• Published 27th Feb 2023
  • 3,956 Views, 129 Comments

Warhorse - Hypnotwist

Sunset is struggling with the betrayal by her so called friends, the aftermath of Anon-A-Miss only makes things harder for her. She struggles with rekindling her friendships with the ones who hurt her the most.

  • ...

Hospital stay

The first change in environment I noticed was the beeping of a heart monitor somewhere around me, I immediately knew I was in the hospital, the next sensation was the smell of the hospital. That instantly recognizable smell of disinfectant and whatever the hell they use with it.

I felt someone holding my hoof? No. My hand, I was back in my human body, someone was holding my hand but I didn't know who. My eyes fluttered open and the first thing that assaulted my eyes was the florescent light right above my head, I closed my eyes again and groaned loudly in a mixed attempt to catch somebody's attention and make it clear that the light hurt my eyes.

My body felt like I bellyflopped onto the floor from high up, which I totally did except I think I landed on my back, I groaned again and noticed that the hand that was holding mine had moved.

"Sunset- It's okay, I'm calling a nurse to come attend to you, okay darling?"

For some reason the fact that Rarity was the one that was there with me was oddly comforting, princess Luna was right, I know, I had been so mean to them after the CMC confessed. I pushed them away and screamed at them to leave me alone.

"Oh sweet merciful Celestia, I've been such a bitch." I thought, I immediately missed Rarity's hand holding mine and I made a pretty futile attempt to reach out for her.

"Mmmhf.." I tried to speak and became painfully aware that there as some sort of tube down my throat, "Mmg ghmhh."

"Don't talk darling, the nurses will be here soon, okay?"

"Mmh khm."

I laid there with my eyes shut, I did hear Rarity moving back to my side and I felt her hand hold mine. I instantly gave her hand a gentle squeeze and whined softly, the foreign object down my throat was incredibly uncomfortable and I hated it so much.

Two nurses enter my room a few minutes later, I am made aware by them announcing their presences and coming over, I yet again attempted to open my eyes but the light above my head told me to go fuck myself yet again.
I grunted in frustration and tried to motion to the light. Thank Celestia one of them got the hint and turned off the overhead light so I could finally open my eyes and look around from my position on my back.

Yep. Definitely in the hospital. I sighed internally, this shit was going to be wild and I wasn't looking forward to it. The nurses kindly explained that I had been in a coma for nearly two weeks and they had to intubate me to make sure I was breathing while I was out, and that they were going to extubate me, also known as pulling the tube they shoved right down my throat out.

If I could speak or if any of my former friends were here, sans Rarity because I consider her a friend and I owe her an apology for the way I've treated her recently, I am certain either Pinkie or Rainbow would have made a dirty joke.

I hated how I was constantly gagging as they pulled the tube out, I also hated how long it took for them to get the damn thing out, but as soon as they did they put an oxygen mask on me to help me breathe better?
I don't really know, I'm not a doctor but it's what I put together because I had to be intubated in the first place.
Once I had a moment to myself I thought about what princess Luna said, how the fuck did she know what happened? Did Twilight tell her? If Luna knows then does Celestia know now too? Would Luna tell her?

"Oh fuck me. I've got to ask Twilight about that." I murmur and sit up, totally forgetting that Rarity was sitting nearby.

"Ask her about what?"

I jump and look up at her, "Hooooly shit you were so quiet- I.. Uh.. I have to ask Twilight about something er.. Maybe a little personal."

She nods and walks over, taking my hand in hers so gently one might think I was a frail old woman, "Sunset I.. I just.. Goodness.. You really worried me, and the others but I know you don't want to hear about them right now. But you scared everyone."

I look at her and notice she looks a mess, her hair is slightly disheveled and her mascara is running, her eyes were also red, it was a dead giveaway she had been crying. I give her hand a light squeeze and my breath hitches, I fight back tears, I refuse to break down when she clearly needs comfort.

"Rarity." I say as firmly as I could without being mean, "I'm sorry, not just for this but for how I've been treating you recently. I owe you and Applejack an apology, not just an 'I'm sorry', but a genuine apology. I've been such a bitch to you and her, I'm hurt by the whole Anon-A-Miss mess but it isn't an excuse to be so mean."

"No. Sunset we were cruel, downright evil to you. You have every right to be angry, it's righteous anger. You were betrayed by the people you thought were your best friends, if I were in your shoes I doubt I would be alive right now. You are a very strong woman, darling. You're much stronger and smarter than you give yourself credit for. And I understand you may never fully trust me again, but I am hoping we could at the very least mend things a little bit and you can consider me a friend one day."

Rarity's little speech left me quite literally speechless, this whole time I had been assuming this whole time she was trying to get close to me to use me for something, but I was wrong, I was so very wrong, it genuinely seemed like she cared and I felt my eyes start to water.

"I.. Oh gosh Rarity I don't know what to say."

She squeezed my hand gently, "Don't say anything if you don't know darling."

I gave her a little nod, "It's going to take a lot of time but I think I want to start mending our broken friendships, not only with you but with the girls as well."

I look at Rarity and I can see the joy in her eyes, and on her face, it made me feel a little better about my decision to try to rekindle my friendships.

"But. If anything like Anon-A-Miss happens again and you all throw me out again I will not be taking you all back and we will be done for good. I'm taking a risk by trying to mend things with you girls and I only hope I'm making the right choice." I say firmly, I'm not going to put myself through that hell again, I simply refuse to.

She nodded, "Darling, I'm a lot wiser now, and I truly believe the others are as well, if any of the girls even suggest doing something like that to you again they will never hear the end of it. I promise."

My hand slips from hers and I nod, "Okay. I'm going to hold you to that."

I glance at the clock and notice it's seven forty-three and if I'm remembering correctly visiting hours end soon, I don't want Rarity to go but I don't want her to get in trouble on my behalf.

"It's almost eight, I don't want you to go Rarity but you're going to get kicked out soon."

I hear a sigh, "I know, I'll be back tomorrow I promise. If you want I could bring one of the girls, all you have to say is who you'd like to see."

"Thank you Rarity, if it isn't too much trouble I'd like to talk to Fluttershy first."

She nods and goes to collect her things, "Good night Sunset."

I smile at her, "G'night Rares."

She smiles upon hearing her nickname and she leaves the room, giving one final wave as she does so. My smile doesn't fade until a little after she's probably left the hospital building, I finally feel how sleepy I am, despite having just woken up from a coma I sure was damn tired.