• Published 2nd Oct 2023
  • 437 Views, 71 Comments

Family Trip - TheKing2001

Sunset goes on a strictly family only roadtrip, learning about her mother and aunts in the process

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Chapter XIV


“So you two are living together now?” Roseluck asked curiously as she leaned into my desk. We were in my least favorite class, health class with Daisy, Lily, Watermelody, Trixie, Raspberry Fluff and Blueberry Pie.

Ms. Harshwhinny was probably one of the scariest teachers I think I’ve ever seen. She’s up there with Mr. Doodle. At least Harshwhinny was out today and surprisingly, Principal Celestia had taken over temporarily.

“Yeah,” I said and turned faintly. “It’s really nice, you know? It’s nice to wake up next to some one you’re with and just know they are there and aren’t going anywhere.”

“Must be nice,” Lily scoffed as she stared at the paper on her desk.

“Lily! Roseluck! Derpy! No talking when you’re supposed to be working please,” Principal Celestia called out as she looked up from her computer.

“Sorry!” Roseluck called back as she picked up her pencil.

“Alright class,” Principal Celestia said and I looked over. Right when I was going to start working too. “Since this is health class, who here has had sexual intercouse?”

Daisy and Roseluck turned bright red as Indigo Zap rolled her eyes a few desks away and continued playing her paper football game with Rainbow. A few students raised their hands and I sheepishly raised my own as my friends gave me stunned looks.

Principal Celestia's health lesson quickly faded to the back ground as I prepared for a barrage of questions.

“Wait, what?” Blueberry Pie demanded in a low voice. “Since when?”

“Uh about a few months ago.”

“With who?” Daisy commented as she rested her head on her arms.

“Who do you think?” Lily said and raised an eyebrow. “Sunset, duh. They’ve been dating for about a year now, give or take.”

“Huh,” Blueberry Cake said and gave me a smirk. “Sooo, I bet Derpy is secretly a dominant individual in the bedroom and Sunset is secretly submissive.”

I turned a bright shade of red and Raspberry Fluff gasped as her eyes widened.

“Oh my God, you are!”

“W-we switch,” I squeaked and covered my face with my hands, slumping in my seat to seem small.

“Switching the topic from Derpys fascinating sex life, are you two related?” Raspberry Fluff asked as she pointed at Blueberry Cake and Blueberry Pie. “I mean one is named Blueberry Cake and the other is named Blueberry Pie. So what gives?”

“No we aren’t,” Blueberry Cake chuckled. “Just similar names is all. Heck, even I was surprised to find another Blueberry at the same school.”

“Can you even make a blueberry cake?” Watermelody wondered as she continued drawing on her black binder.

“You can make anything out of blueberries my dear,” Blueberry Cake smiled as she rested her head on her hand. “Blueberry pies, blueberry donuts.”

“Blueberry shakes, blueberry cookies and tarts,” Blueberry Pie added with a shrug.

“Blueberry milk.”

“The fuck?” Lemon Zest said and took her headphones off. The girl had replaced her Shadowbolt uniform for a pair of ripped black jeans and a blue shirt with some obscure band on it.

“We’re talking about all the uses of blueberries,” Lily said as she tossed a piece of gum into her mouth. “Or well, they are. We’re just listening because this class sucks.”


“We should start a gardening club,” Daisy said casually as she replaced her pen for a pencil.

“There is one,” Raspberry Fluff said as she opened a book. “If you check the computers, it has a list of all the clubs. It’s ran by a Wallflower Blush.”

“Who on earth is Wallflower Blush?” Blueberry Cake said as she looked at Trixie. “Is she asleep?”

“No she’s just acting,” Watermelody said and smirked. “Trixie, dear quit playing around.”

“Since when did she wear glasses?”

”Trixie,” Watermelody narrowed her eyes as she pushed Trixie gently. Her glasses fell off along with the picture of her open eyes, revealing her closed ones as Trixie let out a snore. ”Trixie!”

“Trixie is not asleep!” Trixie proclaimed as she sat up and we all gave her flat looks.

“I wondered why her eyes weren’t moving for the past forty five minutes.”

I covered my grin as Watermelody glowered at Lemon Zest before shifting her focus back to a sheepish Trixie as she yawned.

“Trixie is awake now. What did she miss?”

“Nothing,” Watermelody said casually as she gave a shrug. “Except Houdini’s ghost come into class and give us a magic lesson.”

“Really?” Trixie asked sadly as her face fell and she stared down at her worksheet that Principal Celestia had dropped in front of her.


“I hate you some days.”

“Aww, no you don’t!” Watermelody chuckled and hugged Trixie with one arm. “Sorry, that was kinda rude. But wake up, you have work to do. You have to pass this class to graduate.”

“Trixie will be fine. She’s passing all her other classes. C’s and D’s are still a passing grade after all. And don’t hug me.”

“You let Sunset hug you. And you hugged her that one time,” Watermelody said as I watched remove her arm and fix her beret.

“Speaking of Sunset, you should ask her if she wants to come over with you today and hang out,” Daisy said hopefully as Blueberry Cake nodded her agreement.

“It would be cool to add more people people the group,” Blueberry Pie agreed. “If she doesn’t hate us that is.”

“She doesn’t hate you girls,” I said and searched for the right word. “She’s unsure about you all, that’s all.”

“Unsure?” Watermelody echoed in confusion.

“Yeah ya know, unsure. The whole not liking her after the Fall Formal is still in the back of her mind and then the whole anon a miss issue,” I admitted as Blueberry shifted nervously and smoothed down her dress, crossing her legs.

“Anon a what?” Lemon Zest interjected in confusion.

“Tell you later.”

“I never really did anything to her though,” Raspberry Fluff raised her hand as I shrugged.

“Same here,” Blueberry Cake added after a moment. “Sure, I didn’t like her necessarily but I’m a pacifist. And sure, I thought she was behind the account almost a year ago but I kept those opinions quiet.”

“I didn’t even really know what to think,” Blueberry Pie admitted as she tossed a blueberry into her mouth from the container on her desk. “I was just like, oh more drama.”

I narrowed my eyes slightly and forced them to straighten as my friends froze, staring at me. I only got my eyes to go straight when I was serious.

“I will try to get Sunset to come with but don’t be disappointed if she says no.”

Roseluck nodded as I turned back to get my homework done before I got home.

“Can Trixie borrow someone’s paper after they're done? She needs the answers.”

Everyone but me groaned as Blueberry Cake handed her paper over.

I worry about that girl some days.