• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,943 Views, 5,037 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 168: Convergence

Episode 168: Convergence

Discord could at least admit that whatever medication the Soul Reapers had concocted in this dismal place, it was certainly good stuff. He didn’t even feel the pain of the anti-magic javelin that was kept lodged in his body, as the drip feed of a faint blue glowing liquid hooked to a tube and needle in his wrist was doing wonders for killing off the discomfort. Granted his physiology didn’t exactly conform to anything resembling normal, but whatever strange spirit-based medicine was being used on him was still doing the trick. To a degree, at any rate. His mind wasn’t muddled as he suspected such drugs were wont to do, which was both blessing and curse.

Blessing, because he could still think of numerous ways to get back at Starlight Glimmer and Chrysalis for this ignominy. Curse, because one can only imagine so many forms of payback before even those fantasies got boring. And Discord despised boredom. He’d tear off his left nostril for a television, and Equestria hadn’t even invented TV yet. He’d even settle for a magazine, or maybe a little music. Anything to break the monotony of the same plain steel gray walls in the same twenty by twenty foot circular chamber in which he was the main occupant, suspended in the air. There were multiple wooden pillars carved with Soul Reaper kanji that continued to glow a potent yellow color, each one bound by strange red ropes to large iron nails driven into the floor and ceiling above and below him. It was all some kind of highly complex “Kido” spell that kept him bound in place and prevented him from moving more than his head and lips so he could see and speak whenever someone came to question him.

Aside from the binding spell, the room, which was basically a highly secure specimen cell for the researchers of Hitsuyo-Aku, a number of odd drones buzzed about. These things looked as if they too were made of wood, little flying cylinders with insect-like legs and red gem eyes embedded in their surface. These constructs were his usual guards, ever keeping an eye on him and supposedly relaying a continuous feed to his captors elsewhere.

He was rarely visited, save on occasion by the young Arrancar, Ocellus, who regularly checked the feed of his medical drip and to provide him some inane banter. Sometimes she had this odd young colt with her, who was a Soul Reaper by his garb, but he certainly didn’t fit the mood of the other rogues gathered in this place. Pipsqueak was his name, and Discord more or less surmised he was related to the turncoat Captain who’d joined Starlight. Discord had at first thought this might represent an opportunity to gain freedom if he could get the boy talking, but that hope had been dashed quickly enough. Pipsqueak wasn’t talkative, save with Ocellus, it seemed. Not much hope of convincing him to turn, if their mutual friendliness was any indication.

Bah, bad guys making friends with each other. Should be some standard against that, I say.

He wasn’t counting the days, but he had an impression it’d been at least two since his capture, maybe three. Regardless, it was either very late on the second day or very early on the third when the door to his cell opened, a pair of metal doors that hissed as they slid aside.

Into the room strode one pony that was unfamiliar to him, and another individual who was all too familiar. Discord raised his head and put on his most sarcastic, snaggle-toothed smile, “Why Chrysalis, taking time out of your busy schedule of being an ex-Queen of the Changelings and general failure as a villain to come pay me a courtesy call. I’m flattered. Who’s your half-baked friend?”

The “half-baked” one he was referring to was the ivory coated unicorn mare who had half of her body sporting burn scars that would make most foals cry, and had her front right leg replaced by a wooden composite replacement. The Zanpaktou sheathed at her side next to barely maintained black robes indicated she was a Soul Reaper, and Discord surmised this was ex-Captain Platinum.

Platinum confirmed as much as she met his gaze with an even, cold stare of her own. “I imagine you already know my name, but you may refer to me as Platinum. I would say it’s a pleasure to meet you in this world, Discord, but you strike me as being all too similar to your counterpart from my world.”

“And we’re not...” Chrysalis began, but strangely cut herself short and shook her head with a hefty sigh laced with deep irritation, “It’s no business of yours whom I associate with. I did not come here to listen to your prattling insults.”

“Really? But I’m so good at them! Much better than you ever were. Truthfully Chrysalis, that was always one of the weakest elements of your villainy. No insult game. Terrible banter. Just all business and boring monologues. Is it any wonder Starlight, Thorax, Trixie and I so readily tore your kingdom out from under you? I imagine your people were just dying for a change of pace after dealing with your humorless drudgery for so long.”

Discord may have joined the side of “Harmony” and generally enjoyed his new role as an ally of Equestria, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t take great pleasure in inflicting emotional damage on those who’d earned his ire. If he was free and in full control of his chaos magic, Chrysalis would be receiving far worse than a few petty insults. Still, he did savor the rage that boiled in her eyes, but again to his surprise Platinum reached out and touched Chrysalis’ shoulder. The changeling pulled away from the touch, but rather than turn her rancor on Platinum, she listened as Platinum spoke.

“Don’t let him get under your skin. If insults are all he has, then he has nothing. Remember why we are here.”

“Tch, easy for you to say, Platinum. Were this Sunset Shimmer instead of Discord, could you so easily remain calm?”

Platinum’s lips pressed hard in a tight frown, but she did not look away, “Perhaps not, but the fact would remain if had Sunset Shimmer at my mercy, that fact alone should be sufficient to ignore any barbs she cared to throw. He is no threat, and his words are just air. Don’t give them power to hurt you.”

“I never let anything hurt me...” Chrysalis said, but there was not the same imperious strength in her words that may have once been when she was in command of her legions. Indeed uncertainty and exhaustion were ever more presently clear in the changeling Queen’s body language, despite the fact that Discord could vaguely sense that her magic reserves were strong. She must have found a source of love to regularly consume, but it didn’t seem to be doing her mental state much good. Not that he cared.

“So then what do I owe the non-pleasure of you ladies’ company?” he inquired, “If you’re here to interrogate me, I assure you that little pink-mohawked menace has already done a thorough job of it, her and the colt with the patch of brown fur over his eye. He your spawn, Platinum?”

“Pipsqueak is my son, yes, and you’d do well not to let him linger in your thoughts, creature.” Platinum said, danger as clear in her tone as a drawn blade, not that Discord really felt threatened. If he had the full measure of his power, she’d be a non-threat.

“Just satisfying curiosity. He seems such a good kid to be running with a pack of psychotics such as yourselves, and if you care about his well being I’d suggest taking him far from here. When I get free, or when the Princesses discover this place, it will be a new ground zero for an unspeakable amount of unpleasantness, I assure you,” he said, the pupils in his eyes briefly glowing red.

“Wasted taunts,” Chrysalis said, pulling herself together to a degree as she approached the edge of the Kido binding Discord in place. The spell created a semi-transparent field of yellow that sparked with retributive energies against anything that tried to get too close, and Chrysalis stayed just short of the danger threshold as she glared up at him, “This fortress is well hidden, and if the ponies had a means to track you down, they would have done so by now. The same could be said of your freedom. You would have attained it already if you had the means. You are trapped here, Discord, and quite frankly you should be grateful you are being treated as well as you are.”

“Suspended in a chafing barrier with a spar of anti-magic shoved into my insides? Oh yes, I feel I’m just being treated like a VIP,” Discord drawled, but Chrysalis chuckled without a trace of humor.

“Your wound is being kept from worsening, is it not? And you’ve even been given something to keep the pain at bay. Did you know that was Platinum’s idea? To ease your pain?” Chrysalis nodded towards Platinum, “She’s shown you far more care than I would have, so perhaps keep your taunts focused on me and leave her son out of your petty threats!”

Again, odd. Was Chrysalis showing even the barest hint of concern for another? Discord raised a bushy eyebrow, but chose not to question what he thought he’d heard. Instead he changed tracks, feigning disinterest as he yawned and looked away, “Look if you’re just here to be snippy with me, I’d just as soon take a nap. Did you actually have a point in coming here, Chrysalis? Other than to fail at even something as simple as gloating?”

That grinding sound was likely coming from Chrysalis’ teeth, but as much as she looked quite ready to volcanically explode at him, she took control of herself and strangled her tone to something resembling level headed. “You knew precisely what manner of transformation Celestia underwent when she did battle with Starlight Glimmer. Given you are among Equestria’s... no, the world’s oldest beings, I’ve little doubt you have detailed knowledge of these ‘Relics’ and how they function.”

Discord let out an exaggerated yawn, giving Chrysalis a blandly uninterested look, “Yesterday’s news, my dear former Queen of anything consequential. I’ve felt more than a few Inheritors waking up to their shiny new toys. Hehehe, I’m almost sorry I missed the show. Let me guess, having some severe migraines, are we?”

“So you know about that, too,” Chrysalis said, and Discord heard the uncomfortable slip in her tone that showed she was suppressing a fair bit of discomfort. No doubt the call of her Relic was putting some pressure on. “I am not surprised. When Celestia was changed she was acting... unlike her usually prim and proper self. She even referred to me as Laverna. Who is that?”

“What makes you think I know?”

“Don’t bother playing stupid with me, chaos spirit. Your antics are not nearly as amusing as you believe them to be.”

He couldn’t gesture, but he managed to drench his smile with enough smugness to make up for it, “Your former subjects disagree. Visited them a few times, and they just can’t get enough of me. They’re doing so well without you, Chrysalis. Who knew that in order for changelings to prosper, all they needed was to drop some dead weight?”

Even bound and cut off from his magic, Discord remained a being of chaotic disharmony, and he hardly needed magic or claws to cut. He could see his words did as much if not more harm than swords, spears, or spells could, wounding Chrysalis as effectively as if he simply impaled her with the very same javelin she’d so rudely tossed into him. She stepped back from him as if he’d physically slapped her across the face, mouth working wordlessly for a retort she could not find.

Platinum stepped not quite between them, but enough so to draw Discord’s attention as the Soul Reaper turned unicorn said, “Your evasions make it clear you know quite a bit about the Relics and those who ‘Inherit’ power from them. It is also no great leap of logic to conclude that Chrysalis is one of these Inheritors, with a Relic somewhere in the world that is causing these headaches. She can even feel a pull of sorts, indicating a direction, if not distance or precise location. We intend to retrieve her Relic, but considered it of potential value to see what you knew about them, or this Laverna, before doing so. Chrysalis said you’d be difficult, although I did not know that translated to cruel and petty. Regardless, tell us what you know and we are willing to make your stay with us more... comfortable.”

He puffed out a snort, “As if a few creature comforts would bribe me into helping people actively seeking to harm among the few creatures I actually care about. Oh, and the whole impaling thing. Still not forgetting that. I appreciate the drugs and all, Platinum, but that doesn’t buy you much from me. Certainly not cooperation.”

“Is that right?” Chrysalis finally said, shaking off the pain from Discord’s barbs, “So you’d have no interest in this, then?”

As a signal she gave her hoof a distinct stomp, and the doors opened again. And through them came the white furred, bipedal form of the Storm King, wheeling a rather large mobile table. The second that table entered the room, Discord’s nose began to twitch from the incredibly tantalizing smells stemming from trays of food placed upon it. His mouth salivated against his will, and he also noted with dilated eyes the bottles of well aged wine lined up on one side of the table. He didn’t need food or drink to live, but Discord was a hedonist of the highest order. Food and drink were pleasures to be savored, and he’d been cut off in this dismal place for days already.

“Oh now this is a low blow,” he muttered, and then blinked at the Storm King, “And who are you, the bell boy?”

In response the rather glum looking simian creature glowered and put his hands on his hips, “I know right!? At this rate I might as well be wearing one of those stupid uniforms with the cap!”

“Oh hush,” said Platinum, “You’re lucky we let you walk around free at all. Keep being useful and perhaps you’ll earn freedom. Now, did you also bring the rest?”

The Storm King rolled his eyes, “Just a second, milady. Ugh, should’ve just skipped Klugetown and gone straight up the coast to hit Manehattan, but noooooooo, Tempest wanted to ‘resupply’ because of ‘logistical concerns’. Stupid dumb horse. Swear she’s got broken bits of that horn lodged in her brain. Now I gotta play errand monkey to these nutters.”

His mutters went to the incoherent as he went back out into the hall and wheeled in another table, this one set up with, to Discord’s actual shock, a wide screen television and what looked to be a media player with stacks of various assorted movies. His expression must have been telling, as Chrysalis cleared her throat rather loudly.

“I’m told this device plays shows upon it. Some invention from the other world. I don’t much care, but I imagine you’re bored out of your mind and could do with something to entertain yourself with. And I know you enjoy the physical pleasures of food and drink, despite not requiring them. In that sense, at least, we are alike. In exchange for your knowledge on Relics, you’ll be granted these comforts daily. Not a terrible deal, is it?”

It wasn’t without its temptation, Discord had to admit. The last thing he was looking forward to was waiting however long it might take for the Equestrians to get around to rescuing him. That food did smell amazing, and the idea of having even the most basic form of entertainment to keep the hours of mind crushing boredom at bay was even more tantalizing.

The only question was whether or not telling Chrysalis anything would constitute any long term harm to Fluttershy. And maybe the other ponies. He liked Spike and Big Mac. Twilight and the other Princesses were fun to tease. The rest of Equestria he could take them or leave them, really. Fluttershy was priority number one, and if Chrysalis gained more power, that might lead to some scenario where she could hurt Fluttershy. That was an unacceptable outcome, temptations or no.

“...A nice try, ladies,” he told them, “But my answer is still no. My advice to both of you is to forget all of this idiocy with Starlight Glimmer. Go to Twilight Sparkle. Twilight mind you, not Celestia, and surrender your whole lot to her. She’s unbelievably forgiving and literally barfs friendship speeches. She’ll probably just give you a semi-stern talking to, then immediately try to help you save your Starlight Glimmer because she has the world’s worst hero-complex outside of a Power Ponies comic. It’s literally the best move you could make right now.”

“I would literally rather throw myself off of a cliff than surrender to Twilight damned Sparkle!” seethed Chrysalis, to which Discord just looked at her wings, to which she added, “I know I have wings, you idiot, that’s part of the point!”

“While the advice is appreciated, Discord, I too cannot consider your suggestion viable,” Platinum stated, “Even if this Twilight Sparkle is as reasonable and open to making peace as you suggest, I can’t imagine a scenario in which she’d aid us in helping Starlight and allow us to pursue our goals. We’d still need to give up our present course and either return to my world without the power we need to confront Zero Division, or accept confinement of some sort here in this world. Either outcome would be unacceptable. Besides, there’s the other Chrysalis to consider. I sincerely doubt she’d be open to any diplomatic solutions.”

Chrysalis visibly shuddered, her entire expression growing disgusted and fearful in nearly equal measures, “Uggh, the only thing that would even make me think of accepting any kind of...of temporary peace with ponies would be if it meant getting rid of her.”

Ooooooh? Reallllly? Discord thought, intrigued. Was this something he could exploit?

“I take it that Chrysalis' counterpart is not a popular woman here?” he asked, and Chrysalis actually spat a glob of green mucus on the ground in apparently a changeling display of revulsion.

“That horrid creature is beyond mad. I...” Chrysalis looked at Discord, pride warring with a rather stark desperation on her face as she struggled to get the next words out, “I am scared of what she is capable of. That is why I need power, Discord. If I give you my word I’ll leave your precious ponies alone, will you tell me of the Relics?”

“Your word? As if that means something to me? That’s so lacking in humor even I can’t muster a fake chuckle for it. That being said, I’m not so sure I like the idea of a version of you running around that even you are scared of. No, I don’t think I like the idea of someone like that free to wander the world at all.”

“Does that mean you’ve changed your mind?” asked Platinum, and he gave her a flat look.

“It means I’ve reevaluated certain threats to a certain entirely too kind mare whose life means literally more to me than the rest of this world and your world, combined. She’s the sort who will always be there by her friends as they heroically, and often recklessly, try to save others. Which means also quite possibly fighting this other Chrysalis if it comes to it. So, while I don’t trust you, Chrysalis, to ever keep any word you give, I do trust your self-preservation instincts. Right now I fully believe you when you say you’re scared of your counterpart. So... I’ll give you a few hints. No more.”

“Hints?” said Chrysalis, narrowing her eyes.

“Hints. First of all, Laverna was worshiped as a goddess of thieves. Make of that what you will. She also had a rather long term rivalry with Eos, which may explain a few things about your relationship with Celestia. Next, the closer you get to your Relic the more acute that headache will get, but only within about a mile radius. Inside that area, you’ll still have to do the searching yourself. Finally, once you find your Relic, be prepared to deal with the rush of memories upon unlocking it. Otherwise you may just stop being you. Not that I care. Laverna was at least a little more tolerable than you, by comparison.”

“Who was she?” Chrysalis demanded, “Goddess of thieves!? What does that even mean?”

“Sorry, hint dispenser is empty. That’s all you’re getting.”

“Arrgh, you are utterly insufferable!”

“Appealing to my ego won’t get you anything more, Chrysalis. Now run along with your new Soul Reaper friend and, I don’t know, have some stupid adventure in soul searching or whatever. I don’t really care. Oh, but leave the food and television, would you?”

In response to this, the Bakkoto on Chrysalis’ arm pulsated and she swung the weapon out. In a blurring flash the whip blades upon the gauntlet flew in a dizzying and dicing pattern that utterly ruined the tables of food, shattered the bottles of wine, and turned the television into so much scrap. The Storm King, standing in the middle of all this, went pale and held up his hands, screaming, “Whoa! Watch where you’re swinging those things, lady!”

Ignoring him, Chrysalis retracted the whip blades and glowered at Discord, “So sorry, food and entertainment dispenser is all out.”

With that she turned and stormed out of the chamber, leaving Platinum to slowly sigh and glance at the Storm King, “Don’t bother cleaning up the mess. We’ll have some of the Reigai take care of that. You’re dismissed for the day, and may return to your room.”

“Gee, thanks,” the Storm King grumbled, spinning on his heels and exiting as well.

Before following them, Platinum glanced back at Discord, her eyes measuring. “Chrysalis, the one of this world, could stand to learn to strengthen her resolve against insults, but I was not unlike her in that regard not so long ago. You seem like a man adept at finding ways to hurt others for your own amusement. I find it interesting that your time supposedly ‘reformed’ among the Equestrians has not altered that about you.”

“Oh I’m just a peach compared to how I used to be,” Discord promised, “But just because I play for Team Harmony doesn’t mean I have to change all my stripes. Besides, Chrysalis has earned far worse than the light roasting I just gave her.”

“And yet you did cooperate, if only just a little, when you saw just how frightened of her counterpart she is. A small mercy, perhaps? Or is it simply recognizing opportunity when you see it? Regardless, I do thank you for what small help you’ve given. Despite Chrysalis’ actions, I’ll have someone bring you a bottle of wine later, as a token.”

“Hmph, don’t expect a ‘thank you’ out of me anytime soon,” he said, and Platinum just smiled thinly and nodded.

“Of course not.”

With that, she silently strode from the chamber as well, the doors hissing closed behind her a moment later. In the moment before the door closed, Discord noticed that a shadow flickered across the threshold, moving amid the other shadows cast about the room by the glowing Kido barrier. Discord did his best not to crane his neck to look towards the spot the shadow moved to in one corner of the room, but he did speak. He was nearly certain the drones in the room just had visual equipment, not audio. Otherwise he was pretty sure someone would have halted his multi-hour long singing stints.

“Did you listen in on all of that?”

At first there was no reply, and Discord rolled his eyes, “I doubt these flying hunks of wood can hear anything, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

After that, a strong masculine voice spoke in a subdued whisper, “Best not to take too many chances. I’ve been doing my utmost to avoid detection while searching for you. Apologies for how long it’s taken. This complex is... massive.”

“Oh I imagine it's a regular old labyrinth out there. Didn’t see much of it when I was being hauled in here, but I did get the impression of the Soul Reapers overcompensating for something,” Discord said, “So, Sombra I take it? Apologies, but we never really have met properly, face to face have we?”

“No,” the shadow said, still in a low whisper, “But I know enough of you to understand that you and I both owe Equestria debts to be repaid for our past transgressions, and we owe our better paths in life to mares of extraordinary character who did not give up on us. So, that said, I suppose it is serendipitous I am here to be able to aid in your escape. Once I divine a means to, at any rate.”

“Ah, yes, that is the pickle, isn’t it?” Discord said, casting his eyes about the room, “This barrier is rather sturdy from what I can sense of it. More so than I think you could easily break. These buzzing annoyances aside, I suspect there are other protections built into the chamber’s structure. Honestly you might want to reconsider being in here for long, in case they have a means of detecting you we can’t see.”

“I had considered this, and was probing the chamber during that conversation you were having,” Sombra’s voice replied, “I detect no wards, at least not at the chamber threshold. You are right, however, that I am unsure I can break that barrier that holds you. I’ve... lost a great deal of power since I reigned over the Crystal Empire. I would need to find a means to shut your bonds off, rather than destroy them outright.”

“No easy feat, I imagine,” Discord said, to which his mind’s wit rapidly went down a different track, much as he was loathe to consider it, “Which means if I’m going to be frank about this, you’re best move would be to forget about freeing me and instead get your shadowy rear end back to Equestria. Tell the Princesses where this fortress is. Let them rain their Harmony flavored wrath upon this place. They’re good at that.”

“I confess I had considered that as an alternative, but thought I’d at least consult with you first before deciding a course of action,” Sombra replied in a solemn breath, “I’ve already scouted outside. We’re in a canyon in what appears to be the middle of a desert. Fortunately my travels with Radiant Hope did prepare me with some awareness of geography, so I feel somewhat confident in saying this is the Bone Dry Desert. I can travel fast by night, what with all the shadows, but by day I’ll be heavily restricted in how I can shadow walk. That means it will probably take me at least a couple of days to return to Canterlot. Can you hold out that long?”

“Mind numbing boredom aside, this is hardly the worst imprisonment I’ve had to endure,” Discord said, recalling with unpleasant vividness his long entrapment in stone, every utterly slow second of it, “Believe me, this is nothing. So do get moving, Sombra. The longer you stay here, the more likely you’ll be caught, and then we’ll both be swimming down the creek with too many paddles and not enough arm floaties.”

“...I...see. Very well. Take care, and hopefully when we speak next, it will be under the light of the sun.”


The Treasury’s medical bay was quite full after the events of the day. Not only was Wavecrest there, but the addition of both Flash Sentry and Rarity meant that most of the beds were now occupied. For Flash and Rarity it was a simple matter of them both having received the worst of the injuries during the fight with Charybdis, although none had gone unscathed and hence everypony had spent at least some time being checked over and treated. It was just that those two in particular had been deemed in need of additional bedrest and care, with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie taking up the role of nurses, Fluttershy due to actual medical experience, and Pinkie because her Inheritor powers lent themselves well to a form of healing magic via soothing songs that accelerated recovery rates.

This was especially important in Wavecrest’s case, as the seapony had lost so much blood she was nearly comatose. Indeed, even with Pinkie Pie and Flash having both used their powers of healing upon the mare, Wavecrest remained dangerously close to the edge of death through the hours since the Treasury departed the Abyss.

The ship had not returned to the air, but instead now cruised upon the sea’s surface, partially submerged. This meant some of it’s chambers could be filled with seawater to make life easier for the freed seapony slaves, and Fluttershy’s pet shark, while other chambers remained air filled for those accustomed to land. The medical bay was one such chamber, as the water wouldn’t really aid in Wavecrest’s recovery, at least not to anypony’s knowledge. What she needed was a fresh transfer of blood, and Fluttershy had checked everypony’s blood type to see if any were compatible with Wavecrest.

The fact that Fluttershy could do this by tasting said blood was... unsettling, but Fluttershy assured them that her memories as Penthia showed that for the ancient alicorn this particular affinity for blood was entirely natural. Twilight had no reason to doubt her friend, but to say it was a little “weird” would have been a serious understatement. Despite that oddity, Twilight had no objection to sharing blood with Wavecrest, as it turned out Twilight had a compatible blood type. So she’d spent quite a bit of time in the medical bay, hooked up via old but magically preserved seapony healing equipment that used tubes and pumps to let blood transfer between her and Wavecrest.

It looked as if Wavecrest would indeed pull through, and Twilight was relieved by the fact. Besides that, she really needed to talk to Wavecrest once she was awake. There was a lot to discuss concerning Charybdis’ ultimate fate, and just how seapony relations with the sahuagin would be handled going forward. Wavecrest was the only pony Twilight knew with any knowledge and authority concerning the seapony tribes, so was Twilight’s best ticket to working something out that wouldn’t result in an immediate resuming of bloodshed between sahuagin and seapony.

When Wavecrest finally began to stir, Twilight was fast to call upon Fluttershy, who’d gone to get a quick meal in the galley. The com system reached the whole ship, so contacting her was easy, and in minutes Fluttershy was breezing into the medical lab to check upon Wavecrest’s condition and monitor her as she awoke, while unhooking Twilight from the pumps that had provided the means to donate blood.

Slowly did Wavecrest’s eyes crack open, her mouth issuing out a long and dry rasp as she asked, “I am alive, then?”

“Thanks to everypony helping, especially Twilight who gave blood to help you recover,” Fluttershy said with a wave of relieved happiness in her voice as she checked the seapony’s pulse and provided a glass of water for Wavecrest to drink. The mare downed it rapidly and coughed, not quite rising in her bed as she turned grateful looks between Fluttershy and Twilight.

“To give your blood to save me... you have my thanks. And I take it since we are all here talking, and not chained to a sacrificial altar or dead, that we won? Charybdis is no more?”

Twilight pursed her lips and figured she may as well get right to the meat of things, “Defeated, yes, but still here. Imprisoned on the ship.”

Wavecrest’s look was rather incredulous, to say the least. She forced herself into a sitting position, her eyes now growing intense as flames, “Tell me everything that has happened.”

It was with no embellishment that Twilight proceeded to do exactly that, relating the full tale of the infiltration of Rift Mouth and the resulting battle with Charybdis. She ended with the simple statement of, “She’s now locked tightly inside the ship’s brig, fully contained inside my spells, which I’ve grounded with enough magic to last until long after my friends and I will return to Equestria. There I fully intend to lay her crimes out to the other Princesses and recommend she be interred inside Tartarus for an indefinite period, perhaps for the rest of her natural life.”

She waited for Wavecrest’s response, carefully observing the seapony’s expression. Her face remained still as dead wood for a long time, Wavecrest not looking at Twilight but rather at an indistinct point in the distance. Her lips twitched a few times, and her seapony tail lashed once or twice as her mind churned things over. Finally she said, “It would have been so much simpler if she’d simply died in battle. She deserves death, for the ruin she has wrought upon my people.”

Twilight swallowed with a dry mouth, but did not turn from Wavecrest, and kept her voice even and calm. “I understand how you feel. Time and again my friends and I have battled villains that threatened disaster upon everypony and everything I cherish. There have been times I’ve thought it would be easier if they all just... disappeared. Yet for many of those I once fought, some now stand beside me as friends and allies. Not all of them, but some. I don’t expect that ever to be the case with Charybdis. I’m not sure she deserves it, either, but Equestrian justice is built around either containing evil, or bringing it to the light of Harmony. I can’t undo the horrors she visited upon your people, Wavecrest. I can only promise she won’t ever be able to do so again, one way or another. Can you... accept this? Will your people accept this?”

To Twilight’s surprise there was light breath of a chuckle from Wavecrest, although it was a somewhat cynical one that was more injected with ironic amusement rather than genuine mirth. “We will have no choice. In seapony culture, one keeps what one claims through conquest. It was not the seapony tribes that raided the Abyss itself and laid the sahaugin’s Deep Mistress low. It was you, Princess, and your fellow warriors who braved the depths, cleared Aqualania, claimed the Treasury, acquired the power of ancient gods, and then in her very own lair tore the plans of Charybdis asunder and humbled the ocean’s most deadly witch. For all intents and purposes, by seapony law this would mean Equestria conquered the Abyss, and as such Charybdis is yours to do with as you please. Some may balk and bray for her death, but law is law. We did not capture her, so she is not ours to claim.”

“Oh my, does this mean that the seaponies will leave the sahuagin alone then?” asked Fluttershy, to which Wavecrest gave a shallow nod.

“In effect the Abyss will be seen as an Equestrian territory, now. You did essentially conquer it, even if strictly speaking that is not the entire truth,” she gave Twilight a level stare, “You claim that Charybdis ordered her minions to no longer seek conflict with us?”

“She did. Her remaining head shaman and a single warrior she made into a champion were given explicit orders to protect their people and not attack seapony settlements. I think she knew that without her, the seapony tribes could wipe the sahuagin out,” Twilight said, only pausing briefly to add, “Monster or not, she cares about them.”

“It earns little clemency from me,” Wavecrest said, eyes heated with hate, but her voice controlled, “Yet I will not deny that I have been thinking hard about the nature of our war with the sahuagin, and cannot claim we lack any responsibility for the ongoing bloodshed. I...”

She sucked in a breath and coughed, briefly wincing in pain before continuing, “I joined your quest, Twilight Sparkle, because I sensed opportunity. To aid my people, to bring them power and prosperity. In my wildest ambitions I even imagined I would claim the Eye of the Sea for myself, perhaps even crush Charybdis and the sahuagin with Aqualania’s reborn might. Yet now.... hah, it seems I was as foolish as Scylla and Charybdis. The Eye never belonged to me, or even my people. It seems those sirens are Domare’s true heirs. And my dream of bloody retribution upon the sahuagin was as misguided as Scylla’s of conquering the surface.”

Her self-deprecating tone soon shifted to one of determination as she reached out to place a weak hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, “But you have indeed done much for me and the seapony tribes. I admired Scylla’s drive, and still do, but I shall bend it to better aims. I can make no guarantees, but I shall do all I can to ensure the seapony tribes leave the Abyss and its inhabitants alone. As a ‘Equestrian’ territory, it would be foolish to encroach upon it anyway. Instead... I think the remaining years of my life will be spent in helping those that wish it to resettle and restore Aqualania. Our forebears hold many great techniques of engineering and magic to uncover, and while I will never seek conquest of the surface, I still wish to see my people grow and prosper. This will, I hope, mark a new beginning for the oceans, for all of us.”

“I’m glad to hear that, Wavecrest, and I think Equestria and the seapony tribes can become great friends in time. If you like, the Treasury is a seapony vessel, so-”

“No, you should keep it,” Wavecrest said simply, “Call it a whisper from the ocean spirits, but I think this vessel belongs in your hooves. Besides, there is still Scylla’s old ship I can study and perhaps one day restore. A lifetime of work to do, in Aqualania, but I feel... content. Charybdis is defeated, my people’s ancestral homeland is open to be explored and resettled, and the future looks far brighter today than it did yesterday. For all of that, you have my deepest thanks, Twilight Sparkle.”

She let out another painful cough, and Fluttershy was quick to lay gentle yet firm hooves upon the seapony to make her lay back down, “Okay, I think you still need rest, Miss Wavecrest. Let’s not push it and undo all that nice, healthy healing.”

“Heheh, yes ma’am,” Wavecrest said, with only a little bit of wryness as she let the pegasus tuck her back into the bed like a mother with her foal. “I do feel as if I could... sleep for...”

She didn’t even finish the sentence before she was out again, snoring lightly. Twilight looked questioningly at Fluttershy, who simply smiled and said, “She’ll be okay, she just needs a lot more rest to really recover. But she won’t need any more blood transfusions, so I think that you should probably go get some rest yourself, Twilight. You did as much and more as any of us today and you must be exhausted.”

This did trigger a bit of yawn from Twilight who realized now just how utterly bone tired she really was, “That, uh, sounds like a fantastic idea. You’ll let me know if you need anything or an emergency pops up?”

“Of course, now go to bed, Twilight. I think the world can survive at least one day with you in bed.”

“Hmmm, sometimes I wonder about that,” Twilight said, only half serious as she departed the medical bay, only pausing briefly to check on Flash Sentry, who was asleep himself. She couldn’t help but smile at him, and feel her cheeks heat up a bit as she patted his mane affectionately.

We finally have everything taken care of, and we’re both too exhausted and wounded to pick up where we left off. I guess we’ll work things out later.

As she departed, she didn’t quite notice the way his Zanpaktou, sheathed and propped up on the wall next to his bed, briefly glowed with a deep lavender magic that matched her own.


To Flash Sentry the ascent up the winding mountain steps took both an eternity and was all but instant. The steps were overgrown with moss and jungle vines that carpeted swaths of the tall spire or rock that shot through a sea of clouds to reach towards the blue sky. As always he was sweat soaked before his climb finished, the journey never getting easier no matter how many times he’d done this. At the end of the path was a wide, carved out area in which stone pillars carved with the images of monkeys flanked a practice area of cobblestones. Here, dozens of wooden poles rose to varying heights, and beyond them, a faded red and gold shrine in front of the mountain’s peak sat like a waiting sentinel.

Standing balanced upon one furry foot upon the tallest pole in the practice area was a creature that looked like a monkey, but with human proportions and a wild mane of white hair and a long beard that was braided. He wore a light set of red lacquered samurai armor, only the chest piece and waist guards, while the rest was covered in a loose set of martial arts gi that was colored bright yellow. The monkey had his eyes closed and hands held in front of him in a meditative pose as Flash approached, but the moment Flash entered the practice area the monkey opened golden eyes and vanished in a blink.

Flash reacted naturally, sweeping out his right arm to block the incoming heel kick from behind, but still failed to defend against the follow up palm strike at his gut that knocked him off his feet and sent him sprawling amid the wooden poles, grunting.

The monkey dusted himself off with the gaze of a wizened master and said in an aged, gravely, yet still strong voice, “One day you will block the second strike. Perhaps soon. You were a mite quicker this time. Found some new focus.”

Flash looked up as the monkey proffered a hand and took it, getting back on his feet. Here, in his Zanpaktou’s Inner World, he had his human form, and while he’d come to appreciate his pegasus shape in Equestria, it did feel nice to have hands and feet again, if only in this dream-like place.

“A lot’s happened, Kochi, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

The monkey, Kochi Yojinbo, dropped his severity and cracked a lecherous smile, “As if I wouldn’t be paying attention, my boy! Seem to have landed yourself quite the exotic beauty. If you need any pointers on your ‘swordsmanship’, just let me know.”

Flash tried and failed to not roll his eyes as he crossed his arms, “Pervy old monkey. I can work things out with Twilight just fine on my own. And I know you didn’t bring me here to just talk about that.”

“Why not? These ponies may be different than humans, but I’m certainly not ignoring those rear curves.”

At Flash’s glare Kochi Yojinbo’s smile softened and he threw up his hands, strolling past Flash and gesturing for him to follow the Zanpaktou spirit to the shrine, “Oh fine, boy, you’re no fun when you get like this. But yes, you’re right, I didn’t drag you in here to talk about your purple paramour, much fun as that subject is. At least, not about what you do or don’t get up to with her in bed. This does actually have to do with her, just not in that way.”

The shrine was not a large building, but within was a open walled space dedicated to an altar upon which was a number of incense candles and a scroll hung from a golden pole. Upon the scroll was written kanji that, when translated, roughly stated; ‘One Life for One Cause’. It was a credo, something that Flash Sentry had discovered about himself as he’d struggled to bond more deeply with his Zanpaktou. When he’d first come here, the shrine had been closed, and he’d needed to train hard with Kochi Yojinbo to gain the skill to block one of his strikes.

When Flash had successfully blocked that first strike, Kochi had opened the shrine, revealed that scroll, and Shikai had become unlocked for Flash. Since then Flash had trained often so one day he might block Kochi’s second strike, but so far to no avail. He didn’t know if blocking the second strike would unveil a new technique, or in Flash’s more wild dreams he imagined some great height like Bankai, but regardless he’d never succeeded.

The shrine itself had remained unchanged every time he’d visited this Inner World, until today. As he looked at the scroll, he noticed the vivid display of purple light that played across it. It was as if the scroll was bathing in a stream of continuous magic. Twilight’s magic.

“Well... that’s weird,” he said, and Kochi let out a guffaw.

“Weird, he says. Our Princess has left us an interesting, if I suspect unintended, gift. I can feel this magic permeating me.”

“It’s going to wear off, right? I mean, Twilight shoved her magic into us, sure, but that was just so we could deliver that critical blow to Charybdis. The scroll will go back to normal once the magic runs out,” Flash surmised, but his Zanpaktou Spirit’s look told him otherwise.

“Don’t think so, boy. This magic energy got imprinted on us, like an inked tattoo.”

Flash thought about that for a moment, “This isn’t a bad thing, is it? I mean, the only point of comparison I’ve got is Sunset and her Zanpaktou. Magic has pretty much only benefited them.”

“Not a bad thing, no. Feels more like parts of me are being oiled up and sharpened. Energized. Also changed. Paths not so much being opened as being created. Might be in store for some renovations around this place, before long. And not just because of this little injection of magic.”

Kochi indicated a set of sitting mats that were placed across from each other in front of the shrine. This was where he and Flash would often sit to mediate after practice. Flash nodded and sat down, legs crossed, and Kochi did the same by plopping himself down on the opposite mat. The two locked eyes as Kochi said, “You’ve changed. Where before there was uncertainty as to your purpose, those clouds have cleared.”

No point denying it, not that Flash had any desire to. He simply bowed his head and stated the truth, “Yes. For the longest time I didn’t really know if I was on the right path, as a Soul Reaper. One doesn’t usually stay in the Thirteenth Division forever. You eventually move on, once you’ve found a greater purpose to serve in Soul Society. But I could never find that. There was always this faint sense of... unease. Doubt, yeah. Even when Captain Celestia made me her Lieutenant, I didn’t fully felt like I belonged. Grateful as I am to her, and happy as I was to serve, something felt off even then.”

“Then you met a girl,” Kochi said, a hint of his lecherous smile back, but only for a moment. Flash nodded, remembering fondly that chance run in with a very odd, nerdy purple girl who didn’t seem to fully understand the human world.

“Yeah. Who’d have thought? Even if spending time with her became an order to observe her, once we knew who and what she was, that didn’t really change the way I started to feel. Even those feelings I doubted for a long time. Were they real? Even if they were, was there a future for me and her? Did she even want me in that way, me a Soul Reaper from a world that wasn’t hers?”

“And despite all that, she’s accepted you. Reciprocated the feelings carved onto your soul. In so doing, your duty and allegiance has changed irrevocably,” Kochi Yojinbo stated, “And as a result you’ve also gained clarity and focus. You know your purpose.”

“Yes,” Flash’s eyes gazed upon the scroll, with its credo now wreathed in Twilight’s flames of magic, “One Life for One Cause. I am hers completely. I am her yojinbo. Even if I have to end up cutting all ties with Soul Society, I’ll do so with a clear heart. Wherever Twilight goes from now on, I intend to be by her side. To protect her from her enemies, to serve her as both a warrior and as man, for as long as she’ll have me.”

“Hmm,” Kochi mischievously rubbed his bearded chin with his fuzzy fingers, “Now what’s that slang term you teenagers use for this. Something that rhymes with ‘chimp’?”

Flash snorted and made a rude gesture at his Zanpaktou Spirit, “Dang it, Kochi, I’m being serious here.”

“I know, boy, and I’m damned glad for it. Been waiting for you to really, truly dedicated yourself to a cause. Especially if that cause is a pretty girl with a nice a-”

“Does some Zanpaktou want to be cleaned again, ever?” Flash asked pointedly, and Kochi raised his hands in mock surrender.

“Personality! I was going to say personality! Ahem, salvaging my dignity, I’ll say this much; you’ve reached the point now that it is possible to reach greater heights.”

“Do you mean...?” Flash began leading, hopeful, but Kochi held up a patient palm.

“Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. What power you seek to remain ever at our Princess’ side may one day be yours, but Bankai is not something that is so readily granted even when the Zanpaktou Spirit wants to. What I am saying is that you are ready to begin that final accent, and the magic our Princess has imparted to us may aid in the quest. You must still make the climb yourself, Flash Sentry. I am merely telling you the time to make that climb has come. The rest is in your hands, and it is not something that I can help you with beyond opening the door.”

At Flash’s questioning gaze, Kochi stood and went to a spot to the right of the shrine where the open wall had a wooden railing separating the shrine from the rock face of the mountain’s peak. With a gesture the old monkey spirit brushed aside some moss to reveal a doorway in the stone itself that Flash had never seen and was certain had not been there before. The door of stone made little noise as it opened, revealing beyond it a... well not so much a path as a very sharp, near vertical and jagged series of jutting stones and slick, lichen covered partial steps that seemed to ascend even higher up the mountain peak. Gazing upward, Flash could see that mountain’s highest point vanished into the blue of the sky, as if piercing into unseen heavens beyond. The path looked ever more treacherous and difficult the higher it went.

“Can I climb that?”

“If you desire the strength to remain at Twilight Sparkle’s side in the battles to come, you must answer that question. This path will not be ascended in a day, or a week, boy. I cannot help you past this point. Kochi Yojinbo is not merely myself, it is this mountain itself. The mountain your own soul has made to test you. Climb if you can, and if you reach the top, then I think when I see you again you will be able to block my second strike.”

The task looked beyond daunting. There was no walking on ‘air’ in this place, no Flash Step to help him. In his Inner World, Flash was but a man. Not every Inner World was like that, but Kochi Yojinbo’s had always been thus for him. So to climb this new path to the mountains highest peak he would need to do it on pure will alone. He could only imagine how many times he might fall before he made it, if he could make it.

But all he needed to do was to think of her. Human or pony, he could only feel his heart warm at the image of her in his mind. For Twilight Sparkle, ascending one measly mountain felt suddenly quite doable.

“Well, no time like the present. Let’s do this.”


Wing maintenance was a regular part of any pegasus’ daily life, but after any kind of rough flying it became doubly important, and battling a mad megalomaniacal mare who was supercharged on ancient alicorn magic juice at the bottom of the ocean definitely counted among Rainbow Dash’s most rough flights to date. She’d found a comfortable perch near the bow of the Treasury, enjoying the feeling of the sea breeze that washed over the deck. Removing damaged feathers one by one, she was focused enough on her work to barely notice it by the time another pair of firm, strong hooves started removing others on her other wing. Her brain simply clicked over to accepting this as familiar, even as she knew this wasn’t normal.

“Thank you, Althea. You always have such a gentle touch for this.”


Her brain had a bit of a misfire as the voice and name didn’t quite register, then quickly flashed reality at her as she blinked and saw Applejack had laid down next to her on the deck. Squawking in a guttural yip of alarm, Rainbow Dash rolled over and away from Applejack like the other mare was on fire, leaping to her hooves and poised to run. At least until she realized how silly she must look, and how Applejack was looking at her in confusion, at which point Dash took a calming breath and quickly folded her wings tight at her side, blue face burning cherry.

“W-w-what are you up to, AJ? Didn’t know you knew how to help a pegasus with their wings like that.”

Applejack bit her lip for a second, glancing down at her hooves before saying, “Don’t think I do know. Just kinda did it without the thinkin’ part. Must’ve been comin’ from Althea. Think she helped Tachys with his wings, way back when.”

“Oh. Neat. Suuuper neat,” Rainbow said, shuffingling on her hooves and giving a furtive look across the deck at the doors back into the ship, as if planning a retreat route.

“Dash,” Applejack said in that serious farm mare tone of hers, “We gotta talk ‘bout this. Like, really talk it over.”

“What’s there to talk about? So our previous lives, or super alicorn magic donor dudes, or whatever you want to call them, were hooked up? What’s that matter?” Rainbow said, perhaps faster and louder than she really intended, but she had a weird jitter in her heart that was pure confusion fuel for her and she didn’t like feeling confused and even a little scared. Give her a giant mutant magic monster like Charybdis to battle any day over having to deal with something even half as intimidating as a talk like this. Especially with Applejack.

“I don’t get it, why’re ya being such a stubborn mule ‘bout this?” Applejack asked, standing up herself, “Not like I’m comin’ on ta ya, Dash! I just want ta clear the air. Talk things out nice and simple like so we can come ta terms with the fact that we got these memories in us, an’ can move on from them. Yer my friend, maybe my closest one outta our circle, an’ I don’t want ta keep havin’ this feelin’ in me like I ought ta be avoiding ya just ‘cause I got Althea’s memories in my head.”

“Yeah, well, maybe a bit of distance is what I need right now, AJ. Seriously, did it ever occur to you that some of us don’t do so hot with this whole ‘honest talk’ thing!?”

“Well i don’t rightly now how else we’re gonna deal with it ‘cept by doin’ this. Longer we avoid it, the worse it feels like the tension gets, an’ I don’t much like feeling like I can’t even go near my best friend...” Applejack said, ears drooping, and Rainbow Dash had to grit her teeth against the overwhelming strong urge that burst in her heart to go and wrap her wings and arms around the mare as tightly as she could. Because she didn’t know if this feeling of warmth and need, of wanting nothing more than to hold Applejack, was coming from her or was coming from him.

Tachys loved Althea, as fiercely and strongly as any could love another. And the fact is that Rainbow Dash had, for a long time, had a low key crush on the mare standing across from her. She’d never pursued it because, well, she and Applejack had just worked so damned well as friends that she really hadn’t wanted to risk ruining that dynamic. Just as Applejack considered Dash their closest friend among their circle of six, the feeling was mutual. So tossing a wrench into things by trying to push that to some other level had always frightened Rainbow Dash.

Now she had Tachys’ memories all but blowing the lid off of that, and she didn’t even know if the desire to be with Applejack was even genuinely hers anymore. The only thing worse than ruining their friendship with a botched romance would be doing that because of somepony else’s memories! At least if Dash had worked up the courage to ask Applejack out on her own the potential future screw ups and drama would be her own honest fault. She’d be damned if she’d let some eons old alicorn’s memories do that.

“AJ... I can’t just...” she struggled to push words past the lockdown on her thoughts and constriction in her throat, “I don’t know what’s me when I’m around you. Everything feels like way too much. I don’t want to hurt you. I’d hate myself for the rest of my life if I did that.”

“Ya ain’t gonna hurt me, Dash, no matter what ya do,” Applejack said, taking a step closer to Rainbow, but the pegasus backed up and equal step, and Applejack halted, eyes going downcast, “But if space is what ya say ya need, I’ve got no right ta push it. Just promise that when yer ready to talk, really talk, you’ll come ta me an’ we’ll sort this all out.”

It took Rainbow Dash a moment, but she got her breathing under control, and despite still feeling that distracting clench in her heart and heat on her face, she affected what she hoped was at least a somewhat cool look as she put a wing to her chest, “It’s a promise, AJ.”

“Alright then, guess I’ll, uh... leave ya to it, then,” Applejack said, and started to turn, but Rainbow Dash moved a bit to not quite block her, but rather just hold up a wing in her general direction.

“Hold up. Just because I need space doesn’t mean I don't want to hang out, AJ! Just don’t want to... you know, talk about feelings type stuff. But, hey, maybe if you’re up to some fun? Deck is large enough for a horseshoe tossing game. Oh, or maybe some exercises! Bet I can out do you on any exercise you care to name.”

Applejack's expression was at first a flat, eyebrow raising ‘Really?’ look, but it soon morphed into one of content if fired up competitiveness that reminded Rainbow Dash of why she and the farm mare got along so well in the first place, “Yer sure soundin’ confident, but I’ve been feelin’ even more hardy than ever since this Inheritor business! Bet I could bust out a thousand pushups without breakin’ a sweat!”

“Pfft, that’s nothing! I could do two thousand! And do them faster than you!”

“Care ta prove it?” Applejack asked, smiling, and Rainbow Dash beamed that smile right back.

“You’re on!”


Over the course of the next day the Treasury returned to southern waters. By late afternoon, Wavecrest was well enough to move, and seemed to grow stronger by the hour, although that might have simply been the seapony pushing herself a little, despite Fluttershy’s protestations that she ought to get another day of bed rest.

“I’ve rested enough, and have a lifetime or work ahead of me,” was Wavecrest’s reply.

Now that they were well away from the Abyss, Wavecrest claimed it was as good a time as any for her and the freed seapony slaves to depart. Despite Twilight saying that they could take them the entire way back to her tribe’s territory, Wavecrest said that they were more than close enough for them to swim the remaining distance and that Twilight and her friends had more important places to be.

“Do not fear for me or my people,” Wavecrest had told Twilight as she led the other seaponies into the calm ocean waters, while Twilight and the others watched on from the deck of the ship, “We all know our way in these seas, the the spirits of the ocean guide our course. You, Twilight Sparkle, must stay your own course, for the sake of all of both our nations.”

“I will, Wavecrest, and thank you,” Twilight said, and behind her Pinkie Pie jumped up and down, waving to the seaponies.

“Take it super-easy guys and make parties, not war! If any of you want i can give you a copy of my detailed party planning cookbook, with more than a thousand ways to cook up the perfect celebration for any occasion, including ‘Yay We Just Got Saved From Slavery and Death’, which is weird because I never imagined I’d need that one but one night I had a dream that-”

“I think they get the idea, Pinkie,” said Starlight, who upon Wavecrest and the other seaponies departing joined Twilight as they went back into the ship and said, “Hey, before we drop Admiral Seaspray off at Mt. Aris, Tempest Shadow wants to talk.”

“Hmm?” Twilight had nearly forgotten about the often glowering Tempest Shadow, but then again the past couple of days had put a lot on her plate. Charybdis wasn’t talking much but still required constant surveillance, and Twilight was turning her mind mostly towards what to do once she returned to Ponyville. Tempest Shadow had sort of slipped through her mental cracks.

Starlight led her to the main meeting room they’d used for planning the raid on the Abyss, where she found Tempest Shadow waiting for her, alongside her odd hedgehog-like companion Grubber, and surprisingly Admiral Seaspray as well, all seated at the table.

“Ah, Princess, glad you’re here,” said Seaspray, “We were just discussing Tempest Shadow’s... status, and what it entails, going forward.”

Tempest glared, but there was oddly a sense of respect in her eyes as well as she nodded at the hippogryph, “The Admiral and I have got to talking. Technically I’m still a criminal by the laws of Mt. Aris, but am paying off my debt by helping you.”

“Quite right,” Seaspray nodded, “And technically by providing what aid you’ve been able in defeating a national-level threat like Charybdis I can relay to Queen Novo that you service in repaying your crimes has been discharged. That said, there is the matter of your former master.”

“Former master...?” Twilight took a seat, glancing at Starlight who did the same next to her.

“She’s referring to that Storm King guy who led the army we saw trashed outside Klugetown,” Starlight said, “The one my human self wasted the main body of at Mt. Aris before stealing both the Storm King and the hippogrphyon’s Pearl of Changing.”

“Right, right, ugh, had a lot on my mind, a lot of that kind of got pushed into the back burner,” Twilight said, rubbing her forehead, “So what do you all need to talk to me about, exactly?”

Admiral Seaspray cleared his throat and tapped his claws on the table, “As Miss Wavecrest was generous enough to make no claim on the Treasury, you’ve got yourself a fine ship to facilitate travel all over the world. However I note you could still use a dedicated crew, and... well to put it simply, I am a loyal hippogryph of Mt. Aris, and of Queen Novo’s navy, so I cannot remain as captain. However, I can oversee the orientation of a new commanding officer, and training of new crew, assuming they’re not so stubborn they won’t listen to an experienced soldier’s advice.”

Tempest snorted, but also smiled at the same time, “I’m a solider too, you windbag, but I admit you’ve got nautical experience I lack. And especially Grubber lacks.”

“Hey, I steered this tub just fine when we were surrounded by angry fish dudes!” Grubber pointed out, and Twilight’s eyebrows shot up.

“Wait, so... Tempest, am I getting from this that you and Grubber want to, what? Sign on as crew on the Treasury long term? I thought you wanted me to help you find and free this Storm King guy from the human world’s Starlight Glimmer.”

“Oh, that’s still on the docket,” Tempest Shadow said, but her mouth quirked into a thoughtful press as she smoothed out her mohawk of a mane, “But here’s the thing with that. Storm King, I served him because he promised me a way to fix my horn. Not sure how he planned to do that, but it somehow involved a planned invasion of Equestria.”

“I...see,” Twilight said, eyes narrowing slightly, and Tempest cleared her throat and held up a hoof.

“Just to make it clear, I’m not planning on helping him do that, even after we manage to find him. I’m only doing that out of... I guess you could call it residual loyalty. He did give me place to belong, when I was wandering and lost, Twilight. I owe him at least one jailbreak, but after that I’m thinking me and him won’t have much reason to stick together. Not like he’s got an army left for me to command, and me and Grubber are pretty much soldiers without a cause.”

“Except you could say we’ve taken a liking to this shiny ship,” Grubber pipped up, grinning, “I mean we worked on airships mostly in the Storm King’s fleet, so we’ve got at least partial experience with what the Treasury can do. The water stuff is going to take some more getting used to, but that’s what ol’ Seaspray’s advice and training will help out with.”

“Ahem, essentially so, yes,” Seaspray confirmed, “If it pleases you, I’ll remain on the Treasury for a time to help train crew, and perhaps after a few weeks to a month, when I’m confident they have a handle on things, I’ll return to Mt. Aris. Then Tempest Shadow will take over as command staff. Again, with your approval.”

“Would you be interested in that long term?” Twilight asked Tempest, “I always got the impression you had a fair amount of disdain for Equestria. You’d be serving me, and by extension, Equestria, if you stayed on this ship.”

Tempest Shadow’s expression showed a rather complex cocktail of emotions, ranging from a brief flash of pain to old anger, and finally a sense of doubt and resolved acceptance all at once, “Won’t lie, I’ve got baggage about... home. I want my horn back, but I think I’ve got to accept that’s not happening anytime soon, if ever. Storm King is out, and I’ve got to deal with the reality in front of me. Just promise me you’ll help me find and save the furry idiot, and I’ll serve loyalty, Twilight Sparkle. I don’t have to like Equestria to do a job for it.”

“And we kind of like eating, so a job and pay would be awesome,” Grubber added, and Tempest coughed loudly.

“Yes, that too.”

Twilight glanced at Starlight, who just smiled and shrugged her shoulders, “Hey, you gave me a place to stay and an apprenticeship after I nearly wiped out the timeline. Figure these two are a drop in the bucket compared to that.”

Twilight couldn’t refute that logic, and so looked at Tempest and Grubber with a welcoming smile, “Well then, I suppose I’ll just say ‘welcome aboard’.”


So it was after a brief, half a day pitstop at Mt. Aris for Admiral Seaspray to report back to Queen Novo and for the ship to take on a fresh batch of supplies that wasn’t ancient preserved seapony foodstuffs, the Treasury made the final flight back northward to Equestria.

Although strictly speaking they had not been gone that long, Twilight still felt her heart swell with an incredible wave of relief and happiness as she saw the familiar green forests and fields of the Equestrian heartland fill the forward viewport of the Treasury. Even more so when the massive mountain spire with the white towers of Canterlot began to appear on the horizon. She thought she might have started to tear up a bit, when minutes later, the familiar thatched roofs of Ponyville started to show up ahead as well.

“Home at last...” she breathed, and felt a warm wing on her back and glanced over to lean her head in a bit on Flash Sentry's neck.

"Glad I could get you back here in one piece," he said, "Here's hoping we get some time to relax before the next big crisis."

"I don't know how long it will be, but you can bet I'll be making sure we both get some time to ourselves," Twilight promised, and for once didn't find herself embarrassed at the knowing smirks from some of her friends, all of whom had come to the bridge to observe their arrival in Ponyville.

Twilight turned to Tempest Shadow, who was settled in and getting used to the captain’s chair now that Admiral Seaspray was taking on the role of mentor. The Admiral remained on the bridge, but standing off to the side, only providing advice here and there when needed.

“Tempest, if you’d be so kind as to bring us in on those fields to the south of Ponyville? That should be just large enough for us to make a clean landing," Twilight said.

Tempest gave a quick not, rapidly adjusting to her new role, “Aye, Princess. Ahem, Grubber, slow us down to one fourth speed and start to deploy the landing struts.”

“Got it, boss lady!” Grubber said, to which she glared at him and he quickly cleared his throat and corrected, “I mean, got it captain.”

“Oh man, everypony in town is gonna flip seeing us coming down in this ship!” Rainbow Dash said, bouncing on her hooves, “Scootaloo is going to love checking the ship out.”

“Was thinkin’ the same ‘bout Applebloom,” Applejack said, “Wonder how the farm’s been gettin’ on since we’ve been gone?”

“Well we haven’t been gone for really all that long,” Fluttershy said, “But I understand the worry. I made sure somepony would be able to check in on my animals and Angel, but you never know...”

“Come now, let’s not dampen the happy occasion of our return with sour worries,” Rarity said, “We’re returning triumphant heroes, ladies. Let us enjoy the occasion.”

“Darn tootin’ sister!” Pinkie Pie said, hugging Rarity, “This is going to involve the biggest party. I’m talking about breaking out the good stuff from my hyper-secret stash. Never before seen Pinkie recipes that will blow. Your. MIND.”

“And I’m suddenly scared for my health,” Starlight said, and next to her Trixie whispered in Starlight’s ear.

“Would it be safe to not rsvp a Pinkie Party?”

“Only if you don’t mind being stalked by her when her hair turns straight,” Starlight said, to which Trixie blinked in both equal levels of worry, fear, and confusion.

“Please tell me these secret recipes somehow involve alcohol,” said Aria from her seat at one of the weapons consoles. She and Sonata had no plans to remain on the ship as crew, but the pair had gotten used to the plush chairs during the journey.

“Is it a Monday? We could do margarita Mondays!” said Sonata, to which Pinkie waved her hooves with a devilish grin.

“Ladies, ladies, dooooon’t you worry, when Pinkie plans a special party, things get wild in age-appropriate ways for all participants. That means if everypony, or siren, is of legal age, then, heheh, yeah, I’ve got you covered.”

“Looks like we’ve got a turnout to greet us,” Twilight noted, not surprised to see on the streets of Ponyville a large number of the inhabitants were coming outside or looking out windows at the sight of the massive and shining form of the Treasury flying low overhead while making its way to one of the wide and clear fields on the south side of town.

As they passed over the town, however, Twilight’s gaze was drawn to her castle. She hadn’t noticed it at first because her castle was mostly made of purple crystal, so the gigantic form nestled up against it had blended in. But now it looked almost like a whole portion of her castle detached and rose up, only now she saw clearly brilliantly bright purple scales that gleamed with reflected sunlight. This humongous form spread glinting wings of purple with deep green membranes, capped in emerald spikes and talons. A thickly armored body of dark purple that showed streaks of gold and green rose into the air upon hurricane wingbeats, and thick emerald ridge spikes marched up and down the beast’s colossal back leading up to a vast head crest flanked by swept back horns as large as trees.

Twilight, and all on the bridge, stood there in stunned silence as the dragon, nearly as large as the Treasury itself, took flight and pulled up alongside them, green eyes glinting as they stared into the window of the bridge.

Pinkie, in Pinkie fashion, just smiled and waved.

“Hiya Spike! We’re home! What’s new? You look different. Did you get a claw trim at the spa?”

Author's Note:

While it might be a bit confusion, considering where we last left off with Spike, rest assured I'll go over that when it comes time. For now this wraps up the arc where the timelines converge, hence the chapter title, and next time we return to the human world. Now, granted, I will say that while the story is shifting it's main focus back to the human world, Equestrian segments will still occur. The timeline is going to stay steady between both, with probably a roughly 75/25 split in focus between human world events and Equestrian focused events, until things converge even more. But basically expect the sequence of events to advance together, without too much divergence from now on until the end of the story.

At any rate, I do hope you all enjoyed the chapter and thank everyone for reading. As always I highly appreciate any and all comments, questions, or critiques. 'Till next time.

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