• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Equestria. Ponyville. Twilight's Castle. Day.

"Here it is. Feast your eyes on the fragment of the gateway I managed to retrieve." Starswirl cracked the code on what it took to make a gateway. At least, he was getting there. Knowing that the means to make a new gateway was by recreating the entire universe itself, he took the easy way out and just simply took a piece of the gateway that leads to Kanto's Pallet Town. And it was a rather large gateway.

Kept inside of an orb, it appeared just like how Rift Energy always does. Starswirl's work in the modern day has been solely focused on this and nothing else. Anything he has postponed ever since he entered limbo would have to wait as he was this as a way to repay everyone for stopping the Pony of Shadows.

"Alright. How do we do it? Do I just shoot it?"

"Every piece of the universe we live in is already inside of it. After all, the gateways acted as a bridge between two different worlds. It's up to you to replicate that bridge that this world used to have."

"Okay. It's up to me. I have to take things from here. Today's going to be a monumental day." The Princess of Friendship proudly smirked, believing she was about to make history at this moment. The creation of a new gateway was inbound. Starswirl would open up the orb, letting the energy meet with the fresh air. And already, the mystic nature of it was being heard by Twilight. She couldn't believe that she was looking at a piece of the gateway.

"This is it. Here I go!" Excited, Twilight would pull her head back, unleashing Rift Magic from her horn. She made contact with the cosmic power with another cosmic power. Starswirl observed as an ethereal flash occurred, lighting up the area.

The components and elements were already there. The gateway had every piece of a universe inside of it, albeit on a smaller scale. All Twilight had to do was fill in the blanks. She would unload plenty of Rift Energy into it, doing what she could.

However, what she got in return was a shock. Twilight's mane and tail would frizzle as the energy backfired her oner. It was similar to receiving an electrical shock but with a cosmic feeling to it. Twilight's eyes spun around as she saw actual stars. "Ooough..."

"Of course, it was never going to be easy. I tried my hoof at it and was met with an immediate failure." Starswirl casually said. "Even with your magic, this will be an issue."

"No need to worry! I have plenty of retries, just watch!" Twilight wasn't about to just call it a day. Another attempt was in store. She would readjust herself, aiming at the cosmic energy once more. A second attempt would be a smashing success but in the end, it was the same result. Failure. But this time, Twilight was blown back, crashing into the walls.

A third attempt was due. Third time's the charm is what they say. But not for this. A third try resulted in Twilight being spun around this time, bringing another failure. And this was a rather recurring theme. Each time, Twilight shot at it, she would be hit with drawbacks and failures.

No matter what she did, she would fail, unable to make a new gateway. Back-and-forth failures only lead to her taking damage. Eventually, Twilight would come to a halt once she had enough. No gateway had been made.

"Okay....This isn't working." Twilight panted while plastered against the wall. She would then fall off the wall.

"I would say work smarter, not harder but all of the smart work has been done." said Starswirl.

"Maybe I'm not envisioning where I want to go..." Twilight pondered. Considering she was trying to make a gateway, she wondered if choosing a specific location was the key to it. She hasn't tried it yet and that might pan out. "But would I have to memorize everything about that place?"

"This power is less confusing when you aren't the one unleashing it yourself," Starswirl uttered. "Now that you have it at your disposal, the confusion truly settles in, doesn't it?"

"It does. I never underestimated Rift Energy but I never considered how difficult it was for Cold Colt or even Emerald Aura to use it. It's more than just using a different form of magic."

"Twilight! Come and see this!" But she could figure that out, entering her castle and quickly rushing to her location was Pinkie Pie.

"What is it, Pinkie?" Twilight questioned. "Please tell me you have good news? Because I've been let down recently."

"Oh, sure, sure. It's Ash! He did pretty well with the Pheromosa!"

"All of them?!" Such a revelation was hard to believe. Ash managed to deal with all of those Pheromosas. Twilight already fully trusted Ash but she had to wonder what he could've possibily done to keep all of those Pheromosas calm and away from others through the entire night.

Lapras Lake.

It was back to Lapras Lake. Twilight was led there by Pinkie Pie who saw it all play out the second the morning rose. Arriving at this lake that had very few Lapras around, the Princess of Friendship and her Pokemon witnessed the peaceful yet exciting sight in front of them.

The first thing that Twilight eyed down was the fact that the Sea Temple Samiya was present here. She certainly didn't expect to see it today. She has been seeing it rather frequently for something so mystical and rare but that was one of the benefits of being friends with the King of the Sea.

And speaking of the King of the Sea, they obviously came straight to him as Ash could be seen cheering on the Pheromosa, who were all calm. This entire time, through the entire night, no damage has been done. No one has lost anything. None of the Pheromosa ran off to do their own thing. Ash found something that could keep them all steady while also giving them enjoyment by tackling what they love most. Vanity. But instead of it being gemstones, especially with the Sea Temple present here, he had them use Water Weaving.

Instructed by the People of the Water, the Pheromosa were learning to Water Weave, manipulating the water itself to make clothing. This was their way of fulfilling their materialistic urges. The water was very much clean and making something out of it was beneficial in so many ways. It was also surprising that the Pheromosa were listening to the People of the Water but Twilight deduced that one of the Samiyans used Water Weave and immediately captivated the Ultra Beasts.

"Nice one!" Ash said to a Pheromosa who just weaved a neck chain. After making it the Pheromosa would place on itself, pleased with what it made.

"Ash. Did you do all of this?" Twilight approached Ash, amazed by what she was seeing. "Of all the things I thought you would do to keep them steady, I never expected this.

"Yep. I had to go underwater to get them to show up here. Pikachu and I had to keep the Pheromosa busy until the Sea Temple got here." Ash explained. "I figured that why steal something good when you can make it yourself?"

"As expected from his majesty." The Royal Advisor to Ash also known as Alo spoke. "Leave it to him to come up with a simple yet effective plan."

"Look at this, your majesty!" Enola, the young girl from the Sea Temple would shout, casually standing next to a Pheromosa who made a dress for herself and the Samiyan. And the style of the dress definitely felt otherworldly. The Pheromosa seemed to have their own style of clothing compared to Rarity's Pheromosa.

All of the Pheromosa stylized their clothing differently than anyone in the world. Even though there were no clothes in the Ultra Desert, their instincts and minds came up with something. The dresses and suits had these circles on the shoulders, not to be confused with shoulder pads. They looked like a mixture of robes and jackets.

"We still have to find a way to open those wormholes again. I haven't forgotten about heading to Alola for this." Ash was still fixated on the Ultra Wormholes and the Ultra Desert. "Alo. Do you think you can get us to Alola fast enough?"

"Of course, your majesty. The function we use to travel at light speeds is still available. It will take a lot more than just one usage to spend it all. The seas of Alola are also familiar to us since they connect to the seas of Hoenn."

"Awesome. Alright, everyone!" Ash spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention as the higher power here. "We're heading to Alola now! It's gonna be hot over there but that won't be an issue for you guys, I'm sure of it."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The Samiyans collectively bellowed.

"As for the Pheromosas, letting them inside won't hurt as long as they get to Water Weave as many times as they want," Ash spoke to Alo.

"Understood, your azureness." Alo nodded as the People of the Water were ready to set off once more. The Pheromosa would have to come along. Sure, they've found something that they enjoy but they still had to be watched over, just in case. After all, they were off to find out why the Ultra Wormholes suddenly closed the second they tried sending the Pheromosa home.

Alola. Central Alola. Aether Paradise. Afternoon.

The Aether Paradise.

A VLFS or a "very large floating structure." This is where the Aether Foundation's research facilities are. It serves as an artificial island located in Central Alola, near Akala Island. It serves as a base of research for the Aether Foundation. The boss of the Aether Foundation and her family were currently away. That being Lusamine, Lillie and Gladion. But even with their presence gone as they searched for Lusamine's Husband, the place was still active.

Arriving here thanks to the swift travelling of the Sea Temple were Ash and his friends. The Pheromosas would stay behind while Ash, Twilight and Pinkie went straight for the Aether Paradise where they could dabble in Ultra Beast-related shenanigans.

Twilight and Pinkie gawked at the Aether Foundation from the outside and especially the inside. The pure white aesthetic was very pleasing to the eyes. They very much welcomed in, mainly thanks to Ash's presence. He was still an Ultra Guardian even if he was all over the world. And right now, his work as an Ultra Guardian was once again continuing thanks to the appearance of the Pheromosa and even before that with all the other Ultra Beasts that showed up in Equestria.

And the first area that their eyes were met with was none other than the Aether Paradise's Conservation Area. A garden full of Pokemon to reside in. Ranging from the loyal and brave-hearted Herdier to the large and lazy Snorlax resting on a tree. The Spinarak that slowly descend from tree branches by using the webs they spin and the Wishiwashi that swim together in schools, moving alongside other Water-based Pokemon such as Swanna or Qwilfish.

The Aether Paradise was well-built to handle any Pokemon that shows up here. Big or small. Perhaps not too big as a Wailord inside of here would definitely be rather tricky to manage but anything small was not an issue as Petilil could be seen running around

"Neat, isn't it?" Ash spoke. "Haven't been in here in a while. It's a lot like the Pokemon House or even your PokePark, Twilight."

"Ash? Is that you?" Upon returning, the first member of the Aether Foundation to greet Ash was none other than Wiche, who acted as a founding member of the Aether Foundation and assistant branch chief. "And look at this. Two pony friends with you."

"Hey, Wicke. Glad to be here again." Ash greeted the branch officer. We're just here to figure something out."

"Oh? Is it about the Ultra Wormhole situation in Equestria?" Wicke was already on the same page as Ash. Her work surrounding the Ultra Beasts also never stopped. At any moment, the Ultra Beasts can return and they certainly have. Plenty of them.

"You already know about that?" Pinkie Pie questioned.

"If you're referring to yesterday, not exactly. I was talking about months and years before what has happened recently. You little cutie, you!" Wicke would suddenly grab Pinkie Pie's face, squishing her cheeks.

"Oohooho!" Pinkie Pie giggled, greatly enjoying this and the compliment. "Stop it~"

"If you're having trouble with that, we here at the Aether Paradise can get right on it for you." Wicke would then pick Pinkie Pie up, holding her close to her. "Even without Mrs. Lusamine around, we can expand our foundation further by tackling other parts of the world. Equestria seems to be the one place where Ultra Wormholes want to show up a lot."

"Well, all we really need to do is figure out why the Ultra Wormholes disappeared. We've got a lot of Pheromosa with us right now and we can't really get them home since the wormholes vanished."

"Vanished? Out of nowhere?"

"Yeah. It happened right as we were gonna send the Pheromosa back. Pretty weird. I don't think that's happened before. I mean, I know they can close but..."

"We can open up any Ultra Wormhole. We have the means to do so and-" Wicke paused for a moment, referring to one of Ash's sentences. "Wait! The Pheromosa from the news?! You have them with you?!"

"They're all back at the Sea Temple right now, doing some Water Weaving," Twilight explained. "You don't have to worry about them roaming around Alola."

"Oh, thank goodness..." Wicke sighed with relief. That was her main worry. Having to deal with all of those Pheromosas would be a nightmare considering how fast they were. "Ahem. Anyway. We can get the Pheromosas back to the Ultra Desert. It's more than what we're used to but we can make it work. Just bring them over and we can get it done."

"Hold on. What do you think opened and closed the previous Ultra Wormholes? That goes for the one we saw yesterday and the ones before?" Twilight questioned. "I know they were showing up in Equestria because of Team Plasma but now that our worlds are as one, where is it coming from?"

"It could be them yet again, my little pony. Team Plasma aren't in another universe anymore." Wicke finally revealed the truth, aware of Team Plasma's presence in this universe.

"They aren't?" This was news to Twilight. She believed that Team Plasma were currently in another Universe, still working with Empress Twilight and the other menacing forces. "Oh...I thought..."

"It's likely they're the ones opening the Ultra Wormholes. I'm not sure why they would continue to target Equestria though but we can't do anything about it, I'm afraid." Wicke shook her head. "We haven't made contact with Equestria yet. In fact, they seem to be adept at opening as many wormholes. More so than us or anyone else we know."

"How many did they open up?" Pinkie Pie looked up.

"Plenty. It seems they can casually do it. Ultra Wormholes have actually been appearing across the world these past months but no Ultra Beasts have left it."

"No Ultra Beasts? What's up with that?" Ash scratched his hair, trying to make sense of it. "Maybe they just didn't feel like passing through."

"All of them?" Twilight raised an eyebrow. "I doubt it. There has to be a reason why they haven't passed through and I bet Ghetsis has something to do with it. He's probably been through the Ultra Wormholes and caught some Ultra Beasts of his own if we haven't seen many of them."

"Not a bad theory. It wouldn't be the first time someone has gone through an Ultra Wormhole. But it is rather risky. I mean, nothing has happened to you or the others, Ash. But the possibility of something happening to you is still up in the air. You could end up being a Faller." Wicke's tone suddenly changed.

"A Faller?" This was new to Ash. His entire time being here in the Alola Region and that term was now hitting his ears.


"They're Humans that have passed through an Ultra Wormhole and have something changed about them. As a result of being exposed to large amounts of energy that pour from Ultra Wormholes, Ultra Beasts that find themselves in the same world as a Faller will relentlessly hunt them down, seemingly smelling or sensing the residual energy and coming to the conclusion an Ultra Wormhole awaits to take them home. " Wicke explained. "And I'm afraid someone has already been exposed to enough of that energy to warrant that kind of scenario lately."

"Who? Is it someone in here?" Twilight questioned, looking around. Neither of the Aether Foundation Employees look like they were affected in any way. No sign of any Ultra Beasts either.

"No. No one that works here. It's actually rather recent. Before the Pheromosas showed up, there was an array of Ultra Wormholes reportedly showing up in the Hoenn Region. Once again, no Ultra Beasts came out of them but someone had obviously gone through and taken the effects. Her name is Anabel."

"Anabel...? No way!" Ash let out a thunderous shout. That name was all too familiar to him.

"Who's Anabel?" said Twilight, curious.

"She's one of the Hoenn Frontier Brains. A good friend of mine. I had no idea she went through an Ultra Wormhole too. The more ya know."

"Splendid!" Wicke melodically said. "Then you're already familiar with each other. The change she has gone through is ...rather noticeable to say the least. Some might say she's not the same person she used to be."

"Is she okay?! How is she?!" Concerned about Anabel, Ash questioned about her wellbeing.

"Oh, she's fine. In fact, she's here at Alola right now. She was found on Poni Island unconscious and clearly had a strong effect on her. You can find her there but I'm not 100% sure she'll be the person you used to know. Her body is letting out excessive amounts of Wormhole Energy."

"I gotta find out for myself!" Ash had to know for sure. Instantly, he took off, heading for Poni Island. "I'll leave the Pheromosa up to you all!"

"Ash, wait!" Twilight cried out, quickly pursuing Ash. For him to bolt off in such a way showed how serious he was. When it comes to his friends, he's always on the move. Pinkie Pie was left behind, not really in the mood to pursue them. She simply stared while still being held by Wicke before looking up at her and speaking.

"So. What else do you do here?"

Poni Island. Seafolk Village. Afternoon.

Poni Island. Home to the Island Guardian Tapu Fini and apparently where Anabel was supposed to be. Ash made his way to Poni Island as soon as he could. Poni Island was rather small, having the Seafolk as its main residential area. The Ferry Stop and the Floating Restaurant were the places of interest here.

The restaurant was Wailord-shaped, selling delicious noodles known as Z-Noodles which were rather cheap and very much worth it. But right now, Ash did not care about any of that. All he cared about was Anabel. Even though Wicke said she was fine, the fact that she apparently wasn't the same made Ash worried. All of his friends were his concern after all.

"Anabel?!" He yelled her name, trying to bring her out. He would quickly rush to the Floating Restaurant to see if she was there, having some Z-Noodles. Alas, she was not there at all and all that really happened was Ash startling everyone else. Seeing no sign of Anabel, he moved to the next location which was the Pokemon Center Cafe.

Once again, no sign of Anabel, unfortunately. Ash would go around Seafolk Village, hoping to find his friend anywhere. He would then ask the residents of Seafolk who were rather small. It was a village after all but even after quickly asking as many of the people here, he was left with nothing.

"Maybe she's over at Poni Wilds or Poni Beach!" Ash would then focus on the other Poni Island locations, not giving up just yet.

"Ash, calm down!" Twilight used her magic to hold him in place before he could take off again. Ash was currently running in the air after being held back. "Geez...You don't wanna rush it, do you?"

"I have to. I gotta know what's wrong with Anabel."

"Your questions to everyone here are pretty vague, don't you think? You only keep saying her name. You might need descriptions if you really want to get somewhere." Twilight suggested before facing a Fisherman. "Excuse me sir. But have you seen...Um..." The Princess of Friendship scrunched her face. "What does Anabel look like, Ash?"

"She's got long purple hair with purple eyes too." Ash described. "I think she's around my height and she wears all white."

"Oh, I don't know about that." The Fisherman said otherwise. "I saw a girl with purple eyes and hair but she wasn't exactly wearing all white."

"She wasn't? Oh, just different clothes then." Ash smiled, hoping that he was hitting the jackpot.

"Mmm. My memory doesn't serve me right. I didn't see much of her even though she stood out." The Fisherman grumbled. "I couldn't tell you if she was the girl you're looking for. But she did show up with someone else in a suit and they looked like they were heading to Vast Poni Canyon."

"That's where Princess Celestia found Kommo-o. And it's also the place where the Altar of the Sunne is said to be, right?" Twilight questioned, hoping she was getting her facts right.

"That's the place." Ash nodded. "Wait, a suit?"

"Then we'll try there. Maybe she hasn't left Poni Island just yet. If she's from Hoenn and she's still here then it's not too late." Twilight would bring some reassurance to Ash. They would advance towards Vast Poni Canyon.

"Good luck approaching her. She had quite the look on her face. A steely one that can even make a Gyarados nervous." The Fisherman warned. "And I should know. It was my own Gyarados she gazed at. Not the kind of gal you want to cross or make uncomfortable. But you sound like you're friends so that shouldn't be an issue."

"Anabel? Uncomfortable?" That didn't sound right. From what Ash remembers of Anabel, she wasn't the kind to act in such a way. But time has certainly passed since he last saw her and the Ultra Wormholes apparently did something to her. Whatever it was, Anabel may not be the same person that Ash knew.

Ash may have the spirit and drive to always believe in his friends and expect the best to happen to them, but there were certainly times were he was worried that might not happen. And this was one of them It was off to Vast Poni Canyon and hopefully, they could find Anabel there.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 246 End.

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