• Published 10th Nov 2020
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Friendship Among Games - RedPegasus

A new challenge will make Sunset return to the place she left behind. Old friends vs new friends, and one new challenger, there can only be one winner. -Sequel to Sunset Among Shadows-

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Friendship Spirit

Crystal Preparatory’s students begin to board their buses. Many of them give a gentle but kind goodbye to the Canterlot’ students and they answer to the goodbye themselves.

Not far from the base, now absent from a statue, a large group is gathered. Sunset, her friends, the Rainbooms and Sunseen – even the Dazzlings are there – with Flash joining them.

“So, I guess you’re leaving now.” Rainbow talks to the Crystal Prep group.

Indigo is the one who answers her. “Yes, but it was fun to come. Even if it almost killed us.”

“And it was good meeting you. And your school.” Sunny Flare says sincerely.

“Likewise, darling.” Rarity responds. “We are happy to hear that Sunset is in good hands.”

Indigo surrounds the former equine by her shoulders and draws her closer. “Rest assured. This girl is safe with us.”

Sunset rolls her eyes humorously. “Suuuure.” She breaks free from Indigo’s grasp to speak. “Anyway, it was good to see you all. I mean it. And it was good to see the school is better now.“

They all smile at each other. Except for Sunseen, who seems distant, keeping her arms crossed and her gaze lowered with a sorrowful expression.

Sunset notices her and immediately walks over to her.

“Hey, it’s okay. What happened wasn’t your fault. “

Sunseen looks up, just enough to meet Sunset’s, and her eyes tremble slightly.

“It’s just… now… I don’t know what to do. The principal isn’t going to expel me, but…” Sunseen speaks quietly, notoriously embarrassed. “How could I go back to school after what happened? Sure everyone here is going to hate me… “

As she speaks, her voice begins to break and forces herself to wipe her eyes to avoid tears. Sunset smiles softly and fixes a lock of her hair

“Trust me. If there is a place where a teenage girl who was corrupted by evil magic and tried to destroy the world can be safe, it’s here.”

Both fire-haired girls look at each other for a moment. Then the visitor turns to the resident students.


She calls out to them and the girls give her their undivided attention.

“Long ago, Princess Twilight entrusted you with my care.” Our Sunset speaks seriously. “Now, I want to do the same and entrust you with the care of my counterpart.”

The five girls smile, and approach both of them. Fluttershy stays next to Sunseen smiling at her, Pinkie wraps her part in a hug.

Rarity stays with Applejack near them. Rainbow stands in front of her former friend, smiling with a shaky but confident look.

“We will,” Rainbow Dash assures. “And we won’t fail this time.”

Sunset smiles. She looks at everyone, and they smile emitting their feelings.

“Well, I’m counting on all of you then. Don’t fail me.“

“Never again.”

Rainbow and Sunset hold hands, and the two pink-haired girls hug her newest friend.

Sunseen smiles but feels like she’s about to cry again.

Sunset talks to her twin again. “Sunset, you said earlier that you haven’t found a place to belong. But you know, when you were Doomsday, and you said those things to me, I realized.“ Sunset pauses before continuing. “That I have everything I could want, and to have it I just have to accept it.”

Sunseen is shocked, and seems a bit puzzled. Sunset puts a hand on her shoulder.

“You’ve looked for a place to belong, but it’s not about being accepted. But to accept it.“

Sunseen thinks about it, tears threaten to fall, and she just smiles in agreement. The three remaining Rainbooms join the hug.

The others present smile at the scene. Except Aria, who gives a gesture of wanting to throw up.

Indigo decides to speak now. “Well, I think we better go. The bus drivers are able to drop us here if we don’t hurry.”

Crystal’s students, and her fellow cheerleaders, agree and prepare to leave. Sunset pauses another minute to turn to the only male friend of hers in the group.

“Flash, the message to the princess?”

Flash reacts to that, from his backpack on the floor he takes out the diary and opens it. “There’s no answer…”

Sunset is intrigued, but in the end she smiles. “Well, it doesn’t matter. Just let her know everything is fine now, okay? We don’t need to worry her anymore.“

“Sure, I’ll do it right away.”

They smile at each other and a call from her friends makes Sunset rush to the bus.

All Canterlot’s students bid their enthusiastic and friendly farewell to the boys and girls of Crystal. Likewise, Crystal’s students return the farewell.

There are greetings and good wishes from both parties. Soon the buses start up.

The Rainbooms run around the near a bit, to see the vehicles fading into the horizon of the street.

They all smile, feeling the sun and heat cover them completely. Cover the entire school.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Inside one of the buses.

Sunset and her friends are sitting in the back rows. Like all students, they are immersed in their talks about everything that happened.

As they talk and laugh, Twilight, sitting next to her exequine friend – close to the bus’s wall – doesn’t share the spirit; she only limits herself to gazing at her friend.

Sunset follows her talk, but when she turns around, notices Twilight’s gaze. She clears her smile, Twilight immediately turns to the other side to avoid making eye contact.

Sunset continues to stare at her, Twilight doesn’t dare look up. She is seen to become more depressed.

Sunset looks down at the ground, takes a deep breath, and releases it. Then, with a serious look, she starts talking to her friend with glasses.


The girl doesn’t dare to turn around, but is startled when she hears her call.

“I’m not going to apologize for what I said. You were wrong to carry the spectrometer, and even more so without telling me what was happening.“

Twilight bows her head, her eyes trembling on the verge of crying.

“But, I want to apologize for yelling at you.” Sunset dares to take one of Twilight’s hands in hers. The scientist stiffens at the touch.

Finally her eyes roll enough to meet Sunset’s eyes.

“I was upset, and even more, scared by what had happened.” Sunset says calmly. “But it wasn’t right for me to talk to you like that … I hope you can forgive me.”

Releasing the girl’s hand, bringing it to her cheek and caressing her gently, Twilight relaxes from that touch managing to turn her entire head to face Sunset.

“I’m so sorry…” Twilight finally speaks. “I didn’t mean… I didn’t think something like this would happen…”

“I know. And I forgive you, if you forgive me for having spoken so ugly to you.“

Twilight just smiles and leans against Sunset’s man, feeling relaxed. Sunset puts her arm around the girl’s back.

“… We… we’re still friends, right?” The one with glasses still asks fearfully. Sunset laughs softly and smiles cheerfully as she gently pinches her friend’s nose with her free hand.

“Sure, silly. The fact I get mad from time to time won’t make me love you less.”

Twilight widens her smile and leans more on Sunset.

There is a soft sound in the form of a… purr?

“Owwww, how cute you look like that.”

Neither of them realized their talk had been heard, and seen by everyone around. Not just her friends; other students had turned to see the scene and are currently smiling, laughing, and some even taking pictures of the two hugging.

They both grieve and Twilight rushes away from Sunset and hides her totally red face against the wall.

After that, she bursts out laughing inside the bus.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Back at school, Principal Cinch carefully places the new Friendship Games representative prize in the trophy’s case of her office. She gives it a light step with a bandana and then closes the window; next, she begins to speak without turning around.

“I must say, Sunset Shimmer,” Cinch finally turns and looks at the girl’s back sitting on the bench. “I expected more from you. Your performance during the games was weak.”

Sunset only hears the woman behind her. Her left leg crossed over her right, and both arms crossed under her chest; her face is a firm neutral frown but her eyes show her annoyance.

“Stop complaining Cinch,” Sunset answers heavily. “We won, we gave you your precious victory. And your ‘reputation’ is intact.“

Sunset says all this in a condescending voice, lacking in respect.

Cinch starts walking closer to the girl. “But we were a few steps away from NOT achieving it. I trusted in your judgment, and your guidance in these games, Miss Shimmer.“ The woman’s voice is quite severe, but at the same time calm. “However, our school had severe setbacks. I must say that you have disappointed me, and you have disappointed our institution.“

Sunset looks away and moves her mouth to the side in disgust. “Yes, what about that? Are you going to send me double homework for ‘almost not winning’?”

She says the last sentence in an almost sarcastic way while she faces the woman with some disrespect.

“I’m going to ask you to monitor your performance, Miss Shimmer.” Cinch speaks more calmly, but with bitterness in her voice. “This school, and the students, have a special interest and trust in you. They see you as a leader, and the successes as well the failures of a group depend on its leader.“

Sunset looks seriously at the woman, narrowing her gaze a little.

“What are you up to, Cinch?”

“What do you mean, Miss Shimmer?”

“Since you included me in the games, you has been prodding me to help the students, but they don’t need my help. They would have won the games even without me.“ Sunset pauses for a bit before continuing. “Why did you put me in this for?”

Cinch adjusts her glasses and maintains her firm and calm, but serious, character. “I wanted to favor the students. Having you as captain would give them security and motivation.“

Sunset sharpens her gaze with a serious and annoyed expression. “Just like the motivation you gave Twilight?”

Cinch falls silent and meets the girl’s gaze. “I don’t understand what you mean.”

“Quit pretending Cinch,” Sunset says dryly. “Twilight told me everything. You threatened to deny her request to Everton, and even to influence the managers to never allow her to enter.“

Abacus Cinch, still with her stoic face, looks at the girl. “That is a serious accusation from your part, Miss Shimmer.”

“I’m not accusing you. I’m just repeating what Twilight told me.“

“My business with Miss Sparkle is none of your concern.”

Sunset is silent for a moment. They both look at the other with frowns and almost venomous looks, full of contempt.

“You’re full of shit Cinch,” our equestrian girl finally says. “You think you can use the students at your convenience.”

“What I do is promote the development of each student in this school.” The woman responds now by looking angry. “Each one of my actions is only in favor of all.”

“I don’t see how denying Twilight a college entrance favors her.”

“Twilight Sparkle’s participation in the Friendship Games was necessary. We couldn’t face this competition without making use of our best student.”

“That doesn’t justify you forcing her.” Sunset is more angered by the older woman’s behavior. “Twilight is not a pet that you can leash wherever you want.”

Cinch’s patience wears out with every word he hears.

“Twilight Sparkle was a promising young woman who brought pride to my institution, but she has recently become corrupted with a rebellious impulse.” Crystal’s principal speaks in an almost poisonous tone. “And it’s clear that you are the reason for this. You, Sunset Shimmer, have contaminated my illustrious establishment and my students with your arrogant and arrogant attitude.“

“Well, why don’t you kick me out? Oh, right! You already tried that.“ Sunset makes a gesture of looking at her nails as she smiles at the principal. “But you couldn’t.”

Such behavior, and her words, make Cinch almost lose her composure.

“You should watch your attitude, Miss Shimmer. You won’t want to see me angry.“

Sunset clears her smile and gives Cinch a stern and defiant look.

“And you don’t want to see me angry, Cinch.”

They both start a kind of silent battle, looking at the other with contempt.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Sunset leaves the office, allows herself a moment to breathe, and leans against the door to calm her nerves.

After that, she smiles. A confident smile and a certain malice. Taking her phone and looking at it for a moment, she puts it back, retiring with a confident step.

~ Friendship Among Games~

On a clear night, the moon and her fellow stars shine softly in the sky.

At Canterlot High School, a party is held.

Balloons, streamers, tables full of sugary snacks. And a banner at the top that announces: ‘Friendship Games Party’

Young people from Canterlot, and also from Crystal, are hanging out.

Some dance to the music, courtesy from could it be otherwise than Vinyl Scratch. Others chat while enjoying the sugar sandwiches.

Sunset pours herself some punch and notices her friend Twilight coming over to do the same.

“Hey Twilight! We saw your video!“

“I didn’t think you were cool, but now I do!”

“You are so badass!”

Some boys talk as they pass near them. Twilight, hearing them, can only shrink into herself, blush, and try to swallow her embarrassment with a sip of punch.

Sunset spots her and taps her elbow gently as she smirks.

“Should I be jealous about you being so popular now?” Our fiery haired girl asks jokingly.

“Shut up Sunset.” Twilight answers annoyed, but at the same time in a good mood.

Sunset can only laugh.

“I don’t think they recorded what happened,” Twilight says suddenly. “Really. The world was falling apart, literally speaking, and did some people think it was a good idea to record it?“

“That’s the way people are, Twily.” Answers her friend. “Cheer up! Now you are a hero to everyone!“

Lyra, Bon-Bon, and Octavia suddenly pass by and greet them.

“Hey Twilight!”

“We saw you on the net.”

“Thank you for saving us all.”

Canterlot’s three friends talk and Twilight can’t help but blush and try to hide behind her punch glass.

“Tell me this will end soon!”

Sunset can only laugh. “Easy, you’ll get used to it.”

Sunset can only smile and put an arm around Twilight and then walk with her.

Elsewhere, Aria is with Sonata at the snack table.

“I can’t believe we’re back here, again!”

“Come on Arie! It’s a party!” The blue siren tries to cheer up her sister.

“Pfft! I hate parties. There aren’t even lemon candies in this place.“ It’s the violet siren’s response.

But out of nowhere Pinkie Pie appears with a tray of cupcakes decorated with lemon-shaped candy, and she hands them to Aria with a big smile.

The girl with pigtails growls but takes one and eats it.


Aria says it somewhat rude, and with the bite in her mouth.

Sonata smiles but then looks around her. “Hey Arie, where’s Adie?”

“Don’t know, don’t care.”

~ Friendship Among Games~

Outside of the party, in the school principal’s office, Celestia is sitting at her desk looking at a small but tall bag on the cabinet.

“Why did you ask me to come here?” The aurora-haired woman asks. “I must supervise the party.”

“Don’t stress so much. Your boys & girls know how to take care of themselves. Besides, your sister and your niece or whatever she is are there.“ Adagio answers.

Then she pulls out of that bag a bottle adorned with a gift bow, one that Celestia recognizes and pushes her back a bit.

“I wanted to bring a gift. I thought maybe you could use it to calm your recent nerves.“ Says the orange Dazzling with an almost malicious smile.

Celestia gets a little nervous. “I … thank you, but … I already left those things.”

“Come on, I’ve had to watch you drink many times.” Says Adagio without removing her smile. “But I never had the opportunity to share with you.”

To some surprise from the woman, the girl takes a couple of glasses from the bag and opens the bottle to start serving.

“I don’t think it’s okay.”

“Of course not. But the wrong things are always better.“

Adagio hands her one of the glasses, Celestia hesitates, but she takes it. She looks at the drink still very unsure. Adagio sits in the chair at the other end of the desk, and smiles.

“Now. A toast, to our friendship.“

Adagio slightly extends her glass for a toast. Celestia smiles subtly, and they both touch her glasses gently. The soft sound resonates a bit in the room.

~ Friendship Among Games~

Back in the gym.

Vinyl continues to play her music. Many students are seen dancing on the dance floor.

In the gym bleachers, there is a group of young people gathered watching Indigo Zap, who is standing in the bleachers. Lemon and Sunny are next to her watching her on a sort of show.

“… then the Canterlot’s twin turned into a monster and she wanted to destroy the world!” The athlete with goggles is exasperated.

The audience in front of her listens carefully.

“Everything seemed lost, not even Sunset had the power to face it! But suddenly Twilight stood up and said: ‘You will not destroy my planet!’ ‘Force of Friendship’!”

“It’s ‘Magic of Friendship’.” Corrects Sunny.

Indigo looks at her indignantly. “Hey! Who is telling the story?!“

Sunny can only smile and shrug. Indigo continues with her story.

“Then there were glitters, and stars, and a lot of cheesy stuff. Twilight emerged with a super cool, if super cheesy transformation, and fought the demon girl hand-to-hand.“ To emphasize the narration, she began to swing her fists in a blow and the audience got quite excited.

“Look! There she is!”

A guy in the audience announces when he sees Twilight and Sunset approaching. In seconds both girls are surrounded by students and they begin to ask questions of the heroine.

“Twilight! Did you really fight a monster?!“

“What was your dress like?”

“Do you think I could have one like that?”

“Twilight, weren’t you scared?”

Twilight has no way of answering. “Bah… bah… I…”

“Guys, guys, please. Don’t drown her so much.“ Sunset asks as she extends her hands to push people away causing them to calm down, but she knows they won’t stop asking the newest heroine of the moment questions. “One at a time.”

From their place in the stands, the three friends see them with smiles.

Lemon is the first to speak. “Twi-Spark became super popular all of a sudden.”

“It makes me a little sorry,” says Sunny. “The poor thing is not used to so much attention.”

Indigo shrugs. “Meh, she’ll get used to it. Something tells me we’re all going to have to get used to the strange ‘Sunset Brand’ things around here.“

Both girls nod their heads.

~ Friendship Among Games~

The sight of all the students interacting together is observed by the two ‘minor’ directives of each school. Luna and Cadence stand to one side of the party each with a glass of punch.

“Who would have thought. Crystal and Canterlot, coming along together.“ Luna smiles almost wryly. “I never believed it would come to this day.”

Cadence smiles very excited. “I know! It’s wonderful! Everybody is happy!”

Crystal’s dean exclaims, indicating the party with an arm to all the tenes who enjoy the place. “Thank you for making this party.”

“It was the girl’s idea.” Luna answers. “Mostly Pinkie Pie’s. Apparently, even though we lost the games, I think we all won something.“

Cadence nods and can’t stop smiling at the sight of all of her students.

“I wish this would continue like this,” Cadence says in a dreamy tone. “May the school continue to be happy. But… I’m afraid Cinch might do something to ruin it.“

Luna looks at her friend and thinks for a moment.

“Maybe you can’t do much at school. But you could try to take care of them out of it.“

“Eh? What do you mean?”

“You can try to keep them together, outside of school.” Explain Luna and then think for a moment. “Do I recommend something? A summer camp.“

“Summer Camp?”

“There is a camp Celestia and I have known from our school years,” Luna comments and smiles at her friend. “We were thinking of taking a trip this year. Perhaps you can do the same.“

Cadence becomes interested, thinks about it for a second, and then smiles.

“A summer camp… a summer camp! It’s an excellent idea! What camp is it?”

Luna just smiles at the excitement of her friend.

~ Friendship Among Games~

The party feels enjoyable for everyone, although for one girl in particular it seems uncomfortable.

Sunseen appears withdrawn as she wanders around the party not wanting to make eye contact with anyone.

At one point he sees a particular group at a table. Lyra, Bon-Bon and Octavia are standing, talking and eating cupcakes.

It is the caramel haired girl who notices Sunseen and greets her. She returns the greeting shyly, and Lyra upon seeing her invites her to come closer. Sunseen is shocked, but does it.

“Hey Sunseen!” Lyra greets with a smile. “Do you want cupcakes?”

“Um, sure.”

Sunseen smiles sheepishly and the mint-haired girl hands her a cupcake from the table, which she silently begins to eat.

“Why the long face? I thought the other you was the horse.“ Lyra comments in a slightly teasing tone.

“Lyra! That was rude.“ The candy haired friend scolds her.

Sunseen is very uncomfortable. “Um, it’s nothing…”

Bon-Bon walks over to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, you don’t need to be shy. You can tell us; sure, if you want.”

Sunseen hesitates, but all three of them smile at her and she speaks. “It’s just … I’m afraid of what the school will start to think of me…”

“Why?” Lyra thinks for a second. “Oh! The magical she-demon thing? Eh, you aren’t the first Sunset to do that.“


Bon-Bon gently squeezes the girl’s shoulder with glasses. “Don’t worry, I can assure you no one at school thinks badly of you.”

“Even if they do, you should ignore it,” Octavia adds, joining the conversation. “The past is not today.”

“And you aren’t a bad person.” Bon-Bon seconded.

“Yes! Quite the opposite. You’re great.” Lyra ends in a good mood.

Ditzy Doo suddenly appears next to Sunseen, showing a basket of muffins. “Muffins?”

The blonde girl offers it smiling, her eyes a little averted. Sunseen smiles and accepts a muffin after finishing her cupcake.

Lyra walks over and takes one too, both Octavia and Bon-Bon take one when the adorable blonde offers it to them.

~ Friendship Among Games~

“A toast!” Crystal Prep’s athlete says. “For the least worst team in Canterlot!”

Indigo exclaims with her punch glass held high. Sunny, Lemon, Sour, and Sugar are next to her; also the Rainbooms, who give the goggle athlete a contemptuous but amusing look.


They all exclaim, some more enthusiastic than others, before drinking all of their punch.

Rainbow takes the floor. “And another toast, to Crystal’s less obnoxious team!”

Three of the five girls laugh at that, the fourth gives a sarcastic but mocking look, and the last one doesn’t change her neutral countenance.


They repeats the toast and drink again.

Pinkie Pie speaks very excited. “These have been the best Friendship Games of all time!”

Lemon supports her in that. “Hell yeah! Carnivorous plants, a murderous magical demon, and the near destruction of the entire world! It was crazy!”

“Meh, nothing new for us.” Rainbow comments in a gesture as if downplaying it, although she shows her teasing tone.

“I always thought your school was bland and boring, but it turns out it’s pretty cool!” Indigo speaks after another gulp of her drink. “We must get back to competing soon.”

“Sure! But next time we will do a sports decathlon! And I’ll crush you all!” Rainbow exclaims confidently.

“Ha! Keep dreaming, colored girl!” Indigo responds.

Both athletes bump their fists in defiance while smiling at each other.

Rarity takes the floor. “If I must be honest, I also had a bad image of your school.”

“We all had it,” Applejack seconded. “But now that we know yah all, yer very nice.”

Sugar speaks in her stoic and emotionless tone. “Our school is superior academically, but artistically, we aren’t up to par. I can recognize and respect your virtues.“

“That’s very kind to say.” Fluttershy says, not caring about the lack of emotion in the silver-haired girl.

Sugar speaks again. “Don’t get too used to it. But thanks for this party, it’s fun doing something like that for a change.“

“Don’t you have parties at your school?” Questions the animal caretaker.

“Our school doesn’t usually organize events like these. Our priority is learning.“ Sugar continues to reply in her trademark tone.

“Well, if you ever feel bored you can come with us.” Rainbow happily invites. “We’ll have fun, Canterlot style!”

The five from Canterlot clink their glasses in agreement.

All five Shadowbolts smile, even Sugar wipes her serious demeanor for a moment.

The Canterlot’s vice principal walks over and signals for the Rainbooms, and they immediately say goodbye before heading in the same direction towards the stage.

Shadowbolts also split. Although Sugarcoat looks at Indigo for a moment as she goes to the snack table.

“Indigo Zap.”

“Yes, Sug?”

“I haven’t had a chance to thank you for what you did during the motocross race.”

Indigo takes a bite of a sandwich as she looks curiously at her partner. “Mh? The race?”

“When you came back for me after the attack of that carnivorous plant.” Explains the girl with the pigtails.

“Oh, that!” Indigo says and swallows her bite “Heh, you don’t have to thank me.”

“Yes I must. The situation was critical, and the risk of harm was enormous. Without your assistance, I could end up hurt. Or in the worst case, eaten by a vegetable.“

“Hey, I did it because we are-“ Indigo stops not knowing how to finish her own sentence. “Uh, well, because we are partners.”

“I owe you.”

Indigo seems to be embarrassed and at the same time, she seems to think of something. “Um, … you can pay me by accepting a dance for me.”

Sugar looks at Indigo, who smiles at her, although she seems flustered.

“Fair request, I accept it.”

“Really?” Indigo is shocked, but she gathers herself. “I mean… great. I mean, good. Uhh… yeah, that. “

“Do you want to do it now or do you want to wait for a particular moment?”

“Ah no, it’s okay now. Shall we?”

Indigo offers her hand, Sugar looks at it for a second before accepting. She takes Indigo’s hand, and they both set off for the track.

At this point the vice principal takes the stage and asks the electric-haired DJ to stop the music. Vinyl listens and lowers the volume until it’s completely turned off.

Luna begins to speak. “Good evening, and thank you all for coming to what I hope is the first of a new tradition: The ‘Friendship Games Spirit’s Union Party’. Name subject to change.“

The last thing she says is nothing more than a whisper into the microphone, but no one pays attention as those present exclaim excitedly.

Between all of them they also see Celestia and Adagio arriving, who are with her sisters.

Sunset and Sunseen meet and greet each other.

“After the last games I can say our schools have never been so close,” Luna speaks with a much happier tone than is usually seen in her. “And that’s cause for celebration, so I want to introduce you the Rainbooms!”

The woman steps aside and there is applause and cheers as the five girls appear on stage with their instruments; in Pinkie’s case, she goes after her drums.

Rainbow takes the microphone. “HELLO CANTERLOT!”

There are screams from all the resident students of the school.


This time, it’s the invited boys and girls who return the greeting.


The answer comes from everyone at the same time, encouraging them to start, and that’s how they do it.

Sunseen looks at her friends, and in a kind of instinct she runs on stage. Sunset sees her smiling.

The Rainbooms start to play with Vinyl assisting them.

Sunseen goes up on stage and when her friends see her they all smile at her cheering her on. The fire-haired girl approaches her, and along with several accompanying applause, she takes the microphone.

☀️ ~ I spent so much time searchin ‘

Lookin ‘for somethin’ more

Diggin ‘holes too deep

And opening every door

And when you stand too close

Yeah, the picture’s never clear

And when you look too far away

It all but disappears ~ ☀️

⚡ ~ And it was right (right) there in front of me (Oh-oh, ah-oh-oh) 💎

🍎 Just too close for me to see (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh) 🦋

💎 Sometimes the things you want🎈

🦋 Are not the things you need🍎

🎈 And it was right there in front of me~⚡

All present fill the dance floor following the song.

Sugar conceeds and dances alongside Indigo. Again, her stoic gesture breaks to show a slight smile that illuminates the one of the athlete.

🔥 ~ There was a time before

I didn’t know where I belonged ~ 🔥

There is an explosion of applause as the other red-haired girl takes the stage with her own microphone.

🔥 ~ I thought I needed more

And that I couldn’t get along ~ 🔥

🔥~ But who I am☀️

Was all I ever needed

And when I faced that test

☀️ I finally succeeded ~ 🔥

During the chorus, both ‘twins’ hug each other by the shoulders while singing.

⚡ ~ And it was right (right) there in front of me (Oh-oh, ah-oh-oh) 🎈

🍎Just too close for me to see (Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh) 🦋

💎Sometimes the things you want

🦋Are not the things you need🍎

🎈And it was right there in front of me💎

Oh whoa-oh, oh-who-oh ~ ⚡

Celestia and the Dazzlings dance as a group. So does the rest of the Shadowbolts, with Twilight and Lightning.

🔥☀️ ~ And it’s all I’ll ever need ~ 🔥☀️

⚡🍎💎🦋🎈 ~ Oh, whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh ~ ⚡🍎💎🦋🎈

Luna and Cadene dance together.

Flash, Ditzy, Lyra, Bon-Bon, all Canterlot.

🔥☀️ ~ And it was right there in front of me ~ 🔥☀️

⚡🍎💎🦋🎈 ~ Oh, whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh ~ ⚡🍎💎🦋🎈

Canterlot and Crystal enjoy the music.

🔥☀️ ~ And it’s all I’ll ever need ~ 🔥☀️

🔥☀️⚡🍎💎🦋🎈 ~ Oh, whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

And it was right there in front of me-ee-ee

Oh oh oh

All this time

It was in front of me ~ 🔥☀️⚡🍎💎🦋🎈

Everything is applause and laughter inside the school.

But outside, an almost ghostly figure stirred the surroundings … until it disappears.

~ Friendship Among Games~


~ Epilogue ~

On a quiet day, the Rainbooms – accompanied by Sunset and Twilight – have a picnic in front of the school.

All of them sitting in front of the base. Somehow, Rainbow had allowed Rarity to fix her hair. Fluttershy and Applejack chat quietly with Twilight. Pinkie, on top of the base, has some sandwiches and fruit juice. And Sunset and Sunseen are talking.

They all stop what they are doing when they hear a singular sound coming from the base; just a second later, stunned and somewhat tense, Princess Twilight appears.

“I’m very sorry to be late! I didn’t get the message until now because I was trapped in this space-time vortex that stirred reality. And I swear, it’s the strangest thing that has happened to me in my life!“

Her explanation ends, her eyes and mouth widen when she sees the two fire-haired twins sitting in front of her. They all watch the scene curiously and in silence.

Both twins greet her and smile at her. One calmly and confidently, and the other clearly shy.

In the end the princess smiles, also shyly, and speaks.

“… You are the third strangest.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, I got addicted to a video game and got lost. :twilightsheepish:
But I'm done, this was the last chapter of Friendship Among Games.
I know it was not as interesting, dramatic or creative as Sunset among shadows, but I hope you liked it. I had fun writing it. :twilightsmile:

To finish I can only thank everyone who has read, I am so sorry to have paused this story for so long, but if there is still someone who read it a long time ago and now finished it, thank you for waiting so long, and I am truly sorry . :fluttershysad:

Nothing more, thanks to all who have read. And if you're wondering if this is the end of Sunset's adventures at Crystal Prep, only time will tell. :raritywink:

Maybe we'll see each other again, for now, bye everyone! :rainbowkiss:

Comments ( 15 )

so Sunset got Cinch to admit to blackmailing and coercing a student on record? Hah. dumb wench's gonna get blacklisted~

And in a fashion way, I must add.

the last chapters were disappointing

these last couple chapters have been ok but I dislike how you ruined this being Sunset's time to shine with her seventh element being revealed as a keystone as well.

Excelent, :D, now comes camp everfree with Crystal prep and Canterlot high combined, that definetely a new concept here :D.

"Believe me, if there is a place, where a teenage girl who was corrupted by evil magic and tried to destroy the world, can be safe, it is here."

Seriously? Have we forgotten Anon-a-miss?

The Rainbooms run around the near a bit, to see the vehicles get lost in the street.

What does that even mean?

~ Friendips Among Games ~

Friend-Ship. Friendship. Is Friendips intentional? You did it several times.

Seriously, get someone to help you, use an online editor for a final go-through, listen to text to speech if that will help.

Just one more thing, and that's typing out entire songs. I don't normally call this one out because I doubt seriously if anyone has ever been hit with a copyright claim on this site. It's generally entirely unnecisary to use a whole song, and if you use other people's work even in part, there needs to be something where you give credit to the original writer.

Overall it's not a bad story. I mean, it kept my ADD-addled brain interested, and that's hard to do. So high praise save for a few issues I guess.

A good way to end the story, wish it was just a little longer or it was finished sooner.


Good job on the fic, glad to see it finally concluded, you've had my attention after Sunset Among Shadows which is a wonderful fiction, if I do say so myself. This one is not as good as Sunset Among Shadows, but serves as a worthy sequel. There isn't much to say about it other than I love it. By the way, what happened to your editor? If you're willing to share of course, they did their job pretty well in Sunset Among Shadows. Anyways, Legend Among Everfree when? :twilightsmile:

No problem, my friend. :twilightsmile:

:pinkiehappy: thank you for making this this thing my day and night

I haven't been able to review this fic but I really liked the plot, as well as the final resolution.
I hope to see the update of the third part soon.

Just reread this one too. Still a great story. :twilightsmile:

A bit contrived, but I enjoyed it well enough. The translation problems are much worse this time around though - so be warned if you struggled with the first one, you'll need decent vocabulary to make the corrections as you go
This story needs a romance tag (as does the first one) - Way too much of that stuff; to the point of it feeling contrived, in the way, and creepy

On to part 3

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