• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,560 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

  • ...

Deck of Apples

Big day coming for the members of the Apple Family. It was time for an Apple Family reunion, members of the family coming from all over Equestria. Whether it be from Manehattan or Appaloosa, it would be a big get together.

Applejack was back at home, running through a checklist of what was needed for the event. She had a little assistance from Apple Bloom during this part.

"Ok, we got all the treats ready?" Applejack asked.

"Sure thing," Apple Bloom responded.

"Plenty of chairs?"

"Check on that."


"Ready to go."

"The activities, mainly fer the elders?"

Apple Bloom checked that off, "All checked off."

"Good, now fer the final part...where's mah coltfriend?"

Apple Bloom giggled a bit, "He's in his room getting ready fer the event."

"Good, ah want him to have a good impression on the family, he's gonna meet a lot of them fer the first time," Applejack said.

"Don't worry, Remy's a cool guy, he'll be fine," Apple Bloom insisted.

"Ah know, ah just want to be sure though," Applejack said.

"Hey, he's a load of fun to be around, plus he's a charming guy. They'll like him," Apple Bloom insisted.

Outside they heard Remy shout some colorful phrases. "Damn apple tree, gave my splinters all over my back hooves!"

"Oh...guess he's outside, least he's a hard worker," Apple Bloom said.

Applejack sighed, "Ah told him to take it easy with the Apple bucking."

"Guess he wants to help get things ready too," Apple Bloom said.

"That's really sweet of him but he's gotta be careful," Applejack said. Much like Twilight, she had the tendency to worry about her special pony. Especially when he does without much thinking.

Both mares went outside and saw Big Mac help up Remy, much to his appreciation.

"That stallion Remy, quite the guy ain't he?" Applejack said.

"Sure is, ah hope ah can get a colt like that," Apple Bloom said, then had a blush. "Rumble probably fits that mold."

Applejack raised her eyebrow, "You really like that colt, don't you Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom blushed, "Guess so, ah mean he's really nice. Ah know you don't really like him much but-"

"Now hold on," Applejack interrupted. "Ah admit ah had my issues but they've since passed. He's proving to be a nice responsible young colt these days, especially the way he watches over Mayday. If you wanna date him then that's fine with me, ah think he's learned his lesson and became a better pony fer it."

Apple Bloom beamed a huge grin, "Really, you mean that!?"

Applejack nodded, "Sure thing, that's why when ah told Pete about this reunion, I encouraged him to bring everypony from his home, including Rumble."

Apple Bloom felt giddy, "This is so awesome, ah can't wait to have him all to myself!"

Applejack chuckled, "Easy now, let's not get out of hoof here. If you want to impress him, just remember that you gotta tone things down. You come on too eager, he might get intimidated."

Apple Bloom nodded, "Right, I'll try then."

"Good," Applejack said, then heard Remy call out in pain again, causing her to groan. "Land Sakes Remy!" Applejack quickly approached her coltfriend to help him up, "Don't work yerself too hard."

"Remy just wanna help, this event is important to y'all, and I wanna make sure you have everything you need," Remy said.

"That's real sweet of you Remy, but yer health comes first. Besides we're pretty fine as far a apple bucking goes, you don't have to go all out," Applejack said.

Remy groaned and tapped his horn, "Man, it'd be easier if I could work this thing. Most it's good for is increasing my kinetic powers, don't mean a damn if I can't use it to pick these apples."

"Remy it's fine, apple bucking is a very efficient way to get the apples down, haven't needed magic yet on this farm," Applejack said.

"Yeah, you got the muscle, that hasn't always been my strong suit. I'm more of an evasive guy," Remy said.

"Look, you don't have to go nuts, just buck the tree and that's it. If you have to do it more than once, then no big deal. Ah just don't want you getting hurt," Applejack said.

Remy smiled at her, "Remy's lucky to have a woman who cares about him so much."

"Well I'm lucky to have a stallion that's so devoted, yer a class act Remy," Applejack said.

Remy chuckled, "That's a first, not many folks see me like that."

"Well ah do, that's what makes our relationship special Remy," Applejack said.

Apple Bloom approached the two, "Hey Remy, you alright there? Did ya hurt yerself too badly?"

Remy shook his head, "I'm fine, don't you worry about me."

"Good, don't want you hurt too badly, yer gonna meet all our relatives!" Apple Bloom said.

That worried Remy a bit, he's about to meet his marefriend's extended family. That means he needs to make a real good impression. So far he's at least gotten the admiration of Apple Bloom, respect from Big Macintosh and approval from Granny Smith.

The only other pony on the farm was Peter's Aunt May, though she herself doesn't mind Remy, so he's good either way.

Applejack, as if sensing his worry, nuzzled against Remy, "Don't worry so much about it alright? I'm gonna be here with you."

Remy nuzzled back, "I can always count on you."

Applejack nodded and started making her way to the house, "I'm just gonna go check the food, be right back."

Once Applejack was gone, Apple Bloom turned to Remy with a sly smile. "So...when are ya gonna marry mah sister?"

Remy's eyes shot wide and his face turned red, "Apple Bloom, it's a little early to be asking about that."

"Hey she seems to like yah, so why not? You already said you don't wanna go back to your world didn't you? You wanna stay here because you like mah sister?" Apple Bloom said.

"I do like her, but it ain't a good idea to be bringing up marriage like that, we haven't been dating that long" Remy said.

"Come on, it didn't take Peter that long to marry Twilight," Apple Bloom said.

"That's because he got her pregnant. Me, I never got your sister pregnant," Remy then blushed and muttered, "Never even got close to that."

Apple Bloom shook her head, "Take it from me Remy, those two have been itching to marry each other long before Peter got Twilight pregnant. I don't even think they even got intimate yet when they showed the signs."

Remy shot a glare at Apple Bloom, "That's enough out of you young filly. Anyway don't worry so much about whether I marry your sister or not, that's my job."

Apple Bloom nodded, "Well ah hope you two do get married, I'd love to have you as mah third big brother, after Big Mac and Peter."

Remy ruffled her mane, "Hey you're already like a little sister. Personally I think you're the best little sister anyone could ask for."

Apple Bloom blushed at his words, "Aw, yer just saying that."

"Hey, it's what I believe, it's what Peter believes, and I know that Big Mac and Applejack would say the same thing," Remy said.

Apple Bloom gave Remy a nice hug, "Ah like you Remy. Ah know yer a great guy fer mah sister. Plus if you do marry her, ah don't have to worry about her having to move away. You would stay here with her right?"

"Of course, I know how close you all are, plus I really like this family. Most ponies wanna talk about how great The Parker-Sparkle family are, but they best not forget the Apples," Remy said.

"You're too sweet, but don't forget, Peter's an honorary Apple, so his family are technically our family," Apple Bloom said.

"Considering how close your sister is with her friends, I'd say there are more honorary Apples," Remy said.

Apple Bloom nodded, "Sure are, ah like to think of us as one big happy family, like all of us are brothers, sisters and cousins. Wouldn't you say so Remy?"

"Yeah, all of your sister's friends, and all my friends, plus all their family, one big family I would say," Remy said.

Apple Bloom giggled, "Mah relatives will like yah Remy, hope yer good with large crowds."

"Apple Bloom I stayed with my fellow X-Men in a big Mansion, along with Bobby and Logan, I'm just fine with large crowds," Remy said.

"Good...hey maybe one day we can invite yer X-Men friends, think they'd wanna come?" Apple Bloom asked.

Remy shrugged, "Probably, I think they could be good friends. I'm sure Fluttershy will like my friend Nightcrawler, and I'd like to see Sunset Shimmer and Jean Grey react to each other."

"Ah would love to meet them, they all sound so cool. Hey what about yer other friend Rogue? Think she'd wanna come?" Apple Bloom asked.

Remy had some uncertainty, "I'm a bit worried about that, for several reasons in fact"

Apple Bloom became curious. "Really? What reasons?"

Remy shook his head, "Don't worry about it, let's just make sure this place is ready for your relatives. We should also let Peter know to come, hopefully he won't be late."

"Leave that to Twilight, if there's one thing she won't tolerate is anypony being late to something," Apple Bloom reassured.

Later on in the day, we see Peter making his way over to Sweet Apple Acres, joined by Twilight, Trixie, Mayday and Rumble.

"Almost there, can't wait for this, it's gonna be nice to see all of Applejack's relatives," Peter said.

"It will be fun, I just wish Logan could come with us," Twilight said.

"He's too busy with Fluttershy I guess, no big deal," Peter said.

"What about Spike, why isn't he here?" Trixie asked.

"He told me he would show up later, but he's seeing Janet right now," Peter explained.

Twilight sighed, "He's so infatuated with that mare, I'm worried he's gonna start to like her more than us...or at least more than me."

Peter slowed down to match Twilight's pace and stroked her back affectionately, "He'll never like a mare more than you I'm sure. But when you're in love everything else just seems second, that's how I felt when I first fell for you. In fact I still feel that way."

Trixie rolled her eyes, "Tell me about it, you two still act as lovesick now as you did when you first hooked up five years ago."

"Trixie you'll understand when you find somepony special to you, which I really hope you do soon," Twilight said.

"I'm fine, I don't need another pony to keep me happy honestly," Trixie said. "Not saying you two being so in love is a bad thing but it just doesn't suit me as much."

"I hope you find somepony Trixie," Rumble chimed in. "You're too pretty not to get married."

Trixie blushed and smiled coyly at the colt. "You're a kind young boy, you're gonna make a filly very happy." Trixie then had a sly grin, "Maybe a filly like Apple Bloom?"

Rumble blushed at the mention of her name, though Mayday had a slight glare.

"Apple Bloom's just my friend right now, I'm not sure if I could make her my marefriend," Rumble said.

"Besides he doesn't need one anyway," Mayday said and hugged Rumble's leg. "He's got me."

Peter, Twilight and Trixie raised their eyebrows at the small filly. Rumble himself let out a groan, she might be a pain but she's too cute to be annoyed at. He's as much of a softie around females as Peter is.

Before long the family found themselves at the farm, immediately being greeted by Apple Bloom.

"Peter! You made it!" Apple Bloom rushed in to hug Peter. "And you brought Twilight! Also Trixie, Mayday and..." Apple Bloom had a small blush. "You even brought Rumble."

Rumble waved shyly at Apple Bloom, "Nice to see you too Apple Bloom."

Peter had a slight smile at seeing that, then had a bigger one when another familiar pony arrived. "Aunt May!"

May stood there with a nice smile, "Peter, you're finally here."

Peter hugged his Aunt, who graciously hugged back. "I gotta make those renovations to the Treebrary, I hate that you're not living there."

"Oh Peter, you see me almost everyday, I'm not far away from you," May said.

Peter took a step back while rubbing his head, "Yeah, but I have my whole family there, it seems incomplete without you though."

May giggled, "Oh Peter, you're always the sweetest boy." May gave her nephew a quick kiss on his cheek.

Twilight approached May and gave a hug of her own, "How are you doing Aunt May?"

"I'm just as fine as ever Twilight," May said and took note of the two foals. "Aw Mayday, you're growing prettier everyday."

Mayday blushed a little, "Thanks Aunt May."

May nodded and turned to Rumble, "And you Rumble, have you been keeping an eye on this sweet little filly?"

Rumble nodded, "Yeah, though she keeps just as much of an eye on me too."

May ruffled his head, "So cute, you remind me so much of Peter when he was younger."

"I want to be great like Peter is one day, I hope I can get there," Rumble said.

"Just keep doing what you're doing," May said and turned to Peter. "You're doing a great job taking care of him. Soon he'll be just as much of a Parker as you are."

Rumble raised his eyebrow, "Me? A Parker?"

Peter nodded, "You're one in my eyes. Sometimes I could just call you 'Rumble Parker-Sparkle', sounds nice doesn't it?"

Rumble Parker- Sparkle. It did sound nice to the young colt, what it would mean to to really be one of the family.

"How come he gets your name? Let him have mine," Trixie said. "He can be Rumble Lulamoon."

Rumble looked unsure about that, it didn't sound as nice but he won't say anything. He doesn't wanna upset one of his favorite mares after all.

Apple Bloom got close to him, "How about Rumble Apple? Don't that sound nice?"

Peter snickered a bit, "That reminds me, if Remy marries Applejack, he'd have to add Apple to his name as well, he'd be 'Remy Apple Lebeau'." Peter continued to laugh at his joe until he heard a voice call out.

"Hey it sounds much better than 'Peter Pony Parker' you puny little spider!"

Peter looked to see Remy arrive, bit of a scowl on his face. Applejack was next to him, trying to contain a giggle, the exchange was pretty funny.

"Howdy Peter, Twi, Trixie, Rumble, Mayday, great to see y'all here," Applejack said.

"Hi Applejack, did we arrive in time for the reunion?" Twilight asked.

"Sure did, a few relatives are already here, mah Granny is already catching up with some of the other older Apples," Applejack said. "There are some younger Apples as well, they're off at the games area with Babs. Apple Bloom why don't you take Rumble and Mayday there, let me talk a bit with Peter, Twilight and Trixie."

"Sounds good to me!" Apple Bloom said and grabbed Rumble's hoof. "Let's go!"

She pulled Rumble off with Mayday following, an angry scowl appearing on her face, "Hey! Hooves off my colt!"

Applejack raised her eyebrow and turned to Peter, "She really likes that boy don't she?"

"Yeah, she barely likes letting him near anypony else," Peter said. "The only ones she tolerates near Rumble are myself, Twilight and Trixie."

"Well the way she just acted a moment ago, you'd think she had a crush on him or something," Applejack said.

Peter scratched his head, "Um, she's only 4, I don't think she knows what a crush is yet."

"Maybe she don't but it don't change the fact that she might feel that way. Plus yer daughter is very smart fer her age, don't be too surprised if she does feel that way, especially if she knows he's leaving soon," Applejack said.

"Still, seems weird, it'd be like if Apple Bloom started crushing on me," Peter said. Remy glared a little at Peter for that comment, giving Peter a little unease. "What? I needed an example."

"Don't worry Remy, let's just find the other relatives. Ah have so many ponies to introduce yah to," Applejack said.

"That's right, Remy gets to meet the Apples, try to play the right cards Remy," Peter said and chuckled. "Get it, because he throws cards?"

Remy responded with a glare at Peter, joined by Applejack as the two had a look of disapproval towards Peter. Even Twilight and Trixie just glared half lidded at Peter, causing him to blush. "I thought it was funny."

"Yeah you would, wouldn't you!?" Remy said, becoming increasingly irritated.

"Come on Remy, try to relax a bit, yer worrying too much," Applejack said.

"Sorry, Remy just wanna make a good impression on your relatives," Remy said.

"You'll be fine Remy, just be yourself," Twilight encouraged.

Remy looked unsurely to the side, "Not sure if that's the best idea Twilight, I ain't exactly the most decent guy."

"You are to me, just relax. Ah mean yer a superhero, that in itself is good to get others to like yah," Applejack said.

"Or they could judge me like the people back home. Seriously having super powers don't make others love you, just look at Peter. You folks are the first to really like him, as oppose to most of the folks who love him one minute and hate him the next," Remy said.

"Tell me about it, that reputation nearly followed me here once ponies found out I'm not even from this world," Peter said.

"Exactly, plus it was worse for me and my fellow X-Men. Some of us weren't even heroes, we just had strange powers and got judged by others," Remy said.

"Well ponies around here ain't as judgemental, besides Peter has the admiration of ponies again, just remind them yer a friend of Peter," Applejack insisted.

Remy looked to Peter a moment, who had flashed Remy an assuring smile. "I'll help you out Remy, but I know how you feel. I remember being nervous when I first met Twilight's parents. Then it became awkward when her mother turned out to be a huge fan of mine."

Remy raised his eyebrow, "That does sound awkward."

"A little...imagine how she felt when Spider-Mane became her son-in-law, and the father of her granddaughter," Peter said, remembering the giddiness of Twilight's mother. "Honestly I think I know where Twilight got her dorky attitude-OW!"

Peter rubbed his side after Twilight had struck him. "Shut up!"

Trixie shook her head shamefully at Peter's comments while Aunt May sighed. Her nephew had a really bad habit of saying stupid things, but it can't be helped.

Remy made a mental note not to say anything stupid around Applejack's relatives after seeing Peter's idiocy. Then again he knows never to follow Peter's example, at least outside of superheroics. He just braced himself for the moment he had to interact with the other Apples.

Meanwhile Apple Bloom had escorted Rumble and Mayday to a play area with Babs and two other Apple fillies; Apple Flora and Candy Caramel Tooth.

"Howdy, got Rumble right here with me," Apple Bloom said, gesturing to Rumble.

"Hello," Rumble said, waving to the others.

Babs waved a bit, offering a friendly and almost flirty smile. The other Apple fillies giggled and blushed at the sight of Rumble. Mayday kept an eye on the fillies, she didn't trust them one bit.

"Rumble's gonna play with us while Remy and mah sister talk to Peter and Twilight," Apple Bloom said.

"Is it true he's Spider-Mane's colt?" Apple Flora asked.

"Yeah, he was adopted, he lives with Spider-Mane and Princess Twilight," Apple Bloom said.

"Wow, cute and lucky," Candy Caramel said.

Rumble rubbed his head a bit bashfully, "I guess I am lucky, Spider-Mane is a really nice stallion, and Princess Twilight is a loving and caring mare."

Mayday grabbed Rumble's leg, "And he's got me, the only filly he needs in his life right now."

Apple Bloom raised her eyebrow, "Easy May, like it or not Rumble is a very handsome colt, but ah think ah know a good filly fer him."

Rumble's familiar blush returned, it was inevitable around some fillies, especially the Crusaders. "Wow, you're really bold about this aren't you."

Mayday however wasn't too amused by this, she even started gritting her teeth. "I'm a good enough filly for him! Right Rumble!?"

Babs had a slight scowl upon Mayday's reaction, "You'se got a really bad attitude kid, yah gotta lighten up."

Mayday stuck her tongue out at Babs, somewhat enraging the city filly. "Kid, you best watch yourself around me, I don't take crap from anypony."

"Neither do I," Mayday said.

Rumble felt some sweat drip, "Come on, please don't argue about this."

"Seriously Babs, she's only 4, don't let her rile you up," Apple Bloom said.

"Besides she's such a little cutie, no need to stay mad at her," Apple Flora said.

Mayday looked to the side, "Who you calling 'cute'?"

Babs nodded, "Sure thing I guess, just try to keep that kid in line or something."

"Let's just play some games mah sis planned out fer us," Apple Bloom said and turned to her other cousins. "Come on y'all."

The foals walked on, the Apple fillies still eyeing Rumble while Mayday continued to stay close to him. Rumble would be sure to ask Peter for some advice on this.

Back with the others, Applejack had escorted Remy, Peter, Twilight, Trixie and Aunt May around the farm, introducing Remy to several of the Apples. So far so good, Remy has left a good impression on some.

"Yer doin great Remy, they seem to like yah," Applejack said.

"Yeah, I guess so," Remy said, still almost unsure.

Before Applejack could say anything, a familiar pony popped in in front of them.

"Howdy cousin Applejack! It's been a while!"

Applejack tipped her hat a little, "Good to see ya too." She turned to her coltfriend, "Remy, this is mah cousin Braeburn." She turned back to her cousin, "Braeburn, this is mah coltfriend Remy. He's a good friend of Spider-Mane's."

"Sure is, he's a great ally to have," Peter endorsed.

Braeburn grabbed Remy's hand and shook hard, "Howdy there Remy, great to meet yah!" Braeburn took a step back, leaving Remy a little unsure what to make of him. "As Applejack said I'm Braeburn, from the great town of APPALOOSA!" Braeburn had done some horse mannerisms as he said that, even neighing a bit.

Remy turned to Peter with a confused face, earning a shrug from his fellow hero. Braeburn turned Remy's attention back to him, "So Remy! Yer a superhero too!?"

Remy nodded, "Uh yeah, back in my world-"

"That's great! What powers do you have? Better yet what's yer superhero name!?" Braeburn asked.

Remy scratched his head, "Uh...well my superhero name is Gambit, and I have kinetic energy. I can power something up and use it to my advantage. I also have a staff I use to my advantage."

"That's amazing! You work with Spider-Mane a lot?" Braeburn asked.

"A little, he's mostly on his own though. I work with a group called 'The X-Men', we're-"

"X-Men? That's a silly name," Braeburn interrupted. "You big time though?"

Remy shook his head, "No, not exactly. Peter is the big time hero, I'm just a minor helper."

"Oh...well we can't all be popular, so long as yer out there doing the right thing," Braeburn said.

Remy sighed a bit, "Yeah, guess so."

Braeburn quickly approached Peter, "How about you? How have things been lately?"

"Just fine, enjoying life as a father and husband, protecting others from time to time," Peter said.

Braeburn nodded. "That's nice, Applejack is really fond of you, always talking about you when we write to each other. The way she describes you and talks about you, ah would have thought you two were an item."

"Braeburn!" Applejack shouted, angry blush on her face.

Braeburn chuckled, "Whoops, probably a poor choice of words there."

Twilight and Remy didn't look to pleased, with Twilight giving Applejack a suspicious glare while Remy just gave Peter a glare plain and simple.

"Still, Apple Bloom thinks highly of you too, saying how you're like a big brother to her. Sounds like this whole family likes yah, you've really become quite the Apple," Braeburn said.

"Yeah...guess so, just call me 'Peter Apple Parker'," Peter said.

"Well if they consider you family then so do ah, yer mah honorary cousin. Put it there Pete!" Braeburn said and shook Peter's hoof pretty hard, not that it bothered Peter much though it was still awkward.

"Thanks Braeburn...uh I guess I'll be seeing you around the reunion, got other Apples to see," Peter said.

"Be sure to pop by APPALOOSA! Ah would personally love to give you a nice tour mahself!" Braeburn said.

Peter hesitantly nodded, "Sure thing...see ya."

Peter quickly trotted off with the others following until they were out of Braeburn's line of sight. Peter shook his head a little, "Man that Braeburn guy, very energetic."

"He's always been like that, still one of mah favorite cousins though," Applejack said.

"Out of all these Apples that one is your favorite?" Remy said. "You sure you ain't just being nice there?"

"Come on Remy, some folks are just a little more energetic than others, no different than Pinkie Pie," Applejack said.

"Yeah, and we all love Pinkie Pie," Peter said.

Remy shrugged, "Guess so, let's just go see some other relatives then," Remy said and trotted off with the others.

Back with Apple Bloom and the others, they were setting up for a race.

"Normally we do the seven-leg racing but our teams are uneven and mah other cousins are doing other things, so we'll stick to regular racing if y'all don't mind," Apple Bloom said and turned to Rumble. "This is hoof racing, so no flying, no problem right?"

Rumble shook his head, "No problem with me."

"Ok first one to the barn and back wins, alright?" Apple Bloom said.

The others nodded and got in position, including Mayday.

"I'm ready for this!"

Apple Bloom raised her eyebrow, "Uh Mayday, you can't race, yer too little."

Mayday frowned, "But I wanna play with all of you..."

"Sorry, if you get hurt then Peter and Twilight will get mad," Apple Bloom said.

"Apple Bloom has a point," Rumble said. "Mom and Dad get really protective of you. If you get hurt then they're gonna be angry, mainly at us. Besides I'm worried for you too."

Mayday pouted, "No fair, how come you get to have fun?"

"Simple kid, we're all teenagers and you're not," Babs said.

"Babs," Apple Bloom said, a little annoyed at her cousin. "Take it easy will yah?" Apple Bloom then focused on Mayday, "Just stay here, you can watch if ya like."

Mayday sat and folded her forelegs in a huff. The other teen foals got into a racing position.

"On yer mark, get set, GO!" Apple Bloom had run off along with her friends while Mayday kept watch. One main reason she's upset about sitting out is that she can't play with Rumble, she doesn't want Apple Bloom having all the fun, or those other fillies, especially Babs.

Soon enough the foals ran back to cross the finish line, with Rumble having crossed first.

"Wow...that was something," Rumble said while catching his breath.

"I'll say, yer just as fast at running as you are flying," Apple Bloom said.

"You were pretty fast yourself Apple Bloom, you did a great job racing," Rumble said.

Apple Bloom blushed at that, "Aw yer really sweet."

"Come on, let's try another game," Babs said.

"Find one I can play too," Mayday said.

"Eh, no promises," Babs bluntly said, much to Mayday's irritation.

Back with Peter and company, they had continued greeting various apple folk, Applejack had even introduced Remy to another relative, Apple Fritter.

"So Remy's mah coltfriend, and he's a superhero too," Applejack said.

"Wow! Is he anything like Spider-Mane?" Apple Fritter eagerly asked.

"Eh...no, not really," Applejack said. "But he's still got the right intentions."

"Spider-Mane is a good friend of mine though," Remy said.

"Sure is," Peter chimed in. "Remy's a great guy to fight beside."

"And it's really nice of you to give him that chance, even though I'm sure you candle handle it on yer own," Apple Fritter said.

Peter did a nervous chuckle, "Hey I'm just happy to help, and so is Remy."

"Very modest too, and cute," Apple Fritter said while rubbing his mane. "Glad to have you as an honorary Apple...shame you can't be an official Apple."

Apple Fritter batted her eyes at Peter, causing much irritation for Twilight. "Please refrain from flirting with my husband." Despite the calmness in her voice, the hostility can still be sensed from the others.

"Sorry about that Princess Twilight, you just have such a cutie of a husband, catch y'all later," Apple Fritter said and trotted off.

"Lot of friendly Apples, a little too friendly but friendly nonetheless," Peter said.

Remy sat down while sighing, "This ain't going like Remy hoped it would."

"Give it time Remy, they don't hate you at least, they're just a tiny bit more interested in Pete, you understand don't ya?" Applejack asked.

"Of course, Peter's a great guy, it's great that he's finally getting the respect he deserves, he was family here first after all," Remy said.

"And soon they'll take to ya as well, right Pete?" Applejack asked.

"Of course, soon you'll be the top hero of the Apple Family, especially when you're dating the greatest member of the Apple Family," Peter said.

Applejack giggled a bit, "Aw Pete, yer too much sometimes. I'm just doing what ah can like anypony else."

"And that's all that matters," Peter said and helped Remy up, "Now come on, I'm sure there are plenty of other Apples to see, this is a big family after all."

Twilight, Trixie and Aunt May also chimed in a little support for the X-Men Pony. "Alright then, we'll just see."

Soon two familiar ponies approached the group, a duo Applejack immediately recognized.

"Hey it's mah Aunt and Uncle Orange!" Applejack said.

Remy raised his eyebrow, "Aunt and Uncle Orange? Remy thought this was the Apple Family."

"Guess they have other fruit with them," Trixie said.

Applejack hugged her Aunt and Uncle and introduced them to the others, "Now I'm sure y'all remember Twilight, Trixie, May and Peter, but I'd like to introduce ya to mah coltfriend-"

Applejack couldn't finish her sentence as her Aunt and Uncle immediately approached Peter.

"Why if it isn't the Amazing Spider-Mane himself," Uncle Orange said.

"So good to see you, how have you been holding up lately?" Aunt Orange asked.

Peter rubbed his head, "Just fine I guess, I still help ponies here and there, no big deal."

Remy threw his arms up in defeat, "Of course, only a matter of time before I got completely ignored," He turned away, "Least I don't have to worry about embarrassing myself or Applejack."

Peter turned slightly to see Remy's dissatisfaction. Feeling bad for his fellow hero, he attempted to sway the conversation. "Hey, have you met Applejack's coltfriend Remy? He's a superhero like me, a great one too."

The Oranges turned their attention to Remy, who himself turned back and gave a friendly wave and a nervous smile.

"Coltfriend huh? You're dating our precious little Applejack?" Uncle Orange asked.

Remy nodded, "Sure is, she's my precious little apple."

"We do care a lot for our darling Applejack, she even lived with us a short while when she was a young filly," Aunt Orange said.

"Yeah she told me about that, how she wanted to live a city life for a change," Remy said.

"Tell me, are you a country type fellow as well or have you too ventured into the city?" Uncle Orange asked.

"I grew up country style, living Cajun style. Though I've also been to the city, few of my friends live there. Before coming here I lived in a Mansion in the outskirts of the city," Remy said.

"What's this city like if I may ask?" Uncle Orange asked.

"Very similar to yours, even got similar names," Remy said.

"Oh right, Spider-Mane mentioned coming from a city just like ours, have you two been friends a long time? Aunt Orange asked.

Remy scratched his head nervously, "I knew him quite a while at least."

"THat's great. Spider-Mane is a great young stallion," Aunt Orange said and turned to him. "Handsome one too."

Peter blushed a bit and rubbed his head a little, feeling a tiny bit awkward.

Uncle Orange focused on Remy, "You take good care of our niece Applejack, she's a great young mare."

"Yes, very promising future, and if there's trouble, just do what Spider-Mane would do," Aunt Orange said.

Remy didn't look too pleased at that, being compared to Spider-Mane is a lot for a guy like him to measure up to. "Sure thing, I'll take good care of mon cherie Applejack."

Aunt Orange turned to Aunt May, "Oh and May darling, thank you so much for that recipe, my apple dumplings tasted simply divine, really helped out at our last business meeting."

"No problem, we Aunts have to stick together after all," Aunt May said with a smile.

Aunt and Uncle Orange left the area, though Remy could swear he heard Aunt Orange say, "If only Applejack married Spider-Mane, she'd be much better off."

Remy clenched his hoof, feeling even more agitated over this whole situation, though Applejack nuzzled him. "You did a great job Remy."

"Thanks Applejack, you too Peter, at least that didn't go badly," Remy said.

"No problem Remy, and don't mind their 'Do what Spider-Mane would do' thing, once they get to know you they'll realize you can handle things just fine," Peter said.

Remy nodded and started to return the nuzzling that Applejack gave him. Peter felt concern for his friend though, he can even relate to him, having been in this position once before.

Back with Rumble and the fillies, Apple Bloom was setting up another game, a ring toss game. "This should be good, even Mayday could probably play with us."

Babs eyed the filly, "You sure about that cuz? I really don't care for that filly, she's kinda bratty."

"Mayday isn't that bratty, she's only like that with Rumble. Can you blame her though? Fact just look at the way Apple Flora and Candy Caramel are acting around him," Apple Bloom said, pointing to her two cousins who are staring at Rumble with affectionate eyes.

"What's Spider-Mane like at home?" Apple Flora asked.

"Is it true that he's a genius?" Candy Caramel asked.

"Does he like Apple Desserts?"

"Did he teach you any cool moves?"

"Are you gonna be a superhero just like him!?"

"Are you gonna be his sidekick!?"

Rumble felt dizzy constantly shifting his attention between the two fillies, "You're giving me a bit of a headache girls. I'll answer your questions but please one at a time."

"Are you single!?" both fillies asked, then glared at each other.

"Hey I saw him first!" Apple Flora said.

"No, I saw him first!" Candy Caramel said.

Apple Bloom cleared her throat, "Um, technically ah saw him first, now kindly step away from the colt."

The two fillies reluctantly stepped back, shifting their gazes between each other, Apple Bloom and Rumble. Mayday just glared at everypony involved, so far there are too many fillies that are into Rumble, she doesn't really like that very much.

"Anyway ah got the ring toss set up, we'll each take turns," Apple Bloom said and turned to Rumble. "We'll let you start since you won the race, show us how it's done."

Rumble nodded, "Ok, I'll do my best."

Rumble grabbed the rings and stood ready to throw, his eyes narrowed in determination and his stance was solid. All the fillies watched him in a blush, something about his serious face was appealing to them, especially Apple Bloom. It's almost like looking at Peter himself do something like this.

Rumble tossed the rings at the pole, getting all of them with little trouble. "Wow, I actually did it."

The fillies clapped for Rumble, to which he smiled and blushed. "Thanks girls, you're all very sweet."

"I'm next," Apple Flora said and approached the rings and threw a couple, completely missing, almost as if intentional. She picked one more up and aimed it before turning to Rumble. "Um, I'm not very good at this, mind giving a filly like me a hoof?"

"Hey what are you up to!? I seen you do this with no trouble before!" Babs said.

"Hush!" Apple Flora said and turned to Rumble, ignoring the scowl Babs had. "So...mind helping me?"

Rumble shrugged, "Sure, why not."

Rumble stood up and helped Apple Flora position herself, causing the apple filly to blush a bit. His caring nature combined with his cute face and athletic style was quite something to take in.

"There, all positioned, now go for it," Rumble said.

Apple Flora nodded and went for the toss, which had landed. "It made it! Thanks Rumble!" She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, causing the young colt to blush a little.

"It was no trouble," Rumble said.

The others glared slightly at the sight, they understood her little game, and they had no trouble joining in.

"Hey Rumble, mind helping me next?" Babs asked.

"Also help me, you're really good!" Candy Caramel said.

"Ah could use a few tips mahself Rumble," Apple Bloom said.

"Don't forget about your favorite filly," Mayday reminded.

Rumble rubbed his head a little, "Ok, I guess I can help you all. It's what Peter would do." He felt a little nervous at having this much attention from the fillies, also wondering what Peter was doing right now.

Elsewhere Peter was still introducing himself to various members of the Apple Family, which had started to become a little exhausting, Applejack had a big family.

"Hey, there's mah granny and her cousins, come on y'all," Applejack said.

They approached Granny Smith, who had been talking with her cousin Apple Rose.

"Hey Granny, mind if ah introduce mah coltfriend to Auntie Apple Rose?" Applejack asked.

"Why sure," Granny Smith said and turned to Apple Rose, "Hey Rose, go meet mah granddaughter's stallion, he's quite a guy ah would say."

"Sure is," Apple Rose said and approached Peter, "Very handsome too, Applejack really knows how to pick'em."

Applejack raised her eyebrow, "Um, Auntie Apple Rose, that ain't mah coltfriend, that's Princess Twilight's husband Peter. Remember? He's Spider-Mane? His Aunt lives here?"

Apple Rose looked to Peter again, then Aunt May, then to Twilight. "Oh right, not used to seeing him without that fancy costume of his." She looked around, "Where is this stallion though?"

"Right there," Applejack said while pointing to a slightly glum Remy.

"Howdy there Miss Apple Rose, I am Remy, Applejack's coltfriend," Remy introduced, trying to smile again.

Apple Rose squinted her eyes, "Oh so yer her coltfriend, tell me about yerself young stallion."

"Um...I'm a superhero like Spider-Mane, he's actually a good friend of mine who helped introduce me to Applejack," Remy said.

"Oh well isn't that nice of him, I'm sure yer grateful to have a friend that can help you find a little romance. Lucky for you Applejack picked ya, Applejack has the most potential out of all the younger Apples, in fact she's living up to that as we speak," Apple Rose said.

Applejack blushed a bit, "Aw thanks. But don't worry about Remy, he's a great guy, he always likes to help when he can."

"That's nice, good fer you then Applejack," Apple Rose said.

Remy felt some relief to know that there is some degree of acceptance but he feels like he needs a little bit more.

With the foals, they had agreed to do a team based game, though there was one problem...they all wanted Rumble in their team.

"He should be on mah team, ah already know him!" Apple Bloom argued.

"You have all the time in the world to know him, let him on my team!" Babs said.

"Hey we should have some time with him!" Apple Flora said.

"Yeah, maybe we want to play with Rumble too!" Candy Caramel said.

"Hey he lives with me and I'm his favorite filly, he better be on my team!" Mayday said.

"You shouldn't even be playing anyway, you're too little!" Babs said.

"Yeah Mayday, the last game was fine but we wanna play with a ball now, if it hits yer face hard you could get hurt," Apple Bloom said.

"But then the teams will be uneven!" Mayday said.

"I could sit out, I don't want you all arguing over me," Rumble said.

"Aw come on Rumble, you could play with us. Ah could find another cousin if anything," Apple Bloom insisted.

"Suppose that cousin also wants to have me on their team, that's too much fighting," Rumble said. "Besides maybe I'll just sit with Mayday, it doesn't seem fair that she has to sit out again by herself."

Mayday grinned, "Ha! I still get Rumble!"

"That filly's really starting to get on my bad side!" Babs said while glaring at Mayday. The little filly responded by sticking her tongue out.

"Mayday, that's not proper, be nice," Rumble scolded.

Mayday nuzzled Rumble, "Ok Rumble, anything for you."

Apple Bloom shook her head, this isn't going to well right now. Maybe trying to bond with Rumble during a big family reunion wasn't such a good idea, she knew Babs would be trouble but she should have guessed her other cousins might cause some issues, not to mention Mayday being around and very clingy.

Later in the day, Remy is seen sitting at a picnic table, somewhat disappointed over how things have gone. While he didn't make a fool out of himself or do anything to upset Applejack, it was hard to get in good with the Apple Family when all of them were so interested in Peter.

He can't blame them, Peter is very well loved by a lot of ponies, though he still wants to prove himself among the Apple Family, especially when he's dating the prized Apple herself. He looked over as several other Apples are seen talking with Peter, all of them fawning over him as he talked about random things.

He noticed Apple Bloom take a seat next to him, also looking a little down.

"What's up with you? Shouldn't you be with your cousins?" Remy asked.

"Ah was, then we all started fighting over Rumble. Maybe bringing him wasn't a good idea, ah don't get to really spend time with him and ah think this fighting is upsetting him," Apple Bloom said.

"Looks like Rumble has really become just like Peter," Remy said.

Apple Bloom turned to the X-Man, "So, what about you? Did ya meet all my aunts and uncles and other cousins?"

"Yeah, though they all seem more interested in Peter, most of them even thought Peter was married to Applejack, I don't think they seemed too interested in me," Remy said.

"Aw, don't worry though, they just like Peter, that's all," Apple Bloom said.

"I know, lots of folks like Peter, at least in the Pony world. In my world they didn't seem to care for him until he proved himself, not to mention those years he was gone caused folks to miss him a lot," Remy said.

"Did you miss Peter too?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Eh...a little. We weren't the closest of friends but it did seem weird without him," Remy admitted.

Apple Bloom nodded and faced down, feeling some sympathy for Remy, "Sorry you ain't getting attention. Maybe it's partially mah fault fer making him family, which is why he's even at the reunion."

Remy raised his eyebrow and turned to the filly in disbelief. "Don't be sorry about that, what you did was a good thing. For a while he didn't have much family, you stepping up and making him your older brother was one of the nicest and sweetest things you could have done. Besides I'm happy for Peter, he has folks that love and care for him, he needs that way more than I do."

"But they should care fer you too, one day you could be an Apple. Yer already one in mah eyes, ah just want you to be happy Remy. Ah want mah family to like you the way ah do. Yer honestly mah second favorite superhero," Apple Bloom said.

"Only second?" Remy playfully said.

Apple Bloom rubbed the back of her head, "Sorry, Peter just means a lot to me. But yer a close second, VERY close, in fact yer practically in first place, it's just that Peter's right there."

Remy rubbed her mane, "Relax, like I said, he's a great guy. Plus as long as you like me then I guess it ain't all bad."

Apple Bloom hugged Remy, "Yer the best Remy, I'm glad mah sister has you. Ah have the greatest big brothers in the world. You, Peter and Big Mac."

"Aw, aren't you the sweetest," they heard a voice say. They noticed Peter coming their direction.

"Done talking with the Apples Peter?" Remy asked.

"I just want to make a little time for my favorite Apple," Peter said and ruffled Apple Bloom's mane.

"Howdy Peter, ah was just trying to cheer up Remy," Apple Bloom said.

"That's really nice of you, I love how you always think of others," Peter said.

"Well Pete, you set a great example. Ah wanna be as great as you are," Apple Bloom said.

"You already are great, you helped me out when I needed it, now you're doing the same for Remy. I'm very proud of you Apple Bloom," Peter said.

Apple Bloom gave Peter a hug and a nuzzle, "I love yah Pete, I'm glad you could make it to the Reunion."

"We all are. Twilight and Trixie are having fun too. Are Mayday and Rumble having fun?" Peter asked.

Apple Bloom shrugged, "Sorta. We've all been fighting over who spends time with Rumble. Ah want to, Mayday wants to, Babs wants to, even two of my other cousins want to."

Peter tapped his chin, "Why don't you bring them all here, I'll help you out with that."

Apple Bloom nodded, "Sure thing Pete, I'll be right back!"

Apple Bloom galloped away while Peter had a prideful smile. "I love that filly." He turned his attention to Remy, "Hey Remy, still bummed about not really getting attention from The Apples?"

Remy shrugged, "It just hasn't been easy, I mean having to be compared to you is a lot."

"Like I said, don't worry too much. As long as Applejack likes you then you're good. Besides Apple Bloom adores you as well," Peter reminded.

"I guess. Still I wanna be sure they're fine with me, not for me, but for Applejack," Remy said.

Peter sat beside his fellow superhero and patted his back, "Don't worry, I'm with you."

Remy smiled and nodded in appreciation, though still had some lingering doubts.

With the foals, they were playing with a ball, just kicking it around, no real teams. Mayday was riding on Rumble's back, as it was the only way she could play with the other foals.

"This ain't so bad, just kicking the ball around, don't need to worry about teams," Babs said.

"Whatever's fair, I want all you fillies to be happy," Rumble said.

"Aw, ain't he the sweetest thing?" Apple Flora said.

"Wanna come back with me to mah farm? Could use a nice strong colt like you," Candy Caramel said.

"Sorry, I already have a family here that I love, not that I don't like you though," Rumble said.

Mayday hugged Rumble from behind, "Yeah, you're never leaving me."

Apple Bloom finally caught up to the other foals, "Hey! Wait fer me!"

The foals saw Apple Bloom approach as they continued to kick the ball, which went pretty close to the Everfree Forest.

"Hey Apple Bloom, where'd you gallop off to?" Babs asked.

"Sorry, ah had to do a little thinking. Now come on, Peter wants to talk to y'all," Apple Bloom said.

Babs turned as she kicked the ball, too distracted to realize she kicked it into the Everfree Forest, "Really? What for?"

"He just wants to talk to all of ya about something," Apple Bloom said.

"Spider-Mane wants to talk to us? How exciting!" Apple Flora said.

"Easy there Apple Flora, don't get all fangirl like around him, he don't like that," Apple Bloom said.

"Oh, sorry then, let's just go see him," Apple Flora said and followed her cousins and Rumble.

Mayday however had got off Rumble's back, "Wait, the ball!"

"We'll get it later May, come on!" Apple Bloom said.

"I'll get it, don't worry!" Mayday said and went into the forest.

Rumble turned around and noticed where she was going. Needless to say he didn't like it. "Mayday! Don't go in there! It's not safe!"

"Don't worry, the ball's right here!" Mayday said and approached the ball, ignoring his continued calls. Suddenly she felt and heard some heavy breathing, not to mention she smelt something really bad. She looked up and saw a big timber-wolf just looking at her.

"Wh-wh-what is that!?" Mayday asked, pretty scared.

The timber-wolf growled and roared in Mayday's face, causing her to scream and make a run for it. She ran out the forest and tripped on the way out, allowing the timber wolf to come closer.

Before anything could happen, Rumble flew in and head-butted the wolf's jaw, stunning it a bit. He rubbed his head and quickly went down, "Mayday! Get up! Quickly!"

Apple Bloom and the others ran back and noticed the wolf. "AH! Oh no! Rumble!" She turned to her cousins, "Go find Peter! I'll help Rumble!"

Before Babs could protest, Apple Bloom had rushed over to Rumble to help him, "Come on!"

The wolf growled again, keeping an eye on the foals.

Rumble picked Mayday up and gave her to Apple Bloom with a fierce and serious face, "Take Her Back To Peter And Twilight! I'll Distract The Timberwolf! Now Go!"

"But Rumble!"


Apple Bloom backed away a little, she reluctantly obeyed and grabbed Mayday and propped the young filly on her back, "Hold on tight!"

Apple Bloom ran off while Rumble faced off against the wolf, "Come and get me you overgrown log!"

Rumble flew off with the wolf chasing him. Rumble didn't want to lead the wolf back to the farm where the other ponies were, so he hoped to lead it far away enough, figuring he can handle one. Unfortunately for Rumble the Timberwolf howled, bringing forth more wolves and more danger for the colt.

"Aw great, the Parker luck rubbed off on me!" Rumble complained as he led them into an open meadow, away from not only the farm, but Ponyville in general.

Back with Babs, she had her cousins ran to the party where they got confronted by Applejack. "What's going on!? Ah heard a roar! You fillies alright!?"

"We're fine! But some Timberwolf escaped The Everfree Forest!" Babs explained.

That caused some worry and panic from the other Apples, though Applejack did her best to calm them down. "Easy now! Don't go around panicking, it's gonna make things worse!"

Remy approached Babs, "How did you attract a Timberwolf!?"

"It happened after after Mayday went in the forest!" Babs said.

"She did what!?" Babs heard Peter say as he rushed over there with Twilight. "Where is she!?"

"Right here!" Apple Bloom said, coming into view with Mayday on her back. Peter approached the two and picked Mayday up. "Are you ok May? Are you hurt!?"

Mayday sniffled a bit, "I'm fine, but Rumble's in danger!"

"He's leading the Timberwolf away from the farm!" Apple Bloom said.

Peter's pupils shrank, "He's doing what!? Has he lost his mind!?"

Remy rushed to Peter, "Worry about that later! We gotta help that boy!"

"Right!" Peter said and gave Mayday to Twilight. "Round up the ponies and make sure they're safe! Me and Remy will handle the Timberwolves!"

Twilight nodded, "Sure thing, be careful!"

"I'll go with yah!" Applejack said.

"No way mon cherie it's too dangerous! You gonna get hurt!" Remy said.

"Ah can handle mahself Remy! I've dealt with Timberwolves before!" Applejack said.

"Just stay here AJ, we need you here to help Twilight in case this place becomes threatened as well!" Peter urged.

Applejack wanted to protest some more but Remy spoke first. "I'm sure you can handle it, probably better than me. But you need to do what's good fer yer family right now. It ain't only about me wanting you safe, it's about me knowing how well you can handle this."

Applejack sighed in defeat, "Fine, but you both BETTER come back unharmed! Ya hear!?"

"With us...no promises on that," Peter said and rushed off while Remy followed.

"Peter wait!" Twilight shouted and tossed Peter his web shooters.

"Thanks Twilight, wait how did you know this might happen!?" Peter asked.

"I always prepare for things Peter, especially considering I'm the wife of a superhero," Twilight said and turned to Remy, "Speaking of heroes." She cast a spell to give Remy his cards and staff. "I keep a nice checklist."

Remy nodded, "Thanks Twilight." He turned to Peter, "Let's go mon ami!"

The two rushed over to find Rumble while Applejack approached Twilight. "Any chance you can give me a list of tips about dating a superhero? I'd like to be ready fer this stuff as well."

"Well for starters, always keep plenty of cards around at least, or anything he can throw, and try to keep his staff handy," Twilight suggested.

"Right, anyway let's get mah family somewhere safe!" Applejack said and turned to Braeburn. "Gonna need yer help."

"Right," Braeburn said and turned to the Apples. "Come on y'all! Let's get going!"

The Apples nodded and followed orders given out by Applejack, trusting she had the situation well under control.

Peter and Remy rushed over to find Rumble, having found Timberwolf tracks.

"Damn, looks like there's a lot of them," Peter said.

"Gotta hurry, come on!" Remy said.

They followed the tracks until they saw Rumble surrounded by the wolves, things not looking too good for him. His wing even looked a little damaged, so flying wasn't an option for him.

"This is gonna be bad," Rumble said as the wolves looked over him.

Before anything could happen, Peter landed on a wolf's head, "Down boy! No chasing ponies!"

The wolf swatted at it's head but Peter managed to leap off and land next to Rumble. "Rumble, you ok!?"

"I'm fine, one of them hit my wing though," Rumble said, flapping it a little. "Hurts to fly."

"You won't need to," Peter said and glared at the wolves. "You like chasing little colts? How about fighting a bigger pony!"

One wolf lunged at Peter but he effortlessly hit an uppercut, knocking the wolf yards back. Another wolf went to attack but Peter webbed it and flung it across the meadow.

One wolf went after the two but it was hit in the face with kinetically charged cards. Remy then rushed over and got into a fighting stance. "Bring it on you mutts!"

As the wolves lunged at Remy, he twirled his staff and started whacking all the wolves that came at him, ducking some of their swipes and leaping overhead, tossing a few more cards down. He landed and quickly whacked a wolf in the face and tossed a card right at it to knock it back.

More came at Remy but he rolled out the way and twirled his stick, "Wanna fetch?" The wolves jumped at him but he twirled his staff and whacked them hard, then tossing a few cards at their feet.

Peter rushed over and did a diving kick to one wolf's face and then jumped over and did another kick to another wolf's face. One wolf lunged at Peter but he grabbed it by the jaws and tossed it on the other side and then quickly dodged an attack from another wolf and delivered a strong punch.

"Man you pups could use some obedience training!" Peter said and jumped on one's head. Another went to attack but Peter jumped at the last second, causing the wolf to hit the other as Peter webbed from above and came down hard on the other wolf's head.

Rumble stayed to the side and watched as the two superheroes gave it to the wolves, some even running away whimpering.

As Remy continued to whack with his staff, Peter continued to punch, kick and web them away. Peter even webbed a few and tossed them into the air as Remy tossed some cards at them, taking them down one by one.

Soon the wolves had run off, fleeing back to the Everfree forest, away from the two heroes. Peter and Remy each took a breath and did a bro-hoof to each other.

"You are the best mon ami, ain't no denying that," Remy said.

"You're pretty awesome yourself, don't sell yourself short," Peter said.

"I'm just happy to help, and protect those I love," Remy said.

"That's my goal as well," Peter said.

Rumble rushed over to them, "You're both awesome! You really gave it to those Timberwolves!"

"Thanks Rumble," Peter said, then put on a more serious face. "Now explain to me what you were thinking leading off all those Timberwolves!? You could have gotten hurt!"

Rumble's ears drooped, "Sorry Peter, I had to do something, I couldn't lead those wolves to the farm."

Peter wanted to say more but he really couldn't argue that. Rumble only did what he thought was best, plus he doesn't know the whole situation yet. "We'll talk about this in a moment, let's hurry back to the farm."

Moments later, the two had made their way back to the Apple Family Farm and were greeted by the others.

"Did ya drive away them Timberwolves!?" Braeburn asked.

Peter nodded, "Right back into the Everfree Forest."

"Those things are awfully big, we're just glad y'all came back unharmed," Apple Fritter said.

Apple Bloom rushed over to Peter and Remy, pulling both into a hug, "Yer both mah heroes!"

Remy and Peter each returned the hug to the little filly.

"Anything for you and your family Apple Bloom," Remy said.

Applejack rushed over to nuzzle Remy, "Yer the best Remy, all ah ask fer in a guy is one who would do anything fer mah family."

"Of course my sweet little Apple, Remy always does what he can for you," Remy said.

Twilight nuzzled against Peter, "I love you Peter."

"I love you too Twilight," Peter said and kissed his loving wife.

Twilight looked over to Rumble, "Oh, your wing Rumble."

"It's fine, doesn't hurt too badly," Rumble insisted, mainly so Twilight didn't worry.

Twilight felt relieved, "I'm very happy to hear that." Her worried face turned into a glare. "But I'm not too happy that you flew off and put yourself in danger like that."

"I had to do something Twilight, I couldn't put anypony here in danger," Rumble said.

"Why were you near the Everfree Forest anyway!? You know about the creatures in there!" Twilight asked.

"I'd like to know that mahself," Applejack said, turning to the other fillies. "You kids should know it ain't safe."

Babs did a nervous chuckle, "Sorry cuz, won't happen again."

Applejack narrowed her eyes at that response."Yer just lucky Rumble was a quick thinker," Applejack then turned to Rumble. "Not that you should have even been in danger like you were. Thankfully yer alright."

Twilight turned to Mayday, "And what's this about you going into the Everfree Forest!?"

"I just wanted to get the ball, it wasn't that far in," Mayday insisted.

"You know you're not supposed to go in there young filly! Your father and I have told you several times never to go into the forest without myself, your father, Auntie Trixie, Ursa or any of my friends or your father's friends," Twilight said.

"You kids shouldn't have let her go in there either!" Applejack said.

"In all fairness, Rumble DID warn her, so we didn't just let her go in," Apple Bloom said.

Twilight had even more of a glare at her daughter, "So even after Rumble told you not to go in there you just went on in anyway!?"

Mayday did a shrug and a sheepish smile, "I guess..."

Twilight huffed. "You guess!? Mayday, we tell you all the time that you need to listen to Rumble! Now his wing's hurt because you didn't listen to him! All these ponies almost got hurt because you disobeyed what me and your father have taught you" Twilight shouted, causing Mayday to whimper a little, tears running down Mayday's eyes.

Peter approached Twilight cautiously, "Take it easy Twilight, we need to teach her right from wrong, not give her a guilt complex. The latter won't help."

Twilight's eyes softened, as did her demeanor, "Right, sorry. I was just so worried." Twilight approached Mayday and hugged her, "I just can't stand the idea of you getting hurt, or Rumble. You're both important to me."

Mayday sniffled a bit, "I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry daddy," Mayday then looked directly to Rumble, tears still in her eyes. "I'm sorry Rumble, I didn't mean to get you hurt."

Rumble walked over to Mayday and pulled her into a hug, "It's alright May, I'm fine. I'm just happy you didn't get hurt." Mayday sniffled a bit more and hugged Rumble really tight.

Peter approached Mayday and pulled her into a hug. "Easy now little May, everything's alright now. That's why I'm here, if something happens I'll go over and fix it. It's the life of a superhero after all. I'm just happy you're not hurt."

Mayday wiped her eyes and smiled up at Peter, "I'm glad you're my daddy, you always protect others. I always feel safe around you. You'll never let anypony get hurt."

"That's all that matters too," Remy said. "No one here got hurt, and as long as me and Peter are around, ain't no one getting hurt." Remy turned to Peter with a smile, "Because good friends are worth fighting for."

Peter nodded, "True words Remy. You and I are always gonna be buddies, right now you're my family, my brother, right now we're both proud Apples!"

"Dang straight boy!" Applejack said. "We are all Apples through and through! Ain't nothing can stop us either!" That got a few cheers from her family. "Now ah say we continue this party, Apple style!"

The Apple family whooped at that as Applejack pointed to her fellow Apple, Fiddlesticks. "Get a good song going! It's square dancing time!"

The Apples cheered at that, though Peter felt a bit nervous.

"I'm not a good dancer, not as bad as Twilight though."


Peter shrugged, "What? It's true"

Remy placed his foreleg around Peter, "Don't worry Mon Ami, Remy got your back on this."

Peter nodded, "Great to know."

As Fiddlesticks played on her fiddle, many of the Apples started dancing to the music. It was a great time with the Apples taking turns dancing with each other. It started with Applejack and Apple Bloom, then breaking off to Apple Bloom and Big Mac while Applejack danced with Remy.

Peter joined in with Remy, though Peter did a lousy job, though Twilight who danced with Applejack fared no better. Remy then danced with Twilight while Applejack danced with Peter, still not fairing much better.

Apple Bloom had danced a little with Rumble, then Rumble found himself dancing with Mayday, leaving Apple Bloom with Babs.

Soon Braeburn, Apple Fritter, Aunt May, Uncle Orange, Aunt Orange, Apple Flora, Candy Caramel and even Granny Smith along with Apple Rose joined in on the Square dancing. Trixie originally didn't want to join though Rumble got her to, by guilting her.

"Please Trixie, it would help make my wing feel better," he then did a pouty lip to really seal the deal.

"You are just lucky that The Great and Powerful Trixie thinks you're very cute," Trixie said, offering a smile at the young colt.

Rumble pulled Trixie to the center to square dance with her along with the other apples. During this dance Remy had worked up the nerve to give a nice big kiss to Applejack in front of the relatives, earning a blush for both ponies and a cheer in the background.

During the Square Dancing, Twilight had shifted between partners and found a nice special surprise, "Spike?"

There Spike was, dancing as a random partner with Twilight. "Hey Twi, looks like I made it."

Twilight stopped dancing and pulled Spike into a hug, "I"m happy you showed up, started to miss you."

"Twilight you see me all the time, besides I'll always make some time for you. You're my family after all," Spike said.

Peter watched from nearby, a content smile on his face. "Thus completes my family. My wife, my aunt, my daughter, my high maintenance roommate and our little dragon." Peter watched as Rumble danced with several of the fillies, "Not to mention that blooming hero."

"And yer little sister," Apple Bloom said. "Come dance with me Peter."

"I'll do my best," Peter said and joined Apple Bloom in the Square Dance.

At the end of it everypony gathered around for the Apple Family Picture in front of the barn. The grown ponies in the back row, the foals in the front, even a special spot for the Parker-Sparkle Family and a nice spot for Remy alongside Applejack and her family. It was a nice grand time at Sweet Apple Acres.

Later on it was time for the Apples to start heading home, each of them starting saying their good-byes.

"It was nice seeing you all again, especially you Applejack," Braeburn said. "Let's try not to keep this limited to the Apple Family Reunions, I'd like to see you a little more often."

"Don't worry, we'll head down to Appaloosa sometime soon, you owe Remy a tour," Applejack said, Remy giving a nervous chuckle at that.

"Speaking of which," Braeburn turned to Remy. "Yer a pretty decent guy Remy, mah cousin really seems to like you."

"Well I really like your cousin. Applejack means so much to me after all," Remy said.

"Well you showed it big time today," Braeburn said. "But just so you know, you don't have to be a big time superhero like Peter. We Apples like Peter for more than his superheroics, we like him because of his caring nature. He shows the signs of a true Apple, all you gotta to is that same thing, and do you want a tip how to do so?"

Remy shrugged, "How so?"

"By being there fer mah cousin and treating her right. So long as you love mah family, then yer just fine for mah liking," Braeburn said.

Remy chuckled a bit, he's been told this several times but hearing it from another Apple seemed a lot easier on him.

Apple Fritter approached Remy, "Do take good care of Applejack now Remy. Granted she can take care of herself fer the most part but it would do us much ease if we knew you'd always be there fer her."

"Sure thing, see you around," Remy said.

Rumble was saying his good-byes to the fillies, starting with Apple Flora and Candy Caramel.

"Bye girls, I hope to see you again," Rumble said.

"Bye Rumble, it was great seeing yah," Apple Flora said and kissed his right cheek.

"Same here, hopefully we won't have to wait long to see you again," Candy Caramel said and kissed his left cheek.

The two fillies went to find their families while Babs approached Rumble. "Been nice seeing you kid, come down to the city sometime soon, I'll show you a real party."

Babs gave Rumble a seductive smile and leaned closer, "Then you and ah could have a little fun afterwards."

Rumble blinked a few times, some worry in his eyes but he still managed a smile. "Sounds fun...I guess."

Babs kissed Rumble's muzzle and turned to find her sister, "See ya around."

Rumble waved good-bye and let out a deep sigh, "I really need to speak to Peter about these girls, or maybe Twilight. Maybe even Trixie, she seems smarter about this stuff."

As Rumble turned to find his family, he found himself face-to-face with Apple Bloom.

"Howdy Rumble, you say yer good-byes to mah cousins?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yeah, they're nice girls, though a little too flattering for me," Rumble said.

"Yer just handsome, and brave. Speaking of which, you really had me worried today!" Apple Bloom said.

Rumble did a sheepish smile, "Sorry, I had to do something. I thought about what Peter might do, so I did it."

Apple Bloom shook her head, "Now ah know how Twilight feels, to see somepony you love be put in danger."

"I'm sorry to worry you but-" Rumble did a double take, "Wait did you say 'love'?"

Apple Bloom blushed and covered her mouth, "Sorry, ah didn't realize ah said it loud enough to hear."

Rumble bit his lip a little, "But love? I knew you liked me and had a crush on me, but love? Isn't that a lot?"

"It is...but it's how ah feel," Apple Bloom said. It was a crush at first but now I feel like yer the only colt fer me. Maybe it's nothing, maybe I don't know mah emotions. But I do care about yah Rumble."

Rumble had no idea what to think about this, he's never experienced this type of moment. He could only look into the eyes of Apple Bloom, her cute orange eyes. He remembered how those eyes looked when he told her to make a run for it. The eyes of worry, she was worried for him. She cared about him, but he always knew that. She's always been nice to him, especially considering the events that led him to being taken in by Peter and Twilight.

Amazing that the first time he really got a good look in her eyes, it was more for rage, she once wanted to beat him up. Funny how things change, from being threatened by this filly to having this filly probably fall in love with him.

What does he do now? What did Peter do when this happened? From what Peter and Twilight said, they had to really think about this. Difference was Peter, not being born a pony, had to think twice as hard about it so while he thought of Twilight's emotions, he failed to think of others. Rumble felt today what Peter normally feels, having the affection of many ponies. He also knows that Twilight isn't the only one in love with him, he knows how Princess Luna also fell in love with Peter, and how Future Sweetie Belle feels about Peter.

Sweetie Belle...Scootaloo...what about them? Do they love him too? Scootaloo has been nice to and Sweetie Belle, despite their rough start, also has shown him a lot of affection. He doesn't know what to do, he's not good with love yet.

"Apple Bloom...I want to but...I'm just worried. I'm new to this and-" Rumble was cut off by a big surprise. Apple Bloom had kissed him, a filly had actually kissed him. Rumble's never felt anything like this before. Rumble, as if out of instinct, returned the kiss to Apple Bloom, even stroking her mane a bit.

Apple Bloom blushed even harder, she was actually kissing Rumble, and he liked it. This was a big moment for her that she wanted to last. Unfortunately it had to come to an end sooner or later.

After breaking away, Apple Bloom offered a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that. Ah just had to."

"It's fine...don't worry about it," Rumble said with his own sheepish smile.

Apple Bloom moved her mane back, "Listen, don't take that as me trying to sway you. Ah know mah friends like you too so take yer time to decide. If you like one of mah friends better then don't worry about me. Between you and me, mah sister had a crush on Peter, but she understood when he went with Twilight, so I'll understand if you go with Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo."

Rumble was amazed, she really was a caring pony. He should just take her now as his marefriend but maybe she did have a point. She probably needs to think about this herself. "You got it Apple Bloom."

Apple Bloom nodded, "I'm gonna go say bye to mah cousins, see you in a bit."

Once Apple Bloom left, Rumble turned around with a big smile on his face, though it faded when he saw a certain group of ponies and a dragon. "Uh...how long were you watching?"

Standing before him were Peter, Twilight, Trixie, Applejack and Remy, each with a grin on their face, from excited to proud to coy.

"Um...I take it long enough?" Rumble asked.

Twilight rushed over to Rumble, "That was the most adorable thing I've seen, you and Apple Bloom look so cute together!" Twilight pulled him into a hug, "My little stallion is growing up!"

Trixie approached Rumble, "Still don't think you could impress Apple Bloom?"

Peter approached Rumble to run his mane, "I'm really proud of you. You should be proud too. I always thought you two would go well with each other."

Rumble nodded, then looked to Applejack and Remy, each standing with a smile of approval. "Neither of you mind?"

Applejack shook her head, "Nah, yer a nice boy Rumble. Ah know we had a rough start but you've really proven yerself." Applejack trotted over to Rumble, "Yer kind, caring, a good older brother to Mayday and you care a lot about mah sister and her friends." Applejack rubbed his mane, "Also you get extra points fer helping them out today, little hero."

Rumble felt a degree of confidence, at least he has her older sister's approval. "Thanks Applejack, it means a lot."

Remy took his turn to approach Rumble, "You're a lucky boy, the Apple mares are great mares. Now we both have that luck."

Rumble nodded, though remembered one thing. Apple Bloom told him that he can still decide between all three friends, he doesn't know how to break it to them.

'Peter, Twilight, can I speak to you both about this later though? I have a few questions to ask," Rumble said.

"Of course Rumble. We know while love is a great feeling to have, it can also be confusing. We'll answer any question you have," Twilight said.

Peter raised his eyebrow, "Wait, it's not about...you know...when a boy really likes a girl..."

Rumble blushed furiously, "Peter! I already know about that stuff! And no it's not those type of questions!"

Peter sighed in relief, "Good, that would be awkward."

Applejack looked around, "Ah reckon ah should make sure ah see all my family off. Y'all can go inside, Mayday's waiting. She's really tired, probably best to get ready to take her home."

"Right, thanks Applejack. Also thanks for inviting us," Twilight said.

"No prob, y'all always welcome here, Reunion or not," Applejack said.

The Parker-Sparkle family walked to the house, though Rumble had one more thing to say. "Please don't tell Mayday about that kiss, she'll get jealous."

Peter furrowed his brow, "She's gonna find out eventually. You need to figure things out with Mayday."

"But we'll help you on that," Twilight said. "It's sweet that Mayday loves you so much but she also needs to know that you can be with other fillies."

Rumble nodded, "I guess so. I just don't want her to think I don't love her."

"She won't, leave it to us little buddy," Peter said.

Rumble nodded and followed the family back to the farmhouse to grab Mayday.

Later that night, everypony's gone home and the mess had been cleared up. Applejack was laying in her room, thinking over the events of today. Suddenly she heard a knock. "Come in."

Remy came into the room, "Hey Applejack, how are things going?"

"Going great. Today was a total success, I'm so happy it turned out well," Applejack said.

Remy approached the bed and sat on a chair beside it, "At least your relatives like me...at least I hope they do."

"You worry too much Remy, mah relatives love you," Applejack insisted.

Remy sighed a little, "As long as you love me, then I guess there ain't much to worry about."

Applejack sat up on the edge of her bed and patted the spot next to her, urging Remy to sit down. "Remy, yer a great guy. If Ah didn't think so, ah never would have agreed to be yer marefriend."

"Yeah, you seemed just happy being single. You have no idea how lucky I feel. You're one of the best things to come into my life," Remy said.

Applejack nuzzled Remy but something did linger in her mind, "Question...you had another girl right? Rogue was it? How come you and her ain't together?"

Remy shrugged, "Not sure, we just fell out of love. But I can't help but feel there's something I didn't do right."

"Is that why yer so concerned about making me happy?" Applejack said.

Remy nodded, "I guess. Listen Applejack, I really like you. I don't wanna go back home to my world, because you're all I need right now. It may be soon but I know I'm in love with you, and I feel like I could spend my life with you."

Applejack looked into his eyes, her Element of Honesty working it's magic. She could detect no trace of deceit, his words were genuine. Applejack rubbed his face a little, maintaining her look in his eyes. "Ah feel the same way Remy, ah love you."

"And I love you too, my sweet little Apple."

With that the two proved their love with a nice kiss, Remy laid down on the bed, pulling Applejack down with him as they continued to make-out. Remy rolled over so she was on her back and he was on top.

"Applejack...You are the only Apple I want right now," Remy said.

"And yer the only set of cards ah want to play," Applejack said.

Remy chuckled at her attempt in humor and continued to kiss her, gently caressing her body. She was his and he was hers, and he neither would let each other go.

Love bloomed on the farm alongside the apples, and it was a beautiful thing to happen.

Author's Note:

Apple Family Reunion. Some Applejack x Gambit romance, Peter meeting Apples and Rumble loving Apple Bloom.