• Published 25th Sep 2023
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For My Beloved: Sunshine. - ZaDrEx

A human with little knowledge of his past finds himself in Equestria. They decide to make the most of it. But life as always makes stuff confusing and full of twists as they grow and learn in the new world they now live in.

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Chapter XV: Lose Yourself

After the 'incident' with Tender Seed I became more aware of my body and how ponies grow up. I started to invest a little bit more time in studying exactly how ponies work on a biological level and what exactly makes a pony a 'pony'. Much of it was spent figuring out different bone groups, muscles and how they react with magic. I also spent some time reading about what alicorns actually inherited from each pony tribe and studying the heat cycles of mares for good measure.

However, the main goal of my investigation stayed the same. I wanted to figure out what exactly was Celestia's goal, and her connections to those events that supposedly happened in the past. I made some smaller discoveries along the way, but nothing really groundbreaking.

For example, I found some interesting habits of Princess Celestia. Like going on a stroll down main Canterlot roads every few weeks or what she was learning Twilight. Both of those things I learned by following her around when she wasn't guarded. So mostly during school time and when I could spot her from a distance on her trips.

She didn't actually do much on those, just some light shopping, by shopping I mean sending a pony to grab stuff from a shop, and enjoying light conversation with ponies that passed her. She often likes to drink tea near the palace in the most luxurious cafe I could ever dream of affording, and surprisingly she often reads a book while doing so. I originally thought that she had memorized everything written in books over millennia, but maybe once something new appears she just reads it right away.

With Twilight, it was easier. I just asked what she was working on once in a while, and just matched it with correct books or tomes in the library. It seems that the rules about what we learn apply to everypony, except those whom Princess Celestia teaches personally. Twilight these days acted like a lonely nerd, she didn't come out of her studies, besides classes, and she often just disappeared before anyone could invite her to hand out. Not that I cared about her anymore.

I just wanted to know what Celestia thinks and does.

So far, the only real lead I had was the Castle Of The Twin Sisters in Everfree Forest and its history. I plan to go there in the near future. I had this idea a long time ago, but between studies and learning magic, there wasn't much time for traveling, not to mention my age at that time. Nothing more could be gained from observing her from a distance and it's dangerous if the guards spot me several times. I can't however shake off the feeling that the guards who usually stay beside her just don't give a fuck about what she does or where she goes.

Maybe because she is just that powerful, they think nothing can even scratch her, or they are just so bored while doing the same job over and over. I honestly can't imagine that the job is entertaining. However, they are in the royal guard, so it's their duty to protect the princess. Even if she can defend herself pretty well, if not better than them.

Going back to the topic of Everfree, and the Castle Of The Twin Sisters.

Since now I have much more free time and freedom than I had when I was younger I'm confident I'm ready to explore some world. I'm fifteen now, and I have my own savings from doing chores and helping neighbors. So a visit to Ponyville and then Everfree wasn't out of the window. At least financially.

That being said... The Everfree Forest isn't exactly a safe place to visit. There are few places in Equestria that are extremely dangerous, and Everfree is one of them. The most crucial points of danger in the forest are the fact that it lives its own life, the weather is unpredictable and monsters roam free. So, in order to prepare myself for this trip I had to do many important things.

First I had to secure a time period when I could go and do my research and come back before anyone figured out I was gone. That part was easy since there was the summer break coming up. So, after talking with Scarlet, I decided to form a plan.

I would tell my mom that I was going to stay with Scarlet for a few days because I wanted to study for a summer assignment. Scarlet on the other hand was going to pretend that I was staying in her house. Which once again, was easy, since we had done a few sleepovers before, and our mothers knew each other now pretty well, so they were okay with us staying over, even without talking about it. It's good to finally have a friend I can rely on. Even if Scarlet seems a bit weird sometimes, she is genuinely a great pony.

It was harder however to secure a ticket to Ponyville since they only sell to those who are sixteen plus, but I managed to buy one via an older pony who agreed to buy one for a bit of money for... 'An adult juice' let's say... So that was set.

I also had to prepare some food and tools I would need to traverse the forest and reach my destination. A compass, some water, rations, a flashlight, a small knife, and a sleeping bag. There weren't any maps of the Everfree Forest, so I decided to bring a paper and a quill to map the route I was taking. I even knew a nifty spell to map my movement! Those long nights in the library finally paid off.

Surprisingly, it all fit nicely inside my school bags. And with that out of the way, I was ready. I settled on a nice summer break morning, and as the train to Ponyville arrived, I hopped in. Put my bags on the early empty seat of the wagon, and smiled as the steam locomotive started to roll down the hill of Canterlot.

Of course, there was also one more thing I had to do before actually going into the forest which I didn't explain earlier.

Magic Training.

Two months before the trip.

So, in order to survive in the Everfree Forest I had to learn much more aggressive spells than I normally learned which were more useful in my daily life than on the battlefield. My elemental magic fire and water, became the base for other spells I decided to learn at that time.

First I decided to learn how to properly control flames. So far, the only thing I did was to create fire with my horn and direct it on a target of my choice. However, a much more destructive approach of mine was to create a fire inside the thing I was targeting, to destroy it from within. Some kind of Amaterasu.

And let me tell you, easier said than done. The problem with that approach was that it's easy to create a fire where your magic currently is. But at long distances, it is almost impossible, since the distance increases the mana you need to pour to reach your target multiple times and the fact that it's so slow makes it a very hard task to do.

I found it much easier to just copy the elemental book approach, which was to strike the target with a little bit of mana and set it on fire by pinching the pressure into one small point. Not the same as making them burn from within, but definitely more efficient in terms of using mana.

All of my magic practices were conducted in the depths of the hidden library so that no one could see me, and report me for doing something dangerous or forbidden.

I started with a small wooden ball I bought at a toy store and focused my levitation magic on it. Pushing it far from myself to form distance between us. After a good ten meters, I decided it was enough for me to start testing.

I could feel the magic envelop the ball, so I started to apply more and more pressure and mana to one single point, it didn't take long to catch fire, and then burn to ash a few seconds later.

I tried this approach many times with different objects, and after a while, I got the hang of it. I also tried to put the object far away and shoot concentrated magic at it to achieve the same result. Why I was doing this? Magic beasts of course. Those monsters and beasts I can't grab with my levitation magic, due to either their natural resistance to magic or their size I decided to simply strike them with a clean magic missile.

Take for example timberwolves, the race of wooden wolves that live in Everfree Forest. Their bark is resistant to pulling and manipulating, but very easy to burn, that's why they do not like any light, and they run from fire. The same thing, however, wouldn't work on a manticore or hydra. This is exactly why I decided to learn some water and ice magic too. But that came with another series of problems.

Simply put, water is heavy. I can't hold it for long. So my plan was to either turn them into ice projectiles or focus on high-precision projectiles.

Having no idea how to push water faster than I could pull it with levitation, I decided to read some more books about controlling magic. The conclusion was simple, I had to learn how to control my mana better. That way, I can put more pressure on one end of it, and release it to create fast movement. A bit more tricky than just compressing it in place.

The best way to do it was by making ice apparently. At least that's what the elemental magic books recommended. It overlapped with my elemental studies, which was great.

Ice can be created by stopping the movement of mana inside the target. Basically by manipulating molecules. This however is a heavy task. I could definitely slow down my mana movement, but freezing it entirely required focus.

The books mentioned meditation a few times, so I gave it a try, even though I never meditated seriously before. I sat down on a rag and pulled some water from my bottle. Focused on moving it around me in a circle while trying to slow it down as much as I could. It was taxing, and I could only do so for a few minutes.

It took a few tries to slow it down, and even more to make water barely move. However, making it completely stop was hard. It required me to not only expand my mana pool to twice my original size via heavy magic lifting but also by making me think of every water molecule separately. It took me nearly a hundred hours to finally see some results of this training.

After one attempt I opened my eyes, and the water dropped to the floor with a splash, I breathed a long sigh since it was my last attempt of the day. I thought at the time that I failed once again, but to my surprise, one small clump of water turned into small ice shards that immediately started to melt on the floor.

I was shocked to finally see it work, and the meditation proved much more useful in making me control my mana better than I originally thought. So far those elemental sessions made me do more progress in my magic studies than any other spells I tried in the past.

I began to wonder if it was because it was high-level magic that the books mentioned, or simply the addition of making my mana flow better and stronger. Either way, that was really nice to see some results after months and years of dedication to the craft. I managed to create a few ice shards after another fifty or so hours, and by the end, I was able to make them in seconds.

The pulling and releasing high-density mana under pressure was another thing I practiced over and over, but eventually, I could quickly 'draw' an ice arrow and push it as fast as the real one.

The only things I wanted to practice some more before the trip were shields and barriers.

They were complicated too. Simple shields just require you to place your magic in front of you in a tight space. Ineffective and very easy to break by projectile and force. Those are the ones taught by the school. And even a foal could do those with enough practice.

The 'Art of Defence' By Starcoat Platinium showed me that there's much more to magic shields than I thought. Magic shields are a diverse craft and they apply to every magic differently. You can add almost any magic type to the barrier to repel the same or other elements, generally, it works best to apply the same element to the barrier you are creating, but for example, blood magic isn't going to be a simple feat to add without a price to pay, nor dark magic.

However, you can create different layers of magic barriers. Applying many different layers makes the barrier more sturdy and hard to penetrate, but also resistant to more elements.

Starting with your own magic, and mana, you create a thin layer in front of you. Then you apply another layer and another, so it forms something like lasagne. The more layers, the better it is. But it's important to keep them as tiny as possible. The book mentions they should not be thicker than a parchment sheet. That's enough to stop at least an arrow with three layers stacked.

I once again found myself in deep concentration on making sure the mana was as evenly spread as possible, while the layer was as small as possible. I didn't know if I could actually do it before the trip, but I at least managed to get it as thick as two parchment sheets. Adding layers to that was simple for the first two, but hard for the third, taxing at the fourth, and impossible at my current level for the fifth.

I wasn't going to add any elemental enchantments to it because quite frankly, it involved making sure you can manipulate a few different elements at the same time, or one element a few layers at a time.

That's definitely something I will train some more but for now. That simple barrier should be enough to stand at least frontal attacks. Expanding on its size and strength would come naturally as I train.


While the train rolled down the mountain, I started to wonder how my trip would go. There were things in this world that seemed completely out of control, but if I could figure out my place in the grand scheme of things, I could form a plan and prepare myself for the future to come.

My childhood wasn't easy. My teenage years seemed much more peaceful, but no one knows what the future holds. I want to become someone I can be proud of, be it a powerful traveling mage, or a simple mare with a lot of talents, living peacefully in some rural village.

I glanced out of the window. I could see the small town of Ponyville stretch at the horizon, with its vast open fields, apple orchards, and town square buzzing with activity. I wondered how that place would feel to live in. How different than Canterlot it would be, and how ponies reacted to me there.

I was much older now, it wasn't appropriate to call me out on my appearance anymore, even if most still gave me a side eye once in a while. I acted differently and the hormones of my young body finally started to mature. In the near future, when I finish CSFGU, I will need to think about moving out. Not that I don't like living with Mom and Granny, but when Sunset and Shine visit, I can see them much happier to be finally out of the Canterlot and its politics.

The city is great for tourism and business, but for living? Not so much in my opinion. And I could do much more research on magic in the field, than in a closed sewage-smelling library.

My thoughts however got interrupted as the train started to slow down with the audible sound of brakes rubbing against metal rails. I grabbed my bag, and as the train stopped, I hopped down the small wooden platform. Seeing the Canterlot from a distance for the first time in my life.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. I will try to make the next one a bit longer.

I tried to come back to writing a few times, but I had many stuff overlapping in real life.
If anything doesn't seem consistent with old chapters, please tell me so. I re-read them myself since I haven't touched the story for a month, but sometimes my mind slips.

I'm trying to get to important things now, so things will start to escalate soon.

Song: SONG