• Published 10th Nov 2020
  • 3,631 Views, 98 Comments

Friendship Among Games - RedPegasus

A new challenge will make Sunset return to the place she left behind. Old friends vs new friends, and one new challenger, there can only be one winner. -Sequel to Sunset Among Shadows-

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Decathlon 2nd Part

Vinyl looks at her mini console for a moment, and after thinking for a second she smiles. She takes a record that spins on her finger before letting it play.

Instantly the music begins to play with an almost electric echo.

The light on the stage reveals Baton Switch with her orchestral costume, and the characteristic baton in her hand. She herself begins to march, raising and lowering the cane in her hand.

With a twist of it in both hands she steps to the side and introduces Rarity, who is wearing a purple ball gown with sparkles.

The song resonates from the speakers.

Where have all the good men gone

And where are all the gods?

With the music playing Rarity begins to move smoothly, but firmly waves her arms and waist slightly following the rhythm.

Where’s the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?

Isn’t there a white knight upon a fiery steed?

Almost as if it were a play, the purple haired girl shows her dramatic gifts with poses that simulate despair and concern.

Late at night I toss and I turn

And I dream of what I need

Rarity’s movements are accompanied by the strong step of Baton who marches around her marking her act.

And then, she moves to her side revealing Applejack behind her dressed in a cowboy-style outfit, yet elegant and shiny.

I need a hero!

The song resonates as Aplejack and Rarity meet their gazes.

I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night

He’s gotta be strong

And he’s gotta be fast

And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight

While the music is playing, the girl with golden strands takes the other by the hand and brings her closer and then both dance with a certain elegance, without losing the rhythm of the song.

Rarity spins around and then Applejack grabs her by the waist and pulls her closer.

I need a hero

Baton places her staff between them and that seems like a signal for both of them to separate.

Rarity spins again until she is out of range of the lights.

I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the morning light

He’s gotta be sure

And it’s gotta be soon

And he’s gotta be larger than life!

Applejack remains the central focus and Baton approaches, waving her cane, pointing at the cowgirl. Applejack begins to lift her knees, hitting the ground with her boots in a fast-paced country dance class, as Baton again signals her with his cane which way to move and turn.

I need a Hero!

Baton walks backwards away from Applejack and sticks her arm out of the lights. When retracting it, it’s Pinkie Pie who appears dressed in a characteristic disco costume from the 60s, even her fluffy hair was more fluffy than ever simulating an afro.

I’m holding out for a hero ‘till the end of the night

He’s gotta be strong, and he’s gotta be fast

And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight

The pink girl shows steps according to her outfit, steps that are coordinated with the Baton Switch’s own movements.

I need a hero

Finally, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie gather under the lights, each dancing a different style.

I’m holding out for a hero ‘till the morning light

Rarity moves gracefully, waving her gown that glows in the light.

He’s gotta be sure, and it’s gotta be soon

Applejack looks unsure as she improvises some moves.

And he’s gotta be larger than life

Pinkie doesn’t leave a part of her body still, shaking from her feet to her hips, arms and even her neck.


The music ends with the three girls together, each in a final pose and Baton raising her cane and head high as she balances on one leg.

The applause and cheers doesn’t take long in coming, all the Canterlot students celebrate them.

The judges do the same and then score.

From the other side, Crystal’s team watches with some disdain and suspicion.

“Damn, Canterlot is playing tough this year.” Indigo Zap comments.

“They won’t get a chance in academic competitions,” Sugarcoat adds with her stoic gesture. “But they seem to excel at artistic acts.”

“Please, as if goofing around will accomplish something.” Lightning says before retiring.

The team looks pretty frustrated. Everyone except for Sunset, who actually allows herself a small smile as the dancers rejoin the rest of their team.

“That. was. AWESOME!” Yells the star athlete of Canterlot.

“You were amazing!” Flash congratulates them.

“I got so excited that I think I’m going to scream. Yay.“ Fluttershy screams, although the scream is the same volume as her normal voice.

Applejack lets out a small sigh before looking down at herself. “Ufff! Ah really still can’t believe you had this outfit, Rarity.”

“Well, we could have had a competition that required it.” The dressmaker comments. “Besides, it looks very good on you, darling.”

“And all thanks to Swichie! Yay!!” Celebrates our party girl.

They all smile at the bun girl, who just smiles. “It was nothing, I just thought that each one could dance to her style and try to make it look good.”

Rarity looks at her farmer girl. “Applejack, I must ask, where did you learn those steps?”

“With mah uncles Orange, ya know I lived with them fer a few months in Manehattan.” Explains the blonde girl. “Ah guess some of the things I learned stuck with me.”

“Oh ho ho, so next time there’s a dance you’ll be my partner.” The elegant girl says in a somewhat mocking way as she takes the blonde by her arm affectionately.

“Don’t say that, it makes me looks embarrased…” The farmer answers a little blushing and looking away, earning the laughter of everyone around her.

Suddenly Flash detects movements. “Hey! It seems like the principals are about to announce the winner.“

Both the Canterlot’s principal and vice principal, as well the dean, take the stage with the oldest of the three taking the microphone.

“After analyzing both submissions, the winners of this event are… the Canterlot High School’s team!” Celestia’s voice is more upbeat than usual, and instantly she wins colossal cheers from all the students.

Everyone on the Canterlot team congratulates and hugs each other. The other students cheers.

The school’s principal cannot hide the bright smile and look that come from seeing her students.

So much that her younger sister, smiling, takes the microphone herself to continue speaking.

“With this, we reached the middle of the academic decathlon. Crystal Prep has won three events, against two Canterlot’s victories.” The vice principal says. “We will have a thirty minute break before the next event. You can retire.”

The lights turns on, and almost instantly each student begins to move out of the room.

Meanwhile, the Shadowbolts walk still mired in their talk. Indigo is a bit serious. “Team, I won’t lie, I was hoping this would be easier but Canterlot is being tough in this competition. We need a different approach.“

Lightning speaks in an almost annoyed tone. “Well, you have to ask the leader what she intends to do about it.”

That serves to turn all eyes to Sunset, who takes a step back in surprise.

Lightning crosses her arms and looks at her suspiciously. “Come on Captain, what plan do you have to not make us lose? I imagine you have something to help us.“

“Lightning.” Our sportswoman with googles gives a soft claim to her teammate.

Sunset looks away uncertainly, is silent for a moment, then sighs. “Sorry, I was just trying to accommodate the fittest for each event.”

“And that’s good!” Indigo encourages her. “It’s the right thing to do.”

Lightning shakes her head. “We still end up losing.”

“Are you going to keep complaining?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.”

Sugarcoat decides to speak. “While I don’t endorse Lightning Dust’s behavior, I do confirm that we need another plan of action if we hope to outperform Canterlot.”

Trender joins. “Well, that’s why we have our captain for.”

Sunset sighs again and looks at her notebook. “Well … considering the remaining fields: Biology, Gymnastics and Literature, we can imagine what events there will be.”

“Well, it’s clear that Light and I will have the victory in gymnastics.” Indigo says confidently.

“And if we can win one more event, we will be one step ahead.” Sunset concludes with a small smile.

“’One more event’?” Lightning complains. “How come you can’t make us win every event? What a failure of a captain.”

Her tone is dismissive, and although Sunset seems annoyed, she doesn’t respond. She just folds her arms and looks away, somewhat hurt.

“Lightning, what’s wrong with you?” Indigo Zap claims. “We are wining! And you behave very aggressively.”

“It’s YOU who is being very soft, Zap.” The blonde athlete answers. “Maybe Canterlot hasn’t beaten us, but they still have a chance. We need something, SOMEONE who can assure us victory. “

Indigo is about to reply, but Sunset stops her by touching her shoulder.

“It’s okay. Yes, I failed. I accept it.”

Sunset’s friends are surprised by what she says.

“But we musn’t lose the objective. We are leading the way, and the best we can do is make sure that stays that way. Indigo and Lightning will be needed in athletics, while Sugarcoat and Twilight will be our bet for the other events.“

Her attention is gained by the four mentioned, and there are different reactions to that. Twilight, in particular, gets nervous.

After that the team is divided and each one goes to their own thing.

Sunset sighs and sees Adagio approaching.

“Not bad, pony girl. You stayed calm despite the pressure. You seem to have a natural talent to be a leader.“

Sunset looks away from her for a moment before answering. “I just do what I can so there are no problems.”

“I can see why you dominated this place earlier.” Before finishing speaking, Adagio allows herself to pass by Sunset so she doesn’t see the malicious smile on her lips. “You know? You were right, you deserved what Celestia denied you.“

That phrase affects Sunset, her face fills with something like panic, but she doesn’t say or do anything as she watches the main siren walk away from her.

Twilight sees her friend’s reaction and makes a move to get closer to her, but stops when she feels the spectrometer burn on her chest.

She hurries, backs up and moves away from the group to get it out and see how the device reacts with force showing a glow. Such sight frightens her and she moves away almost running from her team.

Sunset seems to calm down a bit, and turning her head she sees Twilight disappear around a corner. That replaces her panic with intrigue, but she can’t do anything since her other friends accompany her to rest.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

While the Canterlot team is encouraged by the result, Sunseen doesn’t share the enthusiasm. Her head is centered on her otherworldly double.

Unlike her, her double had had a difficult life; she could only imagine the kinds of things Sunset had to do to support herself.

Still, she looks so confident in herself, and the students at her school show they have confidence in her.

Sunseen never had a problem relating to others, but her other self was different. She isn’t part of a group, she is the center of that group.

She also shows that she is smart- both are- and was always smart, so her other self should be too. But… there was something else… intellect, knowledge, experience? There was something, in Sunseen’s other self, that she felt different.

“Why? If we are the same person, why does she feel… like she is better?… ” Her thoughts are filled with that.

Sunseen compares herself to the other teen in all fields, and in all of them she feels that she is losing.

Somehow the other Sunset was better.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Students are not the only ones taking advantage of the break.

The Canterlot’s principal moves away from everyone else and allows herself to lean against a wall in an empty hallway.

A deep sigh escapes from her, and looking up into nothingness reviews the image of her students in her memory.

She sees them smile, lean, laugh, be united.

She sees the Rainbooms leaning on each other, and the rest of the team doing their best. And she thinks of the rest of the students who support and encourage her school.

A smile and a melancholic look are drawn on the woman’s face.

Closing her eyes and lowering her head she continues to smile.

“Wow, I haven’t seen you smile like that.”

The sudden voice scares Celestia away and she forces herself to swallow a scream as she turns, finding a familiar fluffy orange mane.

“A … Adagio …”

“Hello, Celly. Long time no see.”

The lead siren looks at the adult woman with a knowing smile, though her smile fades when she realices the woman is staring at hee cheerleader uniform.

“Yes, yes, I know. Sonata made me wear this. Since it was to help Canterlot lose the games, I really couldn’t refuse. “

“Um … help Canterlot… lose?”

“Don’t take it personally, I just have a grudge against this site.”

The older woman is lost in words by the scene. In the end, she smiles but it can see the doubt in her smile.

“Oh well, I get it… I guess. Um, it’s … nice to see you. “

“Same here. And I see that your maternal crisis is resolved.”

“… I think so.”

Although not very sure, Celestia’s smile softens and is sincere.

“I was afraid these games would reopen the wounds and go back to school the way it was. But… it seems to be working for the better, everyone looks very optimistic and… I feel like the spirit of friendship is picking up.“

“Yeah right. I’m sorry if that friendship thing makes me sick. But, I’m happy for you.”

Celestia can only smile. She seems to want to say something, but the siren wins the word.

“Another reason I agreed to come was to chat with you. I really miss seeing you at the bar.“

Now the woman is surprised by that phrase.

“Um, I …”

“Don’t get it wrong, I’m glad to see that your maternal crisis has been solved, and I mean it. But it was good talking to somebody grown up, for a change.”

The older siren stretches a bit, placing both arms behind her head in an almost weary gesture.

“It’s hard to be a mature, responsible, and beautiful woman, isn’t it, Celly?”

“Um, I … I guess.”

“Of course. We both know what it is like for others to depend on you.”

Celestia can’t help thinking about her students, the Rainbooms, and her sister. Like Adagio thinks of Aria and Sonata.

“Well, someone has to make that sacrifice, right?” Adagio still ends with a soft smile.

Celestia looks thoughtful, but an understanding smile appears on her face.

“Hey, if you ever want to chat, you know where I live.” Says Adagio. “I would like to have someone to talk to about adult problems with.”

After saying that she gives it a subtle twist, winks at the principal and leaves without saying anything else.

Celestia just watches her go, she lets out a sigh that she didn’t know she was holding back and seems to relax as she watches the siren go without looking back.

She felt strangely calm, remembering in her head the multiple encounters with Adagio in that bar.

Those memories brings her up mixed feelings.

Her thoughts break when she feels someone behind her. When Celestia turns away it’s her younger sister who looks at her with arms crossed and a look that seems to scold.

The older sister is confused and silent for a while.

“… What?! I was just… chatting with her. She is my friend… “

The two sisters look at each other; one intrigued, the other somewhat puzzled. But the oldest decides to break the moment and she just walks past the youngest.

Luna keeps looking at her sister, still very curious about such a scene.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Our Crystal girls hang out in the school’s backyard, soda cans in their hands as they hang out. But Sunset is not animated, she finishes her soda and after throwing it into a trash can she leaves the group.

She walks by the side of the school without paying attention to her path, and almost trips into someone. Fortunately she stops in time, and looking up, distinguishes her principal.

“Principal Cinch …”

“Ah, Sunset Shimmer. Just the one I was looking for. “

Before Sunset can ask a question, Cinch continues speaking.

“I’m worried, Miss Shimmer.” The woman speaks with disdain. “Very concerned and disappointed by the performance of our team in this competition.”

“Uh … we’re winning.” Sunset speaks somewhat puzzled.

“But Canterlot is close to matching us,” Cinch adds in a dismissive tone. “You should know, Miss Shimmer, Crystal Prep has never lost a competition to Canterlot.”

The woman emphasizes the phrase while her gaze seems to close more on the young woman. Sunset percieves that, and for the first time, she feels intimidated by the woman.

“I trusted you to lead the team to victory.” Cinch continues. “I was certain that your guide would deliver a certain defeat against Canterlot.”

Sunset frowns and clenches her teeth. She seems to want to talk, but she doesn’t; instead, Abacus Cinch continues.

“Does this have something to do, with your family member?”

The question erases the anger and instead Sunset is now confused. “Family member?”

“The student who shares your appearance and name.” Cinch explains. “I have to intuit you are sisters. Or am I wrong?”

Sunset had to think about it for a moment. Really, there was no reason to explain the situation to her principal, and Sunset didn’t want to share that information with her either. So she just agreed to let her continue to believe her theory.

“I can understand, more in a person in your situation, that family ties can obstruct performance.”

Sunset had to look away from her and purse her lips.

“But I hope you understand how important these games are to our institution. Our reputation is at stake.“ Cinch emphasizes again. “And there is no place for family matters.”

Sunset looks at the woman silently for a moment, then she answers.

“I understand, Principal. I assure you it has nothing to do with the games.“ Sunset responds by trying to make eye contact, though her gaze shows her own doubts.

“Then, I expect a better performance from now on.” Cinch’s tone changes to a more authoritative one. “For your teammates it is important to obtain victory. You, as the team leader, are the one who must provide them. I don’t think you want to be responsible for a possible defeat.”

“That won’t happen!” Sunset assures with a mixture of concern and security.

“Good. So I’m confident that we will win, you don’t want your teammates to be disappointed if we don’t win.“

Cinch doesn’t give a reply, as she hurriedly turns and stalks off.

Sunset must clench her fists and teeth as she watches the woman’s back drift away.

“That… bitch…” she whispers to herself, almost choking on her own voice. Even so, images of her companions, her friends, sad and dejected come to her mind.

She imagines the look of the students - full of resentment - looking at her, blaming her.

Lightning Dust’s words echo through her head.

Sunset imagines her school beated, sad, looking at her with contempt and accusation …

… Just like Canterlot once did.

Her pupils dilate, she clutches her head and bends her knees, clenches her eyes and teeth trying to suppress those thoughts.

Sunset feels a few drops seep into her eyes and there she forces herself to straighten up and shake her head, throw those thoughts out.

She breathes agitated for a few seconds, recovering a little air, wipes the tears from her face and hits her own cheeks to make herself react.

With a sigh she puts on a determined look, and walks. The equestrian doesn’t realice that her behavior was seen by a person.

Flash sees Sunset leave, and he worries.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

The teams from both schools are now meeting in the biology room.

In front of each student are a series of bones made of plastic. On a blackboard in front of everyone, a diagram describing the equine skeleton and its parts.

Cadence begins the explanation. “It’s time for the second part of the decathlon. The first event is Biology, and it consists of assembling a scale model of a steed skeleton.“

“What’s Canterlot obsession with horses?” Indigo asks quietly, receives a light elbow tap from Sunny Flare and a laugh from Lemon Zest.

“Each member must assemble their own model. The team that collects the most skeletons correctly assembled, and in the shortest amount of time, will win. Get started.“

With the order, all the students begin to move.

Most take bone by bone, and looking at the blackboard they begin to see where it belongs.

Only Sunset remains motionless in her place, without touching her elements. Cinch’s words and visions of a defeated Crystal Prep flash through her mind, and annoys her.

“… I won’t fail. No more games.” She thinks to herself and without even looking at the diagram begins to review and assemble each bone, putting the parts together.

The three judges look at everyone, and all three are a bit surprised to see Sunset.

Not only them, because some students stop for a minute or two to watch Crystal’s fire flamed teen take each bone and begin to join them without any hesitation. Her skeleton is taking shape.

Sunseen watches more intently, slightly assembling her own skeleton but with her attention rather on her double. Hee eyes tremble in amazement and she feels her hands clench, almost breaking the plastic bones as Sunseen sees her twin perform her action with precision and confidence.

The Canterlot team, seeing that, try to speed up their pace.

Crystal’s team is shocked, but many smile.

Minutes pass, but in no time, Sunset joins the skull to the rest of the body; the skeleton is fully armed. Small, about the size of a student’s torso, but quite detailed.

The three judges don’t avoid approaching to evaluate it correctly, and they are impressed by the work smiling all while recording the result.

Sunset allows herself to release the breath she was holding, and then turns to her companions. Trender and Neon give her an affirmation and a thumbs up. Her friends smile at her. Even Sugarcoat, despite her unchanging expression, gives her a soft look.

The trio of cheerleaders cheer for the girl in a subdued way, except for Sonata who shouts her name with enthusiasm.

Sunset relaxes her shoulders, her smile lingers for another minute before erasing it. She stays serious, but she calms down.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

The competition ends not long after. Applejack, Fluttershy and Sunseen denote very precise assembly, while Baton and Vinyl end up with various errors. The rest have intermediate results.

Crystal is similar, with Sugarcoat and Twilight getting a correct set up in no time. Indigo and Lemon have poor precision, the rest is fair. Except for Lightning Dust, whose skeleton is very loosely armed with even bones that weren’t included and are left out. The girl doesn’t seem to care, though.

“I’m here to win the sports competition. I won’t bother about anything else,” the blonde tells herself.

Minutes later. Cadence argues with the other judges and then speaks. “After the count, I must announce a draw in this competition.”

“A draw?!”

The announcement wins surprise, amazement and in some students disgust.

Celestia takes the word. “For this reason, it has been agreed to award a victory to each team. This leaves Canterlot with 3 wins and Crystal with 4. “

The news doesn’t make anyone happy. Instead, everyone seems upset. But it doesn’t last long as most decide to accept it and prepare for the next event.

Sunset, on her part, is still surprised and concerned as she leaves her position ready to leave the room after her team.

Lightning Dust’s voice stops her.

“A draw is a waste of time.”

“… Go to complain to the judges. I don’t put the qualifications.“ Sunset answers somewhat annoyed.

“Maybe not, but it’s your duty to give us victory. If we lose- “

“It won’t happen!” Sunset exclaims turning to the blonde with a serious gesture. “We won’t lose. Not while I’m here.“

They both look at each other. Determination and seriousness in her eyes.

Lightning breaks eye contact and walks away. “I hope so. I want to believe in you, Shimmer. You gave us victory a long time ago and I want to think that you can do it again. I hope you don’t disappoint me.“

That word chills Sunset. She feels a chill run through her body, and again her head fills with bad images.

Sunset grabs her head and stifles a growl to try to push them away. Somehow her whole body feels cold but she resists.

With sheer determination in her gesture, she prepares to continue. “We aren’t going to lose.”