the young Quincy woman as a rare voice of reason among her faction, and was glad that Cadence had taken charge of affairs here.

It was Cadence who was negotiating with Celestia and Hurricane, with Discord acting as a mediator between them. Celestia, although distracted with her taking stock of things, hadn’t missed what Cadence had just said.

“I’m sorry, Cadence, I didn’t mean to stare.”

Cadence, sighing but offering a coy smile, said, “Sapphire Shores is beyond taking offense at this point, but I hope you understand I’m not at liberty to explain her present appearance.”

“Of course-” Celestia started, only to be cut off by Hurricane’s rough voice.

“Of course nothing!” he belted out, thick arms crossing his muscular chest, “We may already know of you Quincy developing a new transformation, but that woman’s appearance does not match our reports! I, for one, demand to know exactly what that transformation is and if there are any more of your kind capable of it.”

Her lips curled back in a smile that could only be described as deliberately sweet while Cadence’s voice was colder than steel, “I am not going to respond to rudely bellowed demands, especially under a flag of truce, however temporary it may be.”

“Flag of truce? Pfft, don’t make me laugh, Quincy!” Hurricane said, inclining his head to stare down his nose at Cadence, “You and your meager forces are drained. Celestia and I are fresh, backed by two full companies, not to mention our three fellow Captains who are, while not in peak condition, undoubtedly still lethal. We outnumber you considerably. In what position do you think yourself able to negotiate anything other than your surrender?”

“I will not be intimidated,” was Cadence’s smooth, unruffled reply, “Filthy Rich and I are quite capable of continuing to fight if need be, and Sapphire Shores is under my control, with her full complement of powers I do not think you wish to test.”

“I do not fear you or your silver monstrosity. If you pathetic lot were able to beat her, while only losing one of your worthless number-”

Cadence’s eyes narrowed to razor slits, her voice a cold slap, “Sternritter Soarin sacrificed himself in the line of duty to help ensure our survival. Another word spoken against him and you’ll get your wish for a termination to these talks.”

“Ladies! Ladies!” Discord said, holding out his hands to path Soul Reapers and Quincy alike, “I suggest we unruffle our jimmies for a second, especially you Captain Hurricane. I mean, seriously, can’t you read the mood of a room? This is hardly the time for saber rattling and picking fights. A rather huge one just ended. Let’s not start that up again so soon, shall we? Especially when there’s more to gain by chatting it out.”

Hurricane’s dark blue features burned red as he glared at Discord, “Why should we listen to a traitorous buffoon like you, precisely?”

“Well, for one,” Discord’s eyes flashed, “Consider that if you begin a fight in my city without being attacked first, I’ll make a point of ending the matter myself. For two, you don’t have Central 46’s authorization to commence a large scale combat operation in the living world unless human lives are under threat. Which they aren’t. Not anymore. Am I wrong?”

Hurricane had the look of a man chewing upon a dish he had no desire to eat as he growled under his breath at Discord, then looked at Celestia, “Are we truly considering letting such a large contingent of the enemy’s elite forces leave when they are in front of us, weakened? This is a golden opportunity to deal a severe blow to the Quincy!”

“Captain Hurricane, we did not come here to ‘deal a severe blow’ to anyone. Our sole purpose was to secure Canterlot City and Camp Everfree from any hostile forces and save human lives,” Celestia reminded him curtly, “Since no one besides you is being hostile at the moment, I see no reason to engage in combat, especially if the Quincy are willing to withdraw willingly from the area.”

She eyed Cadence, “You are willing to withdraw, yes?”

“Soon,” Cadence said, “There’s certain matters that we need to attend to, including ensuring my colleague Twilight Sparkle is fully prepared to depart.”

Yes, there was that. Celestia knew Twilight Sparkle was currently talking with her friends inside one of the few remaining intact buildings in the camp, although Celestia didn’t know what about. She suspected it was concerning what had occurred at Captain Starswirl’s lab. Celestia trusted her instincts. She more or less knew that Sunset and the girls had helped in freeing that Arrancar girl. Captain Starswirl had already confirmed that the Arrancar was gone, freed by her comrades. He’d also made some off hand mention of wishing to speak more with Twilight before she left, and suggested he had things he needed to discuss with Central 46.

Something had clearly happened on his end as well. Celestia was certainly feeling out of the loop. Starswirl at the moment was hanging around nearby, but his attention was less on the talks and more on the sight of the sizable tree in the center of the drained lakebed. A tree that apparently had a now functional and stable portal leading into, of all places, the Beast Realm. And presumably, beyond that, Equestria.

Celestia felt a tingle at the back of her head, feeling her sister’s stare. Luna was sitting against the remains of one of the camp center’s destroyed walls. Celestia couldn’t be certain what her sister was thinking, but had a gut feeling it was drawn to the portal, the same as Celestia’s thoughts were. The Beast Realm. It wasn’t home. Home had always been Soul Society, but Celestia knew, just as she imagined her sister knew, that one day down the road they’d both have to come to terms with their ties to that place.

Sooner, perhaps, rather than later. Focusing on the present moment, Celestia offered Cadence an understanding nod, “Considering Miss Sparkle’s assistance rendered to Substitute Soul Reaper Sunset Shimmer and her allies in subduing the dangerous situation here, I have no objection to providing you a reasonable time frame in which to organize your withdrawal.”

“Oh, just like that?” Hurricane said, “What of reports from the survivors of Captain Starswirl’s lab that he engaged the Quincy, and that they may have been part of the force that freed our Arrancar prisoner?”

“Come now, Captain Hurricane, why would the Quincy help a Hollow?” Celestia said, having no trouble keeping her voice both smooth and naturally incredulous. Nevermind she suspected Twilight had had plenty to do with the Arrancar’s freedom, but unless Starswirl himself intended to elaborate, Celestia would run interference readily enough. “I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that Quincy hate Hollows even more so than they dislike us.”

Hurricane, for all his bluster, was neither foolish nor purely muscle headed. He’d led Soul Society’s primary military offensives for quite some time. No doubt he’d looked at the situation and seen plenty of holes in events that suggested things weren’t as they seemed, and his twitching eye suggested he didn’t entirely buy that Celestia was innocent of involvement either. Still, he kept his arms crossed, not moving to touch his Zanpaktou at all as he said, “Be that as it may, there’s other reasons to not allow these Quincy to just leave. We don’t even know what such a force was doing here in the first place. At least four Sternritter were present during these events, five if you count that newly minted child. Why were they here, Celestia? Prior to any Arrancar activity, I might add.”

“Before you get your Soul Reaper robes too sullied with sweat worrying about it, I’ll inform you of the simple truth,” Cadence said, drawing both Captains’ attention, “Filthy Rich and Twilight Sparkle were in negotiation with the owners of this camp for the purpose of establishing new training facilities in the area for our cadets. Given this area is no longer suitable for that purpose, it's no loss to provide you that information. Considering Gloriosa Daisy is effectively persona non grata to us now, you can rest assured we no longer have any interest in this area.”

That was probably partially the truth, Celestia surmised, but she sincerely doubted it was the whole truth. Considering Twilight was here with those other young ladies from Crystal Prep, Celestia had a feeling she’d had other purposes here besides taking part in some new territory acquisition. Field research was more likely, but Celestia was happy enough to let Cadence and Twilight clean up whatever was left behind of such experiments.

Hurricane stuck out his chin and grinned without mirth, “Five Sternritter for some paltry negotiations? You don’t lie very convincingly, woman. I am many things, but gullible is not one of them. Admit it, you were intending to steal the portal to Equestria! Why, I imagine you Quincy are far from done with this place. You still want that portal, and will be back in greater force to claim it! Best we eliminate you now, so there’s fewer Sternritter to worry about and send a clear message to your King that the Gotei 13 are the custodians of the living world!”

“Hurricane, that’s enough.”

The words came from the yawning voice of Captain Starswirl, having ceased gazing contemplatively at the distant tree and turned to walk up to the tense standoff. His body still showed the wounds and battering of intense fighting, his Captains coat missing save for a few torn scraps, but otherwise the elderly Soul Reaper held himself with the intense poise of a man too busy to be bothered by minor inconveniences like injuries or fatigue. Starswirl eyed Hurricane as he halted in front of the group, stroking his beard, “It is clear to me that you are, as always, spoiling for an excuse to crack skulls rather than make use of your own. We have nothing to gain by provoking the Quincy at this time, and they have proven, at least for the moment, to be amenable to reasonable discourse. Do you mind, perhaps, shutting your trap for the time being while more enlightened minds discuss matters?”

“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” said Discord, nodding to Starswirl, “It’s been awhile. Haven’t blown up the old lab, have you?”

An explosive snort fell from Starswirl as he gave the other man a wary look, “Do not mistake me for yourself. The Twelfth Division is significantly more efficient and explosion free without your... uniquely freewheeling brand of ‘science’ being utilized. I can also attest that we’ve had 100% fewer members betray and steal vital research from us since your time in command.”

“Jabbing the knife in a little deep, aren’t we?” Discord said, “Well, fair enough, I should have kept a better eye on things. But we’re not here to talk about me.”

“No, apparently we’re here to talk with our sworn enemies as if we were having a damn tea party!” Hurricane growled.

“I do happen to have access to some lovely blends I could have Ditzy brew up,” Discord offered, to which Hurricane visibly snarled, turned around, and stalked away like an agitated lion. After he had stomped off a good distance, Discord added, “Was it something I said?”

“Your facility for aggravating anyone in your presence is well intact, I see,” Starswirl said, then shrugged, “But no matter, at least he’s going to go fume elsewhere. Now then, perhaps we can accomplish some worthwhile diplomacy? Miss Cadence, am I to understand you and Miss Sparkle share a fairly close bond?”

Cadence’s eyes briefly sparked with wary suspicion, but she softened it with a thin smile, “We will soon be sisters-in-law. I can safely say we’re close. Why?”

“I’ll get right to the point,” Starswirl said, “You know that after all I’ve witnessed I have no shortage of information I can provide to the Gotei 13, including details of Sternritter abilities that were before today unknown factors. I am also aware that, for all his bluster, Hurricane is correct on one thing; the Quincy will not ignore the existence of that portal. What I propose is we both recommend to our leadership that a meeting be arranged, to discuss the prospect of a temporary cease-fire between Quincy and Soul Reaper.”

Celestia’s eyebrows shot up instantly. That was a bold move, especially from Starswirl. Not that she hadn’t been considering the same notion, but she’d been intending to suggest the idea only after things had cooled down.

Cadence looked equally taken aback, stunned to momentary silence, so Celestia cut in, “I happen to agree that there’s multiple reasons even a temporary cessation of hostilities would benefit both sides. Not the least of which is that with a permanent portal like this, it could be targeted by the Hollows. There’s no doubt they’re aware of it, or will be soon, and I cannot imagine Tirek will ignore a chance to send forces directly to Equestria. So many souls to plunder, all of that world’s magic, the target would be too tempting to resist.”

“I will note that it still passes through the Beast Realm,” Discord said, “Tirek is bold and a greedy ass, true, but even he’d hesitate to send an army through Fenrir and Nidhogg's territories.”

“I think you give him too much credit,” Celestia rapidly replied, “The only reason Tirek has not more actively pursued war upon the Beast Realm is because it would have been one front too many while still dealing with us and the Quincy. But if he can move a strike force rapidly enough to the Equestrian portal, it's possible the Beast Realm Tribes would not even realize their territory has been breached. I don’t think he can resist the allure of a fresh world to conquer.”

“The previous portal was too small, and only active at certain times,” Cadence said musingly, “Not suitable for the kind of raid you’re talking about, but this new one...? Yes, I think you have a point, Celestia. It’s an inviting target. One that Soul Society may not have the forces to guard alone. But do you believe this could work? I may have no personal grudge against Soul Reapers, but I and Twilight are a minority among our people in that regard. I don’t know how many of them would stomach the idea of an alliance, or even a momentary truce.”

“Even if it was to present a united front against Hollow invasion of a peaceful and innocent realm?” Celestia said, “The denizens of Equestria are blameless in our war, and already suffer to a degree due to our negligence. Do we not owe it to them to protect their world from the fallout of our conflict, which they had no part in making?”

“Celestia, I agree with you, wholeheartedly. But to convince His Majesty, and the rest of the Vandenreich? I don’t know. I just don’t know,” Cadence said, shaking her head, her eyes heavy with doubt.

Celestia empathized completely. She had her own doubts that Scorpan would readily agree to any kind of peaceful meeting with the Quincy, but she was sincerely hoping that the extraordinary circumstances they found themselves in would warrant giving the prospect some serious thought. The simple fact of the matter was that the three-way war between Soul Reaper, Quincy, and Hollow, had reached a dangerous crossroad. Rarely before had so many higher ranked members of all factions been either killed or incapacitated in some manner. With Platinum gone, Zecora bereft a Zanpaktou, and Amore’s soul sleep still in critical condition, along with several Lieutenants in similar condition, the Gotei 13’s war capacity was reduced. The Quincy had lost Sternritter of their own in the recent battles, and Luna’s reports indicated the Espada had lost some of their number as well.

At this critical juncture, all would be desperate to find advantage. Equestria had been kept safe largely due to the nature of the portal leading there and the unknown capacity of magic at the time.

Now, a far larger, more stable and continuously active portal existed. Furthermore, after Twilight’s demonstrations of power, after Sunset Shimmer and her friend’s rapid rise in strength, all thanks in large part to magic, there could be little doubt as to the value of it as a weapon.

Tirek would strike Equestria. Likely, Sombra and the Quincy had designs of their own. While Celestia wished to believe her own people were still the just party in the war, she knew not all was as it seemed in Soul Society’s halls of power. A member of Zero Division had been present there, until recently, and Central 46 had been eerily quiet since the incident of Celestia and Luna’s imprisonment. Could she trust that orders might not come down to invade Equestria, rather than protect it?

She had to trust that Scorpan was of good and sound mind, that enough of her fellow Captains would follow the spirit of the law rather than it’s letter. Most of all, she wanted to believe peace was a viable option that could be pursued.

“Cadence, I understand your fears, but if we don’t try, now of all times, then there’s no hope of peace for either of our peoples. I promise you I will do all in my power to convince Captain Commander Scorpan to meet with your King under a flag of peace, if you are willing to do the same.”

“I can’t make any promises, but I will try,” Cadence said, “Much will depend on what happens after Twilight and I return to the Silburn with our prisoners and news of what has occurred here. I won’t lie, His Majesty is unlikely to be in a good mood after finding out what Sapphire Shores has done. I may have to wait for an opportunity to bring up the idea of peace talks. A part of me is very afraid that his rage might push His Majesty to enact another reprisal attack, like what happened recently in Las Noches. I don’t think the Quincy can handle another all out offensive like that.”

“Well if it’s motivation for peace you all want, then let’s just say I have information that everyone is going to want to hear,” Discord said, causing both Celestia and Cadence to turn their attention to him. His normally joking expression had stilled like dried mud, “Not here, however. I can only toss this bomb once, so I’ll wait until there’s plenty of ears around for the occasion. Before that there’s still the matter of getting everyone to agree to chat it out. Let’s say I offer up my humble shop as a ‘neutral ground’ for these peace talks? I’m well known enough that I think even the Quincy King can’t complain about my acting as mediator, yes?”

Cadence’s brows drew down in thought, “I’d rather hear what this information you have is now, but I’m going to guess you’re not in a sharing mood?”

“Believe me, this isn’t something to be told lightly, and I’d rather do it where it can have maximum effect. If I told you now, it’d only muddy the waters.”

“Hmph... I doubt His Majesty will care where the meeting takes place anyway, so I have no reason to object,” Cadence replied, then cast a weary glance towards the building where Twilight, Sunset, and the other girls had gone, “As far as I’m concerned, we’re done here. As soon as Twilight is finished catching up with her friends, we’ll begin our cleanup operation and withdraw. I’ll bring your message to His Majesty, and pray he might consider attending such a meeting.”

“Very well,” Celestia said, bowing in a short, formal manner, “Then let us not part as enemies, if only for this day, Cadence. Take care of yourself and young Miss Sparkle. When next we meet, I sincerely hope it will be during a formal meeting between our leaders to negotiate a peace, temporary or otherwise.”

Cadence offered a wane smile, performing a stiff Quincy salute, and then turned to region her fellow Sternritter. Celestia could see that Filthy Rich had finished speaking with his daughter, and now watched Cadence with a questioning look. The two started quietly talking, and by Filthy Rich’s incredulous look, he was probably surprised things weren’t turning towards violence.

Starswirl chuckled dryly, “I can’t claim I have great faith in diplomacy winning the day, but even a momentary armistice would do wonders for us. After witnessing that brilliant Miss Sparkle, I’m determined to get Scorpan to agree to at least a little cross-cultural research with the Quincy.”

“You’re serious?” Celestia said, staring at him, “We look upon the possibility of peace, and your mind is mired in the notion of research?”

“Ah, do not look at me that way, Celestia. Peace is a product of civilization developing past the necessities of warfare. Consider the possibilities of genuine cooperation between the Twelfth Division and the Quincy, or specifically in this instance, young Miss Sparkle? Her combined knowledge and talent for both Quincy reishi manipulation and magic would be an infinite boon to our own research efforts. Why, we may finally solve the conundrum the Quincy created with their weaponry destroying Hollows, the source of our conflict with them in the first place.”

That did give Celestia some pause. Long had she wondered why it was the Quincy’s weaponry erased Hollow souls, or indeed if that even was what happened. Because no trace of a Hollow killed by a Quincy weapon could ever be found in any of the known realms, the assumption had always been that a Hollow was destroyed entirely, thus upsetting the balance of the reincarnation cycle.

Yet, despite centuries of war between Quincy and Hollow, the cycle remained intact. Furthermore, Soul Reapers killed by Quincy weapons could still be confirmed to remain in the cycle. These odd inconsistencies had always spurred some talk and rumor among the Gotei 13’s ranks, but never enough to raise voices of objection to the war.

If Starswirl did combine his talents with that of Twilight Sparkles, could they solve this mystery and provide a reason for the war to end?

It seemed almost too much to hope for.

“If we can manage to convince Captain Commander Scorpan to consider peace, then perhaps a research alliance would also be possible,” she admitted, then reality poked at that hopeful bubble, “But that’s assuming Central 46 approves of this meeting. Even the Captain Commander cannot act alone, and would need their go ahead.”

Starswirl nodded gravely, “And knowing Central 46, that is not something I’d hold my breath over. That said, I certainly don’t have an issue with trying to talk sense into their heads. And if that doesn’t work, I can find ways to get my research with or without official approval. I won’t let thick skulled idiocy stand in the way of discovery and progress.”

“Well, someone’s gotten his inner rebel on,” Discord said, earning a sharp look from Starswirl, to which Discord only grinned and said, “What? It’s a compliment, coming from me.”

“I’ll ask you to keep them to yourself. So, does you walking out and about, so readily willing to offer your house as a meeting ground, suggest what I think it does?” Starswirl asked, and Celestia found herself looking wonderingly at Discord. It was true that aside from training Sunset and the other girls, Discord had made it a point to keep a low profile and stay out of the affairs of the war. Even sending the rescue party for her and Luna had been less about the war and more about dealing with a specific incident that Discord likely knew the girls wouldn’t keep themselves out of. Openly leaving the city to give aid here at Everfree, and then suggesting peace talks at his shop, was a much bolder move and far more direct than what was normal for Discord. On top of that, this hinting at having some kind of important information that would interest both Scorpan and Sombra...?

“Captain Starswirl makes a good point. Just what are you up to, Discord?” she asked.

His snaggle-toothed mouth lost some of it’s grin, but his red on yellow eyes still shone with a mischievous light that was somehow punctuated by his serious tone, “Everything is coming to a head. I can’t afford to be a side participant any longer. Much is going to change after today, Celestia. Even if peace talks don’t happen, there’s no stopping the chaos that will ensue from today’s events. In fact, I would go so far as to say... we’re in sight of the end.”

“Of what?”



“Sunset, is your hand alright?”

Sunset looked up at the question. Fluttershy stood over her, soft eyes looking down with concern. Sunset cast a look around, having lost track of how long she’d been sitting there next to Twilight, while her friends had taken the time to rest. Applejack and Rarity were sitting against the opposite wall now, Applejack still looking miserable, and Rarity leaned against the other girl with patience and poise raised like a mask over her marble features. Rainbow Dash had taken to pacing, chewing down beef jerky sticks like they were candy. Pinkie Pie was peeking out one of the windows, watching whatever was happening outside.

“Huh?” Sunset said, somewhat dazed. Her mind had wandered off as her spirit body kicked into her consciousness just how tired she was.

“Your hand,” Fluttershy repeated, “The right one, which you hold your sword with. You’ve been hiding it.”

Sunset felt her shoulders squeeze with a moment of tension. She had been keeping her right hand hidden within the confines of the voluminous black sleeves of her Soul Reaper garments. Even when she’d taken Twilight’s hand to comfort her friend, she’d made sure to use her left hand to do so. A moment of unease was soon followed by a sense of embarrassment as Sunset sighed and held out her right arm, “Sorry. I noticed it when I deactivated my Bankai. Didn’t want you girls to worry, what with everything going on.”

“Noticed what, Sunset- oh, oh dear...” Rarity’s question had swiftly turned into a hushed exclamation of dismay as Sunset let her right hand slip free of the robe, exposing it for her friends to see.

She’d of course known there’d be damage. She’d felt the pain keenly enough when wielding the black flames of her Zanpaktou. She just hadn’t expected things to be quite this bad. Gulping, she offered her friends a nervous smile and said lightheartedly, “It’s not as bad as it looks. Doesn’t even hurt anymore, and I can still wiggle my fingers, see?”

She waged her digits to prove her point, but there were gasps from a few of her friends, all the same. Sunset supposed she didn’t blame them. The flesh of her right hand was marred by deep scars and blisters, as if she’d shoved her hand in a campfire a few seconds too long. The flesh hadn’t charred off or become waxen or anything, and there was no redness or open wounds. It looked as it might if she’d badly burned her hand, but had also had a month for the burned flesh to scar over. She imagined that it was just a property of her Zanpaktou and her own spirit body’s resilience. Still, the scars had an ugly look about them, and there was some residual pain when she moved her fingers, despite what she’d said about there being no discomfort.

“Don’t be silly,” Fluttershy said, reaching down to grab Sunset’s hand, “This must have been incredibly painful, and I can tell it still hurts. Let me see what I can do.”

“Fluttershy, c’mon, it’s not that bad...” Sunset said, but soon trailed off with a soft gasp as she felt Fluttershy’s spirit energy seep into her like a soothing river. The pain abated almost instantly, although the scars didn’t show any signs of vanishing.

“What did this?” Fluttershy asked, “Those black flames?”

“Yeah, I was wondering about those,” Rainbow Dash said, looking at Sunset’s hand with sympathy but also eyeing her friend with a hint of appreciative candor in her eyes, “They looked totally awesome.”

“They’re part of my Zanpaktou’s power, which I’m still learning more and more about. In terms of raw damage, it looks like the black flames are my strongest, but not as versatile as the others I can use, and... well, kinda have a serious drawback in that I’m not as resistant to them as I am the others. But hey, least they didn’t burn my hand clean off,” Sunset said, waiting patiently for Fluttershy to finish trying to heal the wounds. The blisters did fade, as did the pain, but most of the scarring still remained, even after Flutteshy frowned slightly and let go of Sunset’s hand.

“I’m sorry, it doesn’t seem like I can fix all of it,” she said, but Sunset just shook her head.

“Don’t worry about it. It’ll probably get better on its own over time, and this is my spirit body anyway. My physical one is just fine. Assuming Chappy doesn’t do anything to it before I hop back in.”

“Speaking of hopping back in,” said Pinkie Pie, having kept half an eye on the window while watching the proceedings, “Looks like the pow wow outside is nearly done. I see that Dean Cadence lady walking away to chat with her other Quincy buddies, and Principal Celestia, Mr. Discord, and that scruffy scientist Soul Reaper guy are now all yakking at each other all excited-like. Might be time for us to hop on out there and see what’s up?”

“If Cadence is done talking she must have arranged for our peaceful withdrawal,” Twilight said, standing up, “Which means I need to get to work on cleaning up as much of this mess as I can.”

“What...” Applejack started to talk, then coughed as her voice was still hoarse from crying, “What ‘bout that Hurricane fella? He ain’t causin’ no ruckus?”

“Well he yelled a bunch, then stomped off,” Pinkie Pie said, her eyes blinking a moment as her expression turned to a somewhat sinister smile, “Looks like he got outvoted on starting some ultra-violence. I’m a little disappointed, if only because I wouldn’t mind a little payback nibble for last time.”

“Just as soon avoid further violence today,” Rarity said, also standing, and helping Applejack do the same, “For obvious reasons, I’ve had more than my fill.”

“So we’re goin’ out?” Applejack said, eyes wavering between barely reigned in fury, tumultuous sorrow, and bone deep weariness.

Sunset looked amongst her friends. They were worn down, wounded, and still all reeling from the day’s events. She still couldn’t quite absorb the fact that Rarity was... well, dead. Yet not gone. It was a painful if utterly surreal realization. Rarity, at least, seemed to be handling it well. Sunset knew the girl enough to understand her friend was likely far from emotionally okay, but was a champion of keeping her head level even under the most stressful circumstances. Sunset wasn’t sure she wanted to see it, when that dam of control finally broke, but she’d do whatever she could to support Rarity, no matter what came next. She just hoped that Discord might have a solution ready for just this kind of thing. He had to have known something like this might happen, right?

Putting that thought on the backburner, she said, “Yeah, let’s get out there. I got a feeling there’s still a lot left to be done before all this craziness is wrapped up properly.”

They exited the storage building, and nearly all eyes were drawn to them as they did so. The last time Sunset was surrounded by this many Soul Reapers, it’d been in the middle of the first battle she and the girls had emerged into after infiltrating the Seireitei. She wasn’t concerned with all the stares she was getting from the numerous Soul Reapers occupying the camp, however. Instead she focused on the Captains just ahead, and the Quincy near the lakeshore.

Twilight looked towards the Quincy and then quickly turned to the girls, her face showing a shadow of melancholy but also a glint of firm resolve, “It may be a little while before we can see each other again. I have a lot to take care of, but I promise all of you that I’ll be back. Whatever we do going forward, I want us to do it together, as friends.”

“We’ll be waiting for you, Twi,” Rainbow Dash said, “Group isn’t the same without you. Go take care of your Quincy stuff, we’ll keep the city intact until you get back.”

Similar sentiments were echoed from all present, and with a bit of mist in her eyes, Twilight smiled and then quickly marched away to join the other Quincy who were waiting for her. At the same time, Sunset led the rest of the girls to meet with the gathered Captains and Discord. Much to a slight stab of her own irritation and a faint sense of old resentment, Sunset saw Hurricane walk with broad steps to rejoin the discussion as well.

He looked at them with less rancor than she’d expected, and more a measuring look, which ended in a slight nod of acknowledgment, “Looks as if you’re not children anymore.”

“Who asked you?” Rainbow Dash said, and he looked at her steadily.

“Take the compliment for what it is. I saw you as untested striplings when we met before. Whatever else I may think of you, I’ll not question your mettle. You faced many foes this day, and stand in victory over them. If anything, I’m jealous.”

“Have you seen Lieutenant Posey yet?” Fluttershy asked, and Hurricane reacted as if he’d been splashed with cold water, blinking at her.

“I, uh... not yet. She is with the city detachment still.”

“You should go see her when you can, and let her know she’s done a good job protecting the city, and she also did well guarding us while we were there this past week,” Fluttershy said, to which Hurricane made a strange grunting noise and looked away.

“I...will do so, soon enough. But we have other matters to deal with! Captains Celestia and Starswirl, even if you indulge this notion of ‘peace talks’ with the Quincy, surely you cannot extend the same lunacy to the Arrancar in our midst! We must decide what to do with the prisoner!”

Peace talks? Sunset’s interest rose like a ray of sunlight breaking through the clouds. Anything that might lead to peace would be a miracle as far as she was concerned. Unfortunately now he was talking about the so-called ‘prisoner’, no doubt referring to Gaia. Before any of the other Captains could answer him, Sunset stepped in close and made sure her voice held no uncertainty in it.

“Listen to me right now, Captain. There is no prisoner. Gaia Everfree is protected by me and my friends. She has ceased to be a threat, and the Everfree Forest is her home. I’ll consider any attack on her as an attack on my city.”

“Your city?” Hurricane said, eyes thunderous, “There is a marked difference between confidence and arrogance, Sunset Shimmer. Your abilities are great, and I acknowledge them for what they are, but you presume much if you think you can protect an Arrancar living openly in the human realm from just extermination by the Gotei 13. We have never allowed an Arrancar to establish permanent territory in the world of the living. What makes you think we’ll start now?”

“Captain Hurricane, now is not the time for threats,” Celestia said, although she also gave Sunset a look that wasn’t quite a warning, but it was one that reminded Sunset of the way Celestia looked at students roughhousing in the school halls. “As for Gaia Everfree, I don’t believe anyone here is in a position to decide what should or should not be done regarding her. Considering the unique circumstances surrounding her, I believe no hasty actions should be taken. As long as she is presenting no immediate threat, and Discord and Substitute Soul Reaper Sunset Shimmer agree to keep watch on things, I am willing to make the call to leave her be until a decision can be made by the Captain Commander as to what ultimately shall be done.”

“I believe this to be foolhardy, but I’ll drop it,” Hurricane said, hands clenched, “No doubt the Captain Commander might see more clearly on the matter, both this and this foolish Quincy business. And since it seems no one wants to go about pursuing the actual war we’re supposed to be fighting, I suppose I’ll go make myself useful and proceed with my contingent to the city and see if they need assistance there.”

“And make sure to see Posey,” Fluttershy said, to which he pointedly didn’t look at her.

“Don’t badger me, woman,” he grumbled, sounding more embarrassed than angry. He then muttered something else, less intelligibly under his breath as he stalked off, and Sunset could have sworn his dark, stormy features held a blushing hue as he did so.

“Whoa, Fluttershy, next time that dude get’s uppity looks like we can just leave it to you,” said Rainbow Dash, but then her face grew pensive as she leaned in and whispered to Fluttershy, “Uh, you’re not, like, reverting to your previous life or something are you?”

“Don’t be silly, I’m just making sure he and Posey get some time together,” Fluttershy said, “It has nothing to do with me outside of friendly concern for Posey. She’s gone through a lot, and could use a parent’s support.”

“Uh-huh,” Rainbow Dash said, not looking entirely convinced, but willing to let it go. Sunset admitted it was interesting to see how readily Fluttershy was able to get to Captain Hurricane. She doubted Fluttershy was really channeling her previous life or anything, this was just how Fluttershy was, only more mature after everything they’d gone through. A blowhard like Hurricane just wasn’t going to be a match for her, personality-wise. Heck, at this point, Sunset wasn’t sure he’d be a match physically either. All of her friends had grown in power, and she meant what she said when she said they’d protect Gaia from unprovoked attacks.

If the Gotei 13, any of them, came to her town to make trouble, Sunset wasn’t going to back down.

“Well with all of that out of the way, girls, I can imagine you all could use a serious siesta, and standing around here isn’t the best setting for everything we need to talk about,” said Discord, “Why don’t we retire back to my shop for the time being?”

“Mister Discord, while my friends are welcome to do so, I’m afraid I have to see to getting my little sister back home and... speaking with my family,” Rarity said, but to this Discord waggled a finger at her.

“Where do you think your family is right now? I took the liberty, when things became rather dangerous in the city, to gather up the family members of you young ladies and bring them to the shop for their safety,” Discord informed them, causing a ruffled look to pass over Rarity’s face.

“Is that so? Well... that was prudent of you, I suppose.”

“Wait, ya brought Big Man n’ Granny there too?” said Applejack, to which Discord nodded, and then he pointed towards where the Cutie Mark Crusaders were busy pretending they weren’t trying to eavesdrop on the conversation by looking anywhere other than at the group. “I even went and contacted Miss Scootaloo’s two aunts and invited them over as well.”

Scootaloo spun around, all pretense of not listening in gone as she shouted, “Wait, really!? So you know about them...er, I mean, uh, there’s nothing special or weird about my aunts...”

“Scoots, pretty sure at this point ain’t no one managing ta keep secrets,” Applebloom said, scratching her head, “I mean, everyone’s seen yer big rock bird already.”

“Y-yeah, just habit, y’know?”

Clearing his throat, Discord said, “At any rate, everyone who has direct relation to you girls is gathered in one spot, and I did this quite intentionally because there are things I need to discuss with all of you that cannot afford anyone to be left in the dark.”

“Somehow I imagine that does not include the Gotei 13,” said Celestia, “So does that mean Captain Starswirl and I should take our leave for the time being?”

“Actually I would appreciate it if you were present for this, Celestia. I’m afraid I told a small fib to Miss Cadence in that I actually do intend to give you a sneak peek at the information I intend to share at any prospective peace talks. I need your take on things, as it were.”

“I feel like I should be insulted by not being considered for this dubious honor as well,” said Starswirl, “But given this is you, Discord, I’ll assume you’ll make a show of things soon enough anyway, so I’ll not try and muscle my way into this affair. Captain Celestia, you may as well indulge him. I’ll be returning to Soul Society to make my report.”

Celestia nodded, “Very well. Now, is Captain Sweet Cider is coming with us to Discord’s shop.”

“Yer damn right I am!” shouted Sweet Cider, having not had much trouble hearing the conversation, even at a distance, “Got business of my own with my family, an’ ya better believe anythin’ important enough ta warrant gettin’ the Apple clan together for is somethin’ I’m gonna be there for.”

“As was my intention, I assure you,” said Discord, “Which just leaves the matter of Gaia Everfree.”

At mention of her name, Gaia didn’t so much perk up as adjust the intensity of her stare so the pressure of her eyes landed solely on Discord. As if Sweet Cider wasn’t even standing there guarding her, the Arrancar strode forward. Sunset saw Timber Spruce gingerly follow, looking most unsure out of all of them there. She felt a pang of sympathy for him. His was a tough position to be in, generally helpless and having to go with the flow of things.

Her thoughts were drawn back to the situation at hand as Gaia brushed past the girls and faced Discord directly, “So are all of you done trying to decide whether or not I’m worth killing or not?”

“Come now, Gaia Everfree, you can’t blame the Soul Reapers for viewing you with some suspicion,” Discord said, “Just be glad that cooler heads are prevailing for the time being. That having been said, while I understand if you’d like to stay here in your home territory, it may be safer for you to join us at my shop. I promise you that some of the matters to be discussed there will interest you and your brother as well.”

Gaia’s eyes cast about around her, narrowing at the sight of Captain Hurricane leaving with a large group of the Soul Reaper’s he’d brought, heading towards Canterlot City to the west, and even more so at the sight of the Quincy who themselves started to leave to the north. Her gaze then set upon the tree in the center of the lakebed.

“Timber and I will come, but what of the portal? It shouldn’t be left without a pair of eyes on it.”

“I’ll take care of that.”

It was Luna who spoke, appearing nearby from seemingly thin air. Celestia gave her sister a long up and down look, lips pressing tight, “Luna, you’re in rather rough condition.”

“I doubt I’ll have anything to add to the discussion at the shop, sister, and while wounded I may be, I’m not an invalid. Quite frankly I could use the time to think. I doubt much will happen in the near future, and there’s still scores of Soul Reapers here to help me guard the area. I’ll be fine.”

At Luna’s firm statements, Celestia closed her eyes and nodded, then went up and embraced her sister briefly before taking a step back, “Then I’ll not argue. Just be careful and signal immediately if something happens.”

“I will.”

With that, it was settled. It still took a bit of time for everyone to get ready to leave. Sunset sought out Chappy, who happened to be with Clover at what was left of the tent grounds. Chappy had been making sure no personal effects were left behind by any of the campers, and Clover had been helping her search.

“Figured I might as well do something handy while I still got your body to do it with!” Chappy said, giving Sunset an exaggerated salute, “I know I’d be pissed if I left a journal behind or a handheld game system.”

“I’m sure the students will be grateful, thanks Chappy,” Sunset said, then glanced at Clover, “And in case I haven’t said it enough yet, thank you too. For sticking by me when we went up against Gaia.”

“Hah, keep pouring the thanks on and I’ll start to worry about my head swelling up,” Clover said, although there was a bit of strain in her voice, like she was forcing the good cheer. Sunset picked up on it instantly, and touched Clover’s arm.

“I mean it. You were amazing today.”

Clover’s eyes gained back a bit of luster as she slowly nodded, “I tried. I mean, that’s all I can do, right? Just as long as I didn’t slow you down or get anyone killed, then I’ll call it a win. Still got a long way to go before I can reclaim Chishiki, though.”

“Hey, least you can still do something!” Chappy said, “All I do is run around and try to keep Sunset’s body out of trouble, which isn’t easy, lemme tell you. Wish I had some super powers of my own. I mean, even the kids are getting powers these days. It’s cray cray, I tell you, cray cray!”

“Nobody says cray cray anymore, Chappy,” said Sunset, “Now come on, let’s get me back in my body and you back in your rabbit doll.”

“Whhhaaaaa!!? Can’t I have a little more time!? I didn’t get to do anything fun this time, and since the danger’s over there’s no reason for you to jump back in so quick!”

Sunset crossed her arms and said, “Nuh-uh, you’ve been in there long enough, and I need a shower, I can smell me from here. I’ll give you some bonus time later, but I’m getting my body back now.”

Chappy was not entirely cooperative, but a brief chase scene and wrestling match later, Sunset was back in her own flesh and blood, and Chappy was sourly sulking in her adorable rabbit plushie, tucked safely away in Sunset’s backpack, which miraculously had survived the destruction of her tent.

Then, at long last, she and her friends bid farewell to Camp Everfree. Discord had ensured that along with the busses that had been appropriated to transport the students back to the city, that a decent sized minivan had been brought as well, apparently a vehicle he kept handy for when he needed a cover for moving around. Not that the van was necessary, but Sunset and the girls appreciated getting to rest on the way back to the city, although Celestia and Gaia had little trouble keeping pace on their own.

Sunset watched with contemplative eyes as the trees breezed by and the van hit the highway. After all the intensity of the battles that had taken place, the quiet felt strange. Like the eerie eye of the storm. She knew she ought to feel relieved. They’d won. There’d been a cost, but they’d won, for now. There was even a path, now, to Equestria. Ember had been rescued, and Twilight was back with the group, even if she still wore a Quincy uniform. She even had some hope that there might still be something done for Rarity.

So why can’t I wind down? Sunset wondered, I feel like I should at least be able to breath a bit, but my chest feels so tight, like I still feel danger. Is it because of Medley?

After a moment she realized it was because of her instincts. Sharpened now over her many trials and battles, her intuition was leagues above what it had been just a few months ago. The battle was over for today, but that had merely been the prelude gust of wind and rain, heralding the larger storm to come.

She and her friends would rest. They’d lick their wounds, tend to their fallen, organize their allies, but after that...?

After that, the true battle was now in sight. Equestria. Starlight Glimmer. Then...

Zero Division. Whatever you’re planning, you won’t get away with it without going through us.

Author's Note:

With the Battle for Everfree concluded, we're now entering what'll probably be a decent sized chunk of wind down and set up for what comes next. For those who've been curious about events in Equestria, you can also expect soon that we'll be catching up with our ponies (and other assorted creatures) soon as well.

As always, any and all comments, questions, or critiques are highly appreciated, and thank you all for reading, folks. 'Till next time.

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