• Published 2nd Oct 2023
  • 445 Views, 71 Comments

Family Trip - TheKing2001

Sunset goes on a strictly family only roadtrip, learning about her mother and aunts in the process

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Chapter XXVII


I sat lazily on Fuchsia’s couch as the girl flipped through movies with a bored expression.

“Hey Fuchsia?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Why do you hate Fluttershy out of them all the most?”

Fuchsia gave me a look and I shivered slightly. It was common knowledge around the school that Fuchsia despised Fluttershy, but no one really knew why. I had tried to ask Fluttershy once and she did was burst into tears.

“I guess you do deserve. We’ve been friends for almost a year anyway,” Fuchsia sighed and set the remote down. “Have you ever been told exactly why we are the Rainbooms rivals?”

“Well not really. I’ve asked but they aren’t entirely forthcoming.”

“Not surprised,” Fuchsia gave a bitter laugh as she rolled her eyes. “Alright, so back in middle school I knew Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, right?”

“Uh I guess?” I offered with a frown. I didn’t know that but okay.

“Right. Anyway, Fluttershy was my first friend. Fast track to freshman year after I met Trixie and Lavender. Trixie was doing a magic show in the lunchroom where we first met. She was bragging about her skills to gather a crowd to show her tricks too.”

“I remember she did that fairly often,” I commented as Fuchsia nodded. I remember Trixie proclaiming she could do magic and naturally, I was curious and wanted to see for myself. When I found out it was card tricks and more, I bullied her ruthlessly back then. Sabotaging her shows, the like.

“Exactly,” Fuchsia inhaled. “So she’s doing her magic trick and messes up accidentally. A few in the crowd made fun of her, primarily Rainbow Dash. Applejack just watched and didn’t entirely do anything, Pinkie didn’t and Rarity made fun of her for being a braggart.”

I frowned slightly as Fuchsia sighed. I didn’t know that had happened.

“Naturally, Lavender and I stuck up for Trixie. I called them out for their behavior when they were friends with Rainbow Dash. And Lavender insulted Rainbow for being a hypocrite for being a dick to Trixie when Rainbow herself is the biggest braggart in sports I know other than Fleetfoot,” Fuchsia explained as I nodded slightly. “Anyway, later that week I confronted Fluttershy because she was there. I told her to get Rainbow in check and to quit being such a pushover.”

“Makes sense.”

“Yeah. Anyway, Fluttershy had pointed out Trixie was being unnecessarily rude to people in the crowd. A magician always takes hecklers and calls them out on their behavior. Rainbow was equally rude and called Trixie a fraud. Fluttershy and I had a yelling match at my house. I said she was being a blind pushover and needed to grow the fuck up. She said I was supporting a bully and I said she was no better. She burst out crying when I told her we weren’t friends anymore and I picked Trixie over her. I told her to get the hell out of my house and I watched her run to her mom’s car crying. I also insulted her for not supporting her brother like she should.”

“What does that mean?” I asked curiously. “She supports her brother.”

“Really?” Fuchsia asked flatly. “Because all I see is her and Rainbow yet again being jerks because he doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life and switches hobbies and careers often. We’re in high school. We aren’t supposed to instantly know what we are supposed to do for the rest of our lives. Not like Equestria with your cutie mark system.”

I opened my mouth but froze. I hadn’t entirely thought about it that way. I had always thought they were super supportive of each other. Then again, I’ve only met Zephyr a handful of times.

“So that’s how the rivalry was born,” Fuchsia concluded. “It often gets heated still to this day. We only really tolerate them for your sake. When you’re not there, it usually gets pretty intense. Lightning and Derpy had to break up some pretty serious arguments before between us.”

“Why wouldn’t anyone tell me about that?” I demanded in frustration.

“If I had to guess, I’m assuming no one wanted to bother you about it all.”

I didn’t entirely like that. Especially if Derpy knew. I idly reminded myself to ask her about it when I got home.

“So that’s why you aren’t friends with Fluttershy. Because of a fight you two had in freshman year.”

“Precisely. In all actuality, me ending our friendship back then helped her grow more of a spine now. If you remember, she yelled at Rainbow a few times for being rude now recently and the battle of the bands. I don’t think that would have happened if I didn’t call her out. Definitely wouldn’t have during freshman year.”

I suppose that was one way of looking at it. She might even be right. I remember Fluttershy being a big push over. Made her an easy target.

“So that’s why you aren’t worried about Fluttershy being competition for my brother.” Fuchsia nodded her agreement as I shrugged.

“Hey Sis,” Fuchsia glanced at the stairs and I looked over at a green haired girl. I’ve never know she had a sister. “Meet Sunset. She’s hanging out for a bit. That’s Wallflower.”

Wallflower growled to our confusion and promptly went back up stairs.

“Huh weird,” Fuchsia mused as she scratched her head. “She doesn’t usually react like that when I have guests over, probably had a hard day at school. She did math gave her troubles earlier. I’m gonna get us some popcorn.”

“Where’s your bathroom?” I asked hastily as I felt a sudden urge to pee. Fuchsia paused as she stood in the doorway with her hand on the wall.

“Upstairs to the left.”

I gave her a grateful nod before jogging up the stairs and into the bathroom. I quickly shut the door, locking it behind me and I did my business. I washed my hands with soap and unlocked the door, recoiling slightly at Wallflower in the door way with a rock.

“Oh hey. You startled me,” I chuckled nervously. She was slightly unnerving with how quiet she was. “Wanna come watch a movie with us?”

“I’ll pass,” Wallflower muttered as she pointed the rock at me and it glowed.

“Uh what are you doing?”

“You’re gonna forget who I am. It’s normal to be confused afterwards,” Wallflower reassured me as I grunted slightly.

“Hey Sunset! Did you fall in up there?” Fuchsia yelled from the kitchen and I rubbed my head in confusion.

“Huh, that was weird,” I muttered and walked downstairs. “Hey, were you just upstairs with me?”

“No why?”

“I don’t really know. Feels kinda weird.”

“Deja vu?” Fuchsia offered as she poked her head in the room. “I mean, Wallie is up there but she rarely leaves her room. That girl worries me. She really needs to get out more.”


“Oh you’re funny!” Fuchsia elbowed me with a grin. “You just met her. You can’t prank me though, I was there. Now let’s watch a few movies before you head home.”

I rubbed my head and gave one last confused look upstairs before I shrugged and sat down next to her, accepting the popcorn bowl.

If I didn’t remember, whatever it was wasn’t important.

Author's Note:

Finally showed why Fuchsia hates Fluttershy after teasing it for like four stories