• Published 27th Feb 2023
  • 3,956 Views, 129 Comments

Warhorse - Hypnotwist

Sunset is struggling with the betrayal by her so called friends, the aftermath of Anon-A-Miss only makes things harder for her. She struggles with rekindling her friendships with the ones who hurt her the most.

  • ...

A chat with the Pink One

The drive to Sugarcube Corner was peaceful, me and my best friend were silent the whole ride mainly due to what I suspect was the presence of her father. Our normal conversations weren't vulgar but could be pretty questionable at times and neither of us wished to get in trouble with him.

I spot the café on my right and I watch as we pull into the parking lot, waiting a few seconds after the car has stopped moving fully before unbuckling my seatbelt with my uninjured arm and waiting for someone to open the car door since reaching over and opening it myself would be extremely painful right now.

Rarity's father opens my door first and I slowly get out of the car, I'm about to go try to open the door for my friend but he lifts a hand up to motion for me to stop and he opens the door for her himself, I look around at the cars parked and sigh, it's going to be swamped. Fuck.

I wait until she starts walking before I do, quickly following her into the busy café, I wasn't looking forward to dealing with the people staring at us and any Wondercolts coming up to ask what happened, or if they already knew then them trying to talk to me and tell me how worried they were.

The very second we step foot in the shop I notice that everybody turns to look at us, I glance nervously over at Rarity and she's looking at me, I give her a quick nod and we continue up to the counter where Pinkie is currently working.

Rarity is the first to talk to her, somehow managing to speak before Pinkie could even open her mouth. "Hello darling, so lovely to see you again."

"Rarity, Sunset! Welcome back!" She darted over to Rarity as I was just coming up beside her. "I was so worried about you girls, when I heard what happened I wanted to go visit immediately but Mr. and Mrs. Cake wouldn't let me go because they said that the doctors would need to take care of you guys and make sure you wouldn't die and I was so so worried!

She spoke in one breath and it was impressive, I opened my mouth to say something but Rarity beat me to it.

"We're okay Pinkie, we were on our way to come see you when the intoxicated driver hit us, but now that we're out of the hospital we immediately came for some of your delicious pastries darling!"

Pinkie gasped and rushed away, coming back shortly after with a tray of my favorite jumbo cupcakes and another tray of what I assume were Rarity's favorite treats, she put the snacks into two large brown bags and handed me and her a bag of our respective snacks.

I smile and held the bag with my uninjured hand, Pinkie didn't really do anything during Anon-A-Miss so it should be pretty easy to talk to her again, but the fact she didn't do anything during Anon also meant she didn't try to help me either. "Thank you Pinkie, how'd you know these are my favorite? Is it 'cause I order these every single time?"

"Yeppers! I also wanna make up for being such a meanie pants.."

"I'll leave you two to it, I'll be in the car after I pay for our stuff."

"It's on the house Rarebear, you've been through a lot of pain and I want to make your day a little better!"

My friend opens her mouth to protest but I move next to her and nudge her with my shoulder gently, trying to convey that Pinkie is offering and she didn't ask for the free stuff herself.

I glance at Pinkie and take a deep breath, this was my chance to make things right with her and I wasn't about to let that opportunity pass me by. "Hey Pinkie? Are you able to talk when you get off work?"

"Yep! We can chat in maybe ten minutes cause that's my thirty minute break."

"Okay, I'll uh- Just take a seat and wait for you while snacking or something." Pinkie nods enthusiastically and turns around to go back to work, she seems happier and that's amazing, I'm happy she seems to be happy, but I'm wondering why Applejack, Rainbow, or Pinkie didn't visit me in the hospital when I'd attempted suicide.

I move and somehow manage to get an empty booth in the crowded café, I place my bag down on the table and slowly sit. Once I'm seated I pull my phone out of my pocket and sigh as the shattered and barely working screen turns on, I take a hot second to text Rarity that I might be a while because I'm going to try to talk to Pinkie Pie again.
I had just turned my phone off when I hear it buzz and rattle, my phone definitely needs to be replaced because I'm pretty sure I hear some of the parts rattling around, and that is not normal. I honestly have no clue how the device still even turns on, it's a miracle.
I grumble and swear under my breath as I try to unlock my phone with my one uninjured hand. To nobody's surprise it was Rarity saying that she'd have to come back inside to get the danishes she forgot to order for her mother and to take my time.

I text her a thumbs up emoji and wait for Pinkie to finally take her break, I put my phone down on the table and grab a cupcake out of the bag and observe it for a moment.
The delicious treat was making my mouth water and I couldn't wait for very much longer, I take a bite and hum in delight as I finally satisfy my cravings.

"Hey Sunny!"

I look up at the pink girl as she sits down across from me and smile, swallowing what's already in my mouth. "Hi Pinkie, it's been a while, huh? Haven't talked to you since.. The whole thing-"

"Mhm, I.." She sighs and her voice becomes soft, it was incredibly out of character her to seem so meek and was incredibly unnerving, I felt like something was going to go wrong or she would reveal that she was angry at me. "I wanted to say sorry for being a big meanie pants when you needed me the most."

"Pinkie I- You didn't really do anything, but that's the issue, you didn't do anything to help me. You didn't try to visit me when I was in the hospital after I.. After I tried to kill myself, the only people who did were Rarity and Fluttershy.."

"I wanted to visit Sunny! I wanted to visit so so so so so bad But Mr. Cake said it would be better if you asked for me because of how super mean I was and-" Her hair seems to deflate a little bit as she stares at the table separating us, she begins to cry and it hurts my heart to watch the usually very jovial girl be so upset.

"Come here Pinkie, it's okay. Please don't cry."

"I'm sorry Sunset!" She sobbed, tears rapidly rolling down her face as she clawed at her face in despair. "I should've been a good friend but I abandoned you when you needed me the most, I'm the worstest friend in the world."

I drop everything onto the table and I go over to her, I sit down next to her and lean on her since I can't properly hug her at the moment. "It's okay Pinkie, I'm really hurt because of the whole thing but you're not the 'worstest' friend, I promise."

She sniffles a few times and wraps her arm around me to pull me into a hug, I don't fight it because she isn't causing me any extreme pain just yet and she needs someone to comfort her right now. "I'm sorry Sunset, I was such a meanie pants who took away your laughter."

"I know. I really missed you and I wanted to start making things right again, it's never going to undo the fact that Anon-A-Miss actually happened and it won't erase the hurt it caused to so many people but I missed you so much and I simply want to be friends again. I want everything to be normal."

I wrap my free arm around her side and give her a side hug, her grip on me is beginning to hurt but I'm determined to tough it out so Pinkie will feel better, she never really said or did anything hurtful to me so I'm more willing to make an effort to be her friend once again.

"I'll work reaaaally hard to be a better friend Sunset, I promise!" She let me go and gave me a salute, she looked very serious and I knew that the jokester was very determined to make things right.

I nod and let a small smile grace me, giving her the thumbs up with my good hand. I open my mouth to speak when I hear the door chime, me and her both look over and Rarity's walking to the counter. Pinkie jumps up to go take her order and I hum, realizing we must've been talking for longer than she had her break.

I scoot over and get up, grabbing my bag of snacks and phone in the process as I make my way over to my friends. "Hey Rarity, I'll be in the car with your dad. And Pinkie- You've got my n- Wait no, my phone's pretty much broken and unreliable so uh.. I'll just stop in every so often to chat and have a snack, is that okay with you?"

She nods and her bright grin never dims, I smile and nod at Rarity before spinning around and leaving. The cold air feels nice on my skin as I walk over to the car and put the bag in my mouth to hold it so my free hand can open the door, once I'm safely inside of the vehicle I take the bag out of my mouth and set it on my lap.
I look at the back of Rarity's father's head and make sure that I am indeed in the right car, when I'm satisfied I take a deep breath and look out the window.

"Are you okay kiddo?"

"Oh- Yes sir. I'm just thinking about.. Something."

"Ah okay. I just wanted to say if you need help then don't hesitate to ask me, I'll help if I can since I heard all about what happened. Ya gave everyone quite a scare."

My throat feels very dry, he knows about my attempt? I open my mouth to speak but I can't seem to form the words I want, I'm okay with my friends knowing about my pain but an adult who I'm not familiar with and is the father of one of my friends knowing about everything that happened is terrifying and it makes me anxious. "O-Okay, thank you sir."

"Please don't call me sir, it makes me feel old." He laughed and took a second to compose himself. "You don't need to be so formal, you're our guest after all."

"Alright uhm.. What would you like me to call you?"

"Anything's fine really, Rarity's dad, Hondo, Mr. Flanks, Magnum, or anything else you'd feel is appropriate."

I didn't get the chance to thank him due to Rarity opening the door and getting in, sitting on the leather seat with a content sigh. "Daddy I nearly forgot mom's pastries, sorry I took so long."

"It's okay sweetheart, we should get you girls home already. I bet you're both just dying to get some proper rest."

I snort and cover my mouth with my hand, I don't think he realized why his statement was so funny but it struck me as hilarious.

To my surprise Rarity joins me in laughing, she either started laughing because of me or because she also caught the unintentional pun from her father. He smirks and I realize that it was very much intentional, he looks proud of himself for that one and to be fair I'm glad he decided to make the pun as it had really lightened up the mood.

He starts the engine and it doesn't take very long for the vehicle to start moving, we get to a stoplight and he turns the radio on while we're waiting, loud rock and roll starts blaring through the speakers and Rarity whines in pain, poor girl must not like rock n' roll.

"Daddy please- could you please turn it down? It's way too loud!"

Mr. Flanks grumbles and turns it down a bit, he didn't change the station though citing 'We'll be home soon enough'.

I smile and look out the window, I grow more and more impressed as each new area of the city we drive through is more luxurious than the last, soon we're in Old Canterlot and coming up on a row of very expensive looking homes.
We pull into the driveway of one of them and my jaw drops, I figured Rarity had a nice home but her family had a house that back in Equestria only the richest of nobility would be able to afford.

I was brought back to reality when the door on my side opened, I blinked and saw Rarity standing there with a smirk, I unbuckled my seatbelt to quickly leave the car. "Sorry, I've never- I just-"

"It's okay darling, not many of the girls have seen my family's home, come now. We should get you settled in."

"Thank you-"

She smiles and starts walking to the beautiful stained glass door, I take a little longer to follow her as I'm admiring the exterior of their mansion. I have so many questions.

Author's Note:

I've got a soft spot for the sacred Pink One.

Anyways sorry for the huge delay, I'm doing what I can but I'm suffering from a severe lack of motivation to write and I want to play my zombie games all day.

Quick little AN edit: Forgive the mistake with the broken phone thing, I'm going to sort of fix it but if people are curious Sunset's phone is supposed to be pretty busted but she used it like it wasn't looking like it was falling apart so yay story errors!