• Published 25th Sep 2023
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For My Beloved: Sunshine. - ZaDrEx

A human with little knowledge of his past finds himself in Equestria. They decide to make the most of it. But life as always makes stuff confusing and full of twists as they grow and learn in the new world they now live in.

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Chapter VIII: The Wolf.


'Dear sister... I want to see you so badly... You don't understand how I miss you...' I thought as the door finally closed. The mare finally left, and I was once again left alone with other teachers in the same kind of fashion as what happened earlier...

"May I ask, why do you think she can be trusted with this?" Orion asked me with his brow raised.

Why indeed... I think I don't have a choice right now, there are things in motion that might lead to something great... And 'this' happening was not one of them.

"Master Orion, I understand your concerns, but my decision is final. There are things I need to focus on, and that filly... Is not what I need right now, but I can't risk anything regarding this... Her development." I said, looking out of the window, observing the filly with her mother leave the premises of the school.

'It's not always an easy choice, but always the right one...' I thought.

A thousand years of waiting... Why now?

"I will be leaving now, I think I already have twenty-four students selected. Thank you all for being so nice to allow me this, while I can't share details regarding this, it's really important." I said, looking at the teachers who even though they were tired, smiled at me.

Everything I do, I do for you... my little ponies.

"Emmm... Your Majesty, one last thing... Your appearance?" Crystal Glass, History teacher commented.

Oh, right. Old age finally caught up to me, huh? Or is it the rush of emotions today has brought?

"Of course. Thank you my little pony." I said, shifting the spell and dropping the illusion of Strict Quill.

Sometimes I wish I could stay like that... Be free to think, and act however I want... But alas... Being a princess comes with a cost, that cost is making the right decisions, and most of the time, it's the opposite of what you want to do.

"I will take my leave. I shall see you at the opening ceremony in a week." I smiled, as they bowed and collected their notes before leaving.

Do they really need to bow every single time? I'm a headmistress here... I should really think of a law that forces them to treat me like one... At least foals don't bow...

Right... Foals...

Now I have to sort their references and sign them into groups... If only I could just focus on Twilight...

After teleporting back to my room, I took the exams to my desk, making sure to separate them into three piles. First were those who were simply good enough. Then there were exceptions. And then... Those two...

Everything needs to be perfect if I am to succeed in ten years... Twilight needs to learn, discover herself, and make friends. I have to see where I can find five potential candidates...

I dismissed everything and everyone for the evening. I want to make sure I have a backup plan, I don't want a second Sunset Shimmer... Even though I wish she would come back one day... It's been two years already...

No... I can't think of that right now. The plan was good, the problem lay in executing it. I already corrected those mistakes, and this time it will work... It has to...

Looking into the first exams, it became rather obvious that there were some more brilliant foals this year, but they lacked skill in time management, and only a few got to the seventh question. None however got any correct answers in the last ten, even if they cared to look there. Disappointing.

Every ten years, I change the format. Searching for some kind of basis I could grow another generation on, I want everyone to be brilliant schoolers and scientists, but often those who lack vision even at a young age, stay in the same place all their lives. I need to change my ways of teaching every so often, to make sure they expand their knowledge and use their creativity.

The last sixty years were... Not great... No major advancements, not a single new culture forming... Hopefully, this time there will be different results...

Who am I kidding... Every ten years, I make questions easier and easier... And somehow, the score stays the same... The last ten questions haven't been changed for the last hundred years, and no one could answer all of them even once since then.

I feel like I'm making my ponies more stupid... But at the same time... Safe...

It's just an illusion. A lie to make them think I'm making sure that they are all brilliant, cared for, equal... And while I'm trying to do that... It's still a lie.

I know I can't compare my ponies to those who lived hundreds or thousands of years ago but... They lack instincts. They live comfortably all their lives. But they don't realize the world hasn't changed that much outside Equestria.

Everywhere you look, North, South... Even across the sea in Griffonia(*) the world is still covered in blood and gore. Creatures live poorly and without the magic of harmony.

For how long can I keep this up?

What would I do if the Griffonian Empire attacked right now? They already showed their aggression in the past, raiding villages, making me sign treaties that don't benefit Equestria... And their recent actions towards border patrol...

How long can I hold the peace? How long till I have to take my spear in my hoof again, strike and kill...


I can't think like this. Believe in harmony, believe in magic... Believe in Twilight...

She will succeed, she will defeat Nightmare Moon. And she will become a princess. I just need to stick to my plan. Everything will work out. I can delay, I can adapt. Everything will be fine.

I looked down at the 'exception' pile. Tender Seed, Shining Scarlet, Cloud Skip, Top Shot, Soft Hooves, Moon Dancer. Those few have either good scores or were clever enough to answer at least one or more questions for the ten points correctly.

Tender Seed... Even though he has good magic handling and a decent score, he definitely has anger issues, his actions in the kindergarten speak for themselves. I will need to make sure he doesn't create problems during off-school hours.

Shining Scarlet... I feel like she doesn't want to be here... Perhaps her mother forced her to apply? I will try to make her plan easy so she can adapt well and learn to love being at CSFGU.

Cloud Skip is the only foal that managed to lift more than a hundred balls into the air. Definitely should keep an eye on that one. She could prove like a good asset later on.

Top Shot. Very cocky, and will need a lesson about losing early in his education. But other than that, he will definitely become one of the best students this year. If he is as good in magic as he is in alchemy, he will become one of the best in the field.

Soft Hooves... That filly has potential, but she is scared of others' opinion of her. I will need to reach out to her personally, invite her to speak up, and try to make friends, it would definitely be good to persuade Twilight to be her friend... Or is it still too early for that?

Moon Dancer... Dancer's family has been scientists for over seven hundred years, I believe that won't change since she had the third-best score on the test.

Stamping their files, I looked at the clock. It was already late, and I only had a little more time before I had to lower the sun, however... There's still one pony I need to... Inspect...

I moved the Twilight file to the side and focused on the one in front of me.

Aurora. Aurora Moonlight...

A flash of her face on the cover made me frown. Why does she look like that... Mutation? Perhaps... After all, magic can't exist without a rainbow...So she might have colors in her DNA, but her organism doesn't produce them for some reason. She has magic, definitely. But why does it feel... Different? Alien? I don't understand it...

If only Luna were here... She was always better at understanding such things...

I have to make sure that she won't grow up to be a problem. Even if it means that I have to lie and cheat to achieve that.

A few hours earlier...

'I can't believe my eyes!'

'What is this?!'

'This... can't be?!'

I had to make her lose connection fast!

"AAAAHHHHH!" I screamed, making her drop all the glass balls to the floor. I hoped that nothing bad would happen to them when they touched the ground. And to my relief, they simply bounced before settling down.

'That was close...' I thought.

I saw Master Orion look at me, he understood instantly what I wanted him to do. He approached the filly and started to talk to her while I moved back to the desk to inform the teachers what was happening.

'I can't lose my temper. She can't be... his foal right? No... No, Sombra... Never had any children... But her eyes... So... Bloody... In all my years I never saw a filly look into my eyes, and try to penetrate them the way she did! I thought only brilliant strategists and leaders were able to do that on this level...' I moved to the other teachers to explain the situation, I didn't want them to panic over my reaction... They know I'm here in disguise, but they will protect me nonetheless if they need to...

'And that magic... Red, but that can be a coincidence. But that spell! I know that spell! That's not levitation! That's advanced object manipulation! She could tear those balls apart if she wanted to! Change them into any shape, mend, forge, and transform them! How did she learn that spell? Is it an illusion? No, can't be... I would know...' I thought as the filly began to move out of the room, Orion Comet instructing her to go to her mother and ask her to wait.

"Everything is alright, stay here, I will explain the situation to her mother. Continue with the examination." I whispered to the teachers. Moving to the hallway I explained to the parents that the exam was not over. Moving to the filly mother next... One of the two mares that caused chaos in the hallway earlier. That can't be a good sign...

"Please stay after we evaluate other foals please, I will need to speak with you and the other teachers." I whispered in her ear, feeling her shiver, panic... She nodded. I also asked about her name, but I haven't recalled anyone named Pearl Moonlight before...

I moved back into the room. Master Orion continued the examination as I stood beside him, keeping track of the scores, and observing the foals. In my mind, there were questions I wanted answers to, many questions...

'Who is Aurora Moonlight...? Or the better question is... What she is?'

'The only other ponies beside me that know that spell are a few brilliant scholars over the years, Star Swirl, and... Luna. While it's a simple spell once you know the basics of how it works... One mistake... And...' Images of the young colt trying to impress me long ago flashed in my eyes... 'So much blood...' I cringed at the memory.

Is there a possibility she could've learned the wrong spell by accident? No... It had to be a fluke, some kind of... Magic mishap... The only way to learn that is to use a levitation spell with two other spells together... 'Atomic Distribution' and 'Similarity'.

Both were created by Star Swirl during his studies on matter and anti-matter. But those spells are lost in time, there are no records left. The only logical answer would be she knew how to use both 'Atomic Distribution' and 'Similarity'. But how?

She is just a filly...



I feel sick. Everything was going so perfectly... Twilight Sparkle proved that she is the chosen one, the sonic rainbow... Everything... Why then, do I have to watch out for this filly now?! Is this life's way of punishing me for banishing my sister!? Haven't I had enough!?



The pen I was holding fell to the ground in two pieces. Master Orion's eyes became small pins in sockets as he looked at me. I felt fury in my body.

I wanted that filly de-...



No... Celestia... Stop...

"It's okay Master Orion, please continue." I said, trying to maintain my positive expression. Taking the pen back, and fixing it with a spell.

That was not only embarrassing but also immature of me. I can't let the same thoughts my sister had change and corrupt me. I'm better than this... I'm Princess Celestia. I will get my sister back, but not by sacrificing the lives of others.


It's just that sometimes... It's too much...

Fillies and colts finally left, and there was only 'her' to deal with... I noted the students that proved satisfactory so far, and reviewing their papers also made me sure that this... Aurora... Isn't a normal filly...

Eighty-nine percent... Either she cheated... Which I know isn't possible... Or she's hiding something. No one, not even Twilight Sparkle got past seventy percent... And she is the most brilliant foal I met in a few hundred years...

Opening the door, Master Orion invited Pearl Moonlight into the room. I felt mixed, but I had to make sure I knew exactly what I was dealing with. This can be dangerous if left alone.

"Please sit down, we will explain everything in just a second." I said, making Orion Comet move out of the way and stand behind me.

The mare sat down, not saying anything. But I sensed she was uneasy. I didn't want to resort to this again... But I had no choice... Everything.....





For her. For me. And for Luna.

I dropped the illusion of Strict Quill, making Pearl Moonlight's eyes shrink. Immediately she took off from the chair and bowed before me.

Unnecessary, but a good sign. Maybe it's a fluke after all...

"I'm so sorry for my behavior earlier! Please! Please don't make Aurora pay for my mistakes! I beg you, Your Majesty!" She said with tears in her eyes bowing before me in such fashion she could hurt herself soon.

"Do not fret, my little pony. That's not why I called you here. It's about your daughter Aurora." I made her stand up, using my hoof to help her. "Please sit down Pearl Moonlight."

The room was soundproof and locked, so I didn't need to worry about the filly looking inside. But I still had a feeling that she might try to... So I went back to the form of Strict Quill... Just in case...

"Is it a-bout how s-she lo-oks? I swear she is a normal pony!" She asked frightened, stuttering.

"No..." I said, which made me frown internally. It was part of the problem, but I wasn't going to tell her that... "It's about her abilities."

"A-Abilites?" She asked, confused. "I don't understand Your Majesty..."

Taking the glass ball jar from the corner I took the balls out and explained. "Those are glass balls, normally, a filly should be able to lift twenty to sixty of them easily. A hundred means the filly is exceptional at magic handling and more means they are a protege. It is possible to lift all the balls of course, but it requires a great deal of magic." I showed her by making all the balls float. However, some on the edges started to either spin or shake.

"Three hundred and twenty balls being lifted into the air is something even I find hard to achieve. But there are ways to make it happen without raw magic." I explained while the balls got closer. "Spells like 'Entity Segregation' for example make them float in groups." The balls were segregated into four groups as I used my magic to sort them.

"Or link them together using 'Chain Object'." I demonstrated by making the magic to chain them together in a way they stayed afloat even though I only used magic to lift ten of them.

"But your daughter used something completely different." The balls started to line up as I poured my magic into them, making them form the shape of a giant ball.

With perfect symmetry and distance from each one they stayed in place, some might even say... In time. "She combined 'Atomic Distribution' and 'Similarity' to create a spell called 'Advanced Object Manipulation.' Which simply makes you change the way particles interact with each other." I made the balls form a single giant sphere. They changed shape to a triangle and then melted together.

I dropped the melted glass triangle onto the table with a thud, making the magic disappear. That was the safe way of using the spell.

"While the spell is not complex and can be achieved with enough training... There is a catch..." I stated, grabbing the triangle glass shape again. "If I were to... touch something else than I intended" I demonstrated by making the triangle touch a chair in the corner of the room and using the same spells as before.

It instantly absorbed itself into the molten glass, and as I closed the connection, the chair had now a triangle of glass inside it, falling to the ground as it couldn't balance itself anymore.

"Do you realize what I mean?" I asked Pearl Moonlight, who by now had a terrified expression on her face.

"If... If that would've touched a living being..." She said, scared.

"Yes, it can be considered a dangerous weapon. But I managed to stop your daughter before she had a chance to touch anything." I said, still observing her reactions. She was on the brink of collapse, she was not only stressed to the bones but also terrified of what I showed her.

I moved closer and put my hoof on her chin. "My little pony. Please, calm down. I'm not here to take Aurora away or harm you or her in any way, I'm here because I need answers. How did she learn that spell?" I asked.

She was still scared, but by gesture definitely calmed her down a little bit. "I... I don't know your majesty! I swear I never thought of her anything like that! Even when I was still learning as a student here I didn't know such advanced magic!" She said honestly. I could feel her search for answers the same way I did.

"You were a student of CSFGU? I do not remember you, unfortunately, but I see that you are speaking the truth." I cooed, hoping for an answer regarding this.

"Y...Yes, I was, but well, I don't believe we had a chance to meet, I was accepted during a period when your majesty had been away. Annexation of northern Staliongrad I believe it was..." She answered, making me remember this pitiful place. Truly, if there was any other choice of saving those ponies from starvation...

"Yes... Yes. I remember. Let's... Let's go back to your daughter. Can you tell me more about her?" I asked, looking directly into her eyes. I hated to use that spell, but it was very efficient...

As she spoke about her daughter I could see everything from the past seven years from her point of view. Birth of Aurora, her first words, incredible learning potential, struggles in kindergarten, fights, her problems with appearance, everything she has seen her do, act, and say...

This foal was something else, something alien. Never did I see someone so young act so rationally and irrationally at the same time and in this way. She was full of surprises, but also incredibly protective and caring. Her strange appearance would normally make her rejected from social groups. A normal foal would just accept that, and close themselves to the outside world, but she... She kept on going... What kind of motivation did she had? Who inspired her?

The last time I saw someone so miserable and so motivated was... Was...

"Your majesty?" Pearl blinked, making me lose focus.

"Sorry, my dear... I was thinking about something..." I told her, moving back and looking out of the window.

I need to watch Aurora. Even if she isn't dangerous right now... Who knows where she might end up if I don't control her? I don't want another problem on my hooves right now. I want to focus on making Twilight my pupil. She needs so much work, and I can't let myself lose the only chance I have of making my sister return...

"Aurora will attend CSFGU." I said, looking at the mare on the chair.

Everyone else in the room was silent, so I spoke again.

"That way, I can make sure she doesn't harm herself, and others." I said, which was partially true, but it had to be enough to convince her.

"Thank you!" She said with tears in her eyes.

'Huh? That easily?' My little ponies really became rather easy to control over the years... "There is one condition though." I need to use this opportunity to make sure she doesn't suspect anything.

"Don't tell Aurora about me, this, or anything that happened in this room. She needs guidance and she has a lot to learn if she is to be successful." I said, making her nod.

"What should I say then?" She asked, confused.

"That we were simply surprised how well she did." I said, making Pearl cringe.

"I know that lying isn't what you want to do. But believe me. It's the only way for now." I had to use everything I could to make sure Aurora stayed in the same place she was. I won't harm her, but I cannot allow her to ruin my plans, and I will do anything in my power to make sure of that.

"Of... Of course your majesty." She bowed again.

Nodding I made a motion for her to leave, others seemed as confused as she was, but I didn't care. Nothing, and I mean nothing will make me lose my sister...


Author's Note:

As always, I focus on emotions, rather than the story. Sorry! I just can't help myself, but I guess I answered a few burning questions right?

This is possibly the only time I will use interlude. But I might change my mind in the future. The main goal was to make you see how Celestia operates and what she struggles with. That's the most important thing I wanted to address in this chapter.

Please report any errors and inconsistencies you find. Thank you.

Names: Cloud Skip, Top Shot, Soft Hooves. Provided by Veo Skride Thank you.

Griffonia(*) - I'm using the name of the continent from Equestria at war here! Do not compare to The Griffonian Empire (Which if you are curious lies in the same place as Nova Griffonia on the Equestria at War map.)

I'm using the same map for any other country. And while I don't intend to make this fic a 'global war' type of fic, I still use their names, places, and races.

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX44CAz-JhU