• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 2,560 Views, 107 Comments

Spiders & Magic: Adventures - Masterob

Series of Spin-Off One Shots from Spiders & Magic.

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Marvel vs. Capcom IV

Peter and his allies waited at the resting area, preparing for their upcoming battle. They had been given some extra time to rest to make sure they were ready, the fight wouldn't be easy but they don't expect easy.

"It's finally gonna end, our big rivalry with Capcom, at least I hope," Peter said while rotating his foreleg.

"Hey they wanna come back fer more then let them," Logan said with a snikt.

"No way, I really don't wanna fight them anymore," Peter said.

"Hey if they come back, then you do what you gotta do," Logan said.

"Maybe we'll beat them badly enough that they won't wanna challenge us again, hopefully," Johnny said while doing some wing-ups.

Peter rubbed his face, still thinking quite a bit about the battle, "Let's hope things go well after this."

"Relax Pete, we can handle this," Johnny insisted as he hopped back to his hooves.

Cadance then entered the area, "Guys, you have about five more minutes."

"Thanks Cadance, we'll be ready," Peter said. Once the princess left, Peter turned to his allies again, "Look win or lose, I'm really proud of you guys alright? Thanks for being by my side during this."

Johnny patted Peter's back, "Like I said, you're my bro."

"Yeah, we'll help you through this," Logan assured.
Peter took a breath and made some more mental strategies. Ryu would be tough, his allies are just as tough, all three of them have faced similar hardships to Peter. He will get through this though.

Meanwhile in the Capcom rest area, Ryu is sitting and thinking over his own strategies. He knows that Peter is much faster than him and probably stronger, but Ryu has his advantages, including his power of Hadou.

Ryu knows however that Dante and Chris would be in over their heads a bit, Dante's powers likely not gonna be enough and Chris not really having any special abilities at all could affect him.

"Guys, listen to me, try to let me fight Spider-Man, you go after his allies ok?" Ryu stated.

"Sure, but try not to fight him alone, me and Chris want a shot at him as well," Dante said with a smug grin.

"Yeah, I wanna see myself what that kid can do," Chris said.

"I'll do my best, but it's important that we don't underestimate Spider-Man, while I know you both hate his 'Great Hero' title, fact is that he has the power to back it up, we need to use more than just strength to beat him," Ryu said.

Both his teammates nodded as Ryu thought over his fight. Cadance came to this area as well. "Fight's in a couple of minutes, be ready."

"We will," Ryu said.

Soon came time, the preparation for the final battle between the two groups, the final part of the Marvel vs. Capcom tournament. On one side stood Peter, Johnny and Logan, on the other stood Ryu, Chris and Dante.

Cadance stood in the ring between the two rival groups, ready to speak to the crowd.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts, it is now time for the final battle between Marvel and Capcom! These are the last two teams, so the winner here will win for their whole side!"

The crowd cheered while the fighters waited for the official gong.

"On one side is the Capcom team of Ryu, Chris Redfield and Dante! On the other side is the Marvel team of Johnny Storm, Wolverine and The Amazing Spider-Mane!" Cadance introduced, with Peter's team getting the biggest cheer.

Twilight sat in worry for Peter hoping that he isn't too worried about the fight or trying to not let his team down. Fluttershy worried for Logan a little, but she knows he can handle himself. Sunset worried for Ryu, she knows how strong Spider-Mane is and hopes Ryu is well prepared for that. Rainbow Dash however felt excitement for Johnny, she felt confident he could win this fight with awesomeness. Others like Trixie, Mayday, Rumble, the Apples and Aunt May felt extra concern for Peter, knowing he's up against a challenge.

The previous contestants of the tournament sat close by, also watching in eagerness for the upcoming battle.

"Let the final fight, begin!" Cadance said with a gong of the bell.

In an instant, Ryu and Peter rushed at each other in immense speed and collided into a punch, causing a huge collision and a shockwave that across the area. When everything settled, Ryu and Peter were still seen with their punches connecting against each other.

Both took a step back and glared each other in the eyes. Suddenly they went at it again, moving quicker than most of the spectators could see. Very few were able to keep up with their speed, such as Superman, who looked on with keen interest.

Peter and Ryu threw punches and kicks all around, moving across the ring at high speeds, not holding much back against each other.

Chris took this time to go after Logan, throwing a quick punch at him, but Logan ducked out the way and kneed Chris in the gut and punched him backwards.

Johnny flew in and threw some punches at Dante, knocking him back a little, though Dante was able to kick Johnny away from him and rush over to do some punches of his own.

"Wow, quick start," Cadance said.

Peter and Ryu threw fists at each other at lightning speed, then clashing again with their forelegs, causing another shockwave through the area. Ryu and Peter then threw a punch at each other, though their fists collided and knocked each other back a little more.

Peter and Ryu then rushed over, throwing more punches, blocking each other's strikes, though Peter eventually got a punch in on Ryu, striking him hard on the jaw. Ryu got frustrated and returned the punch, getting Peter hard as well.

"Wow those two are strong," Spike said.

"This is the fight we've been waiting to see," Yuri said with a hint of excitement.

"Yeah, though Ryu should hope he has the power to match Spider-Man's, I hear he's very strong," Cloud said.

"Peter is very strong, he's probably the strongest pony in this whole area," Twilight said, then looked to Superman. "At least among those competing."

"That reminds me," Rainbow called to Superman. "Hey Superman, are you stronger than Peter?"

Superman shrugged, "I don't know the full extent of his strength, and from what I'm seeing here, I don't think I want to find out," Superman continued to watch the fight. "At least not in the way Ryu is."

Superman chuckled a bit after saying that, giving Sunset something to wonder. Is Superman worried about Peter's strength, or just humoring them about the situation?

In the ring, Ryu and Peter are still battling, even moving around the ring at speeds that the crowd can't see, similar to Peter's previous fight with Chun Li and Ryu's previous fight with Captain America.

Peter went for a kick to Ryu's head, though the experienced fighter ducked and went for a punch to Peter's stomach. Peter jumped back and quickly rushed forward to attack again, though Ryu blocked his strikes and found an opening to knee under Peter's chin and then elbowed Peter in the face.

Dante and Johnny are also moving around quickly, throwing some quick punches and throwing projectiles at each other. Johnny would shoot a lot of his fire while Dante would blast some of his demon energy.

Dante found an opening to rush in and punch Johnny a few times, mostly with demon charged powers. Johnny eventually blocked a punch and it allowed him to punch Dante back a little with flame punches and then did a blast to Dante's face to knock him back.

Chris and Logan were also going hard at each other, and while Logan had a strength advantage, Chris was quick enough to dodge a lot of his punches and get some attacks in on Logan.

Logan had hit Chris with an uppercut and got a kick to his stomach. Logan then punched Chris a few times and knocked him back, though Chris was able to rush in and do a running punch to Logan's face. Chris ignored the pain from punching Logan and continued to attack him a few times, mostly going for the stomach area and kneed Logan's head.

"Wow, Johnny and Logan are fighting just as hard as Peter," Twilight said.

"Logan is always ready for a fight, it doesn't surprise me that he's so ready to fight Chris," Fluttershy said.

"And Johnny is a tough fighter too, ponies seem to forget how tough he is," Rainbow said.

"I'm glad they're doing well, but ah have to admit, part of me wants to see Dante do well," Applejack admitted.

"Same here, only with Chris," Rarity also admitted.

Twilight had a look of disapproval, "I don't see how you two could be friends with them considering how rude they are to Peter," Twilight said, and turned to Applejack. "Especially you Applejack, I mean Peter is an Apple, he's family to you, how can you tolerate how Dante treats him?"

"Ah don't, I've even told Dante ah don't like how he talks to Peter sometimes, though he tells me he has his reasons and that he doesn't totally hate Peter, he just thinks he's overrated," Applejack said. "Not that ah think Peter is, but I'm sure Dante will figure that out soon enough."

"Same with Chris, he said that Peter is an ok guy, he just doesn't like his whole 'Greatest Superhero' thing," Rarity said.

"Even Ryu said he has some degree of respect for Peter, he just wants to make sure Peter earns his full respect," Sunset said.

Twilight shook her head in some shame, "I still don't think they should be addressing Peter like they do, and I don't think you all should be trying to make sense out of it, they're jerks plain and simple."

Jin rolled his eyes, "You're affection for your husband is admirable Princess, but it also blinds you."

Twilight crossed her forelegs, "Excuse me!? Pardon me for wanting my husband to have the respect he deserves! I'm tired of others always talking down on him! He does that enough to himself, I don't need others to do that as well!"

"Talks down on himself? He isn't self-confident? He seems like he has a lot of confidence," Rita said.

"It's mostly show, but I know Peter well, especially considering we've been together for five years. He has a very low confidence level. When I first met him he would always talk about the mistakes he's made, he honestly thought we would hate him," Twilight said.

Cloud looked curious, "What mistakes?"

Twilight rubbed her head a bit sheepishly, "I really shouldn't be talking too much about that right now, but let's just say he hasn't always been able to save people, and it bothers him."

Superman looked to Twilight with some concern, "He's not the only one Twilight, even I've felt that way."

"We all have," Batman said.

Cloud clenched his fist, "That's an understatement."

Twilight looked around with some wonder, have these other heroes had similar problems to Peter?

Back in the ring, Ryu is rushing in to punch Peter, getting a few strikes in and then blasting him back with a Hadouken, knocking him across the ring.

"Come on, is that all?" Ryu asked with a somewhat disappointed look.

Peter rushed in and got in a few punches to Ryu, knocking him around and then doing a jumping spin kick to knock Ryu across the ring.

"That answer your question?" Peter asked with a smug smile.

Ryu stood up and shook his head a little to get his composure back. "Nice attack."

Ryu and Peter rushed in again, throwing hard strikes at each other, causing some clash soundwaves again, as if they were powering up with each attack.

Chun Li and Spencer watched from the other side of the walkway, with Chun Li paying close attention to how hard Peter and Ryu were fighting.

"Amazing, Peter and Ryu have always fascinated me, to see them go at it like this is impressive. They're really out to prove something against each other," Chun Li said.

"Peter's friends are also proving themselves against Ryu's buddies, man what a battle," Spencer said.

Remy, Bobby and Laura also appeared at the other end of the walkway, wanting to see the battle a bit closely.

"Come on Peter, you can do it mon ami!" Remy urged.

Back in the ring, Peter is blocking Ryu's punches, staggering back each time until Ryu got a hard strike into Peter's stomach. Peter fell over holding his stomach, though he managed to stand up and punch Ryu's face hard and then did another punch to knock him back.

Nearby Johnny had blasted Dante a few times with fire and went for a kick to his face to stumble him back. Dante rushed in and did a kick to Johnny's head and then did some quick punches, ending it with a jumping knee attack to knock Johnny back.

Johnny threw some more punches and even did a mini-fire tornado to knock Dante a little further back, nearly out of the ring. Dante quickly rushed back in and threw a strong punch to Johnny's face to knock him across the ring.

Logan and Chris were still fighting hard, Chris having to dodge a lot of Logan's attacks and get a few punches in, though Logan had knocked Chris around a bit, hitting some hard punches and nearly knocking Chris out the ring. Chris avoided that and punched Logan back a little and even did a buck kick to Logan's head.

Both teams were really clashing hard against each other, especially Peter and Ryu, neither side wanting to lose, both willing to fight hard against each other. It's about pride and honor, both want to win for their side, neither team wants to let their side down.

Despite how evenly matched they were, Ryu enjoyed himself, he liked the challenge that Peter was giving him, not to mention that Peter was taking the fight seriously, not making many jokes. Ryu has to admit, Peter's strong and he seems to fight well, he is a worthy opponent.

This was a test for both, Ryu hoped to use this fight to make himself better as a fighter and warrior, while Peter hoped to use this fight to make himself better as a superhero, to know what he needs to work on to always be prepared for a fight.

Peter and Ryu punched each other hard again, this time knocking each other towards opposite sides of the ring, nearly falling out.

Logan and Johnny quickly rushed over to Peter to make sure he didn't fall out, with Chris and Dante doing the same for Ryu. Both teams had a chance to regroup and talk with each other.

"So how's your fight with Spider-Man, is he as strong as everyone says he is?" Chris asked.

"Very much, he's proving to be quite a challenge," Ryu grinned a bit. "It's actually a bit of fun."

"Spider-Man's not the only one," Dante said. "Human Torch is proving to be a challenge in his own right."

"Same with Wolverine, though that shouldn't be a surprise," Chris said while rubbing his face a bit. "Punches hard too."

With Peter, Johnny is tending to some aches, "Those Capcom guys are really giving it to us."

"Should we be surprised? They're the strongest fighters in their world, or at least they're among the strongest," Logan said.

"Ryu is every bit the warrior he says he is, and a strong one at that," Peter said. "He's not gonna be that easy to beat."

"No kidding, Dante has those weird powers, it's almost hard to get a hit in on him," Johnny said.

"Yeah, Chris is pretty tricky himself, he deserves all the credit he gets as a fighter," Logan said.

Chun Li continued to watch from across the walkway, curious as to how this battle will continue. Spencer looked very eager, part of him wants Ryu to win for the Capcom side, but he also feels obligated to cheer for Peter. He's grown to respect him the last few weeks, and he would love it if Peter could really prove himself against Capcom.

Remy, Bobby and Laura seemed very eager to see how Peter would continue, though they have to admit, Ryu and his allies are pretty tough. Soon more started to appear, including Mega Man, Janet and Captain America.

Both teams stepped forward, ready to continue their fight, though Dante leaned in to whisper to Ryu. "Hey maybe me and Chris could try to get Wolverine and Torch out so we can team up on Spider-Man."

"No, if you defeat your opponents then that's fine but don't interfere until me and Spider-Man are done fighting," Ryu said.

"You can't be serious, he's very strong, you might need our help," Chris said.

"If he beats me then you two can do whatever you wish, but refrain from messing up my fight," Ryu said.

Chris and Dante didn't get Ryu sometimes, but they respected his wishes and focused on their own opponents.

Soon the two teams clashed again, Ryu and Peter throwing fast strikes and blocking attacks while Logan targeted Chris with some punches and Dante attacked Johnny with some kicks.

Ryu was able to get some strikes on Peter and hit him really hard, really knocking Peter almost senseless and doing some hard knees to his gut and then hitting a strong head-butt to Peter, though almost regretted it, Peter has a really hard head.

Peter quickly fought back with some quick punches to knock Ryu back and then did some Flash kicks to Ryu and then doing one more kick to knock Ryu back.

Ryu was impressed, Peter had learned Chun Li's move well, his training had really paid off. Peter rushed in to continue attacking, this time getting some quick punches and did a hard strike to Ryu's face, knocking Ryu down a bit.

Ryu stood up slowly, wiping a cut on his mouth and then rushed in to hit Peter with some hard strikes and did a fast Hurricane Kick, knocking Peter down once again. Peter got up and fought back, hitting Ryu with a spider-sting attack, Ryu landing face down on the floor.

Ryu stood up panting, his getting all bruised up from the fighting, though it's something he's used to. Ryu glared at Peter and rushed in with a strong strike to Peter's face, knocking the hero down.

Peter removed his mask, which had been torn up a bit from the fighting and tossed it aside. The bruises on his face were now visible to others, having a few cuts himself. Peter knew Ryu would be strong, though even he's impressed at all the punches Ryu was able to give him without Ryu damaging his hooves.

Both fighters panted, both were a little sweaty, but both would keep going. They rushed at each other again for another clash.

Logan and Chris were still going at it, as were Johnny and Dante. Both fights happened pretty closely to each other, to the point where Dante and Chris were back to back and fending off the heroes. Chris and Dante quickly turned to each other with a smirk and were able to duck a punch from both guys and quickly traded opponents, with Chris throwing a hard punch to Johnny and Dante throwing a hard punch to Logan.

Logan looked unhappy and rushed in to punch Dante and then punch Chris, to which Johnny would kick both guys back, knocking them to the floor.

Chris and Dante stood up and stood together, ready for their opponents. Johnny and Logan rushed in to attack, trading opponents on occasion with Logan fighting Chris and Johnny fighting Dante, then switching to Logan fighting Dante and Johnny fighting Chris.

They all threw hard punches and kicks at each other, bruising each other up, cuts appearing on their faces. Logan's cuts healed almost immediately, the others not too lucky on that. Johnny was worried a little about his face though he knew that wasn't important right now.

Twilight looked amazed at how intense the fights were getting, all warriors going in and fighting hard.

"Amazing, such power among them," Twilight said.

"No kidding, what a fight," Yuri said.

Chun Li looked amazed from what she saw, all the fighters were displaying a good amount of martial arts, it was a truly amazing thing to see.

Ryu and Peter continued going at each other, Ryu attempting to do a Hadouken but Peter rolled out the way and hit a hard strike to Ryu's sides and then did a jumping kick to Ryu's face. Peter rushed to attack again but Ryu blocked a punch and struck Peter several times, then went for a kick but Peter blocked it and kicked Ryu's gut.

Peter then rushed in to do a few quick strikes and then to the surprise of everyone, especially Ryu, Peter managed to do a Spinning Bird Kick. While Peter couldn't really hold the attack well like Chun Li, it was still impressive that he was capable of the move.

Chun Li had a big grin on her face, she's much more proud of Peter than she was before.

Ryu stumbled back and fell over in surprise, how could Peter do that move? How much has Chun Li taught him? Regardless he has that much more to watch out for, Peter is turning out to have a lot of tricks.

Peter got back up and looked ready to keep fighting, even taking a fighting stance similar to that of Chun Li.

"You're really using a lot of what Chun Li has taught you," Ryu said.

"Of course, she's my trainer, and my friend," Peter answered.

"Yes, you truly value friendship don't you? That's the main source of magic in this world," Ryu said.

"Sure is, learned that from my wife and her friends, though I'm sure you yourself have a good knowledge of what friendship can do. I hear how close you and Ken are as friends," Peter said.

"More than that, we're like brothers, we learned everything we know about fighting together," Ryu said.

"That's nice to hear, I like hearing about good friends. Little something my wife helped me appreciate," Peter said.

Ryu looked over to Twilight, "Your wife, she's quite the pony. She seems to care for you a lot."

"Yeah, it's amazing, I never thought I'd marry a girl like her, I feel so lucky everyday just to not only know we're married, but we have a beautiful daughter," Peter said.

Ryu focused back on Peter, "I will admit, you're a good father and husband, and you're proving to be a good fighter." Ryu looked to the fights that his allies were having with Peter's. "Your friends are good as well, I'll admit that much as well." Ryu looked back to Peter with some determination. "So let's continue this, our fight isn't over yet!"

Peter nodded, "I'm with you on that."

The two rushed at each other again, once again clashing and fighting hard, most in the arena feeling the impact the two created with their punches. It was truly a site to enjoy.

Johnny and Logan were still fending off their opponents, occasionally having big clashes of their own.

"Damn these guys are tough," Johnny said while evading Dante.

"No kidding," Logan said while dodging Chris.

"Of course, we're the best fighters in our world," Dante boasted.

"We will give you some credit, you're no easy fights yourself," Chris said.

Both Chris and Dante punched Logan and Johnny down and knocked them to the edge. They then saw that Peter was really giving a good fight to Ryu and he managed to knock Ryu close to the edge of the ring, nearly knocking him out.

"Crap, we can't let Ryu lose!" Dante said.

"But he told us not assist him during his fight with Spider-Man!" Chris said.

"We can't let him lose, besides I'd like to get a few in on the guy myself!" Dante said and rushed over.

Peter sensed Dante coming and quickly blocked the punch and hit Dante hard in the gut. Chris rushed over as well and tried punching Peter but he ducked out the way and hit Chris in the jaw. Both guys tried attacking Peter with quick strikes but Peter was able to block and dodge them and Peter grabbed them to bonk their heads against each other.

Peter then punched Dante hard enough to knock him back, allowing Johnny an opportunity to fly in with a charged fireball and blasted Dante hard out the ring. Peter also punched Chris back hard and it allowed Logan a chance to do a strong punch of his own to knock Chris out the ring.

"My brother lost!?" Claire asked in disbelief. "And Dante!? How!?"

"Alright Johnny! Show that demon guy who's the stallion!" Rainbow shouted.

"Yay for Logan! You rule!" Fluttershy cheered, though not as loud as Rainbow Dash.

Ryu was left alone, he had shook the cobwebs out of his head and looked to see Peter standing with Logan and Johnny. He looked to see that his teammates were knocked out and he was on his own.

"Pete, since our guys attacked you, it's only fair that we get a chance to take down your opponent," Johnny said.

Logan got into position, "Yeah, same here."

Ryu panted a bit but only grinned at this situation, "Alright then, show me your power."

"I'll go first, my flame punches should be enough," Johnny boasted.

Johnny rushed in to attack but Ryu blocked his strikes and punched Johnny around a bit. Johnny went for a flame punch but Ryu kneed his gut and punched Johnny back. Ryu then rushed in and did some quick strikes to Johnny and finished off with a Shin Shoryuken to knock Johnny out.

"No! Johnny!" Rainbow shouted. She couldn't believe that Johnny actually lost in a fight.

Logan decided to take his turn, he rushed in and got a strike on Ryu's face, though Ryu punched back hard and hit Logan in the gut. Logan and Ryu fought hard, blocking each other's strikes. This was a familiar feeling for them both, not the first time they've fought each other after all.

Logan then went in to attack again, but Ryu side stepped and hit Logan hard on the sides. He punched Logan back a little more, even hitting his Hurricane Kick and knocked Logan to the edge of the ring. Ryu then did his most powerful Hadouken, and blasted Logan out of the fight.

Fluttershy looked saddened by Logan being eliminated, "Oh no, poor Logan."

Sakura leapt for joy, "That's the second one! Come on Ryu, defeat Spider-Man and make it three!"

Ryu panted a bit and looked over to Peter, who had been waiting.

"You ready to keep fighting? Or do you need a minute?" Peter asked, wanting to make sure it seemed fair.

"I'm fine, I say we're about even. I fought off your friends and you fought off mine, let's settle this," Ryu then tore off the top half of his attire.

"Fine by me," Peter said and tore off the top half of his attire.

Rarity groaned at that, "That's just more work for me!"

"You don't have to fix it you know," Twilight said. "Peter said he doesn't want to burden you."

Rarity crossed her forelegs, "I know, but I can't help it. He's too nice to turn down."

Ryu and Peter stood in the ring, glaring hard and keeping a close eye on each other. By this point all the fighters from the tournament had appeared at the end of the walkway, eager to see how this will end.

Ryu and Peter rushed at each other again and did some quick punches, both connecting each time and hitting each other square in the jaw and the stomach area. Ryu went for another punch but Peter was quick enough to parry and hit Ryu with an uppercut.

Ryu stumbled back and quickly rushed in for a few more strikes but Peter was able to duck out the way and elbow Ryu in the face and then knee him in the gut. Ryu held his stomach, feeling a degree of pain and glared at Peter. Ryu rushed in to attack some more, Peter doing the same.

Both of them fought hard, moving quickly around the ring, once again moving too fast for some of the others to see.

"I can barely see them, but I can definitely hear them," Cloud said.

"Come on Peter..." Twilight urged.

Sunset looked on, unsure what to think. To see her two friends go at it, she was just amazed at how hard they fought.

Chun Li looked pretty eager herself, she wants to see who's gonna win this, she is curious to know who has the better strength.

Cap watched on intently, seeing Peter and Ryu fight like this was an amazing thing for him to watch. He hoped that after all this, some respect can form between the two.

Ryu and Peter continued to fight until Ryu managed to get the upperhand and punch Peter back hard. Peter was near the edge of the ring, and Ryu knew this would be his chance to win. He rushed over and hit Peter in the gut to bring him down as he charged up a Hadouken.

"You fought well Spider-Man, but it ends here, I will defeat you right now!" Ryu said, still charging it up. Peter looked up at Ryu, his attack nearly at full power. "It's over Spider-Man!"

Ryu blasted his attack, but as he did, Peter's chi energy started to glow, almost as if on instinct. He stood in a position taught to him by Chun Li and countered with a blast of his own, his own Kikoken attack.

"What!?" Ryu asked in disbelief as he saw Peter's attack clash with his own.

Chun Li herself looked impressed, "Wow! He actually did it! He truly is Amazing!" The rest of the tournament fighters agreed.

Those in the crowd were also impressed by Peter's show of power.

"That's Chun Li's move! Did she teach Peter that!?" Twilight asked in surprise.

Even Jin looked speechless, what other power does Spider-Man have?

Peter's attack had eventually destroyed Ryu's leaving both fighters once again standing a few feet apart. Afterwards Peter rushed in with a quick punch to his gut and did a quick rush-down attack and finished off with a jumping turning kick to Ryu's head, knocking him down hard.

Peter fell and panted a bit as he looked down to Ryu. The fighter struggled to get back onto his hooves, but he was too exhausted to do so and fell down, unable to keep fighting.

Cadance immediately rushed into the ring and stood next to Peter, "The winner of the fight! The team of Johnny Storm, Wolverine and Spider-Mane! The Marvel World wins!"

The crowd cheered for Peter, they were happy to see their favorite hero win this tournament, and in such a cool fashion too.

Cadance hugged Peter after her announcement, "You did it Peter! I'm so proud of you!"

Peter returned the hug, "Thanks Cadance, I appreciate your support."

Johnny and Logan had managed to enter the ring and pat Peter on the back.

"You did it bro! You won for us!" Johnny said.

"Not just for our team, but for our world," Logan said.

Peter blushed and smiled sheepishly, "It was nothing."

Soon the rest of the Marvel team rushed into the ring and took turns congratulating Peter on a hard fought win.

"We're so proud of you Peter!" Susan said while giving a small hug.

"Good work son," Cap said while patting his back.

"That's my boy," Stark said while ruffling his mane.

"You're the best mon ami," Remy said, also with a pat on his back.

"Great fight cutie," Black Cat said while playfully grabbing his chin. At that point she was pulled away by Logan however, leaving Peter with a small blush.

"Good job Parker, now I won't have to kick your ass for losing," Laura said somewhat playfully while patting Peter's back.

"Good job Peter, I'm proud to call you my future brother-in-law," Janet said while hugging Peter.

Soon even some of the Capcom fighters entered to offer their congratulations.

"You did it Spider-Man, you're the best," Spencer said while patting him.

"You're a great fighter," Leon said while patting his shoulder.

"I'm happy you won, even if my world lost, you're still a nice guy and I can be happy for you," Felicia said while rubbing her face against his.

"I'm very proud of you Peter, you fought so hard and so well," Chun Li said while giving a small hug of her own.

Soon Twilight had teleported into the ring, "You did it, I'm so proud of you!" Twilight pulled Peter into a deep and loving kiss.

Soon all of Peter's friends of Marvel and Equestria entered the ring, each showing some appreciation. The special guests also came in to congratulate Peter.

"Great fight Spider-Man, Twilight sure has an awesome husband," Rita said.

"Good work, now I see why you're so well liked," Cloud said.

"Perhaps one day you and I can battle each other," Jin said with a slight grin.

"I'll admit, you're pretty fast," Sonic said.

"You did it Peter, I knew you could," Mary-Jane said.

"Now you can be called 'Great and Powerful' Peter," Trixie said.

"I'm so happy for you daddy!" Mayday said and jumped into a hug with Peter.

Superman seemed the proudest, "Good work, I'm glad I was able to see this. I'm also glad this didn't go out of control."

"Don't assume that just yet," Yuri said while pointing to Ryu, backed by his allies and other Capcom fighters.

Ryu approached Peter with a serious gaze, he looked like he was in a bad mood. Peter placed his daughter down as he stood his ground while his friends and allies stood with him. Even some of the guests watched Ryu carefully, wanting to make sure nothing happened.

Ryu continued to glare a moment before offering a friendly smile and extending his hoof, "Good work, Spider-Man."

Peter looked a little surprised, but he could tell Ryu was being honest. He shook Ryu's hoof, an honest hoofshake among the two fighters, much to the relief of those around.

"Thanks Ryu, I'm glad you're not too upset about losing," Peter said.

"I'm not exactly happy about losing, but I'm not too angry because it was a fun fight," Ryu said. "I can see I have much more training to do, not just because I lost, but because you are strong."

"You're pretty strong yourself, I thought you could beat me," Peter said.

"Looks like we both still have to work a bit with our training, win or lose, you must always train to be stronger," Ryu said.

"I will, not to do martial arts stuff, but to protect those I love," Peter said.

Ryu nodded, "Good, that's important after all, despite everything, the most important thing is to always be there for your friends and family."

In that moment, Ryu had a realization. "In fact...that way of thinking, is what makes you a man." Ryu looked down in shame. "I should have seen that before, perhaps it was my own misunderstanding that led to the way I acted and treated you." Ryu looked up with an apologetic face. "I have acted dishonorably toward you, for that I apologize."

Peter gave an honest smile. "No problem, I appreciate that though. Though while we're doing so, about my pet, I want to say-"

"Don't," Ryu interrupted. "Like I said, I take responsibility for that, you had every reason to be angry. I should be apologizing for that as well."

"Thanks Ryu, I'm glad you're once again the fighter I respected, the cool warrior of the Capcom world," Peter said.

Ryu looked curious, "You considered me 'cool'?"

"Yeah, I always thought you were pretty awesome, you and your Street Fighter friends. I really wanted to learn that Hadouken move one day," Peter said.

Ryu looked impressed, "I...had no idea...all this time you have been impressed with me?"

"I'll admit the last few months, not so much, but before that, yeah I thought you were a pretty cool guy," Peter said.

Ryu rubbed his head in disbelief, "Amazing...you truly are a modest boy. Spencer's right, you are a better man than any of us, thank you Spider-Man."

"You can call me 'Peter', everypony else does," Peter said.

Ryu nodded, "Fine then...Peter, thanks for the good fight. I'll leave you to your celebration." Ryu turned to leave, "Capcom Warriors, follow me, leave the Marvel Warriors to their well deserved victory."

The Capcom fighters left one by one, a few looking over to Peter, some still seemed unsure of him but for now they respected Ryu's orders.

Chris took the time to approach him, "For the record, I think you're a great father and husband as well, and a good friend. You're not my favorite superhero but I guess you're pretty decent as a person...er I mean pony." Chris shook his head, "This pony thing is really confusing sometimes."

Dante also spoke to Peter, "If you weren't such so nerdy, I'd think you're a cool guy."

Peter groaned, "What's wrong with being a nerd!?"

"Nothing, I'm just not the type of guy to befriend nerds, but you're still an ok fighter, so there's that," Dante said.

Soon all the fighters left, leaving Peter a little annoyed.

"Am I that nerdy?" Peter asked.

"Don't worry, I know how you feel," Rita said.

Superman chuckled, "Even I have nerdy moments Spider-Man, I'm always exploring my technology from my home planet."

Peter looked curious, "Um, what's it like? Your planet's technology?"

"I can show you, it's in my Fortress of Solitude," Superman said.

Peter's eyes widened, "You'd show me!? Can I bring my wife!? And her new friend Rita!?"

Rita looked surprised, "You'd invite me too?"

"Sure, Twilight seems to like you, and you have similar interests, so why not?" Peter asked.

"Wow, such a caring guy,", Rita said.

"When you're married to the Princess of Friendship, not to mention a Knight, Prince and Superhero, you have to find a way to show kindness to others, I have an example to set after all," Peter said.

Yuri rolled his eyes, "You're starting to sound like my friend Flynn. The only difference is that he's not married to a Princess and he's not a superhero."

"I think it's a good thing," Estelle said.

Peter turned back to Superman, "Anyway mind if I bring her?"

"Bring whomever you'd like, I'm sure there are plenty who are interested," Superman said.

Peter had a giddy smile, "This is gonna be so awesome!"

Later on everyone had left the stadium and most ponies made their way home. The fighters from the guest worlds were gonna leave as well, but some were urged to stay.

"Hey Tifa, wanna come to mah farm fer a bit? You can bring yer friend Cloud," Applejack said.

"I'd like that, I don't have to go home just yet," Tifa said and called to Cloud. "That ok with you Cloud? You wanna go to Applejack's farm?"

Cloud shrugged, "Guess so."

Johnny looked to his family, "You can stay a bit too, you don't need to go home right away."

"You're right, besides we miss you," Susan said.

Pinkie approached them with a giddy smile, "How about more family time with The Fantastic Four and the Pie Sisters!"

"Sounds good to us," Reed said.

Cadance slowly went to Cap, "Hey, would you like to stay a little longer, I think my Auntie Celestia wants to speak with you a bit."

Cap looked curious, "About what if I may ask?"

"Oh nothing, just stay a bit, I'm sure Applejack will send you one of her apple pies, I hear how much you like them," Cadance said.

Cap did a sheepish smile, "Well you got me there. Alright I'll stay then."

Cadance grinned, "That's good to hear."

Chun Li gathered her closest allies, "Maybe we can stay a bit too? I wanna spend a little more time with Peter."

"Sounds fine, I'd like to spend some more time with Twilight, plus I'm sure they rest of you have a pony to spend time with," Spencer said.

Dante looked to Ryu with a grin, "Especially you Ryu, and that Sunset Shimmer mare."

Ryu scratched his head, "Why do you keep talking like that, what are you up to?"

"Ryu, seriously, get a clue," Chris said.

"What? You two are making little sense!" Ryu shouted.

Twilight went to Rita, "Wanna come see my home? I can get you more books."

"Sure, that'd be nice, thanks," Rita said.

Twilight turned to Yuri, "You don't mind if she stays a bit right?"

"Hey she's a big girl, she can do whatever she wants, but I need to head back, so does Estelle," Yuri said.

"Do we have to Yuri? I like this city," Estelle said.

"I don't, reminds me of those snobby rich people in the Upper Quarter of Zaphias," Yuri said.

"Hey I used to live here, not all the ponies are snobby!" Twilight said.

"Not sure Twilight, you can be a little high up on yourself," Johnny joked, earning a glare from Twilight.

Rarity approached Yuri, "I know how you feel, I thought I would want to live in a city like this once, but you can at least come to Ponyville, it's much nicer."

"I'm fine, but thanks for the offer," Yuri said, then turned to Estelle. "You stay if you want I guess, but I'm going back with Jin and Xiaoyu."

Estelle nodded, "Fine, I'll see you soon then Yuri."

Jin looked to Xiaoyu, "Would you mind staying? Make sure they get back just fine?"

Xiaoyu nodded, "Right, ok Jin."

Jin and Yuri went across the portal, leaving the other mares to their new friends.

The Sega group made their way to the portal, with Akira calling to Spider-Man. "You're a good fighter, I hope to challenge you someday."

Peter nodded, "Sure I guess."

Akira jumped through with Jacky and Sarah.

Sonic turned his attention to Rainbow Dash, "See you around, Dash."

"Yeah, see ya," Rainbow said.

Sonic jumped through with his friend Tails, who waved good-bye to the others just before doing so.

Johnny looked curious, "New rival?"

"Yeah...new rival," Rainbow said with a grin.

The Nintendo warriors are made their way to the portal, Link going through first, nodding his head to the others before leaving.

"Man he doesn't really talk much," Peter said.

Samus waved and jumped through as well.

"Come Lucina, you too Shulk," Chrom said and went through the portal.

"Better hurry then," Shulk said and turned to Peter. "Good-bye, have fun with that technology!"

"Hey if you want to come, we'd be happy to have you join us!" Peter said.

"Thanks for the offer, but I gotta get back home, my friends will be waiting. Maybe I can introduce you someday though," Shulk said and went through the portal.

Lucina took one last look around, "Such a nice world, amazing to see a world where a Pegasus can talk." Before she went through the portal, she got a good look at Luna, who curiously looked back.

"Amazing...you almost look like me," Lucina said.

"I can say the same as well," Luna said.

Lucina took one last look to Spider-Man and Twilight. "I hope to see you both again! Remember you make your own future!" Lucina jumped through the portal, leaving Peter and Twilight confused.

"What was that about?" Peter asked.

Chun Li approached him, "Apparently she's a time traveling warrior who wants to change the future for the better."

Peter looked to Future Sweetie Belle, "Huh, so there are others. Seems cool."

The Capcom heroes started to leave as well, a lot of them giving quick good-byes, though nothing grand.

"See you when you get back Ryu," Ken said.

"Try not to take too long Chris," Claire said.

"Try not to come back all wimpy and loving," Frank West said.

"Very funny Frank!" Dante said.

Frank looked to them seriously, "No I mean it, don't wuss out on us."

"Go home Frank," Chris said.

The Capcom warriors waved their allies good-bye as they hopped through the portal.

The Marvel fighters also started going through, most of them.

"See you when you get back Steve, also let me know ALL the details of your stay with these ponies...if you know what I mean," Stark said.

Cap glared with a blush, "Tony, leave now before these ponies lose their tempers."

Jean waved to Logan, "It's been nice seeing you again Logan, take good care of that Fluttershy girl, she seems rather...delicate."

"I will," Logan said.

"Try to come by to our world once in awhile, maybe let that girl of yours come to the X-Manor," Cyclops said.

"Oh, I'd like to see that place," Fluttershy said.

The other X-Men waved good-bye to Remy and Bobby as they went through the portal.

Mary-Jane approached Peter, "It's been nice seeing you again Peter, a lot of people back home are still surprised at what accomplishments you've made. They're proud of you."

"Wow, that's nice for a change I guess," Peter said.

"You have to come by sometime, a lot of people back home do miss you, even your old boss," Mary-Jane said.

Peter chuckled, "I almost find that hard to believe, then again I've seen weirder."

Mary-Jane turned to Twilight, "Please take care of him."

"Of course," Twilight said.

Mary-Jane hopped into the portal back to her world, the other Marvel Heroes doing the same, except a few.

The DC heroes also started to leave, each wanting to go back to their world, only the top three still staying behind for the moment.

"Peter, Twilight, Rita, would you like to come see my technology now?" Superman asked.

Peter looked to the mares, each with an excited look. "You bet!"

As they were talking, Black Cat was watching from a nearby roof. "Looks like Peter's really making some strong friends outside of this world and his." She turned to a friend, "Wouldn't you say so?"

Her friend, Thunderlane, stepped forward while looking down. "I guess..."

"You can be his friend too, I know you had your worries about him but don't you think he's proven lately that he's not a pony to worry about? He does his best to help, he is watching over your little brother," Black Cat said.

"I know...but still, dude's so weird too, what if he messes up big time? What then? I don't like the idea that all of us have to put faith in one pony," Thunderlane said.

"He has his friends, plus if you continue your training, you can help make a difference as well," Black Cat said.

"I...do want to do something, but what?" Thunderlane asked.

"You need to put this issue with Peter behind you, I know I've been at odds with him myself but I know when to put things aside," Black Cat said.

"You mean like when you want to get in bed with him?" Thunderlane joked.

Black Cat did a smug grin, "Hey, he's a handsome guy, though so are you."

"Anyway, I guess I can work on that. I do appreciate that he watches over my brother, maybe he's not as bad as I once thought, still..." Thunderlane said.

"Speaking of your brother, look there," Black Cat said, pointing to Rumble nuzzling against Apple Bloom and giving her some occasional kisses.

"Whoa, he's got a marefriend!? Alright, that's my little bro!" Thunderlane said with some happiness.

"Can't blame her, your brother's a handsome little colt in his own right," Black Cat said.

Thunderlane looked down with some brotherly pride, in spite of everything he at least is happy to know that his brother's happy. Even if Spider-Mane is the reason why.

Batman noticed the two on the roof and had a smug look on his face. "A girl dressed like a cat, a rebellious looking guy, I swear this place is starting to remind me of Gotham."

Wonder Woman patted his shoulder, "You're getting paranoid, come on let's go."

The two jumped through the portal.

"Peter, Twilight, Rita, let's go," Superman instructed.

The three followed Superman through the portal, leaving the Capcom fighters wondering.

"So now what? Where do we stay" Ryu asked.

"You can stay in Canterlot with me," Sunset said.

Celestia approached Cap, "You may stay here as well, I'm sure Shining Armor wishes to speak with you a little more."

"Where is Shining Armor? I barely saw him at the tournament?" Cap said.

"He was busy, he actually just came in time for the final battle, he's over there with his wife Cadance," Celestia said.

Cap nodded, "I don't mind staying, though where would I spend the night?"

"My castle...if you wish," Celestia said, moving her hair to hide her blush.

Cap nodded, "Sure, why not?"

Cadance looked over to Celestia, barely seeing a blush on her face. She also noticed Sunset Shimmer looking to Ryu with a blush. This put a smile on Cadance's face.

"What has you so happy?" Shining asked.

"You'll see," Cadance said with grin.

As Rumble walked he sensed something. He turned around to see that his older brother Thunderlane was watching from the roof.

Thunderlane looked surprised but he simply waved down at his little brother with a genuine smile. Rumble looked behind to see if anypony was watching. He then flew over to his brother and quickly hugged him.

"I miss you Thunderlane," Rumble said.

Thunderlane returned the hug, "So do I little buddy. I know I screwed up on a lot of things, but I'll make it up to you, I promise."

Rumble nodded, "Alright, when will you be back home?"

"When my training is done, I'm gonna try to be a superhero too, I have to do my part," Thunderlane said. "For now, stay with Spider-Mane, he seems to be doing a good job taking care of you." He mumbled a bit, "As much as I hate to admit it."

Rumble let go of the hug, "Alright, make us proud Thunderlane."

Black Cat rubbed Rumble's face, "Your brother will be fine little cutie, I'll take good care of him."

Rumble blushed a little, "Ok, bye Miss Hardy."

"Um...just Felicia is fine, or Black Cat, I'm not much of a 'Miss'," Black Cat said.

Rumble chuckled slightly, "Alright."

"Also I saw you with a filly, Applejack's little sister?" Thunderlane asked.

Rumble blushed, "Yeah..."

"Here's a little tip, when you get in bed with her, make sure you-"

"THUNDERLANE!" Rumble shouted with a blush. "I'm not thinking of that part right now!"

Thunderlane chuckled, "Sorry I've always wanted to do that, anyway better get going, your friends might get worried."

"Bye Thunderlane, bye Felicia," Rumble said and flew off.

Black Cat kissed Thunderlane's cheek, "You have a great brother."

Thunderlane nodded, "Thanks."

As Johnny walked, he looked to where the portals are, "Wonder how much Peter, Twilight and that Rita chick are gonna like Superman's place?"

Meanwhile, at the Fortress of Solitude.

"THIS IS AWESOME!" Peter said as he looked through the technology. "Just imagine the possibilities this can produce! All this amazing tech! I can make a new power suit out of it! Stronger than the one I have now!" Peter gasped a bit, "Maybe some new and improved Twilight Arms! Or a better Spider-Mobile! Holy crap, all the possibilities!"

Twilight also looked to be geeking out. "Such magnificent pieces of work! This planet Krypton has some amazing tech, it's far beyond anything I've seen! All this stuff would make even Tony Stark jealous!" Twilight giggled a bit, "I must explore all of it!"

Rita looked pretty impressed herself, "Imagine what this stuff could do when powered by the Blastia of my world! This is so amazing! Those mages in Aspio will be so jealous!"

Superman watched on with a smile on his face, "Ah such eagerness from knowledge, surprised that Sunset Shimmer pony didn't want to come. Perhaps she's a little enamored with that Ryu fellow." Superman chuckled, "Can't blame her, when you're in love other things come second. Besides it's nice that she wants to spend time with him, plus she can come next time. Maybe I can even convince Bruce to let these three explore his Bat Cave."

He then heard Peter say, "Hey what's this thing? Does it lead to some weird dimension?"

Superman freaked out a bit, "Peter don't go near that!"

Later on, the others are seen enjoying Ponyville, finally having a chance to explore and relax without the need for fighting.

Tifa relaxed on Applejack's farm while Dante chatted with Applejack and Cloud tested some of his Materia on the field alongside Remy who was practicing with his cards.

"Wow, this town reminds me so much of Nibelheim," Tifa said. "Wonder what it would be like to live here? Maybe the others can come see this place as well."

Rarity is having a little tea party with Future Sweetie Belle, Bobby and Chris, just enjoying themselves for a bit.

Fluttershy is tending to her animals along with Logan, Laura and Lightning Dust, even joined by Leon, Strider and Felicia.

Johnny and Rainbow Dash are at Sugarcube Corner with the rest of the Fantastic Four to meet with Deadpool along with Pinkie and her sisters.

Twilight, Peter and Rita had arrived back in Ponyville with some Kryptonian technology for Peter to use in his lab, and they showed Rita the library Twilight lived in.

"This looks so much like my house!" Rita said while looking at all the books.

"Man you two are meant to be friends," Peter said.

Trixie arrived to greet them, "Ah, you're back, how was The Fortress of Solitude?"

"It was great! Look at all this stuff!" Peter said, showing off all the tech.

"That's nice, Chun Li and Spencer are here, they're in the kitchen talking with Spike and Janet. Your Aunt's here too Peter," Trixie said. "Oh and Rumble is upstairs with Mayday and the Crusaders."

"Cool, I'll get to them in a moment, let me take this stuff to the lab, come on girls!" Peter said and led them to his lab, which impressed Rita.

"I love you ponies."

In Canterlot, Estelle and Xiaoyu are chatting with Cadance and Shining Armor. Ryu is talking with Sunset, who seemed to be blushing a lot, much to Ryu's confusion. Celestia also had a chance to talk with Cap, the two enjoying each other's company, Celestia a little differently than Cap.

Cadance could feel some love generating among some of the ponies, each time she felt affection she had a nice giddy smile, each time concerning Shining Armor a bit, along with Estelle and Xiaoyu.

"Why do you keep giggling?" Xiaoyu asked.

"Because, love," Cadance answered.

The answer was a little to vague for the Namco mares, though Shining Armor decided to elaborate.

"My wife is the Princess of Love, so she can sense when other ponies fall in love."

"Wow really? That's so romantic." Estelle said while looking up with her hooves together and with sparkly eyes. Suddenly she felt herself wondering. "Wait who's in love?"

"Pay attention to my Auntie Celestia and Sunset Shimmer, that will answer your question," Cadance said.

"And Princess Luna every time she's near Peter," Shining muttered out, earning a slight glare from Cadance. "What?"

Come the next day, it was time for the ponies to say good-bye. Everypony went to Canterlot to send their friends off.

"Bye Peter! Bye Twilight! Thanks for having me over! I'll try to come back again soon!" Rita said.

"Bye Rita, it's been nice meeting you!" Twilight said.

Rita went through the portal with Xiaoyu and Estelle, both those other girls also waving good-bye.

Tifa went to her portal with Cloud, "Bye Applejack, thanks for having us."

Applejack waved bye as her two friends jumped through the portal.

The Marvel heroes started going through as well.

"Bye Sis, bye Reed, by Ben!" Johnny said.

"Bye Johnny, bye Pie sisters, we'll see you again soon!" Susan said while waving along with her family before jumping through the portal.

Cap bowed to Celestia, "It's been a pleasure meeting you." He grabbed her hoof for a kiss, "See you again soon."

Celestia blushed at that action, "Thanks, good-bye Captain."

Cap nodded and jumped through the portal as well.

Soon the Capcom fighters started to leave, with Leon, Strider and Felicia going through first.

"Bye Peter, and all of you, it's been great seeing you," Leon said as he went through with his allies.

Dante waved to Applejack, "See you around Applejack." He looked to Peter, "Try to be cool dude, see ya." Dante then jumped through the portal as the others said good-bye.

Chris waved at Rarity, "We'll see each other again Rarity." He looked over to Peter, "Keep being a good father and husband." Chris jumped through as well, the others saying good-bye.

Spencer turned to Twilight, "See you around Twilight."

Twilight quickly hugged him, "I hope to, bye Nathan."

Spencer returned the hug a bit before breaking off. He looked to Peter, "Take good care of everypony here, I'm sure they'll take good care of you."

The Parker-Sparkle family waved as Spencer went through the portal.

Chun Li approached Peter with a bow, "I will see you again soon Peter."

Peter returned the bow, "Thanks Chun Li, I'll miss you."

Chun Li pulled Peter into a hug, "Same here, you have a great wife and daughter, I'm happy for you. Just please take care of yourself."

Peter hugged back, "You too."

Chun Li waved bye and went through the portal.

Ryu approached Peter with an almost apologetic face, "I kinda wish I could have been nicer to you, I feel like I missed out on having a great friend."

Peter patted his shoulder, "It's not too late, I can still call you my friend. Maybe we'll see each other again, I'll even spar with you, a nice friendly one."

Ryu smiled, "I'd like that, good-bye Peter." Ryu waved to the others, "Goodbye ponies, it's been an honor meeting you."

Before Ryu went through the portal, Sunset approached him with a hug. "Bye Ryu, I'll miss you." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before walking off with a blush on her face.

Ryu scratched his head a little, though now he's starting to understand what Dante and Chris meant by her liking him.

"Bye Sunset, I hope I get to see you again soon," Ryu said with a genuine smile. He jumped through the portal as well, leaving everypony to themselves.

"It's finally over, Marvel and Capcom can work on being friends rather than rivals," Twilight said.

"Just how it's meant to be," Peter said.

The two nuzzled against each other as they made their way to the train station. "Let's go home."

It seems like the rivalry has reached it's end, what will happen soon with the Marvel and Capcom worlds, not to mention the other worlds the ponies have found friendship in? Whatever it may be, it can be a great thing.

Author's Note:

The end of the Marvel vs. Capcom fight.

(Fixed an error involving the fight).