• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,717 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

Two friends and a sudden drop

Boulder hung by a thin woolen strap that wrapped firmly around his flank. Its itchy texture did not reach through the thick fur to touch the skin underneath so there was no distraction as his forehooves braced against the post in front of him. He barely grunted as the shock rippling through his teeth from hammer blows driving in the wooden wedge. Dropping the hammer into a bag hung from his side he began to tie the rope around a support to further secure it. His movement caused him to swing from side to side, with the wind complicating the motion by buffeted him.

The bridge, still under construction, stretched outward from the town edge. Workers moved to and fro along its length, moving there loads at a slow and steady pace. Boulder continued to work until a loud boom reverberated over him, drawing his widening eyes to the horizon. Despite his training, and years of service to the sun, Boulder could not help but let out a gasp at the awe inspiring sight.

A large black cloud was blowing northward in the distance. Lightning playing across the surface. A chill ran down his spine as he considered what it could possibly be made for.

Weather warfare was something studied but rarely seen in Equestria. In pre-Equstrian times it was the preferred method of warfare by the pegasi as they would send tornadoes, hail or thunderstorms to bombard the enemy daily. This gave them an advantage in prolonged warfare but the use ,even limited, resulted in massive devastation to the land.

His focus, however, was drawn away from the wall of black death but the sound of two ponies talking above him on the bridge.

“Hey, have you heard?” asked one stallion.

“Huh, about what?” replied a mare walking with him.

“Three locals broke into the armory and killed a guard.”

“Seriously?” She grunted stopping above Boulder “ How did they get him alone?”

The stallion waved the question off.

“That's not the interesting bit though. Mordane and Stalker are biting each other's heads off over it. I’ve never even-”

Boulders ears twitched at what he just heard. Sighing he started to tie the rope again but a twist in his gut stopped him. After all they were his comrades. With a growl he forced himself up over the railing.

“Where are they?” Boulder grunted once he was on top. “Where is Mordane and Stalker?”

“In the town hall where they always are.” Answered the mare quickly.

Boulder took off galloping, his heart beating hard. His eyes were arched in a frown as he ground his teeth.

Stalker and Mordane never argued; Not in the entire time he had known them had he ever seen the two yell at each other over a disagreement. The two seemed to have some kind of mutual understanding that was beyond Boulder, but if that was not holding up anymore...

"What could they be arguing about?" , boulder shuddered as the unthinkable entered his thoughts.

Boulder’s right forehoof slipped on a rock, but he quickly recovered and kept running. Dodging some local residents he turned the corner and saw the town hall in sight. He picked up speed again and ran all the way up to and through the open front door, of which several mercenaries were coming out.

Stepping to the side Boulder ground his teeth until he noticed what the mercenaries were leading. Two young stallions and a mare were shaking as they were lead out of the building. One fought hard to hold back the waves of sadness and fear that came of them in droves. The second near colts eyes were watering as he scooted along with his tail between his legs. The mare seemed dead eyed as if she could not accept what she was seeing.

Boulder waited until they had passed before going inside and bolting to the right, making his way to Mordane’s office. Before arriving however he slowed down, to both catch his breath and walk the last dozen feet listening to the conversation.

“Mordane! We can’t just ignore the obvious. This was an attack against our forces. These locals are hard enough to control. If we let something like this slide-” Stalkers voice was higher pitched than normal. Its piercing cry almost seemed manic.

“Don’t tell me about the difficulties should we lose control of them, Stalker. What I suggest is that we not approach this so barbarically.”
Boulder sighed, glad that Mordane was speaking so calmly. Perhaps there was nothing wrong after all.

“We must only execute those who actually performed the murder. These two young stallions and mare . Not their parents or siblings.” Boulder inhaled sharply as his eyes widened. Did he hear right? Did Mordane just say that they would kill the children?

“That's half measures Mordane!” Stalker snapped. “It won’t prevent the others from trying the same; Worse, it will make enemies of their families. They will stir up resistance. And we, cannot, allow, that. None can remain. They must all be killed. Mother, father, brother, sister and foal.”

Boulder rounded the corner and stared into the room with his heart beating frantically in his chest.

Mordane slumped behind his desk with papers laid out before him. Wearing a simple brown cloak he had taken from a local tailor that seemed to complement the blank faced slightly angry stare he gave to the only other pony in the room. It was obvious that he was making a conscious effort to not show an emotion of any kind. Stalker stood off to the side with his hair in a mess as he leaned against the open window seal. In one foohoof hoof he held a tabaco pipe, which he puffed again and again in Rhythm with the nearly frantic tapping of his other forehoof.. He was in a loose white shirt with slight frills around the color. His usual array of knives and satchels were on the outside today but what made Boulder inhale quickly was the knife stuck blade first into the desk.

The two of them were alone in the room which had a distinct smell of piss to Boulder. Looking down he could see a puddle of it on the floor. Putting two and two together he realized Mordane must have told the foals their sentence right here not twenty minutes ago.

Disgust mixed with indignant rage filled his stomach. Who were these two who would so casually throw away three foals lives? He growled face contorted in rage.

“What the buck is wrong with you two?”

Mordane looked over at him a raised a single eyebrow. Stalker stepped to the side rolling his eyes.

“Oh look, here comes the white knight.”

“Be quiet, Stalker,” Mordane growled before turning to give a weak smile to his other comrade. “Boulder, if we have a problem then say it; I’m tired of trading quips.”

“Is it true that three foals killed a guard?” he asked quickly.

Mordane frowned. “I would certainly not call them foals.”

“They didn’t know what they were doing.” Snapped Boulder crossing the distance to the desk.

“Oh yes I’m sure they had no idea what it meant when the red goo started comming out of the ponies skull after they started hitting it with the shovel they brought allong.” Stalker sneered.

Mordane glared at Stalker who raised his hooves and turned back to the window and his pipe.

“Four hours ago a guard saw three go into the armory after knocking out a guard and dragging him inside. He told someone and ran in. By the time the others got there that second guard was dead. His head caved in by a shovel brought by one of the young stallions. They subdued the youngster and caught his comrades before bringing them here. I had to deal with them after shoring up our supply numbers.” Mordane laughed depressingly ”We need more bowstrings.”

“And what?” Boulder asked. “Did you sentence them?”

“Yes, I did,“ Mordane sighed. “They armed themselves and killed one of my men, so I sentenced them to death.”

”Mordane, please reconsider. They are foals,” Boulder pleaded ignoring the strange word. “Don't be rash. Death is to much for-"

“Death is the only thing I can give them!” Mordane snarled, his eyes flashing with rage. “What else am I to do? They killed a guard and if I do not punish them severely than others will rebel against our oppression.”

“These are children, Mordane. You can’t seriously just want me to walk away and let you do this.”

Mordane paused and reconsidered. Boulder had been trained by the Royal guard and Executions were banned in Equestria. They preferred rewriting minds.

“Boulder” Mordane said sitting down. “I know that this feels wrong to you and I understand that, but we are here. Why do you have an issue with this?”

Boulder sputtered before answering

“Because they are children.”

“And therefore innocent?” Mordane replied while shuffling some papers.


“Tell me Boulder,” Mordane said pouring himself a glass of water. ”what is a soldier.”

“What?” He asked with his head tilting questioningly.

“I said what is a soldier.”

Boulder paused and thought for a moment before answering.

“A trained fighter who will fight for a country and follows a code. ”

Mordane nodded

“So you would say that a tribal community does not have warriors or soldiers?”


“Then we can take a country off our list. Then tell me; Where the men fighting under king sombra soldiers?”

“Yes.”Boulder replied uneasily at the unexpected lecturing.

“Then we can take a code of ethics off the list. Training is an interesting word. Training in what? Bow, sword, shield, javelin, dancing, pot making, what?”

“In the use of a weapon.”

“So we can say that a soldier is someone who has a weapon and knows how to use it.”


Mordane dropped his papers and glared into Stalkers eyes.

“There is a stallion dead Boulder.” Mordane whispered rubbing his temples “His brains now stain a stone floor. So don’t try to push arbitrary ideal onto me. If somepony is armed they are a combatant. If they fight for a cause. ANY cause. Then they are a soldier.”

Boulder stood still absorbing what Mordane had said. A part of him knew it was true, yet...

Mordane walked around the desk and up to Boulder his angry look being replaced with a sad but comforting look.

“I understand Boulder I really do “ He patted him on the shoulder and pushed him toward the door. “Take the rest of the day off. You really need it.”

Boulder nodded his head with a stricken look on his face as he walked out the door.

Mordane watched as Boulder walked out. As a commander he knew that there was no other choice it was the fault of the children. This was bound to happen eventually though he may of avoided the entire situation if he had not left too little of a guard on the weapons storage.

The thought caused him to grind his teeth in frustration.

Turning back to Stalker, he frowned.

I can understand Boulder’s reaction, but Stalker's sounds nuts.Is the stress of this situation geting to him?

“Stalker, this is crazy. You can’t expect me to order the death of twenty-odd people on the sword thrust of one colt. It's just not right.”

Stalker sighed and pulled up a chair before perching on it.

“Mordane, this place is a powder keg waiting to go off. If we show any mercy, any restraint at all, it will blow on us. We will die, and, to be honest, I don’t think I can save you this time.”

“Save me? We don’t need saving, Stalker. I agree we can’t show mercy here but what you are suggesting is a wholesale slaughter. I won’t-”

“You made that choice when you became a mercenary,” Stalker yelled, enraged. “Why must you always take half measures?”

“I don’t!” he yelled in return. “I take the best solution available.”

“Best one available my flank! If you don't do this-”

“Stalker! I have made my decision. This discussion is over.”

Stalker stepped back, his face stricken. Mordane had never just ignored him before. Certainly not to the point of telling him that they were done talking. His hurt turned to rage as he slammed his hooves against Mordane's desk.

“This is just like you! Always jumping into danger! Somepony would think you had a death wish. How many times have I pulled your flank out of the fire? There was that necromancer and you living under Celesitas nose. Not to mention the times you get drunk or a dozen other times your reckless.”

“And what do you stand for, Stalker? NOTHING! You're just an empty glass,” Mordane spat back.

“This empty glass is the only reason you're sitting behind that chair.” Stalker growled.

“With you or not, Stalker, I would've made it this far. It's in my nature.”

“You couldn’t make it out of a bakery without having someone try to kill you.”

“That robber had nothing to do with me!” Mordane shouted. “I don’t have to listen to this trite.”

“Oh yes you do. After all that I’ve done? YOU OWE me Mordane!”

“Owe... You?” Mordane whispered with his eyes downcast. He growled his eyes coming alive with true rage. “I OWE YOU?!” Mordane roared, his eyes burning a hole into him. “Who is the stallion that trailed a small colt for five years? Who would pull pranks and whisper in my ear just to see him squirm. WHO has ran and hidden every aspect of himself from him for the YEARS?”

Mordane paused. His wings were unfurled and his eyes were glowing as he advanced on Stalker who was staring wide eyed at him.

Mordane released his magic and tucked his wings back inside his cloak before continuing in a much quieter and seething tone as he tried to pull back in his anger.

“Who are you, Stalker?”

“What?” Stalker said in a squeaky voice.

“Who are you? I don't know anything about you…”

“Anything about me...Who are you?” Stalker accused, “An alicorn with military knowledge seemingly from nowhere. I’ve seen you not so much as look at a mare unless drunk and never at stallions. A pony your age should of at least gone through three or four special someponies but you just seemed focused on some unseeable path. You look at some of the wonders of Canterlot and laugh. LAUGH, at flying vehicles and one of the largest cities in the world! Then you have the gall to-”

“Get out.” Mordane spat with his ears swept back.

Stalker froze

“I’m sorry?”

Mordane was standing but Stalker felt as if he was growing larger. Tightly controlled fury poured from him through every word.

“You want to question me? I won’t give you any answers. I won’t answer to anyone! Not you, and sure as hell not Celestia!” Mordane rose from his relaxed sitting position. His wings slowly unfurling. He Leaned further and further over the desk before stepping up onto the top. As his voice grew louder by the word. “I am the master of my own destiny! FUCK you! FUCK your questions! NO! YOU WILL ANSWER TO ME! EITHER YOU TELL ME WHO THE HELL YOU ARE-” Mordane stopped.

From atop the desk he glared down at the now truly afraid stallion.All around them a maelstrom of wind was flinging around papers and loose supplies.

Slowly, as if the air was let out of a balloon Mordane forced his face to relax. Followed quickly by his wings. He calmly stepped down from the desk to beside Stalker before he continuing in his usual calm tone. The wind finally drawing to a close as he began. “Either tell me who you are or just leave. I don't want someone I can’t trust near me. Just...Get out.”

Stalker continued to stare at him blinking a few times before Mordane sighed heavily and gave a weak smile.

“You have till the end of the day to make up your mind.”

He pushed past Stalker and walked out the door leaving his former comrade still standing with his mouth open.

Mordane stomped through the halls, eyes burning with rage that he fought bitterly for control.

Taking a hard right through a closed door, mordane slammed it shut and glared around as his eyes cracked red. The room was full of random pieces furniture staked with care against the wall and atop each other filled with cobwebs and the smell of mold. With a growl he stomped over to a chair and raised his hooves into the air.

Then stopped.

Breathing deeply he let out a long sigh and allowed the rage to fall away as well.

Behind him familiar hoofsteps walking slowly down the hall toward the exit from the office he had been using.

“Its been a long time since that happened...” Mordane said to no one looking down at his hoof as he turned around and sat in the chair. “The last time was before I even came to this world…”

He thought back to his rage at the time. It came back in sharp relief. Then even further back to the first time it happened. In his minds eye he saw the boy. His words had long since been lost, but the anger at them was not. Then more words. The fire of anger that had let up inside of him. What he said was lost to the fog of time as well but their effect was not.

He looked at the boy. He understood the boy. Then he said the words to unmake the boy.

Mordane remembered how happy he had been at the pain in the boys eye. At how he had laughed when the boy did not come back to school.

How it had felt to hear of the boys funeral and the gun that had been put between his lips.

He remembered to other times when he would fight. How he would be hit and it would cause not a cry of pain but of laughter. How he would push and crush those that opposed him. After all, it wasn’t his, right?

But news of that boy brought about a change in him.

That anger, that… Madness had to be locked away.

“Why am I here.” He asked to no one. "Chasing after power for a revenge I don't really feel but know I should. Why did I just not submit to her will? Being under another's hoof could not be as bad as this. Maybe then my parents would still be free to do as they wished. Why do I just want to run away?”

He knew the answer to that question. He had felt that tyrants force a thousand times. The twisting of the collar around his neck and the kind words meant to endear him to her. What did it matter if she acted with such grace in person when at the same time projecting an indisputable wave of power.

Raw unyielding power. A power that would make him give up himself. To become a piece in whatever game she played.

So here he was. Down in the south playing games for tiny scraps of coin. Throwing himself under the first banner shown and reaching for the top.

Power is what he needed. Power in either coin or an army. He needed to control others.

He could have no real control with someone so secretive around him.

For years that pony has tailed me. Followed me and watched. Whatever force moves him it is certainly not one deigning to control my choices like that bitch up north… No, they want to move around or with me. To use me for some purpose I cannot divine. I have been lax and calm under such direction. Who knows how much they have twisted. Examined from two sides. The tyrant wanting my head or soul and this bastard wanting my destiny to be determined by his own.

Stalker, what can I do with you?

Standing up, Mordane walked out of the room and toward the bar where he knew Boulder would be.

Stalker walked out of the building and absently mindedly broke into a run. His hooves found easy purchase on boxes, poles and ropes hanging from the wall as he moved smoothly to the rooftops. To one watching, it would not seem right to say that he was running so much as walking, yet he cleared gaps and moved from building to building at great speed.

As the stallion moved toward the town center he thought back.

Years...It’s been ten years since I first saw him. First rolled my eyes when Smut Peddler had told me excitedly that he had found an alicorn. I nearly hit him upside the head for such a stupid joke. Some horned colt randomly coming up to his shop bearing a pair of wings. I didn’t even believe he was being serious until he talked about giving away the Clandestien bracelet for near dirt prices. A relic of such importance that a permanent locator charm had been placed upon it. Discarded like so much trash and yet finding him was the easy part. Then I watched, expecting him to fall under Celestias sway. Then to move about perpetuating the rite of harmony and gladly falling under Celestia’s sway.

Yet he didn’t.

For years I have watched him…

Stalker came back to himself covered in a ragged cloak and speaking with a wheeze. A quick thought back made him remember snagging it off a clothing line as he dashed through an alleyway.

He was haggling with a merchant still operating under the watchful eye of High Rises troops. Dried fruit was apparently in high demand since the occupation and his efforts were proving pointless in trying to talk him down.

Why am I buying fruit? Wait, I’m not thinking of actually obeying him and just leaving...am I?

The shock of such a ridiculous impulse caused something his sensei would have whipped him for.

He dropped character and stood there, mouth open.

Turning he caught sight of Mordane himself moving through the market. His glare easily caused a path to open in front of him which brought a smile to Stalker’s face.

Even when he is walking along that pony seems to push and pull on those around him. Why go through here? Why have such a look of utter carelessness about yourself.

Stalker took a step to follow Mordane, already planning on surprising him once again… perhaps some cake or-

But then he stopped again… Mordane did not want him there.

What does that matter. I’m a shadow. A flicker on the edge of his vision. I could probably take his cloak without the lout noticing.
He chuckled at that

“Sir? Sir, are you alright?” asked the storekeeper, brow furrowed with worry. “I do have… some dried fruit left.”

“No, thank you, kind sir.” Stalker said, still looking at Mordane. His voice was clear and level. “I no longer need your food.”

He slipped out of the cloak then and left it lying in front of the confused vendor as he walked in the opposite direction that Mordane went.

The vender sighed “ Not again”

Stalker moved normally now, simply putting one step in front of another as he looked at the sites around him, lost in his own thoughts.

Can I really just leave? After all this time.

“Excuse me… Stalker?”

Stalker looked with a start at the two guards he had not noticed before. Both he recognised as part of High Rise’s more trusted inner circle of troops.

“Yes? May I help you?” He said nervously.

How did they sneak up on me? Was I really that out of it?

“Sir, we would...ask that you come with us. High Rise wishes to speak with you. He has a business proposition.”

Stalker looked around before sighing.

“Why not. Take me to him.”

Mordane stepped into the bar and immediately spotted his comrade, Boulder, sitting in a booth alone. Getting a glass of water he walked over and joined him.

“You know its rude to sit down without asking,” growled Boulder.

“Yes, it is, but I did not think you would let me sit if I asked… Look, Boulder, I know I seem cold but I really care that those children are going to die. Thats the way it must be though. Our situation forces my hoof,” Mordane replied sternly but quieter and in a sad tone. “In the end, everything I seem to do is one effect followed by another."

“Bull,” Boulder said, pushing over a shot of brandy. “You brought this on yourself. That armory should have been better guarded and we should not be in this band… I suppose I’ve got myself to blame for that one.”

“No, I wouldn’t say so.” Mordane groaned. “Look, Boulder, I’m sorry.”

“Its alright… I know you're right. It just seems.” His brow furrowed as he looked for the right word. “Wrong.”

“Well, I’m not always right… Boulder, I need some advice.” The old stallion raised an eyebrow and motioned for him to continue.

“It’s about Stalker-”

Mordane explained their argument and the final demand he had leveled at their companion as Boulder listened grunting occasionally in reply.

“-Well after that… I came here. Now I’ve got to decide what to do if he says no.”

“I say do it.” Boulder said quickly as he motioned for the bartender to change him to water.

“...Perhaps you're right. My gut has kept me alive this long. What’s the point of stopping now. Stalker has helped me over the last year but I never really did like him following me.” Mordane leaned back and stretched. It had been a long day.

“I’m just surprised that it took you this long. Why did you let him stay around anyway?”

Mordane rubbed his chin and looked up at the ceiling.

“Not really sure. I resisted at first, but after I realized he knew I was an alicorn, well… It just seemed pointless to try and push him away with what little strength I had. Celestia breathing down my neck plus my studies with Twilight-”

“You studied with a Princess?” Boulder said with raised eyebrows. “How did that happen?”

“Oh, it was before that ‘being chase by Celestia through a storm’ bit happened. Anyway, I was too busy, and after a time… I just got used to him being around. There was that one time though. I was walking over a bridge reading a book when he came and pushed me to the other side of it. That stupid grin on his face as he pointed down at the hole still sticks with me. Heh, he said ‘I don’t think that’s the kind of hole you want to be plunging into face first’. He always did have a perverted sense of humor.”

Mordane chuckled and waved the bartender away from the shot glass in front of him. It was definitely not time to bring out that guy.

“Well, sound to me like Stalkhounds syndrome.” Boulder said nodding to the barkeeper for a refill.


“Stalkhounds...The Diamond dog-, oh never mind... It is the effect where the captured will sympathise with their captors.”

“Ah... That.”

“Yeah. I mean, he’s been around you for years.” Boulder took a shot. “Ever since you were a colt. That can… have an effect on your judgement.”

“...I suppose that is possible.”

Mordane stood up, patting Boulder on the shoulder and headed out of the door. Looking at Mordane as with his ears lowered and head low, Boulder stopped mid drink his face scrunching as he frowned.


Stalker finished off the shot of wine pushed to him by High Rise.

The two stallions from before had lead him to just outside of town and into High Rises tent to where the company leader was waiting.

He wore an odd smile and Stalker could’ve sworn that his glass of wine was a lighter color then it should have been. Perhaps watered down?

“I asked you here today, Stalker, to make a proposal.” His eyes were dancing as he stared intently at him. “Is it true you and Mordane have had a… Falling out?”

“Well, that’s one way of putting it,” Stalker began while walking around the room “Why do you care?” Stalker looked at the various tables, flags and trappings with vague boredom, his attention still focused on the conversation.

“That’s simple,” High Rise said while leaning back in his chair. “Mordane is obviously planning something.”

“What do you care?” Stalker looked sideways.

“No matter their, skills a mercenary band leader does not stay one unless he is quick to pick up threats to his position.”

“Get to the chase, High Rise.”

“All right then,” he said standing up. “I want you to go back and get his forgiveness or say whatever you need to in order to get into his good side again. Then tell me when he plans to move against me… Unless you already know that.”

Stalker stopped moving and stared straight ahead.

“And if I do this?”

“I’ll double your cut.”

“You won’t kill him?”

High Rise chuckled. “He's just a foal. Dangerously skilled at getting others to do as he says, but a foal none the less. I won’t kill him unless he gives me no choice.”

Stalker’s heart beat hard. His desire to rush out of the tent was against every bit of his training. This was logical. If Mordane could not be controlled then by his family rules, Stalker was to limit him and if needed take a large sample… See what it would take to really get rid of him.
Then why did his chest hurt, and why was he waiting so long to ask the next question?

“If he were to be suddenly… Deceased, would you allow me to take his corpse and leave?”

High Rised frowned not expecting such a question. Perhaps their disagreement was worse than he had been lead to believe. He thought about questioning this request but ended up deciding that he was happier not knowing what Stalker's intentions were.

“Yes. Not only that, but I would pay you as I said before,” High Rise said with a smile before sitting behind his desk. “If that is what you want to do, that’s your decision. So, do we have a deal?”

Stalker continued to stare at the slightly dented silver cup sitting on High Rise’s table, years still flashing before his eyes. It seemed simple but in the end he had to go with his gut. He thought hard about the troubles that he had gone through...The jokes they had shared.

Turning he tipped his head and spoke simply before leaving.

“No thank you, High Rise. Have a nice day.”

The sorry of the locals over the unfinished bridge provided a chaotic rythem that Mordane found an odd joy from. Boulder said nothing, his eyes focused on the covered form.

It was rather strange sight for Boulder. Before him was a paradox of what he had been taught through his whole life.

Alicorn were strong beings, and the apex of harmony. They worked for the good of all ponykind from a pedestal which few could ever even dream to climb. They were kind, generous, loyal and powerful. Anypony should bend and bow to their greater wisdom, but yet.

Here was an alicorn who did not have the answers. Who was normal pony sized and made mistakes.

Perhaps… he needs to grow into who he will be. Just like anypony else.

Boulder’s eyes flicked over to a figure approaching them.

Stalker walked straight for Mordane. His face stern and eyes determined. The alicorn looked back with nothing that could be called an expression. His eyes flicking to every corner of Stalker’s form.

“Have you decided? Will you tell me everything?” he asked in a strangly monotone voice that Boulder recognized as his defence mechanism.

“Mordane…” Stalker began in a soft tone with downcast eyes. “I’ve put far too much into you to leave now. But I cannot tell you secrets that are not mine to give.”

Mordane’s face flashed into a glare as he stepped up to the older pony. “I may be a young pony, Stalker-”

“You are anything but that,” Stalker cut in. “I have seen you for years, Mordane. I know that you are no foal.”

Mordane blinked before continuing unabated.

“But I am not that young anymore. I’m stronger now and so can deny you.”

Mordane stomped his hooves and a stone flashed out of the nearby river and the the space between Stalker and Mordane.

Stalker jumped back even as Mordane charged his horn and struck Stalker in the chest with a spell.

He landed undisturbed and looked piercingly at Mordane before quickly checking himself for something wrong.

“You're wondering what I did?” Mordane said with a tired smile “A proximity spell. If you are within a dozen feet or so I will know.”He scratched behind his ear at the odd ringing only he could hear.

Stalker stared at Mordane blinking rapidly as he tried to understand.

“I’ve had it for a year, Stalker.” Mordane said answering Stalkers unspoken question. “I was just trying to think of was way to deliver it without you realizing. Then the Diamond dog attack happened. I guess sometimes you just need to rush ahead. Perhaps I overthink things.”

Stalker was trembling his face contorted in fury. In a moment he closed the distance between him and Mordane. Boulder heard a rush of wind as Stalker backhoofed the younger pony and sent him flying.

Mordane slid across the dirt and ground to a halt. His look wasn’t angry but stern as he stood up spitting out one of his rear teeth.

“Kind of hard, don’t you think, Stalker?”

“I think you deserve more. I came with good intent.”

“Perhaps,” agreed Mordane. “But all is fair in love and war, hmm?”

They stared each other down, measuring and guessing at what the other would do.

Boulder stepped back. He knew Mordane would need to be able to fling spells without him getting in the way if this actually went down. As he watch a stream of blood start coming out of Mordane’s nose it really sunk in.

By Celestia, they are going to kill each other. Why did I not stop this when I had the chance?

“Tonight,” Mordane said suddenly breaking the uneasy silence. ”No, tomorrow after we sleep and you have time to think. We settle this. You know that high hill with the single tree on the other side of town?”

“Yes,” Stalker said, coming out of his fighting stance.

“We meet there tomorrow at noon, come rain or shine. Is that fine with you?”

“Of course.”

They both left still glaring at each other leaving a confused and conflicted Boulder behind.

That night Mordane did all he could to not appear weakened as he walked back to the room. Wincing at the pain in his jaw. That spell had way too much of a drain on his body. Plus he could only manage one at a time. At least in reality it gave a fifty foot sensing parameter if the target should enter that range.

Both him and Stalker tossed and turned all night as something unsettled them both. They had there reasons to fight, logical and unyielding, yet in the wee hours of the morning they rolled the day over and over in their heads.

One bound by family to stay by his side or bring death if he could not. Silence ingrained into him from birth.

The other facing cold bards of reason and knowing that it would be on something he could not...would not yield. Celestia flashing through his mind with the rattle of chains… oh no, he would not risk Stalker any longer!

With time the two of them settled down and slept.

Mordane walked slowly toward the tall hill wearing his armored cloak. He had, of course, prepared for the coming conflict. His battered sword was sharpened and he had just enough sleep to not have it hamper his ability to fight.

Boulder stepped up beside him as they walked through the groups running back and forth.

“Mordane, are you planning to go through with this?” he said with true concern “You’re a magic user, but Stalker.”

“I know what I’m doing,” Mordane replied with a frown. “Stalker has been an issue I’ve had to ignore for years.”

“Yes, Mordane, years. I might not like the guy, but the fact remains. He is by far your senior and knows pretty much all that you know and more. Magic or no, he will be able to outmaneuver you.”

Mordane raised an eyebrow and gave a weak smile to reassure Boulder.

“I know it won’t be easy, no matter how you slice it. Something about the idea bothers me though.”

“There is no shame in listening to fear when it has a reason,” Boulder assured him.

“I know, but this is not fear… I think it’s regret,” Mordane continued as he turned to stare blankly forward. “But my logic tells me I must do this. Emotions only weaken a person.”


“Sorry, pony,” Mordane mumbled.

They left the village behind.

Mordane looked up to the hill where stalker stood waiting. His former comrade was oddly unclothed. Instead his knives and other weapons sat openly strapped to his side. Turning he spoke to Boulder. Telling him to wait at the hills bottom. Birds chirped upon the western wind as Mordane tread carefully up the incline. As he ascended the doubts from the night before were pushed aside. He knew that this was going to occur. His angry expression slowly softened then fell away leaving a blank stare at the one who had followed him for years without his consent.

Mordane kept moving until he stood across from Stalker before speaking.

“I don’t want to have to do this.”

“...I know, Mordane,” he replied with ears drooping.

“I cannot have you... near me and serving another. You will have to choose between us and I know that you will choose your family.”

Stalker wilted under Mordane’s hard glare and pulled back ears.

“I wouldn’t expect less from you, Mordane,” Stalker said softly pawing at the ground. “Its taken me a long time, but I think I understand you.”

“I doubt that,” Mordare replied, anger leaking back into his voice.

“ I do...” Stalker said, closing his eyes. “It was just something I could not accept easily. For years I’ve thought you a child. An idea I now see as a foolish assumption. After all, you are an alicorn. Your kind are always wrapped up in strange forces.”

“What are you getting at?”

“I’m saying that I’ll be able to name you soon, Mordane. Just like you did to me. Warrior, Strider, Destroyer, Maker. You know just how important such things are.”

“The most important in the world,” Mordane said, his coat bristling at hearing of such thoughts from Stalker. “Names give you power over others. It tells you who and what they are...I told you once I did not know my name.”

“Yes…” Stalker grimaced. “I don’t know how, Mordane, but you know more than you should. You’re older than your flesh, I can feel it and see it. It’s like you gave up your name. Gave up your desires and will to rise above. Everything is just a means to an end with you. I sometimes swear I can hear the gears clinking as you walk. Sometimes wonder what kind of life you came from that filled you with such emptiness.”

“It was my life,” Mordane said looking down. “The life I chose.” He looked back at Stalker with his ears drooping and his eyes tired. “I am old Stalker. As you say, I am older than my flesh.”

“How old are you?” Stalker whispered.

“Depends, sometimes I’m young and naive. I fall back and let myself rest. Other times I open my inner eyes and come out in force only to go back again. It’s the only way I found to calm myself. To hold in that which I refuse to let go. If you want actual years I'd experienced that would be around fifty.”

“I can understand that,” Stalker said nodding slowly. “I’m forty myself. What I can't understand is how you can care for others but treat them so coldly. Allow them to be hurt with such surety. I’ve seen you kill… what was her name? Ah yes; Lyra. I saw you kill her with your own spell as she fought following your plan.”

“I had no choice. She was about to die anyway. It was either kill her and the dogs or let the dogs kill her and many others… the choice was obvious.”

“Yes, I can see that.”

They stared at each other as Boulder looked on from the hill’s bottom. His ears stuck back and hooves ready to charge.

“He will follow you,” Stalker said, indicating Boulder. “He does not know it yet but he is loyal to you.”

Mordane looked back down at Boulder, his eyes thoughtful.

“Not just yet… But soon, I suppose. Part of me wonders if it is my right to pull on him for my own purpose.”

“What if you took a greater one?”

Mordane scrunched to a frown.

“What would you have of me, Stalker. To ride out and form a nation? To bring law to this lawless land.”

“No, I would have you choose your own purpose.”

They stood silent for a few minutes longer as the wind rustled the grassy hilltop. the silence was broken when Mordane spoke solum.

“Will you tell me your family’s purpose, Stalker?”

“I cannot.”

“Will you leave and never follow me again?”

“I cannot.”

Mordanes eyes hardened. He raised his sword.

“So be it.”

A blast of wind ripped from Mordane horn toward Stalker but before it made contact he suddenly rocketed into the air at a forty five degree angle. In mid jump he drew an threw three knives in quick succession.

Mordane stormed the earth and a mass of dirt rose up to block. Stalker reached out and grabbed a protruding stone and flung himself at Mordane. He came screeching in hoof, ready to plow into Mordane’s throat but his target pumped his wings quickly, leaving Stalker’s hoof to imbed in the earth.

“You cannot defeat me, Stalker. I’m an alicorn. Magic and flight are on my side as well as strength.”

“You know that matters little in a fight when I’m the one who is trained. Perhaps it’s time to teach you humility.”

Mordane was thirty feet in the air as he pulled on his war magic. Reaching out, he commanded the water and the air to obey him. Focusing, he formed the air into a spear and then used the earth below as the tip. The water he flung high into the air and formed thin blades of ice. As soon as he could, Mordane rammed the spear of earth and air at Stalker.

Stalker frowned then snarled before ramming his forehooves into the ground.

A cloud of dust covered the hill top as Mordane blinked while having twenty feet up.

What the-

Stalker came down from above and gave Mordane a left hook to the jaw. His plummeted to the round and crashed hard.

Mordane had no time to react Before Stalker landed on top of him with his hooves plowing into the ground either side of his head.

Stalker hit with a left then right, again and again before a blast of wind blew him into the air.

Mordane scrambled to his feet and growled at Stalker already standing at ease. He held a knife with a bit of blood on it. A stream of crimson liquid flowed down from a cut above Mordane’s left eye. Mordane panted, staring intently at his foe.

“That was not possible., Mordane said. “I have only seen one mare as fast and strong as you.”

Stalker blinked and broke out into a full smile.

“What, already noticed? I was wondering if you could see through me. As for Pinkie, I am not exactly sure how she moves so fast...”

“I’m not sure exactly what aspect it is but you are using war magic.”

“Right again. So what do-”

Stalker was cut off as the shards of ice from before rained down where he stood giving him a dozen thin paper cuts.

“I think I’ll adapt though.”

Mordane flapped his wings and rocked towards Stalker, connecting with his chest. A beam of energy ripped from his horn and cut for Stalker’s neck. The stallion however spun and moved out from him, slashing at his leg and drawing some blood.

Flipping around they both locked hooves pushed trying to knock the other down. Mordane’s wings were flapping full force but even so Stalker’s strength started to overcome him.

Thinking fast, Mordane levitated his sword from where it had fallen, drawing toward his scabbard. Stalker jumped out of the way as the blade flew past Mordae.

On and on they fought. Mordane would gain some ground with his magic but Stalker always kept him off balance and stuck where he could. As the battle wore on the both of them began to tire.

Stalker threw his last knife, barely scratching Mordane before dodging the smatter of stones haphazardly thrown at him. There were few words or thoughts now as they slowly and surly ground each other down.

“God, you're stubborn, Stalker. Why won’t you just leave?” Mordane said while panting as he and Stalker circled each other.

“I can’t do that Mordane…” Stalker replied quietly looking down at the ground. “No matter how much you piss me off.”

Mordane charged but Stalker dodged leaving him to circle again.

“I won’t let up on this, Stalker. I won’t risk my parents. Now tell me, who are you?”

Stalker lazily threw a rock that Mordane easily dodged and responded by flinging a stone and then tackled Stalker to the ground, but Stalker tackled him causing them both to go rolling down the hill and into a briar patch. Both of them kept fighting however but soon they found themselves unable to move.

“Who are you? Why wont you leave!?”

“ I -!”

“WHO?!” Mordane yelled in fury.

“YOUR FRIEND!” Stalker cried out glaring at Mordane through watery eye. “I’m your friend… The only one you got.” Stalker suppressed a sob as his heart ached.

“ Stalker…” But Stalker cut him off while shaking his head.

“For all these years I followed you. At first it was for the family. Honor and obligation, but then it changed.” Stalker said panting. He lowered his nose into the ground as he tried to gain the stregth to express what was eating him up inside.

“I started to enjoy your exploits.” Stalker choked out. Tears turning to mud on the ground.

“The dodges in speech” He began hitting the ground with his hoof drawing water into Mordanes eyes as well “your interactions with those around you, how you pretended to be normal. Then something changed. “ He sniffed and regained control of himself before continuing. “ I grew angry when you failed… I was happy when things went your way. In time, I started to even… Help you. How many times did I save you in these last few decades? How often where you going to be caught when I would save you from that?”

Stalker shook as Mordane stared wide eyed and teary at him. The briars kept him from moving as they stuck into them both.

“I was taught from a young age that friendship is a weakness. That in time everypony will betray you. That only blood mattered.” He looked up with streams of tears freshly flowing from his eyes. “Have I not shared your blood? Your pain? Have I not always been there for you? Can you not call me friend?”

“I-” But Stalker cut Mordane off again.

“Thats what I wanted… But I know that you don’t think that way. To you, friends are tools to be used… Like pieces on a board. You care for everyone the same. Valuable, but to be put for a purpose. I can never really be your-”

“Hey” Mordane said placing his hoof under Stalkers chin. His voice nearly cracking as he struggled to contain his emotion and smile. “cheer up, Even in that past life I was… Alone and abnormal, I-” Mordanes face twisted as the word caught on his tongue looking for the right words. “I’ve never had a friend. Even if others called them mine. To be a friend I think you need to be honest, kind, loyal and those are the most difficult things for me.”

Stalker looked up with a hesitant grin while raising an eyebrow.

“But,” Mordane continued with his own smile. “I think I would like to have one… as crazy as he would have to be, to know me and actually stay.”

Stalker and Mordane awkwardly laughed as Boulder came running to cut them out of the briar patch.

“So you two found common ground? Can’t say I’m not surprised,” he grinned as his knife cut them out.

“Oh cut it out, Boulder,” Mordane said, laughing as the two of them struggled up and out of the patch.

“Mordane,” Stalker said rubbing the back of his head. “I can’t tell you about my family… Or my past because I swore I never would… And for all that, I do my word matters to me more than anything.”

“You have honor?” asked Boulder before being smacked in the back of the head.

Mordae nodded his head and adjusted his thought patterns trying to find a solution. Then he hit upon an idea.

“Does your oath demand that you obey any order?”


“Then I will ask you to give a promise to me.”

Boulder and Stalker looked at each other then back at Mordane with raised eyebrows.

“What kind of promise?” Boulder asked rubbing his chin.

Mordane smiled. “ Promise me that if your family calls you away or to hurt me. That you will warn me so I can run.”

Stalker looked at his former target. A warmth settled into his stomach as he smiled.

“I promise.”

Laughter rang through the bar as Stalker and Mordane both downed root beer after root beer. It was ultimately pointless, but Mordane smiled anyway. After all, even if it was a waste, he was still having fun with his… Friends.

His mouth’s corners turned up at the idea as the jokingly threw a glass of the drink at Boulder who burst out laughing.

“Seriously, Stalker what's with having no cutie mark? Did you have to sacrifice a virgin?”

“Phfft, oh yes, Mordane, you caught me. You see that’s why I’ve been following you." He punched him lightly." Been waiting to learn the secret but you sill don't have one.”

“You’re both freaks,” cut in Boulder. “Two adult ponies without Cutie Marks. What does THATmean.”

“I'm very late” Mordane said, scratching his chin. “It’s got to do with using War magic. Messed me up or somthing.”

Suddenly Mordane was tackled. It took him a fraction of a second to realize it was Stalker and a full second more to register the sight of Boulder struggling with a pegasus. In his gray wing was gripped a knife.

Stalker slapped him nearly dislodging some teeth as he yelled into Mordane's ear.


“Shut up, you fool. I asked you three times, ARE YOU HURT!”

“NO!” Mordane yelled back furious.

“DAMN it, Mordane, focus!” he said, grabbing both sides of the alicorn’s head. Even as Boulder successfully knocked the blade from the attacker's wing. “That blade has poison, I can see the sheen. NOW. Did. He. Cut. You?”

Mordane blinked rapidly before turning to check himself all over. At his gasp Stalker’s ears drooped. On his right thigh was a long narrow gash.

Immediately Stalker bends down and began licking the wound.

“What the hell?!” Mordane yelled

Stalker spat onto the ground

“This might help get the poison out. Hold still.”

Using his magic, Mordane floated over the blade and looked at its liquidity sheen. His brow furrowed as Boulder finished subduing the foe.
Panting, he sat atop of the other stallion, mumbling curses and his desire for a drink.

Mordane thought quickly before falling on a solution. There was no guarantee Stalker could make a cure it would be best to get it from the source.

“Boulder, drag that bucking bastard over here,” he said with a cold growl.

Boulder nodded and forced the pegasus across the floor to beside Mordane. Stalker stopped licking the wound to look curiously at his friend.

With a growl Mordane grabbed the stallion's foreleg and stabbed it through with the knife.

He screamed bloody murder and began thrashing against Boulder who quickly worked to calm him down as Mordane pulled out the knife.
Stepping up he walked over to the stallion, his right flank already going numb.

“Listen close, you bastard. Where is the antidote? Tell me now or we’ll die together.”

The gray pegasus groaned, his eyes watery.

“I bought it off a seller in Titus. I don’t have an antidote.”

“What was it called.” Stalker cut in.

“Uhh, I’m not sure.” He said through a pained grimmice. ”Dandy something?”

“Dandy extracts? I can make an antidote for that,” spoke up Stalker excitedly. Pulling out his poison bag and getting to work. “Give me two minutes.”

“Oh thank G-” Mordane cut the stallion off with a stomp to the gut, drawing out cries of pain.

“Don't thank God just yet, little pony. I’m not done with you. Who sent you?” Mordane's heart was pumping as his fear came to pass. Would he have to run and abandon all that he had gained? Had Celestia found him? Would he have to run the breadth of the land dodging her assassins till he could fake his own death?

“High Rise… It was High Rise. Now please, I have a wife. Fo-” Mordane cut him off one more time but with a kick to the head. He rolled to lay on the floor, unconscious.

“All is forgiven. Perhaps you will wake soon enough to take a cure. Stalker, Boulder… I think it's time for a change of management.”

His friends smiled. Knowing it was time. Ready to hear his orders.

“Boulder, get on the vine. Do whatever you can but make sure I have at LEAST the same number of troops as him once we meet. Get all the rest busy. I don't want ponies standing around undecided. Make sure that the armory is secure and get your loyal tabs reporting and talking.” He turned and grinned at his new friend.

“Stalker, I want you to find High Rise. Do. Not. Kill. Him. I have to be the one. Instead, I want you to find him and find fuel to justify my take over. Something tangible. Give it to Boulder. He will have it spread in an hour. I’m going to go and secure the townsfolk. Have them finishing that bridge double time. That should keep them busy.”

His friends nodded and made mental preparations to perform his task. During this he sauntered over to the bar and made them three shots of whisky.

“Take one,” he said solemnly and waited till they complied. “Paths have to start somewhere… In the end, I know where I will end up. Maybe you’ll follow me there, maybe you won't. Maybe some of us will make it. But I know that we will return to Equestria, not as the destitute, but strong. We will find a way though and gain my family again, but we will need wealth. Then who knows what we will do? It starts here, however. I don't know why High Rise has decided to kill me now, but such things are bound to happen along our path.” He looked them both in the eye. “To glory and victory!” They drank and threw the glasses against the ground, shattering them. Running out the front door, they stopped outside, nodded, then headed off in different directions.


Boulder ran full out, panting desperately for air, the shot of alcohol dulling his senses and pushing him on faster and stronger.

What the buck is High Rise thinking? This is madness.

A chill ran through him as he remembered his contact’s words from earlier.

That bastard. He thinks that he won't need him after that battle is over. We will be out of here… Come to think of it he has been asking around a lot, wondering what Mordane has been doing. Could he think Mordane? No that would be… Could Mordane have planned a coup?

He thought for a second before shaking his

No, doesn't matter. Mordane should be in command anyway. That bastard is just greedy and fears Mordane will do what he would.
Assured he was working for the right side, Boulder ran onward to the barracks and bucked in the door. He ignored the gasps of surprise and ran to his command table.

“Well, lookie here, if it isn’t old Boulder. Done bending over for our prestigious Mo-”

Boulder crashed into him and stamped him against the wall unceremoniously. He pushed hard and held him up pinned even as his other poker buddies mouth’s hung open.

“Why in Celestia’s sweet sun did you not tell me, Sunny Disposition?” he growled.

The stallion spat in Boulder’s face.

“Why did you think? I know you were in the same tent with that Mordane fellow. You would be working for him. You can’t trust Unicorns you bastard. YOU CAN'T TRUST EM!”

Boulder threw him against the wall growling, which drove him into unconsciousness.

“You four, listen here and listen well. Mordane is the leader of this here band by right. That High Rise fellow has nearly gotten us killed four times! Who pulled us out of the fire? Mordane!"

“Now I ain't telling you to pick our side, but I am telling you that if you don't, then don’t be there when it's decided. Understand!”

They nodded their heads vigorously. Boulder snorted and ran out, looking for those he knew he could trust.

Stalker jumped from roof to roof, moving like the shadow of a cloud and being nearly as visible. Despite his years of training in art of stealth he let out an involuntary growl. After so many years of being alone, he had finally admitted how he felt to Mordane and been accepted.

Then some two bit with a sword and vial nearly kill him. Worst of all, he was forbidden from killing the stallion. Mordane would need to drive in the blade himself.

Oh what I would do to you, High Rise. What vile twisted atrocities would I commit?

The thought brought a smile to his lips that was immediately torn away after he remembered his grandfather's words.

No, He does not weaken me, He makes me stronger, faster. I can do more than ever. You were wrong, grandfather. The magic of friendship really does have strength… More than you would ever know..

Stalker pushed himself even harder and reached for his magic.

He was no longer a shadow flying across the roof tops.

He was simply not there.

Mordane teleported to a roof moving in the opposite direction from Stalker. Then he teleported again before untangling his wings and taking to the sky. Plans flashed through his mind and were discarded with ease.

He knew one thing, however. No matter what, he would need all the power he could get. Yet already he could feel another working. Using telekinesis, he opened his window before teleporting inside.

Once there, he quickly pulled on his sword and other gear before floating his amulet over and slipping it on. He smiled at how it was half way full before jumping out his window and galloping for the worker camp.

High Rise sat in a chair with a glass of hard cider, his eyes surprisingly clear and sharp. Even more strange was his wearing of battle armor. He waited patiently, glaring over the field to the construction site.

The right side of his lip twitched as he went over what had happened earlier that day.

First I get information that says Stalker and Mordane are at each other’s throats, followed shortly by them apparently ready to kill each other, stalker is then seen alone and Mordane took something from him. At the same time, he has his friend Boulder talking to his friends… Then after I talk to this Stalker, suddenly they are friends again!? Oh, it’s obvious what is going on here, preparing for takeover, getting me to reveal my hoof.

A pegasus landed in a flash. He was an old friend and had volunteered to watch this young upstart Mordane die.

“High Rise! Mordane lives. He was indeed cut, but that Stalker pony made an antidote. The three of them separated and ran off. From what I saw they are gathering allies…”

“By the gates of Tartarus… Send word to have most of the normal soldiers busy. Get our friends, I don't want to have trouble with him. If we have to fight, let's make this quick and clean. If we can cause fear in his allies they may abandon them.”


Mordane nodded to Bob who then ran off. According to him, the work would be done in about an hour at the rate it was now going.
Dashing off, he ran the coming conflict through his mind.

Most of the band would not know about the takeover until after it was done. If he could estimate, their numbers would be about the same. No matter what, though, the battle would come down to him and High Rise.

I can handle him easily, but it’s the take over afterwards I need to worry about.

After Mordane made it back to the village, Stalker dropped in beside him and began talking.

“Boulder has found a few ponies he thinks will help us. The rest of the army is with the citizens at the bridge and woods. Our numbers are comparable to theirs. It should be about even.”

“Then I can call that High Rise bastard out to fight me one on one. When he cowers, it will do well for me.”

Stalker couldn’t help but grin evilly as Mordane unfurled his plans in front of him.

“Boulder and the group are around this corner. What do you plan to do if he says yes?”

“I suppose I will have to beat him down.”

The both of lips were curled into a laugh as they rounded the corner, arriving just in time.

“Why have you gathered these ponies here?” High Rise asked Boulder. Behind him ten or so ponies stood glaring with their various weapons ranging from knives to a greatsword.

“I think you know why we are here,” Boulder replied calmly.

High Rise snorted in anger, his body shelled in strong armor.

“I would’ve thought that Mordane himself would be here.”

“As I am, High Rise,” shouted Mordane as he galloped up to the group front. “It would seem your… compatriot failed in his task to kill me.”
Several ponies shifted uncomfortably at his statement but High Rise barely even blinked.

“What of it? You and I both know that this game between us has been a long time coming. Only one of us is going to walk away the leader.”
Mordane nodded his head and acted at ease. Inside, though, he was ready to spring into action if the need arose.

Both sides now stood in a line about twenty feet apart. From his eye even if the fight broke out his side would have the advantage.
“Look, High Rise, this is between you and me. Lets leave the others out of it and settle this like stallions.”

High Rise snorted again but this time with a smile as he stalked forwards towards Mordane.Seeing this Mordane moved to meet him.
“And here I thought I was going to have to drag you out from behind those lackies. I suppose you're braver than I thought.”

"I thought the same."

Mordane was not sure what Made High Rise think he could defeat him but he would not back down now.

“Let’s en-”

Mordane was cut off as a pegasus came screeching in from the north. He landed, panting, between them before trotting up to High Rise.
“SIR! The Cabistien forces, they were routed! The enemy is headed this way! They will be here by tomorrow!”

All of the ponies froze where they were. For a moment High Rise and Mordane locked eyes. A simple understanding passed between them.

I don’t have time for you now, little brat.

The army comes first, we don’t have time for this.

The party dispersed as High Rise shouted orders. Over the next hour his verbal lashings and loud voice got the ponies up and moving. Two hour later the mercenary band was moving quickly away from the town.

As Mordane crossed over the first mountain ridge he stopped and turned back. Behind him a line of wagons and ponies stumbled up the mountainside. The sun had fallen over the horizon an hour ago but it might as well of been day. Screams drifted up from the village below as guards withdrew from homes taking what they willed. On the river he could see the black outline of soldiers against the flames of the burning bridge. They threw their torches on the inferno before turning to return to the army.

Something felt odd to Mordane something he could not place.

He turned and continued his trek over the mountain as in the distance thunder roared.

The enemy would be occupied putting out the fire. They however would be gone.