• Published 10th Nov 2020
  • 3,623 Views, 98 Comments

Friendship Among Games - RedPegasus

A new challenge will make Sunset return to the place she left behind. Old friends vs new friends, and one new challenger, there can only be one winner. -Sequel to Sunset Among Shadows-

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Let's GO Shadowbolts

The new day at Crystal Prep begins with a meeting of the students in the auditorium. The young people introduce themselves and take their seats in an orderly fashion as Principal Cinch appears in front of everyone.

Sunset goes down the steps slowly, looking around her as well for a seat or her friends.

“Hey Sunset, come sit here!”

Sunset hears the call and when she turns around sees the sporty girl with googles, Indigo Zap, pointing to a free seat next to her. Sunset smiles and decides to sit there.

It only takes as long as all students take to settle in for Cinch to begin speaking into the microphone located on the pedestal.

“Welcome everyone.” Says the woman. “Perhaps you are wondering why this meeting. Others, on the other hand, are surely already imagining it.“

The woman pauses, although none of the presents try to speak.

Sunset, by her side, is confused but intrigued; more when she sees Indigo nod.

“The reason is obvious. The Friendship Games against Canterlot High School are very close.“

The principal’s announcement gets some responses, as well as short whispers from everyone. On her side, Sunset raises an extremely confused eyebrow.

“Silence.” Order Cinch. “Everyone knows this contest is held between our schools every four years. And Crystal Prep always shows the best of itself. This year I don’t expect the exception. “

As Cinch continues what looks like a prerecorded speech, Sunset covers her mouth slightly to whisper to her goggle partner.

“What are the Friendship Games?”

Indigo is surprised by such a question.

“Are you kidding? It’s one of the most important events of the school.“ Indigo whispers with some indignation. Cinch, oblivious to the conversation between the two, continues with her speech.

“And everyone expects great feats from our institution, for we have a reputation to uphold…” The woman emphasizes that word, but Sunset and Indigo continue whispering to each other.

“Every four years, Canterlot and Crystal meet at the Friendship Games.”

“Seriously? I didn’t know anything about that.” Sunset confesses after hearing the information.

“… And that is why I have made a decision regarding this year’s competition.” Cinch announces as she looks around her among the students.

Indigo looks incredulous. “You came from Canterlot, how you didn’t know it?!” She continues whispering, but denotes it was an exclamation.

“I’ve never heard of that, what kind of competition is it?” The former equine question. Nevertheless …

“Sunset Shimmer!” Suddenly the principal exclaims.


A light is turned on, illuminating the girl with the flaming hair. She is surprised, then scared, and in a reflex action stands up and remains rigid.

“Please, come to the stage.” The principal asks, although it sounds more like an order.

Sunset is taken back. “… Me?”

Cinch doesn’t bother repeating herself. She only looks at the girl, who after a few seconds of trying to understand the situation has no choice but follow the request. As she descends the steps of the place and approaches the stage, Sunset is surprised with a couple of applause and the occasional exclamation.

“Yeah, Sunset!”

“Go Sunset, GO!”

“Cheer up, Sunset!”

“Rock her socks off, Sunset!”

The words only confuse our girl more, but she smiles at the encouragement that others want to give her.

Upon reaching the stage, she climbs the steps and approaches the principal, who is waiting for her. Cinch hands the red-haired girl a second microphone, which is wireless. Sunset hesitates, confused, but she accepts it.

“Sunset Shimmer, with the Friendship Games so close, our school needs to prove its worth and we must uphold our unblemished reputation.” The principal’s comments aim to the young woman. “Even if you have been in our institution for a short time, I am sure you understand it and that the school can count with your collaboration.”

Sunset lingers a bit, seemingly trying to understand where this conversation is going.

“Um… yeah! Sure!” Is the only thing she manages to answer, even though she feels insecure.

Abacus Cinch ignores her attitude and keeps talking. “In this short period you have shown great worth and have become one of our most promising students. The school has full confidence in you.“

Sunset wanted to answer, or ask, but she couldn’t as she received several applause and a couple of ovations from some of the students.

Cinch continues. “That is why from now on I name you captain of the team at the Friendship Games.”

At the moment the woman pronounces that, almost all the students in the place makes a celebration of cheers, applause and exclamations of the name of Sunset.

“I what?!” Sunset exclaims, not without first putting a hand on her microphone so they don’t hear her.

“Sunset Shimmer, I am confident that you will contribute to the victory of Crystal Prep.”

“Principal Cinch, wait,” Sunset says still covering her microphone. “I don’t know anything about these Friendship Games. I can’t participate.”

Cinch breaks away from the microphone to speak to Sunset alone. “Nonsense. Sunset Shimmer, you are one of the most promising students academically. You have good physical and artistic dexterity. Besides, the school seems to be counting on you.“

At that comment, Sunset turns to the students who continue to applaud and congratulate her.

“The students have confidence in you. I am aware of what your presence in these games can mean for many of them. You sure don’t want to disappoint them, do you?”

Sunset can’t argue, as several praise her name. She gives the principal a somewhat suspicious look but then smiles at the other students. She speaks into the microphone once more.

“Uhh … we’re going to win!”

There is doubt in her voice due the situation, but nobody seems to care because the applause don’t take long to come. Cinch keeps a satisfied smile on her face.

Sunset notices it and looks at her suspiciously.

“Cinch … what are you up to now?” She thinks to herself looking at the principal.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

The meeting ends shortly after the announcement. Sunset stays a bit behind, waiting for the other students to come out.

There is a slight scare when Indigo Zap appears from behind her and wraps her neck to bring her closer.

“WOW Sunset! That’s something I wasn’t expecting! To think they would name you the captain of the games! That’s great.”

“… If you say so…”

“What’s the matter? Why the long face? “

“That is something offensive to my species, you know? ”

“Just tell me what worries you.”

Sunset sighs deeply and speaks with slight sarcasm. “I don’t know? Maybe because it doesn’t make sense that Cinch wants me to participate in this Friendship Games thing.“

“Pfff, what are you talking about? Sunset, you are a star student of the school! You beat Trottingham in sports competition! … “

“Technically, that was Lightning Dust.”

“… and you formed the best band in school! …”

“That was Lemon Zest.”

“… discovered your Internet stalker and brought him to Cinch…”

“That was Suri Polomare.”

“… and when Jet Set wanted to reveal about your magical pony world, you put him in his place! …”

“That was Lightning. Again.”

“… and the best of all! When you grabbed Cinch and yelled in her face that you weren’t going to be her bitch!“

“… well, I guess that was me.”

“You have high grades, you are athletic, coveted, and the school loves you! It’s normal for Cinch to want you in the games. The school wants you in the games!”

Sunset gives a half-growled sigh and breaks free from the google girl’s grasp. “But I don’t know ANYTHING about these games. I didn’t even know they existed until 15 minutes ago. And Cinch wants me to be the captain, I don’t even know what a captain is supposed to do!“

“Well, I’m the captain of the sports team. And I guess the first step is to put together the team for the games.“

“How am I supposed to put together a team for a competition I don’t know about?!”

“Don’t worry Suns, your old friend Zap will help you with that!” The athlete says this and takes the dimensional visitor by her shoulders as she begins to walk.

“These will be the best Friendship Games of all time!”

“… I should have gone to Trottingham.”

~ Friendship Among Games ~

As Crystal’s principal makes her way to her office, the dean of the school calmly but firmly approaches.

“Principal Cinch, can I have a minute please?”

“What is it Cadenza?”

“Well, I just wanted to say I was a bit surprised when you named Sunset Shimmer the team captain for the Friendship Games.”

“Do you think I made a mistake?” The older woman asks turning her head a little, just enough to see the younger woman.

“N-No! Not at all. I’m just saying that I was surprised, usually you are in charge of choosing a team. “

Cinch doesn’t respond, so Cadence decides to keep talking.

“But it certainly seems like the right decision to me. By allowing students to form a team, certainly encourages them and develops teamwork; it will help them during the games.”

“That is precisely the idea.” Although that should sound positive, Cinch’s tone of voice seems to sound strange.“Sunset Shimmer has made a reputation for herself in our school,” the principal emphasizes that word. “I am confident that her presence will motivate the other students to win. And in turn, the contestants will motivate Sunset Shimmer.“

That seems to serve Abacus Cinch to end the conversation, as she continues on her way without saying anything else. Cadence is a bit confused, but she keeps going back to her work.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Indigo Zap stands in front of a blackboard that she has written on, and drawn (¿) a couple of not so really clear stuff.

“Alright! The Friendship Games are a competition that is divided into two parts. The first part consists of an academic decathlon where different school subjects are evaluated… “

Sunset is sitting in a chair, with a notebook and a pen, paying attention to the explanation of the girl with the googles.

“… the teams from each schools are made up of a total of twelve students.”

Sunset begins to move the pen over the notebook.

“The twelve students from both teams compete at the same time; and depending on the results of each test, they are assigned a certain number of points. At the end of the ten events, the 6 students from each school with the highest number of points goes to the second round. “

“And what are the events of the second round?” Sunset asks, putting her notebook down for a moment.

“Nobody knows, the directives of both schools change it every year. It’s a complete secret.”

Sunset is intrigued and continues to do something in the notebook.

“Since you were named captain, you are the first member of the 12 students. So your duty will be to evaluate and assign the other eleven competitors.“

Sunset is still focused on her notebook.

“Now. The decathlon consists of several events that include intelligence tests, physical dexterity, chemistry tests, art, among others. “

Sunset just nods and takes care of her affairs while the other girl walks from one end of the board to the other with a decisive and somewhat thoughtful demeanor.

“Therefore, we must look for students who can excel in different fields. Always maintaining a balanced profile between physical strength, intelligence, artistic ability and wit.“ Announces the athlete with determination. “Did you understand all that?”

“Um …” Sunset looks at her notebook, which has a stick drawing of Cinch being struck by lightning and herself to the side laughing uproariously. “… Yes, perfectly!”

“Excellent! So now that we have it clear, we need to look for ten more students.“

“Ten? I thought it would be eleven.”

“There are two of us right here,” Indigo announces. “Because I’m the best athlete in school.”

As she speaks, puffs up her chest with pride. “It is evident you choose me to win the physical tests. And if you allow me the suggestion, Lightning Dust is also an excellent option. “

“Um… that makes a lot of sense. Okay.” Sunset picks up the notebook and this time begins writing ‘Indigo’ and ‘Lightning’.

“And with you, there are three of us. We need nine more students,” Indigo explains again. “We'll need brains, we must go with Sugarcoat.”


“She is the second best student in the school. Close to Twilight.“

“I suppose. What about Twilight? She is the best, isn’t she? We should ask her too.“

“Hmph, if you want to try. Without the intention of offending your little friend, I don’t think that girl will do well in games. She’s very… how to say it without sounding rude… isn’t good for competition.”

Sunset thought for a moment. Considering the character of her friend, Twilight clearly wasn’t interested in showing off her accomplishments. Sure, she can be proud of them, but only because she wants to outdo herself and not others. So...

“I guess so. Twilight is not a competitive girl, but I’ll still ask her. Maybe she wants to do it for fun.“

“Fun? This isn’t fun, Sunset! The Friendship Games are serious stuff!“

“… Really?”

“Of course! This is one more opportunity for the Shadowbolts to demonstrate our superiority over the rest of the schools! Especially Canterlot High School! ”

“What’s wrong with Canterlot?”

“Eh? Oh! Ha ha… I forgot you came from there. It’s not that they have something wrong, it’s just here at Crystal we are the best. “

“… that seems a bit dumb to me.”

“It’s not dumb! This competition is serious!“

“If you want to get serious, you should look for a name other than ‘Friendship Games.’ That sounds very cheesy. “

“Well, enough chatting! Let’s find Sugar and the rest of the team! We have only a few days to gather them and prepare! LET’S GO SHADOWBOLTS! “

A loud ‘Shhhhhhh’ is heard from all the students, and from the librarian, at the scene. And they are both in the school library.

Indigo regrets it and apologizes with a smile. Sunset just snorts, resting her chin on one hand and her elbow on her knee.

“This will be a long day …”

~ Friendship Among Games ~

The first thing our girls did was find Lightning Dust, who was in the hallway.

“Hey, Light!” The teen with google calles for her.

“What’s up Zap?”

“Suns and I are gathering the team together for the Friendship Games. Are you joining or what? “

“… Wow, how straightforward.” Sunset comments quietly.

“Sure! I wouldn’t miss the chance to humiliate the Losercolts. “

“The what?”

“Neat! With you and me in the team, victory is assured!” Indigo comments without realizing what the Equestrian said.

“Please, victory was assured from the beginning.” Lightning says no more. She just walks away to get on with her stuff, Indigo smiles and does the same. Sunset follows her.

“Why the offense against Canterlot?”

Indigo seems to get a bit uncomfortable. “Err… it’s nothing personal Suns, it’s just that Crystal always wins against Canterlot. It’s been like this since before we got to school. “

“And does that mean you must gloat like this?”

“Um… yeah?” Indigo doesn’t seem sure about what to answer.

Sunset only looks at her partner but doesn’t touch the subject again, she directs her gaze on the notebook in her place. “We still need nine people. If we go with Sugarcoat, we will have eight to go. Who could they be? “

Indigo thinks about it for a moment. “Hmm… it won’t do us any good to think like that. We need somebody. “

~ Friendship Among Games ~

“Why do you want all the student records for?”

Asks the freckled young woman sitting on the front steps. Indigo and Sunset are standing in front of her.

“Well Sour Sweet,” The google girl begins to narrate. “As you know Sunset was elected captain of the Friendship Games, and to form the team we need to see what our students are made of.”

“~ Awww, that sounds so interesting ~” Sour speaks in a sweet tone, then changes it to a rude one. “But I’m busy, so don’t bother.

That said, she goes back to her textbook. Indigo insists.

“Come on Sour! Help us! You have access to the student’s records, just let us see which are most qualified. It’s to make Cinch happy, she will be angry if we don’t make the best team.“

Sour grunts and clenches his teeth. “Fine! Let it be clear that I do it so both of you stop bothering me.”

She gets up and walks inside the school, followed by the two teenagers.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

When it’s lunchtime, Sunset sits alone at a table. Her head resting on a palm, her elbow on the table as she looks at the large number of papers in front of her passing them one by one, taking a quick glance at each one.

From time to time moves her hand to wrap a little pasta on her fork and bring it to her mouth.

“Sunsite! There you are!”

The dimensional traveler looks up and sees her closest friends. Sonata and Twilight sit across from her, each with their lunch tray.

“Hi girls.” Sunset greets her friends.

“Sunset, where have you been?” A curious question came from the violet-haired scientist. “Sonata and I haven’t seen you in all the morning- and those papers?”

“Sorry. With Cinch getting me into the Friendship Games, Indigo Zap has been helping me put together a team for the competition,” Sunset explains as she lightly looks at her papers in front of her.

Sonata seems interested. “Oh! Sounds like fun!”

“It’s not…”


Twilight worries a little. “Is there a problem?”

Sunset releases a sigh. “I have no idea which students to choose. Indigo Zap and Lightning Dust are already in and, well, Cinch made me captain. But I need twelve people to participate. So I asked Sour Sweet to give me the student records to try find the fittest.“

Suddenly Sonata jumps out of her seat. “UH, UH! What about me?! I’m in shape! I can do many things, like put a whole orange in my mouth! Watch!“

The siren takes an orange from her lunch and begins to put it in her mouth. Both Twi and Sunset try to stop her but keeps going until she succeeds and takes the whole orange to her mouth. Sonata raises her hands and shows her as if celebrating and demonstrating her feat.

Her friends see her a little worried, but in the end they only laugh at the already known attitude of the siren.

“That’s nice Sonata, but…” Sunset thinks about how to finish her sentence. “… I don’t think you can participate in the competition.”

Sonata seems depressed at that. With her mouth covered she lets out a disappointed sound.

“Sorry. I need others to participate. But if you want, you could cheer us on. Do you want to play as… uh… a cheerleader?"

That seems to animate the siren and she begins to ‘speak’, but since she has the orange in her mouth nothing is understood.

“Secondly. Twi, will you join?“

“Eh? ME?!” The scientist is scared by that question.

“Well yes, you are the best student in school.” That explains our fire-haired girl. “With you, we would pass the intelligence tests without any problem.”

Twilight gets totally flustered. “Oh… sorry Sunset, but competitions are not my thing. I… I don’t think-“

Sunset notices her nervousness and stops her. “It’s okay. I was already expecting for it, but I had to ask.“

Neither of them is aware of it, but that talking is overheard by some of the students sitting at the table next to them.

Feeling a bit bad about such a conversation, Twilight thinks of something to contribute to the cause. “Do you want help evaluating students?”

“I would like it.” Sunset smiles gratefully at the idea.

Twilight smiles and so does Sonata, although the latter, seeing the orange still in her mouth, tries to remove it. She doesn’t get it, so she pulls harder but in the end she tightens her stomach with the Haymlich maneuver. Sunset and Twilight seem to want to stop and help her, however the siren pressed so hard that the orange flies through the cafeteria.

Shortly after, Jet Set’s scream is heard.

“OUCH! My eye!”

Although they try, none of the three girls can help but laugh.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

The rest of the afternoon, Sunset took advantage of every moment outside of class trying to assemble the team together for friendship games. Sour Sweet was at her locker when Sunset walks up to her.

“Sour Sweet.”

“Urgh, what do you want now?”

“I just wanted to thank you for your help with the student records.”

“Yes, yes, it doesn’t matter.”

“And also… “


“… I wanted to ask you to compete in the Friendship Games.”

That seems to take the freckled girl by surprise. “Me?”

“You are an excellent student, you have high grades in all subjects and you have the best record in archery.”

“Do you think part of the competition is ‘playing Hawkeye’?”

“Well, I don’t know. According to Zap, part of the competition can be anything.“ Our girl from another dimension meditates for a moment, the sooner she returns to the important topic. “But the fact highlights your athletic performance; you’re amazing and I think you’ll be great on the team.“

“~ Oh, you’re so sweet ~” Says the freckled girl in her sweet voice.

So, will you participate?” Sunset asks, concerned by that tone of voice.

Sour’s sweet smile returns to her hostile nature. “Okay, whatever.”

“Great! Thank you very much Sour Sweet.“

There is no further response from the freckled one. She just gets on with her doings and Sunset takes it as the end of the conversation so she just walks off.

Sour watches her go and frowns. “Gosh. Sunset Shimmer, you always get me into weird things.“

One more look at the teenager keeping a calm frown from her. Although she doesn’t say anything else, Sour Sweet just walks away.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

“Your grades are excellent and you excel in art and math. Plus, you have an artistic eye.“ Sunset explains.

Sunny Flare just smiles. “You flatter me, honey.”

Both ‘sun’ girls chat in the backyard of the school.

“So, what do you say?” Sunset asks. “Are you joining the team?”

Sunny gently straightens her hair. “If you ask me, I cannot refuse.”

They both smile at each other and each continues with their own thing.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Sunset sees Lemon walking down a hallway, moving with a certain rhythm.

“Lemon, would you like to participate in the Friendship Games?”

“Oh yeah! Bring it!” The girl with the long hair responds very animatedly.

Sunset just smiles and keeps walking. Lemon takes a few seconds but sees her go and takes off the headphones.

“Oops, I think Sun-Shim told me something … Oh well, it wasn’t something important.”

Lemon puts the headphones back on and keeps walking, and dancing a bit.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

The time change bell rings, and Sunset calmly waits in front of a door. Inside it is noticeable that it is a room for cooking classes

“Miss Shimmer?”

“Suri!” Sunset pronounces when she hears and sees her youngest friend at school. “I was waiting for you.”

The aforementioned approaches and feels surprised, and somewhat nervous. “E-Eh? For me?!”

“Yes, I wanted to ask you to join the Friendship Games team.”

“M-Me? … Join? … Are you … are you sure?”

“Of course!” Sunset responds confidently. “I checked your academic records, and I saw you have advanced classes in art and math. That’s awesome, I mean, not just anyone can take classes at a higher level. You are very smart.”

Suri blushes quite a bit and clasps her fingers down in shame. “Heh. I just do the best I can.”

“That’s why I think you would be very good for the team. What do you say?” Our exequine asks again.

Suri looks nervous but happy. “Oh, I … if you’re the one who asks me, I can’t say no.”

“Hey Suri, do you want to hurry?” A third voice is heard.

Both turn and see another girl at the door of the classroom, Suri’s age. Her gaze is somewhat furrowed, with partially closed eyelids revealing her makeup. Her hair is purplish with a whitish fringe; adding to these details, she shows off a high quiff and two loose half-cuffs.

“The teacher wants to start class.” The newcomer comments.

“Upper Crust!” Suri exclaims with a smile, and without further ado she takes the young woman and brings her closer.

“Hey, what are you doing?!”

“Miss Shimmer, this is Upper Crust. She is my classmate, in fact we share many of the advanced classes. She is very smart and skilled. “

“Oh, nice to meet you Upper Crust.” Sunset greets Suri’s friend.

The newcomer – or it would be said pulled out against her will comer – lets go of the other teen’s grip and looks at the older student. “The pleasure is mine. I suppose.”

“You should include her in the team as well.” Suggests Suri. “The truth is that we usually work together in class.”

“I see, that sounds good. Do you want to participate in the Friendship Games?”

Upper Crust seems to think about it for a second. “Well, I don’t know-“ her response is cut off when she receives a stomp from Suri. “OUCH! I mean … sure, I would like that. “

“Fantastic.” Sunset exclaims, ignoring what just happened. “Your help will really do us good.”

Both youngsters smile, and the older one smiles back. Ending the conversation, the latter leaves.

“What the hell was that?!” Upper complains to her partner.

“Sorry Crust, but I would have been very uncomfortable being the youngest of the team.” Suri apologizes and explains.

“Bah! If you ripped my shoe, you’re going to buy me a new one!” Upper Crust complains, but then folds her arms and looks thoughtful. “On the other hand, being in the games will be beneficial. It is my opportunity to show my superiority over the rest of the students. I will impress the principal so much that she will want to promote me to a degree. Everyone will know how superior I am.”

Suri doesn’t care much about this ‘self-promotion’. “Yeah yeah, just try to don’t make me look bad. Especially in front of Miss Shimmer.”

“Pfff, you don’t need help to look bad.”

“Excuse me?!”

Their talk/squabble could have continued if it hadn’t been for the teacher who appeared at the door and gave a loud yell.



They both run in.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

“Jet set!”

The boy wearing his jacket slung over his shoulders turns around when he hears his name, but his gaze frowns as soon as he sees our blonde-red haired girl

“Sunset Shimmer, what do you want?” He asks her with clear annoyance and venom in his voice.

Sunset approaches him. “Jet Set, I was looking for you. I wanted to ask you to join the team for the Friendship Games.”

The boy is intrigued by this, but he continues to look at her in annoyance.

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, you know Cinch made me captain.”

“Yes. And you feel very special about that, don’t you?"

Sunset is a bit stumped. “Mmm… ¿no?”

Silence falls when Jet simply follows his stern gaze on the girl. Sunset picks up another word after a moment. “Um … well … the thing is, I’m making the team and I’d like you to join.”

Jet is very suspicious and follows her gaze, turning completely to look at our girl. “What are you up to, Shimmer?”

“Uh… up to?”

“Is this a trick? A trick to make me look bad?

“What? No! I really want you to join. I went through your class records and you are amazing at chemistry and physics. You would definitely help out in any lab competition. “

“Oh oh! Ho ho ho, I get it. That is your plan. “

“My plan?”

“You want to place me in the competition, to make me look bad in front of the school!”

“Huh?! NO! I want you to join us to help- “

“I will not fall into your trap, Shimmer!” He aggressively interrupts her. “You will not ruin what I have accomplished in this school.”

Without saying anything else and without giving our Equestrian time to speak, the young man only leaves with a firm and hurried step.

Sunset stares at him for a while, her shoulders droop and she blinks.

“… oh well. I suppose Neon Light and Trenderhoof can handle it.“ With that thought out loud, she takes the notebook out of her and jots something down. Sunset turns around and keeps walking.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

“I’m gathering the team for the Friendship Games and I want you two to participate.” Our girl from Equestria explains. “Trenderhoof, you are excellent at chemistry; and Sugar, you are the best student in school along with Twilight. “

Both students, Trenderhoof and Sugarcoat are standing in front of a hallway door with Sunset in front of them explaining the situation.

Sugar adjusts her glasses and talks to Sunset in her casual tone, devoid of emotion. “To be fair, Twilight Sparkle is the top student at Crystal Preparatory. I am in second place. However, it isn’t a matter of which I am interested.”

“Um, yeah. Still your grades are quite excellent,” Sunset speaks not really knowing what to say to that. “You will join?”

“I must say I was expecting this event. And with the reputation of the institution at stake, I am not in a position to refuse.“ Sugarcoat’s tone of voice makes it impossible to tell if she accepts with pleasure or spite, but Sunset takes it positively in the same way.

“Well, I will participate too.” Announce the present boy. “I must say that I am honored to be chosen.”

Sunset smiles at his response too. Then Trenderhoof gestures toward the door.

“Don’t you want to join us? We are about to start a meeting of our academic society”.

Sunset gets a little nervous and shakes with both hands. “Ahh… No, no thanks. I already have plans, but thanks for the invitation.“

With that, our girl says goodbye, and with a bit of a hurry she leaves the place. Trender and Sugar look at the door for a moment.

“Well, it seems like Sunset is taking the role of her captain seriously.” The blond boy comments.

“It seems.” The silver-haired girl responds with her typical nonchalance. “I just hope she understands what her role entails.”

“What’s the matter Sugarcoat? Don’t you trust her?“

“Confidence or lack of it is irrelevant. But knowing the principal, Sunset Shimmer will need more than a good team to get through this event.“

The blond young man is left in doubt, as the silver-haired lady turns and walks into the room. He does the same.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Sunset finishes talking to Neon Lights and walks down the hall, looking at the names of the team members in her notebook.

“Nine, ten, eleven… Huh. I thought I had counted well, but I’m missing someone else.“

As she thinks about it, her footsteps lead her to the small laboratory that shares with her scientist friend. As she enters, Sunset is intrigued to see that same friend sitting in a chair with her face somewhat downcast and pensive.

“Twily? Are you okay?”

Hearing the voice of her first interdimensional friend, Twily is shocked and stands up. “Sunset!”

“What’s wrong Twi? You seem concerned.“

Twilight doesn’t seem sure how to answer. Sunset takes her by the shoulder and looks at her.

A couple of minutes pass while the girl with glasses explains the current situation.

“Cinch did WHAT?!” The expression on Sunset’s face denotes her anger.

“The principal said if I don’t participate in the Friendship Games, she will have Everton reject my transfer request.” As she explains this, the young scientist appears to be depressed.

Sunset lets out an angry growl. “Uggggh, that filthy bitch!” She screams annoyed, although soon becomes intrigued by something. “What is Everton?”

“A school,” responds our scientists. “A college of advanced studies that has an independent study program.”

Sunset seems a little lost. “Independent study program?”

“It means that each student can study on their own, without specific classes or teachers,” explains Twily. “Each student has their own classroom to study on their own.”

“Oh… Ow.”

Suddenly, Sunset’s face twitched a little. With one hand behind her neck, she looks away. “I didn’t know you were going to switch to a school like that …”

Twilight gets flustered and looks away, embarrassed. “Well… that was before I met you. I just, well, I had nothing else to do here. The classes here… I mean, I have a perfect GPA in every class. I felt there was nothing left for me to learn. So I wanted to go to a place where I could continue studying on my own.“

As she explains all this, Twilight gets more and more nervous, she felt like as she was confessing some kind of crime.

Although it sounded absurd, she didn’t stop feeling guilty.

Sunset is still nervous, and only looks at the back of her friend with glasses. She bites her lip and tries to not make her voice shaky when she speaks. “That… makes sense. Heh, you’re too smart for this school. “

Twilight blushes a little but her denials continue. “Hehe… thanks.”

Twilight keeps avoiding looking at Sunset, rubbing her hands nervously, and even fearful.

Sunset seems totally lost in her words. “So… I mean, if it’s what you want, you know I support you. Although I would miss you, but you have to see the best for you and your studies- “

“I don’t want to go anymore.” The girl with glasses interrupts the exequine.

Sunset is shocked and falls silent when she hears it. “What?”

Twilight takes a few seconds and repeats herself. “I don’t want to go to Everton anymore.“

One could tell Sunset wants to ask, but her voice doesn’t come through.

After a few more seconds, Twilight speaks again. “I wanted to go because I had nothing here at Crystal. But now … I have friends. “ Finally, as she says that, she turns to the dimensional girl. “I have you. And Sonata, Lemon, Sunny… I don’t want to leave anymore, I want to stay here with you.“

“Twily…” Sunset’s gaze trembles and crystallizes, touched by the young scientist’s words.

“Before I met you I was alone and I thought there was no place for me, a place… where I could be happy. But now…”

She doesn’t seem to know how to finish her sentence. Instead, she hurriedly approaches her friend from another world, who upon seeing Twilight reflectively raises her arms a little, joining them both in a deep embrace. Twilight rests her head on Sunset’s shoulder and Sunset rests her chin on Twilight’s, clinging to the other.

“I want to stay with all of you… with you. Now I feel like I have a place.“

Sunset feels a tear fall from her eye, but she rubs it against Twi’s hair to wipe it away.

“You always will, Twily. With me. With everyone.”

The scientist smiles and allows herself to rub her face on her friend’s shoulder. Sunset also plunges into the embrace, both of them strengthening her bond over each other.

After a moment that felt longer than it did, they parted long enough to see each other smiling. The girl with glasses seems to have a funny idea and, without saying anything, leaves a soft brush of her lips on those of Sunset’s and then departs with a giggle.

Sunset laughs a little. “Hey, why did you do that?”

“Why wouldn’t I? He he.”

“Oh Twily, ha ha ha. Well back to the point, since you don’t want to go to Everton then I assume you told Cinch that you don’t want to participate in the Friendship Games.”

Twilight suddenly clears her good mood and looks down. “Actually … I’m going to participate.”

Sunset is shocked. “What?! But you said- “

Twilight cuts her off softly. “Principal Cinch threatened me with Everton. And although I don’t want to go there anymore if I refuse to participate, she will surely use another method to force me. Just like she wanted to do with you.“

That brings to Sunset’s mind the memory of when she first confronted Cinch. When the woman wanted to use her ‘influence’, pointing out she could prevent Sunset from applying another school.

Such memory made our fiery haired girl gnash her teeth and stifle a growl.

“She’s like that… she always gets what she wants.” Twily says with little encouragement.

“Well, she won’t.” Sunset exclaims. “Twi, you don’t have to participate if you don’t want to.”

“Yes, I do. I don’t want to go to Everton, but I want to go to a good college after I graduate, and I don’t want Cinch to screw it up just because I ignored her. “

“Twilight! You do not have- “

Twilight cuts her off silently. “It’s fine I understand it. The truth is I planned to go to the Friendship Games, only this time I will have to participate.“

Sunset seems to want to say more, but only a sigh is what she manages to blurt out. After that, she frowns and the image of Cinch burns in her mind.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

It was almost dark when Sunset was released from her chores and she was able to get out of school. With a sigh, she relaxes her body and mentally reviews the events of the day from the moment she was named ‘captain’ for the ‘Friendship Games’, and then mentally reviewed each student she decided to include in the team.

As she focused on it, she thought of Canterlot.

Sunset remembered what she experienced during her last moments at said school. And the times that followed after that.

With a groan she tries to erase all those memories from her mind and tries to return to the current topic, the Friendship Games.

Sunset goes over the team again. She already has it set up, she just has to wait for the day of the competition to arrive. Speaking of which, she almost by chance came up with the idea of who they would be up against.

Canterlot has some pretty smart students, a good sports team, and creative youngsters. Would Crystal have a problem with any of them?

As she thinks about it, Sunset hears a sound in her pocket. It’s her phone that plays a soft melody. When she takes it out sees that a message has arrived; her phone recognizes the number by giving a name, a name that makes her raise an eyebrow with some suspicion.

Still, she opens the message and begins to read it.

“Hi Sunset, how’s everything going?

Look, I know you told us not to talk to you if you didn’t do it first, but… “

The message is cut there, with a uniform ellipsis. Odd, but Sunset doesn’t pay attention, the message continues in another dialog.

“… The Friendship Games between Canterlot High and Crystal Prep are near. And I don’t know if you will come, but in case you do… well, there is something you should know… “

There it ends up again, gaining some intrigue from our bi-colored haired girl.

For a moment Sunset Shimmer seems thoughtful, slightly tapping the screen with her finger as if she wonders how, or even if she should answer.

Luckily for her – or too bad – she doesn’t need to make a decision, as a notification arrives: a new message with an attachment. The phone asks a question.

- Do you want to open this file? -

Once again, Sunset raises an eyebrow. She thinks about it for a second and responds.

She opens the message and a picture appears.

Sunset opens her eyes a little, raises her eyebrows, separates her lips a little while she looks at that image. A normal picture where shows those five girls she used to call friends meeting, smiling, posing together for said picture.

But what stands out in that photo is the image of herself, with an almost pink blouse and a happy look behind thick black glasses smiling with all of them.

There is silence.

Everything is motionless.

Sunset doesn’t move, she doesn’t react. The world around her stops.

Her mind is focused on that photo, that image. That little portion where she can see her own face … but isn’t hers.

Little by little her mind seems to work again, she feels part of the world again, hears the sounds around her again and feels the gentle spring wind.

Her eyes are still focused on that photo until, in a kind of reflection, her fingers write a response.
