• Published 25th Sep 2023
  • 5,953 Views, 589 Comments

For My Beloved: Sunshine. - ZaDrEx

A human with little knowledge of his past finds himself in Equestria. They decide to make the most of it. But life as always makes stuff confusing and full of twists as they grow and learn in the new world they now live in.

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Chapter IX: Livin' On A Prayer.

Pearl and I trotted down the Canterlot streets once again, this time we both ate ice cream as we went down to our home. I had a vanilla one, and Pearl had chocolate. Not that it's really important, but I wanted to address that fact nonetheless. Vanilla is the best flavor, and no one can tell me otherwise.

Anyway... I was still feeling shaken up from the exam, sure I made it in, but there were still things I wasn't so sure about. The reactions I got from everyone and this weird feeling of being the center of attention weren't what I really wanted.

My mom said the examiners were surprised by 'my magical abilities.' and 'my control over the spell' Which I found rather hard to believe. From what I could see they were scared and confused, not necessarily surprised, and what's more, they knew something, or rather they acted like something horrifying was going on.

I wasn't born yesterday to not see that, even though I have this weird ability to tell what ponies feel deep down, I'm pretty sure anyone could spot that something was definitely off with that examination.

I still don't know much about magic, it might be that I used something I shouldn't. But I can't think of any branch of magic that would cause such reactions, I mean, I did everything I did back home.

I lifted the objects using my levitation spell, granted, I had never used so much mana and lifted so many objects before, that's why I had to get creative. But surely the magic is the same as before right? I mean, I lift stuff into the air all the time, and no one, my mom, sisters, or my dad says anything. And while my magic hue is red, it still doesn't explain what I did so 'wrong' to get that reaction.

It's not blood magic because from what I gathered it would hurt me to use it, it's definitely not dark or forbidden magic, because it would definitely cause some chaos and most likely make me go blind or something. And it's definitely not some divine magic either, since from what I read, only Princess Celestia can use that branch of magic, which is linked to her controlling the sun and all.

Side note, I still don't believe someone can just 'lift' the sun, but time will verify that. There's something called 'Summer Sun Celebration' in a few weeks, and I intend to go with my mom and sisters.

But in conclusion, whatever I did, I have to find a way to replicate it. I can't just go around and pretend it didn't happen. I also think that it would be best for me to keep a low profile from now on since I sense that being someone who just 'happens' to perform magic on such a level that everyone panics isn't going to win me any awards but make me constantly watched by staff and teachers.

On our way home, I noticed that my mom really wanted to say more about it, but for some reason, she just brushed it off like it wasn't important.

I know I really wanted to get into CSFGU, but now... I feel like it will bring me more problems than opportunities, but I guess it's too late now, I have to drink the coffee I brew and live with the consequences of my actions.

Twenty-four foals and fillies got in. And I'm one of them, but how did I score amongst them? Mom said I had the best-written test in the group, so I guess somewhere in the middle.

That being said. I have now two options to adapt to this new environment.

Option one is to blend in, try to not stick out, and learn as much as I can. Which I tried before, and it didn't end particularly well. So my only option left is to 'force' myself into being friends with others and try to be active. It's completely one hundred and eighty from my usual character and appearance, and it will definitely be hard. But hey, I proved to myself that it's possible when I made Twilight my first friend. So I guess it's not impossible, I just have to try really hard. And who knows, maybe Twilight got in too, and we can be friends on a daily basis? That would definitely help make more friends too.

I just wish that there won't be more ponies like Tender Seed. While they are easy to deal with, they are such a pain in the ass.

I feel like this time I can really learn something useful, maybe some crazy spells that will help me earn some easy money later on in life, or some complex potions that would turn me back into a human. The possibilities are endless, and I can't wait to learn everything I can.

Even now, I still have such a need to learn, I figured I would get bored after a few years here, but the only amount of information I can get from books and ponies makes me want to achieve more and more. I just hope that I can find some solution to my appearance soon.

Since I think I look cute, there have to be some other ponies that think so as well, like my grandpa. He always comments on my appearance like it's something incredibly special and rare. It makes me feel special too, and I love him for that. Even though he is sometimes rather... Brutal, let's just say...

I remember Sunset telling me that one story about him...

One day his radio didn't work properly, so he took it to the repair shop. They couldn't repair it, because it was too old, and spare parts for such technology didn't exist anymore, so he decided to 'repair' it himself, in front of the staff in the shop. Long story short, he broke five different tools and destroyed a completely new radio. What's more, they said he had to pay for the damages and even sent an invoice to him, but surprisingly, two days later they came to his house and apologized like it was their fault.

Apparently, Sunset says that Grandpa has some 'influential' friends somewhere in Canterlot. I just hope he isn't part of some kind of mafia or something.

Coming back to my appearance. I hope I can find a solution to it. I don't want to change myself or dye my mane and fur, because not only a mom would not allow it, but I would also feel like I forced myself to fit society's standards, and I'd hate that.

I want to be me, Aurora Moonlight, a dark-colored unicorn mare with red eyes and a long grey mane. If not changing myself means others will treat me the same as they used to... Fine, I can adapt.

What matters is that I value real friendships, not those built on appearances and societal rules and trends. That's why I have to balance the line between making friends and making real friends. In the end, only real friends will remain, and that's what matters.

Seven days later.

Today is the day. First day of school. The Opening ceremony is where Princess Celestia will officially start the new school term.

I feel anxious, knowing that today is really important. I need to stay cool, don't act irrationally, and focus on making friends. I will not fail, and I will prove that I can do this.

Moving for the first time on my own up the Canterlot districts fills me with a mixture of different emotions, but the main one is as always curiosity. I'm almost eight now, and that's the time I need to think about my future. I will graduate somewhere around seventeen, and I should really start thinking about what I will be doing.

As I cross the gate to the Culture and Science district I start to think about my cutie mark. I should be getting my own mark soon, and sometimes if not most of the time, it sets your future in place. Most ponies, like my mom, decide to pursue their mark with special meaning. Abandoning their current plans and making new ones.

Not that it's inefficient, but I think that's also very manipulative. Cutie mark roots are set deep in history, ranging back to the Stone Age for ponies, and the meaning of cutie mark was never truly understood. Some ponies directly decided to pursue the opposite of their mark meaning, and that didn't end well.

Still, there are instances where ponies with cutie marks indicating something very specific, can achieve goals in different fields, like science or sport. Take for example Clover The Clever from the beginning of Equestria. Her cutie mark indicates luck, as a clover. But she achieved many different things in her lifetime. She was the head of finances, culture, and science, not to mention her magic developments that made ponies understand how magic interacts with things and living creatures.

Or Star Swirl the Bearded. A brilliant scholar with an affinity for magic and astronomy. His scientific work did include things like gardening or alchemy as well.

That means your cutie mark boosts your natural affinity to certain things but doesn't limit you. You can be simply bad at bowling, and great at flying, but your cutie mark can tell you that you are the best at brewing tea.

It's very interesting to think what my cutie mark would be. So interesting in fact, that I didn't see a pole right in front of me and smacked right into it.

"Ouch!" I grumbled as I stood up, looking around me to see if anyone had seen that. The hit wasn't painful, but embarrassing. Luckily for me, the street I was on was empty. And it was really close to CSFGU too, so my daydreaming didn't lead me somewhere else accidentally.

Sometimes I like to overthink stuff, and it often results in situations like this. I just hope everything goes right today...

"Okay, here we go." I said moving past the gate to the school entrance, the opening ceremony will start in ten minutes, and I could already see fillies and colts going inside the school. Moving past the main square of the school front, I made my way to the staircase that led to the entrance.

I checked my appearance one last time in the crystal clear glass of the school doors before using my magic to open them. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the busy hall of the school caught me off guard. There were ponies on their last year, and first scattered around the main entrance, I could also see some teachers and staff members roaming around the room, trying to sort everyone.

I stepped inside, and decided to keep a low profile, moving to the shadowy corner I trotted past some teenage colts and a few mares before arriving where most of the first years were.

I decided to simply stand still, and listen to announcements as they were made. But at the same time try to see if I could spot Twilight or anyone I knew.

And to both my surprise and hatred I managed to not only see Twilight Sparkle in the first row but also Tender Seed, right behind her.

I wanted to scream at such cruelty of life, making me live with that bastard again, but also giving me a chance to finally have friends such as Twilight. I decided not to try my luck right now, because I could see that the teachers started to address each year individually.

"First years." A tall unicorn stallion with pink eyes and a silver mane stood in front of our group. "My name is River Song, and I will be your class guardian this year, I'm sure you are eager to learn. But before that, we will have an opening ceremony in the main hall, please follow me." He said, motioning with his hoof to our group to follow him.

Soon, everyone started to move, and we poured into the large hall in the center of the school. There were hundreds of ponies and everyone quickly took a seat. I managed to stick to the side, and I was pretty sure everyone was too focused on what was going on to see me.

As soon as the last pony took their place, a complete silence filled the room. The stage with a red carpet opened and a podium appeared. In the middle of the stage, stood Princess Celestia. And behind her twenty or so teachers. There were also staff members like cleaners, maids, and butlers in the corners of the room which made me think I was in Canterlot Castle and not in CSFGU, but I digress.

Princess Celestia smiled and looked around the room, emitting positivity and hope, her eyes were more lively than a week ago, and I could see she was really happy for some reason. Especially when she looked at the first row of ponies, where Twilight, Tender Seed, and other first-years sat. I was on the third row, but still in the same group. So I guess she really likes new students.

"Good morning students." She stated, her melodic voice brushing past everyone's ears. "It brings me great joy to welcome you new year at our wonderful school in Equestria. To all the new students who have just joined us, I extend my warmest greetings and I officially welcome you to our school. Your scientific journey begins here, and I am certain it will be a magical one."

She paused and then continued "And to our returning students, it's always a pleasure to see your familiar faces here in the
school halls once again. I hope you're ready for another exciting year filled with learning and adventure with our staff. I would also like to remind everyone that inside those halls I'm your headmistress, not Princess, please remember that as you address my person in your work."

Some students signed at that, most likely due to the high amount of accidents when they addressed Headmistress Celestia as Princess in their work. "Now, let the new school year begin, and may it be filled with friendship, harmony, and endless possibilities. Have a productive and harmonious year, my dear students!"

I would say the assembly went well. Everyone quickly got over the fact that Princess was going to be teaching us from time to time, and we started to follow River Song once again, this time to our first class on the first floor.

I tried to stick close but out of sight, and so far I managed to do so flawlessly, even with Tender Seed so near. But as we finally got to the classroom itself I noticed that most of my fellow students were starting to look around and make small talk, which meant I would find myself in 'this' situation once again. I managed however to sit down near the corner of the room, and that brought me a couple more minutes until the inevitable actually happened and I had to introduce myself.

"Alright, everyone is seated? Good. Let me start by congratulating you on passing the examination, you are another generation of students that will make our country proud. Remember, you are the elite Canterlot students, and you should act accordingly." He smiled and paused looking around the room.

His eyes brushed past me, noticing me, but I didn't feel any change in his behavior or attitude, because he continued like nothing ever happened. Most likely he already knows what we look like and the surprise element is already gone, but I still want to know what he thinks of me since he is our guardian after all.

"Once again, my name is River Song, and I will be your guardian this year." He paused for us to register his name properly and then continued once again. "Now, I want you to introduce and tell three things about yourself. We will start from the first row." He motioned to a filly to stand.

As she stood I could see that she had a very long beautiful ruby mane and reddish fur. There were freckles on her face, and if I had to guess, she resembled someone ginger in appearance. Her eyes were deep royal blue, and from what I could see, she was a bit chubbier than most fillies, not by a lot, but noticeable on her flanks and legs.

Soon, she answered the call to introduce herself in the rather heavily accented voice of someone from Ireland

"Shining Scarlet is ma name. I've been travelin' with ma pa and ma for a while naw. I've also got meself a fluffy dog named Vinna, and I've a bit of a knack for singin'" She said in a confident voice, before sitting down pleased with herself.

I was pretty sure that if she continued speaking I would have to check my sugar levels. That was so cute... I never imagined someone with such a strong and aggressive accent could sound so cute! But I guess I live in a 'magical pony world' so anything goes really...

I can't figure out why, but the fact that she spoke in perfect Irish, with Ireland not being anywhere to be found here made me once again think that this whole thing is some kind of joke. But I quickly remembered that it was not, as I lived for almost eight years now. She could probably tell me that she is from 'Irehoof' or 'Trotland', considering there are places like 'Prance' or 'Saddle Arabia' here.

Anyhow, other ponies stood up and introduced themselves. Names like: Cloud Skip, Clear Skies, Melody Blue, Fancy Silver, Shadow Heart, Sugar Fly, Pop Twist, Winter Coat, Fortune Favor, Top Shot, Soft Hooves, Moon Dancer, and others could be heard. There were a lot of fillies, eighteen, in fact, leaving only six colts in a total of twenty-six foals me included.

There was of course Tender Seed too. Apparently, his 'three things' about himself are 'running', 'magic' and 'learning' which with how he scored on every test in kindergarten, I find hard to believe.

Twilight Sparkle was buzzing with energy as her turn to introduce herself came, she shot up, and as if she practiced it, introduced herself too.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. I love books, my family, and Princess Celestia. I can't wait to learn how to become an unicorn like Starswirl The Bearded!" She smiled and sat down, the teacher chuckled and moved on.

After a few more colts and fillies, it finally came to me, and I still don't know how I managed to stay hidden from sight all this time, but now, everyone's eyes were focusing on me as I stood up. Before I even said my name I could hear a gasp from Tender Seed in the third row, which made me smirk in his direction out of pure spite.

"My name is Aurora Moonlight. I like to learn new things and go on adventures, in my spare time, I train my body and mind. I hope I can be friends with you." I said, slowly sitting down.

The reactions were... Mixed. Suffice it to say, no one screamed or commented on my appearance, but there still is this dread in the air present from some students. However, I found that a couple of them actually didn't mind my presence, or didn't care if I was there. Either way, it's a plus in my book.

The only positive reaction was from Twilight, who smiled and waved at me from the third row. I waved back, trying desperately to appear as friendly and not dangerous. Hopefully, I can maintain that appearance long enough to be considered a 'normal' pony around here. Slim chances, but there's hope.

The 'lesson' was mostly about organization and school etiquette, with some questions about Princess Celestia and other teachers mixed in. I found out about a few different things I didn't know earlier and made a mental note to not appear like I knew everything, since it would make me the center of attention, and that is a very easy way to lose reliability with others. Especially when I look like this.

As our first lesson ended, we were given five minutes before the next one started, and we were also informed that this class with be our main classroom, with some subjects like alchemy or physicals in separate classrooms.

During that time when River Song left the classroom, we were free to chat for five minutes until the next teacher came. So I took that opportunity to get to Twilight.

Moving past a few fillies and colts which made surprised head turns at me, I arrived at Twilight's desk.

"Hey Twilight. I guess we both made it in." I said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Yes! And I can't wait for the classes to start! You should come back to your desk, the next lesson will start soon!" She replied excitedly.

"So we talk later?" I asked, giving her a small smile.

"Yes, if there's time." She replied, shuffling her supplies on her desk.

"Okay." I replied, making my way to my own desk, but suddenly a whisper from behind me made my head turn.

"Trying to make friends now Umbra? Or looking for someone new to bully?" The voice of Tender Seed made my blood boil. Quickly remembering that I promised my mom and myself, I decided to only resort to calm and intelligent comebacks.

"If you are going to act the same, I won't have to do anything to you. You will kicked out in a few weeks. But please, go ahead, spread rumors about me being mean all you want, I'm sure that will help your situation." I replied, smirking at him, and making sure everyone nearby heard that.

I could hear his monkey brain smashing two plates for a comeback as I walked to my desk, and sat down. I could see in his eyes that he finally figured something clever to reply, but was unable to because the doors opened and the next lesson began...

Author's Note:

Names for students/teachers were suggested by: dataumbreon [Modified them a little bit]

The first thing I want to address is that I had to look up what an Irish person would sound like, and I even used ChatGPT to make some examples. (Don't worry I didn't use it to write anything in the story.) But if it still doesn't sound right, I'm sorry. I'm from Poland, and I don't know English accents very well, but I wanted to use it to enhance characters and make them more life-like.

I also didn't want to describe everyone in the room since I won't use those characters anyway, so I decided to slowly add new characters based on their importance in the story so that I can get used to them as the story goes forward.

And I won't be getting into many details about the routine lives of everyone from now on, focusing on emotions/story will be my get-go, since everything about the lifestyle of Aurora so far is familiar to you.

The last thing I want to address is that I will be making chapters longer [5-6k words] but changing the upload rate from a week to two weeks (roughly), since it's easier for me to work on the chapter two times for two or three hours, than one time for four or six.

Song: Livin' On A Prayer.