• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,558 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

  • ...

Tough Fillies

The Pie Family Rock Farm, a place far off and pretty isolated from the rest of Equestria. It was ran by one Limestone Pie, who worked on it frequently. She had help in the form of her little sister Marble, and her other sister Maud.

Though recently she and her family had been tasked with something a little bigger. Something they may not be able to handle by themselves, so they sent for a little assistance, despite Limestone's reluctance.

On the way to the rock farm via train was Pinkie Pie. She eagerly anticipating her arrival and her reunion with her sisters, and she wasn't alone.

Applejack, Remy and Big Macintosh had come along for the ride, having their friendship with the Pie family and their willingness to help them with their farm work, especially being farmers themselves.

But they weren't the only ones going. Also riding toward the rock farm were Fluttershy and Laura, they too would be meeting with the Pie Family. Fluttershy wanted to see Marble again while Laura came just to be with Fluttershy.

They arrived near the Pie Family Rock Farm one afternoon, having stopped at the station and waited for their escort.

Pinkie hopped around all over the place, much to the annoyance of Laura. "I can't wait to see my sisters again! I feel so lucky, I don't get to see them that often, now I've seen them twice in like one month!"

"I'm pretty excited myself, Marble is such a nice pony, I can't wait to see her again," Fluttershy said.

"That mare is the only other pony that's more quiet than you, I'm eager to see what conversation you two would have," Remy said with a sly smile.

Fluttershy raised her eyebrow, "I'm sure she's more talkative than she lets on. I used to be like that, if I could change so can she."

Pinkie bounced in place, "Yeah, I think Fluttershy has a great chance at that! Marble did seem to like her, they'd make the cutest friends!"

Laura held Fluttershy close, "She won't get as close as me though."

Fluttershy giggled a little, "Laura, you won't get jealous right?"

Laura looked surprised and turned away, "No, I'm better than that, I'm not gonna get jealous."

Fluttershy nuzzled a bit, "I'm sure you are, but if you do feel jealous, don't be shy in letting me know. But I do love you, and nopony will take your place."

Laura blushed a bit, "Come on 'Shy, don't embarrass me like this!"

Fluttershy giggled, "Sorry Laura, I'll try not to." Fluttershy then immediately kissed her cheek, causing Laura to glare with an angry blush.

"Yeah, that's really helpful 'Shy!" Laura said in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist," Fluttershy stated, causing Laura to narrow her eyes a bit.

"Wow, you two are quite something, "Applejack said.

"It's cute, I'll say that much," Remy said.

Pinkie nodded, "Super duper cute!"

"Eeyup," Big Mac said.

Laura groaned while Fluttershy nuzzled against her. Laura didn't mind Fluttershy doing that too much honestly, she loves her affection and wouldn't trade anything for it. But it can be a little odd when done in public. She doesn't want anypony to think she's a softie.

Soon enough, Maud Pie arrived at the station, her usual expressionless tone in tact. "I'm here."

Pinkie grinned in a big way, "Maud! I'm so happy to see you!" Pinkie rushed over to hug her older sister.

Applejack approached Maud, "Nice to see ya again Maud."

"You too Applejack, I see you brought your brother with you, and your coltfriend. You even brought Fluttershy, Marble will be happy to see her," Maud said.

"Yes, I can't wait," Fluttershy said.

Maud gestured the other ponies, "Follow me."

The ponies followed Maud to the Pie Family Rock Farm. It wasn't too long of a walk,the farm came to view within minutes.

"This place ain't exactly too lively ain't it?" Remy said.

"Looks boring as crap," Laura said, earning a glare from Fluttershy.

"Behave Laura," Fluttershy warned.

"Come on, Gambit said the same thing!" Laura complained.

"I don't care what Gambit said, worry about how you're acting," Fluttershy said, much to Laura agitation.

The ponies followed Maud through the field, where in the distance they spotted the other two pie sisters.

"Marble! Limestone!" Pinkie shouted.

Marble looked over and saw the ponies. She felt happy seeing her sister Pinkie, and even extra happy to see Fluttershy.

Limestone however looked over with a bit of a scowl. She didn't mind Pinkie so much but the others she wasn't too interested in seeing, especially Laura.

"I brought them here like you wanted," Maud told Limestone.

"Good, hopefully they can prove to be useful," Limestone said.

Remy raised his eyebrow, "Useful for what?"

"It's like this. We have some big orders to fill. Normally me, Marble and Maud can handle things, but Marble strained herself recently and can't really work as hard, so we're falling behind," Limestone explained.

Fluttershy gasped, "Oh, poor Marble."

"She tried helping but she's not getting any better, which is why I needed the Apples and Pinkie here. Applejack, Big Macintosh and Pinkie can help with some of the physical labor, and Fluttershy I need you to help tend to Marble," Limestone explained.

"What about me and Laura?" Remy asked.

"Honestly I didn't expect to see either of you two here, then again I know you're dating Applejack so I guess you wanna help your marefriend. Though who's tending to your farm?" Limestone asked.

"Apple Bloom has it under control, with some help from Peter and Rumble," Applejack said.

"It's also not that busy, we did a lot of Apple Bucking recently to be caught up ourselves," Remy said.

"Well it won't be long, just a day if anything," Limestone said.

"I'm just here with Fluttershy," Laura said.

"Yeah, those who are nearly inseparable," Applejack commented.

"Hey it's no different than your relationship with your sister!" Laura shouted.

"Hey easy, ah didn't say it was a bad thing," Applejack said while holding her hooves up defensively.

"Seriously Laura, you need to relax a bit and stop getting so defensive," Remy said with a bit of an attitude.

"Hey why don't you-" Laura was interrupted by Fluttershy.

"Laura, please remember to relax."

Laura huffed a bit and took a breath to calm down. Fluttershy turned her attention to Remy, "As for you Remy, you could be a little nicer. I know you didn't like how she spoke to Applejack but getting angry with her won't solve the situation."

Remy sighed and nodded to Fluttershy, "Alright then."

Limestone approached Remy, "So are you good with farm work too?"

Remy nodded, "Yeah, I help Applejack at her farm."

"Good, so I'm guessing you're here to help as well?" Limestone asked.

"Sure thing, just say the word and Remy will be there for you," Remy said with added confidence.

Limestone raised her eyebrow, "You're quite the pony aren't you? Anyway follow me, I'll take you to the field. Fluttershy if you could, tend to Marble's injury."

Fluttershy nodded, "Sure thing, I'll take good care of your sister."

Pinkie approached Marble with her usual cheerfulness, "Don't you worry Marble, Fluttershy is a great nurse. She's already good with animals, helping a pony shouldn't be too hard. Now be nice for Fluttershy ok?"

Marble nodded, "Mmhmm."

As Limestone led the Apples off, Laura called to her, "What about me?"

Limestone shrugged, "I don't know, help Maud with something."

Laura turned to Maud who offered a blank stare, "Help her with what!?"

"You could help me sort the rocks. Do you know how to tell rocks apart?" Maud asked.

Laura looked a little weirded out, "Uh...not exactly. They all look the same to me."

"Not all rocks are the same. Some are different than others, I can teach you the differences," Maud said.

Laura turned to Fluttershy, "Maybe I should just help her with that mare."

Fluttershy shook her head, "I don't need help, you can help Maud."

Laura face hoofed, she hoped that Fluttershy could get her out of this but unfortunately Fluttershy couldn't realize that.

"Follow me to the rocks," Maud said and started walk with Laura reluctantly following.

"Come on Marble, I'll take you to a nice spot so I can see where you're hurt," Fluttershy said.

"Mmhmm," Marble said and followed Fluttershy into the house.

Limestone marched her trio of helpers to another part of the farm. "Ok the goal is to move as many rocks from this side of the field to the side we were at a moment ago, the one further down. There Maud can sort them and they can be sold off."

"Sounds good to us, you got extra wagons?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, I usually have them in case one of them breaks and we don't have time to fix it. Try not to let these break though, I'm running low," Limestone said.

"We'll do our best," Applejack said and turned to her helpers. "Come on y'all."

"Got it AJ," Remy said and approached a wagon, as did Big Macintosh and Pinkie.

"Let's hurry and load these, try not to rush, you'll hurt yourself like Marble did," Limestone said.

"Must be a pretty busy time then," Applejack said as she loaded the rocks.

"Yeah, unfortunately I pushed her a little too hard. Didn't mean for her to get injured but things just got busier," Limestone said.

"You should know to be more careful with Marble Limey, she's very delicate," Pinkie said.

"Come on Pinkie Pie, she's not that delicate, she can handle the work. She just worked a little too hard, like I said we're short hoofed at the moment," Limestone said.

"Hey it's like Reed Richards said, you should have a little more help, maybe hire some ponies," Applejack said.

"It ain't that easy, besides we're family run. Might ruin the point if we had other random ponies," Limestone said.

"Ah get where yer coming from Limestone. Sweet Apple Acres is also family run but even we have some help from time to time, even if it takes me a while to accept help," Applejack admitted.

"Anyway we're happy to help, so I guess it works out," Remy said.

"Yupperonie! One big happy family!" Pinkie said with some glee.

Limestone shrugged, "Guess so, anyway enough chit-chat, let's get moving."

In the Apple Family home, Fluttershy was checking on Marble. "Where does it hurt?"

Marble pointed to her left hind leg.

"Oh, right here?" Fluttershy asked and touched the spot.

Marble stifled a groan of pain, "Mmhmm."

Fluttershy nodded, "Usually I nurse animals back to health, but I think I can handle another pony." She got up and approached the kitchen, "I'll be right back, I'm gonna get some ice for you, and some wraps."

Marble nodded and waited for Fluttershy to return. Somehow she could trust Fluttershy, probably because they're so similar to each other. The only difference is that Fluttershy had overcome her shyness to an extent, Marble is still working on that.

Back with Laura, she's sitting around really bored while Maud sorted the rocks.


Laura had a look of complete and total boredom on her face, how can anypony stand to sort rocks? She could swear Maud probably enjoys this, though with her face she can't really tell anything.

"How can you tell these rocks apart anyway?" Laura asked.

"The way they look, feel and smell," Maud said.

Laura raised her eyebrow. She smells the rocks? Is that even normal? Then again Laura's life is anything but normal, and that was before she started living with ponies.

Laura decided to give it a shot and took a rock and carefully examined it. "Wait, which type is this?"

Maud looked at the rock, examining it a moment. "That's Granite, put it with the others."

Laura looked around, still unable to tell the rocks apart. She took a chance and placed it on a pile before Maud spoke up. "Not there, that's the gravel pile."

Laura raised her eyebrow and tried another spot. "No...that's sedimentary."

Laura groaned and tried again, "Is it here?"

Maud nodded, "Yes, good work Laura, soon you'll be able to tell rocks apart like me."

Laura seemed almost freaked out at the idea of being boring like Maud. "This is so weird."

After what felt like hours, Maud and Laura were done sorting the rocks, though Laura looked really unhappy.

"Finally done, that took so long!" Laura said.

"Didn't seem long to me, I was just starting to have fun too," Maud said.

Before Laura could come up with a retort, her pupils shrank when she saw Limestone and the others arrive with some more rocks.

"Alright, dump the rocks here, then we can get to the field again," Limestone said.

Laura swears she could start crying, why are there more?

"Good, more rocks. Now the fun continues," Maud said.

Remy wiped his head, "Man, Remy's starting to feel exhausted."

"Hey if it's too much for you then you can just sit back and let us handle it," Limestone said in an almost condescending tone.

Remy looked taken back, "Wow, very fiesty."

"Hey Gambit, wanna switch jobs with me? You can join in on the fun of separating rocks," Laura said.

Remy looked at Maud and looked a little weirded out by her constant neutral expression, "I'm good. Besides I wanna be near my precious little apple."

Applejack giggled, "Even exhausted you find a way to charm me huh Remy?"

Limestone groaned, "What are you some lovey-dovey kissy couple?"

"Hey you think we're like that, check out Peter and Twilight, they always seem to be making-out," Remy said.

"I wish Peter was here, he could handle this type of work," Limestone said.

"He might swing by. He said if he finishes work early enough on the farm he'd come by to help us," Applejack said.

Limestone raised her eyebrow, "Really? What for?"

"He's just that friendly," Applejack said.

"Take it from me, Peter Parker is one of the best friends you could ask for," Remy said.

"Yeah, yeah, nice and dandy then. Come on we got more work to do," Limestone said.

Remy shook his head in a disappointed fashion, "That mare, got one bad attitude."

"Eeyup," Big Mac said.

"Come on, the quicker we get to this, the more she'll relax," Applejack said.

The others grabbed their carts and moved on while Laura glumly helped Maud sort the rocks.

In the house, Fluttershy had iced Marble's leg a bit and started wrapping it, "There you go, soon you'll have your old strength back."

"Thank you, Fluttershy" Marble said, barely above a whisper.

"Oh it's no problem, anything for a friend," Fluttershy said and finished wrapping her leg. "Just stay off it for a little bit, can I get you anything?"

Marble tapped her chin, "Water?"

"Coming right up," Fluttershy said and trotted to the kitchen. Marble really liked Fluttershy, she felt safe around her. Plus Fluttershy was nice enough to call her a friend.

Later in the day Limestone had made her way back to the field with her cart. "Alright listen, there's only a few more rocks. The four of you can handle that, I need to go to the mines and get a few things from there."

"Would you like our help?" Pinkie asked.

Limestone shook her head, "I'm good, just help your friends, this shouldn't take too long."

Limestone made her way to the mines toward a cart. "Just need some quartz, and maybe a few other things. That should be enough for the day at least."

As she grabbed the cart and started moving it she heard a voice. "Hey what's going on!?"

Limestone raised her eyebrow and looked in the cart, "Laura!?"

Laura stood up and glared at Limestone, "Oh it's you."

"Why are you in the cart? And who said you could be in the mines!? Nopony is allowed in here without my say-so!" Limestone said.

"Hey I needed a break, if I had to continue sorting those damn rocks I was gonna lose it!" Laura said.

"You can't stay in that cart though! I'm about to use it!" Limestone said.

"Like I care, you want it, take it, but I'm not going back out there!" Laura said.

"Hey if you don't wanna sort rocks that's fine, I doubt Maud would care. If anything she'd say 'More for her', though maybe I can get use out of you," Limestone said.

Laura raised her eyebrow, "How so?"

"Come with me and help me fill this cart. With your help it should take me less time to finish," Limestone said.

"Wait, why do I have to help you?" Laura asked.

"Because everypony else is being useful, you wanna be on this farm you gotta be useful too," Laura said.

"I can help Fluttershy take care of your sister," Laura said.

"One, she doesn't need help, honestly Marble isn't even that hurt, she just wants an excuse to see Fluttershy since I told her I was bringing Applejack over. Two I don't really trust you near my sister," Limestone said plain and simple.

"Huh!? Why not!?" Laura asked, a little in disbelief.

"Because you have a bad temper and I don't want you freaking out near my little sister!" Limestone said.

"Hey I'm with Fluttershy just fine, I can be near your precious little sister!" Laura said.

"Look, either you sort rocks with Maud or you help me with the cart, your choice, otherwise I don't want you on my farm!" Limestone said.

Laura angrily punched the wall, "Whatever then! Just tell me what you need help with!"

"Just follow me, it shouldn't take long, unless you're a freaken slow worker!" Limestone said and moved the cart, much to Laura's annoyance.

The two made their way down the mine area, with Laura looking around, somewhat bored of this whole situation. "So where's this thing you want me to do?"

"Hold on we're getting there," Limestone said.

Laura rolled her eyes, such a boring task but she had little choice in the matter. Soon enough Limestone had reached the part of the mine filled with quartz. "There, collecting quartz. I just need a cart full, shouldn't take too long."

"Fine, whatever," Laura said. While Limestone used a tool to mine the quartz, Laura had used her claws to do so.

"Those things won't break?" Limestone asked.

"My claws are made of really hard metal, it won't break," Laura assured.

"How did you even get your claws?" Limestone asked.

"I was born with them," Laura replied.

Limestone looked impressed, "Born with them? Is that even possible? I thought you were like Spider-Mane and you got your powers through something else?"

"No, I have these things because I'm a clone of Wolverine. Though he was born while his powers as well. He's classified as a mutant, unlike Spider-Mane and your adopted brother, Johnny Storm," Laura said.

Limestone raised her eyebrow, "Adopted brother?"

"Yeah, Pinkie adopted Johnny as her brother for some stupid reason, which makes him your brother," Laura said.

"Hey that might have been Pinkie's idea but that doesn't make Johnny Storm my brother alright?" Limestone said.

"Like I give a damn if you see him as one, I barely even like the guy," Laura said.

Both mares grabbed their load and placed in on the cart before mining again.

"Anyway ponies like Wolverine, Iceman and Applejack's coltfriend Remy are also mutants since they were born with their powers. Since I'm a clone of Wolverine then I basically inherited his powers," Laura said.

"So you're a clone? Does that technically make you his daughter?" Limestone asked.

Laura stopped a moment to glare at Limestone, "Maybe on a technicality but he's no father of mine." Laura then continued to work.

"Sounds like you have some issues with that guy," Limestone said.

"It's personal, nothing I wanna talk about alright? The only pony I care about is Fluttershy, she's the only one who actually sees me as another human being. Or rather another pony but same difference, she doesn't see me as some mutant or a weapon, just a friend, a sister, I'd even say she's almost like a mother, even if she is only a few years older than me," Laura said.

"How nice for you then," Limestone said, trying to remove a piece of quartz from the wall.

"Anyway that's my story. I have powers I don't even care to have, I just care about being with Fluttershy," Laura said, still using her claw on the quartz.

"Can't blame you, the only ponies I care about are my sisters and parents. I'm not much of a social pony, then again neither are Maud and Marble. Pinkie's the most social out of all of us, not that I care that much," Limestone said.

"Hey you're lucky to have a loving sister, even if she is so damn annoying," Laura said.

Limestone glared, "My sister may be annoying but she at least means well. I'm still amazed that she became this big deal in Equestria, working for the Princess and all. Not bad for a filly from a rock farm."

"How did she even get that job anyway?" Laura asked.

Limestone shrugged, "Not sure, even she's not sure. It just suddenly happened. At least she remembers where she came from. It's nice to have her around, even when she does get on my nerves with her constant party attitude."

Both of them loaded another set of quartz.

"I can't believe you have all this stuff in your mines. I don't know who has more work, you or the Apple Family?" Laura said.

"It varies I guess. Both our farms have their busy periods," Limestone said and moved the cart a little, "Come, there's more a little further down."

As they moved the cart, it got stuck on some rocks.

"Hey, what gives!?" Limestone asked and started pushing the cart more. "It won't budge!"

"Out of the way," Laura said and rushed in to ram the cart. Though she got it moving, it started moving really fast down the mines.

"Crap! The Quartz!" Limestone said and started following it with Laura pursuing as well.

The two mares followed the quartz for a few yards, going all around the mines before they finally caught it.

"That was close," Limestone said and turned to Laura, "Can you be a little more careful next time!?"

"Well pardon me for trying to help!" Laura shouted.

"You wanna help, try not to cause more problems!" Limestone shouted, then noticed that some quartz had fallen out. "Aw damn! Now we gotta pick them up again!"

"Um Limestone, I think we have other things to worry about, like which part of the mines we are?" Laura asked.

Limestone looked around, "Huh? Yeah you're right, looks like we're pretty deep in the mines."

Both mares looked around, with Laura feeling a bit disgruntled, "So now we're lost or something!?"

"Probably, I'm not familiar with this place," Limestone said.

Laura rubbed her face, "Now what? We wait for the others?"

"Guess so, not much of a choice," Limestone said.

Laura huffed, "I say we keep moving. I can track pretty well so I should be able to find a way out of here."

"Or you get us even more lost and we stay stuck longer," Limestone said.

"I'm not waiting, besides it shouldn't be too hard to find our way out," Laura said.

"The best thing is to wait it out, then try on our own, otherwise it could get worse for us," Limestone said.

Laura groaned, "Look I didn't even wanna be here, I'm only stuck in this situation because you made me get stuck!"

"Quit your complaining! So we're a little deep in! Just sit with me and wait a bit!" Limestone said.

"Or you can sit and I'll find a way out!" Laura said and started moving.

Limestone crossed her forelegs, "Fine by me, but if you get lost don't come crying to me!" Limestone sat back as Laura left, believing the mare to come back. However so far she wasn't coming back, she seemed really serious about this. Limestone ignored it, figuring it wasn't her problem.

However as time passed, Limestone became a bit worried. Why should she care though? Let Laura screw herself over, not her problem. She continued to sit back and wait, figuring Laura should come to her senses. Any second now.

Limestone did her best to sit still but when Laura didn't come back she gave up. "Stupid girl is gonna screw us both over!"

She got up and went in Laura's direction, "Laura! Where are you!?"

She kept walking along until she saw Laura looking around in the distance, "There you are! How stupid are you going off on your own like that!?"

Laura turned back to her with a slight glare and then looked around again.

"Hey I'm talking to you! You can't just go off on your own like that, it's freaken dangerous, suppose you get hurt!?"

Laura rolled her eyes, "Didn't think you cared."

"I don't...I just don't want anypony saying I left you on your own, that's all," Limestone said.

"Pfft, right," Laura said and continued to look around, "I'm just doing a little tracking, with any luck I can find where we last were."

"I doubt that," Limestone said and looked around. "Seriously we should just wait. Once Applejack notices we're gone she'll come looking with her family, my sisters and Fluttershy. Who knows if Peter Parker shows up he'll come looking as well."

"I can handle myself, I did fine for so many years, I'm not gonna go soft now," Laura said.

Limestone rolled her eyes, "You're really stubborn, you know that!?"

"Your point being?" Laura asked, earning a glare from Limestone.

"Why are you even like this anyway!?" Limestone asked.

"Hey I can ask you the same damn question, you're pretty bossy honestly," Laura said.

"I run a farm! Of course I'm bossy!" Limestone said.

"So does Applejack, and she's hardly bossy. Anyway, you still have one major attitude problem!" Laura said.

"You know what!? I think-" Limestone stopped and rubbed her forehead a bit, "Look, we're not gonna solve anything by getting on each other's nerves. We need to try to work together on this, think you can do that?"

Laura shrugged, "Guess so."

Limestone rolled her eyes, this mare was gonna be a pain to deal with. They two walked around the mines with Laura tracking to find the exit. "This shouldn't take long, if we hurry we'll be out of here soon."

Limestone nodded and followed, then realized something. "Wait...wait, I just realized."

Laura turned to her, "Realized what?"

"The Quartz! We need to go back for it!" Limestone said and turned around.

"Is that really important right now!? You really wanna lug that stupid cart back to the entrance!?" Laura asked.

"Hey that stupid cart has what we need! Now let's go!" Limestone said.

Laura rolled her eyes, such a stubborn mare. "Look, let me just trace where I need to go, then you come back for this! It's just gonna be a pain to cart it!"

"You seem confident you'll get us out of here don't you? Now just let me do what I need to do!" Limestone said and kept trotting.

Laura gave up, she just sat there and waited for Limestone to get what she needed. Laura wasn't sure what to do with this mare, she was very stubborn, almost like herself.

Limestone was taking a bit too long to get what she needed, so Laura went to find her. What she found was Limestone on the ground, holding her left hind leg.

"What happened!?" Laura asked.

"Stupid rock happened, I wasn't paying attention," Limestone explained.

Laura rolled her eyes, "Seriously? Can you even walk?"

"It's just a bump, I'll be fine," Limestone said and stood up. Unfortunately she couldn't really handle the pain. "Damn, come on!"

Laura rolled her eyes and approached Limestone. "Come on, let me help you."

"I got it, I don't need help!" Limestone insisted.

Laura wasn't gonna buy that, she then grabbed Limestone and threw her into the cart.

"Hey what gives!?" Limestone asked.

"What does it look like? I'm helping you!" Laura said.

"I said I don't need help! Now-" Limestone didn't get to finish as Laura pushed the cart.

"Oh just shut up already! This stupid cart got us into this so it's gonna get us out of this!" Laura said and pushed the cart. "I don't know what's heavier though? The Quartz or-"

"I swear if you finish that sentence..." Limestone warned. Laura could finish it but she decided that Limestone's been through enough humiliation for now.

Back in the farm, Applejack and company had unloaded the rest of the rocks to Maud. "That's the last of 'em." She noticed something missing, "Maud, where's Laura?"

Maud shrugged, "She said she needed to talk a walk, she hasn't come back yet."

"Guess she got bored, anyway now that we're done here, maybe we can help yah sort the rocks," Applejack said.

"That would be nice, I already have the piles, all you have to do is pick the right rocks," Maud said.

Remy looked between the rocks and the piles, "Uh...is there a difference?"

Maud just stared blankly at him. "Yes."

Remy looked to Applejack and Big Mac, each offering a shrug. Remy looked down on the rocks, "Best get started then."

In the cave area, Limestone looked around while sitting in the cart, feeling a bit unsure. "I need to chart these mines better, some of this stuff looks unfamiliar."

"Are we even in the mines anymore? This looks a bit different," Laura said.

Limestone shrugged, "Hard to say really."

As they continued on they heard something nearby.

"Do you hear water?" Laura asked.

Limestone shrugged, "Not sure, let's go check it out."

Laura pushed the cart down a path and the two mares found an underground river.

"We must be really far off, I don't remember any rivers being in this area," Limestone said.

"Maybe it will lead us outside, let's just follow it," Laura said.

"Good idea," Limestone said as the two went along the river. As they walked they had to admit, the river did sound peaceful looking, so it wasn't a total pain.

As Laura pushed the cart, Limestone looked down at Laura, who seemed to be getting tired from the activity. Feeling for the mare she offered a compromise, "Hey...if you're tired I can get out. My hoof's feeling better."

Laura shook her head, "No I'm good, you just rest up."

"Seriously, I'm fine, you don't need to keep pushing the cart alone, I'll help you," Limestone insisted.

"I said I'm good, just stay in the cart will you?" Laura said, getting a bit annoyed.

Limestone rolled her eyes, "Why are you being stubborn? I didn't hit my hoof that hard!"

"Looked hard to me!" Laura said.

"You can't be serious, let me stand up!" Limestone shouted.

"I, said, NO!" Laura shouted, her echoes causing some crumbling up ahead. Soon some rocks started crumbling down. "Oh crap!"

Laura quickly pushed the cart and avoided the hard rocks. Soon they came to a slope and the cart rolled down, with Limestone still inside and Laura holding on tight. The cart then slammed against a wall, causing Limestone to fall out and the quartz to scatter.

Limestone shook her head a little and was immediately pulled out the way as one final rock slammed down, destroying the cart and the quartz.

"No! My quartz! Limestone said and angrily turned to Laura. "Great work Laura!"

"Hey I just pulled you out of the way from some rocks! Be happy!" Laura shouted.

"That happened because you wouldn't just let me walk! I was trying to do you a favor!" Limestone shouted.

"So was I! You're probably still hurt! Probably too foolish to realize it!" Laura shouted.

Limestone let out a frustrated groan as she threw her arms out. "Wait, why do you even care if I'm hurt anyway!?"

"It's not that I care," Laura said, almost defensive-like. "I just don't want you slowing us down!"

Limestone crossed her arms as if she wasn't buying it. "Anyway because of your stubbornness now we have no cart anyway!"

"Like it's my fault!?" Laura asked.

"IT IS! YOU SCREWED UP!" Limestone shouted, causing some rage from Laura.


"I WILL!" Limestone insisted and started walking. However she still felt some pain in her left hind leg. Unwilling to let Laura win, she worked through the pain and kept walking. "See...easy."

Despite her statement, Limestone was still in a lot of pain. Laura rolled her eyes and grabbed Limestone to force her on top of her back.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!?" Limestone asked.

"Oh shut up and stay there. You can't walk and I'm not gonna slow down to your pace!" Laura said.

Limestone rolled her eyes and looked away, non-caring. Laura is too stubborn for her liking, she's never met a pony more thickheaded than herself.

"We'll keep following the river, hopefully we'll have you out of here sooner than later. Fluttershy will want to check your hoof, hopefully you're not hurt too badly," Laura said.

"Again, why do you care?" Limestone asked.

"Because Fluttershy taught me to alright!? Just be quiet and let me walk!" Limestone said.

Limestone huffed and reluctantly let Laura do what she needs to do.

Outside, Maud and the others have nearly finished sorting the rocks. A long day's work was about to pay off.

"Limestone should be happy, we're just about done," Applejack said.

"Is she ever happy?" Remy asked.

"Sometimes she is, even when she doesn't look happy," Maud said.

"It just seems like she's always angry though," Remy said.

"If you haven't noticed, me, Marble and Limestone don't express our happiness they way Pinkie does. She has her way of showing emotions, and we all have ours," Maud said.

Pinkie nodded quickly, "We sure do! It's harder for other ponies to see it, not for me though!"

"You are close to your sisters Pinkie, almost as close as Applejack and Apple Bloom, or even Johnny and Susan, even if they don't show it," Remy said.

"How is Johnny's family?...How's Ben?" Maud asked, almost a bit hesitant in speaking.

"Fine I'm sure. Haven't seen them since they left but they try to keep in touch with Johnny," Remy said.

"That's good. I like Ben, he's really nice," Maud said and continued sorting the rocks.

Soon a familiar pony showed up nearby, "Hey, having fun there?"

Remy turned to see Peter with Twilight and Logan.

"Peter, you made it, good," Remy said.

"Sure did, I'm all done with the apples, so I decided to come here to make sure you're all good here as well," Peter said.

"We're fine, almost done in fact. Then again Limestone went to get something in the mines so there may be something else," Applejack said, then looked concerned. "Though she's been in there quite a while."

Logan looked around, "Where's Laura and Fluttershy?"

"Fluttershy's inside taking care of Marble. Ah don't know where Laura is though," Applejack said.

Peter felt some nagging feeling in his head, "Hey, how long as Limestone been gone?"

"Almost an hour, getting a bit worried," Applejack said.

Twilight rubbed Peter's head, "Is it your Spider-Sense? Is she in danger?"

"Not sure if it is my Spider-Sense but somehow I'm worried for Laura and Limestone," Peter said.

"Hope they didn't get lost in there, or run into any trouble," Applejack said.

Logan also had an unsure feeling, "I can probably track them, take me to the entrance of the mines."

Maud stood up, "Follow me." She led the group towards the mines, hoping to find Laura and Limestone.

Back in the underground river, Laura had stopped so that Limestone could soak her hoof in the water to help it feel a bit better.

"I can't believe I got hurt, I work on a rock farm! I should be immune to this!" Limestone said.

"Well you're not, you may be tough but there's always something tougher," Laura said.

Limestone glared at Laura, "I blame you for this! If you hadn't knocked the cart away we wouldn't be in this situation!"

"You're the one who went back for that cart and got hurt! Honestly if you just left me alone and not had me grab those stupid rocks then you'd be back with your sisters by now"! Laura shouted.

"You're really bratty! How does Fluttershy put up with you!?" Limestone asked.

"Same way Maud and Marble put up with you! And I bet they're getting tired as well, I'm sure Pinkie got tired, that's why she left the farm!" Laura shouted.

"She left to pursue some silly dream about being a baker and party planner!" Limestone shouted.

"Well it worked for her! She went to Ponyville and made friends! More than what you can say!" Laura shouted.

"I have a farm to run alright! Besides at least Pinkie's still welcome here! I bet you're not welcome back home yourself!" Limestone shouted.

Laura looked pretty upset about that, but she wasn't gonna show it. "Hey I have Fluttershy, that's all I need."

"Yeah, just wait til she gets tired of you. I bet Wolverine is tired of you, and you're his daughter!" Limestone shouted.

"YOU'RE REALLY STARTING TO PISS ME OFF!" Laura shouted, though immediately stopped when she heard some shaking. Luckily no rocks fell this time, but Laura needs to be more careful.

Unfortunately something else started to come. They heard some hissing and saw some creatures approach.

"Um...what's that?" Laura asked.

"Those are cragadiles! What are they doing out here!? They're supposed to be in the swamps!" Limestone said.

"Well these aren't! Considering they look like rocks I'd say they would fit here better!" Laura said.

The creatures continued to approach, worrying the two mares. Laura quickly pulled Limestone out the water and extended her claws. "Back off!"

As the creatures approached, Laura swiped at them, causing them to jump back and growl. They lunged again at Laura but she kicked it off.

A few more came but Laura quickly attacked them, leaving scratches on their hard exteriors. She grabbed one's tail and tossed it against a wall. Another went to attack but she did a quick upwards kick and then did back kick to another one.

They started to increase in numbers, causing Laura to attack at a quicker pace, leaving them with various scratches.

"This is taking forever!" Laura grabbed Limestone and once again propped her on top of her back. "Hold on tight!"

Laura quickly ran out the area, avoiding all the cragadiles that came at her. They were pretty quick and she wasn't as fast or agile due to her having to carry Limestone. Several attempted to grab them but Laura stomped on their heads and quickly left the area.

They finally arrived at a safer location, far away enough from any of the cragadiles to find them.

"Good, we lost them," Laura said and placed Limestone down. "We should be safer here."

Limestone scoffed, "Yeah, til you open your mouth again."

Laura glared at Limestone, "What'd you say?"

"You heard me! Have you lost track of how many times you put us in danger today!? Between losing our cart, then causing rocks nearly fall on us, then those damn cragadiles!" Limestone shouted.

Laura pouted. "Hey I saved you didn't I! Besides it was your stubbornness with the stupid Quartz-"



Limestone let out a heavy frustrated groan, she's had enough of this mare. "You have GOT to be the most USELESS pony ever! When you were cloned were you dubbed a failed experiment!? Is that why you're alone because you got abandoned!? HUH!? I bet you never even got into a superhero group because they ALL found you useless! I bet even the X-Men I heard about wouldn't even take you in!"

Laura looked more and more infuriated by Limestone with every word she spoke.

"The only reason I bet that the ONLY reason Fluttershy took you in was because you're just that useless that no one else even cared enough! She probably took pity on you like she would for ANY wild animal! You're probably just pet to her! I bet once she's had enough of you she'll cast you aside like I'm sure every other pony in both our worlds have!" Limestone continued to shout.

Laura wanted to open her mouth but she had no immediate argument on that.

"Honestly she's wasting her time with you, that's all you've proven to be lately! A waste of time and a spoiled little mare! We're just better off without you! You're USELESS!" Limestone shouted in her face.

Laura gritted her teeth hard, rage filling her eyes. That rage took the form of tears as she shut her eyes and angrily shouted, ""SHUT UP!"

Laura then ran off, leaving Limestone behind. Limestone folded her forelegs and sat down, "What a pain."

Limestone rested against a wall, wanting to figure out how to get back to her farm and be done with this. This was such a headache for her. Suddenly she heard the sound of some sniffling. She followed the sound until she saw that it was coming from Laura.

"Laura...are you crying?" Limestone asked, some genuine concern coming from her voice.

"Just leave me alone," Laura responded. The sadness in her voice was pretty evident.

Limestone cautiously approached Laura, "Hey, come on now, you don't need to cry."

"I am not crying!" Laura insisted, though her sniffling proved otherwise.

Limestone stroked Laura's mane, "Come on, talk to me."

"There's nothing to talk about! Quit bothering me!" Laura shouted, causing Limestone to talk a step back.

Limestone sighed, "Come on Laura, I know you're upset. I said some pretty harsh things after all."

"So what!?" Laura shouted, glaring at her through her teary eyes. "Everyone else has! You're no different than them!" Laura shouted, then rubbed her eyes a little.

Limestone felt horrible, she was upset yes but to say what she did to Laura may have been uncalled for. She doesn't know this mare very much, to say such hurtful things is a low thing to do. If her sisters knew of this, they would definitely be ashamed of her.

"Look Laura, I'm really sorry for what I said alright? I was out of line and I shouldn't have said those things," Limestone said.

"Who cares!?" Laura said, still rubbing her eyes. "You're probably right anyway, no one cared about me! Probably just a matter of time before Fluttershy has enough of me and sends me off! I won't blame her one bit!"

Laura continued to sniffle and sob, the tears streaming down her face, her once angry expression turning into a hurt one.

"Laura, look-" Limestone tried saying but Laura wouldn't hear it.

"You don't have to apologize alright!? I don't need your pity! Now just go away!"

Laura continued sobbing despite her efforts to stop it. Limestone sat next to her and pulled her into a small side hug. "I'm sorry to say, but I do need to apologize. Because I shouldn't have hurt you like this. You didn't deserve it."

Laura rested her head against Limestone's chest, "Yes I do, I got us lost and put us in danger. You had every right to be angry with me. If I only listened then-"

"Enough, we both made mistakes alright? Let's leave it at that. Doesn't matter, I went too far, and I've been really ungrateful. You at least tried helping me when I refused. If anything my stubbornness also put us in danger as well," Limestone confessed.

Laura sniffled and rubbed her nose, then Limestone pulled her into more of a hug. "I guess we have a lot in common. Too stubborn and stuck up to realize our faults. But maybe we can help each other on that."

Laura hesitantly returned the hug as Limestone stroked her mane. "Look I do appreciate you at least trying to help. I should thank you for helping me when I hurt my hoof, I was just too stubborn to admit that I goofed up myself."

Limestone then realized this was a good opportunity to ask, "Why were you so concerned though? Was it really Fluttershy's influence?"

Laura nodded a little, "Yeah. Also the fact that you showed me kindness first. Back when we first got lost and you came looking for me, I could tell you were worried. In a way I wanted to repay that kindness you showed me, even if it did seem like a small thing."

Limestone remembered that, "I guess I was worried for you. I may not have liked you, but I didn't want you to get hurt."

Laura nodded, her head still against Limestone's chest. "I'm sorry for getting us into this...right now I just want Fluttershy...I get so worried when I'm away from her too long."

Limestone rubbed Laura's mane, "I'm here for you, alright? We'll find our way home sooner or later."

Laura nodded and hugged tighter against Limestone, "Should we try staying in one spot like you wanted?"

Limestone shrugged, "Eh, not sure really. Would have worked better back there."

Laura nuzzled against Limestone's neck, "I can get us back, but I want you to rest your leg a little bit more, just in case."

Limestone blushed a little at Laura's affection, "I will, guess we can wait here a bit."

"Good," Laura said, looking into Limestone's eyes. "Because I really can't carry you anymore right now. You're heavier than you look."

Limestone turned away with an angry blush, but Laura turned her face back to her, "Not saying you're fat though, you're just fully grown."

Limestone shrugged and nuzzled against Laura's face, "You're not so bad Laura."

"Right back at you Limey," Laura said in an almost playful manner.

The two giggled and rested against a wall, looking into each other's eyes, both slyly grinning.

"I gotta admit, you're not bad looking, how come you don't have another pony in your life?" Laura asked.

"Too busy with the farm, somepony's gotta run it," Limestone said, slightly blushing. "What about you?"

"Not many can handle a girl like me," Laura said.

"Yeah, you're certainly something else, nothing bad though." Limestone said. "At least you're pretty cute, gonna make a pony really lucky."

"Never thought about dating a pony before, then again I'm sure Peter, Remy, Johnny and Logan never did either, and look at them now," Laura said.

"You'll find somepony, who knows, they might be closer than you think," Limestone said, looking more into Laura's eyes.

"Yeah, probably," Laura said, moving in a bit closer.

The two didn't do much other than look into each other's eyes, a huge blush forming on their faces as they moved closer.

"Hey, Limestone," Laura said. "We're friends now right?"

Limestone nodded, "Yeah, we are."

"Good, I'm really starting to like you...a lot," Laura said.

Limestone nodded, "Yeah...same here."

Laura nuzzled Limestone's face, "Also, don't tell anypony I'm being this sappy, I don't want them to think I'm soft."

Limestone nuzzled back, "Don't worry, if anypony says anything I'll kick their flanks."

Laura giggled at the sound of that, "Good to know."

Limestone stroked Laura's mane a little, "Thanks for helping me back there by the way."

Laura rubbed Limestone's face, "No problem."

The two just sat there, looking into each other's eyes. They felt really closer right now, though wondered if they could be a little closer. They barely know each other, yet it just seems right to them.

Not too long later, some voices were heard. "Laura! Limestone!"

Laura listened out, "Is that...Peter?"

Soon they heard others calling, from Pinkie to Applejack to Remy, and Fluttershy, even Logan.

"Hey they found us!" Limestone said.

"Wow, you're waiting idea worked," Laura said.

"Guess so, but I'm still happy you tried to help," Limestone said.

Limestone stood up but her leg still hurt. Laura assisted Limestone, "Don't worry, I got you."


Soon they had gone up to Peter and the others. Fluttershy was so happy to see Laura that she pulled her into a hug and started kissing her face a lot, much to Laura's embarrassment. Pinkie did something similar with Limestone, pulling her in for some kisses as well, much to Limestone's embarrassment as well.

Peter expressed his happiness at finding the mares, explaining he felt something was off. Both decided they could give him a nice quick hug, just for being that nice of a guy. But if he told anypony else they'll give him an ass kicking.

Logan gestured for all of them to get moving back to the farm, they can have a sappy reunion there if they'd like. On the way out, they all assisted Limestone in getting a new cart of quartz, having it finished in no time and getting it to the other rocks.

"Thanks, you all really came through," Limestone said.

"Sorry you were stuck there so long," Applejack said.

"Hey it wasn't all bad, nice little river down there. Just gotta watch out for those cragadiles," Laura said.

"I can make a map to avoid them, they seem to only be in one area," Limestone said.

"That seems unnatural for them to be there though," Twilight said.

"Maybe they got separated or something?" Peter suggested.

"That sounds unlikely but possible," Fluttershy commented.

"We're just glad y'all are safe," Applejack said.

"Yeah, plus I did find something pretty valuable in those caves," Limestone said and placed her foreleg around Laura. "Turns out we're pretty compatible with each other, Laura's a good friend to have."

"Right back at you," Laura said with a grin.

Peter smiled at that, "Aw, you two make the cutest friends."

"HEY WATCH IT PARKER!" both mares shouted, causing Peter to hide behind Twilight.

"Wow, you two make one intimidating duo," Peter nervously said.

Laura and Limestone grinned and hoof-bumped each other.

Later on the Apples, along with Fluttershy, Laura and the Parker-Sparkle family boarded the train, getting their byes from the Pie sisters.

"Bye Maud! I'll miss you!" Pinkie said, hugging Maud very tightly.

"Bye Pinkie, maybe I'll come to Ponyville sometime soon," Maud said.

"Please do," Pinkie said.

Marble is hugging Fluttershy good-bye. "Come again soon."

Fluttershy nuzzled, "Maybe you can come by my cottage, I'd love to have you."

Logan waved good-bye as well, "See ya kid, take care of yerself."

Marble blushed and giggled a bit. She then whispered to Fluttershy. "Your coltfriend is very handsome."

Fluttershy giggled, "I know, thanks."

Logan raised his eyebrow, they seemed really giddy all of a sudden.

Laura is with Limestone, "Thanks...for being a friend to me Limestone."

"You better come back sometime soon, don't make me miss you too much!" Limestone warned.

"Like I'm gonna do that, I'll miss you too you know," Laura said.

"You better," Limestone said, sternly but playfully.

"And if I don't?" Laura playfully asked.

The two mares smiled at each other, staring each other down before Laura did a smirk and leaned in for a nice little kiss on her muzzle.

"What the...what was that!?" Limestone asked with a blush.

"Nothing, just a little gift to remember me," Laura said and boarded the train with a devious smile.

Limestone wasn't gonna just stand there and just take a kiss to the muzzle, she quickly got on the train and kissed Laura's cheek, "There, we're even now!"

"Want a tie breaker?" Laura asked and got in closer.

Limestone shrugged, "Eh, why not?"

The two did a quick but not too quick kiss, then backed away from each other.

"Well? How was that?" Laura asked.

Limestone shrugged, "Eh, not bad. Let's see where this goes."

"Yeah, guess so...see ya," Laura said as Limestone left the train. She watched with her sisters as it went back to Ponyville.

Limestone turned to them, "We're going to Ponyville at the earliest time possible. No discussion."

The Pie sisters shrugged and followed Limestone home.

Laura sat on the train thinking about everything, looking over to Fluttershy and Logan occasionally, then Peter and Twilight. Laura had a lot to wonder about.

When they got back to Ponyville, Pinkie immediately rushed over to Johnny and Rainbow Dash To tell him about the rock farm, and asking him to join her next time, especially Johnny. The Parker-Sparkle couple went home as well with Logan walking Fluttershy to her cottage.

Laura quickly approached Fluttershy, "Yo 'Shy, when you got a moment, I have to ask you something."

"Sure, what is it?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's about...romance..." Laura said a bit hesitantly.

Fluttershy gasped, "Oh my, we'll get right on that! Oh this is so exciting!" She immediately rushed over to her cottage, leaving Logan confused.

He turned to Laura, "What was that about?"

"Don't worry about it, tell you later," Laura said. Though she turned to him for one more question, "Hey...do you think I'm useless? That I'm just some failure?"

Logan raised his eyebrow at Laura, such an odd question. "Kid, don't think like that alright? Forget yer past, focus on right now. Me, Parker and the others moved on from our issues, you need to do so too."

Laura nodded. She knows Logan pretty well, she knows that's probably one of the nicest things he could say, and it's good enough for her. "Thanks Logan."

Logan nodded and gestured to the cottage, "Better hurry kid, Fluttershy will be waiting."

Laura nodded and rushed after Fluttershy, hoping to catch up, leaving Logan with a small smile. If there's one thing he loves about Fluttershy, is that she helped give Laura another chance in life, he's happy to see that his clone, or rather his daughter might finally have a chance to get past a lot of things.

To these ponies, and now the superheroes, friendship is quite a treasure for them.

Author's Note:

Some bonding between Laura and Limestone.