• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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We are Fighting Dreamers

Universe 5. Eclipsed Citadel.

In Nightmare's Rarity's Universe, at her throne room, she was seated upon her throne, having everything around her be silent since she was out of the action. There was nothing more for her to do as Silent Fur reported everything to her. Nightmare Rarity sighed, bored out of her mind as she closed her eyes.

She was waiting for Crag to return, believing he would succeed. And so would all of her forces. But Nightmare Rarity wasn't just going to do nothing. She wanted to entertain herself after all.

"I can imagine how things are going back in that universe, but what about the Dream Realm? I expect Luna to already in action." Using her magic, Nightmare Rarity would open the floors to her throne room all of a sudden. Rising from the open floor was a glowing sphere that was packed with Nightmare Energy.

It wasn't just a sphere, but a way for Nightmare Rarity herself to view the Dream Realm. Luna had her own way of doing so and so did Nightmare Rarity. Due to the attack she's launched on the Main Universe, she was able to view that world's Dream Realm thanks to the many Nightmare Monsters lurking in it.

Granted, she could only see the dreams that her Nightmare Monsters were currently in and the only way for her to see it all is for her to be there herself.

However, there was a huge list of dreams for her to gaze at as Nightmare Rarity smirked. At this moment, many dreams were suffering nightmares, allowing Nightmare Monsters to feed off them. Nightmare Rarity would channel that Nightmare Energy to the orb she created as it would show her images of the Dream Realm itself.

So far, her minions were getting their feed as Nightmare Rarity witnessed countless dreams being tainted by Nightmare Energy. This was sure to make her rule easier. However, she noticed one oddity. Among these many Dream Bubble, there was one bubble that was larger than the rest.

Thanks to Crag's presence, she could get a good look of the Dream Realm from the outside and that one bubble was making sure its presence was heavily known based on how bright and massive it was.

"Hm...? What's this?" Nightmare Rarity questioned while narrowing her eyes. From that bubble, she could sense Ash Ketchum's aura as well as Princess Luna's. These two were already present in that large dream bubble as Nightmare Rarity raised an eyebrow. "This Dream Bubble is massive. What is Luna up to?"

Wanting an answer, she would use her magic to communicate with one of her Nightmare Monsters in another dream bubble nearby. Nightmare Rarity narrowed her eyes while contacting one of her monsters. In another Dream Bubble, there was a Nightmare Monster resembling a black bird as it was feasting on a nightmare.

"You. What's going on? Are you aware of that massive Dream Bubble?" Nightmare Rarity questioned as this monster widened its eyes. The Dream Civilians around this monster were cowering while gazing up at the ceiling. They all witnessed the image of Nightmare Rarity appearing as they backed away.

"V-Veiled Mistress!" This Nightmare Monster bowed its head. "I am unsure. All of a sudden, many dreams some of our forces were preying on all started moving. They seem to have gravitated towards a single dream bubble as we were unable to consume them."

Nightmare Rarity narrowed her eyes, gazing at this Nightmare Monster. "Moving? Luna must be behind this. Hmph. Of course she's taking action. No doubt she's united many dreamers together to overpower our Nightmare Energy." Nightmare Rarity stated, already aware of such a tactic. The Luna of our universe tried the same thing and look where that got her. Make sure she doesn't succeed. Flood that dream bubble with Nightmare Energy. I'll be watching."

"Understood, Veiled Mistress!" This Nightmare Monster stated before fading away. Nightmare Rarity ended the transmission before sighing, reclining in her throne. She wasn't worried about this tactic failing as she smirked.

Universe 1. The Dream Realm, Ash's Dream.

Back in Ash's Dream, Luna had explained everything to everyone. Twilight and Pinkie Pie were shocked to learn that the Nightmare Monsters invaded this Dream Realm, scrambling many of the dreams here. Ash's friends from Equestria and beyond were also surprised to hear this as well.

"Gee...That's a lot. Why's it that there's always danger around you, Ash?" Dawn questioned, wondering why there was danger around Ash so constantly. And consistently too.

"Just when I was enjoying my dream too..." Misty sighed, feeling disappointed. "I was a mermaid again and everything and then this happens..."

"All the food I could eat...gone..." Misty was grasping the air, bummed out by her dream being interrupted. "But...I might not get the chance to eat that much if those monsters stick around."

"But now you all know of the scenario." Luna spoke. "Right now,If we wish to defeat them, we all need to combine our strength. A collective dream will be able to overcome the Nightmare Energy out there. And that's why I've brought you all here."

"I understand what's going on." Brock stated. "So all of us will be enough? You're positive about that Princess Luna?"

"Exactly." Luna nodded. "And Ash's Dream is perfect for this strategy. After all, his dreams are the biggest out there from what I've seen with Arceus being tied. Combined with all of yours, Nightmare Energy will surely fade away."

"Do we all have to dream of the same thing?" Roxanne questioned. "Or do we dream whatever we want?"

"Dream what you like. This dream will adapt to all of your wishes." Luna stated. "Right now, Ash has conquered this Dream. Meaning that this dream bubble is free for everyone to do as they please within it. And with so many dreamers here, Nightmare Monsters won't be able to stop us. The stronger this Dream is, the harder it will be for them to take control. That's why I chose Ash's Dream for this tactic. It's simply the best option we have."

"Alright! So all we gotta do is dream real hard!" Ash stated. "Don't hold back, everyone! Dream your hearts out!" Ash encouraged as the dream civilians all nodded. It was decided that they would all work together and it helped that many of them were good friends, so cooperation was bound to occur.

"I already know what I want." Ash smiled, dreaming up some food for himself. He already ate at the Sea Temple in reality but that wasn't going to stop him from having another feast. In front of him, a huge table was conjured up, filled with all sorts of food. Ash widened his eyes while drooling as Pikachu hopped onto the table, joining Ash.


"Ah, Ash!" May slid over. "I was gonna dream of a feast! Let me have some of this!" May requested before dreaming up some more food options. Ash grinned as May conjured up some more food on the table. Spoonfuls of her favourite foods appeared before May as she nodded.

"Alright! Time to dig in!" May exclaimed while taking a seat next to Ash. Together, they would both indulge in this dream feast, having the same massive appetite as one another. Ash and May would stuff their faces with food as they enjoyed this dream.

"Ah, what I want in my dream..." Brock smiled, already knowing what he wanted his dream to be about. His dream was centered around Nurse Joy as he started daydreaming about her. Around Brock appeared multiple Nurse Joys as they were all dressed in nurse outfits. Brock immediately started fantasizing about this as he was surrounded by these Nurse Joys.

"Ah...This is heaven!" Brock stated while blushing. The Nurse Joys surrounding Brock would bring him great joy indeed. Meanwhile, Dawn was already dreaming about a certain dress she wished she could wear at contest. She imagined herself wearing said dress and twirling around in it.

"Oooh...This is exactly what I wanted!" Dawn beamed while posing in this dress. "It's so pretty! Too bad it's so expensive in real life!" Dawn admired her reflection while in her dream.

"Piplup!" Piplup applauded.

"Mmm!" Thinking hard, Fluttershy dreamt of an advanced and perfected version of the Pokemon House, wanting to see its best possible version. Fluttershy envisioned the Pokemon House being 50x larger than it was, appearing out of thin air and occupying this dream, surprising everyone else.

They found themselves surrounded and standing in this massive Pokemon Sanctuary as they gasped. The dream civilians would find all sorts of Pokemon here as Fluttershy blushed. "A-Ah...This is what I wanted..." Fluttershy smiled while gazing around at all the Pokemon.

Very soon, they all started dreaming of what they wanted. One by one, the dream civilians would start flooding Ash's Dream with their own wishes and desires, making it a massive dream. A variety of things came to life, and more started appearing in this dream bubble as Luna nodded.

"This dream is getting stronger by the second. Very good." Luna stated. This was by far the most occupied dream at the moment, building up enough power that would surely overpower the Nightmare Monsters, especially with how everyone interacted with each other's dreams.

"This'll do!" Roxie had dreamt of a massive music set that she was absolutely going to blare at maximum volume. Since this was a dream, the sound would be greater than what it was in reality.

"Hold on, hold on!" Roxanne halted her. "If you play with that much volume, you'll just leave our dreams vulnerable to the Nightmare Monsters! We'll wake up and have to force ourselves back to sleep!

"Bah, it's fine! You heard Princess Luna anyway. We can't wake up because of all this Nightmare Energy out there! So why not enjoy ourselves!" Roxie argued as Roxanne sighed.

At another side of this dream, there was a massive pool area that Applejack dreamed up for herself. She conjured up a massive pool along with a pair of sunglasses for herself as she had fun in this dream.

"Ah...This here's some nice relaxation!" Applejack smiled while resting on a floatie. On the opposite end, there was Brawly's dream, which involved him surfing on the Arcane Sea. The massive sea that was brimming with Rift Energy. To surf on the cosmic seas in real life would be so wonderful for Brawly.

For Brycen, he kept it simple, dreaming up a place where he could train his Pokemon and improve himself. Volkner would dream about a place he once visited when he was a child. Gardenia dreamt of a huge selection of Grass-Types since her love for them was absolutely overwhelming! She was currently hugging a Rillaboom, Tangrowth and a Florges at the same time, having rather impressive strength.

With so many dreams showing up and interacting with one another, Ash's Dream Bubble grew bigger by the second. But of course, the Nightmare Monsters, ordered by Nightmare Rarity, wouldn't just sit around and let this happen.

The Hyperdream.

While everyone was enjoying themselves, outside of this dream, Darkrai and Crag were clashing against each other. A black explosion went off with Darkrai flying out of it. He skidded across the top of a Dream Bubble, creating cracks in it while Crag laughed.

The only way Crag could affect Darkrai right now was thanks to the power he had absorbed from Arceus's Dream. This allowed him to damage Darkrai, who was largerly immune to Nightmare Magic overall. But not right now.

"Hm, hm, hm! You've done quite well, Darkrai!" Crag praised him as Darkrai grunted, gazing up at the Nightmare Dragon. "I can see why Luna would rely on you! But your luck has run out!" Crag declared before unleashing another Nightmare Breath towards Darkrai.

Darkrai flew up, narrowly avoiding this beam as he glared down at Crag. Darkrai charged up dark pulses in his body before launching them towards Crag. The Nightmare Dragon laughed before dodging the Dark Pulses. He hovered towards Darkrai before slashing his claws at him.

"You're running out of time, Darkrai! More and more, I can feel bits of Arceus's Dream enter my body! Soon enough, I shall become all powerful!" Crag declared while unleashing a shockwave from his claws towards Darkrai. The Pitch Black Pokemon grunted, narrowly avoiding this attack as he flew around Crag.

"The longer I stall you, the better." Darkrai stated. "Luna is gathering dreamers together as we speak. Once she's finished, it's over for you Nightmares."

"Stall me? You have yet to even destroy the chain I've wrapped around Arceus's Dream!" Crag cackled, knowing that Darkrai failed to break it. "By the time Luna shows up, I would've already had a plethora of Arceus's power, to where I will be unstoppable! Even with all of those Dreamers, they won't be able to stand against me!" Crag laughed, believing that he was winning.

"Perhaps..." Darkrai narrowed his eyes. "But I'm still going to fight until the very end. While I'm still here, you won't get everything Arceus has to offer!" Darkrai declared before charging up a Dark Pulse attack in his hand.

Crag laughed before holding both his claws ou, generating a pitch-black Nightmare Sphere. In unison, their attacks were unleashed as they collided against each other, sending black waves across the Hyperdream. Crag and Darkrai pushed their attacks forward as they attempted to overpower one another.

Darkrai grunted, pouring all that he had into this attack. Meanwhile, Crag simply looked casual about it, laughing as he increased the Nightmare Energy of this attack. "What's wrong, Darkrai? Can't handle this?" Crag questioned as Darkrai kept pushing forward. "Maybe this is better for you!"

Crag suddenly transformed the beam into a massive Nightmare Fist as it smashed towards Darkrai, striking through his beam. The Pitch Black Pokemon widened his eyes before the fist struck his body. "Guh...!" Darkrai groaned out as the Nightmare Fist sent him crashing against a Dream Bubble.

Crag didn't stop there. While Darkrai had his back against this bubble, Crag would send a barrage of Nightmare Claws forward, striking Darkrai. "Argh...!" Darkrai cried out while being pelted by these Nightmare Claws.

"What's wrong, Darkra? Ah, I see! Your power is nothing compared to mine!" Crag bellowed while launching these Nightmare Claws. Darkrai narrowed his eyes, trying to endure this onslaught of Nightmare Energy. "I'm the High Commander of Nightmare Rarity! I'm far superior to you!" Crag declared while Darkrai continued enduring these attacks.

Eventually, he ceased this attack as Darkrai shook his head, hanging in there. He was certainly a resilient one as Crag laughed. "Impressive...You managed to withstand all of that. But you won't last much longer!" Crag stated before charging up Nightmare Energy in his mouth. Darkrai grunted before noticing this.

Darkrai looked at the Dream Bubble he was pinned on, not wanting to risk it taking any damage. He held his claw out as a Nightmare stream of destruction was unleashed towards Darkrai. The Pitch Black Pokemon widened his eyes before conjuring up a Dark Pulse, using it as a shield.

Darkrai tried maintaining this Dark Pulse Shield as Crag kept unleashing this Nightmare Stream towards him. The Dream Bubble behind Darkrai began cracking as Crag laughed. "Under no circumstances am I losing this!"However, Darkrai refused to make himself look weak for another moment.

With his other claw, he would use Thunderbolt, merging it with his Dark Pulse Shield. Crag widened his eyes while Darkrai was combining these two attacks together, aiming the thunderbolt part of this shield towards Crag. With great effort, Darkrai launched this Thunderbolt merged Dark Pulse Shield towards Crag as it struck him.

Crag widened his eyes, taken aback by this as Darkrai smirked. He combined two of his most powerful moves together to create a shield that would counteract the Nightmare Stream. The shield pushed forward before striking Crag, forcing him to cease his attack. The Nightmare Stream vanished as Crag growled before being launched back.

Darkrai then took advantage of this, leaping off this Dream Bubble and charging towards Crag. Covering his body in the energy of Dark Pulse, Darkrai charged towards Crag with great speed, his claws glowing with dark pulses. Crag recovered before widening his eyes, seeing Darkrai approach him.

"Useless." Crag scoffed at this, using his newly obtained power to form a Nightmare Wall between himself and Darkrai. The Pitch Black Pokemon crashed against this wall, halting his attack. Crag laughed before unleashing another Nightmare Beam towards Darkrai.

However, Darkrai would move around the Nightmare Wall, surprising Crag. By using the Dark Pulse as an energy shield, he broke through, crashing his body into the Nightmare Dragon's. The impact caused Crag to flinch, giving Darkrai the opportunity to slash his claws at Crag's face.

"Ngh..!" Crag actually felt that one as he moved back. Darkrai narrowed his eyes, refusing to give Crag any openings to attack him. Crag rubbed his face, seeing that he had been harmed by Darkrai's attack. "Huh...? Well, that's odd. Despite by growth, you can still keep up and damage me? Preposterous. You Pokemon are far too strong for your own good."

"Strong for our own good? More like we're strong for the right reasons. To protect those we love and cherish from obstacles like you." Darkrai scowled. "You are not winning this and I am not losing to you."

"You say that, but I doubt that you can keep this up forever." Crag would them cause two massive Nightmare Claws to emerge above him. But they weren't the only ones. He would then multiply all of them repeatedly as Darkrai widened his eyes. These Nightmare Claws multiplied into dozens before hundreds as Crag grinned.

Crag would launch all of these Nightmare Claws towards Darkrai as the Pitch Black Pokemon widened his eyes. Soon, a rain of claws came crashing down on him, rapidly slashing Darkrai as he grunted. Crag kept launching these Nightmare Claws towards Darkrai as he was pelted by these numerous attacks.

"Nnng...!" Darkrai grunted, feeling this attack overwhelm him as he was launched back. He crashed against many Dream Bubbles, causing them to crack as Crag laughed. Darkrai shook his head before noticing that one of these bubbles was about to pop due to his impact against them. But Darkrai just had to hold on for as long as possible. For Luna's sake and the sake of everyone's dreams.

Speaking of Luna, the Moon Princess gasped, raising her head and sensing the presence of Nightmare Creatures nearby. Ash's Dream was attracting them as she narrowed her eyes. "Seems they've arrived." Luna stated as Ash and Pikachu jerked their heads to the skies.

From the heavenly blue skies, a crack formed as Nightmare Monsters poured in from there. Luna gritted her teeth upon witnessing this. "They're here!" Luna announced as the dream civilians all gazed around, seeing these Nightmare Monsters arrive here.

Since Ash's Dream was packed, every Nightmare Monster aside from Crag were sent here, swarming the skies and crawling across them, gazing at the various Dreamers. They were like ants approaching this dream bubble as Luna narrowed her eyes.

Ash and Pikachu faced these Nightmare Monsters as Twilight came up beside Ash. "These are the Nightmare Monsters? Just looking at them sends shivers down my spine..." Twilight stated while gazing up at them. The amount of them blocked out the Sun and even the skies as well.

"With this many of them swarming the dream, they'll try and drown out any control we have over it, unless we keep that control." Luna stated as Ash gazed around at these Nightmare Monsters. Pikachu clenched his fists, ready to defend this dream.

"There they are!" One of the Nightmare Monsters hollered. "All the Dreamers that escaped from us!"

"Forget any other dream! This is the Dream to be in!" Another one stated as the dream civilians ran while the Dreamers knew what was coming next and what had to be done.

"Alright, everyone! They're here!" Ash announced. "We're all sharing one dream, so let's make it count!" Ash declared while Luna nodded. "I'll always dream big! Starting now!"

Ash already started dreaming of something else as the Nightmare Monsters all charged up Nightmare Breath attacks in their mouths. Pikachu hopped onto Ash's shoulder as his cheeks sparked with electricity. "Pika...!" Pikachu stated while Luna raised her horn, charging up her magic.

"They're so disturbing..." Roxanne shuddered while gazing up at them.

"No kidding..." Brawly agreed "I'm no one to judge on looks but these guys...are ugly. I can't even say that to any Pokemon without being rude."

The Nightmare Monsters immediately started spewing out Nightmare Breath towards Ash's Dream as a wave of Nightmares came raining down, matching the ferocity of a rainstorm. Ash dreamt of a massive fan that would materialize out of thin air. The fan would start spinning towards these Nightmare Monsters, blowing their storm of Nightmares back.

The force of the spinning fan resembled that of a hurricane, sending the Nightmare Energy back towards the Nightmare Monsters themselves. They all cried out while being hit by this attack, their own Nightmare Breath being blown back towards them. But of course, that wouldn't be enough.

More and more kept breaking in, planning to overpower this dream and this time, they would appear from the ground, bursting out of it. Luna was unleashing beams of Lunar Magic towards these Nightmare Monsters as Ash narrowed his eyes. More and more kept appearing as Twilight widened her eyes.

The ones in the sky would keep approaching, slingshotting their bodies down at high speeds towards Ash's Dream. Some would hit the ground hard, creating massive Nightmare Craters as they kept coming, not slowing down for a moment. The dream civilians all cried out while running away from these Nightmare Monsters.

Once they made landfall, they immediately started attacking and approaching Ash's Dream Civilians, moving in the most erratic ways possible. Knowing how serious this was, everyone started dreaming whatever they could to put a stop to them.

"Mmm...!" Rainbow Dash thought hard, dreaming up a Rainbow Tidal Wave that would erupt from the ground, engulfing these Nightmare Monsters. They found their bodies pushed back by a colourful wave as Rainbow Dash grinned. However, it took a group of them to corrupted the Tidal Wave, quickly stripping it of its colour, turning it black.

Rainbow Dash widened her eyes, seeing this tidal wave turn black before being overwhelmed by the Nightmare Monsters. The rainbow wave became a pitch-black wave as it would crash against Ash's Dream, adding more Nightmare Energy to it. The buildings here would be struck by the wave, corrupting them instantly.

Meeting with these waves were dreams from multiple people, ponies and Pokemon alike, coming up with an array of things. From Fluttershy, she conjured up a massive forest, summoning a plethora of Pokemon to combat these Nightmare Monsters.

Roxanne would dream up a massive mountain that would erupt from the ground, slamming against these Nightmare Monsters. Gardenia would also dream of a massive Grass-Type Forest as it would surround Ash's Dream. This would come crashing down, smashing against these Nightmare Monsters, trying to overpower them.

Volkner would dream up a massive thunderstorm, having bolts of lightning strike these Nightmare Monsters as Brycen would dream up multiple ice pillars to freeze them. The Gym Leaders all banded together as they started dreaming up numerous things to push these monsters back. Outside of just using things that tied to their Type Speciality, some even dreamt of their favourite things.

From massive piles of clothing which would drop on the monsters, having the weight of anvils, to dreaming up massive Pokemon such as Wailord to slam against these Nightmare Monsters. Applejack dreamed of a massive apple tree as she conjured it up, having it fall on these Nightmare Monsters.

"Think, think, think...! Aha! This'll do!" May and Dawn also joined in on this, dreaming of all sorts of Contest outfits along with performing some moves they've used in Contests.

May dreamt up a large tower of flowers as Dawn would conjure up a massive poffin, laced with a potent knockout flavour. They would dream up many different Contest Outfits as well, sending them all crashing down towards these Nightmare Monsters.

"Nice!" The two high-fived each other right afterwards.

In the midst of this, Nightmare Rarity watched everything unfold, not bothered by it in the slightest. She reclined on her throne while sighing. "Oh Luna...Are you really doing all of this? Hmph. Pathetic." Nightmare Rarity stated while gazing at Ash's Dream.

She would see Ash's Dream growing in size despite all of the Nightmare Monsters attempting to flood it with Nightmare Energy. Ash and his friends know how to retaliate hard, but Nightmare Rarity wasn't too worried at the moment. Not when she saw a chance of victory.

One of the ways was when the Nightmare Monsters began using their own dreams. Or rather, dreams they had fed on earlier. They would also unload a plethora of things, ranging from nightmares they had consumed to other things. Nightmare variations of the things these dreamers love were thrown out, clashing with these current dreams.

Nightmare versions of Contest Moves were launched towards Ash's Dream as Nightmare Variations of gym battles were unleashed. Nightmare Trainers appeared, appearing out of thin air to battle alongside these Nightmare Monsters.

From one Nightmare Monster, it had dreamt of a Pokemon Contest it devoured as it replayed the memories within itself. The screen appeared out of thin air, displaying the Nightmare version of said contest as it showed these Nightmare Monsters performing these moves.

"They're using contests against us?!" Dawn gasped upon seeing this. Nightmare versions of the appeals round were performed before these Nightmare Monsters performed the Battle Round against Pokemon they've devoured.

Soon, the area was lit up with a mishmash of so many things from both sides, resulting in all sorts of Dreams and Nightmares clashing against one another.

"Okay! Now it's my turn!" Roxie was getting all giddy about this as she leapt onto the stage she dreamed up, conjuring up a guitar for herself. With the set ready and everyone focused on each other, she was about to catch all of their attention. Roxie wouldn't need to do any testing since she dreamt for it all to be perfect.

"Hm?" Roxanne turned her head, noticing Roxie on the stage. She widened her eyes, realizing what was coming. "Ah, wait! Roxie! Warn everyone first!"

But it was too late. Roxie already started playing her guitar as music blared out of nowhere. The volume was loud enough to get everyone's attention as the Nightmare Monsters gazed around, seeing the source of the noise. "This is it! Everyone, listen to my music! Let's drive these Nightmare Monsters away!" Roxie exclaimed before starting to sing.

The music was so loud that it echoed across Ash's Dream, reaching everyone in it. But Roxie's music wouldn't just be regular music, but rather, special musical attacks. Roxie was singing lyrics as she summoned Musical Notes to appear out of thin air, striking against these Nightmare Monsters.

These Musical Notes would slam against them before exploding, forcing these Nightmare Monsters to back off. Roxie kept playing as she was in the zone, feeling this song and the energy behind it. "Now this is what I'm talking about! Music to dream of!"

However, because of how powerful the sound was, everyone else covered their ears, unable to handle it. "R-Roxie!" Volkner yelled while covering his ears. Some of them were sent flying as entire buildings were being ripped out of the earth itself thanks to this music.

It was the most aggressive song too, making everyone wish for Roxie to stop this madness. However, this was a dream after all and Roxie's music would affect these Nightmare Monsters the most. Her music was overwhelming them as she kept playing.

"Roxie! Tone it down!" Roxanne screamed at the top of her lungs, but her voice was drowned out by Roxie's music. All Roxie could do was grin while unleashing more and more Musical Notes towards these Nightmare Monsters.

"A-At least it's effective!" Ash bellowed out while covering his ears. Pikachu did the same as he was struggling to endure the volume.

"Pi...ka...!" Pikachu cried out, his eardrums were being overwhelmed by this as Twilight covered her ears, wishing for Roxie to calm down. Fluttershy's Audino got the worst out of all of them due to her powerful hearing. The Hearing Pokemon was shaking violently in the presence of such a sound.

Equestria. The Canterlot Mines. Nightfall.

In the Canterlot Mines, the Nightmare Monsters that snuck into the secret area were many ponies across Equestria came to hide would start attacking. The slime monster and the Nightmare Changeling would swarm these ponies as they all cried out.

The Slime Monster used its body to capture them, trapping some of the ponies and Pokemon inside of its ooze body. They were struggling to break free but found that their movements were greatly slowed down. "Gah! What is this stuff?!" A pony questioned.

The Nightmare Changeling would then morph its hoof, transforming it into a massive tentacle before lashing it against the ponies, wrapping around some of them. "Uwah!" Minuette cried out, trying to wiggle free as she widened her eyes.

"N-No way...I'm being wrapped up like a birthday present!" Minuette gasped while being pulled towards the Nightmare Changeling. It grinned before morphing its other hoof into a Nightmare Tentacle as well, preparing to wrap it around Minuette. However, they were stopped as a powerful sphere struck against these Nightmare Monsters.

The Nightmare Changeling scoffed before hitting its tentacle onto the roof of this secret area, causing rubble to fall down towards Moondancer. The nerdy unicorn widened her eyes before gasping. Umbreon widened his eyes before leaping up towards Moondancer, pushing her out of the way as they fell to the floor.

The rubble kept dropping as the Nightmare Changeling moved its tentacle across the ceiling, destroying more of it. The Slime Monster released these captured ponies and Pokemon as they all cried out while falling to the ground. Moondancer grunted, recovering while gazing up at the Nightmare Changeling.

This entire place was beginning to come down thanks to all this falling rubble, ruining the decorations and set-up. The Golurk of the guards would fly in to stop some of the rubble while also using their strength to push some off the Pokemon. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom already had their Pokemon out.

Rapidash, Meowstic and Appletun respectively. They unloaded attacks on the Nightmare Slime Monster and Nightmare Changeling as these Nightmare Monsters laughed. Scootaloo narrowed her eyes before charging at them. "Ah! Nothing's working here! I thought they'd be weak to fire!"

"They should be." One of the guards nearby said. "But Princess Flurry Heart specified how some Nightmare Monsters are weak to fire. Not all. These Nightmare Monsters must be resistant to flames" He stated while trying to keep this place intact. The Slime Monster unleashed Nightmare Goo towards the walls, corroding them.

The Nightmare Changeling was using Nightmare Hooves to break through the ground, weakening this place further. The Nightmare Monsters grinned while continuing their assault as this place was becoming too unstable.

"Everyone! Out!" One of the guards ordered as everyone obeyed. Many Pokemon and ponies would escape this collapsing area as they all rushed towards the exit. Nightmare Monsters pursued them as the Nightmare Slime Monster aimed for the exit, trying to block it off. The Nightmare Changeling transformed its head into that of a giraffe, extending it far longer than usual as it would attempt to destroy the exit.

The citizens gasped as the Nightmare Changeling bashed her head against the entrance, blocking it off. With an upside-down grin that was downright terrifying, it gazed at them all with pure malice as the Slime Monster crept up on them all.

Right now, they were all cornered with their only exit being out of the way due to these Nightmare Monsters. Their hideout was now a bust, no longer a safe haven for them during this intense attack.

Out at Sea. The Sea Temple. Samiya.

At the Sea Temple, Safia was still being held by this Nightmare Monster, unable to break free at all. The Monster cackled, showing her what was becoming of the Sea Temple. Right now, heavy damage was being dealt to it thanks to all the Nightmare Monsters attacking it.

Safia widened her eyes, seeing how brutal they were to the temple as the Nightmare Monsters continued assaulting this place. She was in absolute horror after seeing what was being done to her home. "My home...Your Majesty. Everyone..."

"And it's only going to get worse!" The Nightmare Monster laughed while unleashing Nightmare Breath towards this place. Safia gritted her teeth, enduring this as she glared at the Nightmare Monster holding her. The guards inside were doing their best, trying to defend the Sea Temple while also protecting their queen.

But these numbers were far past theirs and it was only a matter of time before they were overrun. The Nightmare Monsters all laughed, taunting Safia and everyone in the Sea Temple as they kept attacking it. Nightmare Monsters were smashing against the walls as cracks formed, letting seawater pour in.

"Wallow in your weakness, Human! There's nothing you can do here! Accept your fate!" The Nightmare Monster holding her declared as Safia stayed silent.

This couldn't be where it ends. Not at all. Not when she was still the guardian. But right now, she couldn't protect her home. However, Safia knew that there was one option left. She lowered her head, scrunching her mouth as her heart was beating faster, nervous about this option. But when looking at the Sea Temple and the damage it was suffering, there was no other choice.

"For the sake of my home and my friends...I have to use it." She would suddenly grab onto her blindfold that was always on her face, pulling it off. Safia revealed her eyes, which were as golden as the Sun itself. They had a greater shine to them than any other Samiyan's golden eyes ever did as the Nightmare Monster widened its eyes.

She would glare up at this Nightmare Monster as it stumbled back. "Huh...?! Those eyes!" The Nightmare Monster cried out as Safia kept glaring at it. This power resembled the light that came from the Crystals, but it came at a great cost. However, Safia didn't care about that right now. Not when her home was in danger.

Safia unleashed a powerful golden aura that forced the Nightmare Monster to let go of her. Her hair fluttered in the water as she narrowed her eyes, charging up this golden energy within her body. The energy spread out immediately, reaching the waters as Safia's light swam towards these Nightmare Monsters.

They all widened their eyes, feeling this golden energy before turning around, facing Safia. "What the...?! What is this?!" The seas and the sky themselves would start rending apart as Safia unleashed this golden light. The Nightmare Monsters hissed, vulnerable to Light, obviously, as they backed away.

"Ngh...! That light! It hurts! It's so bright!" One of these Nightmare Monsters cried out. Safia kept unleashing this golden energy as the Nightmare Monsters found that they were losing control over the Sea Temple and the area around it. However, the reason why she was so hesitant about using it was due to the fact that it was beginning to damage the Sea Temple itself along with the Sea and Sky.

The temple trembled as golden crackles of energy spread across it. Tsunamis were beginning to rise along with thunderstorms from above. The Nightmare Monsters growled before gazing down at Safia. "You foolish human! Look at what you're doing to the Sea and Sky! You'll destroy both of them if this keeps up!"

But that didn't stop Safia as she kept unleashing this golden light. She would start floating as large pillars of water erupted from the ocean below. The Nightmare Monsters were then blown back by the full expulsion of this energy as Safia unleashed all of it, sending the Nightmare Monsters flying.

The end result was a massive golden explosion that blew them away before striking the sea as well. This explosion reached the sky, splitting it apart as Safia widened her eyes. Her eyes were shaking violently as the glow was beginning to fade away, knowing that she overdid it. She started descending gently, her body landing on the Sea Temple.

What she did was strikingly similar to what Volo did to the sea back at the seas of Hoenn. Safia panted while gazing up at the sky and sea, seeing how damaged they were. Golden cracks ran across the surface as Safia shook her head.

"I'm sorry..." She apologized. Clearly, she was never meant to remove that blindfold, however, it was necessary. For a moment, Safia forgot about the consequences and immediately acted, putting others first instead of herself. Above her, the pillars of water from before would start forming into something truly violent, shaking the ocean and rumbling the skies.

Tsunamis would be formed while thunderstorms raged above as Safia widened her eyes. The Nightmare Monsters she sent flying recovered before gazing up at these pillars of water. "The sea...! It's acting strange!"

"That light she unleashed...! It must've agitated the waters!" Another Nightmare Monster stated as the pillars of water all came crashing down. These Nightmare Monsters widened their eyes before fleeing as a massive tsunami came crashing down, sweeping them away. But this also threatened everyone inside of the Sea Temple.

Safia, while on her back, looking up to see the tsunami covering the sky above her, coming her way. Unable to move due to how much energy had been used, Safia merely closed her eyes, ready to accept her fate. If this was truly her end, anyways.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 472 End.

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