• Published 15th Apr 2016
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Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 145: Chase

Episode 145: Chase

Starlight Glimmer looked upon the two standing with unconcealed glares of hatred aimed at one another and briefly pondered aloud, “You know, what’s the plural for Chrysalis?”

The two Chrysalises... Chrysali...? turned their glares towards her, the Arrancar version cracking a sardonically tinted half smile, “Let me do as I will with this other one and you won’t have to wonder about that question at all, Starlight.”

Platinum, who was seated directly across from Starlight at the sizable meeting table they were all making use of, slapped a hoof on the table’s varnished wood surface and let a frosty burst of reiatsu flow off of her.

“We are here to discuss serious matters, not bicker! And besides, I believe Chrysalides is the proper plural form.”

“Really?” said Equestria’s Chrysalis, looking mildly surprised, “I... actually didn’t know that.” She shook herself, resuming her glare towards her counterpart, “Regardless, I don’t see how we can be expected to make any meaningful progress while my overly crude and violent mirror can’t grow out of making pointless threats.”

“Aww, feeling intimidated by your better self, are we dear?” Arrancar Chrysalis said, leaning forward and propping her chin on her hooves as she fluttered her eyes innocently, “I promise to play nice and behave. There, does that make your hurt little fee-fees all better now?”

Equestria’s Chrysalis looked sickened by her counterpart, but ignored her and turned to look at Starlight. The room they were in was previously a planning office used by Hitsuyo-Aku’s researchers, furnished with comfortable chairs and a large rectangular table, but more importantly there was also a well sized computer screen and system for displaying data on various research projects and their progress situated behind the head of the table that stood opposite the doors. On top of that the room was well secured against entry or observation, something Starlight was glad of as she’d taken note of the unruly and unpredictable nature of Arrancar Chrysalis’ daughter, Ocellus. For the moment she preferred to not involve the younger Arrancar in affairs outside of providing companionship and training to Pipsqueak, although Starlight had concerns on that front, as well.

“Ignoring her inability to take anything seriously, let’s get back to the topic in front of us. That being your utterly naïve desire to confront Princess Celestia directly! I know I’ve agreed to be a part of this group of yours, but to make it clear, I am not suicidal.”

“I was given to understand you yourself have confronted Celestia in the past, and won that confrontation,” Platinum said, settling back in her seat somewhat awkwardly. They weren’t built for equine forms, after all. “You’ve claimed as much.”

“Yes,” said Equestria’s Chrysalis with a hint of warm pride in her voice, which soon soured like spoiling milk as she went on, “In retrospect that may well have been because of two factors. One being I was freshly empowered by an exceedingly pure and potent source of love from that dotting captain of Equestria’s Royal Guard. The other being that in all likelihood Celestia was withholding the greater portion of her power in the foolish desire to spare those in the chambers around us. It allowed me to... get in a sucker punch. Galling as it is to admit, under normal circumstances I’d never consider an outright slug fest with the mare. It’d be madness to try.”

“I bet I could do it,” said Arrancar Chrysalis, “I’ve always enjoyed an outright duel with my lovely Captain sisters, and I’ll point out I can fight both of them at once.”

Starlight rolled her eyes, “Yes, Chrysalis, we get it, you’re powerful. Now stop wantonly stroking your ego in public.”


“Ugh, anyway... Platinum, you crossed blades with Equestria’s Princesses. I need your accurate assessment. Is this world’s Chrysalis here correct or is she highballing these alicorn Princesses?”

There was a silent moment of deep concentration on Platinum’s face, her pale features smooth as ice as she spoke in a measured tone, “It is honestly difficult for me to say. They both fought with power and skill equal to the level of a Captain, which is fitting as I’m given to understand they have lived for at least a thousand years apiece, or longer. Their magic matched anything I or Firefly could throw at them, and had I not used my Bankai when I did, that final spell they unleashed would have possibly finished us both.”

“Yes, their vaunted ‘High Magic’,” said Equestria’s Chrysalis with a quiet and seething undercurrent heating her voice.

“What do you know of it?” asked Starlight, “How much does it differ from regular magic?”

“Measure the difference between lightning that strikes the ground versus the storm that actually makes the lightning,” the changeling said in all seriousness, meeting Starlight’s gaze directly. “That is the difference. It is why I took pains to avoid direct battle with the alicorns, and made my home around a throne that negates all magic. Otherwise my plans to conquer Equestria would have died ages ago.”

“Because it’s going so well now, right?” jabbed the other Chrysalis, but Starlight held up a hoof before a fresh bit of snark could begin.

“Look, I’m going to be face to face with Celestia come tomorrow, and probably not just her. I’ll eat my own coat if she doesn’t have this world’s Discord on standby, and near as I can tell he’s a whole different bag of issues.”

“If by that you mean he can warp reality with a snap of his fingers, then yes, he is certainly an ‘issue’,” Equestria’s Chrysalis said with no small dose of sarcasm, “One I still can’t fathom actually joined the side of the ponies. He surpasses any one of them in power, and is only shackled by the full strength of that cheating power that stems from the Elements of Harmony.”

“A whole different topic, those Elements,” Starlight said, “You’re absolutely sure you don’t know where they are?”

“If I did I would have made a point of taking them, if only to ensure they couldn’t be used against me,” said Chrysalis, and for a moment a disturbed tremor crossed her eyes. “I don’t know where they are, but you can lay strong odds that they won’t be far from Celestia’s grasp. Understand this, Starlight Glimmer, it is not simply Celestia’s power that has kept me from facing her head on. She is dangerous. More so than any other being in Equestria. Discord may have more outright magical power, but he is a child in mind. An unruly, chaos fueled child, but still childish nonetheless. Even Celestia’s sister, Luna, has a certain forthright naiveté about her. So understand, and understand well... Celestia is cut from a different cloth than all of them.”

“She isn’t wrong,” Platinum said, “I sensed it during our brief clash, and I think I owe Firefly much for pulling me out of that fight at the end. Had things continued...”

“Which is why I intend to plan this carefully,” Starlight said, “I’ve already given it plenty of thought, which is why I called this meeting. I intend to walk away from Ponehenge tomorrow as the victor, but to do that I will need the support of everyone at this table, and more besides. Timing will be crucial, because lest we forget our objective, it is not to crush Equestria’s defenders, but to acquire the power needed to face much greater challenges elsewhere. To that end, I have tasks for each of you, starting with you, Chrysalis of Equestria. That throne of yours that was destroyed, you claimed it was made from a piece of a meteorite?”

“That’s correct. I witnessed it fall a long time ago, but felt the strangeness of it,” Chrysalis said, “I tracked one of the pieces to the Badlands and there discovered it’s unique property of canceling out magic, no matter how powerful.”

“A piece. Which means you never found where the full meteorite landed, right?” said Starlight, and Chrysalis' face showed a blooming light of realization.

“No, I didn’t. There was no need. The piece I found was more than large enough to shape my throne from.”

Starlight smiled, turning to Platinum. “I want that meteorite found. You and her will go to the location where she found the fallen piece, then track the main meteorite from there. Spiritual senses are disrupted by magic to a degree, which means any area lacking magic...”

Platinum smiled at that, nodding in understanding, “If I stretch my spiritual senses wide enough, any area in which they suddenly sharpen means a location in which the power of magic has been nullified. Given my speed and the range of my spirit senses, I can cover a very wide area of ground in very little time. If this meteorite did land somewhere, or if even another piece broke off, I’ll find it.”

“So while they’re rock hunting, what am I going to do? Something marginally fun, I hope?” the Arrancar Chrysalis said, yawning, “I’m practically bursting at the seams with the need to do something, Starlight. Since you won’t let me gloriously bathe in the blood and viscera of my inferior counterpart, do you at least have something entertaining in mind for little old me?”

“Oh I’ve got work for you to do, but you’ll probably find it boring. That said, you’re better suited to doing it than anyone else here,” Starlight said, and at the Espada’s distressed and unenthused look, she added, “Buuut, if you do it for me without killing or maiming I can let you have some of your kind of fun on a limited scale. I’m going to need a certain amount of... destruction at the right moment. Swear to me you can do it without a body count, and you’ll at least get to set some stuff on fire.”

“I do like arson,” the Arrancar admitted, “But let me get one thing straight with you, I’ve agreed not to eat any souls while in this world and I will keep to that, but if it’s chaos and destruction you want, lives will be lost. Even if I try to avoid it, I can’t control if a fire gets out of hand, or if debris doesn’t rain down on the unsuspecting. Even if I’m playing nice goody-good for the sake of your feeble conscience, even if I put effort into sparring lives, unleashing me to any degree means that death will follow in my wake. So do not ask anything of me that you are unprepared to accept the consequences of, Starlight.”

That did give Starlight Glimmer a moment of pause. She had not come to this world to visit tragedy upon its inhabitants. She was just... desperate for power. She was all too aware of how powerful the foes waiting for her in the Soul Palace were. The Zero Division were monsters without compare. For so long Starlight had lived in the shadow of that almighty power, knowing that to save the soul of not only her friend, but the souls of everyone who might be unjustly trapped in Hell, would require her to gain power by any means necessary.

By any means necessary.

She dearly wished Firefly were here. Firefly would at the very least have been able to give her some advice on what to do. Or better yet, Firefly would have been much better suited to the task than the Second Espada would be, as Starlight trusted Firefly to know how to cause just enough chaos while avoiding taking any lives unnecessarily. It would have just been nice to have Firefly there by her side, to tell her if she was making a mistake or not.

But Firefly is slowly dying, and if I don’t do this, I won’t be able to heal her, either.

Starlight took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, “I understand, Chrysalis. Still, I believe once you know the details of what I intend, you’ll see it can be done with a minimum risk of casualties. Your target is going to be very specific, even if the method of distraction won’t be.”

“Oh? Now I’m intrigued a little. Just what is cooking in that devious mind of yours?” the Arrancar Chrysalis asked, licking her lips, “I couldn’t help but notice you have been pouring over the research records of our humble hideaway.”

“Yes. Hitsuyo-Aku itself is a resource I intend to tap for this operation,” Starlight said, turning to the computer screen at the back of the room. With a flicker of magic from her horn, she turned the system on, “It has surprises aplenty waiting in its vaults, and it's high time we made use of them.”

Upon the screen appeared an image of an unusual weapon, something that had the shape of a broad bladed sword attached to an elongated hilt from which sprung a chain that ended in a bizarrely organic looking starfish shape that itself bore a single gleaming yellow eye. Starlight’s lips pursed somewhat sourly at the image.

“This is what’s called a ‘Bakkoto’. Hitsuyo-Aku developed them as part of a project to potentially form and arm a penal legion akin to the Quincy’s Strafbatallion.”

The Arrancar Chrysalis made a soft whistling sound, tapping the tip of a hoof to her lips, “A beautifully ugly looking weapon. I find it oh so amusing that the Soul Reapers and Quincy both find it appropriate to force their disgraced prisoners to fight for them. The disgraced in Hollow society are usually just eaten. Far more fair and equitable, I say.”

Starlight shrugged, “I hold no love for Soul Society, but they had not gotten to the point of mass-producing these Bakkoto for use. What you’re seeing here is one of a number of prototypes that were made for testing, along with the specifications to make more. The weapons function similarly to a Zanpaktou, but with several key differences. One, a Bakkoto can be used by anyone who picks it up. It requires no special bond or training to make use of its powers. However, the other difference is also the drawback, these things are parasitic in nature. They feed on the spirit energy of the user to fuel their powers, inevitably draining the user until death in exchange for a temporary power boost.”

Platinum's lips twisted back as she hissed, “A part of me is almost glad to be done with Soul Society. Are we seriously considering using these cheap, parasitic knock offs?”

“Partially,” Starlight said, “I’ve spent several days testing out whether magic can be substituted for reiatsu to feed a Bakkoto, and low and behold, looks like they can and will sup on magic as readily as anything else. Our local prisoner, the Storm King, has been eager to help, so I got him to volunteer himself as a test subject. As it turns out Bakkoto’s get an even greater power boost from magic, and there’s enough ambient magic inside the natives of this world to feed them without killing the host. It drains them, still, but once the magic is dry, it recovers on its own after a day or two. So my intent was to provide a Bakkoto to any native Equestrians who join our cause.”

This was said with a meaningful look towards Equestria’s Chrysalis, who gained a mistrustful look at the weapon on the computer screen.

“You’re certain this parasitic thing will not kill it’s user as long as it feeds on magic?” she asked, and Starlight nodded.

“Tested it on both the Storm King and myself, now that I’ve got an alicorn body that produces magic naturally. It’ll tire you out, but doesn’t kill. Still, when you’re out of magic, stop using the Bakkoto. If you don’t, it’ll start feeding on your spirit energy, and natives of your world don’t have nearly enough to spare. That said, as long as you have a source of love magic to feed on, you should have plenty to spare to power one of these, and it’ll definitely give you a power boost.”

Despite her reluctance, Chrysalis slowly warmed to the notion at the mention of gaining more power, “Very well. But I will need to feed soon. Your unconscious companion all but overflows with love for her daughter. If I could-”

“No,” Starlight said firmly, “That won’t be necessary. You can feed upon myself.”

That got both Chrysalis’ raising their eyebrows in strangely identical fashion, while Platinum looked vaguely disturbed.

“Truly?” the Equestrian Chrysalis said, “You will let me feed upon your own love? For who...? Oh, yes, of course. You spoke of the one for whom you do all of this for.”

There was a moment of panicked embarrassment that Starlight took command of within herself quickly, forcing her face to a straight laced mask. An image of Sunburst filled her mind with shining clarity for a moment, and she held it close to her heart before dismissing it and eyeing Chrysalis with a look she hoped conveyed the gravity of the matter.

“It should be more than enough to sate you, and in turn provide all the fuel you need to wield a Bakkoto. We’ll take care of this before you leave with Platinum. Now then, the next item on the list could prove to be even more useful, if we can use them right.”

The screen next showed an image of a darkened room in which dozens of metal slabs stood from the floor at a slight angle. Upon each slab was what appeared to be at first unconscious humans. However upon closer inspection it was clear to see the uniform nature of each body, be they male or female, and the lack of distinguishing features such as hair, on top of lacking any actual reproductive organs. Like dolls of flesh. For the Chrysalis who was an Arrancar and for Captain Platinum, the similarity between these bodies and the gigai fake bodies used by Soul Reapers was immediately apparent.

“Are those gigais?” Platinum said, frowning, “What would Hitsuyo-Aku be doing with those?”

“Close,” said Starlight, a somewhat grim look darkening her features, “While based on gigais, these are something else. Something possibly far more dangerous than anything else in this facility. Which is why we need to be very careful about how we employ these things, to make sure nothing gets out of hand.”

“Oh, but what are they, do tell?” the Arrancar Chrysalis said, looking almost hungry, and exceedingly amused by the glint in her eyes. “What manner of depraved fun did the Soul Reaper lab coats get up to this time?”

` Starlight Glimmer sighed, and answered, “Reigai.”


Despite the defenses against spying the meeting room in the depths of Hitsuyo-Aku had, they had not been prepared with someone with a changeling’s abilities in mind. While Ocellus was not as adept as her mother at changing forms, she was still skilled enough to take the shape of a tiny blue moth with pink gossamer wings. With this shape she slipped through small ventilation shafts and readily avoided the reshi beams that small security sensors put out to try and warn of intruders.

Thusly she’d been able to alight near a vent in the ceiling of the meeting room and hear most of what was being said. The young Arrancar turned changeling practically buzzed with delight!

So the adults were all going to be out of the house tomorrow!? Perfect! She and Pipsqueak could play all they wanted, and more importantly, with no pesky adults around to watch over her shoulder, she could break the rules and take the young Soul Reaper lordling on a real adventure wherever she wanted! Oh, and she had the ideal spot in mind, too!

Tomorrow was going to be so much fun.


The first order of business in Twilight’s mind was to determine whether or not the Treasury could actually be utilized or not. As impressive as the leviathan sized battleship was, there was little good it could do her and her friends if it wasn’t functional. The control panel in the room was all made with the ancient technology of the seapony race, and while some parts of it were understandable enough, other parts of it’s function were far more esoteric. Twilight had to spend time fiddling with the levers and buttons to start getting a feel for things. In the meantime her friends discussed their next move.

“Well it seems obvious to me we take the departed Princess Scylla at her word and take the ship for ourselves,” said Admiral Seapsray, “With a mighty vessel like that we could blast our way clear of this whole affair and have quite the weapon to bring to bear against Charybdis.”

“That’s great and all, but I don’t know how much use this thing will be against whatever it is I’m sensing up top,” said Flash, “And on top of that, can we even make this ship move?”

“It looks finished ta me,” Applejack said, peering out the window. “Ain’t seein’ no holes or missin’ pieces.”

“But even if it’s finished, could we even operate it?” pointed out Rarity, “A ship that size must need a fairly large crew, and none of us are exactly trained in the arts of seaponyship.”

Seaspray looked at her and pointed at himself, “The ‘Admiral’ is a well earned title of mine, I assure you, Miss Rarity. There is not a nautical vessel in the world I cannot come to grips with, even one forged by the advanced techniques of Seaquestria. I promise you, I’ll learn to steer this fine ship in short order, or my name isn’t Admiral Seaspray!”

“Hmm fair point, good Admiral,” Rarity admitted, and the cast a glance towards Wavecrest. The seapony was still gazing upon the remains of Scylla, her face a mask of deep concentration.

“Miss Wavecrest, what do you think? You still know more about your people’s ancient traditions, magic, and technology than any of us.”

At Rarity’s question Wavecrest looked up, seemingly startled, then gave the Treasury a contemplative gaze. “It should be doable, yet I cannot say for certain. Were this a vessel like the Odyssey, which I am more familiar with from tales and text, I would say our full party would suffice to fully man her. But a ship this large? Move her we may be able to do, but there’s no telling if we can use all of her functions. Not without entering her and looking for ourselves. And... there’s the matter of why we actually came here.”

“You mean the artifacts,” Rarity said, “The ‘treasury’ that isn’t a ship. I do believe your Princess made mention in her final words of having those loaded aboard, did she not?”

“Yes,” Wavecrest said, taking up her staff and a fresh light of determination flaring to life in her eyes, “Even if the challenge before us is changed, the fact remains we must ensure those treasures, and this great inheritance, does not fall into sahuagin hands! This ship represents a new hope for my people! No matter how difficult, we must save it and the treasures within.”

“Well, first we have to get inside it,” Twilight said, and next to her Starlight Glimmer was also poking at various buttons on the control console.

“What about the big red one, Twilight?”

“No, never push the big red one!”

“Geez, fine, then maybe this knobby looking one?”

“I tried that one already, it just turned the lights from white to green. I don’t even know what that means.”

Behind the pair, a laconic looking Tempest Shadow just rubbed at her forehead and said, “Have you tried just... hitting it?”

The other two looked at her, and Tempest offered a perturbed grunt, “Hey, it works any time I need something to stop annoying me. The Storm King has lots of dumb contraptions that only work half the time, and usually giving them a good thump did the trick.”

“Yes, well, violence can’t solve every problem now, can it?” Seaspray said, floating over and raising a hoof to bring down hard on the console, “Why with such sturdy construction I doubt even a strike with all my might would hardly rattle it, let alone make it-”

At the pounding of his hoof, the console let off a series of clicks and beeps, and suddenly a panel opened up at the top of it. All looked on in astonishment as a glass orb similar in style to the one that Scylla had held now rose upon a metal stalk from within the console. Instead of sound, this orb produced a soft white light that formed a magical image in the air that showed a schematic of the Treasury alongside words in a smoothly flowing script.

“Huh...” Seaspray said, then blanched at Tempest, who was giving him a smug look.

Meanwhile, Wavecrest swam up and quickly began looking over the image. She was joined by Twilight and Starlight, and in a short time the trio began to put together what the information being displayed all meant. It was in essence an active display of the Treasury’s systems and its overall status. Twilight was briefly overwhelmed by the amount of information that was accessible. The image was even interactive! If she touched a part of the ship’s image, it would zoom in and provide even more detail!

“This is... incredible,” she breathed, “Magi-Tech is a fairly new field in Equestria. The University of Neighbridge has a very basic working system for three dimensional image displays like this, but nothing you can interact with! Wavecrest, where did the seaponies learn to do this?”

“Aqualania was ever the capital of Seaquestria’s innovation, Twilight Sparkle, and our people delved deep into harnessing the potential of magic,” Wavecrest said, pride returning to her voice like a burning ember, “We lost much from the war. Too much. You see now why I wish so badly to bring back these glories to my people? Were it not for Scylla and Charybdis’ war, then seapony kind would have brought forth a true Golden Age for not just the oceans, but all the world.”

Applejack’s eyes narrowed sharply, “Easy there, hun. This magic n’ tech may be nice n’ shiny, but yer soundin’ a tad bit like yer Princess’ dream o’ conquest. Don’t ferget she dun goofed on that front alongside her crazy witch o’ a sister.”

Wavecrest met Applejack’s look with equal intensity, “I heard Scylla’s words of regret, the same as you. I hold no delusions of conquest, only of delivering my people back to a time of plenty and security. Nothing more.”

“Please, Applejack, Miss Wavecrest has been nothing to a boon to us on this journey,” said Rarity, “Let us not fault her a certain zeal for the well being of her people and the desire to bring back the clearly impressive knowledge they once possessed. And speaking of which, as awe inspiring as this is Twilight, does this imagery tell us anything of practical use?”

“Just a moment,” Twilight said, her eyes all but soaking in the details, her brain going into overtime to absorb the information before her and to parse out what it all might mean. As fortune might have it, the engineers of the Treasury and it’s hangar had a certain love for user friendliness. On top of that, Twilight already had plenty of experience with Magi-Tech from her own experiments in the field, so much of what she was seeing held a certain familiarity already. Soon, she started to get the overall picture in regards to the ship floating in silent anticipation of its first voyage, centuries in the waiting.

“Alright, from what I can tell the Treasury is fully assembled and equipped for launch,” she said, and she zoomed the image to a cylindrical chamber towards the back end of the vessel’s stern where the “tailfin” connected to the main body, “This is the main engine room, and you see this here? This polyhedron shaped object is a magical power crystal, similar to what we used to power up my portal set up back at the castle. Only this crystal is much larger and connected to an entire network of similar crystals that provide the ship with energy. As far as I can tell, if somepony powers up that main crystal, we’re in business. It just needs raw magic shunted into it, and the whole ship will turn on automatically.”

“Splendid,” Seaspray said, “Then while one of you magically inclined types do that, I can inspect the bridge and work out the controls.”

“Lucky for us the doors are designed for manual opening, even without power,” Twilight pointed out, “So nothing is stopping us from going in. The only issue I see is that this room here-”

She scrolled the image to show a oval shaped room in the belly of the ship, just aft of the bridge’s bubble, “-is labeled as ‘artifact storage’ and has a fully powered vault door. That one we can’t open until I get the power core charged up.”

“Wait,” said Tempest, “What about an exit? We can’t exactly fit this thing through the tunnel we came through.”

“There’s a set of hangar doors on the far end of the bay,” Twilight said, pulling back the map of the ship to reveal it also showed a full schematic of the hangar itself, including a set of giant sliding doors behind the Treasury that led to a vertical exit shaft, “If my guess is right, that shaft leads up to a spot just north of the palace.”

Flash gave a sharp intake of breath, “That’s right in the middle of that huge pile of spiritual hate I’m sensing outside, Twilight.”

“One problem at a time,” Starlight told him, “We can’t worry about dealing with that until we deal with what’s here. Which is getting this ship powered up, getting the rest of our friends together, and quitting this whole city like the worst habit ever.”

“That’s quite right, we can’t leave without the others,” Rarity said, and turned to Applejack, “Why don’t you and I go back to the tunnel entrance. If they come this way, we can at least lead them here.”

“Makes sense ta me. Twilight, ya got any objections?”

Twilight paused for a moment, considering. There was no easy way to signal the other group, but they did know that Twilight’s team was going for the “treasury”, so at least they’d know to search the lower chambers of the palace. She had no intention of going anywhere without them, so if worse came to worst, once the Treasury was fully powered up, she’d leave some of her group to guard it while she went to find the others herself. If she ran into any sahuagin... well, she had magic to spare.

“Go for it,” she said, “Let’s just hope they find their way here.”


“You sure you know where you’re going, dude?” Rainbow Dash asked Ulgriv after what seemed to her like the dozenth random turn amid the various twisting passages of the palace’s lower reaches. The young sahuagin who’d taken the lead of the group turned his oversized head towards her with an exasperated wave of his arms.

“No I am not sure, blue one! I have not been down here before, and only know of the Treasury from rumor! But I am confident it is near. The path I heard of is more or less this way.”

“More or less, he says,” Rainbow Dash sighed, “So far the only good thing about this maze of a palace is that it’s totally thrown off those other fish dudes from chasing us.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that,” Aria said, looking behind them where they had just left a downward spiraling passage. From that direction, Rainbow Dash heard the gurgling whooping war cries of sahuagin warriors.

“Aww man, seriously? I thought we ditched these losers!?”

“Guess we gotta ditch faster Dashie,” said Pinkie Pie, popping up behind Ulgriv with a hoof around his shoulders as she boldly threw her other arm forward, “Quick, follow your nose to the Treasury goodness! I believe in you!”

Ulgriv looked vaguely disturbed by the close contact and pulled Pinkie Pie’s arm off of him as he swam forward down a passage to their left, “This way, I feel the Deep Mistress’ will guiding me down this path.”

“You being for serious or is that just you being weird with that whole fanatical worship stuff again?” asked Dash as the group followed Ulgriv down the left passage. He grimaced at her, wide lips revealing lines of needle teeth as he held the pendant around his neck.

“I cannot commune with the Deep Mistress directly as shaman and blessed chosen champions can, but my... my faith has always been strong. In times of fear, of doubt, I believe I can almost hear Her voice, singing a song of strength and comfort. You should not doubt the Deep Mistress’ power, surfacer.”

“We don’t doubt she’s real, Ulgriv,” said Fluttershy in an uncharacteristically serious tone for her, “We know she is. I understand she must mean a lot to you and your people. But if she’s telling you and your friends to go around hurting people, it makes it hard for us to understand your point of view.”

While still swimming the sahuagin warrior just stared at her in a way one might look at some strange new animal one had never seen before. He opened his mouth to speak, then just closed it and shook his head in confusion, redoubling his effort to swim faster. Rainbow Dash hung back a bit to give Fluttershy a sidelong look.

“I think you just gave the dude a headache. Flutters, I get you’re into the whole making friends scene, and I like poking some fun at this guy. I mean, he’s clearly just a kid. I don’t even think he’s much older than Scootaloo. But he’s one of the bad guys right now, too. Just be careful, ‘kay?”

“I’ll be alright,” Fluttershy replied, “I know that we’re in a lot of danger because of the sahuagin. I won’t let my guard down. Rainbow, I promise. I just...”

“I know, you care. It’s just who you are,” Rainbow Dash smiled and gave her friend a light punch on the shoulder, “Wouldn’t have you otherwise.”

“Hey, is it just me, or are the walls shaking a bit?” asked Sonata suddenly, causing all the others to start looking about while not breaking stride in their headlong swim.

It was possible to feel faint reverberations in the water, and Rainbow Dash did notice tiny bits of debris falling down in streams from the ceiling with regularity.

“What in the world is causing that?” asked Trixie with a nervous gulp, “Is the whole palace shaking?”

“No,” said Aria, focusing for a moment behind them, and Dash figured the siren must be using sonar again, “It’s localized, and right behind us. Growing stronger by the second...”

Aria’s eyes opened wide as she shouted, “Run! Fast!”

She gave no further explanation as she turned, grabbed Sonata by the arm, and all but dragged her sister along in a swift rush down the corridor ahead of them. The reason for this became rapidly evident as the shaking increased in intensity and the warbles of the sahuagin in distant pursuit were drowned out by an incredible loud and horrifically blood chilling howl that tore through the water.

They’d heard that howl a few times before, both on approaching Aqualania and after entering the palace, but the source of it had been a mystery to the group. Not so any longer.

The corridors of the palace had thus far ranged from either large, to auspicious grand, even the smaller passages having breadth of room to allow a sizable group to pass comfortably. Partially this was simply due to the grandiose sense of scale the original architects of the palace had, wishing to make the home of the royal family feel truly larger than life. However in practical terms, the size of the palace and its vast corridors was to accommodate Aqualania’s huge population if a time of crisis ever required they shelter within its walls, hence huge corridors to allow the funneling of thousands of seaponies to safety at once.

Ironic then that the feature meant to allow many to take shelter in safety is what allowed the bulk of an undersea terror to smash and squeeze itself down the corridor with furious abandon. Even the usually cocky Rainbow Dash felt a moment of startled fear at the sight of the oncoming monstrosity, and she had faced dragons before with brazenness.

The creature was at one time in it’s life an adult, male sperm whale. However the mutating magic infused into its body had turned the once noble mammal into a dire parody of itself. Thick and jagged pieces of bone grew from exposed and cracked flesh, forming plates of armor across the whale’s powerful length. It’s battering ram of a head was further enhanced by a sharp spike of bone, like the protruding edge of a mountain cliff. A red glowing seal of magic was branded upon its snout, just beneath the head spike, and the whale’s eyes glowed with a similar baleful light as its mouth opened to exude another howl from between rows of sword-like teeth.

Although the terror beast’s bulk took up much of the corridor, there was enough room for it to move it’s potent tail and propel itself forward, even as it’s sides struck the walls or it’s head clipped the ceiling in it’s jerking movements, which was the cause of the shaking the ponies had earlier felt.

Barely visible behind the whale’s path were the sahuagin, well more than a hundred of them. Leading the warriors was Morgawr, his body still alight with his own magically empowered sigils. Next to him was a shorter sahuagin who wore a shroud of woven bones and carried a wave shaped sacrificial dagger. It was this sahuagin that Rainbow Dash noted appeared to be holding a magical link, like that of a glowing thread of chains, that bound him to the mutated whale.

However, that was about all she could note before fleeing was the only thing she or any of her companions could immediately do.

“Oh the hay with this!” Trixie screamed, “This is officially the last time I ever go on some foal-brained adventure with Twilight bloody Sparkle! At least not without negotiating hazard pay!”

Fluttershy looked positively aghast at the sight of the whale, such a gentle sea creature, clearly abused and tormented by it’s captors. While she fled with the rest of them, Rainbow Dash could see the horror in her friend’s eyes also swiftly growing into hot coals of utter outrage.

“How... how could anyone treat another living creature like that!? This poor whale! I’ll... I’ll...”

“Fluttershy, calm down,” Rainbow Dash urged, knowing that her friend was probably working up to quite the outburst, but until they got into a better position to deal with this threat she couldn’t let Fluttershy fly off the handle. “We’ll deal with this as soon as we find Twilight and the others.”

Fluttershy gnashed her teeth, but gave Dash a pained nod. Rainbow Dash was grateful for small miracles. She knew her friend was a lot stronger than she generally appeared to be, but that whale was probably too mentally chained by magic to guarantee Fluttershy’s Stare would work, and this tight corridor was not the place for a brawl where Dash couldn’t maneuver and make effective use of her speed.

“Ulgy, your buddies are the worst meanies ever, and we’ve met a lot!” Pinkie Pie said, while Ulgriv just gaped at her and at the monstrosity chasing them.

“I’ve never seen a terror beast made from a large kin of that size before,” Ulgriv admitted, “It must have cost shaman Divistis many sacrifices, but Morgawr forbid he make use of any soft kin, so I know not how this terror beast was made.”

“Dude, what are you talking about? Soft kin are seaponies, right?” Dash asked, then something in his words clicked, “Wait, you saying there are seaponies being held down here too!?”

“No,” Ulgriv said as he led the group in a sharp turn down a passage that bent downward and to the right, “I mean, our warbands did capture some soft kin, yes, but they were already moved back home with the translocation sphere. Morgawr insisted any captives be sent ahead first, lest their presence distract us.”

“How many?” asked Fluttershy in such a tone as to make Ulgriv gulp and answer quite swiftly.

“S-some ten or twenty. I was not part of their capture, so had no place in claiming prestige or the honor of guarding them.”

“Why send them on to the Abyss for?” Rainbow Dash asked, giving a glance behind her as she did so. The terror beast was slowly closing the gap with them. Despite it’s bulk, it was able to slide forward in the water at a frightful pace. While the group was swimming as fast as it could, it could only do so at the speed of it’s slowest members, which in this case was Trixie. While in excellent shape for a unicorn, having pulled her caravan all over Equestria and in some cases beyond, she was still lagging behind a bit compared to the others in the group.

If this keeps up, that thing is gonna catch up to us in a matter of minutes, Rainbow Dash realized, considering options even as Ulgriv responded to her question.

“It is the Deep Mistress’ will that any of the soft kin we capture are brought to our home so they might be made to see the truth of her glory and serve the cause,” Ulgriv said, hesitantly. “Often they are put to work in the mines, or mollusk patches. Those that refuse, vanish.”

“Vanish?” Dash pressed, and Ulgriv just nodded.

“It is not known what becomes of them. They go into the Deep Mistress’ rift, and either return to serve willingly, or do not return at all. None know what our holy Mistress does with those who are not seen again.”

“Ominous,” said Sonata, and Aria let out a rough grunt.

“Not as ominous as the damn monster whale biting at our tails! That thing is getting closer!”

“I noticed,” Rainbow Dash said, gritting her teeth and looking ahead. The passage they were in had spun downwards for a bit, then leveled off. And to her frustration, she saw the corridor terminated in a sudden set of doors little more than fifty feet ahead.

“We’re trapped!” Trixie said, closing her eyes, “Dang it Starlight, if it was going to end this way then the Cute and Cuddleable Trixie wanted one last night to show you how she really felt!”

Ignoring that particular statement, Rainbow Dash looked to Fluttershy and shouted, “Flutters, you and me! Hit it dead on with everything we’ve got! The rest of you, don’t slow down! Just follow us!”

Fluttershy gained a flash of resolve in her tightened jaw as she lined up next to Rainbow Dash and the pair plowed forward. Rainbow Dash cranked up her speed to the best she could manage over a short distance, Fluttershy managing to keep pace just behind her. The pink, yellow, and rainbow bolts of speed cut a line through the water that almost sucked their companions along even despite their best efforts to keep up.

Rainbow Dash let out a yell as she smashed into the doors with her whole body, Fluttershy plowing into them right beside her.


If anything the interior of the Treasury was even more impressive than it’s exterior. Every hall within the grand vessel was a marvelously graceful feat of smooth metal panels, lined with lighting crystals carved into diamond shapes at regular intervals along the walls. Twilight had seen into an impressively sized galley that could likely seat scores of crew comfortably, while the quarters she passed by were each large enough and well furnished to equal even the best hotels in Canterlot. She could scarcely imagine how much time it had taken to build the ship, and in so thinking a question popped into her mind.

“Wavecrest, if Charybdis took over Aqualania, how was this ship finished, or even this hangar concealed?”

Beside her, Wavecrest gave the journal she’d taken from Scylla’s room on the Odyssey a touch with a hoof, “Scylla wrote about how much her sister obsessed with her magical studies, and distained Scylla’s reliance on martial prowess and trinkets. Scylla’s personal guard were also loyal beyond compare. I believe your answers lie in those two facts. When the city fell to Charybdis, Scylla’s loyalists may well have holed themselves up in the hangar, behind the sealed doors, and completed the work on their own. I suspect there may have been passages to allow their escape when the job was done. As for Charybdis herself, she likely never thought to look into her sisters ‘treasury’, considering it beneath her.”

“But wouldn’t the sahuagin have an interest in it?” Twilight asked, and Wavecrest made a light scoffing sound.

“Even if they did, they clearly failed to pierce the seal as you and your unicorn companions were able to. Take heart in our good fortune, Twilight Sparkle. You have become an integral part of seapony history today, and while some of your companions may doubt my motives, I give you my word I’ll not soon forget the boon you have uncovered for my people. It is a debt I will repay in due time.”

Twilight smiled briefly, “No need to think of it like that, Wavecrest. We’re in this together. You’ve helped us a lot, too.”

Behind her, Flash Sentry had fallen behind somewhat, and Twilight glanced back at him. Starlight and Tempest Shadow had gone with Admiral Seaspray to find the bridge, while Applejack and Rarity had proceeded back up to the entryway at the tomb chamber, so for now it was just her, Wavecrest, and the Soul Reaper turned pegasus. He still looked a bit pale and wane from the lingering aftereffects of the poison he’d endured, but more than that Flash was wearing a fresh look of distant concern.

“Is it that spiritual presence from the city you’re feeling, still?” she asked, and he shook his head.

“No. I mean, yes, I still sense that... whatever it is. But I’m also sensing another presence, closer. Something inside the palace.”

Twilight couldn’t help but gulp slightly, “How close?”

“Hard to tell, but close enough to make me worry about how split up we all are. With your permission, Twilight, once you get this ship running, I’ll go join Rarity and Applejack. If something nasty shows up, I think they’ll appreciate some backup.”

“You hardly need my permission, Flash,” she said, smiling, “I’m certain I’m safe in here.”

“I know, but a bodyguard has to bodyguard,” Flash said, giving her a smile back, albeit a strained one given the circumstances, “I’ll feel better knowing there’s no surprises waiting for us in here before heading off.”

She could tell he was worried about her, and appreciated the sentiment, even if she was equally worried about him, possibly even more so. It didn’t take much longer for them to reach the engine room, which was at the end of where two curving hallways that ran along either side of the ship ran. The ship was composed of five different decks, and the engine room took up a vertical space filling the back end of three of those decks, accessible by several hatchways, including a primary one that Wavecrest and Twilight pried open with their respective magics. Wavecrest used her staff to control the water currents to pull upon the door while Twilight relied purely on telekinesis, the combination of which had little trouble pulling open the sliding hatch that split down it’s center.

Within, the engine room was essentially a big cylinder with several catwalks surrounding a huge and smoothly polished blue crystal that was housed in a series of bronze and silver rings. Those rings were in turn attached by various pipes and cables to smaller crystal contraptions that were built into the floor and walls, which Twilight understood to essentially be power regulators that would keep the tremendous power of the main engine crystal from overloading the ship’s systems.

A semi-circular observation deck was right beyond the doors and had several monitoring consoles arranged around the end, but the most important feature was a circular protrusion with a podium rising from it. This podium ended in a square cut crystal fixture that was to serve as a fueling point for the engine. Whether it was from already powered up, smaller crystals, or seapony magic, this podium could accept raw power and transfer it to the engine crystal.

“Marvelous,” Wavecrest whispered, looking around the room, then to Twilight Sparkle, “Please, awaken Princess Scylla’s final gift to her people. Bring life to this Treasury, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and let us banish the darkness from Aqualania in the process.”

With a weighty nod, Twilight Sparkle swam forward and carefully laid a hoof upon the crystal podium. She wasn’t entirely certain how much magical power would be needed to charge the engine fully, nor at what speed would be safest to do so, but she was all too keenly aware that every passing second might place ponies she cared about in further danger. For a rare change of pace, Twilight decided not to err on the side of caution.

Her horn, perhaps having grown ever so slightly longer and sharper over the time since she’d become an alicorn, bloomed to brilliant life with a multi-layered aura of violet magical power. She directed a potent, near blinding stream of that power from her horn and into the crystal podium. She felt the heat blossoming in her horn and inside her body as she tapped deep into her wellspring of magic, yanking it forth with the pure will of her emotions. For extra flavor she thought hard of nearly losing Flash, and the danger her friends still remained in, emotion which lent further fuel to the flame of her magic. The magic within responded eagerly, gushing forth in a near endless stream, and she let the crystal in front of her soak it up without reservation or slowing down.

Purple energy burst to life along the podium and the veins of piping that connected it to the rings around the engine’s main crystal. Like sparkling rivers, the energy flowed in ever greater volume, flashing with strobes of near blinding light that forced Wavecrest and Flash Sentry to shield their eyes as the raw magic pouring from the alicorn Princess was greedily soaked up by the Treasury’s engine.

In short order the engine’s crystal itself started to come to life. Coiling arcs of magic ran along the rings surrounding it and then leaped into the crystal itself, which started to spin as it’s many faceted interior began to become painted with a plethora of lights. In less than a minute’s time the crystal spun with a steady hum, and it’s surface went from dull blue to a lustrous and deep azure that twinkled with a seemingly endless star field of violet and purple lights. The hum of the crystal intensified and spread, power seeping into dozens of pipes and conduits as the crystal power regulars also began to buzz to life.

Light filled the engine room, then spread through the whole ship as power flowed through it like blood through the veins of an awakening beast.

Twilight could all but feel the power brimming through the ship, almost as if she had a hoof directly on it’s pulse. The deck gently vibrated with that life and for a moment she almost got the impression the ship itself was truly alive, as if there was a conscious force gazing back at her from the crystal’s depths. The moment passed, but she still felt her power seeping through every pore of the ship’s decks, and instinctively knew that the magic she had just supplied was more than enough for the mighty Treasury to operate at full capacity for quite some time to come.

There was a moment of exhaustion that came when she slowly ceased the flow of magic, and a faint sense of suction as if the crystal still wanted to drink deep of her power, but once she ceased the flow there was no ill effect other than she had to sit on her tail for a moment and catch her breath.

“Whew... that was... intense,” she said, and gave Flash a reassuring hoof wave as he came up to her, “I’m okay, though. Crystal was just really thirsty.”

“Heh, I’ll bet,” he said, “Last time I saw you put out that much magic was that gravity number you did on Trixie.”

“The loud one?” Wavecrest asked, curiously. and Twilight laughed half-heartedly.

“Uh, different Trixie. Long story. But yeah, that was a lot of magic, but I’ll be fine. And looks like the ship is now up and running,” she said, gesturing around at the now fully lit engine room. The entire place glowed softly blue from crystal light fixtures, and was similarly filled with a pleasant hum of power.

“It most certainly is,” Wavecrest said with a pleased look, causing her face to glow bright under the sharp lights of the crystals, “Now we must make haste and find the artifact room.”

“Shouldn’t we check to see how they’re doing on the bridge first?” asked Flash, but Wavecrest waved him off.

“I trust your companions to figure that part out, and if not we’ll join them in due time, but what we may find among the artifacts Princess Scylla gathered here could prove the difference between surviving this day, or calling Aqualania home in a far more permanent fashion than any of us I think would like.”

“Well, if you’re sure-” Twilight began to say, but Flash swam forward, meeting Wavecrest’s gaze directly.

“Wait. Just what do you know, Wavecrest? You’ve been obsessed with these artifacts that Scylla took ever since you started talking about the Treasury, before you even knew it was a ship. What’s there that you’re so damned keen to get your hooves on?”

“Flash, we don’t have to grill her. She’s on our side,” Twilight said.

“Even if she is, I want to know what’s so important about these artifacts. This can’t be just because they’re random magic doo-dads, Twilight. Not if Wavecrest is this insistent about them,” he said, not breaking his gaze with Wavecrest.

The seapony witch met his gaze evenly, without flinching, and he saw a calmness come over her as she seemed to reach a decision, “Very well, Flash Sentry, I shall answer your question. It is not a complex answer. There is indeed something specific I seek. Or rather, my mentor sought it, and passed the legacy of this task to me after her death. There is a legend among seaponies, about the disappearance of the gods we once worshipped. You’ve seen the shrines, the temples. Know then that to us, these gods were real, and when they left this world they left behind... Relics. Relics that contain fragments of their great power. It is believed Princess Scylla found a number of such Relics, including one that contains the power of Domare, Lady Sea herself. It is this Relic I seek, the Mata Le Sami, or ‘Eye of the Sea’ in your tongue.”

Flash scratched his head, his expression easing somewhat but fresh confusion now painting his voice, “Okaaaay, but what makes this ‘relic’ or whatever any more important than another magical item? Do you actually believe it contains that much power?”

“Did you not just hear me say these Relics contain the power of gods, boy?” Wavecrest said, and Flash let out a short breath, shaking his head.

“I heard you, but what I mean is what makes you think that isn’t anything more than just another legend? What do you expect to be able to do with this Eye of the Sea that makes getting to it so important?”

It was Wavecrest’s turn to shake her head, looking away from him with a frustrated mutter, “I could do little with it, for I lack the means to access its power. But with it I can then search for the one true heir to Seaquestria’s throne. With it I can find the one who inherited Scylla’s bloodline.”

“There’s an heir?” Twilight asked, suddenly interested, and Wavecrest turned away from both her and Flash and began to swim out of the engine room.

“It was just a rumor, but one I and my mentor believed. That before the war, Princess Scylla had a tryst with one of her guards, and the offspring of that tryst were kept hidden from the Queen. It is also believed that the very same guard who sired the heir was tasked with protecting the child and taking them from Aqualania before it fell. In theory, that means the royal bloodline may have continued to the modern day. But there is no way to prove that, save perhaps the legend that the Eye of the Sea will respond to one of royal blood as an ‘Inheritor’.”

“So you need the Eye to find a new ruler for the seaponies,” Twilight said, finally understanding things. “Somepony who can unite all the seapony tribes and reforge Seaquestria into one nation?”

“Yes,” Wavecrest said, “That is what I’ve worked towards, and now that it is so close to my grasp I hope you can understand how I’m eager to see it done. Now, are there more questions, or can we go to the artifact chamber?”

“Alright,” Flash said, “I’m satisfied. Sorry to give you the third degree there.”

“It is as nothing. Let us be quick. If nothing else, I agree with you for the need of haste.”


The doors into the tomb broke open with a resounding clamor of sound, causing Rarity and Applejack both to wheel about, startled. To their shock, and monetary relief, they saw Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were the ones who had broken through the doors, and that right behind the pair came the rest of their errant companions. Including Sonata and Aria!

“Well smack my hide n’ call me a bowl o’ punch if they didn’t just come right to us,” said Applejack with a grin. “An’ here we was wondeirn’ if ya’ll were gonna be alright!”

“RUN! GIANT EVIL WHALE!” screeched Trixie, causing Rarity and Applejack to glance at each other all of two seconds before the already burst open doors proceeded to explode from their hinges, along with a sizeable chunk of the wall all around them. From a billowing cloud of smoky debris emerged the gargantuan terror beast, it’s distended jaws shaking the waters with a fresh howl.

As it lumbered it’s bulky body into the expansive tomb area, the whale was followed by the sahuagin in their multitudes, including Morgawr who gave out a bellowing shout, “Come forth, surface dwellers! You cannot flee forever! I can sense where my trident is and will follow you until the end of the seas themselves!”

Rarity blinked, then deadpanned, “Applejack, do you suppose he means the trident Tempest is carrying around?”

“What’dya think, Rares!?” Applejack said, adjusting her stetson and shouting to the others, “This way everypony n’ siren! Git yer keisters down this tunnel here, pronto!”

She then looked to Rarity, “Make sure they all go, sugarcube, n’ don’t wait up fer me!”

“Huh!?” at Rarity’s questioning look, Applejack just licked her lips and rubbed her hooves together before giving her tail a powerful thrust and shot off like a bottlenose dolphin, moving in a direct charge right at the oncoming terror beast.

Rainbow Dash saw Applejack swimming past her like an orange bolt, and let out a frustrated growl as she said to Fluttershy, “Keep going!”

Her hooves were pretty sore from smashing through those doors, but she’d taken worse impacts from plenty of crashes during training. She certainly had no hesitation in spinning about to join Applejack in charging at the whale, despite how completely and utterly the beast out massed them.

Still, earth pony strength and pegasus speed was not to be wholly underestimated, and Applejack had dealt with plenty of beasts much larger than herself. Being underwater meant she didn’t quite have the physical leverage she was used to, and her extremely potent hind-hooves were replaced by a big fish tail. However that one big fish tail hanging behind her held the combined strength of her hind legs she’d used to crack stone or shake mighty trees with equal measure, and she knew usually where to hit for best effect.

Rainbow Dash wasn't much different. Although not as strong as Applejack, she knew how to land an impact, whether for demolition purposes or controlling powerful weather patterns. Things were different underwater. She wasn’t sure she could create a tornado like she normally would, and lightning seemed like a fundamentally bad idea while surrounded by water, but with her aquatic form maybe she could make a water funnel?

She coordinated with Applejack so they hit the terror beast at roughly the same time, Applejack turning hard to the left to avoid the beast’s head, which rammed towards her but just barely missed to instead create a giant crater in the ground. She then spun with her tail and hit the creature in the eye with all her might. Her blow didn’t cause as much of an impact as she’d like, but she still felt the beast rock back a bit as it’s eye closed and it bellowed a high pitched roar of rage.

At the same time Rainbow Dash swam in a horizontal cone pattern, spreading her wings and trying to control the water around her the same way she might the clouds in the sky. It wasn’t quite as intuitive as the weather control she could manage as a pegasus, but she felt the water responding to her just enough to start forming a whirlpool of sharp currents that she then sent like a battering ram towards the sahuagin that had come in behind the terror beast.

Morgawr crossed his arms and took the brunt of the whirlpool current head on, grunting as his body shook from the blow. Sahuagin around him were scattered by the dispersing current, a few sent careening into the walls of the tomb, while most others were just left floating dizzily around.

From behind Morgawr, a sauhaguin rose with his shroud of bones rattling. The shaman Divistus cut his arm with his sacrificial knife and gurgled out an unholy chant. Darkness swirled up his arm like living tentacles, then formed in swirls of red and black energy to become a pulsating ball of magic covered in spikes like a twisted sea urchin. He hurled the sphere at Rainbow Dash, who saw the incoming attack of unnatural magic and zipped away. However the sphere burst and sent a shower of deadly black spikes flying everywhere, and while Dash was fast enough to still evade the storm, one of the spikes struck Applejack’s left arm.

The farm mare let out a sharp yell of pain, yanking the spike out with her other hoof and throwing it away, which in turn dissipated. A bleeding hole was left in her arm, but Applejack grit her teeth through the pain and made a dodging dive as the terror beast freed it’s head from the crater it made in the floor and tried to snap the mare out of the water in its jaws. She sent a reprisal smack of her tail at the beast’s jaw, but that barely phased it. However, Applejack just used the momentum of the blow to send her swimming even faster back towards the tunnel towards the Treasury.

By now most of the others had reached the tunnel and swam down. Rarity had given Ulgriv a very confused look for a moment, but Pinkie Pie had just waved her friend off. Ulgriv himself had given the terror beast and Morgawr a confused look, as if still not sure what to do himself. His plan to lead the surfacers to the traps of the tomb was now useless, for the tomb was compromised the fabled ‘Treasury’ now accessible. Yet he couldn’t go back to join his people, for he’d surely be killed, as he’d now effectively led the surfacers right to the Treasury, making it look even more like he was in league with them.

The young sahuagin warrior could only clutch at his pendant to the Deep Mistress and pray for some other chance to redeem himself in his people’s eyes in the future. At least as long as he stayed close to the surfacers, perhaps he’d find some way to sabotage their plans? Regardless, he could only follow them into the tunnel, leaving Rarity and oddly Trixie as the only pair behind.

“Miss Trixie, you should be running, no?” said Rarity, but the showmare, breathing heavily, had a very odd look on her face.

She looked terrified, yet her dilated eyes also had a fierce hint of rage in them now, too, as her ragged breaths came in and out in a growing mad cackle.

“Hahahah! Oh no! The Infuriated and Vengeful Trixie has had it up to here with these stupid, annoying, insufferable FISH! Trixie is tired! Trixie is scared! And Trixie is pissed off!”

Trixie spun around and tore off her hat, allowing her horn to blaze bright in full view as she dredged up the full measure of her own magic, which while not on par with the likes of Twilight Sparkle or Starlight Glimmer, was still rather impressive given she was a pony whose innate talents did lie firmly within the arcane realm.

In an instant, a brilliant and booming barrage of score upon score of explosive firework spells launched themselves out of Trixie’s horn. An extravaganza of blinding, dazzling flashes of sound and light exploded all across the tomb in bursts of purple, green, blue, and white, taking the shapes of stars, wands, flowers, birds, and even giant winking Trixie heads.

None of it was actually damaging to the sahuagin or the terror beast, as it was essentially just harmless firework magic. Yet the blinding light and massive concussions of sound, amplified by the water, was beyond confusing and deafening to the dwellers of the Abyss. For a moment the entire army of sahuagin were held up, rubbing at their eyes or clutching at their ears as Trixie’s firework display hammered their senses.

The terror beast roared and flailed about at random, crushing some dozen unfortunate sahuagin too close and too stunned to get out of the way.

This bought Rainbow Dash time to grab the wounded Applejack and make a bee-line for the tunnel. As they flew by, Rarity gripped Trixie, who was now all but spent.

“Truly magnificent, darling, now let’s go before they recover!”

“Heh...heh... like to see Twilight Sparkle... pull that off... ‘third rate’ my beautiful blue butt!” the exhausted Trixie said as she let herself get dragged down into the tunnel.


Twilight just barely managed to keep the sneeze down as she got the particular feeling that somepony was talking about her behind her back. However she swiftly set that aside to turn her full attention to the impressively thick door that barred the way into the Treasury’s artifact storage chamber. Located in the center belly of the ship on its fifth and lowest deck, it was clear Scylla certainly considered security a high factor, given one had to pass two different sets of gates before even reaching the robust metal hatch that was presently before her and Wavecrest. Flash had departed to go check on the others in the tomb, and Twilight was already missing his presence, despite having told him he was fine to go. Well, she hoped nothing serious was happening up top yet and even hoped the other group of her friends had arrived safely with Aria and Sonata.

At any rate, despite the security measures, the gates hadn’t actually been locked by the last workers who had finished the ship. Presumably the artifact room might have been more thoroughly secured before the Treasury’s maiden voyage, but that had not come to pass. That said, the actual main hatch itself was closed, and to open it required some control of the ship’s systems.

“We’ve more or less gotten matters figured out up here,” said Admiral Seaspray’s voice from a brass box fitted with a circular crystal mounted in the wall next to the door. It hadn’t taken them long to realize that these devices were for communication ship-wide, a far more advanced version of the brass tubes that had been used on the Odyssey. With them Twilight had contacted those on the bridge and learned that Seaspray, Starlight, and Tempest had swiftly been able to work out the ship controls once the power had come on.

“So you can open the door before us?” Wavecrest said, and Seaspray paused a moment. Twilight heard a few clicking noises, as if Seaspray was fiddling with something in front of him.

“Yes...” he said, “Yes I think so. Good thing I saw the good Princess Sparkle operate that device in the hangar control room. This works quite similarly. Let’s see, if we’re here, then you must be the blip down there... aha! Here we are, ladies. I touch this button here and that should do it!”

Twilight and Wavecrest waited. After a few seconds Wavecrest cleared her throat loudly and said, “Nothing is happening.”

Seaspray, a bit more flustered said, “Apologies, perhaps this button instead? Or maybe this one here? I do think I need to hit these in some particular order. Oh bugger all, what if I hit them all at once?”

“That might not be the best idea, Admiral,” Twilight said, but despite expecting any number of traps or other unpleasant surprises to spring out at her and Wavecrest due to Seaspray’s fiddling, to her infinite relief there was a magical hum from the circular hatch in front of them and it began to slide open. “Oh, never mind Admiral, it looks like you did it.”

“Hah, of course I did! I am a most experienced man of the sea, after all-ooff!”

The sound of Seaspray being bumped aside was then followed by Starlight’s voice, “You’ve got the artifact room open? Great! I’ll be down there in a sec. No way I’m missing this. Hey Tempest, you got things here?”

“Why are you asking her?” Seaspray asked just as Tempest answered, “Yeah, I’ll make sure nothing explodes that we don’t want exploded.”

“Alright then, see you in a bit, Twilight. Don’t hog all the incredible magical artifacts to yourself.”

Twilight’s eyebrow could only crawl upwards at the exchange, but she soon focused forward and glanced at Wavecrest, “Shall we?”

Wavecrest gave a subdued nod, eyes wide as the pair swam into the room ahead.

It was brightly lit, lines of crystals along the ceiling bathing all in a stark white light. Twilight was immediately taken in by a sense of being surrounded by multiple magical auras, as if each item in sight contained some manner of hidden arcane might behind a veil of mundane form. Although ‘mundane’ might not truly be applicable to all that she saw.

For a change, things were orderly, in contrast to the way Scylla had seemed to keep other elements of her life. The chamber was a smooth oval about fifty feet long and half that across, it’s two curved walls lined with shelf after metal shelf upon which numerous objects of all shape, size, and apparent function were set in either contained display cases or secured upon racks. A long central display row filled the center of the room, akin to such that Twilight had seen in some museums, with spaces separated out for further items laying upon smooth wood depressions.

She saw weapons of every variety, some quite ornate, while others seemed almost normal and humble. Pieces of armor or entire sets, some clearly fitted for species besides ponies or seaponies, shone in metal glory or in beautifully detailed leather splendor. Twilight spied several shields as well, of all shapes and sizes. Armament aside, there were all manner of more esoteric or common looking objects. In short order Twilight saw everything from an ornate lantern hanging from an iron pole carved with the head of a dragon to a seemingly plain leather backpack, but stained green and bearing a strange leaf motif. One shelf had a porcelain doll sitting upon it, a doll of a minotaur of all things, bearing a brass drum. Another shelf had a statuette of a feline creature with two tails, carved from what Twilight thought might be jade. Every shelf and display case was filled with such, and as Twilight and Wavecrest went deeper into the room it became obvious that it’d take some time to even begin figuring out what any of the items might be.

Of course Wavecrest was here for something specific, and searched about with a haste akin to a breathless mother looking for a lost child. Twilight had no idea what the Eye of the Sea might look like, so could not immediately help Wavecrest, and before she could think to ask the seapony what the Relic’s appearance might be she was suddenly struck by a most unusual sensation.

Twilight found herself drawn to the right side of the room, towards the back of it, without even thinking about it. Before she realized what she was doing, she was reaching out towards a vertical wooden case set up with a glass front to display its contents. She blinked, not even sure why she’d suddenly come straight to this particular case, and inside her was this most strange desire. It wasn’t anything so palpable or obtrusive as a charm spell, but rather just an instinctive sense that what lay within this particular case was... important?

She reached out a hoof to touch the glass, gazing upon what was within. Again, as if her body was operating separately from herself, she found herself pulling the case open, which was not locked and was only held shut but a simple latch. Carefully she reached in and drew forth the item within, her hoof touching it’s cool metal with a sensation that was so familiar, yet somehow so very foreign.

She’d never once held a weapon in her life, so it was doubly peculiar to her that this one almost rested naturally in her hooves.

It was a mace. She knew this only because studying some degree of weapon knowledge had been a natural part of her curiosity when her brother had joined the Royal Guard. It was not remarkably ornate, but she wasn’t certain what kind of metal it was made out of. It had a white hue, not silver but actual white like polished bone. It clearly wasn't bone, however, due to the heft, and the metallic glint of the grooved mace head. A purple colored jewel capped the top of the made, and it’s handle was wrapped in a thick gray cloth until it ended in a pommel shaped like a small pyramid.

It had a worn look, as if it wore the weight of many ages. The mace was heavy, yet Twilight felt like she could lift it with little trouble.

And as much as she thought to simply put the weapon down, she found something deep inside her that was dismissive of the very notion. Because whether she could understand it or not, she simply somehow knew that this object was hers.


Over a thousand miles away from Twilight Sparkle’s location, Princess Celestia, who was in the middle of leaving a meeting from the throne room of Canterlot Palace, halted in place.

She felt the momentary burst of resonance from the Relic she had near her person, hidden in a magical pocket space. She didn’t think she’d feel it if it was from an Inheritor who was less closely tied to herself, and even then the faint taste of the magic from the resonance was clear enough to the mare who’d spent so much time teaching young Twilight Sparkle.

With neither fear, regret, nor elation, Princess Celestia lowered her head and let out a tired breath.

Author's Note:

And so Human Starlight unveils her ultimate weapons; filler arcs! Well, at least references to filler arcs. For those not familiar with Bleach, the Bakkoto and Reigai were elements from some of Bleach's filler arcs, much like the Bounts were. I find it kind of weirdly appropriate that Hitsuyo-Aku, aka "Necessary Evil" is a trove of things from filler arcs, which are themselves kind of a necessary evil in many an anime series. And while we build up towards the inevitable Celestia vs Starlight Glimmer clash, Twilight and company are about to soon learn what these Relics are all about.

As always, thanks for reading folks, and I appreciate any and all comments, questions, or critiques you may have for me. 'Till next time!

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