• Published 2nd Oct 2023
  • 438 Views, 71 Comments

Family Trip - TheKing2001

Sunset goes on a strictly family only roadtrip, learning about her mother and aunts in the process

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Chapter XXI


I pushed my key in the lock, unlocking the front door and pushing it open. I slid my key in my pocket as I shut the door behind. I assumed both my parents were home, based on the police car out front and mom’s car in the driveway.

“Mom! Dad! Wallie! I’m home!” I called out as I flung my backpack lazily on the floor.

“Hey, Fuchsia. How was the party?” Mom asked as my eyes flicked over to mom sitting on the couch in her hospital uniform. I would assume she just got home from work.

“It was fun. Sunset was thoroughly surprised. We even got her brother to visit,” I answered as I yawned. “She liked the video game I got her. We have plans to play this weekend after homework is done.”

“Sounds good,” Mom sighed as I glanced at her.

“You okay, mom?”

“Yeah,” Mom sighed as I maintained my gaze. “No. Thinking it might be time for a career change after work today. Getting a bit tired of just watching my patients die.”

“You love being a nurse though,” I pointed out and frowned slightly.

“I did at one point. You’re young so I don’t entirely expect you to understand. Watching patients die every couple of days can wear a person down. I became a nurse to help people, not just watch them die,” Mom sighed again as she sipped her beer before setting it back down on the coffee table. “It’s just complicated. We will see what happens.”

“I’m seventeen mom,” I reminded her flatly. “I can understand perfectly well how depressing being a nurse can be. You’re drinking a beer for crying out loud. You only do that when you had a hard day.”

“You’re right,” Mom sighed as she finished off her beer and tossed it in the trash can. “I have work in the morning. I’m gonna go to bed. I made dinner, it’s in the fridge if you haven’t ate yet.”

I watched her walk up the stairs as I turned the TV off. I set the remote down as I flicked the lights off, walking up the stairs and paused at my sisters room.

“Hey Wallie,” I said and knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Wallflower said quietly as I pushed the door open. She was lying on her green bed with a book about plant life on her chest. “Hey.”

“Hey,” I said casually as strode deeper into her room. We jokingly called it the cave because she often had the blinds closed and light off. “I brought you some cake from the party. It’s strawberry, you’re favorite. I know you were sick and couldn’t go so.”

I gave the container a rattle as Wallflower sighed.

“Thanks,” she said finally and took it. “Who’s party was it again?”

“Sunsets,” I answered and raised an eyebrow at her sudden unreadable expression. It was a bit weird, I could always read my sister.

“Hey Walls, hey Fishy!” Dad called out and I internally groaned.

“I’m almost eighteen and I cannot believe you still call me Fishy,” I grumbled and folded my arms. When Trixie and Lavender had heard him call me that, I didn’t go weeks without them teasing me about it. I made a mental note to find something to tease my fellow magician friends about.

“Because it’s fun,” Dad commented as I adjusted his badge. “Thank you.”

“Why on earth do the sheriff’s wear brown?” Wallflower asked curiously as Dad shrugged.

“Easily distinguish us from the state police and city police I suppose. It’s always been like that ever since I joined,” Dad commented as he put his hat on. I always found it a bit of a weird hat.

“That hat is so weird,” I said as Dad rolled his eyes.

“Really? I think it makes me look cool.”

“Sure,” I scoffed as Wallflower watched quietly with a smirk. “You look like smokey the bear.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. Smokey was cool when I was a kid,” Dad grumbled as I glanced at the black band around his star.

“Who died?” I asked as he raised an eyebrow.


I pointed at his star and he nodded.

“Ah. The old chief died after the whole cancer thing. It’s a respect thing,” Dad explained and patted my head. “Funeral is in a few days. I have to be there so don’t wait until for me on Thursday.”

“Okay,” I said as Dad kissed my forehead and I gagged as he did the same to Wallflower. “If you weren’t my dad, I’d punch you for kissing my head.”

“Heck, I’d punch any guy who kissed your head,” Dad grinned as we watched him leave. “Have a nice night. I’ll see you girls sometime tomorrow morning.”

“Okay. Stay safe, arrest some bad guys for us,” Wallflower called out with a faint smile.

“Oh you know I will,” dad called back as we heard the door. The two of us watched him get in the car and the lights turned on.

“I always adore the chargers,” Wallflower mused as we watched the red and blue lights turn on briefly before turning back off and we watched him leave. “I still love the crown victorias.”

“Yeah me too. I’m rather impartial to the taurus,” I said as Wallflower gagged. “What?”

“The Taurus is weirdly shaped. I do kinda like the taillights though,” Wallflower admitted as she watered a plant nearby on her nightstand.

“What plant is that?” I asked curiously as she finished watering.

“It’s a dracaena,” Wallflower answered as I gave her a confused look.

“What exactly does it do?” I asked and sat down on her bed.

“Do? It doesn’t have to do anything to exist. You know, it lives, it provides beauty, it just lives I guess. It doesn’t really need to do anything to matter Fuchsia,” Wallflower finished as she laid back down and I nodded.

“You have a point. Wanna watch a movie?”

“Nah I’m kinda tired. Maybe tomorrow.”

I gave a nod as I stood up, my eyes falling on a rock on the table with weird lines on it.

“Nice rock,” I commented as Wallflower looked over. “Did you somehow carve it?”

“Y-yeah!” Wallflower agreed hastily as I nodded.

“Looks nice. Why would you carve a rock?”

“Why not?”

I suppose that was a good point. I left the room, shutting the door slightly and watched Wallflower open the cake container.

“Wow,” Wallflower mused after she took a bit. “That’s really good cake.”

I decided not to confront her as I let out a quiet chuckle.

She was weird but fun in her own shy way.

Mental note, take Wallflower on a nature walk tomorrow evening.