• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Daring Don't

Inside the Golden Oak Library, a random party set up by Pinkie Pie was held, and it was with one of the weirdest holidays she could have ever made up. All of her friends were invited to celebrate what she called "National Random Holiday Party Day", where everyone was wearing a random hat as they partied. Out of all of them, Aqua was the most confused as she was invited as well, Pinkie placing a blue party hat on her head the moment she walked inside the library.

"I don't understand the concept of this party," she said. "What's the point, again?"

"There is no point, Aqua!" Sora said as he wore his black stetson to the party, taking a bite out of a cupcake from the buffet table. "Just party! Cut loose!"

"I'm not much of a partier." The mare took off her party hat and walked over to the shelves, examining the books as she ignored the music playing in the library. "I'd rather 'cut loose' with a good book in a quiet environment."

As she looked at some of the fictional novels, Rainbow Dash was the last to arrive, though she seemed really distracted by something for the past couple days. Pinkie snapped her out of her thoughts, blowing a noise blower in the mare's ear.

"Gah!" Rainbow yelped, rubbing her ear from the loud blast of noise hitting her at point blank range.

"Finally decided to show up, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked after taking a sip from her punch.

"What the heck is going on?" Rainbow asked, having no clue what the party was about.

"It's a holiday party!" Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing around the room with her fez bouncing on her head.

"...Uhh, for what holiday?" the pegasus asked, yet again.

"Pinkie called it 'National Random Holiday Party Day'," Riku said, wearing a white and black nightcap, a random hat Pinkie gave to him. "I swear, I think she makes up holidays just to find an excuse to throw a party."

"Well, it's a good enough excuse for the rest of us," Kairi said, wearing a pink officer's cap with a gold medal shaped like a heart, another of Pinkie's random variety of hats she brought with her for the unicorn to wear.

"How come I wasn't invited!? I wouldn't want to miss a party made by Pinkie!" As Rainbow complained, Pinkie set a party hat on her head.

"Ah did tell ya about the party and y'all were invited, but ya seemed a mite too busy readin' the last Darin' Do book for the twelfth time," Applejack reminded in annoyance.

"Well, in another three months and twenty-six days, the next book in the series will come out, and I'll read that several more times!" Hearing the title of the book, Aqua pulled out one of the books from the series and looked at the cover.

She stared at the first book in the series, 'Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone'. The illustration on the cover showed a light gold pegasus mare, her mane striped several shades of gray, wearing a pith helmet and a green shirt made for exploration through thick jungles, her cutie mark a compass. Aqua looked up from the book at Rainbow Dash, then back at the mare known as Daring Do, finding it odd to see these two looked alike aside from their coat and mane colors and cutie marks. Either this was the author's intended description of the excavating pegasus, or it was a strange coincidence.

"Actually, Rainbow, you're going to have to wait a while longer," Twilight said. "The author, A. K. Yearling, pushed the publication of her next book by another two months."

"What!? No!" Rainbow cried out in disappointment, slumping to the ground in disbelief. "I can't wait any more months! I've waited enough! And how do you even know about that!? I'm her biggest fan!"

"I'm just as much of a fan as you!" Twilight argued. "Did you forget who introduced you to reading those books, or any books at all?"

"...Oh. Right." Rainbow chuckled sheepishly, completely forgetting she started reading the series after injuring her wing and forced to sit in the hospital for a while.

"Besides, A. K. Yearling is my favorite author when it comes to fictional adventure novels," Twilight continued. "I know everything about her: where she grew up, where she studied literature, where she wrote the first book in the Daring Do series-"

Rainbow perked her head up, hearing her alicorn friend knowing everything about A. K. Yearling, or anything. "Where she lives?"

"...Uhh, no, but I can find out. Why?" she asked.

"Are you serious!?" Rainbow exclaimed, flying up in Twilight's face. "She must be having problems where she lives and so many distractions that's making her delay the book! If we can do all her chores, cook her meals, do her laundry, whatever she needs, A. K. Yearling can continue writing so I-uhh, I mean fans like us, can read the next book ASAP!"

Aqua flung the book she held in her aura at Rainbow Dash, smacking her in the back of the head. "Rainbow Dash, that is not how it works," she scolded, approaching the mare with a stern gaze as she held the first book of the Daring Do series in front of her. "Art takes time and patience in order to make. You can't rush what the creator calls perfection, and doing favors for someone and invading their privacy like a little fangirl wanting a thousand autographs will only cause more distractions."

"But-" Another smack in the head, silencing Rainbow of any reasoning or complaints she was about to say.

"If you want to read it, you're going to have to wait just like everyone else. I didn't become a Keyblade Master by begging for it. I studied hard, trained my hardest every single day, and had patience when I was told my technique was wrong or hearing out my assignments. If you're that impatient, there's plenty of other adventure novels you can read until then." The Keyblade Master levitated a few adventure novels she skimmed through earlier, holding them out to the pegasus.

"...W-Well...I only like the Daring Do books," she meekly said, scuffing her hoof against the floor.

"You only read one series?" Aqua questioned. "...Is this series the only type of book you've read?" Rainbow nodded her head in embarrassment, the others aside from Kairi and Riku knowing the Daring Do books were the only ones she ever read seriously. "...Why?"

"...I thought that...reading was for eggheads..." the pegasus uttered.

"...Excuse me?" Aqua's eye twitched in annoyance, unable to believe how ridiculous Rainbow's statement was about reading. Growling, she gave Rainbow Dash another hard smack in the back of her head once more. "Are you telling me you hate reading!? How do you think you're able to read, or write!? How do you think your brain can comprehend any thought, any new word, without READING!?"

In her outburst, Aqua's magical aura suddenly flared from her anger, the air inside the library suddenly dropping several degrees. It was like what happened to Twilight when she got really angry, only she wound up bursting into flames.

"Uhh, Aqua-" Sora tried to calm the mare down, but Aqua let out a frustrated yell, the books tossed aside as the sound of shattered ice echoed in the library.

Now the air inside was at freezing points, Aqua's angered body transformed into her favored magical element. Her body turned into a clearer shade of blue like that of ice, her mane and tail standing up on end in jagged spikes like icicles hanging from the awning of a roof in winter, every breath she took let out frozen air, and her eyes were a piercing dark blue.

"You have to be the most uneducated being I have ever known!" she shouted, slowly approaching Rainbow Dash while the mare backed away in shock. "I'm surprised you even know how to talk, let alone read a few hundred pages in a fictional story! You had the gall to think reading is stupid because you never bothered to pick up a book and read a page in your youth!? HUH!?"

"Aqua, calm down!" Sora, Riku, and Kairi pushed Aqua back, ignoring the freezing chill her body released as they tried to control her temper. "Everyone has certain likes and dislikes, and not everyone enjoys reading like you or Twilight! Rainbow Dash got interested in reading after breaking her wing during a flight routine, and she was actually afraid to admit she enjoyed it because of her image!"

"THAT'S A PATHETIC EXCUSE!" the enraged mare exclaimed.

"Yeah, we know, but now she likes it!" Sora said, feeling his hooves going numb, Riku and Kairi struggling as well to push her back without backing away to regain some warmth. "She was ignorant about how fun reading was, but with nothing to do in the hospital for a whole day, she read the book and enjoyed it! Maybe in the future, she'll try to read other books, but at her own pace!"

Aqua looked down at Sora, her eyes opening wide in shock as she saw Ventus taking his place again, though as a pony this time. She recognized the spiky dirty blonde hair and his blue eyes staring at him fearfully, his coat similarly tan in color like Sora's, but the jacket he wore was white on the his right side and black on the left, a dull green and blue pauldron resting on his left shoulder. Sora's words came to her, hearing Ventus's voice instead, and the terror in his eyes as he saw her like this had managed to quell her anger. Her body turned back to normal, the temperature slowly warming back up as Aqua panted from the magical surge she just had.

She rubbed her eyes, her stress from nearly fifteen years in the Realm of Darkness and freaking out over Rainbow's lack reading in her youth causing her anger to spike like that, but when she looked at Ventus again, she only saw Sora, Riku, and Kairi looking at her with concern. "You ok?"

"...I-I don't know..." Aqua moved her forehooves over her head, feeling her hair was now a mess, and slightly damp from their transformation into spiked icicles. "...What was that?"

"That was a magical surge," Twilight explained. "It happens when a unicorn loses control of their magic, and in rare cases like you and myself, it can cause them to explode into an element they're closely affiliated to. Baby unicorns can't control their magic and can randomly cast spells without any reign, but in your case...overwhelming emotions can make you lose control and cause your magic to explode like that."

"But...I'm not-" Before Aqua could finish her sentence, she realized she was a unicorn, while in Equestria. She had two different types of magic to use at her disposal while in this world, momentarily forgetting she had unicorn magic because it felt so natural to her like her Keyblade magic. What shocked her the most was that she was losing control of her emotions, unlike back then when she was younger. After living in darkness for a decade and a half and seeing the turmoils Sora, Riku, and Kairi had experienced within the past couple years, her emotional barriers had crumbled after she tried to save Terra, but only prevented Xehanort's demise. "...Oh...I forgot..."

Aqua looked around the room, no one showing any signs of hatred for her uncontrolled magical surge out of her unexpected anger. She blew up for no reason, over someone deciding not to read because they thought it wasn't fun or enjoyable, making her feel ashamed as her psyche from surviving for fifteen years with no interaction with others had dwindled to easy agitation. She looked at Sora, hoping to see Ventus again, but he wasn't there, and she had no clue why he kept seeing her young friend around the teen.

The blue unicorn walked up to Sora, staring down at him for any sign of her strange hallucinations to pop up again. She lifted a hoof up and gently touched the top of his head, but nothing seemed to have happened. He looked up at her in confusion, no one knowing what she was thinking as she looked at him, waiting for something to happen.

"Aqua? Are you feeling alright?" he asked.

Slowly, she lowered her hoof back down to the ground. "...I think...I need to lie down for a while..."

Aqua slowly made her way to the door and out into town, heading back to Rarity's to lie down and calm herself. As much as the rest of the group wanted to make sure she was ok, they decided to leave her be for now so she can calm down and de-stress.

"What was that about?" Riku asked.

"I...don't know," Sora said, though unable to shake the feeling inside of him that he had felt afraid of Aqua as he tried to stop her. "I hope she'll be ok."

With the air warmed back to normal after Aqua's magical surge, Rainbow looked around after recovering from the shock. "...Soooo...can we find out where A. K. Yearling lives?"

"Rainbow Dash, are you serious!?" Twilight exclaimed. "After what just happened to Aqua!?"

"Hey, I don't want to be around her for a while after all that!" Rainbow argued. "Besides, if we give her some space, we can head to A. K. Yearling's place and see if she needs anything we can do to help so she can continue writing. She can just say no, and we'd have the privilege of meeting the greatest author of the greatest book series ever."

"...Well...I guess I see your point..." The pegasus grinned, hearing Twilight admit she was right. "Let's see if we can find her address, but some of us should stay behind to check on Aqua every so often."

"I'll stay," Kairi offered as she raised her hoof.

"Me too," Riku said as well before Sora could speak up. "Sora, you go with the girls."

"Wait, why can't I stay too?" he asked.

"Aqua seems to be acting strange whenever she's around you," Kairi said. "Back at the Mysterious Tower, she looked at you like you were someone else, and she immediately calmed down earlier when she looked at you and spoke to her...It's almost as if she knows you a lot more than any of us think."

"We'll keep an eye on her, and we know you'll be able to take care of them in case Heartless or Nobodies show up," Riku added. "Besides the adventuring experience you'll have tracking down where A. K. Yearling lives, we order you to go with them as Keyblade Masters."

"Yup," Kairi agreed with a nod of her head and a giggle. "We order you to go with them, protect them at all costs, and bring them back safely once you return."

Sora grumbled, leering at his grinning girlfriend and smirking best friend, sighing in defeat as they pulled rank on him as he bowed. "Yes, Master Kairi and Master Riku...I will follow your orders."

"Good. You should always respect your superiors, Sora," Riku teased, earning a glare from Sora as the others laughed.

After finding where the author lived, Twilight routed out a map and lead her friends and Sora to the address. As they walked along, Pinkie took the rear, randomly smearing a trail of red paint behind their path from the library up to now in the middle of the forest a few miles away from Ponyville.

"Pinkie, just what exactly are you doing?" Sora asked.

"Well, duh! Everypony watching this is obviously going to stare at the map first, so I'm drawing out the route we're taking until it zooms in on me, showing them we're getting closer!" He was about to question what she was talking about, but decided to take her word for it, letting the random, silly earth pony do her thing.

"I think we might be getting close," Twilight said, looking up from the map. "If we keep following this path, we should find A. K. Yearling's home."

"Maybe we should have listened to Aqua and gave A. K. Yearling her privacy," Rarity said. "If she's this far away from any town, it's no wonder she-"

"I think I see the house!" Rainbow shouted, flying on ahead.

At the end of the road was the author's house, a simple looking stone cottage, though from some of the shattered windows and the broken door, it looked like someone had robbed the place. Not knowing if the robbing ponies that broke in were still around, Sora stepped up to the house first, carefully opening the door, which wound up falling off its hinges the moment he touched it. Inside was a lot worse, the whole house having been ransacked with various things flung across the floor and furniture flipped over.

"Wow. This place must have been robbed." With the broken in home secure, the others walked inside, examining the damage done to the place.

"Or maybe A. K. Yearling is a really big slob," Pinkie wondered as she touched some of the fallen items that belonged to the famous author.

"What if she got kidnapped!?" Rainbow asked, beginning to panic. "If she's been taken, or injured, she can't write anymore books! What about the sequel!?"

"What are all of you doing here?" Quickly turning to the front door, they saw a mare stand at the entryway.

It was hard to tell what she looked like, wearing a purple cloak that concealed her body, cutie mark, and tail, a hat on her head, and a pair of red glasses. She looked around at the intruding ponies who were in her home, though she looked at Sora a bit more before seeing the state of her home.

"Oh my gosh," Rainbow mumbled, lost in a state of awe as the mare walked inside. "A. K. Yearling?"

The pegasus stifled her squeal of excitement, officially meeting the author of the greatest adventure novel she had ever read, and the only novels she's ever read. "What did you do to my house?"

"Miss Yearling, we didn't do any of this," Sora said. "We found it like this, but we're glad you're-"

"They didn't find it, did they?" A. K. ignored the stallion as she began searching around her living room for something. While she flipped everything back in place to find what she was looking for, Rainbow Dash fidgeted in place, trying to keep calm around her favorite author. "Where is it?"

"Ok, I know this isn't the best time, but I'm a huge fan of your books, probably the biggest fan out of anypony." The mare continued to ignore them, finding what she needed under Rainbow's hooves.

Swiping the book from under the pegasus and tripping her up, A. K. held a red book with a golden horseshoe printed on the cover. Placing her hoof on it, she twisted the horseshoe to the side, not a picture, but a hidden mechanism. The book opened up, revealing a hollowed inside with a golden ring inside, the author breathing a sigh of relief as she held it out.

"Thank goodness," she said. "It's safe."

She flinched when she heard some books from her desk being shoved off, watching Rainbow Dash pushing her typewriter up. "Ok, you found what you were looking for. Now, how about writing that book?"

"Alright, Rainbow, get over here," Sora scolded, pulling the pegasus's tail back harshly and away from the annoyed author. "Sorry about that, Miss Yearling. She's a really big fan of your stories, and unfortunately, she can get too excited when meeting her idols."

"Great. Now, if all of you don't mind, please leave my house. I have a lot of work to do." Gladly giving the mare her privacy, the group left her home, Sora forcefully dragging Rainbow Dash out before she could complain.

As soon as they were far enough away from A. K. Yearling's property, Sora dropped Rainbow's tail and leered at the mare. "You know, you kind of need to have more patience and restraint. You have a horrible habit of jumping the gun over something, like judging me before even getting to actually know me."

"That's completely different, and I thought you were evil with the freaky moves you could do!" The stallion growled, crossing his forelegs over his chest. "But we met A. K. Yearling! I just wanted to know when the book was gonna be finished!"

"And you're freaking out like an annoying fangirl who wants something a creator can't exactly make until it's truly finished," Sora argued. "You remember Snips and Snails when they went crazy over Trixie the first time she came to Ponyville? You're acting exactly like them, and the more you worship her, you're only going to make things worse."

"...But I'm not a fan of Trixie." The stallion facehooved, the other mares behind him groaning in exasperation.

"He's talking about your idolizing A. K. Yearling," Twilight said. "She doesn't want to be bothered when she works, so we have to respect her privacy."

"Yeah! And not like those stallions up on the roof!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Wait, what?" Sora looked up on the roof, spying a few shady stallions sneaking their way into the second floor window of the author's house. "Oh boy. Looks like the thieves decided to come back."

They raced back to the cottage and peered through the window, watching A. K. Yearling try to get her house back in order. Through the cracked mirror, she spotted the thugs sneaking up on her, quickly turning around and backing away from them. She wasn't at all scared of the intimidating stallions, quickly flicking off her clothing at them while keeping a hold of the gold ring she kept. To everyone's shock, underneath that outfit was Daring Do, exactly as she was described in the covers of her books.

"Oh my gosh!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"A. K. Yearling IS Daring Do!" Twilight finished, both fans even more excited at the strange twist.

"Wow! What a twist!" Pinkie said, holding her hooves up in a shrug.

Inside the cottage, Daring fought back against the stallions, trying to steal the ring from her. She was far more nimble and quicker than the earth pony bandits, using her environment to her advantage, keeping them far away from the possibly priceless artifact in her possession.

"Uhh, shouldn't we be helping her out?" Sora asked, the mares too enthralled with the action from the famous fictional character actually being a real pony, almost as if they were in one of her famous books. "Ok, I'LL help her out then!" He ran inside and joined in the fight, punching a stallion holding Daring Do as she struggled to keep the ring away from the others. He sent them both flying across the room, Daring dropping the ring as he picked it up, twirling it around in his hoof as the other two thugs didn't expect her to have help. "How about you guys pick on someone your own gender?"

Elbowing the stallion still grabbing her hard in the gut, Daring quickly stood up and leered at her guest. "What the hay are you doing!?"

"Saving you from getting mugged, 'Miss Author'." One of the thugs snapped out of their surprised daze, running at the teen to snatch the ring out of his hoof, but Sora tossed it up and backflipped, kicking the stallion in the jaw and sending him flying back across the room.

Frustrated, Daring flew off and caught the ring, not appreciating his assistance. "I don't need your help!"

"Well, you looked like you needed it!" Sora argued, avoiding a punch from the other stallion, twisting his hoof and turning him around, holding his limb tightly behind his back. "Three-on-one's a bit unfair, unless you know how to handle a situation like that!"

"I work alone," Daring grumbled, flying down to kick the thug Sora held hard in the stomach, throwing him behind her as she looked at the teen. "Leave now, or I'm going to kick your flank to Zebrica!"

"I'm just trying to help you out!" He quickly ducked as Daring attacked him. "Hey!"

"Get out of here before I-" Too distracted with the teen interfering, one of the thugs grabbed a hold of her and tossed her back.

Sora leapt into the scuffle as all five of them fought, kicking up dust and concealing all five of them in the cloud around them. The ring flew out from the brawling cloud of ponies, rolling up to the entrance where another earth pony stallion stood waiting, picking up the ring in his hoof. His coat was brown while his mane was black, though his tail had a dark stripe down the middle of the black hairs, wearing a light gray explorers jacket and a red and white-spotted neckerchief, his cutie mark a gold skull with ruby eyes.

During the fight, as Sora was about to strangle one of the stallions, one of them grabbed a frying pan and clonked him hard upside the head, knocking the teen out as he was more of a threat than Daring was. The mare was badly beaten, held down by one of the thugs as she looked up at the entrance to her home, glaring at the stallion smirking at them.

"Many thanks, Daring Do," he said. "We have been searching everywhere for this little treasure. So kind of you to find it for us."

"Give it back, Caballeron!" Daring warned, unable to escape from the heavier stallion's weight pressing her down.

"I don't think so." Caballeron looked over at the unconscious pegasus stallion, recognizing his hairstyle and clothing. "Ah. So, you thought you could get some help from this young colt, eh? Equestria's little hero?"

"I didn't hire him for anything," Daring growled. "Did Ahuizotl put you up for this? Stealing that ring from me to give to him so his hold on the Fortress of Talacon would be kept for eight centuries, as told in the prophecies of the temple!?"

"Very close, but no. I am going to sell this to him and retire from archaeology with the bits he'll offer." The stallion chuckled, putting the ring around his neck to hold onto.

"You're a fool!" Daring grunted as Caballeron's henchpony kicked her hard in the gut, keeping her immobilized as they made their leave. "You're...going to doom the valley to eight centuries...of sweltering heat!"

"So long, Daring Do!" Caballeron chuckled as they left.

While Sora woke up, shaking his head as he felt a headache and a bad bump on his noggin, and Daring Do struggling to get back up after the beating she took, the Mane Six finally decided to help them after getting too lost in the excitement through the window. "Oh, NOW you girls come to our rescue. Whoop de doo!"

"I didn't...need...rescuing," Daring growled as she stood up. "I can take care of myself."

"If you didn't try to fight me, we could have handled those guys." Sora summoned his Keyblade, casting Curaga over them to heal their injuries.

The adventurous pegasus wasn't even phased by the magical healing flowers he summoned, or the giant key that appeared in his hoof. "Well, no thanks to you, I need to get that ring back before those idiots cause several centuries worth of relentless heat waves."

As Daring Do began to walk out, she was surprised to feel barely any pain after getting beaten up. She shook her head and ran off to catch up with Caballeron and his goons before they met up with Ahuitzotl.

"You're welcome," Sora muttered. "Daring and Rainbow really are alike: neither of you trust me the moment I try to save the day."

"Can you please stop reminding me about that!?" Rainbow pleaded. "We have no choice but to help Daring Do now!"

"Rainbow Dash, she said she works alone!" Twilight reminded her as they began to leave Daring's home.

"Well, did you hear what she said about the Fortress of Talacon!?" Rainbow argued. "You know what's at stake here! Ahuizotl has sought control of the Tenochtitlan Basin since book three!"

"True, but in book four, she defeated Ahuizotl and secured control of the Amulet of Atonement, dispelling the dark magic of the Ketztwctl Empress, and thus protecting the basin with the Radiant Shield of Razdon!" Twilight countered, the others already getting lost with the lore of Daring Do's auto-biographical story, rather than a fictional novel.

"But the Radiant Shield of Razdon is vulnerable to the dark enchantment of the Rings of Scorchero!" Rainbow said.

"But are you forgetting that the Rings were scattered to the four corners of Tenochtitlan, thus rendering the dark enchantment powerless?" Twilight questioned, Pinkie the only one seeming to understand as she nodded her head, the others looking at each other in confusion.

"Only if you assume that the Rings have yet to be retrieved, and the ring Caballeron just stole isn't the last to completely restore the dark tower and its cruel hold on Tenochtitlan! Did you ever think of that!?" Rainbow said.

"...Ok, I'm lost," Sora said. "The only thing I can get out of all that is Daring Do definitely needs our help, so I'm with Rainbow Dash on this. She can't handle that Caballeron guy, or whoever Ahuizotl is by herself."

"We have to get that ring back for Daring Do!" Rainbow exclaimed, glad to have Sora agree with her.

Twilight sighed, knowing it was the right thing to do since the fate of the world falling to centuries of a deadly heat wave could destroy Equestria. "Ok. We're going to need to plan ahead, figure out everything we need to know and who we're dealing with-"

"Twilight, Rainbow just flew off," Sora said, pointing in the direction the pegasus flew in. Twilight groaned in annoyance at their pegasus friend who always acts first and thinks last. "I'll go after her while you girls catch up."

Sora flew off and chased after Rainbow Dash before she winds up getting Daring Do more ticked off from having anyone interfering in her work.

Deep in the woods, Daring Do snuck through the foliage in search of her archaeological rival and his henchponies to get the ring back. She hated how she had to be saved by a teenager several years younger than her when she could have handled them on her own. Of course, she knew who Sora was, but to have him come and help her like she was a damsel in distress wasn't necessary. At least she didn't find him as annoying as Rainbow Dash, always despising hearing so many fans of her tales constantly praise her while also begging for more stories of her life.

"Today is not my day," she mumbled, peeking through the bushes while keeping an eye out for Caballeron. "I can't exactly tell anypony I'm the author of my own stories, but now I got fanponies who found out my alias, and because of him interfering, I have to go and get that ring back."

"Rainbow Dash! Get back here!" Daring quickly hid behind cover, groaning in annoyance as she heard Sora's voice and knowing he and Rainbow Dash were tailing her.

"Hey, you agreed with me," the cyan mare said. "So, why should we stop when we're going to help THE Daring Do!?"

"For one-" Sora slapped Rainbow in the back of the head. "-you flew off before we even thought of a way to help her. Second, she is not going to appreciate you freaking out over her. She's like Celestia and Luna: they may be royalty, but they are still normal ponies, just with a title that tells them they're important. So, before you go into a full blown freakout and put her up on a pedestal like an ancient idol, calm yourself."

"But it's Daring Do! How can I not freak out about this!? I thought she was just a character, but she's real! I'm reading her life story, and it's far more awesome than-" She received another smack upside the head, the mare growling after having that happen for the fifth time today. "Will you cut that out!?"

"Are you going to praise Daring Do again?" he asked, Rainbow shaking her head. "Then I'm stopping."

"Perfect. These two had to try to help me. I don't need any help." While Daring peeked around the tree she hid behind, she was unaware of a pair of yellow eyes peering at her through the shadows of the plants.

Slowly creeping their way out from the trees were a large pack of Heartless that looked like monkeys: there were a lot of them with blue fur, known as Powerwilds, and there were orange ones with a red bow on their heads and carried slingshots, called Bouncywilds. One of the Bouncywilds pulled up their slingshot and took aim, a small orb of energy forming at the end of the string ready to be fired. It shot and struck Daring in the back, making her grunt in surprise as she turned to face her opponents, immediately jumped on by the Powerwilds as they began scratching at her.

Daring tried to shake them off, but their claws gripped her tightly as she scrambled out of the bushes. Sora and Rainbow leapt back as they heard her stumble out, the Keyblade wielder summoning his weapon to take out the annoying primate Heartless. All the Bouncywilds and some of the Powerwilds felt the Keyblade's presence and ran toward him, the stallion avoiding their wild fury of swipes and potshots as he made his way to Daring Do. He spun around and slapped the Powerwilds on the downed pegasus mare, lifting her up on his back.

"You could definitely use some help here," he said.

"I said I don't-" Daring yelped as Sora flipped away from a Powerwild, nearly thrusting its claws straight at her face. "Ok, maybe with these things."

"No problem." The Heartless surrounded the two, slowly prowling up to them. "Been a while since I fought you annoying monkeys. Let's see if you're as annoying as I remember." Sora looked up and spotted Rainbow Dash flying overhead, the Heartless too focused on him to notice her. "Ok, Daring Do, time to get high."

"Wait, you aren't gonna-?" Sora tossed Daring up in the air a little, her question turning to a yelp of surprise, the teen flipping onto his forelegs and pushing back against the mare with his hind legs as she landed on them, sending her flying up into the air toward Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow caught Daring, the pegasus giggling nervously as she was holding onto the adventurous mare, helping her stay out of harm's way. "Uhh, hi again."

Daring groaned in annoyance, unable to flap her wings after the amount of damage the Powerwilds did to her backside and having no choice but to be carried by the squeamish fan. She looked down and watched as Sora fought off the Heartless down below, his movements swift and accurate as she saw the hearts being released from the dark primates. Even with the Bouncywilds randomly running around and shooting at him from afar with their slingshots, he was able to avoid each shot along with the Powerwilds trying to claw at him. Daring began to regret not asking for his help if he really was as good as the news said he was.

Sora had a much easier time dealing with these Heartless after his first trek through the Jungle world, now more experienced and a lot more quicker than before. Even as they avoided each thrust, he tricked them by spinning around and slashing them in his recovery. He avoided the banana peels the Bouncywilds threw around to try and slip him up, throwing them around when he was near one to get them tripped up by the slippery skin. Within no time, he destroyed each Powerwild and shot down the Bouncywilds that kept fleeing from him with magical spells. He looked around, finding no more Heartless hiding in the bushes or trees.

"Ok! Coast is clear!" Sora called out, Rainbow gently bringing Daring Do down to the ground. As she winced in pain, the stallion cast a Cure spell, the mare now paying attention to the healing bell flowers sprinkling green energy down on her. As it touched her, her pain was gone, just like before in her shambled home. "Feeling better, Miss Yearling?"

"It's Daring Do right now," she said, not exactly happy for the save, but grateful. "Thanks, I guess."

"You guess? Do you know who just saved your life!?" Rainbow asked, highly surprised at Daring's attitude.

"I know who he is. All of Equestria does," she said. "I thought he was just a dumb kid getting in my way, but he's the real deal."

"Hey!" Sora exclaimed, taking offense to Daring's comment.

"I mean no offense. But if you're like me, you'll know plenty of die hard fans who try to do everything the ponies they idolize do, even going as far as to dress like you and pretend to be you." She looked at Rainbow Dash, sneering at her as she saw the glint of fandom in her eyes. "Or have annoying fans constantly getting in your way when there are important matters to deal with."

"Yeah, Rainbow's a big fan of your work, and it's hard for someone like her not to freak out over someone they look up to, like the Wonderbolts." Daring scoffed at the mention of the stunt team.

"Every pegasus gets excited over them," she said. "Biggest stunt team in all of Equestria, and only few of them get the chance to join. Stunts aren't thrilling. But spelunking in mysterious and unknown ancient civilizations with dangerous artifacts that could spell trouble for the world? THAT'S a thrill." Daring realized she was making small talk with Sora, quickly shaking her head and focusing on the task at hoof. "Anyway, thanks for saving me from those...odd looking monkeys, but I have a dirty thief to catch."

"Wait, we can help!" Rainbow offered, but Daring stuck her hoof in the mare's mouth.

"I. Work. Alone." The cyan mare's ears drooped, but Sora stepped in, taking Daring's hoof out of his disappointed friend's mouth.

"Yeah, I think you do need help," he said. "Whatever's going on, you'll at least need my help taking on Caballeron."

Daring opened her mouth to argue on the matter, but seeing how many of her enemies are working together to make a disaster happen within the temple, she may need some backup. "...Well, it seems like I may need some assistance. You can help when I need it." She pointed at Rainbow Dash, who was grinning ear to ear as she was asking for help. "You go back home."

"What!? Why!? I want to help too!" Rainbow whined.

"That's why. There are some ponies that I can't trust." Daring leered at her. "Fans like you I can't trust. My work involves secrets, and mysterious, and a lot of dangerous traps that could get anyone else killed. I can't trust you to keep your mouth shut and stay out of my way." Rainbow whimpered, begging for Sora to do something, but if Daring didn't want her help, he had no choice but to comply since he had proof of his skills from before and fighting the Heartless just now. "We gotta catch up to Caballeron and his goons before Ahuizotl does. Let's go, Sora."

Daring walked on ahead as Rainbow pouted. "Sorry, Rainbow. Maybe she'll warm up to you once you finally stop worshiping her and treat her like an individual."

Sora hurried after Daring Do, leaving the pegasus alone, looking down at the ground in disappointment.

As it turned late in the night, Sora and Daring spotted Caballeron and his group at a camp they set up, the fireplace burning brightly in the darkness. The two pegasi hid in the bushes as they spied on them, far enough away to avoid getting caught.

"Ok, so what's the plan?" Sora asked.

"I'm going to see if I can barter with Caballeron and buy back the ring while disguised." Daring Do found a small pit of mud, smearing some of it on her face. She grabbed a bunch of loose leaves that had fallen from the trees, attaching them to her muddy face as makeshift glue, making a fake beard. For added effect, she smushed her helmet to make it look like a flatter cap to avoid being recognized. "Ok. How do I look?"

"...Like a mare pretending to be an old stallion," he commented. "You sure this will work?"

"I don't like gambling, but I'm betting on it." She stepped out confront her rival in her disguise while Sora watched from a distance, ready to pounce if things went sour.

"Hey, what's going on?" The teen had to stifle his yelp, quickly turning around to see Rainbow Dash behind him.

He quickly grabbed her, slamming her down behind the bushes before her rainbow hair and loud mouth blew his cover. "What are you doing here!?"

"I'm here to help Daring Do," she whispered, Sora silencing the frustrated groan he wanted to make from the mare's insistence to help.

"Daring is going to be really ticked off if she sees you here! Just find the others and stay with them!" Sora looked through the bushes, making sure the plan was going along smoothly, which was surprisingly working as Cabelleron began to take the bag of bits Daring Do was offering.

"Caballeron!" Suddenly, appearing from the foliage on the other side of the camp was a strange creature Sora had never seen before.

It was an odd being that Discord could have come up with if he was lazy enough with his creative genius. He, from the sound of his roaring and menacing voice, was an odd mix between a canine and an ape, his eyes more close to his nose with his dog-like head, wearing a tribal necklace around his neck, ape-like paws for his hands, and a hand on the tip of his tail that functioned like a real hand.

"What in all that is light is that thing???" Sora asked.

"That's Ahuizotl! Awesome!" Rainbow squealed, the teen quickly shoving his hoof in her mouth to keep her from giving away their position.

"Hand me the ring now!" Ahuizotl commanded. Before the thieving archaeologist stallion could give the ring to him, Daring shook off her disguise as she snatched the ring from Caballeron. Ahuizotl roared in frustration as she slashed his hands at the mare, avoiding his swipe as she backed away while Caballeron and his men took the money and fled. "Daring Do. Hand me the ring. Now!"

Seeing she was in trouble, Sora flew through the bushes and snatched Daring Do off her hooves before Ahuizotl slammed his fists down on her. "Sorry, you Aztec weirdo! In order to get the ring, you have to propose to a mare properly before you earn it!"

In the bushes, Rainbow smirked at Sora's mocking statement, even making Daring grin a little. "I was gonna say that."

"So, you actually decided to bring that brat of a hero to help you in your fights, eh, Daring Do?" Sora hovered back down, lowering Daring back on her hooves as he summoned his Keyblade. "Well, I'm not one without my own minions."

Ahuizotl snapped his fingers on his tail, calling forth his minions: dangerous felines. There was a tiger, a lynx, a leopard, a panther, and a small kitten. The last one made Sora stare at the white cat in confusion, then a snicker, and finally bursting out laughing.

"A-Are you serious!?" he asked as he struggled to breathe. "One of your minions...is a kitten!?" The kitten hissed angrily and ran at Sora, Daring backing away from the stallion as the small feline charged at him. "What's it gonna do? Meow me to-" The small minion leapt onto Sora's face and scratched at him repeatedly. "AHHHH! Get it off! Get it off! It's trying to scratch my eyes!"

"I should have warned him." Daring watched as Sora flailed around, trying to pull the small kitten off his face, but its claws clung on to him as it attacked him.

"Get them!" Ahuizotl commanded, sending his other feline minions after them.

Sora managed to pry the kitten off his face, throwing it far away from him, scratch marks lined all over his head. "Ok. Never trust cats ever again. Should have learned that after speaking with the Cheshire Cat in Wonderland." He heard two roars from two of the cats, the tiger and leopard running at him. "Oh crud." He brought his Keyblade up, blocking the tiger's jaws as it tackled him to the ground. The leopard growled at him, holding a claw up to scratch at him while he was pinned. "Deja vu with a leopard. Good thing you aren't related since I did kill it after it kept attacking me so many times."

While he dealt with his dangerous cats, along with the kitten that attacked him earlier, Daring Do was holding her own against the panther and lynx, avoiding their pounces and kicking them hard in the face. Sora managed to pry the tiger off of him, blocking the leopard from scratching at him before flipping back up and smacking it up in the air with his Keyblade. As the two pegasi dealt with the attacking felines, Rainbow Dash watched in awe, but wanting to do something to help. She noticed Daring's pith helmet laying against the ground, having been tossed aside as the mare dropped her disguise.

The cyan pegasus ran up to it and picked it up, doing the dumbest thing possible by revealing herself. "Hey, Daring Do, I got your helmet!" Rainbow calling out to Daring alerted Ahuizotl, the dog-like being grinning as the defenseless pegasus was too entranced by getting his enemy's attention. "You want me to toss it!?"

Sora shoved the tiger and leopard off of him, seeing Rainbow Dash out in the open. "Oh for goodness sake, Rainbow-"

The kitten leapt off on a hill tall enough to land on the teen, slamming a rock down hard on his head and knocking the stallion unconscious. Satisfied at taking down his target, the small cat scuffed some dirt on his face and focused on Daring Do. The mare finally noticed Rainbow Dash, now caught in Ahuizotl's tail hand, holding her hostage. Grumbling angrily, not wanting her to get hurt, the mare surrendered, dropping the ring as the cats tied her and Sora up.

"Hang on, Daring Do! I'll help you!" Ahuizotl flung the pegasus into the woods, having caught Daring and her new helper, his minions carrying the captured pegasi as they began heading off to a temple not far from where they were.

"Don't bother!" she shouted. "I'd say you helped out plenty!"

Hearing her favorite explorer say that to her so coldly made Rainbow depressed, her attempt to help only doing nothing but cause more trouble. And now that she got Sora captured as well, they were both going to be put in a death trap because she was so caught up in her excitement as a fan. What he said to her earlier about putting Daring up so high on a pedestal came back to her, and she realized that she was putting herself down because she was better than anything else. She was worshiping her too much and forgot about her own abilities and self-esteem. Snapping out of her attitude, she leered at the temple and flew off toward it, this time actually helping to save her idol, her friend, and the world from eight centuries of sweltering heat.

Sora groaned as he stirred awake, unable to move his mouth from the gag that was placed on him. He opened his eyes, looking at Ahuizotl upside down, his legs and tail tied to a rope hanging from the rafters from inside the temple. He tried to move his forelegs and wings, but they were tied up as well, only with chains instead of rope. There was no way he would be able to escape without the use of any of his limbs to call his Keyblade and break free, the evil canine-ape creature knowing a thing or two how he summons his weapon.

He looked up as he heard Daring grunting, finding her trapped as well. Her hooves were bound to stone restraints attached to the wall, and below them was a pit of water with piranhas jumping up, trying to sink their sharp jaws into their meals hanging teasingly above them. Sora was half expecting a sea-bearing crocodile that made ticking sounds like a clock instead, though seeing how cliche it seemed for a villain to trap their foes in an "inescapable" death, he knew they were going to break out at some point.

"You'd better surrender, Ahuizotl!" Daring warned as she struggled to pull her hooves out from her restraints, but the villain only laughed in amusement.

"Oh, how I will miss your amusing little quips, Daring Do. But now, I must leave to commence the ring-placing ceremony to unleash eight hundred years of unrelenting, sweltering heat!" Ahuizotl laughed harder, pulling on a chain beside him that caused the pit beneath them to fill up with more water, bringing the piranhas closer to them.

As soon as he left, a big mistake on any villain to leave their enemies alone as they are about to die, Daring pulled harder on her restraints. "I can't believe she followed us out here! Now, no thanks to her, Ahuizotl's going to succeed and doom this valley, and all of Equestria! But I'm not going to let that happen, not until I die!"

She pulled hard, pulling out the slabs her bindings were attached to. She released one of her hind legs, then another, and barely managed to pull out one of her forelegs. The water was rising fast and her three free limbs were weighed down by the heavy stone slabs she pulled out, and she was already exhausted from trying to break free. She couldn't even move her other foreleg out from the strain of the weights attached to her freed hooves.

She flinched as she prepared to get eaten, slowly feeling the last slab slowly slipping out, unable to escape from this trap unlike the many others she was able to get out from. Sora worried she wouldn't make it, but his saving grace came from a rainbow blur swooping down through the skylight and cutting the bindings of his hind legs with a sharp piece of stone. As he dropped from his position, he quickly summoned his Keyblade with his hind hoof, swinging it down to slice through the chain to free his forelegs, holding it in his forehoof and aiming down at the water. He cast a Blizzaga spell, freezing all the water coming in from the pipe and below them, landing on the very thick ice with a thud as he watched the piranha bumping into the frozen surface.

Now freed, Sora pulled out the cloth in his mouth and flew toward Daring, the mare slipping off to fall and crash through the ice, but was saved by him before the stone restraints cracked the ice and sent her down to a watery grave. He flapped his wings hard, carrying the adventurous mare and the extra weight of the stone slabs connected to her hooves up on the ledge where Ahuizotl stood, Rainbow Dash standing there waiting for them with her makeshift dagger in her mouth.

Now back on solid ground, Daring slammed her hooves down onto the floor, smashing her restraints and freeing her hooves. "Why are you here?"

"I just saved both of your flanks, and you're going to thank me like that?" Rainbow questioned.

"I told you I work alone," Daring reminded.

"Well, I don't," Rainbow argued. "And you were working with Sora. So explain that."

The archaeologist was about to argue, but without her saving both her and Sora, they both would have wound up fish food. "...Alright...I guess I can't escape every single trap I wind up in...or take down my foes single-hoofedly every time. So, thanks. Both of you."

"Ok, let's kiss and make up after we stop eight centuries of a relentless heat wave and a psychotic villain dumb enough to do this and leave his victims alone to their deaths without making sure they stay dead and not escape." Both mares blushed at the comment he made, nodding their heads as they made their way out of the death room and into the temple.

After navigating through the corridors, the trio of pegasi found the room where the ceremony was about to take place. Standing along the pathway were tribal stallions holding spears, and on the other side of the room were a stack of golden rings, stacked from biggest to smallest around a totem with unreadable inscriptions. Ahuizotl cackled, holding the last ring and was about to place it on down to complete the ritual. Sora quickly flung his Keyblade using Strike Raid, sending the weapon spiraling like a blade, knocking the ring out of his hand, clattering to the ground far from the ape-dog villain.

"What!?" he exclaimed in shock, Sora flying in and kicking Ahuizotl in the face, sending him into the wall.

"I object!" Sora shouted. "This celebration is canceled!"

Ahuizotl sat up, rubbing his head as he gawked in shock. "H-How did you escape!? There was no way you or Daring Do could have gotten out!"

"Well, if you bothered to stick around and see us die, then that would have worked." Sora called his Keyblade back in his hoof, pointing it at the angered villain. "Now it's time to take you and your little minions down, Fido."

"It's Ahuizotl! Attack him!" The stallions let out a battle cry and charged after Sora, along with his feline minions.

The teen held up his Keyblade, blocking the little kitten that was about to lunge at his face. "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty." The cat's claws struck his blade, quickly flipping rapidly in midair as Sora flicked his weapon to parry. "Bad kitty!"

He stepped forward and unleashed a shockwave, sending the cat and the other stallions flying back. Ahuizotl growled and leapt toward him, joining the fight using his own claws and extended arm of a tail. While Sora distracted the baddies, Rainbow and Daring snuck around the battlefield and reached the golden rings.

"We have to get this large ring at the bottom out," Daring explained. "If we can pull this off, then the whole temple will collapse."

"This was your plan?" Rainbow asked out of curiosity, both mares taking off the smaller rings, but needing both their strength to pull off the larger ones.

"Well, I had to find some way to get into the fortress without sounding an alarm." Rainbow Dash nearly dropped a medium sized ring they were pulling off, surprised to hear that the daring Daring Do wanted to get caught.

"Wait, you wanted to be captured!?" she asked. "What about Sora!?"

"I didn't exactly tell him all of my plan." Both mares grunted, pulling off another ring as they flapped their wings hard to lift it off over the totem. "I figured he'd go along with whatever I did, but having him knocked out by that cat wasn't what I had in mind. Plus-" They both strained to pull off the second to last ring, each one getting heavier and heavier the bigger the rings were. "-I didn't count on how heavy these things were."

Back in the battle, Ahuizotl thrust his tail forward, Sora quickly dodging as he latched onto it tightly. "How about a little do-se-do!?" He yelped as the teen pulled hard and began swinging him around, smacking the villainous creature into his minions. "Swing your pardner, round and round! Fling 'em up-" Sora flicked Ahuizotl up, smacking him into the ceiling and dazing him. "-then slam 'em down!"

With a hard tug, he sent Ahuizotl slamming down hard into the stone floor. With the boss knocked out, all that was left were the annoying cohorts following their leader's orders.

"Blizzard!" Twilight's voice rang out, a blast of ice soaring past Sora's head as the spell struck one of the stallions, encasing him in ice. He looked behind him, seeing the rest of their friends finally caught up as they ran into the room, helping distract the minions. "Sora, are you alright?"

"Perfect!" he said as he pumped his hoof in the air. "Though, can you aim a few yards away from the back of my head when you shoot magic? Don't want to be burnt to a crisp...Or wind up like that guy."

"Duly noted." The alicorn yelped as a tribal stallion thrust his spear at her, quickly blocking it and sending him flying back with a blast of her magic. "Go and help Rainbow and Daring!"

"On it, princess!" Sora said with a salute, flying over to help the pegasus mares.

They managed to get the second to last one out, but the final ring was too heavy for both of them to lift. He helped them out, giving them the extra muscle they needed to pull it out. As soon as they hoisted the large ring up, the temple began to shake, needing just this last ring to destroy this place. Ahuizotl sat up with a groan, his body sore, especially around his head and tail. He felt the ground quake and looked over at the totem, his jaw dropping as the three pegasi were pulling the last ring out of place.

"STOP THEM!" he shouted, winding up biting his tongue as Pinkie Pie bounced on his head.

"Urgh! Come on, girls!" Sora grunted. "We've almost got it!"

Sora, Rainbow, and Daring flapped their wings as hard as they could and lifted with all their might. With one last push, they tossed the ring away from the totem, the shaking growing wild as the temple began to collapse.

"Everypony run!" Rainbow shouted. "This place is coming down!"

Not needing to be told twice, the mares and Sora quickly made their way out of the temple, leaving behind Ahuizotl and his minions behind as the temple began to fall in on them. After getting a far enough distance away, everyone panted as they watched the temple collapse, ending another attempt from Daring Do's arch enemy using ancient magics to destroy or take over Equestria.

"Daring Do! I will have my revenge!" Ahuizotl shouted, roaring in defeat.

"I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon." Daring looked at the seven ponies who helped her, honestly unable to pull off this adventure without them. "Couldn't have done all this without you two. Thanks, Rainbow and Sora."

Beaming widely, Rainbow rammed into Daring Do and caught her in a hug. Sora shook his head, still behaving like a fangirl even after acting normal around her favorite author/character when they stopped Ahuizotl. Daring grinned nervously, not really expecting a hug, patting the mare on the head.

"Ok, Rainbow Dash. Enough trying to live out a fantasy with Daring." Rainbow blushed heavily, leering at Sora as she pulled away, the teen grinning as he teased her.

"Well, after all this much fun, I've got an incredibly exciting book to finish," the mare said. "And I found myself a perfectly good twist in mind. But you guys need to keep my identity a secret while I'm A. K. Yearling. Got that?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Rainbow said excitedly.

"Good." Daring approached Sora and whispered to him out of Rainbow's hearing. "You will make sure she doesn't tell anypony, right?"

"Don't worry. We won't blow your cover," Sora promised.

Daring Do flew off, waving to her surprisingly new friends and headed back home to continue writing her latest expedition/"fictional" story.

The next day, Kairi and Riku stared at Sora in confusion, the three Keyblade wielders at Sweet Apple Acres as they sat under the shade of the nearby trees. "...So, that was it?"

"Yup," he said, taking a sip of apple juice.

"You met A. K. Yearling, talked with her, and managed to get her back on schedule when she releases her next book?" Riku asked.

"Yeah. She was a mess, and we sorted out her stuff." Riku and Kairi looked at each other, knowing something more had to have happened with the grin Sora had on his face.

"Hey, Sora!" Apple Bloom called out as she ran toward them from the entrance to the farm, carrying a letter in her mouth. "Ya got a letter from somepony named A. K. Yearling! Ya think it's the author of the Darin' Do books?"

"A letter?" Sora took the envelope and opened it up, reading what was written by the author, A.K.A., Daring Do herself.

Dear Sora,

I'm letting you and Dash know that you're going to receive early access to this next book a week before it's actually published to the world. Consider it as a little thank you gift for helping me out back there, especially against those creepy monkeys. I will admit that I've seen weirder things happen in the past, but those things were just plain freaky. You're quite the hero. Even I got a bit jealous of your awesome moves saving my plot most of the time.

Also, a little bit of info. I was thinking of creating another series, only this time, it'll be based around you. And yes, this one actually will be fictional. Even while I write this, I can't even sleep at all the cool ideas I have flowing in my head, inspired by your moves and weapon. The title will be called "Kingdom Hearts", a story about a young stallion saving Equestria from the forces of darkness. He, and he alone, must embark on a long journey across the world, meeting new friends along the way and saving the kingdoms of the world from falling to the black creatures, called "Darklings". That's the best name I could come up for those monkeys, but I'll probably think of something else after completing my rough draft.

If you got any ideas that might help, don't hesitate to write to me and send me what you've got. And thanks again for helping me out. You and Rainbow Dash.

A. K. Yearling

D. D.

"Oh wow," Sora chuckled as he read the second paragraph. "That would be interesting."

"What did she write?" Riku asked, growing curious at what he was laughing about.

"Oh, nothing...Just that I get early access to her next Daring Do book a week before it's released to the public." Apple Bloom gasped in shock, her jaw dropping as she looked up at Sora.

"No way!" she said. "Can Ah read it once it comes in the mail!? Can Ah!? Can Ah, please!?"

Apple Bloom began bouncing, trying to reach for the letter in Sora's hoof to see if it's true, but the stallion pressed his forehoof on her head and kept her from jumping, her little hooves flailing to try and grab it. "Hey, she said I get to read it before then. Which means I need to go down to the library and read those other books so I can catch up."

"No fair!" Apple Bloom whined, Kairi and Riku a little surprised that the author of the Daring Do books liked him enough to get a sneak peek at her work a week before anyone else. "If y'all don't let me read it first, Ah'm gonna wake ya up earlier in the mornin' every day until then!"

"Patience, young Apple Bloom," Sora said, patting the grumpy filly on the head before heading off to the Golden Oak Library. "Good things come to those who wait."

"Ah can't wait that long!" She ran after Sora and leapt onto his back. "When is it comin' out!? Ah'll do your chores for a month! Cook ya breakfast? Not wake ya up so early in the mornin'!? Ah'm beggin' ya!"

Sora laughed as Apple Bloom continued begging, not giving in to letting her read the next book until it comes out.

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