• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,356 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Nine years later.

Twilight tugged her overcoat into place, the coat which was designed for a griffon soldier in his prime, fit the unicorn perfectly. A magical pull ensured that the black collar was pulled straight and flipped up properly, ensuring her neck was slightly protected by the deep black leather outfit. The unicorn’s magic flowed over her coat, smoothing away any creases and ensuring that the outfit was perfectly fitted. The well-worn and much loved piece of clothing easily covered nearly every inch of the mare’s body save for her back hooves, where only the coat tails protected the hooved limbs.

Not like she was worried much though, as the unicorn flexed each of her thick, corded limbs in turn, ensuring that each felt as they should. Sure enough she had managed to shed the last vestiges of sleep by then, and no fatigue lingered in her powerful legs. Looking up and into the mirror, Twilight gazed back into her glowing orange orbs, while turning her head left and right, inspecting her features carefully.

Her complexion was perfect as ever, her jaw just as chiseled, and her mane, at least on first glance, was as perfectly short as ever. The mare’s eyes narrowed and she peered into the mirror, leaning against the sink and staring at her mane, which she used her magic to lift and inspect. It was getting long, well longer than usual anyway, as it was only just below her horn, and as perfectly straight as ever. A short look told Twilight that her bangs were nearing three inches long, which was too much for the mare, who sighed and made a note of seeing the same barber she had gone to last time since he didn't ask as many questions and was merely happy for the business.

With a snort of irritation she turned and gave herself one last look over.

The lapels, complete with the dual gold stars were as perfect as ever, as were the large copper buttons that went down the front of her outfit. The tight black shirt she wore under the coat hugged her body perfectly, and kept her surprisingly cool due to the enchantments she had placed upon it. Last and perhaps most importantly, were the mare’s combat boots which were black with gold stitching and were polished to a shine, as per usual. With everything in order, she nodded and trotted out of the bathroom, her heavy footsteps rendered silent the second she trod upon the soft carpet of her room.

Twilight paused and looked around, the familiar sights, sounds and smells of her room greeting her warmly. The many book shelves that surrounded her filled her with warmth, and a slight feeling of pride, each one being a small trophy to the knowledge within which she had consumed. The smells of all those books combined with the lilac fabric softener that she insisted be used on her bedding made for a pleasurable aroma, one that made her grin.

That was until she looked down at the dragon sprawled out on her bed, a dragon that was now snoring loudly, his eyes closed.

Twilight rolled her eyes and stepped over to the drake, glancing down at his lanky form with irritation. The large green scales that emerged from just above his brow and proceeded along his skull and down his back were now large enough to list slightly to one side. The trio of short fins that were on the side of his face now resided slightly further up his head, also becoming slightly longer and more angular, losing the rounded edges they had in his younger years. This theme of no longer being quite so round followed through with the rest of his body, which was far leaner than most dragon’s his age who usually had yet to grow out of their roundness.

Long, well-muscled arms fell from his shoulders and had been flung randomly across the bed, his much shorter legs following suit, one being under the blanket, while the other was over. His long tail emerged from the bottom of the sheet and fell to the floor, twitching occasionally as if he really were asleep. His purple scales shone brilliantly in the indirect sunlight coming from the small window across the room, illuminating his light green underside and the twin fangs that poked out from either side of his jaw.

Twilight’s frown deepened, and she glared at the dragon’s closed eyes for several seconds, as if willing him to rise before wilting slightly and coughing into her hoof. “I get it, you were impatient and fell asleep. Now get up before we are late for my first day back,” Twilight commanded, her voice having lost the distinct high pitched tone of a filly and having been replaced by a deeper, more baritone voice which had a slight masculine edge to it.

“Sorry, boss, I’m having a nice dream, come back later...” Spike muttered, his eyes remaining closed, the dragon pretending to snore.

Twilight’s gaze narrowed and she focused her mind towards the dragon, probing his psyche before forcing a memory to return to the forefront of his mind. “Gah! You didn't have to go that far!” he yelled, the dragon sitting bolt upright in Twilight’s bed. “I was two at the time for crying out loud!”

“Maybe next time you will think before you sass me, maybe then you won't be forced to remember that time you laughed so hard you puked,” Twilight declared before turning to the door. “Now come on, we are going to be late, and I refuse to make Celestia waste her time.”

The dragon rolled his emerald green eyes and shifted to the edge of the bed. “You know there wouldn't even be the possibly of us being late in the first place if you didn't take forever getting ready. What were you doing in there anyway?”

“My boots weren’t polished,” Twilight replied with a shrug.

Spike sighed and fell in behind the unicorn. “Sure. It's definitely not that you’re nervous about seeing your mom.”

Twilight’s face lit up and she ground her teeth together. “She is not my mom.”

“She might as well be, or need I remind you of that incident last year, hmm?” Spike shot back, the dragon sticking his tongue out at the mare.

“That doesn't count, I just woke up!” Twilight countered.

“Sure,” Spike muttered, raising his hands. “Whatever you say, boss.”

Twilight sighed and opened the door. “Come on, you lanky galoot, we got a long walk ahead of us.”

“Okay, mooom,” Spike droned.

“And don't you forget it. I brought you into this world and I can take you right out again,” Twilight replied with a smirk.

Spike rolled his eyes and groaned, following close behind Twilight as they made their way down the hall and into the living room. Where a stallion sat on his well worn chair, book held aloft in his magical grip while his hoof held a pipe that had long since gone out. Upon hearing the clatter that Twilight’s heavy boots made, he perked up and smiled at the duo. “Ahh, I was wondering when you two were going to be ready.”

“Oh not you too, dad,” Twilight groaned.

Night Light chuckled and placed his book aside, a long slim bookmark having been placed in the spot he had left off at. “I should have known Spike was taking my job. First he's a better chef than me, now he's the one teasing my daughter, what next?”

Spike laughed aloud as he leaned on the back of the stallion’s chair. “Maybe next I’ll take your pipe habit from you. Maybe then less tobacco will be wasted in this house.”

“I wouldn't do that, it will stunt your growth, ya know,” Night Light shot back, the stallion emptying the ashes from his pipe into a nearby garbage.

“He could use with a little growth stunting, he's already twice as large as he should be for his age,” Twilight replied with a snort.

“You both could for that matter,” Night Light interjected, the stallion standing directly across from the mare meeting her gaze directly. “Ponies are gonna start wondering if you’re mare or a stallion at this rate.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I don't care what they think, besides, I kind of like making them wonder, it's funny.”

Night Light sighed dramatically and wrapped a hoof around Spike’s shoulders. “At this rate it will be up to you to give me grandkids. Where did I go wrong?”

Spike snickered. “I think it was letting her wear that coat and boots. She's gone full butch since then.”

“I’ll show you butch,” Twilight declared, jabbing her hoof at the dragon’s chest.

Night Light chuckled and stood off to the side. “As much fun as it is to trade quips with you two all day, I think you guys have a long morning ahead of you.”

“True,” Spike murmured. “We better get going.”

“Right.” Twilight turned and quickly pulled her father into a bone crushing hug. “Love you, dad.”

“Could you maybe love me a little less? I don't think I’m going to have a spine if you do that again,” Night Light murmured, a hoof pressed against his back.

“Oh pisha, you big baby,” Twilight replied flippantly as she made her way to the door.

“I love you too, ya brute,” Night Light replied snarkily.

Spike and Twilight shared a chuckle before heading out the front door and entering into the long hallway that connected their apartment to three others. They didn't pause long though, the duo making their way off to the left where the stairs down emerged. A staircase one wall of which was made entirely out of glass, allowing both dragon and unicorn to look down from the fifth floor and out over the cityscape.

Without a word they both proceed down the many steps that lead from the fifth floor to the first, pausing only briefly before entering the small foyer on the first floor. Spike turned back to Twilight and lifted an eyebrow. “Are you not putting on your contacts today?” Spike pressed.

“Oh right, I nearly forgot,” Twilight murmured before lighting her horn, the greenish purple light of her magic quickly enveloping both her eyes before flashing briefly and disappearing, revealing two normal looking pony eyes, save for the fact that her formerly magenta orbs were now a sickly orange color. “Did it work?”

Spike nodded. “Looks great, but I thought you were going to try and get your old eye color back.”

The mare shrugged nonchalantly. “It's too much effort, besides I think the orange looks intimidating.”

“Well it certainly is different,” Spike remarked, the dragon pushing open the door. “After you, my lady.”

“Why, thank you, my good gentle drake,” Twilight replied with a smile.

The dragon nodded and followed to the unicorn’s right as they made their way through the small foyer and towards the front desk. Where a much older unicorn stallion sat, his nose pressed so deep into a book that everything below his horn wasn't visible, his brownish grey mane even falling over the cover of the book. “Morning, Twilight, Spike, y'all have a good one,” he announced in a voice so gravely that he must have started smoking at age five.

Spike shook his head in disbelief as the pair pushed their way through the large glass doors at the front of the building. “How does he do that? I didn't even see him look up,” he whispered.

“He no doubt heard us coming, we have a very unique walking cadence,” Twilight replied. “It's probably why he still has that job despite the fact that he's pushing seventy.”

“True, plus he's tougher than he looks. You remember when he threw out Yellow Jacket the other week?” Spike murmured, the dragon shaking his head slowly.

“Yeah, I’ve never seen a telekinesis spell wedgie someone while also throwing them out the front door,” Twilight replied with a small chuckle of her own.

“I don't think he’ll be bothering Miss Turner anytime soon,” Spike concluded.

Twilight nodded, silently agreeing with the dragon’s assessment.

The hustle and bustle of Canterlot quickly enveloped the duo, most ponies hardly giving the strangely tough-looking teenager a second glance, though a good percent at least gave the dragon a wary look. For the most part they were anonymous however, the sheer amount of traffic hiding their presence from others who mainly kept their head down and their eyes forward, intent on reaching their destination and paying little mind to anything else.

It was through this storm of ponies that Twilight and Spike waded through with little effort. Those that found themselves before the imposing unicorn and tall dragon usually scampered out of the way, giving the pair a wide berth. Twilight was taller than most her age, and Spike was almost the same height as the nearly adult pony he walked behind. Meaning they towered over most ponies save for the few earth ponies left in their district.

As they trotted up the street, the two creatures paid little attention to the small snipes and rude things muttered about them. Though most did not utter such words until they assumed the pair was out of earshot, there were a few bolder unicorns who eyed them with naked disdain. Something that the pair were unfortunately used to, considering just how few non-unicorns were left in the city. There were very few ponies that they passed that did not sport a tall spike atop their heads, and those few who didn't were usually following behind the many who did, carrying the unicorn’s burdens or otherwise serving them in some capacity.

Twilight had long since gotten used to this sight, though she did note that there seemed to be even less non-unicorns than usual, meaning the troublesome nobles may very well have pushed through more of their so called reforms. The unicorn snorted in irritation as she strode confidently up the hill and towards the district gate that barred the small residential area they called home from the rest of Canterlot.

Glancing back at Spike, Twilight noticed that the dragon had acquired a newspaper at some point, and was nose deep in the paper, not even looking where he was going. Not like he had to as their connection was deep enough that Twilight could keep him from veering off with merely a thought.

“Anything new?” Twilight asked as she maneuvered around a pair of unicorns struggling to lift a safe from the back of a cart and towards a nearby house.

“Yeah, the Confederacy is back in the news again,” Spike muttered, folding the paper neatly and displaying the frontmost picture.

Twilight frowned at the image displayed before her, both saddened and unsurprised by the picture taken by the Canterlot Sun. On the front of the paper was an earth pony stallion sporting a headband with the Confederacy flag on it, his face askew with rage, his mouth frothing and his hooves bloody. Though bound by manacles, he appeared ready to leap out of his bindings at a moment’s notice and tear the reader asunder, an idea made more potent by the unicorn mare that lay broken and bloody behind him.

“Disgusting,” Twilight muttered.

“Since when were they allowed to show such things in the paper anyway?” Spike inquired. “That has to have been altered. right?”

“Oh it's been altered alright, I have no doubt about that, but as far as your first question, I think it was last year when they allowed the printing of such ghoulish imagery,” Twilight replied with a frown. “It was under the fair printing act of nine hundred and ninety-eight.”

“Oh yeah. Wasn't that supposed to make the news more truthful though? At least that's what all the articles claimed at the time anyway,” Spike muttered.

“You read too much of the news, just about everything is owned by those old noble pricks and they are about as dishonest as they come,” Twilight remarked.

“True. I am more curious about where the truth truly lies in the article though.” Spike pondered.

Twilight took a moment to glance through the article itself, trusting in Spike to guide them around a corner and towards the gate through the link. “It says the Confederacy supporter attacked the mare completely unprovoked, but it also said that he had several burns on his left side, the kind only mana bolts can make. He might very well have been defending himself against a racist attacker and went overboard, but they also don't give a name of the supposedly dead mare, meaning she may not actually be dead, or simply may have never existed at all,” Twilight explained.

Spike sighed. “More quote unquote evidence that the Confederacy is an insurgency, like that makes even a lick of sense.”

Twilight snorted and as they approached the gates, magically lifting both her own, and Spike’s identification for the nearest guard to see. The guard gave them only a brief glance before nodding and allowing them through the large gates. “It's ridiculous, they are only trying to defend the frontier towns that the nobles refuse to help, not start a civil war,” Twilight remarked, once through.

Spike folded up the newspaper and tossed it in a nearby trash can. “Well that's about as much of that as I can take.”

“Yes, let us speak of something more pleasant, like…” Twilight paused and pursed her lips. “Wait, you never did tell me how the Summer Sun Celebration with Celestia was. It must have been quite the event since we are so close to the thousandth celebration.”

“She didn't go,” Spike grumbled.

“Wait, Celestia didn't go to her own Summer Sun Celebration?” Asked Twilight. “But who raised the sun then?”

“Oh, Celestia raised the sun, just from inside her study.” Spike crossed his arms over his chest. “She was so busy that she didn't want to take time away from her reports in order to show up to the parade grounds.”

“Well, that's… odd,” Twilight muttered. “Though the Summer Sun Celebration isn't one of Celestia’s favorite times of year, she always makes time to go to it.”

“Tell me about it.” Spike groaned. “I ended up watching her work for an hour before heading back to our tower and napping most of the day. What did you do anyway?”

Twilight frowned, the unicorn brushing past a trio of colts running down the sidewalk, animatedly describing what candy they were going to buy with their allowance. “Father made me visit mother and we were supposed to go to the celebration, but she was in one of her moods.

Spike sighed, the dragon shaking his head. “Let me guess, the same old argument reared its ugly head again, eh?”

“You guessed it,” Twilight affirmed. “She started rattling off her usual buzzwords and rhetoric driven nonsense about non-unicorns and even had the gall to demand that we move back in with her and Shining Armor.”

“I thought he was still posted out west, in the Old Crone Mountains or something,” Spike guessed.

“He is,” Twilight assured. “But his stuff is still there, and apparently mother holds out hope that he won't immediately take another posting once his latest tour is done unlike the last two times.”

“How are you two by the way?” Spike asked hesitantly, the dragon and pony turning around a bend and entering into a broad street, at the end of which lay the canterlot castle itself.

“I haven't had a real conversation with him in years, he's not as bad as he was, but he makes sure we are never alone,” Twilight remarked with a sigh. “Which is fine by me, as he's still hanging out with those noble pricks anyway.”

“Too bad, Night Light says he used to be really nice,” Spike added.

“Indeed,” Twilight muttered to herself.

The unicorn stared off into space, her eyes drawn to a nearby shop window that displayed proudly the many banners of the noble houses, the center of which was the strange three striped flag of the nobility itself. It hadn't been flown much until recent years, but now the alternating royal blue and shimmering gold of the flag was displayed prominently in most shops and stalls. Along with a smaller flag of whatever family or house owned the stall, shop, or building, which Twilight didn't care to look at.

Shaking her head, Twilight forced herself to look away from the many signs of the nobles’ influence and towards the sidewalk before her. Only for the unicorn to feel Spike’s unease, the unicorn easily picking up on the fact that he wanted to say something, but was having trouble finding the right words. Glancing over to the drake, Twilight noticed that her assumption was correct and he was clutching his claws together before him and was busy twiddling his thumbs awkwardly.

All the mare had to do was lift an eyebrow, and the drake sighed in defeat. “I was just wondering if you were going to send me away again, like during the Summer Sun Celebration,” Spike murmured, unable to look Twilight in the eye.

“Oh Spike, I didn't do that out of malice, but rather I just didn't want to subject you to anymore of mother’s rants,” Twilight explained. “You know how she gets around non-unicorns.”

“I know, it's just…” Spike sighed, his hands falling to his sides. “I feel so dull when you are not around, like the world gets a little greyer or something. I don't know, I probably sound pretty stupid, huh?”

Twilight smiled and gently bumped her hip against the dragon. “I love you too, ya big dork.”

“Does that mean you are not gonna leave me alone this year?” Spike murmured hopefully.

The mare nodded confidently. “Don't worry, Spike, I’m sure Celestia wouldn't mind you joining in on most of my lessons given that it is my last official year of classes, but if you are gonna be there, you are going to have to help me with my notes,” Twilight declared.

Spike grinned from ear to ear. “Thanks, mom. And trust me, I’ll make the best notes you’ve ever seen!”

Twilight’s proud smile faded somewhat when she heard someone nearby gag in disgust, a unicorn couple turning up their noses and trotting away from the dragon and pony. “Good, because I’m trusting you with an important job, you know,” Twilight muttered, trying to ignore the other unicorns.

Spike frowned and nodded his head. “Y-yeah. Hey, have you ever thought of moving away once you are done studying with Celestia? I know our family is here, but Canterlot isn't the nicest place nowadays.”

“I’ve thought about it…” Twilight admitted. “I don't know if I could leave Celestia though.”

“True, she seems to have another bunch of nobles snapping at her heels every other week,” Spike replied with disgust evident in his tone.

Twilight nodded. “She's overworked as is. I’m hoping that after I graduate, I could start helping her in some more official capacity, you know?”

“Didn't she say that she wanted you to live your life without having to worry about her constantly?” Spike shot back with a smirk.

The infested unicorn sighed. “I know, but after everything she's done for not only myself, but you and father, I don't think I could just leave her.”

“True, and hey, maybe she’ll take you on as a guard or agent, or something,” Spike added.

“That would be interesting…” Twilight muttered. “Special agent Twilight Sparkle does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?”

Spike rolled his eyes and pointed forwards, towards the gates to the castle and the line that had formed outside of it. “Hey, check it out, I wonder what's going on.”

“Celestia said it was business as usual in her last letter,” Twilight murmured, her neck craning to see over the ocean of ponies spread out before her.

Several dozen unicorns were clustered near the gate, wielding signs and shouting slogans, though most of the crowd simply stood there and watched the devout few at the front yell at the royal guards. A glance at the signs told Twilight all she needed to know, and she groaned aloud when she saw all the references to bill c137.

“Augh, not these guys again,” Spike huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “That stupid bill doesn't stay dead, does it?”

“No, and worse yet every time Celestia kills it, they save the damn thing and merely put debate around it on permanent hiatus.” Twilight stuck out her tongue. “Which is a fancy word for ‘will spring on Celestia whenever we think it has a chance of passing’.”

Spike sighed and walked a little closer to the buildings to his right, giving the gathering a wide berth, followed closely by Twilight who kept a very close eye on the ponies nearest to them. Cries of “No Citizenship for terrorists!” and “Aptitude knows no race!” could be heard from various members of the crowd gathered outside the castle walls. Each one of these slogans and bite-sized bits of rhetoric were yelled by a unicorn with perfect poise and perfect teeth.

Twilight could barely contain her disgust, but held it in check until they managed to slip around the protestors and towards the small side entrance in the castle walls reserved for V.I.Ps, such as her and Spike. Those guards were unmolested by protestors, and though they kept an eye on the crowd, did not seem nearly as worried as the trio of guards standing at the gates who were struggling to deal with the barrage of shouting.

“I still can't believe Celestia actually let them build the wall around the castle,” Spike murmured, his gaze drawn upward to the impressive battlements that loomed over them.

“It sure beats that ceremonial fence they had up,” Twilight replied with a shrug.

“Halt, present identification and submit to a magical identification scan,” the slightly shorter guard barked, taking a step forward.

Twilight sighed. “How many times do we have to do this before you relax, High Tower?”

“There will be no exceptions for anyone, even you, Twilight Sparkle,” the other guard declared evenly, though Twilight could detect a hint of barely contained disgust behind his otherwise emotionless tone of voice.

The infested mare nodded and presented both hers, and Spike’s identification cards. Cards which had such basic information as primary residence, height, weight, a picture of them, sex, race, tribe, and other such minute details that Twilight cared very little about.

The shorter guard lit his horn and took the cards, his gaze hardening as he stared at the two slips before looking up to the duo and then finally back down to the cards again. “You may have these back, now please cast an illumination spell when informed to,” he commanded.

Twilight nodded and looked to the second guard whose horn was glowing. “You may begin,” the second guard announced.

Twilight cast the simple illumination spell before them, her magenta and green aura coalescing into a simple orb of white illumination. The second guard’s horn grew brighter still, his gaze hardening as he went through the motions of scanning the orb of magic. “Slight deviation of three point oh four thaums detected. You are going to want to update your card at the earliest opportunity,” the guard announced, his magic dissipating completely.

Twilight dismissed the simple illumination spell and frowned. “You can't be serious, I just barely updated it two weeks ago.”

The guard shook his head. “Current information on thaumatic output is mandatory for access to the castle, you will update your card within the next three days or be denied access should you refuse.”

Spike sighed and tugged on Twilight’s coat. “Let's just go, Twilight, we are going to be late.”

“Fine, but I will be speaking to Celestia about this,” Twilight declared, only for the guards to both shrug.

“Good luck,” the second one announced with a smirk.

“Yeah, this rule is law and I doubt she has the time to change it just for you,” the first one declared, a little more emotion coming through in his voice when compared to his companion.

The infested mare gritted her teeth and ignored the comment, merely allowing herself to be pulled through the gate by an annoyed Spike. Once out of earshot of the two, and on the main path from the gate to the castle door, Twilight brushed aside the dragon’s hand. “We shouldn't have to put up with this every single day,” she declared angrily.

“I know, but not everyone has to worry about becoming a stronger mage like you every month,” Spike declared with a chuckle. “Heck, I think you are one of like ten ponies that have to go back as often as you do.”

“It's not my fault my magic hasn't stopped growing,” Twilight muttered angrily.

“Woe thy name is Twilight Sparkle, truly she is cursed with power that most unicorns can only dream of,” sassed Spike.

“Yeah yeah, it's still annoying,” Twilight remarked, a small blush crossing her cheeks.

The duo approached the large gates of the castle itself, the guards on either side paying little attention to the coming and going of the ponies that passed them by. Though most were indeed unicorns, and seemed to be employed in some manner by the government, there were a few supplicants that were coming in and out as well as a trio of griffons who wore large trench coats and glowered at everyone they passed by, save for Twilight who they eyed curiously.

Twilight paid them little mind though, her attention utterly fixed on one thing and one thing only, namely her destination and finally seeing Celestia again. Her newer senses kept a watchful eye on Spike while her eyes searched for the semi-hidden staircase that would bring them quickly up to the royal floor where Celestia’s apartment was. Together they passed by a few guard stations, which were manned by unicorns who paid them little attention, their expressions distant and their eyes seemingly looking through the pair as much as at them.

Spike shivered when he passed them by, but Twilight had grown used to the strangeness that several guards exhibited. Though their perfectly neutral expressions were disconcerting, Twilight was more put off by the fact that their thoughts were so silent that they seemed nearly dead upon first analysis. The infested mare knew from experience that such a low amount of activity was unheard of, as even the sleeping and unconscious had more activity than what they displayed, yet they seemed fine.

Pushing that thought away for now, Twilight made her way to the desired floor after only a brief interruption by another security stop, one that took little time to get past, as Twilight recognized them as some of the few guards that were still here since she was a foal. She wanted to stay and exchange pleasantries with the older guards, but she refused to make Celestia wait any longer than absolutely necessary, only giving them a polite hello before continuing on. Plus she was getting kind of anxious to see Silver Bulwark again, a sentiment that Spike seemed to share as well, the dragon’s gaze flashing this way and that, searching for the older guard as intently as Twilight was.

When they reached their old room, where they usually met up with the old guard, they saw not the familiar shape of the strange older pony that had been with her for so many years but rather two new faces. Faces that were expressionless, distant, and seemed to peer straight through both dragon and unicorn with dispassionate looks.

“Where's Silver Bulwark?” Twilight demanded instantly.

“She has left the guard of her own volition,” the leftmost guard replied in an even, monotone voice.

“We are your new guards, my name is Aegis Shield, and this is Zealous Strike,” the second continued in an equally monotone voice.

“Yeesh, these guys are cookie cutter,” Spike whispered.

“Cookie Cutter works in the kitchen,” the first guard replied.

“Er, alright then…” Twilight muttered before turning to Spike. “I have to go speak with Celestia alone for a little bit, could you wait for me here or do you want to head back to the tower?”

Spike sighed and nodded. “I’m fine here, but you better hurry back.”

“I will,” Twilight vowed before kissing the drake on the forehead and trotting away.

Leaving a furiously blushing Spike to grumble silently as he leaned against the wall, trying desperately to act cool. “You two didn't see anything,” he muttered, his face bright red.

“See what?” the first guard asked in the same monotone voice.

Spike shivered as he looked out a nearby window. Those guys creep me out, he thought to himself, noticing that they hadn't moved an inch since the pair had first arrived

Twilight trotted confidently down the hall and made her way towards where she knew Celestia’s door lay. Though she was happy to be back in the castle and able to see Celestia again, that joy was hampered by what she had seen and experienced up to this point.

She could tell that the number of guards coming from noble families was still rising despite Celestia’s efforts to halt the tide of nepotism. The bill that would make magical aptitude a necessary part of being accepted to post secondary education had yet to be killed and worst of all, Bull was missing. The last fact alone was enough to make Twilight’s chest tighten and anger to surge through her veins, a feeling she refused to allow simmer, as she knew it wouldn't help her, not yet anyway.

Approaching the alicorn’s door, she noticed that both of the guards who stood outside had the same milky look in their eyes, making the dying embers of Twilight’s anger glow hot. “I need to speak to Celestia,” she declared. “Is she here?”

“She is indeed within this next room,” the first one began.

“But she is in the middle of an important meeting right now,” the second one continued in what sounded like the same exact voice.

“She also informed me that I should seek her out the very second I entered the castle,” Twilight explained, her jaw clenching tightly.

The two ponies stood strangely silent for a moment, though Twilight could tell that they were thinking about the priority of the orders and how they should follow them. Other than that though, their thoughts and emotions were carefully guarded with only a general aura of hostility being something that she could detect with her newfound senses. A fact that Twilight found unnerving even more so than their vacant expressions and strange manner of speech.

“You may enter,” the guard on the left announced suddenly.

The guard to the right pushed the door open with her magic, the mare’s body not moving an inch as she did so.

“Thanks,” Twilight replied on instinct before stepping into the room beyond.

The door shut swiftly behind her, leaving her mere feet away from an irate looking older unicorn stallion who glared down at her. Twilight ignored him for the moment, and sought out Celestia, finding her half asleep and standing half on the balcony half in the room. “I’m sorry for interrupting, but I was told to check in as soon as I returned to the castle,” Twilight explained, trying to disrupt some of the anger she could already see bubbling inside the unicorn.

“You announced yourself, now you may go,” the unicorn replied tersely, the stallion throwing up his nose in disgust. “I have a long report to get through and Her Majesty has asked that I leave no details unexplained.”

Celestia sighed, an act that made the wrinkles on her face grow longer still. “You don't need to do that Councillor First Strike. I will read the rest of your report myself, as right now my student needs me.”

The general turned to Celestia and glared up at her. “But Your Majesty, this is incredibly important, the agricultural sector south of Manehattan requires your immediate and undivided attention.”

“Which is why I will finish reading the rest of your report within the hour, but first I have other matters to attend to,” Celestia declared, the alicorn’s face growing tight as she glowered down at the stallion.

For a moment it looked like the unicorn was going to try and resist once more, but he sighed and bowed his head instead. “As you wish, Your Majesty.”

“Thank you, I will speak to you later, Councillor,” Celestia exclaimed sternly.

The unicorn stallion bowed low, to the point that his golden pocket watch nearly slipped from his blue and gold shirt before standing and trotting out of the room, his head held high.

When the door was closed behind him, and the two mares were alone, Celestia sighed, a great weight falling from her shoulders and a wide smile blossoming on her face. “It is good to see you again, my student,” bubbled the alicorn, taking a step forward and pulled the smaller mare into a hug.

“It's good to see you too, Celestia,” Twilight replied, a warm smile coming to her face as she squeezed the alicorn tightly, only to frown when she felt less resistance than usual. “Are you eating enough?”

Celestia took a step back and chuckled mirthlessly. “Oh Twilight. I’ve been eating just fine, thank you.”

“Are you sure? Because you felt a little… thin,” fretted Twilight, who was busy giving the alicorn a once over.

“I’m fine, Twilight, really, I’ve just been missing some sleep, is all,” Celestia explained.

“You really should be getting more rest, Celestia, you may be immortal, but even alicorns need sleep occasionally,” Twilight began, tugging gently on the alicorn’s wing. “You also need a thorough preening and a higher calorie diet.”

“I’m fine,” Celestia replied a little more sternly, the alicorn pulling her wing back and shooting the younger mare a firm look, a look that quickly melted into a smirk. “Though looking at your build makes me think that putting you in charge of my meals may not be a bad thing. Why, you are bigger than the councillor!”

Twilight snickered. “Not like that's difficult, the guy was a twig.”

“True,” Celestia murmured, before turning away and trotting over to the bed and flopping down into the lavender-scented sheets. “So tell me, Twilight, how was your break? Did you make any new friends?”

Twilight shrugged as she quietly trotted over to the small table where the councillor's report was laid out. “I met up with Razor Wind’s grand daughter for a few games of chess, but other than visiting her and the old geezer, I didn't do much other than study.”

Celestia sighed. “That's my student for you, always a quick learner save for when it comes to learning how to make friends.”

Twilight rolled her eyes as she brushed aside the topmost page of the report. “I don't need friends, Celestia. I have all I need right here, well other than Silver Bulwark.”

Celestia sighed, a deep line of worry crossing her face. “Ahh yes, I was hoping I would have the opportunity to explain the situation.”

“Explain what?” Twilight shot back with a little more anger than she had first desired. “She was a good guard, a wonderful friend and a faithful employee. Why would she just leave?”

“She didn't leave you, Twilight, she simply had other circumstances that required her full attention,” Celestia explained.

“I know she wouldn't leave me, but I’m more concerned with who forced her out,” Twilight muttered angrily as she skimmed the councillor's report.

“Her mother is sick, and has fallen on hard times recently. I offered to give her a leave of absence to look after her sole remaining parent.” Celestia’s smile fell away suddenly. “Unfortunately that offer was modified slightly before it reached her and she will not be returning anytime soon. Regardless, she will be well-looked after, as will her mother.”

“So someone changed your offer without your consent and now she will only be able to return to work after I have quote unquote graduated,” fumed Twilight.

“That is not… wholly incorrect,” confessed Celestia. “I haven't had the time to speak with her, as well as Captain Pure Heart as right now it seems like the amendment was done legally and was well within the guard’s guidelines.”

“What a stupid name,” Twilight muttered to herself.

“Quite,” Celestia agreed. “I’ve finally managed to move ahead with proceedings that will have him removed, but the process has become more lengthy due to the regular meddling and I fear the houses may simply insert one of their own ponies if I don't ensure otherwise.”

“I wouldn't put it past them,” Twilight groused before jabbing a hoof into one of the documents seemingly at random. “There was an attack in Cold Harbor?”

Celestia sighed and nodded. “Yes, I’ve withheld it from the press for now, but it won't be long before there is another leak.

“Let me guess, more patsies?” Twilight half asked, half stated.

“Indeed,” Celestia grumbled. “Each one is a low ranking member of the guard easily replaced by another willing to take the next fall. So despite me ‘catching’ every pony who leaks something to the press, it's never the end of the leaking.”

“I never understood why you didn't get rid of the aristocracy years ago,” Twilight exclaimed, the unicorn turning to Celestia and trotting up to the mare. “They seem more nuisance than assistance.”

“That hasn't always been the case,” Celestia began. “Back in the day they served the same position as the modern day councillors, advisors and administrators, but with slightly more autonomy. A hundred years ago I began to chip away at their power and up until a decade ago everything was going smoothly, and my ultimate goal of leaving them with little more than worthless titles was going well.” The alicorn sighed. “Unfortunately at the same time I found you, several other issues cropped up and they've managed to claw back nearly all the power I stripped from them.”

“So if I-” Twilight started, only for Celestia to shoot the mare a firm, silencing glare.

“It is not your fault in the slightest, and I will not allow you to say such things in my presence. Understood?” Twilight nodded, and Celestia smiled, lifting a wing and patting the spot next to her. “Come sit next to your mentor, we have much to discuss and having someone to lean on would be nice.”

Twilight grumbled and blushed, but did as she was told, climbing up onto the bed and lay down next to Celestia, only to get tugged closer to the alicorn by a firm hoof. “Better?” Twilight huffed.

“Quite,” Celestia declared with a wide smile, one wing landing over Twilight’s side and hugging her tightly.

“So, about this attack.” Twilight murmured, wiggling a little closer to the alicorn. “The report didn't go into much detail, but did say that there were ‘significant issues’ in the area.”

The alicorn nodded grimly, her gaze lingering on the open door leading to her balcony and the lands that lay beyond the horizon. “The creatures are likely zerg, but they've been surprisingly merciful, only raiding poorly defended caravans, and small villages and most of the time leaving most infrastructure and ponies unhurt.”

“Most of the time?” Twilight asked hesitantly.

“Indeed, the few who resisted were mercilessly killed, while others were abducted for seemingly no reason,” Celestia explained.

“What about age, race, or sex? Surely there must be some correlation between those they abducted,” Twilight asserted.

“Though there were slightly more females abducted early on, now it seems split evenly amongst genders, ages and races. To the point that the only correlation is the fact that there is none,” Celestia continued.

“Odd,” Twilight murmured, a hoof rubbing her chin. “The report went on to explain that they were raiding mostly earth pony villages and were largely ignoring the unicorn settlements in the area.”

“We think it's due to the fact that magic still works surprisingly well against the creatures who have gradually grown stronger, but still can't survive even a direct, well-aimed mana bolt,” Celestia replied.

“Which would make sense as they know how to counter blunt force and bladed weapons to a degree, but not magic. You would think they would have adapted to accomplish that after all this time,” Twilight murmured, the mare stroking her chin.

“It could be that magic is so different from everything they've experienced that they can't manage to adapt quickly.” Celestia sighed. “Speculation aside, it's leading to some unfortunate casualties, and my hooves getting tied once again which is due to the fact that they are so mobile and lack a discernible base of operations, meaning the guard can't respond in time. The one time they were in the area already, my ponies were able to cut them down with relative ease using overlapping magical shields and well placed fireballs, but that was pure luck more than anything.”

“A tactic that would easily negate their numbers advantage,” Twilight muttered before looking up at Celestia. “I presume none surrendered, and no bodies were able to be discovered as usual?”

“Indeed,” Celestia answered. “The house guard also did very well versus these horrors, their training and steely resolve making their line unbreakable, though their response time is dismal.”

“That's just like those noble pricks. I bet they were keeping them back in order to ensure their own hide was safe,” Twilight spat.

“Regardless, the praetorians did fantastically, and were more than able to hold their own against the creatures whenever they managed to meet them on the field and even felled one of those great big creatures with the scythe appendages,” Celestia declared proudly.

“You mean the ultralisks?” Twilight asked, eyes wide. “That must have been quite a feat.”

“Indeed it was, though I’m afraid the honor went to your brother, who delivered the killing stroke,” Celestia admitted, eyeing the unicorn carefully.

Though Twilight’s eye twitched, she refused to comment on her brother’s take down. “So what's stopping you from commanding more resources to be diverted to earth pony settlements?”

“My viceroy has volunteered to handle it, and so far has done a poor job of things,” lamented Celestia. “She has kept our forces centered around the larger, more unicorn-dominated settlements in the Canter mountains, using them to build up defences before pushing east. Her decisions are sound, as covering their backs and creating defences in order to ensure Canterlot and the west’s safety is a good one. It doesn't do much to change the fact that while she does that, good earth ponies and pegasi are dying or being taken from their homes.”

“Hold on a second, viceroy? When did this happen? Also what happened to those earth pony engineers you funded over a decade ago?” Twilight uttered in disbelief.

“The viceroy was a good idea, at first,” Celestia remarked sadly. “She was loyal, she was able to take some of the work off my plate and generally help me get ahead of the houses. Somewhere along the line though she was turned against me, and now actively works against nearly every single one of my orders.”

“That's terrible, and you can't get rid of her?” blurted Twilight.

“Her term limit is only a year and she is appointed directly by me, but unfortunately she falls under the elected candidates category meaning I could only oust her with overwhelming support from the parliament,” Celestia began.

“Which is overwhelmingly controlled by those horny toads who would rather sit in their mansions,” Twilight concluded.

Celestia snickered. “Well put, Twilight, as for the engineers, they have done well, but their weapons have been unfortunately outlawed before they’ve even unveiled them. Though I am certain that the houses know not of the burgeoning Confederacy’s true power, Viceroy Tight Ledger has heard enough rumours to preemptively make a move to ban the private ownership of guns. Which means if I move to quash the bill it would look like I would be trying to put dangerous weapons that any tribe can use in the hands of civilians.”

Twilight ground her teeth together and glared at the door, and the closest objects of her distaste. “Those assholes are going to get ponies killed all to ensure they hold onto their power, it's disgusting.”

“And trust me, the second I’m able to give them the attention they deserve, I will undue their power structures one by one. Until then they control nearly the entire parliament, as well as the house guard, which has become quite formidable over the last few years,” Celestia declared.

“Good, because if you weren’t going to do it, I would be tempted to try and that wouldn't go well,” Twilight declared with a smirk.

“Now that's a good idea,” Celestia teased, bumping the younger mare’s shoulder. “I should just sic you on them, maybe burn down a few of those garish mansions that they so enjoy building.”

“Stars above are they ugly,” Twilight agreed. “It's like they are trying to make tiny, shitty versions of Canterlot Castle.”

“That is a most elegant way of putting it, my student,” Celestia acknowledged.

The two fell into a comfortable silence, with Twilight grinning despite the slew of bad news she had just been subjected to. “Oh, I guess there is one thing I did over the break, do you want to see?” challenged Twilight.

“Oh? Is it another spell?” Celestia replied.

The unicorn shook her head. “Nope, it's better than just any old spell. Watch and be amazed.”

Celestia lifted an eyebrow and remained silent, watching intently as Twilight poured them both a glass of water without moving from the bed, or lighting her horn, the pitcher seemingly moving all on its own. Once the glasses were full, they levitated over to the pair, were Twilight took her cup, as Celestia did the same.

The alicorn looked down at her hoof in shock and then over to Twilight who was breathing a little harder, but otherwise showed little sign of strain. “That's amazing, Twilight, what else have you learned?”

“It's been hard, but I can levitate multiple things without magic, can read most ponies’ thoughts and can even lift my own weight if I really push it,” Twilight declared proudly.

“That's wonderful, Twilight, I’m glad you've taken our lessons to heart and have expanded more than just your magical abilities,” Celestia proclaimed, only for her eyes to go wide. “Tell me, what am I thinking about right now.”

“Well I don't want to pry, but…” Twilight’s disagreement vanished when she noticed the giddy look on Celestia’s face. “I suppose I could try, but the more powerful the pony, the more difficult it is to read them.”

“I will try to make it easier on you,” encouraged Celestia.

“Alright…” Twilight closed her eyes and focused her mind outwards, in the direction she felt Celestia’s mind was.

Though it was difficult to get past the first barrier that she usually felt over the alicorn’s mind, it wasn't as difficult as the few other times she had made an attempt to look past the alicorn’s surface thoughts. It seemed like Celestia’s offer of assistance was genuine, and Twilight probed the ancient mare’s mind deeper, hearing the faint sound of someone speaking as if from deep within a cave.

Following the source deeper and deeper, Twilight was able to hear the words being whispered in the alicorn’s mind. I bet you are still ticklish.

The unicorn’s eyes shot open and she tried to escape the feathery clutches of Celestia’s wing, but was held tight and her ticklish spots along her belly were assaulted by a cruel and giggling Celestia. “Gotcha!” Celestia cackled.

“Noooo!” Twilight shouted back in mock pain, the mare already giggling while her legs twitched and spasmed.

Celestia chuckled as she used her magic to hold Twilight down while continuing to use her wings to tickle the mare’s barrel ruthlessly. “Mwahaha, you have fallen once again for one of my classic pranks.”

“S-stop!” Twilight yelled between bursts of giggling, the infested mare trying desperately to wiggle out of Celestia’s magical grasp, only to find herself unable to do so.

“Finally the rebellious Twilight Sparkle has been brought to her knees!” Celestia declared in her best evil bad guy voice, which sounded about as evil as you would expect.

“I surrender, mercy!” Twilight proclaimed, throwing her hooves up in defeat.

Celestia stuck her nose up like she was imitating some of the unicorns she had seen around the castle. “I suppose I can give you clemency if you offer up the names of your conspirators.”

Twilight gasped dramatically, recoiling from the alicorn and covering her mouth with a hoof. “Truly you are the most dastardly of villains to make me choose betwixt my freedom and my friends.”

“Don't forget pretty, I am dastardly and pretty,” Celestia added, poking the younger mare in the chest.

“True, you are indeed pretty. Pretty dastardly that is!” Twilight smirked.

Together the two mares broke into a chorus of laughter that left them weak, and leaning against one another, a hoof over each other’s backs. After several minutes, and long after any laughter had finally died down, the two parted, with Celestia wiping away an errant tear from her cheek. “I needed that, thank you, Twilight,” bubbled the alicorn.

“It is my pleasure.” Beamed the unicorn. “Though you know, I could help a lot more if you told me what you are so busy doing. You don't have to do everything alone, not anymore anyway.”

Instantly all the mirth was wiped from Celestia’s face and she sighed morosely. “I wish I could, Twilight, truly I do and though I cannot speak of it now, I promise that time is coming closer by the day and I intend on keeping the promise I made to you all those years ago.”

Twilight frowned and looked into the other mare’s eyes, only to find the same love and empathy the unicorn always found, prompting Twilight to sigh and nod reluctantly. “Fine, but you better tell me before I graduate, because Spike wants to move away the second that happens.”

“And what do you think?” Celestia inquired.

“I don't know yet,” Twilight remarked noncommittally. “I want to help you, but I don't really know how.”

“Oh Twilight,” Celestia murmured proudly. “You just being my friend helps me.”

“I know, but I want to help you more, to do something against these jerk bag nobles, or the zerg,” Twilight declared, before sighing. “I just feel so useless right now.”

“Then you will be glad to hear that this year is going to be the most grueling, difficult year of them all,” Celestia stated without a hint of mirth. “It won't be a stretch to say that you will learn more this year than in your first three years combined.”

“I, er… wow,” Twilight muttered, aghast. “Can Spike sit in on some of them? He offered to help take notes and stuff.”

Celestia nodded. “That would be acceptable. We are also going to be doing a considerable amount of casting and having an assistant would help matters.”

“Does that mean you are finally going to be teaching me those spells?” Twilight inquired giddily.

“Indeed,” Celestia replied evenly. “We are entering strange times, and you will need to learn things that most ponies don't even know is possible. I pray you are ready.”

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