• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Baby Cakes

Christmas had come and gone, as well as New Years, a new year for new goals and whatever surprises the future will throw at everyone. Winter was still around, snow still falling across Equestria, though not as much as the weather team tried to limit the amount of snowfall for Ponyville. Sora and Kairi walked along the snow covered roads to Sugarcube Corner, wanting to grab some breakfast for the day. Thankfully, there haven't been any Heartless attacks in the past few weeks, or any sign of Pete and Maleficent around to plot some way to take over Equestria.

The couple walked inside, but the bakery was pretty quiet, not a single customer in sight. "Huh. That's odd. No breakfast rush." Reaching the counter, Sora noticed no sign of the Cakes in the kitchen, or Pinkie Pie assisting them or running the shop for them. "And Pinkie's not here either."

"Hey, there's a note on the door," Kairi said, pointing at the closed door behind them.

"Why put a note on the inside of the door?" Sora asked as he and Kairi approached it. "'Sora and Kairi, come to the hospital immediately. Mrs. Cake is having a baby and we're all waiting to see the Cakes' baby!?' Mrs. Cake was pregnant!?"

"Baby ponies!?" Kairi squealed. "Let's go! Now!"

Without giving Sora a chance to respond, the pink unicorn grabbed him in her aura and carried him out of the bakery and toward the town's hospital. Kairi was unaware of her telekinesis dragging the stallion across the ground as they reached Ponyville General Hospital, running straight in while slamming Sora hard into the wall outside. Ignoring checking in as a guest, she headed to the maternity ward, where the other mares stood in the hall looking through the glass window in the nursery.

"Kairi, you got my message!" Pinkie said excitedly, only for her smile to falter as someone was missing. "Wait. Where's Sora?"

The door to the viewing hall opened, Sora walking up to them in a daze, his steps staggering as his eyes spun in his head. "Twinkle twinkle, little bat. How I wonder what you're at?" He fell to the ground, sprawled out on the sanitized flooring, sporting a few scuffs from being dragged by his overly excited girlfriend. Twilight and Kairi helped him back on his hooves, shaking his head roughly as he came back to his senses. "Is there any way I can find something to temporarily stop Kairi's magic before she abuses it and uses it to abuse me by accident? She hurts me more than the Heartless."

"Sorry, Sora," Kairi apologized, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Better?"

"A little, but I'm putting a leash on you." The pink unicorn grinned sheepishly with a blush, forgetting to keep control of herself over her inner child's wishes. They all looked back at the window, watching all the newborn foals inside, colts wrapped in blue blankets and fillies in pink. "So, how was it Mrs. Cake never mentioned she was pregnant? I know she was a little on the...chubby side, but I didn't know she had a baby on the way."

"Maybe it was a surprise," Twilight pondered. "I can't wait to see what Mr. and Mrs. Cakes' baby will be."

"Ooh! Ooh! Is it that one!?" Pinkie asked, pointing at a random baby. "Or maybe that one! That one? That one!? This one?"

Soon, Carrot Cake walked in as he stood in between a colt and filly foal. "Meet our son, Pound Cake." The proud father pulled back the comforter over the cream-white colt with a tuft of brown mane, the baby yawning and stretching out his tiny wings. "And, our daughter, Pumpkin Cake."

He pulled the comforter down from the pale yellow unicorn filly, a small tuft of orange mane sticking out from her pink blanket. The group on the other side were surprised to know the Cakes had twins, and they were both a pegasus and a unicorn. Pinkie somehow managed to get in the room with Carrot Cake through unknown means, highly excited to meet the Cake twins.

"Two babies means two times the fun!" the hyperactive mare shouted quietly. "Let's celebrate their birthdays since they were just born!"

Pinkie pulled out a party noise blower and was about to blow into it, only to be stopped by the nurse. "SHHH! The babies are trying to sleep."

"But I-" the nurse shushed her again, giving her a stern glare. The employee soon left to attend to some other patients, Pinkie slowly peeking over to see if she was gone. "...Happy happy birthday to you and you today-"

The nurse knew Pinkie well enough not to leave her be, grabbing the party mare and kicking her out of the nursery. "Wow. Twins. That's gonna be a handful and a half, huh, Kairi?" Sora didn't get an answer. He looked at the pink unicorn, seeing her eyes lighting up with stars twinkling in her pupils, her jaw dropped in a big smile as she stared at Pumpkin and Pound Cake. "Oh boy. Here we go again."

"They're so cute!" she squealed, pressing her face against the glass, trying to get a closer look. "I wanna hold them! I want all of them!"

Sighing, Sora grabbed Kairi and pulled her away from the window, her hooves flailing out to them to try and reach the babies on the other side. "You know, there's something that's bugging me. Mr. and Mrs. Cake are earth ponies, but their newborns are a pegasus and a unicorn. I'm not exactly good with science, but I know a little bit about genetics to know this doesn't make much sense."

"Well, that's easy," Carrot said. "My great-great-great-great grandfather was a unicorn, and Cuppy's great aunt's second cousin twice removed was a pegasus...That makes sense, right?"

The stallion's eyes darted left and right, somewhat unsure if he was even correct about the genetic makeup of his foals' DNA. That response had made the others somewhat uneasy, though Kairi and Pinkie didn't seem all that deterred.

"...I don't think it should," Sora said.

"Well, congratulations all the same, Carrot," Twilight said. "But be careful with unicorn foals. They can have magic surges that come up at any moment."

"And make sure you keep Pound Cake grounded," Rainbow added. "Newborn pegasus foals will start flying all over the place once he starts to use his wings."

"Time to blow out the candles!" Pinkie appeared back in the nursery again, holding out a cake with no candles on it. "It's easy, since you're zero years old, which means zero candles!"

The nurse grabbed Pinkie again and threw her out of the nursery for the second time. "Pinkie Pie, leave the hospital now before I have to issue you a restraining order for disrupting the babies when they shouldn't be disturbed."

"I just wanted to-" The disgruntled mare pointed her hoof out the door, not taking any of Pinkie's excuses.

Pinkie slumped out of the corridor and out of the hospital before she could get in more trouble. Unknown to the ponies inside, someone from outside the building spied on them through the window. The fat minotaur from another world, Pete, watched them, a wicked grin growing on his face as he chuckled to himself, forming a plan to easily get rid of Sora once and for all.

As the next month passed, a whole lot had happened. Strangely enough, it was the end of winter, where everyone in Ponyville participated in an event to clean up winter called Winter Wrap Up. It was an odd sort of event that all of Equestria does, since the weather was made by the ponies and cleared away by them as well. Each pony played their part, and Ponyville had a tradition where no magic would ever be used to clean winter up quickly, doing things the old fashioned way. Earth ponies all helped clear the snow out of the fields to plant seeds and grow food, unicorns, without using magic, help clear the snow in the town or wake up animals with Fluttershy, and pegasi were in charge of clearing away the snowy clouds for the sun to shine down and melt the snow and ice, and bring back the birds from their migration.

It was a complete mess when Twilight was too eager to help, being her first Winter Wrap Up where she can't use any magic whatsoever. However, any attempts to help the different groups ended with little to disastrous results: being a unicorn, she couldn't help with duties in the air, her attempt to make a bird's nest ended up in poor quality and made Rarity have a nervous breakdown trying to fix it, she crashed into the snow while trying to help Pinkie skate over the frozen lakes to make the ice melt easier, she got sprayed by skunks when trying to help wake the animals up with Fluttershy after getting spooked by snakes, and ended up ruining the earth ponies' work when she used magic to push a snow plow, causing an avalanche of snow to rush down over the soil and bring them back to square one. She felt awful for trying to help and gave up, too ashamed to show herself after ruining so much hard work.

She perked back up when she realized how disorganized every group was, where their attempts to do their jobs would end up delaying winter's clean up. Being the organized scholar that she was, she managed to fix all the issues and set up proper planning for spring to arrive on time. With everypony following her orders, winter was officially wrapped up and spring was here, and Twilight was appointed her own special vest as all the teams' head organizer. And she didn't have to use her magic to aid the other groups with their work, just on a list of what needs to be done and a quill to check them off.

Then, a few days after Winter Wrap Up, the school had a Family Appreciation Day, where the foals would bring a member of their family to explain anything about their jobs or something majorly historical in Equestria no one else knew of. During that time, at Sweet Apple Acres, Sora had learned about the oddest of crops that gave the Apples a lot of business with a fruit that only comes around on certain times of the year; Zap Apples. A very specifically routine type of apple that showed certain signs that tell when the apples are ready to be picked, even when the trees sprout up from out of nowhere. Once they were ripened, he helped Applejack and Big Macintosh pick as many of the rainbow colored apples as they could before they disappeared from their branches. An odd, magical fruit, but when made into Zap Apple jam, it was a delicious condiment for bread and toast.

Even though it was a pretty amazing few days, witnessing the signs and changes of the Zap Apple trees and having Filthy Rich buy a majority of the jam to sell in his own stores, Apple Bloom didn't seem to enjoy the event taking place at her school. She was next to have a member of her family come down to tell them what they do, but the only one available who wasn't too busy with the harvest was Granny Smith. The filly pestered her siblings to come, but they had to make sure they took care of the magical trees and pick the fruit when the time comes. Apple Bloom began to beg for Sora to come down instead, but he wasn't a member of the Apple Family, even if he was an honorary member. The teen could understand the young Apple was embarrassed by her grandmother, since family can do some pretty humiliating things to make their kin want to hide in a corner.

What really irritated him about Apple Bloom's evasion to bring Granny Smith to school was by one specific filly that hadn't learned her lesson after Christmas. Diamond Tiara teased Apple Bloom and even made fun of her grandmother because she was old and senile. He had enough of the spoiled brat's insults and making the young Apple sibling deter her grandmother from coming to the school, stopping the elder Apple from getting on a train to see a relative of hers from their "letter". After helping guide Granny Smith to the school, he stayed behind, keeping Apple Bloom in her seat and kept Diamond Tiara quiet before she said something she'll regret.

Sora had expected Granny Smith to talk about what her family does on the farm, but instead, she talked about a little history lesson on the founding of Ponyville. It turned out that, when she was a young mare, her family had actually founded the town nearly a century ago, her parents and relatives settling down in the area after requesting for land to grow their crops from Celestia herself. And, along with Ponyville's creation, Granny Smith had also discovered the Zap Apples from the Everfree Forest, being the first pony to discover the signs and, in the strangest of ways to make the jam using said apples, prepared making the jam to make it taste perfect. And in an ironic twist of fate, without the elder Apple selling her jam to Diamond Tiara's great grandfather, Stinking Rich, her family's chain of supermarkets would have never been made and she wouldn't be the rich brat she was today.

Even after hearing about Ponyville's history and the Apple family's legacy in creating the town, Zap Apple jam, and helping create Barnyard Bargains, Diamond Tiara still had the gall to make fun of Granny Smith. Sora was lucky Apple Bloom stepped up and defended her grandmother before he said something. Filthy Rich was told about how his own daughter had insulted his business partners' senior founder, giving her a proper punishment on the farm; making Diamond wear a bunny suit and force her to help the other students willingly bouncing over watering cans while singing their ABCs, hoping it would teach her humility of her heritage and respecting her elders and classmates. Sadly, it didn't work, but it was a bit of comeuppance for the spoiled filly for making fun of a founder and the genius old mare behind her own family's successes.

Today, Sora headed down to Sugarcube Corner for a small snack. Since Kairi, Donald, and Goofy had to go back to do their jobs, the teen was by himself in Equestria for a little while. As he walked into the bakery, he could hear the sound of two one-month-old foals giggling as they played with Pinkie Pie. The pink mare was busy playing peek-a-boo with the twins, popping out of the doorway of the Cakes' stock room as the parents were busy preparing some orders. As soon as he was in their peripheral vision, Pumpkin and Pound ran up to Sora excitedly, wanting him to pick them up as they craved their unrelated uncle's attention.

"Where's Pinkie Pie? Here I-" Pinkie froze when her little friends were clambering over Sora, ignoring the mare who was entertaining them. "Hey! That's my job to play with the babies!"

"Sorry, Pinkie, but these two really seem to take a liking to me." The teen picked up Pumpkin, the little unicorn foal nuzzling him affectionately. "And I think Pumpkin likes me a lot more than Pound does." To prove his point, the pegasus colt slammed a forehoof hard against one of Sora's back legs, the hit actually quite painful as he yelped, feeling his leg go limp. "Urgh! Little guy sure loves to hit things...and he hurts."

Pound was about to hit Sora again, but he avoided the strong colt's hoof. Pinkie scooped up the little pegasus and blew raspberries in his belly, sending him in a fit of giggles and weakly flailing hooves trying to flee from the endless tickle torture. Cup Cake peeked her head out from the doorway, glad to have Pinkie and Sora take the time to watch her foals for her and her husband whenever they had important work to do.

"Does anypony need a diaper changing?" she asked.

"I don't think so." As soon as Sora replied, the moment he breathed through his nose, he regretted doing so. He pupils shrunk as his face contorted with disgust, the source of the disgusting smell coming from the little unicorn in his hooves. "Bleck! Scratch that! Pumpkin needs one!"

"EWW! And Pound Cake!" Pinkie exclaimed, keeping the colt far away from her in her forehooves. "What have your mommy and daddy been feeding you?"

"I got them, honey-bun!" Carrot called out, walking out of the storeroom with a couple fresh diapers, some wipes, and some talcum powder.

The earth pony father picked up his son and daughter and placed them down on the changing table, giving the twins a diaper change. Sora watched Carrot Cake, almost losing his lunch as he watched the stallion taking off their dirty diapers with his mouth, and he didn't even bat an eye. If the teen was able to give out medals, he would definitely hold a banquet for the baker and give him an award that read "Best Dad of the Century" for changing two diapers with his mouth. After discarding the old diapers in the trash, Carrot sprinkled some talcum powder on the foals' behinds, then put them in a fresh diaper.

"...Wow...That was gross, Mr. Cake," Sora commented, shuddering at the thought of ever doing that if he ever foalsat for them, or if he had kids of his own. He was lucky he had hands, and even changing a messy diaper with his old appendages still seemed gross. Thankfully, his train of thought was interrupted by a couple rumbling tummies from the twins. "And it sounds like feeding time."

"But I already had a big breakfast," Pinkie said, making Sora facehoof.

Cup Cake came out with a couple bottles of formula, tossing them over to Pound and Pumpkin, both foals catching the bottles in their mouths and suckled their lunch greedily. They must have been really hungry, downing their bottles within minutes. After eating their fill, a little too much, they began to make strange faces from the gas built up in their little stomachs. Pinkie began making dumb faces, unaware of the fact the twins had upset bellies and needed to be burped.

"Pinkie, seriously?" Sora questioned the random mare. "I don't know much about babies, but I know they need to be burped after eating."

"They can't do that on their own?" Pinkie asked.

"No." The teen picked up Pumpkin and Pound Cake and lifted them over his shoulders, taking care of the babies burping while the parents were busy with their work. He gave them some light pats on the back until he heard two loud burps from the twins, Pumpkin's a lot louder than her twin brother's. "Ooh. Those were good ones."

Pumpkin and Pound began crawling over Sora again, no longer bothered by the gas bubbles they couldn't let out on their own and continued playing. The unicorn filly climbed onto the stallion's neck and clamped her mouth down on his ear, making him flinch as she began gnawing on it with her toothless maw as if she was teething. He gently tugged her off, wincing from the baby slobber, then yelping as he felt Pound punch one of his legs again.

"Pound Cake, no pounding things or ponies!" Cup Cake scolded, dragging the heavy hitting infant away from Sora. "That's not nice."

"Or putting things in your mouth, Pumpkin," Carrot said, taking the filly from Sora.

"Yeah! Only food goes in your mouth!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Or if you're carrying something, but that's only if you're an earth pony."

"Oh no!" the blue mare said. "I completely forgot about the catering order we have to deliver for a banquet today!"

"That's today!?" Carrot asked. "Oh gosh. Because of the twins, we've been so busy taking care of them that it slipped our minds! We need to find a foalsitter!"

"Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! I'll do it!" Pinkie volunteered.

The couple stared at Pinkie with worried gazes. They knew Pinkie Pie was good at keeping their twins occupied while they worked, but with how random she is, they didn't think she was responsible enough to watch them by herself for a whole day. There was no telling what she could do, and it scared them to death to imagine what could result leaving their foals alone with a mare who acts like a filly.

The Cakes turned the heads to Sora, playing with the twins as they managed to squirm out of their hooves. Though the teen was not as silly as Pinkie was, he had a bit of a goofy streak, especially with his odd looking friends that come by Sugarcube Corner with him. But unlike their employee, he seemed more mature than he looked, hearing how he was able to stop Discord and these strange black creatures they heard about. They looked back at Pinkie, highly eager to watch Pumpkin and Pound, then back to Sora.

"...Uhh, Sora?" Carrot called out, the teen looking up as he carried both foals on his back. "Are you by any chance busy today?"

"No. I've already done my workload at Sweet Apple Acres, and I don't have anything else to do," he said.

"Can you watch the twins for us until we get back this evening?" Cup Cake asked, Pinkie's grin melting to a frown as her employers were asking Sora to watch the babies.

"Hmm...Well..." He turned his head to look at the babies. Pumpkin was giving him a pleading look with her blue eyes, begging him to stay with a heart-wrenching whimper, while Pound only leered at his twin in annoyance. "...Sure. I'll be glad to watch them."

"Thank you, dearie!" Cup Cake thanked, the couple disappearing into the stockroom faster than Pinkie at a buffet of endless sweets. She came back with a schedule for the twins while Mr. Cake carried out the cake they had pre-made for the banquet they needed to deliver it to. "Now, here's the schedule on when to feed them, when they need to take their naps, everything."

Sora took the list and unfurled it, which was a lot longer than it seemed. "Wow. That's a tight schedule. Never fear, Mrs. Cake. I've dealt with far worse things than taking care of babies. Consider your twins safe in my hands...er, hooves."

"Hey, why can't I do it?" Pinkie asked.

"Pinkie Pie, taking care of a baby is a big responsibility," the mother explained. "You can't just play with them. They need to be fed, cleaned, watched over. It's a lot of hard work and...well, don't take this personally dear, but...Sora's a bit more mature than you are."

"I am too mature!" Pinkie shouted. "In fact, since there are two babies, I can take care of one, and Sora can take care of the other!"

Mrs. Cake was about to retort, only to have Sora yelp again as Pound struck his back with one of his hooves. "OW!...Actually, I think I may need some help. Pound doesn't seem to like me all that much." Another pound, this time on one of his wings. "AHH! Bad Pound Cake! No hitting!"

"See, even Sora agrees with me on this! It would be perfect!" Pinkie ran up to Sora and snatched Pound off the teen's back before the colt could give him another potential bruise. The little pegasus seemed to like Pinkie more, quickly crawling up and riding on her back. "Two responsible ponies, taking care of two foals! We'd be like second parents to Pound and Pumpkin!"

"Pinkie, we're just babysitting," Sora said. "I want you to help because I know these two are going to be hard to handle on my own, and I know when I'm in over my head with anything."

"...Well, ok." The Cakes soon headed out to deliver the order. "Take care of our little gingersnaps!"

"We got this in the bag, Mrs. Cake!" Pinkie called out as the couple left. "They don't call me Pinkamena 'Responsibility' Diane Pie for nothing!"

"Since when did you have a second middle name?" the Keyblade wielder asked. With the parents gone to do their jobs, it was time for Sora and Pinkie to begin foalsitting the Cake Twins. They turned to look at the babies, looking confused as their mommy and daddy had left. "Ok! So, who's ready for a fun afternoon with Auntie Pinkie and Uncle Sora!?" A moment later, the foals began crying, already missing their parents. "...No one, apparently."

"I got an idea!" Pinkie quickly ran over to the swinging shutter doors. "Where's Pinkie Pie!? Where's Pinkie Pie!?" Her attempts to play peek-a-boo with the twins didn't work as they continued crying. "That always works! Why isn't it working!?"

"They miss their parents," Sora said, scooping both foals in his forelegs, bouncing them up and down a little to get them to calm down. "You can't just expect them to forget about having them gone for a short while."

"...Ohhhhh...That makes perfect sense!" Pinkie disappeared into the stockroom, leaving Sora alone to deal with the twins. She came back a moment later, and as the teen looked at her, his jaw dropped in utter shock. "Hello, Poundy and Pumpkin! Mommy's back!"

Pinkie Pie had somehow managed to dye her coat blue and change her hairstyle to look like a clone of Cup Cake, only younger and not as plump as the baker. She even had a picture of the mare's cutie mark taped over her own, wearing a matching pink apron the elder mare wore. The twins stopped crying, but they only stared at Pinkie in confusion.

"...Pinkie...what are you doing?" he asked.

"Well, duh! I'm Mrs. Cake! If I pretend to be her, then maybe they'll stop crying! And it worked!" Unfortunately, it didn't work for long as they began crying again, highly confused and upset.

"For goodness sake, Pinkie. Clean yourself off before you confuse them!" While Sora tried to get the twins to stop crying, again, Pinkie disappeared and reappeared, now out of her Mrs. Cake cosplay.

"I got another idea!" She disappeared again, all the lights somehow turning off around them. A spotlight shone down on a stage that appeared out of nowhere, Sora and the babies sitting at a small table, Pinkie walking out behind the curtains with a broom, holding it out like it was a microphone. "Hello, ladies and germs, so glad you could all be here tonight!? Where are you from!?"

"Oh for the love of Kingdom Hearts," Sora muttered.

"You know, I used to have an ant farm, but I had to get rid of it...because I couldn't find tractors that small!" Pinkie zoomed over to a drum set, making a rim shot to emphasize the terribly made joke. Pumpkin and Pound weren't laughing, and neither was Sora, all three of them staring at the pink mare as she slipped back in the spotlight. "Get it?" She waited for a response, but only received silence. "...So, the other day, I spilled spot remover on my dog, and now I can't find him!"

Another riff, with no laughter. The twins began crying again, Pinkie starting to sweat as her stand-up routine was failing.

"Pinkie, they're a month old. They don't understand what your jokes are supposed to be," Sora said, rubbing the colt and filly's backs to calm them down. "And those are the worst jokes I've ever heard in my life."

"I worked hard on that routine," Pinkie mumbled. "But don't worry! I got a doozy of a show stopper that everypony will love!"

She disappeared behind the curtains again. Soon, music began playing, stopping the foals' crying, and Pinkie popped her head out, wearing a pig snout over her nose and began bouncing around while singing along with the tune.

(Pinkie Pie)
First you jiggle your tail! Oink oink oink!
Then you wriggle your snout! Oink oink oink!
Then you wiggle your rump! Oink oink oink!
Then shout it out! Oink oink oink!

She kept singing the same lyrics repeatedly, but her "Piggy Pie" song only seemed to make things worse. Looking down at the twins, Sora could see them looking up at him, scared out of their minds at the strangely giant pig bouncing around, singing, and being crazy.

"Yeah. I'm scared, too." The Cake Twins cried again, making Sora want to cry out in exasperation over Pinkie's failed attempts to make the babies feel better. She sang faster to try to make it more comically, but her bouncing slipped up as she flew off the stage and rolled into the nearby cupboard. The impact caused a bag of flour to fall and blow up on her, turning Pinkie Pie into Whitey Pie. Seeing her covered in flour made the twins giggle, clapping their hooves together at the messy mare. "Well, that got them to stop crying."

"See?" Pinkie said, her eyes spinning. "I can do this foalsitting stuff, no problem."

It turned out to be a bigger problem for Pinkie to deal with the foals than she expected. After the twins had calmed down, it was time for Pumpkin and Pound's mid afternoon snack, Sora setting the two in their high chairs while Pinkie got their food. Pumpkin was just about to go for her bowl of orange much, but instead reached down to the tablecloth and began nibbling on it. Sora gently tugged the cloth out of her mouth, which made her start crying, and Pound joined in too after slamming his hooves on the little table, tossing his bowl up and splattering his food over his head. They had to resort to using the flour spilling gag to make them laugh, only it was Sora that became the victim instead.

Then came bath time, and the rambunctious little foals began playing hide and seek from the foalsitters after slipping out of their diapers. Sora managed to snatch the two up and place them in the tub of warm water and bubbles. At least they were a little bit calmer, playing with the bubbles while the pegasus and earth pony washed them, only to begin crying again when a big bubble popped on Pumpkin's horn. Pound ended up smacking the faucet of the tub, splattering water over the two older ponies. Pinkie thought it would be a good idea to smack Sora with another bag of flour again, but he tried to stop her from unleashing the baking ingredient from pouring all over him. They both ended up getting covered in flour after ripping the bag, the water soaking them being absorbed and turning them into hilarious muck ponies, which the twins enjoyed much to their displeasure.

After Pumpkin and Pound Cake were fully cleaned up, Sora and Pinkie put the foals in a fresh diaper and put them in their cribs for their nap. With all the excitement they had, they fell asleep pretty quickly as they clutched their favorite toys, Pumpkin chewing on a stuffed chicken's head. With the little bit of peace and quiet, the baby sitters headed downstairs to clean up the mess they had made, especially all of the flour they wasted. The door to the twins' room was shut quietly, leaving the babies in a peaceful slumber.

That peace was momentarily ruined as the window to the room slowly opened up by a red and blue gloved hand. With the window opened all the way, Pete poked his head in, finding no sign of Sora or Pinkie anywhere. Chuckling quietly, he slipped inside, able to fit through despite his fat body, tip-hooving over to the sleeping infants.

"Aww. Ain't that cute? They're fast asleep," he whispered to himself. "And they're the perfect age to begin molding into my new little troublemakers. Maleficent will be glad to have some new servants, and they can grow up and embrace the darkness. That, and I'll use them to get to that brat, Sora."

The overweight minotaur gently scooped up Pumpkin and Pound Cake, carrying them in one arm and escaped out of the window he came out from. Being careful not to wake the twins up, he climbed back down to ground level and snuck away from the bakery, heading straight toward the Everfree Forest and in the line of sight of one of the ground floor windows of the building.

Inside, Sora and Pinkie had just finished cleaning up the bakery and kitchen, both ponies breathing a sigh of relief. "Now do you see how hectic it is to be responsible, Pinkie?"

"Yeah. Maybe the Cakes were right in leaving you in charge," Pinkie said. "Though, without either of us helping each other, it would have probably been a lot more difficult." Sora nodded his head in agreement. As Pinkie looked out the window, she spotted Pete in the distance, finding the strange minotaur odd from his clothing to his non-bovine head. "Hey. That's a weird looking minotaur. He looks like he has cat ears, and some kind of red and blue outfit. And he's fat."

"Weird looking minotaur?" Sora looked out the same window, spotting Pete as he looked over at the bakery with a smug grin on his face. "That's Pete! What's he doing out in Ponyville!?"

"A friend?" Pinkie asked.

"Far from that. He's been causing Donald, Goofy, and I a lot of problems, working with Maleficent." Before he saw the henchman turn back around to continue walking down the path, he spotted a familiar small tuft of orange mane poking over his arm. "What the heck is he holding?" Sora soon began to fear the worst, looking up to the twins' room in a panic. "Oh no. He didn't!" The teen flew up to the second floor and barged into the baby Cakes' room, no sign of them in their cribs. The window was wide open, the stallion looking out to see Pete begin to disappear in the distance toward the Everfree Forest. "He did...Dang it, Pete!"

He ran back down the stairs, barging through the door and chased after the minotaur, Pinkie following after him. "Sora, what's wrong!? Heartless!?"

"Pete kidnapped the twins!" he said, growing angry at the despicably evil deed Pete had done.

"WHAT!?" Pinkie began growling like a wolf, feeling just as mad as Sora. "GET THAT FAT BABY STEALER!"

While chasing Pete down, he had Heartless come out and attack them, forcing Pinkie to stay behind Sora so he could take care of them. Along with Shadows, there were blue canine Heartless with red spiked collars wrapped around their bodies, named Rabid Dogs, and air horn Heartless known as Crescendos, using their musical magic to call more Rabid Dogs or heal them from any injuries they sustained. Sora quickly dealt with the distraction, both ponies continuing their pursuit, entering the Everfree Forest.

Pete could hear Sora and Pinkie behind him, smirking as he had them right where he wanted him. He ran out to an empty, open area in the dangerous forest, stopping directly in the center of the clearing. With nowhere to go, the Keyblade wielder leered at the henchman with Pinkie, the mare ready to pounce on him and beat him into a bloody pulp.

"Give back those kids, Pete!" Sora exclaimed, aiming his Keyblade at the minotaur. "You can't run away forever!"

"Hey, quiet, twerp," Pete said. "The kiddies are still sleeping. You make so much noise and they'll get cranky." Pumpkin and Pound Cake stirred in Pete's arm, waking up from their small nap. "Uh oh. Too late."

"Kidnapping kids just to lure me out? That's a low blow, you sick tub of lard!" The evil cat in a minotaur's body just laughed, further angering the teen.

"Hang on, Pound and Pumpkin! Auntie Pinkie Pie will save you!" Pinkie ran toward Pete, intending to trample him and save the twins before he could hurt them.

Pete brought a free hand to his mouth and let out a shrill whistle, summoning more Rabid Dogs around him, causing Pinkie to skid to a halt. Sora was about to run in and deal with them, but quickly stopped when he saw the minotaur take the baby Cakes in his hands, holding them over the Heartless, the dark canines barking and jumping to try and get at the free meals.

"Not another step, you two, or else the little ones are gonna be newborn Heartless." Sora growled, forced to stand down and lower his Keyblade.

"You're really sick, you know that?" Sora glowered.

"Hey, when you gotta do something to get what you want, you do anything." Pumpkin and Pound Cake were curious about the blue doggies bouncing up to reach them, unaware of the danger they were in. "But I ain't no monster. Who would want to hurt cute little babies? Not I. But...I'm willing to make a wager for their safety."

"What do you want, Pete? You and Maleficent taking over Equestria?" Sora asked, dismissing his Keyblade, not wanting the twins to get hurt.

"That'll happen in due time," Pete said, the Rabid Dogs stopping their jumping as they looked at Sora. "But in exchange for these little ponies, I want you to surrender...and lose your heart to the Heartless."

Pinkie Pie gasped in shock. "That's evil! Sora will never do that! He gave up his heart once already, and he's not going to-"

"Fine, then." The earth pony blanched as she turned to look at Sora. She couldn't believe he was agreeing to sacrifice himself just to save the twins, knowing he could easily take Pete on. "And leave Pinkie Pie alone too. You just want me...So, go ahead..."

"Heheheheh! Good." The Rabid Dogs all charged at Sora, knocking the stallion over as they dogpiled him. Pinkie gasped in horror, unable to help as she backed away from the Heartless. "And don't worry! I'll stay true to my word! Until your heart comes out and gets swallowed by darkness."

Underneath all the Rabid Dogs, Sora was being constantly bitten by the Heartless as they slowly drained away his health, hoping someone would come and help. Pinkie Pie was too distracted by the horde of blue canines to try to fight back against Pete, unsure of what kind of magic he might have. Pumpkin and Pound watched as one of their foalsitters was being attacked by all the strange dogs, not wanting to lose the silly stallion to the tubby minotaur that was holding them.

Pumpkin was the first to act, scrunching her face as her tiny horn began to glow blue, using her magic for the first time. Her aura grabbed a tall branch near one of the many trees, levitating it over the unsuspecting henchman's head. She looked over at her twin, Pound nodding his head as if they telegraphed their plan in their slowly developing brains. The pegasus colt began flapping his wings hard, pulling Pete's arm with incredible strength for being so young.

"Ahh! Hey! What are you doing, you little-" Pumpkin slammed the tree branch down hard on the minotaur's head, giving him a nice sized bump on the noggin. "OW! Why you little-WHOA!?"

Pete made the mistake of putting his attention on the filly, now being dragged across the ground by Pound Cake as he flew low to the ground toward Pinkie. He dropped Pumpkin by mistake, but the baby unicorn caught herself with her own telekinesis, levitating her body and flew after her brother. Pinkie heard Pete's grunting, watching the Cake Twins dragging him along the ground and smacking him hard in the face with a tree branch.

"Holy guacamole," Pinkie said in surprise as the one-month-old infants were beating Pete up, and bringing him straight for her. After another hard whack in the head by the branch, Pete let go of Pound Cake, receiving a very painful pound of his hooves on his hand, the minotaur screaming in pain as the entire forest could hear the bones crack in his digits. Pumpkin and her brother flew to Pinkie, clutching her tightly, now safe in the hooves of their silly aunt. "Sora! Fight back! I got the twins now!"

"G-Good!" Sora summoned his Keyblade, deciding to use his Drive Forms to deal with the large horde of Rabid Dogs piled on him.

His clothes glowed as a shockwave of light shot out from him, scattering the Heartless around him. After he had turned into his Anti Form a couple months ago, his chances of turning into it again were greatly lowered, so it was safe for him to use them a few times. As the light around him dimmed down, his black clothes had changed to the same style as his old attire a couple years back, his jacket red, white, and black, but no second Keyblade appeared. He stood on his hind legs and widened his stance, holding his weapon in both hooves as he eyed the Heartless and Pete, the minotaur getting back on his feet, though his right hand was useless.

"Those little brats." He looked over at Sora, his jaw dropping at the Drive Form the teen had taken, transforming instantly healing his injuries. "Oh no."

"Oh yes. You're gonna get it, Pete!" Sora began using Strike Raid in his Limit Form, throwing his Keyblade at the minotaur.

Pete began running away, avoiding each fling the Keyblade wielder made, his weapon returning back to him in a flash of light after it got too far away. Even though he kept missing, he didn't care, still holding a few more tricks up this form's sleeve. He heard Pinkie shriek as the Rabid Dogs surrounded the mare and baby twins, quickly rushing in and using Ragnarok on one of them that leapt up in the air. He slashed at it repeatedly, then as he backed away in the air, red light built up at the end of his Keyblade, unleashing a hail of energy beams that homed in on the surrounding Heartless, blowing them to black dust and releasing their hearts.

As soon as he landed, he unleashed his next skill Sonic Blade, thrusting his Keyblade forward and speeding off in one direction, aiming at the cluster of Rabid Dogs and destroying them in quick succession. Pumpkin and Pound cheered as they watched Sora fly past them and kill the bad dogs that tried to hurt him. Pinkie, on the other hoof, watched in awe at the new Drive Form the stallion was in and all the cool moves he made. After one final thrust, he destroyed the last of the Heartless, turning his sights on Pete.

"Uh oh. Uhh, mercy?" he begged.

"...How about no?" Sora rushed at the minotaur, Pete prematurely casting his temporary invulnerability barrier on himself. The teen waited for the shield disappear before he unleashed his last ability used in his Limit Form. "Ars Arcanum!"

Moving swiftly, the Keyblade wielder smacked Pete around in an dangerous combo attack, making him unable to break free with his quick and powerful strikes. After dazing the fat minotaur, Sora slammed his Keyblade down hard, smacking Pete's face into the ground, the force of the impact bouncing him up in the air from the finishing blow of the teen's Ars Arcanum. He bucked Pete hard in the face, sending the evil follower of Maleficent soaring through the thick foliage.

With no way of being able to tell if he was still out there or if he fled, Sora reverted back to normal now that the threat was gone and Pete was dealt with. For now. He turned back to Pinkie, getting tackled by Pound and Pumpkin Cake as they babbled excitedly, wrapping their tiny hooves around his neck as best as they could.

"That was cutting it close," Sora said, sighing in relief knowing the twins were safe and sound. "Pinkie, how did you deal with Pete?"

"...I...didn't. It was Pound and Pumpkin. They were the ones who beat him up." The teen looked down at the infants, finding it hard to believe the babies actually gave Pete those scuffs, bruises, lumps on his head, and a broken hand.

He noticed Pound flapping his tiny wings, hovering a good height for his size, and Pumpkin using her magic to fly around. "...Huh. I guess I got help from some unexpected little saviors." He gave the twins a pat on the head, grabbing them in his forelegs. "I think we've all had a little too much excitement for one day. Let's get you two back home before your parents find us having a field day in the Everfree Forest."

The sitters made their way out of the dangerous forest and headed back to Sugarcube Corner with the twins. Once they got inside, the babies needed a diaper change, and another bath. They reeked of Pete's disgusting scent, not wanting to let Cup and Carrot Cake to smell a fat minotaur lingering on their babies' bodies. After getting cleaned up, again, fed their bottles of formula, the little pegasus and unicorn were exhausted and sleepy, Sora and Pinkie laying the twins down in their cribs to let them sleep.

As the sun was about to set, the Cakes arrived back home, the couple surprised to see their bakery was spotless. "Oh my. Look at how clean everything is."

"Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Cake," Sora greeted, both he and Pinkie coming down the steps. "The twins are in their cribs sleeping. You will never believe the day we had."

"I hope they weren't too much trouble, were they?" Cup Cake asked as she walked upstairs to check on their foals.

"It was a rocky start, but boy have I learned a little more about responsibility," Pinkie said. "As fun as it is to play with foals, it's a lot of hard work taking care of them. If Sora or I took care of them alone, we would have probably gone loco in the cocoa."

"...That's...quite mature of you to say, Pinkie," Carrot complimented, both bakers having doubted Pinkie Pie too much. "So, do you think you two can be our permanent babysitters when we need you?"

Pinkie was unsure at first, not sure if they could handle another crazy day like today. They thankfully withheld what happened earlier when Pete tried to kidnap them, but the earliest part of the day watching them was a bit of a struggle, especially with all the bags of flour the two wasted to make the twins laugh. From behind the small crack in the door to Pound and Pumpkin's room, the couple and sitters heard the foals mumbling in their sleep.

"Pinkie..." Pound said, the pegasus colt saying his first words.

"Sowa..." Pumpkin said, both twins actually beginning to talk.

Just hearing the twins saying their names, calling out to them in their sleep, warmed Sora's and Pinkie's hearts. "Awwwww...Who can say no after hearing that?" Pinkie nodded as the teen pulled his friend into a hug. "Sora and Pinkie, the dynamic babysitting duo, will accept this offer."

"Yes indeedily," Pinkie agreed.

Out in Maleficent's homeworld, the Enchanted Domain, the witch sat in her throne in the ruined castle she dwelled in many years ago. Since the loss of her old castle in Radiant Garden, once known as Hollow Bastion, and constantly traveling around for a new castle to rule over, she had no choice but to come back to her old home to regroup. She was busy plotting a way to take over Equestria, a perfect land to easily take over, but with Sora residing there now, it was going to be a lot more complicated than she imagined.

She began to hear grunts entering her throne room, finding Pete in a gravely injured state, her loyal minion collapsing to the ground as he saluted to her. "...What happened to you?"

"Ugh..." He lifted up his head, on the verge of passing out. "Babies...They're...evil..."

Pete smacked his face to the hard stone floor, passing out from exhaustion. "...Imbecile," Maleficent sighed, rubbing her forehead as she began to feel a migraine. "Why am I always surrounded by morons?"

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