• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,357 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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An Inopportune Reunion

Twilight groaned as she plodded down the street, crowd parting around her and Spike as if guided by the cool, fall wind that nipped at their heels. “I can't believe Celestia is working me so hard,” she moaned, shoulders slumped.

Every last inch of the pony’s body ached, even her horn, which was still warm after the rigorous workout she had put it through. Though she had showered, she still felt sweaty, her clothes feeling ten times their usual weight despite the fact that nothing had changed. Even Twilight’s enhanced strength strained under the amount of work she had put her body through, and her hoofsteps were heavy and slow.

“I know what you mean. I feel way stronger after carrying all your books,” Spike added, while striking a pose and flexing.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Those books were nothing. Did you even see the size of those weights she had me lift?”

Spike shrugged. “I could probably lift them easily, I mean, look at this.” The dragon struck another pose and flexed even harder, showing off his almost non-existent muscles. “Oh yeah, that's what I’m talking about.”

“Your arms look like noodles, just like the rest of you,” Twilight pointed out, jabbing him in the stomach.

The dragon winced and clutched his belly. “Hey, it’s not my fault I’m part noodle. You are what you eat after all and grandpa only now figured out how to cook.”

“True,” Twilight admitted. “I don't think we ate anything that wasn't reheated or came out of a box for the first few years after him and mom broke up.”

“Seriously, the guy needs to figure out how to make something other than spaghetti,” groaned Spike. “I mean it's good, don't get me wrong, but it feels like we have it at least twice a week.”

“Either that or pancakes,” Twilight added, ignoring the pointed stares and judging looks from many of the unicorns she passed.

The glares and looks had long since stopped bothering her, and the pony hardly even noticed them nowadays, having learned to focus on Spike in times like this. Something she did now, watching as he continued to hike down the street, his backpack filled with books, as were her own saddle bags. Going home for the weekend was always a bittersweet adventure for them, as it meant leaving Celestia, but seeing her father again.

Thinking of the older stallion, Twilight couldn't help but wonder what the surprise he had mentioned in his letter the other day was. They didn't exactly have a lot of bits, though thanks to Celestia, they never had to worry too much, or consider the possibility of going hungry. He also wasn't likely to have learned how to cook anything new, as that took the stallion months to do. Perhaps he had managed to get some of the stuff they had left at her mother’s?

She shrugged and dismissed her pondering, focusing on the road before them and the ponies they passed by. Only to remember why she hardly gave them a second thought when she received a scowl from a random unicorn who was followed closely by a blank-looking servant. Whose thoughts were dulled and unpleasant, reminding Twilight that it wasn't just the guards who were changing.

She didn't even want to know how they ended up like that, as it was no doubt an unpleasant experience.

Sighing, the infested pony walked a little closer to Spike, keeping a close eye on the drake, who was watching the crowd. His expression was reserved, the male no doubt wondering what Twilight had been pondering only a few minutes earlier. The dragon was surprisingly empathetic, as the fire-bellied lizards were supposedly largely selfish and cared little for others. Yet here he was, frowning, as he looked out over the judgemental and cruel crowd of unicorns and only a few earth ponies and pegasi.

“So, what do you wanna do when you get home?” Twilight asked, bumping her hip against the drake’s. “‘Cause I was thinking of convincing dad to play a game of risk with me, if you’d like to join, that is.”

Instantly the dragon’s mood shifted and he smirked. “Good luck with that. I think he’s finally learned that there is no way to beat you, even if he always seems to have better luck than you.”

The unicorn snorted and cursed under her breath. “Stupid dice. One day I’ll make a game that doesn't rely so heavily on chance, and then you’ll all be sorry.”

Spike laughed. “Yeah, but then you’ll never get anyone else to play with you. See, it’s a balance between luck and skill that…”

“Okay, I’m going to stop you right there,” Spike interrupted, holding up a clawed hand. “That is way too many rules.”

“What? No, it’s not. We’re only on rule number what, thirty-nine?” Twilight replied.

“Yeah, but that's thirty-nine subrules, to forty regular rules. That’s crazy, that's like a bajillion rules,” Spike replied, throwing up his hands.

Twilight hummed thoughtfully. “I suppose that is a lot for people to remember.”

“Thank yo-” Spike began, only to be interrupted.

“Which is why we’ll have a rule where one person has to read all the rules and act as a judge!” Twilight declared. “It's brilliant.”

The dragon groaned and slapped a hand against his head. “It is not. That's just ridiculous. Noone is going to want to just serve as a judge for a game. That’s boring.’

“Fine,” Twilight replied with a pout. “I suppose that is a lot to expect of someone.”

Spike perked up suddenly, pointing down the road to the house next to their apartment building, where a unicorn was raising a flag on the small pole that sat in the middle of her yard. “Hey, look.”

“Daring, but I would hate to hear what her neighbors think,” Twilight replied, watching closely as the unicorn raised the flag proudly, before taking a step back to admire her handiwork.

“Nice flag!” shouted Spike, who gave the mare a wave.

The pony blinked, and recoiled slightly, shooting the dragon a glare. “I don't appreciate being mocked you know.”

“But I wasn't-” Spike began.

“He was being serious, we both are,” interrupted Twilight, who walked up to the tall fence that lined the mare’s property.

The pony gave them both a look before sighing and nodding slowly, taking a step forward. “Sorry about that. This is just the third flag I’ve raised. The others keep getting stolen.”

Spike shrugged. “It’s okay, we know what it's like supporting the confederacy. Don't we, Twilight?”

The infested mare nodded. “That we do.”

“Wait, Twilight… Twilight Sparkle?” asked the other pony with wide, curious eyes.

“Err yes?”

“Oh wow, I didn't know you lived around here,” remarked the mare in shock. “Hey, is it true what they say about Celestia and that she is helping the confederacy in secret?”

Twilight smirked. “Maybe, depends on who's asking.”

“That is so awesome. Those poor ponies deserve all the help they can get!” exclaimed the mare with a grin.

“If only that stupid vizier or whatever wasn't around,” complained Spike.

“True. It seems like everything has gotten worse since they showed up,” agreed the pink maned, and blue furred unicorn.

“Well, we better get moving, Spike. It was nice meeting you…” Twilight announced hesitantly, extending a hoof towards the pony.

Who promptly clopped her own hoof against the taller mare’s. “Star Bright. For family, friends, and the Confederacy!”

Twilight chuckled as she returned the salute with one of her own. “Good luck with your flag.”

“Have a nice weekend!” Spike added before the pair trotted away, leaving a grinning Star Bright to wave after them. “What a nice lady.”

“Let's hope she's not another plant,” Twilight murmured with a snort.

The dragon’s smile vanished and he sighed. “Yeah.”

Together they walked the rest of the way to their apartment, stopping only to greet the elderly security guard who was muzzle deep in another book. After that it was a silent plod the rest of the way up the stairs, and to the entrance of their home. Using her magic to unlock the door, Twilight was about to open it when she stopped and sniffed the air.

“Do you smell that?” Twilight asked, turning to Spike.

The dragon shrugged. “You mean the spaghetti? ‘Cause I can smell that from down the hall, what with all the garlic grandpa throws in it.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Not that, I thought I smelled perfume for a second. It must have been nothing.”

Opening the door, Twilight was greeted with a wave of garlic, making her nose wrinkle and her stomach rumble. Despite all her complaining, her father’s cooking was still quite good, and entering the small kitchen revealed that he was busy cooking at that very moment. “Hey dad, how was your day?”

Her father spun around and gasped, placing a hoof over his heart. “Holy jumping jelly beans. You darn near scared the poop out of me.”

“Really dad? Jumping jelly beans?” Twilight deadpanned, as she unslung her bags and set them aside.

“What? It was the first thing that came to mind and I was distracted,” declared Night Light, pointing to the spaghetti he was stirring in a pot.

Spike sniffed the air and grinned. “And is that garlic bread I smell?”

“It is indeed,” Night Light replied, only to frown. “Though I may have gone overboard on the garlic.”

“Ya think? We could smell it all the way down the hall.” Twilight remarked flatly, before levitating her, and Spike’s bags into their room before returning to the dining room and plunking down in her favorite chair. “So, what was this surprise anyway? Unless the surprise was you trying to make garlic bread again.”

“Yes, and no,” Night Light answered, turning off the stove, and retrieving a pan of garlic bread. “I also invited someone over and she said yes.”

Spike sniffed the air and sat down next to Twilight, noticing only now that the table was already set, and that everything was ready for supper. “Isn't this all a little early?”

The stallion shrugged. “It's only a half hour early, besides, I’m hungry.”

“Fair enough, though I am curious as to who you invited.” Twilight smirked as she leaned over her chair. “Are you finally getting back into the dating scene?”

“Not exactly,” Night Light murmured, before ducking into the fridge and pulling out a pitcher of water and placing it on the table along with a plate of garlic bread and a bowl of pasta. “You already know her, and though you had a bit of a falling out, I think we can work it out together.”

“Wait, you aren't talking about mom, are you?” Twilight demanded, glaring at her father as he sat down at the head of the table.

“Now, Twilight, I know things haven't worked out well these past few years, but she is still your mother,” Night Light replied with more force than he usually used. “And she deserves to at least be listened to.”

It was at this point that the door to the bathroom opened, and everyone turned to face the familiar sight of Twilight Velvet, who was using her magic to arrange her hair. “Oh, Night Light, I just love what you’ve done with the bathroom. I guess I should have let you decorate all those… Oh… hello Twilight, Spike.”

The dragon could barely restrain from growling, while Twilight’s glare made the older mare shrink slightly as she walked up to the table. Taking a seat to Night Light’s right, the mare plunked down and smiled warily, looking around the table. She hadn't appeared to have changed much over all this time, other than gaining some more wrinkles and grey hair.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked, hooves crossed over her chest.

“Look, Twilight…” began her mother, who leaned forward on the table, “I know what I did was wrong and letting this fester between us for as long as it has not been good either. But your father and I have been talking and we have agreed that it is in all of our best interests if we try and work towards putting this behind us.”

Twilight tapped her hoof against the table, glancing from one family member to another, conflicted. Her father was cautiously optimistic, the paranoid stallion smiling despite just how nervous he was. Spike seemed ready, as if waiting for word on how to feel or what to do, the drake staring intently at Twilight. Her mother meanwhile looked scared, that much was obvious, but there was also a hint of hope that made Twilight pause.

In her heart, Twilight wanted to forgive the pony, but she knew that the houses had already begun to increase their attempts on infiltrating her life. If they had managed to convert the elder pony to their side, they would no doubt use her against Twilight. With that thought firmly in mind, Twilight used her new senses and began to study the pony in a more intimate manner.

She was surprised and relieved to find that she didn't feel blank like the guards, though her mind still felt oddly familiar to those other unicorns. Had she been fully converted? Or had she stopped mid-way through the indoctrination? Had they simply began to send regular, unbrainwashed spies into her midst, utilizing good old-fashioned intimidation and charisma to make the older pony spy on her own daughter?

There were too many questions, too many variables, and it bothered the analytical pony, who couldn't help but imagine all the ways this situation could come back to bite her in the ass. Crossing her hooves over her chest, she sat back in her chair and shook her head. “Apology not accepted. You hurt me, badly, and you coming back like this out of the blue is too perfect,” announced Twilight.

Spike sighed, relaxing somewhat, and scooched closer to the unicorn, while her father seemed defeated, as did her mother. “Look, I know this is all rather sudden, but your father and I thought that if we told you first, that you would just not come home,” pressed the elder unicorn, who looked to the lone stallion for help.

Night Light nodded. “I know this might seem like we are springing it on you, but I really wanted you two to sit down and have a chance to talk it out.”

“Well, we talked it out, she can leave now,” Twilight snapped.

Before anyone could say anything, the stallion grabbed Twilight’s hoof, and forced their eyes to meet. “Twilight, please just listen to her, talk to us. This isn't another game of stratego, sometimes people are as they appear to be.”

Twilight Velvet nodded. “Please Twilight, talk to me, tell me what I can do to help make this work. To prove that I’m sorry and that I was wrong.”

Carefully, Twilight removed her father’s hoof and stood up, pushing out her chair. “You want to do something, to prove yourself? Go back all those years and untraumatize me. Take back all those nights I spent crying alone in my room, knowing that my mother no longer loved me. Until you can do that, I have nothing to say to you.”

Twilight turned and was ready to walk away when she heard another chair move and hooves clatter across the floor. She turned and found that her mother was kneeling before her, tears in her eyes and a desperate look on her face. “Please Twilight, I know I can't take it back, but give me a chance at least,” she begged, latching onto the unicorn’s foreleg and holding it in her own forehooves. “I admit I was scared, and that I still am, but unlike before, I’m not scared of you. I’m scared of going back home knowing I’ve failed you again.”

Taken aback by this sudden change, Twilight could only stand there as the other mare poured her heart out unexpectedly. “The ponies I thought were my friends told me such terrible things, feeding on my fear and getting me to buy into their bullshit. I was a fool, you hear me? A complete and utter fool that they took for a ride, and left by the wayside.”

“So this is it then?” Twilight snapped, tugging her hoof from her mother’s grip. “You lost your friends, and now you are back not because you want to make things right, but because you are terrified of being alone. Pathetic.”

Tears streamed down the older unicorn’s face and she nodded slowly, shoulders slumped. “I know that's how it must look and I admit that is part of it. This decisiveness going on recently, combined with being dropped like the garbage I am made me realize how it felt. That doesn't excuse what I did, or make it even or anything, but I promised myself I would never lie to you, not again.”

Twilight paused mid-turn, and breathed slowly, her emotions threatening to overtake her senses. She had never considered the possibility of this even happening, and without any plan or time to think she was left in a strange place. Normally she would ruminate on the pros and cons of every action before settling on what was the most logical and best outcome, something she couldn't exactly do right now.

With a sigh, Twilight turned back around and looked down on the still kneeling mare with pity, gently probing the older pony’s mind. Regret flooded in, and though there was indeed still fear there, it didn't feel like it was directed at her. Yet still, she could feel that same emptiness, that same dullness she had sensed in every guard she had scanned, stopping her from simply forgiving her then and there.

“Fine,” she announced suddenly, extending a hoof, “I won't forgive you, but I will give you a chance.”

Twilight Velvet sniffed and took the younger mare’s offered hoof. “R-really?”

Nodding slowly, Twilight observed her mother closely, noting just how distraught she looked, with make-up smeared all across her face. “Yes. Maybe in time things can go back to the way they used to be, but it won't be for a very, very long time.”

The older mare nodded slowly. “That's better than what I expected.” She sniffed, and pulled back her hoof, only to realize how stained it now was.

“Go clean yourself up, we’ll be here,” Twilight assured, gently pushing the other pony towards the bathroom.

Twilight Velvet sighed and did just that. “Okay, oh and Twilight, thank you.”

Being wrapped in a tight, yet brief hug made Twilight frown and reluctantly sit back down once it had ended. Without the older pony around, Twilight pulled her chair forwards and glared down at her plate. “I just want you to know that I’m doing this for you. Not her,” she whispered, turning to her father.

Who nodded knowingly. “That's fine. I don't care why you do it. Only that you follow though, and actually give her a chance.”

“That was intense,” Spike muttered, only for his stomach to rumble. “So are we going to eat or what? ‘Cause all of this emotional stuff is making me hungry.”

Night Light chuckled, and gestured to the food arrayed in the center of the table. “You can dish out, but we’ll wait for Velvet to come back before we eat.”

“Daww, but she's going to be there forever,” grumbled Spike, who was already heaping a load of spaghetti onto his plate.

“Now Spike, it isn't polite to eat before everyone is sitting. Even if it’s her,” Twilight added.

The dragon groaned but did as he was told, impatiently sitting there and occasionally glancing over his shoulder towards the bathroom. Thankfully for Spike’s patience, it wasn't long before Twilight Velvet returned, now sans make-up. Though still a little disheveled and emotionally shaken, the older pony seemed calmer and happier.

She smiled faintly when she returned to her seat, and soon after, the meal was joined. For a while no one spoke, each party gathering themself and considering what had just occurred, or hungrily devouring pasta as it was in Spike’s case.

Eventually, Twilight couldn't help but wonder something that made her feel rather unpleasant now that she thought about it. “So, how's Shining Armor doing?” she asked hesitantly, her brother’s full name sounding clumsy and forced.

“He’s… okay,” Twilight Velvet replied at length, before putting her fork down. “I tried to invite him over as well but he was resistant to the idea, though he did say he might be by later.”

“Really?” Twilight replied, raising an eyebrow and taking a bite of garlic bread.

“We will see if he meant it soon enough, I suppose,” Twilight Velvet answered, having chosen her words carefully.

Night Light snorted irritably. “He's probably out drinking with his new guard buddies,” declared the stallion as he waved a fork at his ex wife. “Mark my words, those guys are no good, no good at all.”

The mare nodded slowly, pushing around a roll of spaghetti on her plate. “They aren't all bad, though there are more than a few who buy the nonsense the great houses put out.”

“And Cadance?” Twilight asked hesitantly. “How is she doing? She isn't caught up in all of this, is she?”

Her mother shook her head quickly. “No, thankfully she's taken the high road and is doing community service while they are on a break, of sorts.”

“Really?” Spike asked, mouth still filled with food.

Twilight jabbed the drake in the side and shot him a glare. “Don't talk with your mouth full, you know better.”

The male gulped. “Sorry.”

Twilight Velvet smiled faintly at the pair and nodded. “I’m afraid it's true. It seems like Shining Armor and her had a bit of a falling out. A shame too, she was such a good influence on him.”

“Do you happen to know what it was about? I haven't spoken to Cadance in a while,” Twilight continued, nibbling occasionally on her food.

“I think it was about the confederacy,” Twilight Velvet replied hesitantly. “But I’m not sure to be honest. Those two seemed to fight about something else every other week. This was definitely the worst one though.”

“Dagger Hill!” Night Light declared suddenly. “That's where she's volunteering.”

“How do you know that?” asked Twilight Velvet.

“It was in the paper not too long ago. She's helping to build an orphanage and a hospital there,” Night Light explained. “She went with Celestia’s praetorians on an outreach mission.”

“Well, at least she’ll be safe,” offered Spike, who turned to Twilight. “Right?”

The young unicorn mare nodded. “The praetorians are quite skilled, and well-outfitted. I don't see anything bad happening to Cadance while they are around.”

“Enough of this political talk,” Night Light announced suddenly. “How was school today, Twilight?”

“It was good,” began the mare, silently considering just what she could, and couldn't say about her day. “Celestia has been grilling me pretty hard lately, but-”

“So you are saying Celestia trains you in all of that and spars with you as well?” Twilight Velvet remarked in disbelief. “I can't believe you didn't pass out immediately after getting home.”

Twilight Sparkle smiled and leaned back in her chair, swirling her tea with her magic. “Oh, it's not that difficult. Plus Celestia tends to blur the lines of one lesson and another so her sessions don't actually take a lot of time. It's kind of nice actually, nothing ever feels rushed, and it helps ensure she has time to get her own work done.”

“That's good,” muttered the elder mare. “I have heard such dreadful stories about how the princess is overworking herself.”

Twilight bit her tongue and resisted the urge to point out that it wasn't as though Celestia was choosing to do that of her own free will. They were doing well, and conversation was flowing nicely, something Twilight wasn't about to mess up quite yet. If for no other reason than she didn't want to upset her father, who was looking rather pleased with himself as he sat back and sipped on his own tea. Meanwhile, Spike was curled up in front of the false fireplace, half asleep, and only barely paying attention to what was going on.

“Yes, she does work quite hard,” Twilight tactfully replied.

Silence reigned over the family, who sat and simply enjoyed the quiet, each sipping their tea, munching on a small slice of cake or lounging like a cat by a radiator. It was nice, Twilight thought to herself. She may not trust her mother, not by a long shot, but learning to guard her words and reveal little was a skill Twilight had become quite adept at over time and this was just another chance to practice that same skill.

As it stood right now, the young mare wasn't certain if she ever would trust the other pony, but the content smile on her father’s face made her want to try at least. Which wasn't the best reason in the world, but Twilight wasn't about to give anything to the great houses to which her mother may be aligned with. So she decided she would do as she was doing now, merely sitting back and watching, waiting for things to develop.

The infested mare brushed a hoof down her coat, noting how strange it felt to be without her clothes or even her boots. They had become a second skin to the unicorn, and the loss of the familiar weight was oddly unpleasant in a way she couldn't quite explain. Her musings were cut short though, as something heavy banged against the entrance to the apartment.

“That's probably just the neighbor, Mister Lilly Pond has issues walking straight and-” Night Light began to explain, only to be interrupted by another bang against the door. “I guess that's not him, Twilight could you get the door?”

The infested mare nodded, already extending her new senses towards the door and finding the same odd emptiness which hung over most guards, only it was different. There was very little time to wonder about that bit of strangeness though, as midway to the door, it opened on its own, admitting a very intoxicated Shining Armor.

The stallion was taller, had broader shoulders and was generally larger than the last time Twilight had seen him, but that wasn't what stuck out about him. It wasn't even the way he stumbled forward, with a frown on his face, nor the fact that he reeked of wine. Rather it was the slightly glazed expression he had, one that Twilight had seen too many times which drew her ire, and irritated her before he even had a chance to say anything.

“Shining Armor, please tell me this is all an elaborate joke and you are not currently drunk before eight in the evening!” exclaimed Twilight, moving to stop the stallion from getting more than a hoof in the door.

The stallion stumbled back a step before stopping himself and peering intensely at the unicorn mare. “I don't remember needing your permission for nothing. I’m just here checking on my mother. Who I am worried for. What with her being in this less reputable part of town and all.”

“I’m fine, dear! Why don't you wait outside? I’ll be out in a minute,” yelled Twilight Velvet who winced at the sight of her disheveled son.

“No way, we are leaving right now. This is no place for a lady,” Shining Armor declared, while wobbling on his hooves.

Twilight sighed and placed a hoof on his shoulder, hoping to steady the stallion. “Look, Shining. I know you are probably pretty sad about Cadance, but you can't just come in here and demand mom leave with you, we were having an… okay time.”

The stallion batted his sister’s hoof from his shoulder and shot her the harshest glare he could muster. “You don't understand anything! I loved her more than anything else in this stupid terrible world. I won't lose anybody else, you hear me?”

Twilight frowned, only now noticing just how puffy and red her brother’s eyes were. “Why don't you come in? We have some cake left over, tea, and some dinner if you haven't eaten yet.”

“No. Mom and I are leaving, and that's that,” he announced, before trying to push past Twilight and make his way into the apartment.

“She doesn't want to go with you while you are like this,” Twilight declared, shoving the stallion right back into the hall.

Stumbling back a few feet, the male struggled to stay standing only to glare back at the female, and jab a hoof in her direction. “First you take my dad from me, now you are trying to take my mom too? When will it be enough for you, you freak!”

Twilight could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and for a moment she considered running the impudent male through with her horn, only to stop herself. Instead, she used her considerable magical might to shove the stallion to the ground and hold him there. All attempts at spellcasting were nullified the second the other unicorn attempted them, and he looked up in fear, realizing he was helpless.

“Here's what's going to happen. You are going to leave, and you are never going to come back,” Twilight stated, one hoof keeping him down while her horn blazed with energy. “Understood?”

For a second it seemed like he was going to continue to resist, only for him to stop when he realized he couldn't even move. “Fine,” he spat, looking away from Twilight. “I don't need you. I don't need them. I have friends in royalty, real royalty.”

Twilight took a step back and allowed her horn to dull, and the stallion to rise and shoot her a glare before stomping away. He stopped only for a moment at the end of the hall, casting one last glance over his shoulder before disappearing. In that moment, Twilight could sense guilt, regret, and pain, but also anger and resentment.

With Shining Armor gone, she sighed and turned back to the apartment, noting that her parents stood in the doorway, mixed expressions of sadness and shock on their face. “Oh, my poor Shiny,” whispered Twilight Velvet.

Night Light wrapped a hoof around the mare’s shoulder and gave her a light squeeze. “The boy is old enough to make his own decisions now, this is his choice.”

“Still. Shouldn't we go after him or something?” Twilight Velvet replied.

“What we should do is go back inside,” Twilight announced, gesturing around them, to where several ponies either peeked out their doors or stood in the halls, gawking.

“Right, come inside, we can talk about it together,” urged Night Light who held the door open and stood off to the side.

Twilight nodded, and was about to walk back inside when she glanced at the spot Shining Armor had disappeared in. “Oh Shining. Who has gotten into that thick head of yours?”

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