• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Keep Calm and Flutter On

It was a calm, sunny morning in Ponyville the day after the Apple family reunion. Birds were singing as they flew across the sky or perched on the branches of the trees, few clouds in the sky set by the weather team to provide some shade for the ponies on the ground on the warm summer day, a perfect day to go out and have fun in the sun. Unfortunately, as the day was bright and sunny, Sora had a dark cloud over his head, metaphorically speaking. Ever since he found out that Applejack's parents had died several years ago, he felt bad for bringing up a powerfully emotional memory that the mare didn't want brought up. At least he didn't say anything stupid mentioning them around Apple Bloom, hating to see a filly like her cry as she mourned over the loss of her parents when she was only a baby.

He wasn't paying attention to anything today, and he was out on a little date with Kairi outside the cafe for some breakfast. She was talking about something exciting, but his ears felt deaf, last night's blunder still plaguing his mind. He couldn't sleep until almost an hour after he got into bed, both feeling sorry for the Apples' loss and feeling homesick, missing his own mother and his friends back on Destiny Island. As much as he wanted to go back home, he couldn't risk leaving Equestria with the threat of Heartless appearing at any time, as well as Maleficent and Pete showing up to cause more havoc. Plus, he had been away from home for nearly two years trying to save Riku and Kairi, along with saving the other worlds from the Heartless and Nobodies, so it shouldn't bug him that much to always go on an adventure without rest.

"Sora? Sora, did you hear me?" The teen shook his head, finally listening to Kairi after she nudged his shoulder.

"Huh? What?" Now remembering where he was at the moment, he looked at Kairi, though she wasn't upset at him for not paying attention to her. "What happened?"

"Were you listening to me at all?" she asked.

"Y-Yeah! Of course I was!" he chuckled nervously, hiding his sadness under the goofy persona he resorts to so no one would worry about his drama. "Uhhh...We were talking about the...weather?"

"You weren't listening to me," Kairi said.

"I know," he sadly admitted, lowering his head on the table. "Sorry, Kairi...I'm just not feeling like myself today."

"What's wrong?" she asked, greatly concerned for her lover's misery. "Did the Apple family reunion not go well yesterday?"

"No...It was fun. We did have a small hiccup when the wagon for the hay ride careened into the barn from fruit bats, but we fixed it back up in no time at all." Sora sighed, slightly nudging his glass of orange juice that was left untouched since he ordered it while lost in his thoughts. "It was...more about what I found out after the reunion ended...Something about some relatives I didn't get to meet, and it was not pretty."

"What happened?" Kairi moved closer and placed her hoof over his.

"...I don't think it's my right to say...It's about their parents, but I'm just going to leave it at that..." Just from his attitude and hinting about Applejack's parents, Kairi knew what possible fate had occurred for them.

"Oh no...What happened to them?" Kairi asked.

"Some sort of accident. I wasn't told much about what happened." Sora sighed as Kairi hugged him. "Since Granny Smith told me last night, I felt like I made a big mistake not keeping my mouth shut and Applejack hates me...I'm kind of glad she brushed it off and told me not to worry about it, but I feel like an idiot for mentioning it. I barely slept last night, feeling homesick and missing my own mom."

"Maybe you could take the time and go back home to see her," Kairi suggested. "You have your Gummi Ship rebuilt, and with our Warp Gummi Blocks, we're able to get from one place to another after visiting them. Just be glad I took the time to give the one I gave for yours with all the places you've been to, which took far longer than it should have."

"I guess...but what about Equestria?" he asked. "This place is like a giant target for Heartless to attack at any moment, and with Maleficent and Pete popping up whenever they feel like it, I can't just let this world fall under darkness so easily. You saw what happened to Sombra and how much it destroyed him with his final sane thoughts in his journal. Even with Luna, she nearly gave into the darkness her despair gave her after losing him and feeling unappreciated by the kingdom. Equestria's so peaceful that even this world's inhabitants could easily take over and destroy everything if they aren't stopped, far worse than others like Jafar or Ursula."

"Riku and I can take over while you take a little break from being a pony." Kairi held Sora tighter and nuzzled him. "I know it was kind of awkward to tell your mom and Riku's parents the reason why we've been gone for so long, understandably hard to believe even after showing them, but at least they know and understand that the fate of the worlds lie in our hands. And telling anyone else about our Keyblades is supposed to be against the rules, but Master Yen Sid would understand if it's with family we can share these details with."

"...That was a bit of a strange moment after we got that letter from the king when they were going through Jiminy's journals and had to tell them we were leaving to another world." Sora thought back on that day, his mother chastising him for making up silly stories like that, taking them hours to explain what happened to them and their home. He was thankful to know that, once the worlds returned after defeating Ansem, everyone from those worlds that were lost came back too. "If I do go...how am I gonna tell mom I've finally gotten together with the girl I've had a crush on since she arrived from another world?"

"I think she'd like that, seeing I'm the one who has to keep you out of trouble for her when she isn't watching you." The pegasus snorted and rolled his eyes.

"You're the one who keeps getting me into trouble," he said, reminding her the times she was captured or put in danger.

"Oh, ha ha. Very funny, mister." Sora laughed as he earned a slight shove from the unicorn. She soon surprised him, wrapping her forelegs around his shoulders and pulling his head closer to hers, pressing her lips against his in a deep kiss. He managed to recover a second later, wrapping his forelegs around Kairi's waist and kissed her back, only for it to end all too soon as she pulled away, but not too far. "But that is kind of true. You do save me when I'm in trouble, and you've done it plenty of times."

"Well, you are a princess. It's supposed to be your job to get kidnapped and the hero, me, has to save you from certain doom. That's how this whole deal works." Kairi scowled, using her magic to tug Sora's ears hard, making him yelp in pain. "OW! Why!? It's true! Ask your fellow Princesses of Light in their worlds!"

"One: because you're kind of right on that fact." She let go of his ears, the pegasus rubbing his sore appendages, hating how sensitive they were compared to his old ears. "And two-" Kairi tackled Sora and pinned him on his back, her muzzle gently rubbing against his, the pinned pegasus unable to look away from the sultry gaze she gave him. "-some of us 'helpless' princesses can fight back. Need I remind you who won in our little duel a while back?"

"...I plead distractions and the fact you were still recovering after breaking your arm/leg from my brainwashed love poison experience Hearts and Hooves Day?" She shook her head, not believing his lame excuses.

"I was feeling fine that day, and the first rule of combat is to stay focused on your opponent. That was your fault for not paying attention." He pouted, turning his head away, making Kairi giggle as he sulked. She kissed his cheek and helped him back up on his haunches. "But that shows I'm getting better at fighting when you and Riku have more experience than I do, right?"

"...Yeah. You learn pretty fast...Although, that Stealth Sneak did a number on you." Kairi growled and shoved his hood over his head with her magic.

"That was the first time I ever fought in a different body, and I've never encountered one of those things before. Kind of hard to avoid attacks when you go from two legs to four." Sora moved his hood back down and grinned.

"I find it a lot easier running faster as a quadruped than a human." Kairi crossed her forelegs across her chest, scoffing as she looked away from Sora. He walked behind her and hugged her, kissing her neck and feeling her relax under his loving ministrations. "I'm kidding, Kairi. Stealths Sneaks can really catch you off guard. My first encounter with one was the worst." Sora will always remember that encounter, being the moment where he, Donald, and Goofy got split up after he caused their ship to crash land in the Deep Jungle. Clayton, the hunter who was with Jane and came along to poach the gorillas that were Tarzan's family, wasn't trustworthy the instant he met him, and almost got them killed by riding on a Stealth Sneak and shooting at them with his rifle. "I'm glad that sleazy poacher got crushed by his own mount. Better to have Clayton dead and leave the gorillas safe in their habitat in the jungle."

"...I guess first encounters with a new enemy can go badly if you never fought one before...But what sick person would go around hunting gorillas?" Before Sora could answer, he saw a streak of rainbow flying across the sky, heading directly toward them.

Thankfully, for Sora's sake, Rainbow Dash landed on the ground instead of on him, though she seemed panicky and worried. "Sora! Kairi! You've got to come out to the fields! You are not going to believe what the princess wants us to do!"

"What's going on, Rainbow Dash?" Sora asked. "A Heartless attack? Nobodies?"

"Worse than any of those things!" she exclaimed. "I told Riku, Rarity, and Pinkie, but I gotta find Fluttershy and Applejack!"

Rainbow flew off in search of the other two ponies, leaving the Keyblade wielders confused. "What could be worse than Heartless or Nobodies?"

Sora's stared at what was in front of them out in the grassy plains outside of Ponyville, his jaw hung open, making disbelieving squeaking sounds that rose in pitch as his eye twitched erratically. With everyone gathered by Rainbow Dash, sitting before them with Princess Celestia was Discord, still frozen in stone. While the tan pegasus, baby dragon, and Mane Six were shocked at the princess's odd decision to bring the chaotic deity's statue here, Riku and Kairi just stared at the "sculpture", both in awe and confusion.

"This is worse than a Heartless or Nobody attack?" Kairi asked.

"What the heck is this thing supposed to be?" Riku asked as he examined all the mismatched body parts of a creature that shouldn't probably exist. He looked at Sora, the spiky-haired teen still stuck in his fearful/exasperated staring. "...Actually, I think I should be wondering what's wrong with Sora. I've never heard him make noises like that."

Sora finally moved his head, slowly turning to look at Celestia, the alicorn more calm than the Elements of Harmony and the Keyblade wielder. "I know this is quite a surprise, but I can explain why I brought Discord here."

"This is Discord?" Kairi asked. "...Wow. No wonder Sora found it hard to describe what he looked like. He's a zoo rolled up in one."

Sora slowly snapped out of his shock and walked up to the alicorn. "...Celestia? Mind if I ask you a very, very, VERY important question?" Celestia shook her head. "Ok. Umm...Pardon my rudeness, but...WHY IN THE WORLD THAT IS LIGHT AND DARKNESS DO YOU THINK IT'S A GOOD IDEA TO BRING DISCORD HERE!?" he shouted, hovering up to her height.

Twilight quickly slammed Sora back down to the ground, scared out of her mind after watching him outright yell at Equestria's ruler. "Sora, do you want to be banished on the sun!?"

"It's quite alright, Twilight," Celestia assured, having expected one of them to blow up on her for a risky decision on her part. "And banishing somepony to the sun? Do you really think I would be that cruel over something as pointless as that?" Twilight didn't listen, still not wishing to agitate her ruler/mentor out of respect, Sora lifting his head up as his eyes swirled in his head. "Anyway, the main reason why I brought Discord here is because I have a very important task for all of you: reforming the chaotic draconequus so that his powers can be helpful to Equestria instead of harmful."

"WHAT!?" the Mane Six exclaimed.

"Princess Celestia, have you seen what Discord is capable of!?" Twilight asked. "He was about to make Ponyville the chaos capital of the world!"

"And he made us into the opposite of who we were!" Rarity added.

"And don't forget to mention the yummy chocolate milk rain falling from cotton candy clouds all over the place, and without a single dollop of whipped cream anywhere to go with it!" Pinkie included. "Not! A! Single! DOLLOP!"

"Chocolate milk rain?" Riku questioned. "That...doesn't make sense."

"That's the point," Sora said after snapping out of his daze, approaching his best friend as he was never told much about Discord. "He's far worse than any Heartless, any Nobody, any crazy, psychotic villain who tried to take over the other worlds, and fighting this...uhh, draconiqui? Draquinai? D-Draco Drago?"

"Draconequus," Celestia corrected.

"That thing! Fighting Discord is beyond impossible! I barely held my own against him normally, and it took my Harmony Form to counter his chaotic power!" Riku just stared at his panicked best friend, back to Discord's statue, then back to Sora.

"...That thing gave you trouble?" he asked. "I can believe Sombra with the darkness that fueled his power, but something as goofy as that?"

"Looks are deceiving, and he is a master deceptionist," Sora said, grabbing Riku's cheeks and looking him dead in the eye. "Imagine him as if he was Wonderland, multiply the nonsensical madness by a thousand, and add in the face he can do just about anything with a snap of his talon, paw, or horns!"

The white pegasus slapped his friend's hooves off his face, finding it hard to believe anything could be that insane. "As much as Wonderland doesn't make sense, that makes even less sense."

"Fine. But don't complain when he makes he dance and sing while wearing a tutu and balancing a tray of pies on your eyeballs." Riku slapped his forehead, sighing in frustration as he gave up trying to understand what can't be understood.

"Luckily, his chaos can be stopped while you have these." Celestia levitated the box that contained the Elements of Harmony, opening it to reveal the six special artifacts inside. "Since Discord's return to being imprisoned in stone, I've been working on adding an enchantment to the Elements of Harmony. That way, when he's freed, he cannot take them and hide them somewhere while worn by their bearers." The princess levitated them to their rightful owners, clasping the necklaces around the others while placing the crown on her student's head. "And I have the utmost confidence in Fluttershy to help reform Discord and join our side."

"M-Me?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm...the one who can reform him?"

"Being the Element of Kindness, I don't think it would be that hard to win somepony like Discord over. Now, I must return to Canterlot for a royal summit. Good luck, my little ponies." Celestia spread out her wings and flew up into the air, heading back to Canterlot and leaving everyone with Discord.

"...We're doomed," Spike said. "There's no way Discord will ever be reformed!"

"I'm with Spike on this," Sora said. "Let's just keep him as a statue. I do not want to deal with him after he almost killed me and sealed my magic."

"But, the princess believes we can reform him," Twilight said, not wanting to disappoint their ruler. "We just need to make sure we keep our Elements on at all times until we break through to him...even if it sounds impossible."

Taking a deep breath, Twilight tapped her magic into her Element of Magic, the other Elements glowing in response to its catalyst. As a rainbow trail began to chain the accessories together, the mares circled around Discord's prison, Sora, Riku, and Kairi backed away, summoning their Keyblades in case the draconequus decided to attack after being freed. As the prismatic magic reached the Element of Magic, Twilight unleashed its power, sending the rainbow aura directly to the statue, swirling around him at a rapid pace.

A keyhole appeared on the whirlwind of colors, Discord's imprisoned state also locked away with Sora's light from his Harmony Form. With no choice, the teen aimed his Keyblade at the keyhole, the tip building up light, and releasing the beam into it, a loud unlocking sound echoing around them. Soon, the magic began to unseal him, the stone cracking around his limbs and head, more cracks forming as he began to break free along with the Elements' "help".

Discord had finally broken free, sending shards of his stone body flying everywhere as he roared, only to quickly groan in relief as he contorted his body, stretching out every ligament as his bones ear-gratingly cracked. "Ooooooooooh! A thousand years being turned to stone is one thing, but a few months more can give you such a crick everywhere!"

As he continued stretching, he snapped his fingers, turning a nearby squirrel on a tree branch into a bulky, ripping off a part of it with its muscular form and chomping on it with its sharper teeth. "Hey! What are you doing!?"

"Stretching. What's it look like? Ever done that or do you read too much to even try?" he asked Twilight, bending backwards as he snapped his fingers again, turning a rabbit into the same monstrosity as the squirrel.

"Make that bunny cute again, or else!" Pinkie warned, pulling out her party cannon.

"Why? I think he looks better this way." The transformed rabbit let out a roar and began ripping the flowers around it apart. "See? He's so much more adorable. Speaking of adorable, Celestia is so gullible, thinking I can be reformed by this little scaredy pony?" Discord appeared behind Fluttershy and looked at her through a magnifying glass. "How hilarious."

"Wait, how did you know about our plans!?" Twilight questioned.

"I was turned to stone. That didn't mean I was deaf or blind. Seriously, learn your RPG status ailments, Miss Bookworm," Discord said, tapping the unicorn's horn as she leered at him for touching her.

"Discord, turn everything back to normal, or you're going back to being a statue for the birds to do their business on!" The draconequus turned to Sora, momentarily forgetting that he was around with the others.

"I'm surprised you're still here in Equestria." He looked at Riku and Kairi, grinning maliciously at the two new targets. "And you have company from another world. Riku and Kairi, I assume?"

"How do you know us?" Riku asked, growing wary as he now believed Sora and his chaotic, logic breaking magic.

"Oh, quite a lot." Discord appeared between the Keyblade wielders, reaching his talon to Sora's ear and pulling out the same book that held the teen's adventure with the same insulting depiction of him. Sora growled and slapped the draconequus's claw away from him as he opened up the book. "You, Riku, have sided with the darkness, almost killed your best friend because of your jealousy, also quite easily gullible to believe a witch who knew less about Sora than you do, and even got taken over by some Heartless all because you lost at stealing your friend's Keyblade. Hmmm...You know, to be honest, the long hair suited you better. That short hair makes you look like you're six."

Riku growled, being reminded of his past mistakes, but not wanting to risk fighting Discord if it meant getting beaten by chaotic magic. "For your information, my long hair always got in my way."

"But you fought fine with a blindfold on like the blind samuari for over a year. How somepony like you became a Keyblade Master after all you've done is beyond me. And I'm chaos incarnate." Falling for Discord's insults, Riku shot a large ball of dark flames at the draconequus, only for him to move his head to the side, avoiding the spell as he flipped through the pages. "Did I touch a raw nerve?" Ignoring Riku, he stopped on the pages involving Kairi, filled with hearts and better images than those of Sora or Riku. "And Kairi...A princess like old sun butt, but with more power than even her when it comes to light. Celestia, you've been slacking."

"...Uhh...thank you?" Kairi said in confusion, unsure if the compliment was genuine or not.

"The damsel in distress, Sora's eye caught on you, and now you fight too. But, the horseshoe ended up on the other hoof when your little knight stupidly got caught and almost sacrificed by an old timer." This time, he got to Sora, the teen shifting to his Harmony Form as light exploded around him.

The Keyblades of Harmony and the Ultima Keyblade were aimed at Discord, ready to thrust forward and impale the draconequus if Sora desired to. "You really want to go back to being a statue, don't you?"

"Would you really want to disappoint Celestia?" he asked, the pages flipping over to a highly detailed moment from the Crystal Empire. Discord turned the book over, making Sora flinch as he saw himself kneeling over Sombra as he began to disappear from the light of the Crystal Heart. "This was quite a heart breaker, wasn't it? Failing to save somepony when they were too far gone? You blamed yourself for killing Lulu's potential hubby, and it still eats away at you to this day, forever disappointed in yourself for failing to be the hero you sought to become."

"T-That's different," Sora stuttered, the depressing memories from the image forcing itself into his mind, unable to look away. "I-I tried...Equestria was...more important."

"'Tried'!? Trying doesn't help when you feel guilty for failing to make Luna happy after so many years of misery!" Sora's Harmony Form disappeared, unable to keep it stable as his emotions won over his focus.

Before Discord can taunt Sora further, Kairi teleported in front of him and thrust her Keyblade through the book. He froze as the blade was mere inches from his muzzle, watching it glowing white as the pages in the book began to burn away in a white fire. Discord lowered the book, staring into the eyes of an angry Princess of Heart.

"You do anything to hurt my boyfriend, physically or emotionally, and I won't hesitate to turn you into stone myself," Kairi warned, her Keyblade glowing brighter in response to her threat. "We'll think of a reason to tell Celestia we had to turn you into a living statue again, and you seem to be too oblivious to realize those weapons that could do that are worn by them right now."

"...Wow...That's a lot more power than I thought," Discord said, releasing the book of Sora's memories as the fire spread, held aloft by Kairi's Keyblade.

"So, are you going to be on your best behavior and change those animals back to normal, or do you want to feel what pure light feels like?" Kairi asked, slashing her weapon down, making the burning book slide off, and stepping on it as it turned to ashes.

"...Oh, fine. I was expecting a good laugh with 'Fluttershy's Stare' to try to 'control me' and make me 'nicer', but I've been hit by enough light for a lifetime." Discord snapped his fingers, turning the rabbit and squirrel back to normal. While everyone saw the results of their change, he brought a paw behind his back, snapped his fingers while masking it with a cough, changing the behavior of some beavers Applejack and Fluttershy were dealing with earlier at Sweet Apple Acres before they knew Celestia brought Discord. He soon turned to the audience and grinned, eyeing them all as he pulled a malicious move on everyone without them noticing. "Whoops. My paw slipped."

"What was that, Discord?" Twilight questioned.

"Nothing!" he quickly said, appearing behind Fluttershy and picking the pegasus up, surprising her as he was held by the draconequus. "Now, where will I bunk with my new roomie for my 'reformation'?"

"This isn't gonna end well," Sora muttered.

While Discord made himself comfortable in Fluttershy's home for his reformation, the yellow pegasus believed he could change, though everyone else remained skeptical, especially Sora. Even though it had been a couple hours since the others left the cottage, leaving Fluttershy with a chaotic deity not meant to be trusted was only going to cause more trouble. He couldn't even sit still, his optimism exchanged for pessimism at the thought of what Discord could do now that he's free, with the warning of being turned to stone after being burned by Kairi's power as a Princess of Heart hanging over his head.

"Sora! Can you stop pacing around!?" Riku asked, both he and Kairi trying to get his attention, but just like this morning, he was too far gone in his thoughts. "Is he really this freaked out about Discord? I mean, yeah, I can believe him now with how he can just...do anything that defies any kind of logic at will, but he's more of a joker than a crazy villain."

"He doesn't like Discord for...a lot of reasons," Kairi explained. "I was thankfully away from Equestria when he was released, but Sora had a rough time. Discord actually turned the girls' personalities around, making them the opposite of their Element of Harmony. He even tried to do that with Sora first out of all of them, but he was able to break free from his spell when memories of me helped fight for control. He forced all of them through a game to find the Elements of Harmony he managed to steal after being freed, and he never plays by his own rules, even manipulating them by force if it means always winning."

"...Ok...So, it is worse than I thought," Riku said.

"And he crossed a very big line," Sora said as he stopped pacing. "I just got over everything that happened in the Crystal Empire, and he had the gall to bring back my depression after my failure, and I'm already having a bad enough day as it is!"

Kairi leaned over to Riku and whispered to him. "He's been feeling homesick after the reunion at Sweet Apple Acres last night."

"And now, there's no way I can relax until Discord's reformed, which is like trying to tame a Heartless or a Nobody into being our pet: impossible, dumb, and insane! Or, by a miracle, if he does anything that provokes me into turning him to stone again, I'll do it in a heartbeat!" Sora began to pant in frustration, running his hooves frantically through his hair, growing impatient and paranoid.

"I think that 'Harmony Form', as you call it, might be a bit overkill," Riku said, only for Sora to rush at him and grab his friend forcefully by the cheeks.

"You saw him avoid your spell, Riku! You can't leave a scratch on him by any normal means, because there's nothing normal about him!" he shouted. "He either teleports away, avoids any attacks you throw, seal your magic, or, if he wants to be sadistic, BLOW YOU UP FROM YOUR HEART TO YOUR LIMBS AND LEAVE YOU TO NEAR DEATH!"

Kairi pulled Sora back with her levitation, holding him tightly while trying to calm him down. "What is it with you today and grabbing my face today?" Riku asked as he rubbed his sore cheeks.

Before Sora could respond with a frustrated remark, a letter appeared in front of them out of nowhere. It wasn't a message from Celestia unless Sora's Keyblade reacted to the magical delivery, and it didn't appear in his hoof. Sora picked the blank envelope and pulled out the letter inside, his eye twitching as he read what was written on it.

Do not deny your feelings for your best friend. You had a perfect opportunity to do what you wanted to do with Riku for so long. Fuel the SoraxRiku shippers watching you read this and give them what they want!

-Discord >:P

He had no idea what Discord was talking about, but having the draconequus insult him like that, somehow watching them while they were nowhere near Fluttershy's home. Screaming in anger, Sora tore the paper and envelope to shreds, growling angrily as he looked all around him.

"DISCORD! Where are you!?" he shouted, summoning his Keyblade. "You're sick and demented! You want to pick a fight with me!? Then stop hiding and come at me! I DARE YOU!"

"...What was even written on there?" Riku asked, Kairi only shrugging, barely getting a glimpse of what was written in Discord's 'letter'.

In Fluttershy's cottage, the pegasus busy taking care of her animals outside, Discord guffawed like a lunatic as he lounged on the mare's couch, making herself comfortable in her home with his chaos. He was watching a floating screen, a projector playing what was happening out in Ponyville with Sora, Riku, and Kairi, and the tan pegasus's reaction made him laugh uproariously. Discord was given some leeway with using his chaotic magic with Fluttershy's permission, but planted a small camera in Sora's mane before moving his hand away after pulling out the book of his life out from his ear earlier. The one watching him while he was out was Angel, unable to trust the draconequus as much as Sora does, and watching that prank riling the teen was a bit too childish.

Discord calmed down, wiping a tear from his eye as he lifted up a bowl filled with paper. "Oh. That was hilarious," he said, materializing a fork with a snap of his talon and began to eat the pieces of paper. He looked at the audience, swallowing the chewed up pages before speaking. "And there are crazy people who write fanfiction about those two actually hooking up and being more than friends. I mean, come on, Kingdom Hearts fans! Those two are best friends! Sora's love interest is Kairi, but the English version of the game doesn't even acknowledge it at all, even when it's clearly obvious. Besides, Disney was involved, so there had to be some warrior/princess romance that had to be fit in there that isn't part of their other worlds' stories retold from the movies.

"We need something lighthearted that isn't all comedy or slapstick." He continued munching on his "snack" as he continued watching Sora's enraged searching, Kairi trying to control his anger while Riku just scratched his head in confusion. "This is all too easy. Celestia, Twilight and her friends, and even Sora are a bunch of gullible fools. They think they can change my mind, but you can't control chaos. Ever. Nothing any of them can do will reform me." He looked down at the bowl of paper, grabbing one piece with his fork as he read the words on it, which happened to be part of a kind of spell. "You might be a step ahead of me, but I'm a thousand steps farther."

"Discord." Hearing Fluttershy entering the cottage, Discord quickly snapped his fingers, getting rid of the "entertainment" he was watching before she noticed. He casually ate his meal as the pegasus walked in, her greeting met with confusion at what he was eating. "Umm, are you eating paper?"

"Why, yes. Yes I am," he admitted. "I needed a little fiber in my diet. You know, trapped in stone and all."

"Oh...Well, you could have helped yourself in the kitchen instead of...eating that." Discord continued munching on the paper, Fluttershy shrugging her shoulder, letting her guest do whatever he pleases, as long as it's nothing evil. "Anyway, I think I need to do some grocery shopping. I'll be back in a while. Make yourself at home."

"Ok, Fluttershy! Have fun!" he said as he grinned, waving as the pegasus headed back out the door. As soon as she left, Discord chuckled, looking down at Angel as the bunny leered at him. "I'm playing your owner for a fool, Angel Bunny, and no one will stop me. Not even Sora and his friends from another world." He pulled the screen up again, now finding Sora at the spa, the teen laying down on a massage table. "Oooh. Someone's finally getting some R&R. Hope there's a happy ending involved...Oh wait, this story's rated 'T'." He looked beyond the fourth wall, staring at the writer. "Want to change this to an 'M' and give the adult audience watching a little scene?"

Discord, that isn't going to happen. And if you try to alter anything in this story while I'm away, I'll make you do something completely out of your control.

"Oh please. You, control me? I'm the lord of chaos! I can do anything!" Discord punched himself in the face, against his own will. "OW! Hey!" He then pulled his eagle arm off and repeatedly slapped himself in the face, unable to stop himself. "Cut it out! How are you doing this to me!? This is impossible!"

You may control reality, but I am the one who writes your life, your actions, your faults, in a fanfic writing. The pen is mightier than the sword, and I have more power than you do. Just be grateful I didn't kill you off. Now, behave and follow the script, and only break the fourth wall to the readers, not to me. Understand?

"...Understood," Discord grumbled, reattaching his limb as he sank into the couch. He looked down at Angel, the rabbit confused as he witnessed watching the draconequus hit himself and talking to himself. "...What do you want, a carrot?"

At the Ponyville Spa, Sora yelped as the earth pony masseuse working on his back pressed down hard on a very stiff muscle in his back, the slight pain turning to pleasure as he groaned, his limbs feeling like jelly as he relaxed on the massage table. The only other time he had been in the spa was to cure his feminine transformation from the Poison Joke in the hot tub, the herbal bath also a part of the spa's menu thanks to Zecora delivering some of the herbs needed from the Everfree Forest. He wouldn't mind coming back to the spa every once in a while for a little chiropractic treatment on his sore and stressed body.

Kairi was on another massage table beside Sora's, getting a lighter massage, enjoying the blissful expression on the stallion's face as he looked like he was about to melt under the professional spa employee's hooves. She looked over to the other side, Riku leaning against the wall, not taking part in any of the establishment's treatments.

"Come on, Riku. Join us," Kairi said. "This spa's great to ease away all your stress."

"Thanks, but no thanks," he said. "I'm not a girl, like Sora."

The tan pegasus growled, looking at his best friend as he mentioned his Poison Joke ailment. "Shut up, Riku."

"And spas aren't just for girls," Kairi added. "Have you ever been to one?"

"No, and I don't need any relaxing or stress relief. I'm perfectly fine." Kairi and Sora looked at each other, knowing full well Riku has had more stress than the both of them combined.

"Whatever you say, Riku. You don't know what you're missing." Sora went back to relaxing, moaning as his masseuse began to work on one of his wings, surprised to feel the tension in his feathery appendages.

After the short spa trip, Sora was a bit more relaxed, though Discord still left him wary the longer he was still free. He won't forget what he did to him back in the maze, trying to control his mind and warp him into who he wasn't. His brain was literally being washed away, all his fond memories of his friends slowly disappearing, the worlds he's visited, even his close friends began to vanish. He was lucky that Kairi would forever stay with his memories, the thought of forgetting her giving him the will to fight back and beat the spell cast upon him. Even if Discord somehow was able to be reformed, he isn't going to trust him all that easily.

"Sora?" He snapped out of his thoughts again, looking at his friend and girlfriend, both of them starting to grow worried. "Again, you spaced out and didn't hear us for the past couple minutes."

"Oh. Sorry." Sora rubbed his forehead. "I guess I'm more bothered than I thought...And as much as I want to head home for a little, I can't exactly leave with Discord around. I have no idea what Celestia was thinking."

"...What if Discord did join our side?" Kairi questioned. "He's an all powerful being with chaotic power, able to bend reality, defy logic, and create anything out of thin air. And, against one or all of us, nothing can stop him except for the Elements of Harmony, or his own hubris when underestimating Sora when he beat him in his Harmony Drive Form."

"So, what's your point?" Riku asked.

"My point is, if Discord is reformed, and he uses his powers for good instead of bad...he could help us fight back against Maleficent, or even Xehanort." Both pegasi stared at Kairi, then at each other.

"...Seriously?" Riku questioned, unsure if Discord could be that trustworthy to stop their greatest enemies.

"It's just a theory, but he could help not just Equestria, but every other world," Kairi said. "He's kind of like Genie, only Discord doesn't have any limits to his magic."

"Not in a million years," Sora grumbled. "I don't trust Discord as far as I can throw him. And I'd rather him be far away from me as much as possible."

"Yeah, I'm going with Sora on this, Kairi," Riku said, agreeing with his friend. "Having helpful allies is fine, but with someone like Discord, not on the list of competent fighters I'd want on my team."

"And he knows we're trying to reform him, so attempting to do so will be a pointless and hopeless cause. I don't know how Celestia thinks Fluttershy of all ponies can turn him around." As Sora scratched his head, his hoof bumped into something that was hidden in his hair close to his right ear. He grabbed it and pulled it out, finding a miniature film camera in his hoof. Just from the small picture on the front of it explained who it belonged to: Discord's face mocking the teen as if he pulled a prank on him. "...Really?"

"What?" Kairi and Riku looked at Sora's hoof, surprised to see a camera that small that was hidden in the tan pegasus's hair. "How did that get there?"

"Discord, obviously. That sick chimera's been watching us this whole time!" He pointed the small lens at himself, making sure Discord gets a good look at him. "Hey, Discord. Having fun spying on us? Hope you enjoyed being a voyeur, because I can't wait until you finally slip up and get turned back into a statue!" Sora threw the tiny camera on the ground and smashed it underneath his hoof. "I knew he was watching us when that letter appeared!"

"What was written on it?" Riku asked.

"Forget about it," Sora grumbled. "It's a stupid joke, and it wasn't funny."

While the three Keyblade wielders looked down at the now broken, tiny camera, Twilight and Spike walked up to them, the former highly irritated, though she still wore her crown just in case. "Well, everything's just getting worse and worse by the minute the moment Discord was freed."

"Amen to that, Twilight," Sora said. "Amen to that."

"What's going on now?" Kairi asked.

"Well, for starters, I thought finding a reforming spell in the library could be helpful and get Discord on our side a lot faster," Twilight explained. "However, where Celestia was able to keep the Elements of Harmony from being taken, my books weren't!" Spike opened up one of the many spellbooks they brought with them, some of the pages ripped out. "I just came back from Fluttershy's cottage to talk with Discord about this matter, which was spinning around in the air, and Fluttershy even confirmed that he was eating paper earlier! HE ATE THE REFORMATION SPELLS! AND DAMAGED BOOKS THAT WERE FROM THE LIBRARY!"

"Of course he would," Sora grumbled, slapping his forehead.

"But that's not the worst of it," Spike said, closing the book and ignoring the exasperated look Twilight gave him over books being the least of their concerns. "Fluttershy still believes Discord can be reformed, and to prove it, she's invited all of us to dinner at her place to see the progress she's made."

"Dinner? With Discord?" Sora shook his head. "This is just going to end in a disaster."

"Fluttershy's, unfortunately, going to give him the benefit of the doubt trying to befriend him. We can't let Princess Celestia down. We all just have to ignore his chaotic antics, and if he acts out, we can turn him back to stone, or you can let out more steam against him, Sora." Sora fidgeted, both from the fact that Princess Celestia was trusting them all to change the lord of chaos and the thought of going all out on Discord in his Harmony Form if he did anything dangerous.

"...Ugh...Fine. We'll go to the stupid dinner," he said. "I need to punch him for spying on us for the past few hours anyway."

"Spying?" Twilight and Spike asked.

"Don't ask," Sora uttered, dropping the topic before he could get more angry than he already is.

Once the rest of the girls were told of their invitation to have dinner with Fluttershy and Discord, everyone gathered outside the pegasus's home. All of them were wary of the evening that will be a chaotic mess, except for Pinkie Pie, more excited as the group dinner would be like a party. And even though this was a casual dinner, though the term "casual" means "insanity" with Discord involved, Rarity wore a purple dress, the only other pony wearing something fancy.

"I hope this doesn't end up being a mess," Rarity said. "Good thing I'm not wearing my fanciest dress."

"Why bother wearing a dress at all when it's just a simple dinner?" Riku asked.

"Can we just get this over with so I don't have to go near Discord ever again!?" Sora exclaimed.

The door to the cottage opened, Discord stepping out to greet them, wearing a tuxedo, a pair of white gloves over his paw and talons, sporting a thin, slightly curled black mustache that didn't match his gray goatee. "Welcome, everypony. So glad you could make it for dinner."

The draconequus stepped aside and allowed the guests entry, Sora remaining skeptical at the charade the chaotic creature had planned. As soon as they walked inside, everyone stared in frightened fascination at the change in interior design in Fluttershy's cottage: the floors were checker patterned and waved up and down like small slopes, the walls and ceiling were warped, either looking farther or closer to the center of the dining room as they appeared to be, the only part that was relatively normal was the table set up for dinner. Fluttershy seemed ok with this change, not even disturbed that her nature home turned into a fun house.

"Hello, everypony," Fluttershy greeted.

"...Ok. We've somehow jumped into Wonderland," Sora said, being the first to speak as the others were dumbstruck.

"Why, thank you," Discord said, teleporting in front of the teen. "Kind of took a little inspiration from those memories of that world. Oh, how I'd love to visit, but, sadly, I'm on parole."

"Oh, I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly," Sora said, his voice venomously sarcastic. "A world that makes no sense? You not making sense? A fantasy world for your wildest dreams. Good luck with the Queen of Hearts if you do visit her."

"Sora. There's no need to be such a sourpuss. We're all 'friends' here, right?" The pegasus growled, not even close to consider him a friend. "Mind if I take your hats and coats?"

Discord reached out to try to "help" take off Sora's jacket, only for the teen to smack his gloved paw away with his hoof. "Don't touch me."

"I'm just trying to be a courteous host," Discord said in defense, though Sora could see through the ruse he was playing. "Or is it something related to your kind, where public nudity is taboo even though you're ponies now?"

"...Sure. Let's go with that." Soon, everyone grabbed a seat around the table, Discord serving them as he snapped his fingers, creating several dishes with different meals in the center of the table.

"Dinner is served," he said, though Fluttershy and Pinkie were the only ones to help themselves, the rest of the ponies and baby dragon unsure if the food Discord "created" was safe to eat.

Pinkie dove into her pile of mashed potatoes, giving herself a messy beard made of the smushy vegetable. "Delicious! Could use some gravy, though."

"Allow me." Discord snapped his fingers, animating the gravy boat, making it act like a dog.

It ran up to Pinkie, a bit of gravy hanging out like a tongue as it panted like a dog. "Aww! You're a cute little gravy boat! Yes you are!"

While the others felt uneasy to see the gravy boat moving like that, slobbering gravy over Pinkie's face and her plate. "Making the gravy boat act like a dog. I've seen weirder animated objects." The gravy boat ran up to Sora, shaking the handle back and forth as if it was its behind and wagging its tail. "I don't want any gravy. Go away." It didn't listen and approached the side of the table, pouring piping hot gravy over the pegasus's lap. "AHHHHHHH!" He quickly flew up in the air, getting away from Discord's gravy spilling pet and leering at the draconequus stifling his laughter. "You did that on purpose!"

"I didn't teach it to do that," he lied. "Accidents happen. But, here's something that might cheer you up: dinner and a show!" Soon, a few candles began to hop around on the table, giving everyone a little dance. "Look! Dancing candles! Fun, huh?"

"You poured hot gravy on me!" Sora shouted, landing on the table, unaware of one of the candles sneaking up behind him and lighting the tip of his tail on fire. "You're starting to get on my-" He soon felt the burning flames, looking behind him and screamed in panic. "DISCORD, YOU'RE A GIANT PR-"

A tea pot shaped like a fish began moving, spraying Sora with a torrent of warm tea. It stopped spewing the tan liquid, dousing out the fire and the candles around them, the teen soaking wet and growling with annoyance. It soon changed its target, spraying Riku with tea as the white pegasus spluttered and tried to cover his face from the onslaught of the animated pot.

"Ok, this is ridiculous!" he shouted, suddenly getting bounced on by the doused out candles. "Hey! Cut it out!"

"Sorry. I guess the candles and tea pot don't like Keyblade wielders all that much," Discord explained for their behavior, even though he was controlling them. "You shouldn't have had that aire before coming in."

"...Uhh, they aren't attacking me," Kairi said as the animated objects avoided her, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie after she was squirted with tea and giggling gleefully.

"No! Not the dress! Anything but the dress!" Rarity begged, her pleas going unanswered as the tea pot sprayed her, getting her outfit all wet.

Soon, all of the plates and utensils began to attack them, Discord snickering at their suffering as they were poked with forks and spoons, spilling food and beverage all over them. Sora had enough, summoning his Keyblade and casting Aeroga, blasting powerful winds that flung all the attacking objects into the walls, ceasing Discord's "accidental" chaos.

"I've had enough of this!" he exclaimed, aiming his Keyblade at the smirking draconequus. "I don't care if this is harmless or outright annoying! You're turning back into stone!"

"Sora, you can't just jump to conclusions like that," Fluttershy scolded, hovering in front of Discord and defending him, to the shock of everyone else.

"Conclusions!?...Fluttershy, I really don't want to argue with you, knowing you're the most sensitive out of all of us, but do you know who you're defending!?" Sora asked. "Discord tried to brainwash us, he nearly turned all of Equestria topsy-turvy with his chaos, and he nearly killed me when I tried to stop him!"

"I'm surprised at all of you. None of you are even giving Discord a chance to redeem himself." Everyone began to complain, none of them finding any reason to give Discord any redemption after splattering their dinner all over them, excluding Fluttershy and Kairi.

"He doesn't deserve a second chance!" Sora argued.

"And what about Sombra?" Fluttershy countered. "He was evil because somepony else made him that way, and he had a good heart before then. If he was still alive, would you have given him a second chance, without knowing his relationship with Luna and after all he had done to the Crystal Empire?" Sora flinched, unable to respond to her after a possible outcome like that. After reading through what Sombra had written in his journal, after finding a way to free him from his darkness and keeping him from being completely destroyed by the light, his answer would have been yes. He looked down and lowered his weapon, to Discord's joy as he grinned wider, hearing Fluttershy give the Keyblade wielder a scolding. "I've been nice to Discord since he started to stay here, giving him the chance to be himself and feel at home. And no matter what anypony says, I'll defend Discord if any of you say or do anything mean to him because that's what friends do."

Discord's grin disappeared, staring at the yellow pegasus mare in confusion. "...W-We're...friends?"

"Of course," Fluttershy said with a smile as she turned to face the draconequus. "I can't remember the last time my home was so lively before you came."

"...Oh..." Discord began to get misty-eyed, practically speechless. "I-I never...actually had a friend before..."

"Well, now you have one." As Fluttershy grabbed Discord's pawed hand in genuine friendship, the others all stared in shock by their timid pegasus friend actually wanting to be friends with him and Discord admitting he's never ever made a friend in his life.

Sora was confused. He had no idea if Discord was acting or if he was actually admitting that Fluttershy was the first friend he actually made. He didn't trust him, and even if reformed, that trust won't even come close until he proves he has changed, but the sorrowful expression on the draconequus's face made it hard to tell if he was faking or not. It was bad enough he was scolded by one of his friends to give those a second chance if they don't deserve it for the wrong actions they made, but with no sympathetic life story about Discord before he decided to turn into a chaotic tyrant, there shouldn't be a second chance to give. Sadly, Sora gave up trying to fight back, unable to win against the pony who was in charge of reforming Discord, and it seemed to be working after all.

That thought was immediately thrown out the window as Angel came bounding in, panting heavily as he tried to warn everyone about something. "Angel? What's gotten you so worked up?"

The white rabbit began to tell them through charades. First, he picked up an apple and pointed his paw at Applejack.

"Applejack's apples?" Kairi asked, Angel pointing his nose as she was close to guessing. "Apples...Sweet Apple Acres?"

He nodded, tossing the apple into a pitcher of water, making gargling sounds as if he was drowning. "Drowning at the farm? A flood?" Angel nodded again, then pointed at Discord, the answers finally gathered as they pieced together what was happening. There was a flood at Sweet Apple Acres, and the draconequus the rabbit pointed at was the culprit. Everyone glared at him, Discord acting innocent as her made a halo appear over his head. "Fluttershy, I think Discord's second chance has already been wasted."

After reaching the apple farm, everyone stood on a hill and stared at the orchard, dumbfounded at what they saw. Angel was right about there being a flooding, all the trees literally submerged in several feet of water, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, and Big Macintosh floating in wooden tubs to try to save any apples floating on the surface. The cause of the flooding was quite the sight to see as the beavers building their dam looked more like the same kind outside of Ponyville, only made out of logs and twigs, blocking all the sections of the river from reaching the lake. It was like the dam building mammals gained some knowledge on how to make a professionally built dam that towered several feet high instead of smaller, simpler builds to keep their homes down the river from being washed away.

Fluttershy hovered back to the others after trying to talk to the beavers, but she looked mortified, her plan backfired as they didn't listen to her. "...I have never heard such harsh language from them in all my life. They won't listen."

"You see!?" Rainbow said. "You know Discord's behind this, right!?"

"Of course I know that. Do you all think I'm that gullible?" No one was able to give an answer, though a couple of them did think that she was. Fluttershy sighed, having expected silence. "I've been trying to gain his friendship, and if I do that, he'll be able to trust and listen to me."

"You're dealing with a two-year-old trapped in a who knows how old chaotic creature!" Sora exclaimed. "How is there any chance of him able to listen to your complaints when you've never complained once!?"

"Hello, everypony!" Out on the water, Discord was water skiiing, being pulled by two fish tea pots as he wore a life jacket. "The water's great! Come on in!"

"Just watch," Fluttershy said before Discord slid over the water's surface as he reached land, purposefully splashing Sora.

"Who wants a turn?" Discord asked. "It's quite fun."

"It does, but Discord, there's a big mess here at Sweet Apple Acres." The draconequus looked behind him, pretending as if he never even noticed as he nodded his head. "And this is Applejack's home. It's being destroyed by innocent creatures who are acting inappropriately because of YOUR reckless behavior. You need to fix this."

"Hmmm...Yes, yes. This is my mess, isn't it?" Discord rubbed his goatee, deep in thought as he turned to face everyone. "Ok. I'll fix everything. But, I ask for one thing in return."

"Yes?" Fluttershy asked, awaiting to fulfill their compromise.

"...As a sign of our true friendship, I ask that you never use your Element of Harmony against me." Everyone behind Fluttershy gasped at the ridiculous request.

"You've gotta be kidding!" Sora exclaimed.

"I will never use my Element of Harmony against you." Fluttershy took off her Element of Kindness and dropped it, only shocking the others more.

"Excellent!" Discord, with a wicked grin, snapped his fingers, blinding everyone as he used his magic to fix his mess.

As the light faded away, he didn't fix his mess. Instead, he made it a lot worse: the flood was still there, only now it was frozen over, snow blanketing the orchard and landscape around them, only killing the apple trees faster as they were frozen in the sudden winter setting. Discord didn't have a care in the world, now wearing ice skates as he skated across the frozen water. Sora's blood boiled, unable to take this anymore.

"Ok! He's had way too many chances! Time to turn back a statue for the pigeons to use as a toilet!" Sora tapped into his Drive Forms, but before he was able to even gather enough strength, his clothing disappeared, his chest and back suddenly feeling a slight chill. He looked down at himself, gasping in shock, then looking back at Discord, who was now wearing his jacket as he continued to casually skate. "HEY! Give me back my clothes!"

"I'm not doing anything wrong!" Discord said as he pirouetted, stopping to a halt as he felt the jacket he "borrowed". "This is much better! Fun in the sun while staying cool! And I love how this jacket feels. I should get my own. That, and I realize you're able to change into that blasted form with these and not any latent abilities."

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Sora flew at Discord with his Keyblade ready, screaming his head off, no longer thinking logically as he wanted nothing more than to get rid of the chaotic trickster once and for all, forgetting what he was capable of.

Not deterred by the rush, Discord made a red sheet appear, taunting Sora more as he waved it around in his hands. As he got closer, Discord moved the sheet away and revealed a brick wall, the pegasus moving too fast to react as he slammed headfirst into the suddenly appeared wall. The teen pulled his head out of the wall, literally seeing stars as he stumbled in his daze, finally collapsing on the cold ice beneath him.

"Olé!" Discord shouted, an audience of Discords appearing out of nowhere as they cheered and threw roses at him.

"Discord!" Fluttershy yelled, finally having enough after watching Sora hit the wall. "That's rude and not fixing anything!" She ran at him on the ice, but as she stopped, she continued sliding past him, tripping over Sora's unconscious body. The yellow pegasus scrambled back up on her hooves, trying to stay upright, though forgetting she could have hovered instead, too upset to think clearly. "You promised to fix it, and this is not fixing anything!"

"Why, whatever seems to be the problem, pal?" Discord asked as he feigned ignorance.

"Don't call me your pal!" Fluttershy shouted.

"Oh come on, Flutters! Come and skate with me, and we'll let bygones be bygones." He materialized a pair of skates for the pegasus, dangling them in front of her face.

Kairi skated out across the ice with the Element of Kindness in her telekinetic aura, along with her Keyblade. She leapt over Discord, slamming her weapon down hard on his head for getting her boyfriend riled up and knocking him unconscious with that brick wall. The unicorn landed beside Fluttershy, holding the necklace to her.

"Fluttershy, you have to put this on," she said. "Discord's going too far!"

Discord rubbed his head, having honestly not seen that back attack coming. "You hit me in the head!"

"You've been picking on Sora, spied on us through the afternoon, attacked him with utensils and dishes during dinner, caused a bunch of beavers to flood Sweet Apple Acres, turned everything into a winter wonderland in the middle of summer, and you knocked my boyfriend unconscious as he charged into a brick wall you made him run into after stealing his clothing!" Kairi exclaimed. "I think a bump on the head isn't as harsh as it should be compared to your wreckless behavior! Fluttershy, either he fixes this, for real, or he's back to being stoned!"

The yellow pegasus looked at Kairi, then her friends on the edge of the icy flood, then at Discord, still waving the skates around. Fluttershy took a deep breath and made her decision.

"I made a promise not to use my Element, and I'm going to keep it." Discord cheered as he won over the others, the ponies and baby dragon groaning in frustration.

"Hah! I can't lose!" Discord shoved the strings of the skates in Fluttershy's mouth, unaware of how angry she was getting the more he spoke. He approached Kairi, the unicorn glaring at him, keeping the Element of Kindness far away from him. "You see, warrior princess, Fluttershy wants to have fun with me because we're 'friends'. She will never risk using her Element of Harmony against me because she will never hurt her 'friend'. I'm no longer bound by their threats anymore, and as long as I keep your little lover's duds on, he can't use that accursed Harmony Form to turn me into a statue as a contingency plan! I'm free as a bird! I won't be beaten the same way twice! I WIN!"

"Not. Your! FRIEND!" Fluttershy screamed, throwing the skates at Discord, hitting him in the back.

He turned to face the angry pegasus, watching her walk off across the ice with a scoff. "Oh, you know what!? Who cares!? I do whatever I want, whenever I want! I'm the lord and master of all things chaos!" Discord skated after her as he continued his rant, Fluttershy continuing ignoring him as she shakily walked away. "You think you can tell ME what to do!? You honestly thought I would turn everything back because YOU told me to!? I'm my own boss! Did you all really think I'd behave, otherwise if I don't, I'll end up losing the only friend I've ever made in my entire life!? Huh!? Well, not on your life, missy!

"If you think that's gonna happen, then you've...got another...thing..." Discord skidded to a halt as he realized what had happen. He watched Fluttershy continue walking away, bringing a stabbing pain to his heart. She had admitted to being his friend back in her home, even after everything he had done to spite her and get her upset like the others while "gaining her trust" to trick her into not using her Element of Harmony against him. It did work, and she still didn't put it back on, but after hearing her say she was no longer his friend, he realized he didn't win at all. He was free, but in the process, he just lost his first friend. Discord looked back at the discarded skates she threw at him, only increasing his heartache. "...Well played, Fluttershy..."

The draconequus sadly skated to a nearby tree and sat on its branches, clutching his chest at the regretful pain in his heart. From his emotions alone, a wave of magic expanded from him, his chaotic power dispelled as the ice and snow disappeared, the water flooding the farm was gone, the beavers' advanced dams no longer exist as they were brought back to their senses, and Discord even returned Sora's jacket back on him, properly, not backwards or inside out. Everyone was flabbergasted as Fluttershy approached them, no longer angry, but smirking in victory.

"...Did...Did that seriously just work?" Riku asked, voicing everyone's thoughts as they were too dumbstruck to utter a sound. "...Wow...Just...That's just weird..."

As the sun was on the verge of setting on the horizon, Celestia had arrived to check on everyone's progress with Discord's reformation, glad to see the draconequus in front of her and not going out of control with his magic. Sora had woken up a while later with an ice pack on his cranium, having missed Discord leaving with Celestia to continue setting him on the path of good instead of chaos. Even though he was told what happened after he rammed into the brick wall like a bull chasing after a red tarp, he still doesn't trust Discord. Fluttershy had managed to trick the trickster and became friends with him, which can only lead to more chaotic trouble. At least Celestia decided to leave the Elements of Harmony with them, just as a precaution.

Outside of Ponyville, where the Keyblade wielders have their Gummi ships parked, Sora, Riku, and Kairi gathered in front of the tan pegasus's ship, Sora feeling somewhat ok with leaving Equestria alone with Discord, but not that much. "Maybe I should just stay here for a little while. I have no idea if Discord's even planning anything."

"Sora, just go," Riku said. "Quit being so stubborn."

"We can take care of Equestria while you're away on Destiny Island from the Heartless." Kairi hugged Sora tightly, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Just have fun and enjoy yourself. And if Discord does act up, I'll beat him up for you."

"Alright. I'll be back tomorrow night." He shared a kiss with Kairi and headed inside his Gummi ship, ready to get back home and see if any changes were made in the last year. "Ok. Let's see if I remember how to drive this thing."

Sora started up his ship, the engines whirring to life as the navigation system popped up in front of him. Taking control, he began to fly up and out of Equestria's atmosphere, being mindful of any pegasi that could be flying around in the evening. As soon as he left the world, he returned to his original self, not in an illusion or dream this time, able to firmly grip the steering and press the buttons on the control panel. After flying out far enough, he searched through the navigational map, pulling up all the coordinates with the many worlds recorded, essential for the Warp Gummi Block to transport from one world to another within minutes instead of traveling through possibly dangerous meteor showers, or Heartless Gummi Ships.

After finding Destiny Island, he placed the coordinates into the ship, and once it locked onto the world, Sora pressed the button that connected to the Warp Gummi, sending him flying at breakneck speeds through a dimensional warp. Once he was completely through, his Gummi ship now floated calmly in space, facing his home world: showing a vast ocean on the bottom, but the iconic island that was his, Riku's, and Kairi's hang out since they were little, along with a town that was hidden along the side, the world being far bigger than it appeared from out in space.

The sun had already set as Sora hovered his ship on the outskirts of the port town, a location not many people go to, not even tourists during the summer seasons. He stepped off the ship after cloaking it, just in case anyone does see it, looking out over the moonlit village that was his birthplace. Out in the distance across the sea, silhouetted by the moonlight, was the island they played on, a short boat ride away from the shores of the mainland, but far enough away to have fun and play around without getting into trouble.

"I'm home," he said to himself, walking down the hill and into town to his house, unable to wait to see his mother again after so long.

As Sora made it to the perimeter of the town, he was unaware of some metal clanging that came from his cloaked Gummi ship. A compartment opened that held cargo for the vessel, a yelping sound coming from someone falling out and landing on the ground with a thud.

"Ow...Space travel hurts." Rising up from the ground and walking up the hill, Pinkie Pie had somehow managed to stow away on Sora's Gummi ship without telling anyone. Her eyes twinkled under the moon and stars, staring at the new world with fascination. "Ooooooh. Pretty. This must be Sora's home!" She looked around, finding no sign of the teen. "Hey. Where'd he go to?"

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