• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Moonlight Memory

Johto. The S.S Aqua. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall.

Encountering her other self in the changing room of the S.S Aqua was Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Moonlight appeared before her, responding to her words which was rather surprising. Given how she was, it didn't seem like she would be the type to just reveal herself in this way.

"I heard it all. Everything that was said about me. Do you honestly think I'm going to cause that?" Twilight Moonlight revealed how she was listening in on everything else.

"I don't know...Are you?" Twilight Sparkle wasn't fully sure. "From what I've heard and seen, you're not exactly the safest Twilight to be around.

"Of course not. Do you think I'd let her show up?" But Moonlight denied such a possibility. She was against the possibility of her being the result of Midnight Luminaria appearing. "I've grown past the point where she'll ever be a problem for me."

"You have?"

"If you're going to believe Wish, then you'll have to believe me. I certainly believe in myself

"But you're still trying to capture Ash. You're even planning to destroy him and you've attacked areas too."

"I have. But I have to. And I'm not leaving here until he comes along with me. I don't want you getting in the way."

"Well...I won't let you. I'd never let anyone threaten my friends.

"I see..." Twilight Moonlight closed her eyes but then put on a smirk. "Unfortunately, you can't really leave this room now. You're already stuck here."

"What?!" Swiftly turning around, Twilight saw that the door to this room was suddenly gone. Expunged and removed from sight. There was no indication of this at all. Not a sound or sign. It was just gone.

"Right now, you're in my Moon Space. It's my own personal space from my own personal spell. You should stay here until I'm done with my mission." Twilight Moonlight walked past her, only for Twilight Sparkle to stand in her way.

"Personal space or not. I won't let you harm Ash and take him away!" Twilight objected along with Espeon.


"Mmm." She closed her eyes once more, letting out a deep grumble. "Silver warned me about something like this. And I agreed with her. No matter what, no harm should be brought upon you. But I'm not afraid to take action when needed. You're going to move aside and I'm taking Ash with me. And by extension, I'll also take Wish with me. We need her as well."

"Then won't you need me too? I'm also Twilight."

"Eh. I don't really care all that much for Wish. I've only ever been in interested in Prisma, but it's still important that she comes with us. Especially when she has one of these." From her saddlebag, Moonlight revealed that enigmatic regalia. Or at least, a part of it. It was still one half of a crown that let off a strange light.

"What is that?" Twilight gawked at the regalia, gazing at its beautiful shine.

"This is Twilight Luminaria's crown. Or at least, a part of it. Now, it's just a split-up regalia. I have this piece and Wish has the other one. The remaining four have yet to be found. Once all four of them come together, then the crown will be restored and it'll help in keeping Prisma from ever returning."

"That looks just like the Empess's crown." Twilight also recognized the style of that crown as the one Empress Twilight wore. And a little bit of Celestia's design was plastered on it.

"You and that other Twilight don't have those pieces, so we have no reason to take you in. But believe me, taking Wish in isn't something I'm too fond of. But it has to be done."

"You're not going to stop are you...?" Twilight Sparke lowered her eyes, knowing that Twilight Moonlight was dedicated to her mission.

"Not for a moment."

"Then, I have to stop you." Twilight declared.

"So be it. I'll make this quick so it isn't too hard for you." Twilight Moonlight would whip out her own Poke Ball. A Pokemon Battle between the two was about to happen. "Let's do it my way though."

"Your way?"

"I'm never doing this for Prisma. But for you, I'll do it. Where I come from, we settle things with Pokemon Battles. Much like the Pokemon Leagues in your world."

"So it's just like Scione. Okay. I accept then." Twilight accepted it. Much like what Scione did to Sci-Twi, the same was happening between Moonlight and Sparkle. Both held out Poke Balls of their own before going for their first Pokemon. For now, Espeon would have to stand back.

"Appear! Aegislash!" Her first pick was a powerful one, reminiscent of Twilight's own brother, Shining Armor.


"Go! Togekiss!"

"Togekiss!" Spinning in the air was Togekiss. This battle was about to take place within a dressing room of all places but there would be no one around to hear it. All thannks to the Moon Zone Twilight Moonlight created.

"I'll go first! Togekiss, use Dazzling Gleam!"

"Kiss!" Going first was the Jubilee Pokemon. From her wings, beautiful multi-coloured rays were generated that moved at high speeds, rapidly raining down and illuminating the dressing room.

"King's Shield!"

"Aegis!" Putting up a defensive stance, the rays were promptly shielded by Aegislash's shield. They furiously beat down against the shield, leaving behind strong impacts, but ultimately failed.

"Now, use Iron Head!"

"Slash!" After blocking the Air Slash, Aegislash would envelop its bladed body in a white light before advancing towards the Flying-Fairy-Type.

"Here it comes! Sky Attack!"

"Toge!" Togekiss swiftly evaded the incoming blade that swung towards her. She moved at breakneck speeds, enveloping her body in a brilliant golden aura before flying to the side. Aegislash's bladed body ended up striking the floor while also cutting apart some of the clothes just from the sheer force of the swing.

Togekiss then ascended, but she didn't get too high. After all, this was just a dressing room, not the outdoors. Aegislash eyed her, continuing to use Iron Head as it approached the Jubilee Pokemon. After reaching the ceiling of this room, Togekiss descended with a full-force dive. Her blazing body crashed into Aegislash's glowing body as a loud clang emerged from the sheer impact.

"I've heard about your world and what you've done! Why aren't you willing to help us stop Prisma's return?!" Twilight Moonlight closed one eye due to the strong pressure that was made. The clothes that were hung up would flow fiercely and some of them would even fly off where they were set.

"Because I don't want to see my friends get hurt! And I'd rather stop it my way! I've heard about Prisma and I know how dangerous he is! Togekiss, push through!"

"Toge..!" Togekiss added more strength to her attack, forcing herself forward. Aegislash was doing its best to keep her from getting through.

"Who are you even working for that'll attack all these places and even threaten to capture Ash and Wish?! You ruined Wish's home and she can't go back now!"

"The Arcane Institute. The ones who'll help stop Prisma from returning! I've dedicated my life to helping them since my home was taken away! Our home! I kept some memories of our past life as Twilight Luminaria and I've lost two of my homes in two different lives!"

"Aegis!" Aegislash was unable to push through, resulting in it being launched back and crashing into the ground. Twilight Moonlight flinched at this while Togekiss hovered over her enemy with grace and power. "Slash...!" Aegislash could still get up, however.

"My home was destroyed by the remains of Prisma. The sheer essence of him destroyed everything..." Twilight Moonlight grit her teeth, already reminiscing about that day. "Even without a physical body, he was overwhelming.

"Both homes? Even after the utopic world came and went?"

"That's right. You don't have any memories of Twilight Luminaria. But I do. I'm the only one that ever received them. And for that, the Institute took me in. I was a major key to stopping Prisma's return."

Universe 10. Years ago.

The name of my Universe is classified as Universe 10. It's where I was born and raised. Upon birth, I was born with the memories of Twilight Luminaria from the very beginning. For a baby, this should be impossible and unsafe. I had to live with those horrible memories of what happened to that world until I was of age. And I always felt that no one should ever know of this.

Twilight Moonlight was but a filly. A filly who didn't do much in this small town she was born and raised in. Cursed by the horrific memories of what became of that utopic world, the town she lived in was the absolute opposite compared to this young pony, who kept that serious expression on her face even at such an age.

The town she lived in couldn't be any more different. A cluster of cozy cottages were huddled together on the edge of a tranquil lake, their thatched roofs adorned with wildflowers. This was a world where ponies and Pokemon lived in peace, much like Twilight Wish's world.

Along the main street, a towering statue of a golden pony proudly stands, a symbol of protection and watchfulness.

But Twilight Moonlight did not engage in any of that. Instead, she spent her time in this small library located near the edge of the town. This library, compared to others, was incredibly miniscule. It was located in a small town after all.

Twilight Moonlight would rather stay here, reading the history and magic that was on the table while her fellow townsfolk did so much more. The young Moonlight would look outside of her window, watching their actions, but taking no part in them.

She had no one by her side, aside from her own Pokemon. With Pokemon existing in this world as well, it was natural for anyone to have one. And in Moonlight's case, she had only two Pokemon. Ohsawott and a Shiny Eevee, both of whom could be seen asleep.

Right next to them was a fragment of that mysterious crown. She's always had it with her, but never understood its existence. Not all of Twilight Luminaria's memories carried over after all.

In her time, she learned about the basics of Pokemon and Magic on her own, having no teacher to assist her at all. Much like her counterparts, she was quite the prodigy in learning. But even with this disposition, that did not stop the locals from knowing about her existence or even interacting with her.

"Twilight! Wanna come out with us!" Peering through her open windows were other foals her age. Naturally, these foals were always eager to make new friends. And to them, they wished to interact with Twilight Moonlight on a greater level. Going beyond just having a chat.

Moonlight shifted her eyes while gazing at her book. The look she gave intimidated a few of them. There was something about Twilight Moonlight's gaze that was rather imposing even at a young age.

"There's a beauty contest coming from the city. We were thinking...That Eevee of yours could qualify." The colt said.

"Eevee?" Eevee heard that, having his ears perk up with interest, forcing him awake. To be called beautiful was quite the compliment. Since he was a Shiny Eevee, it was quite obvious why he would be called that. "Vee, vee!" Eevee was by far more outgoing than Twilight Moonlight, showing interest in this contest. He wanted to look his best.

"Trainers can be involved too. I'm going as a Milotic. My mom even made out the right clothes for me." A filly proudly said. "It's said to be the most beautiful Pokemon, so that's an obvious victory for me."

"Don't believe everything the Pokedex says. There are way more beautiful Pokemon than a Milotic." The children had their usual banter kids usually have.

"No. I'm too busy for that. The fate of this world could be at stake at any moment." But she denied them in a heartbeat. Using her magic, she levitated their bodies and placed them further away from her home. Afterwards, she shut the windows, valuing her privacy.

"Vee..." This also meant Eevee was excluded. Truly a shame. He wished to be involved, but he would also stay by Moonlight's side. There was an obvious bond between the two, showing that Twilight Moonlight did indeed have relationships. However, it didn't go beyond that at all.

The foals walked away, confused by Twilight Moonlight. They would talk about her, finding it odd how she was so couped up in that library. Day and night, week to week. Knowledge was power and she took it literally while using it to prepare for the worst.

With these memories, I had no time to do anything else. I was always thinking about that previous life and world. And more importantly, a way to avoid such a scenario like that from happening again. I spent the majority of my early youth, day and night planning to break through my memories because I always knew that Prisma would return. I had to be ready and better than my previous self. But on that day, Prisma's essence arrived.

Without anyone else expecting this, this small town was a victim of a surprise attack. An attack from the essence of Prisma. It appeared one day as simply a form of energy. Two eyes of intense ferocity appeared in the air, followed by a bellowing voice. Twilight Moonlight could still remember that voice and how overpowering it was.

"₵Ø₥Ɇ Ø₦! ₩Ø₦'₮ ₳₦ɎØ₦Ɇ ₵Ⱨ₳ⱠⱠɆ₦₲Ɇ ₥Ɇ?! ₮ØØ ₩Ɇ₳₭ ₮Ø ₮ⱤɎ?!" It was the voice of Prisma. It was a such a powerful voice that it created wind pressures and tremors through the air itself, shattering windows and shaking trees. The town was already taking damage from his presence and the locations behind him already suffered. The landscape in the distance had been ravaged by Prisma's essence which was as furious as a thunderstorm, typhoon and earthquake combined.

When looking at those two eyes, immediately, Moonlight knew that it was Prisma. And the memories she was given were kicking off. The destruction and disappearance of that utopic world came back as well, immediately sending a powerful migraine through the little filly's eyes. The day she feared had already come. And so soon. She was still a child by this point.

In this world, Pokemon Trainers were still capable of battling and they indeed stood up to the essence of Prisma. It was only a few of them, but they were still here. After being challenged, he summoned his own Pokemon. But they were not in their physical forms either.

By this point, after what happened in the utopic world, they were essences just like Prisma himself, losing their true forms. But that did not take away from their power. By his will alone, Prisma summoned Essences of his Pokemon to challenge those who stood before him. But he only chose four Pokemon in response to the many teams of Pokemon that tried taking him down.

They were the essences of Dialga, Palkia, Reshiram and Zekrom. Two Dragons of tremendous power. Their essences were still fearsome and mighty. Any attack thrown at them was shrugged off or barely did a thing. Fierce blasts of fire and lightning lit the town up, scorching the buildings.

The space of this town was also being disrupted by Palkia's Essence, making it all an absolute mess. Left and right, Pokemon were fainting, unable to defeat the force that was Prisma. All the while, the young Twilight was watching from the library through the windows.

Prisma still had the strength to live on, unleashing his essence. It was obvious that this was his current ace in the hole. He had unfinished business and unleashed his wrath on my home. That essence of his was rather new and fresh but it also wouldn't last long. Even so, it was enough time for him to leave behind plenty of destruction

"₮₩łⱠł₲Ⱨ₮! ł ₭₦Ø₩ ɎØɄ'ⱤɆ ⱧɆⱤɆ! ł ₳ⱠⱤɆ₳ĐɎ ₮ØⱠĐ ɎØɄ ₮Ⱨ₳₮ ₮Ⱨł₴ ₩₳₴₦'₮ ₮ⱧɆ Ɇ₦Đ!" At that moment, Prisma called out for the name Twilight. And that sent shivers down Moonlight's spine. She was the one he was after.

Twilight Moonlight was unfortunately not ready for this. She was aware that she was not powerful enough to stop Prisma, even as an essence. Fearful of him, she had to flee. Not just from the library, but also from the town. Above, bolts of lightning were raining down thanks to Zekrom's essence.

She eluded Prisma's eyes, using an early version of that concealment spell she used in the current day. She could only use it for a very limited time, but Twilight Moonlight was going to use the most of it, swiftly leaving the town she was born and raised in. The library she was always in was soon struck down by a blast of lightning. The roof was pierced, destroying the books that could be found in there.

The trail of destruction continued outside of the town. The forests were levelled by Prisma's wrath, as well as any small civilizations that were unfortunate to be in the way.

I had no proper attachment to that town. I was so fixated on my old home that the one I had never grew on me all that much. Even if it was where my parents gave birth to me. They managed to escape the destruction, but I never saw them for a long time after that fateful day. But I never wished the worst for them. Prisma wanted me. And the Luminaria within me couldn't let that happen.

After leaving the town, she ended up in the wilderness and did not slow down at all. Twilight Moonlight was out in the open while still being able to hear the sounds of destruction in the distance. The booming voice of Prisma was still strong enough to travel great distances. Days upon days, the young filly kept moving, avoiding Prisma's gaze.

The concealment spell she had would run out, resulting in her having to wait until it can be used in them. The filly used the environment to her advantage, hiding in caves, bushes and anything she could find. All the while, Prisma continued moving across the land, searching far and wide.

She had to keep moving but not forever. Prisma let out a harrowing cry that signified one thing. Just as Moonlight said, it was an ace in the hole and wouldn't last long. It was only temporary as Prisma was unable to remain in this world. His essence, along with the Four Dragons would start fading away.

Just like that, he was gone. His terror was short-lived but it left quite the impact. Twilight Moonlight was too far from home to know where she was. Despite being a studious pony, she wasn't too skilled with her geography. Without no one to guide her, she was lost.

Being out in the wild, I had to grow as a Pokemon Trainer without the need of my books. Just like how I taught myself back home, I had to do the same out in the open. It wasn't easy and it would be a while until I left the wilderness.

Being out here meant she was vulnerable to the Wild Pokemon who would see her as prey. While some were peaceful and didn't mind at all, there were bound to be those who thought otherwise. Moonlight had no food or water with her. There was no time for any of that when the terror of Prisma arrived. She had to get some food and water out here on her own.

All the while, the memories of that lost world were still strong, unable to leave her mind. She even tried using a memory-wiping spell on herself to remove them, but not only was it inefficient, Moonlight was too young to properly master something as strong as that.

For weeks, Twilight Moonlight lived in the wilderness, keeping to herself and straying away from any Wild Pokemon unless necessary. Any Pokemon that attacked her were dealt with by her Eevee and Oshawott. Not only that, she also managed to catch some new Pokemon.

One encounter led to her coming across a Petilil, who would one day become her Hisuian Lilligant. After saving her from an aggressive group of Paras who had her cornered, Petilil grew attached the young filly, wanting to be by her side. She felt safer that way.

Twilight Moonlight went on her own adventure but without a clear path. She had no set destination in mind. Without anywhere to stop at, the young unicorn lost track of time. That is until one day, she was found by somepony else. The same ponies she would work with.

Through the rays of the sun which were rather blinding at this time, she saw the visages of ponies who were wearing the same clothing. These clothes had arcane patterns around them and right next to these ponies were their own Pokemon who helped them get through the land.

I was found by the Arcane Institute one day. They took me in and they already knew who I was even if I was from a small town. They knew about Prisma and so many other things that caught my attention. They were the only ones I could turn to at this moment since there was no one else.

The Arcane Institute.

This institute was located in a city that was more advanced than where Twilight Moonlight once lived. It was a place that Prisma hadn't reached yet, appearing in one piece.

The city stood tall, its towering spires reaching towards the heavens, casting long shadows on the cobblestone streets below. Strange wisps of glowing magical energy dance through the air, creating an ethereal ambience that crackles with power. In the centre of the city, a massive crystal dome pulses with a vibrant purple glow, warding off any unwanted intruders.

But the true appeal was the institute. The Arcane Institute was an imposing marble tower, topped with towering spires and adorned with intricate glyphs along its outer walls. The ponies of this institute brought the young Moonlight here, already recruiting her.

She gawked at its impressive size as she couldn't even see the top. This was where she would stay and learn since it was an institute after all. As she approached, the air tingled with an electric energy, and a soft glow emanated from the stained glass windows that lined the central hall.

Inside, other students of this institute were all around Twilight's age, assigned to this school. They were all unicorns. No signs of earth ponies or pegasi anywhere, but they each had their own Pokemon as seen by the Poke Balls at their disposal. Twilight Moonlight walked past many of them who were all here for the same reason. This institute only had one goal and it involved Prisma and Twilight Luminaria

Inside, the main chamber is filled with rows of bookshelves, stretching high towards the ceiling, each filled with ancient tomes and crackling arcane artefacts. Moonlight would have another library to be at since the old one was now long-gone, beyond repair.

Since they knew I was connected to Twilight Luminaria, I was recruited instantly since I mattered. My memories were scanned and they found what I was harbouring within.

The filly was placed on a table as a magical device was placed on her head. With her eyes closed, the device read her memories, letting out a mystical glow. Assisting the device was a Gothitelle along with a few other Psychic-Types. Those working here at the institute did not waste any time getting to know about Twilight Moonlight. They instantly learned about the memories Moonlight was harbouring.

"Yes. She's indeed related to her. But she's only one out of four." A scientist here at the Arcane Institute said as the device was removed from Moonlight's head. "What should we do now?"

"Twilight. It'll be you who stops Prisma's return. After what has been done to your home and lands beyond, something like that cannot happen again. We here at the Arcane Institute will make sure that becomes a reality. For our world and others that will fall prey to Prisma's terror."

"I know. I want to stop him from returning again." Twilight Moonlight was already on the same page as them. "Please help me grow so I can prepare for that day."

"Good. You'll start learning here and hone your skills as a Pokemon Trainer. You will become stronger than any trainer here. But before that, there's somepony you have to meet who is behind this main mission of ours. You will have to meet the Pokemon Professor."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 333 End.

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