• Published 27th Feb 2023
  • 3,953 Views, 129 Comments

Warhorse - Hypnotwist

Sunset is struggling with the betrayal by her so called friends, the aftermath of Anon-A-Miss only makes things harder for her. She struggles with rekindling her friendships with the ones who hurt her the most.

  • ...

Sunset doesn't have the energy for this crap

I sigh and finish penning my final letter to my friend, I wipe my eyes hoping to prevent fresh tears from escaping. I close the journal and hold it in my hands as I stare at it, fighting to keep myself from throwing open the journal and begging Twilight to help me.

"I can't. It's too late." I say softly, speaking mainly to myself as there was nobody else in my apartment except for Ray, my eyes shut tightly as I choke back a pained sob.
I really was crying because I knew I'd be leaving Ray behind and that hurt much more than it should've, then again he is my pet and I love him.

I remember I was holding the journal when I feel the hard spine of the journal digging into my palm, the dull pain drags me back to the present for the moment, it didn't help me stop crying but it did help me in remembering what I needed to do and that it only made it harder to get myself under control.

My body was wracked with uncontrollable sobs for another half hour or so until I began to calm down, I was so tired and numb, I was so done, and yet I was still so very hurt. I suddenly became aware of how exhausted I was, "Tomorrow. I only have to wait until tomorrow." I sighed and got up, it took a lot of self control to ignore the buzzing of the journal in my hands as I went over to my desk and set it down, "Tomorrow."

My body carries me to my bed, I plop down and stare at the ceiling for a while before closing my eyes and falling into a bout of troubled sleep, and I vaguely remember waking up at least twice during the night in a cold sweat.
I don't remember what happened or how I managed to fall asleep again but I'm awoken to the sound of loud knocking assaulting my ears. I groan, rather frustrated with the rude awakening as I open one of my eyes and reach for my phone to check the time, my one open eye takes a moment to adjust to the light- or lack thereof- I bring my phone closer to my face and look at the time. It was five fifty two in the morning.

I can't help but feel incredibly agitated with the person who decided they wanted to visit ol' Sunny at six am, I lazily toss my phone somewhere on my bed and sit up.
I look around my dark room, it was the same as I left it unsurprisingly, then I hear another knock at the door and I remember why I was getting out of bed in the first place.
"Fuck! That's cold." I hiss the second my bare feet hit the freezing floor, I search for my slippers with my feet for a while before giving up and climbing down the loft, ending up in the main living area of my apartment.

I start making my way to the door, deciding to leave the lights off just in case it's someone I don't feel like speaking to, which is a lot of people considering it's six in the morning.
As I do my best to silently make my way to the door I notice the knocking intensifies, I noticed how panicked the knocking sounds and I wonder if there's been a murder or if some creepy guy is stalking a girl and she's trying to get away from him.

I feel around to make sure my door is chained before opening it, peaking my head around to see who the hell is at my door at six in the fucking morning The person at the door was Fluttershy and Rarity much to my shock and annoyance, I thought to myself "Of course they show up, really giving me a hard time now huh universe?"
"It's six in the morning, why are you here?" I ask coolly, trying to hide my frustration at the ungodly time that my visitors decided showing up at my house was appropriate.

They visibly perk up and Fluttershy opens her mouth to speak but Rarity beats her to it, "Sunset, darling I- I'm sorry we are here so early in the morning but we really must speak with you."

I stare at her for a brief moment, thinking about my next words very carefully, but alas the old lack of tact rears it's ugly head and ruins my plans, "It can wait until at least eight. Come back then."

As soon as I close the door I hear Fluttershy groan in frustration, can't say I blame her honestly, I assume Rarity woke her up and dragged her to my place. I chuckle and think that for someone who cares about her beauty sleep so much she sure does have a really shitty sleep schedule.
I start walking back deeper into my apartment when the obnoxious knocking resumes, I pinch the bridge of my nose and let go before taking a deep breath, "It's okay Sunset, ignore them and they'll go away. That usually works.."

Nope, that did not in fact work. Rarity was evidently an incredibly persistent woman and would not stop knocking for an hour, the entire time I sat on my couch trying to watch TV, the knocking quickly got on my last nerve and I got up suddenly, storming over to my door and unlocking the chain, I all but threw my door open in a not so subtle show of frustration, "Why. Do. You. Not. Understand. Come. Back. Later?"

Rarity blanches and Fluttershy is nowhere in sight, she probably went home when it was clear I was not going to be answering the door, good for her I guess.

"Please, Sunset it's important!" she pleads and I sigh, motioning for her to enter and waiting for her to do so before I shut the door gently.

I move over to the nearby lightswitch and flip a couple of them, bathing my apartment in a soft orange-ish light. I move and sit on my couch and she does the same, she looked visibly uneasy and I chalked it up to either guilt or the fact my apartment was a pigsty due to me falling into the mother of all depression slumps.

"Speak, what do you need to talk to me about?" I say with a frown, realizing what I said came out a little colder than I had intended.

She bites her lower lip, opening her mouth a few times with each time ending in her shutting her mouth again. It took a while before she actually did speak.

"I- Well- Mh.. Princess Twilight came through the portal at around two this morning panicking and yelling about you, she was inconsolable."

I felt my jaw drop slightly and then I remembered that I had written my last journal entry last night. I didn't know what to say so I remained quiet, watching the other girl in my apartment waiting for her to continue.
She took the hint and continued what she was saying, "She's incredibly worried about you darling-"

I put my hand up to stop her, "Don't call me 'darling'. You can tell Twilight I'm alright, and that I'm sorry for scaring her so badly. Now if that's all you can leave my house."

Rarity frowned and nodded, "Apologies dar- Sunset, before I go I'd like you to know I'm so sorry about what I did to you, it was incredibly unkind and I should have known better. I know words will never heal the hurt I've had my hand in causing but I want to apologize anyhow." the alabaster woman paused and looked like she was going to say something else but thought against it.

Guilt bubbled deep in my gut, I felt guilty for not wanting anything to do with the people who backstabbed me, I looked at her and gave her a curt nod before looking off just past her. "Mh.. Rarity?"

She looked at me, and even though I was looking past her I could see the faint traces of hope in her eyes, "Yes?" I took a breath and looked at her, "Thank you for.. Apologizing." I felt my chest tighten and tears start to well up in my eyes, "I wish you hadn't had to apologize, I w-wish Anon-A-Miss ha-had never happened."

The fashionista must've heard my voice start breaking since she came closer to me and wrapped me in a gentle hug, it was the first time someone had hugged me since the whole mess and the dam broke.
I started bawling into her shoulder as she rubbed my back and told me it'd be okay, I knew damn well it wasn't going to be okay but I appreciated her saying that I don't know how much time passed but I eventually stopped, I pulled away from Rarity and wiped my eyes, sniffling a few times. "I'm really sorry Rarity, I don't know what happened.."

Rarity rummaged around in her bag, offering me a handkerchief- which I graciously took-, "It's okay Sunset, you're hurting partly because of me. I'm so sorry, I wish I could go back so you could have at least one ally beside you. We put you through, pardon my language, living hell."

Before I could stop myself I let out a gentle chuckle, "It's okay, I use worse language daily. And you had no way of knowing it wasn't me, it would be something the old bitch me would do, though not as messy. I would totally be more subtle about it." I sniffled and dried my eyes with the handkerchief.

She sighed and nodded, "I know, even the old you wouldn't be so obvious I- I'm so sorry."

"Rarity. I forgive you, you've been forgiven since just after your sister and her friends confessed. I want to be friends again but.. I just.. I-" I took a shaky breath, my heart was pounding in my chest at the words I've decided I'm going to say next, "I'm trying- I- I'm having a hard time trusting you, the others have tried to text me but I just ignored them. You betrayed me. All of you did, and it hurts so much."

I couldn't see Rarity but I heard her shaky breaths and I felt so guilty, I wanted to scream at her and tell her it was all her fault, I wanted to cry my eyes out but at the same time I wanted her to wrap me in a hug and tell me it's going to be alright.

"I know, Sunset." She spoke uncharacteristically gently, "But might there be even the smallest chance we might one day begin to rebuild our broken friendship?"

My heart was screaming at me to say yes, but my mind was telling me that it was never going to work out, they betrayed me and don't deserve my friendship. I looked down at the handkerchief I was holding in my now balled fist, "I don't know Rarity, we'll see I guess."

There was a pregnant pause before I spoke up again, "You're going to be late for school, I don't want to be rude and kick you out but please don't get in trouble because of me."

She sniffled and nodded, "Thank you da- Sunset, goodness, I keep forgetting."

I chuckled at that, "Good luck with school, but you should remove your makeup, it looks like you put it on in the shower in the dark."

She laughed quietly, it was a really nice sound "Goodness, I'll have to hurry and reapply it at school if I have the time. Would you mind if I text you later just to check in on you?"

I smiled and shook my head no, "Not at all, it'd be nice to talk to someone other than a pizza delivery guy."
She smiled and got up, we didn't speak at all while she left my apartment and got in her car. I followed her to the door and waved as she pulled out of the parking lot, I quickly went back inside my home and closed the door, I still felt like utter shit and I wanted to die but I wanted to see if I could salvage my relationship with Rarity or not.

I chuckled and turned off the lights as the sunlight was now enough to light my home reasonably as long as I had the curtains open I climbed back up the loft and found my phone tossed haphazardly on my bed, I picked it up and checked the time.
"Eight oh two. Huh." I said softly, not really believing I'd spoken to Rarity for a whole hour. I shrugged and went back downstairs to make breakfast, feed Ray, and see if my boss had emailed me my new schedule or not.

Author's Note:

Hi! Thanks for reading my story, I know it's not the best but this is my first fic I'm uploading to the public and I'd appreciate any constructive criticism. I plan on writing more but it's pretty late at night and I'm rather tired and if I don't finish my writing in one go I tend to forget about it and never finish it.

Anyways I'm rambling on, if you liked the story please tell me what you liked about it and if not please tell me what I could improve on!