• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,356 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Double Dealing

The girls all stared silently at one another, an uneasy quiet falling over the group. Most wore an expression of confusion or shock, their gazes immediately falling on Twilight.

“Before negotiations can begin, I will need certain assurances,” Twilight began.

“You can't seriously be-” Rainbow Dash began, only to be cut off.

“Silence! There will be no words from the hanger-ons. Not until after our deal is concluded,” Starlight Glimmer barked, turning back to Twilight. “Now then. What manner of assurances do you require?”

Rainbow Dash grumbled and fell back to the couch, teeth gnashing angrily beneath her black helmet.

“I need to see the other Twilight’s parents and check if the detector is working,” Twilight claimed.

“Why would you need to see them? You share no relation to these humans,” Starlight Glimmer retorted.

“I admit that I’m curious,” Twilight exclaimed with a shrug. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I don't wish to squander.”

“You aren't going to try anything, are you? Because I don't need to tell you all the reasons that would be a bad idea,” Starlight Glimmer stated, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

“To use teleportation magic of such magnitude would take a considerable build-up of energy, as you’ve likely already seen in our little scuffle,” Twilight explained.

“All observations indicate that you are correct,” Starlight reluctantly admitted. “Fine. No magic, no funny business, and you have five minutes with them. I will supervise.”

Twilight nodded and turned to Sunset. “Don't go quite yet. I’ll let you know if they are okay.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow behind her visor. “What exactly are you planning?”

“Think of this as an apology for what I am about to do,” Twilight replied.

“What you’re about to… You can't be serious. If Starlight learns magic, she will be nearly unstoppable. Humanity will be doomed!” Sunset exclaimed.

“I haven't given her that information yet,” Twilight retorted, giving Fluttershy a small, subtle nod. Trust me.

The medic nodded hesitantly, her unease bleeding through the weak connection they shared.

“I am ready when you are,” Twilight announced.

Starlight Glimmer smiled and extended a hand towards the back of the house. “Please, follow me. As for the rest of you. Try not to break anything or leave unexpectedly. I’d rather not be forced into using certain… redundancies.

“Yeah yeah, you got us by the short and curlies. Now get on with it,” Applejack bitterly announced.

Twilight restrained her urge to laugh, following after a rather confused and amused Starlight Glimmer.

Together the two infested walked to the back of the home, passing through a kitchen and a dining room in the process. There Twilight saw the only true sign of zerg tampering in the form of a purple and green door that she assumed led to the basement. With a wave of the other woman’s hand, the flesh recoiled, allowing her to push open the barrier.

Revealing a seemingly normal set of stairs which lead down into a large, open space dominated by a king-size bed. The area had likely been designed as a rec room or second living area, though now it was one large bedroom. Only a bathroom and a now unneeded mechanical room extended from the main area.

Which contained a couch, other living arrangements like a television, computer, and radio, though all were off at the moment. Only the couch was occupied, a pair of rather startled humans sitting upon its aged, brown surface.

“T-Twilight?” the female muttered in shock, her book falling from her grip.

The woman appeared to be in her mid-forties or early fifties; her white and purple-striped hair containing the odd grey protrusion. She wore a relaxed dress and an oversized hoodie, that had likely been her husband’s at one point. The woman's expression quickly morphed from mild confusion to one of absolute shock.

Unlike her partner, a slightly older male, who wore a cardigan and a pair of grey slacks. He had a scowl on his face, and Twilight could see that his hands had already balled into fists.

“That's not Twilight,” he remarked in a low tone.

“How observant, Night Light, and here I thought your wife had all the brains,” Starlight Glimmer teased.

“Starlight. What did I tell you about showing your face here?” Night Light growled.

Starlight chuckled and waved a hand over her features. “It's a good thing this isn't my face then.”

“Calm yourself,” Twilight quickly intruded. “Yes, I am not your daughter, though I’m something close to her anyway.”

“That mirror thing, right? Twilight spoke of a strange other world before she…” Twilight Velvet trailed off, her expression turning sour.

“Yes. I am her duplicate from another world, and I will be leaving soon. Though before I go, I was hoping to satisfy a certain curiosity of mine,” Twilight began. “So, if you wouldn't mind answering a few questions, I’d appreciate it.”

“No way,” Night Light quickly stated. “We will not answer anything asked of us from one of Starlight’s abominations.”

“But honey, she doesn't seem like one of them,” Twilight Velvet retorted.

“Your wife is right. This one is not one of mine, nor one of your daughter’s either. She is… different,” Starlight Glimmer remarked, eying the towering infested curiously.

“I hold no allegiance to anyone on this world,” Twilight added, raising her chin.

“No matter where you come from, you’re one of them, and we will not speak to you, monster,” Night Light spat, grabbing his wife around the shoulders.

Twilight sighed. “It would not be anything intrusive. I merely wished to ask a few simple questions.”

“Absolutely not,” Night Light declared.

“Feel free to dig around in their minds, if you’d like,” Starlight Glimmer offered, extending a hand. “They have yet to be infested, and thus have few mental defences.”

Twilight shook her head. “That would be needlessly cruel. Besides, I suppose I’ve at least been able to confirm that they are indeed alive.”

“A pity. Though I suppose it's not like they know anything useful anyway,” Starlight Glimmer sneered.

“Is that all?” Night Light demanded, pulling his wife closer to his side.

“No. There is one thing I wish to say to you, and it's important,” Twilight declared, walking slowly up to the pair. “Your daughter walks a dark path, though it is not one entirely devoid of illumination. Soon, she will reach a crossroads, one that will lead to destruction, or redemption.”

“How can you know this?” Twilight Velvet asked in a shocked tone.

“My powers are beyond your understanding,” Twilight replied.

“You speak nonsense,” Night Light spat.

Twilight ignored the comment and walked up to the duo, her hand going from her pocket to Night Light’s hand. Gripping it tightly, the former pony pressed something small into his palm, closing around it before Starlight could see what had passed between them.

Keep it secret, keep it safe. In fifteen minutes, press and hold the center for ten seconds, Twilight thought at the pair.

“You may not be my own parents, but you remind me of them. Of their kindness and their acceptance. Stay safe, Night Light, Velvet,” Twilight exclaimed, nodding from one human to the other.

The couple awkwardly nodded back, with Night Light pulling his hand from Twilight’s grip and swiftly stuffing it into his pocket.

“I wish I could say it was nice to meet you,” Twilight Velvet awkwardly exclaimed.

“You’ve said your piece, now go,” Night Light stated, though his tone had lost some of its bitter edge.

“I will, and good luck,” Twilight replied, giving the pair a nod before turning and walking away.

Starlight Glimmer was swift to follow the departing infested, a curious look on her face. “That was… dramatic. You certainly share that trait with our false queen,” Starlight Glimmer exclaimed.

“What is the fun of being evil if you can't also be mysterious?” Twilight remarked with a smirk.

Starlight’s puppet laughed her strange, gurgling laugh. “Are you sure you’re not my doppelganger? We certainly seem to share more than a passing similarity.”

Twilight bit back her angry retort and maintained her flat, neutral expression. “I’m certain. Though I have met your copy.”

“Oh? What is she like?” Starlight questioned, a hint of genuine curiosity worming its way into her voice.

“She is… similar. To say the least,” Twilight tactfully replied, biting back the words she wanted to say. An amoral sociopath with a thirst for power.

“Interesting,” Starlight Glimmer muttered. “I take it you don't know her well?”

“I only met her the one time,” Twilight answered.

The infested puppet nodded as they returned to the kitchen, the fleshy barrier reforming behind them. “Now then. Let's test the detector, shall we?” Starlight Glimmer offered.

“Yes, let’s,” Twilight replied, watching as a zergling sprinted in through a back door, a small metallic device clutched within its mouth.

Starlight retrieved the device without looking back at the zergling and raised it up so Twilight might see it. “Now then. I shouldn't need to repeat myself, but again, no funny business. Understood?” Starlight Glimmer half asked, half demanded.

Twilight nodded and extended an armored hand. “Of course.”

The two infested stared at one another for several long seconds, one brushing their mind across the other, who continued to hold her defences. Not only hold, but reinforce, the brief psychic intrusion telling Twilight that the other party wasn't nearly as powerful as her. Not only that, but Starlight’s own mental defences were formidable, but not so great that Twilight could not crush them in an instant. Twilight’s experience was simply too vast, and it was clear that Starlight Glimmer had not engaged in a psychic war on the scale that Twilight had.

This small realization fit perfectly into Twilight’s plans, and the towering infested woman could barely contain her smile. Starlight Glimmer didn't seem to notice this, however, and merely placed the detector in Twilight’s open palm.

“Do you know how to operate it?” Starlight inquired.

Twilight hummed as she turned the thing over, pointing at several knobs and a single switch. “Range finders, on slash off switch, and… volume?” Twilight asked.

Starlight smiled and nodded. “Excellent guesses. You are indeed correct.”

Twilight hummed. “I need to test it. Do you mind if I cast a small light spell?”

“I think we understand one another enough for me to allow such a thing,” Starlight Glimmer declared. “Though be warned. I will not be toyed with.”

“Of course,” Twilight replied, quickly summoning a small mote of light that hovered in the air. While doing so, she also gripped the stone in her pocket tightly, funnelling a considerable amount of magic into the object.

She then flicked the on switch and began to calibrate the device while Starlight stared at the small glowing white orb curiously. “Such a small thing, yet so magnificent,” she murmured.

“It works,” Twilight declared, extending a hand. “You have my thanks.”

“So we have a deal then?” Starlight replied, taking the device back from the other infested.

“We do,” Twilight announced.

Starlight Glimmer smiled from ear to ear, revealing her puppet’s sharp teeth. “You have no idea how glad I am to hear that.”

“Before I impart what I know, perhaps we should dismiss the riff-raff. They will likely attempt to get in the way,” Twilight exclaimed, gesturing towards the front of the home.

“Of course. They can go on their way immediately,” Starlight Glimmer excitedly announced.

Twilight nodded and walked back towards the front of the home, where several expectant soldiers sat. Upon entering the room, the group rose as one, their gazes immediately falling on Twilight, an unspoken question already filling the air.

“I’ve decided to take her offer. You are free to go to your destination,” Twilight announced.

“You bastard. We trusted you!” Rainbow Dash shouted, jabbing a finger into the infested woman’s chest.

“Come on, Dash. This is a problem for another time,” Applejack exclaimed, tugging the other girl back towards the door.

“I’m so disappointed in you, darling,” Rarity muttered before turning to leave.

“This isn't over, Starlight! Even with magic, we’ll still get you! Mark my words, you’re a dead woman!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“You will certainly try,” Starlight replied with a smirk.

Applejack grunted bitterly, shooting Twilight a glare before leaving with her still raging cargo in tow.

“I still believe there is good in you,” Fluttershy whispered, briefly clutching Twilight’s fleshy hand before turning to depart.

Twilight merely grunted, stowing her response until Sunset attempted to leave. “Wait,” Twilight exclaimed, catching the girl by the shoulder.

“What do you want?” Sunset spat.

“You were the least unpleasant of the bunch, and I must thank you for giving me this suit,” Twilight exclaimed, grabbing Sunset’s hand.

The former pony swiftly closed her hand around the small object passed to her, tucking it into a pocket. “If I knew you would do this, I wouldn't have given you so much as the clothes on your back,” Sunset muttered.

“Still. Thank you,” Twilight exclaimed.

Sunset snorted in disgust and departed, leaving Twilight alone with Starlight.

“Fools,” remarked the puppet. “They don't understand how close we are to perfection, though they will. In time.”

Twilight nodded slowly. “Yes, yes they will.”

The armored woman watched from the window as her former team walked away, none gazing back at her. Save for Fluttershy, who flashed Twilight a brief, tentative smile before disappearing around a corner. Twilight remained there for several more minutes, her mind counting down until she could enact the next phase of her plan.

“They are gone,” Starlight announced. “Now fulfill your half of the bargain. I have great plans in mind and little time to enact them.”

“I suppose you would, considering that your greatest foe will soon be removed from the picture,” Twilight offered.

Starlight nodded wearily, a curious gaze fixed on the other infested. “Obviously. Which means I have little time to waste chatting.”

Twilight nodded and turned back to her host. “Then I suppose we should finish our little transaction then, shouldn't we?”

“Of course. What do you need?” Starlight inquired, her eyes shining with barely concealed excitement.

“Only your cooperation. I will simply plant the information you require into the mind of your puppet, and thus allow you to review it at your leisure,” Twilight exclaimed.

“Perfect,” Starlight purred, a sinister intent flashing behind her strange eyes.

Twilight smiled back, extending a hand. “I believe it is human custom to shake on it, correct?”

Starlight nodded, retrieving the detector from a pocket. “Indeed it is my friend, indeed it is.”

The puppet clasped Twilight’s hand, and immediately the Equestrian felt Starlight’s mind attempt to pierce her defences. Compared to the years and years spent guarding her mind against the zerg presence on Equestria, her attempts were laughable. In an instant the other presence was beaten back, forced to retreat into the sanctity of her own mind, but Twilight didn't stop there.

While she grabbed the detector and placed it into a dimensional pocket, Twilight continued to press deep into the other infested’s mind. As suspected, Starlight was no match for a concentrated and determined foe, the woman having seemingly relied solely on her hostages. A plan that likely would have worked, had Twilight not finished counting down from the moment she handed them the rune.

Sure enough, she felt a dull throb of magic emanate from beneath her, followed by the dull psychic imprint of the two humans vanishing. With them gone, Twilight’s focus redoubled, and she roughly shoved the puppet to the ground, subduing her both physically as well as mentally. Her eyes were wide and flickered desperately as Starlight tried to flee back to her own body, but Twilight had already found her connection.

“You will not threaten anyone, fool,” Twilight spat, her glowing yellow gaze growing brighter.

“S-stop. Mercy,” pleaded Starlight, her voice switching from her own to that of her puppet’s. “We can make a deal. I’ll-”

“You will bleed, and you will die. Nothing short of that is acceptable,” Twilight retorted.

“Aagh!” cried the striped infested, swinging her additional appendages.

Twilight caught the stinger in her magic, then snapped the limb off at the base.

Too overwhelmed with shared agony, the infested couldn't manage another attack, not like it would have mattered. For already Twilight had bridged the gap from between puppet and puppeteer. There she found that the infested woman was using some manner of slug-like amplifying creature to project her consciousness.

Twilight wasn't interested in such minor details, however, and thrust deep into the woman’s mind with all the finesse of a sledgehammer. She tore through her foe’s memories, clawed at her personality, crushed everything she could grasp. Then with a snap, she was forced back into her own body, a resounding bang filling Twilight’s ears a split second before she gazed through her own eyes.

The puppet dropped to the floor, a small pistol falling from her grip as thick green blood oozed from the hole in her head. Scowling, Twilight tossed aside the limp body, a small amount of respect building inside of her. Somehow Starlight had known that shooting her would do little, and chose instead to sever the connection in a more direct manner.

“Hmmm, it will have to do,” Twilight muttered, raising her hands above her head and focusing.

She extended her will out onto the zerg which had been seconds away from breaching the house. Crushing Starlight’s influence took mere moments and even less time to force them to turn on their former allies. Though Twilight could feel Starlight’s influence clawing at the edge of her perceptions, it was a weak, half-hearted attack.

“Now then,” Twilight began. “Let's see how you like a bit of real magic.”

Twilight strode out the front door, idly noting the hundred different skirmishes going on around her. Allies clawed, shot, scraped, and crushed one another, the ground quickly growing slick with alien blood. Though it was nearly impossible to visually distinguish between who was on what side, Twilight could tell even at a glance.

Years spent intimately connected with another being had given Twilight a level of control that Starlight couldn't hope to match. A zergling blocked the swing of his former ally, saving a hydralisk who swiftly planted a trio of bolt’s in the diminutive alien’s skull. Together they turned, moving and flowing around one another like water, while Starlight’s zerg fought not as an army, but as a mass of individuals.

With her command structure temporarily shattered, Starlight’s forces relied on instinct, with the nearest lieutenants still scrambling to organize. Chaos would be Twilight’s closest ally and fear her finest blade. She merely hoped that she could sow enough seeds of disorder to help her friends achieve their goals while also allowing for her own escape.

A difficult task indeed, given the sheer amount of cannon fodder and intelligent infested on Starlight’s side, but that didn't matter. Twilight didn't need to kill them all, nor could she, given how depleted her magical reserves now were.

I hope Sunset puts that power boost to good use, Twilight thought to herself.

She reached out and crushed the head of a hydralisk with her psionic power, then swatted a leaping zergling from the air and shattered its spine with a punch. A trio of magic missiles brought down a cadre of hydralisks attempting to rally next to the house, cutting the number of foes she faced in half. It wouldn't be long before more emerged, tying Twilight down into an endless stationary fight she could never win.

Redirecting a half dozen organic daggers into the chest of an ultralisk with magic, Twilight swiftly gathered up what soldiers she could. Then she turned and with her small force assembled around her, she charged towards her distant objective. What few creatures Twilight left behind fought defensively, tying down their pursuers and allowing the main group to escape.

Together the group made a beeline towards the nydus canal, with Twilight striding in the center of the mass. While she ran, Twilight called forth every last bit of remaining magic she could safely use and funneled it into a single spell. Within the infested woman’s enormous fist flickered a bright crimson flame, one which grew with each second.

Until only moments later it was barely contained, embers shooting constantly from between her fingers. With a grunt of exertion, Twilight threw the spell up and forward with all the power she could muster, sending it high above the heads of her soldiers. Streaking through the air like a comet, the fireball expanded rapidly before collapsing in on itself and sending hundreds of smaller orbs in all directions.

The dull thwomp of the first implosion was followed by a great cacophony of explosions and unearthly screams. All around her, fleshy buildings designed not to burn, took alight, their purplish exterior quickly charing under the extreme heat. The ground writhed in agony as the entire structure quaked from the sudden and intense pain now clawing at it.

The already spotty resistance quickly became even less cohesive as Starlight’s forces were forced to split between fighting fires and Twilight. The few who did charge out in front of her were cut down in short order, with Twilight rarely having to even help. Her soldiers were organized, her mind focused, and whenever one fell, Twilight quickly stole another, filling out her ranks once more.

Skidding to a sudden stop, Twilight turned to find that the nydus canal had been undamaged by her spell. Though guarded by a small throng of zerg, Twilight saw only a single infested human in their midst. The former scientist looked confused, and the second Twilight’s intense gaze fell upon her, she ducked behind a hydralisk.

Twilight didn't care and merely reached out towards them, grasping both in her psionic grip. With a jerk, Twilight hoisted them into the air and began to squeeze, causing her foes to panic, firing shots or darts randomly. While half of the defenders broke rank to attack, the other remained still, their commander’s fear bleeding through their connection.

Twilight’s fist closed, and the twisting, screaming mass of zerg flesh suddenly became far less recognizable. Limbs were pulped, bones snapped, and the two creatures became a single ball of flesh that fell to the ground with a wet splat.

The battle that occurred immediately after was as brief as it was one-sided, with Twilight swiftly crushing her foes. She barely even needed to offer her stolen soldiers any assistance, as the zerg defenders were too busy fleeing or fighting one another to offer much resistance. Only a few psionic bolts were all that was needed to give Twilight enough of an upper hand to reach her target mere seconds later.

With the sounds of alien screams filling her ears, Twilight paused at the entrance of the great fanged maw. There she turned and looked out over the disorganized mass of zerg scrambling to beat down the flames. Already Twilight could feel that her magic was beginning to grow dull, the fire’s strength waning with every passing second.

“Such is the fate of tyrants,” Twilight muttered.

Without sparing the destruction a second glance, Twilight turned back to the canal, her mind reaching out to the strange object. Upon touching the alien, almost animalistic sentience, Twilight nearly recoiled, only to press on after a brief delay. With a fine application of her will, Twilight forced the canal to connect to an exit at the edge of town, one far from the fighting.

In response, the depths of the tunnel began to glow a sickly green, a strange gurgling coming up from below. Without a second thought, Twilight sent her soldiers into a frenzy and leapt into the maw, vanishing from sight.

To any outside viewer, the infested woman was merely swallowed whole by the strange mouth-like tunnel. For Twilight however, it felt as though she had fallen into a strange green nexus of power, one that stretched on into infinity. Her body shifted and stretched, contorting in ways that shouldn't be physically possible, all while an alien voice whispered in her ear.

Then it was over, and Twilight tumbled out onto the ground, her body reforming into a single, physical thing once more. The voice vanished at the same time, along with the uncomfortable influence that it had on Twilight. With its passing, Twilight couldn't help but feel a strange relief wash over her, though she couldn't help but wonder what had spoken to her.

She didn't dwell on that for long, however, and swiftly got up and began to inspect her surroundings. Though pitch black, Twilight could see that she was in what seemed to be a cave of some kind. Behind her opened another maw, and beneath her feet was a thin layer of creep. The fleshy mat didn't extend far; the zerg infestation spreading no further than a meter before dying off.

Though intrigued by the situation she now found herself in, Twilight didn't contemplate it for long. Instead she climbed up the steep incline before turning and glancing back at the entrance once more. It almost felt like a shame to kill something so mysterious, but it needed to be done, and with a blast of psionic power, Twilight collapsed the ceiling.

She didn't wait around to watch the creature be destroyed, merely sprinting further into the caves and silently hoping she had not made a huge mistake. Thankfully that wasn't the case, and after a few minutes of navigating the winding tunnels, Twilight saw sunlight. The thin slat revealed only a sliver of the stuff, yet it gave Twilight the hope to push on with renewed zeal.

Upon seeing the simple mass of boards meant to keep out any curious onlookers, Twilight lowered her shoulder and charged. With a titanic crash, the infested woman destroyed the barrier and emerged out on the other side with a smirk on her face.

“That was easy,” she remarked.

Inspecting her newest surroundings, Twilight found that she stood at the edge of a narrow cliff, one that overlooked a small, naturally forming valley. Dominated by forest and what had likely been a sawmill at one point, the valley had likely served as a hub for local industry. It had long since been abandoned however, likely before even the emergence of the zerg, given the state of the place.

From her position atop the cliff face, Twilight could see that only a single road connected the valley to the city beyond. The sparse smattering of houses that ran along it sported no obvious signs of recent habitation, save for some wildlife. That was all Twilight could pick out from such a distance. With a bit of magic, she recovered the detector from her dimensional pocket.

“Ow,” Twilight muttered, running an armored hand over her shoulder. “Felt like I pulled something.”

The sensation was almost like mana exhaustion, though not quite as intense.

“I think I overdid it again,” Twilight muttered.

Brushing off the headache she could feel building at the back of her mind, Twilight activated the detector.

“Let’s see here,” Twilight whispered to herself as she turned the various knobs and dials.

It took a few minutes, but eventually she managed to locate a distant signal, one that felt oddly familiar and was only a mile or so away. By then the sun hung high overhead, its light filtering through the smattering of dark clouds that crawled across the sky. Though the storm had yet to start, a cool wind nipped at Twilight’s cheek, and the scent of rain hung heavy in the air.

Twilight sighed. “Well, better get moving.”

“It should be right around… here,” Twilight muttered, stopping at the edge of a small pool only a foot or two deep.

The strange indentation resembled a horseshoe and was seemingly cut out of solid stone using advanced machines of some kind. Perfectly round, save for the ends, the pool immaculately reflected the sun’s light, creating an almost glassy surface. One that was only marred by the occasional rumble coming from Canterlot.

Twilight turned and gazed off from the mountainous peak she stood near the top of, her gaze landing on the spire of flesh that pierced the skyline. The once oddly pristine structure now sported dozens of gaping holes and several trails of smoke rose from within. Few other details were visible from such a great distance, though Twilight felt as though a battle was occurring at the very tip of the building.

As she stood and stared, Twilight noticed several beams of energy that shot through the roof of the citadel and vanished into the sky. In time they stopped, though fighting below continued on unabated. The sudden shift made Twilight begin to worry, and she very nearly started the long descent down the mountain before stopping herself.

“Just leave it,” Twilight told herself.

Stomping her feet, Twilight glanced down at the pool and muttered the correct words to bring forth the magic hidden within. A brief shimmer preceded a rolling wave of rainbow light that, after passing over the surface of the water, revealed a portal. Though it was impossible to see through to the other side, Twilight knew in her heart that it led home.

Yet she couldn't bring herself to step inside, not while the fate of her friends remained in limbo.

Glancing up at the citadel, Twilight pondered what she should do, or even what she could do. Her magic was pretty much gone, her strength was waning, and even her psionic powers had been significantly expended. She had either given it away to Sunset, or used it fighting Starlight, having just enough to defend herself.

Her unspoken question was answered a minute later when a sudden rumble shook the mountain top.

Swiftly looking up to the citadel, Twilight noticed that the clouds around its tip had formed into a dark circle. Swirling chaotic energies built in the space between, and bright purple lightning arced wildly through the air. As Twilight watched, this power built and built, only to be somehow interrupted at the last second.

With a deafening boom, the top of the tower exploded, sending hunks of flesh several miles into the sky. Already Twilight could see the shockwave emanating from the structure, the pressure knocking houses flat and forcing all fighting to cease. As it crossed the city below her, Twilight realized that the destructive circle had not slowed one bit.

Now with nowhere to go but home, Twilight knew what she must do, yet even still she felt a hint of regret. She wished she could be there, she wished she could aid her friends, yet in the end Twilight had to trust them. Trust that they would do the right thing and bring peace to both this world and this other version of herself.

“Goodbye, Sunset Shimmer,” Twilight muttered.

With one final glance at the tower, Twilight gulped down her fear, bent her legs, and leapt into the portal, vanishing moments before a wave of pressure washed over the area.

Leaving the human world behind, Twilight tumbled through the space between, her body reverting to a similar shape. Her armor bent and warped around her, conforming to the equine’s form with a surprising ease. Unlike before, the portal seemed to know her, and with this knowledge it returned Twilight to her previous form with few alterations.

Allowing the pony to finally return to her body, as well as her world.

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