• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,757 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

Waves of Water and Other Kinds

Mordane was fucking tired of relaxing.

He had been in this bed for four straight days and he had literally run out of things to do. He had practiced causing a little wind with his wings, done divisions, multiplications, exponentials, he had mentally constructed all the parts to a steam engine, radio and water pump, tried to do wing-ups and even to sing random songs he could remember from Earth.

Yet he had been thwarted again and again as Trixie kindly, lovingly, vindictively made sure that he stayed. In. BED.

It was only his knowledge that she was right that kept him in the bed truly. He was a mess, nothing a few weeks of bedrest couldn't fix, but that was just it. The trip was going to take a few weeks. On top of that Trixie was obviously still angry with him about the mind invading thing. She kept their conversation focused and seemed to delight in depriving him of information about the ship at first.

As the time had gone on though she had quickly simply grown cold. Leaving him with nothing.

It was worse than being in the womb, at least there he had no choice but to stay still. Here though he had a mountain of new experiences just waiting beyond the door. His ears twitched at every command shouted, muffled beyond recognition through the walls. He listened intently to try and make out every conversation over his head.

“I’m telling you Charon I honestly, truthfully wish there was a pirate attack. At least then something interesting would happen.”

“Indeed.” Charon said with one eyebrow raised as he sat next to Mordane’s bed sipping a cup of coffee. “Though I do have to mention. Since you are stuck in this bed you’ll only be able to listen to it.”



“You don’t have to be such a bummer Charon.”


She couldn’t see him, It was like a sudden updraft, or bolt of lighting. His hoof slammed into her face and she was thrown into the air.

This time, for the first time, she was able to correct herself before crashing into the wall. She teetered down to the ship deck, rubbing her cheek.

“You need to learn how to dodge!” One Eye nodded his head “Dodge!”

Ivy Green swallowed as the next recruit walked up. She rustled her wings and quickly reached down to smooth them.

It still felt strange to her to be outside without her shirt. As she adjusted each feather that felt out of place under her hooves her eyes slid over to the door.

The main cabin door where Stronghoof was. Stronghoof. The alicorn.

She swallowed. It had been a week since they left Tietus. After these many months her mother had certainly given up on finding her and returned to the village.

Once again she wondered if it might have been better to stay home and stay quiet.

I can’t have done that

One Eye defeated the tired and battered stallion with ease, finishing off the last of them once again.

“I can’t believe how terrible y'all fight. Its enough to bore me into not trying. Go rest now. I’m going to go get a drink.”

The others groaned and began to shuffle toward the stairs. It was time to once again get their tak and cup of mead. Tak could best be described as hardened oatmeal with nuts mixed in. It is not terrible, at least not until you've had it for every meal for a week.

She wasn't going to have any of that yet. Instead Ivy decided to go for a short fly. She took to the air and banked to slowly circle the ship. Sailors were scurrying and flying around to keep the ship under way. It was a grand ship with two masts and a deep through hull, with two lower decks and a captain's cabin. She considered swinging low past the captains windows and perhaps catching sight of Mordane.

The Alicorn, wings spread out toward the sky. In a flash he dove toward the great fiery dragon.

The image sent a shot of fear down her spin. What if the stallion was angered by her curiosity, or doing something he did not wish for others to see. Would he kick her out, sick, or just kill her immediately?? She didn't​ know, so as she banked around the ship's rear she went high into the air, pumping her wings to make sure she could not see through the windows.

She wouldn’t want to have him lash out at her, like her earth pony father would when displeased.

After a few minutes she glided down to the vessel again and then trotted down to the mess hall. Once there she took her tak in solid form and pitcher of water to the table with the other recruits.

“I tell you, this one eyed fellow fought a hundred ponies himself in the arena! He was a great fighter, but a terrible teacher! All he does is work us out, then beat us, then drink himself to sleep. I’d smack him on that bed myself, but​ you all know what happened to Smarty.”

The unicorn winced and rubbed his shoulder. He still complained it felt ‘loose’, ever since One Eye kicked him through a wall.

“It's a good thing you pegasi are going last Ivy. Otherwise the ship would have left half of us floating behind already.”

The rest of them grunted agreements and nodded their heads. If the food wasn’t bad enough, it was all these ponies were talking about anymore.

“You made this bed, now sleep in it.” Ivy said “Speaking of beds. I think it's time for me to head to mine.”

Ivy finished up her tak and got up to go to bed, but instead headed back onto the deck to look at the sea.

Sailing the sea was something she had dreamed about as a kid and even after a week getting her butt kicked, staring off to the horizon still brought thoughts of adventure and excitement. Now though there was more detail than before. Mordane standing in gleaming armor, a banner flowing behind him. She couldn’t make out the symbol on it as he pointed toward a castle on the hill. ‘Commander Ivy! Take control of the castle!!’ ‘Yes Lord Stronghoof!’

She smiled, adventure would be hers, following somepony like Stronghoof.

“Once again Miss Trixie, I will not press One Eye to cease his drinking. After all, I prefer my hide on my body.” Ivy’s ear twitched and she turned to see the half dragon/pony frowning at the one called Trixie.

“But Sir Charon-” the mare frowned. “Mordane will not be happy-”

“I am not under the employ of Sir Stronghoof, but the King of Herridon and therefore could care less what you say or what he will feel about me. If you find One Eye’s actions deplorable then you should speak to him about it yourself.”

“Trixie tried that already! He merely laughed!” Trixie snarled “He will not listen to Trixie!”

“Then I suggest you give him a good thrashing as that is the only way I know of to get somepony like him to do as you say.” Standing Charon stood and did a slight bow to Trixie. “Good day mam.”

Trixie seemed to fume and Ivy broke out into a smile. The mare seemed to notice this and stalked over to her.

“Are you waiting till Trixie sleeps to try and break into Mordane’s chambers?”

“No ma’am” Ivy said, standing up taller. “I was just heading below deck.”

“Good.“ Trixie sniffed and turned up her nose. “Run along then.”

Ivy swallowed the sour taste in her mouth as she trotted to her bed below decks. Trixie had been pleasant enough at first, but has become more and more acidic as the week had gone on, bitter at every little perceived transgression put in front of her. She had become intolerable. Plus she had picked up a weird speech tick where she spoke in the third person.

The representatives respected her only since she was the guardian to Stronghoof. She wouldn’t let anyone through. Not ponies wanting to pay respects, not the ship captain and barely that Charon fellow. One Eye didn’t seem to want to go in so that travesty didn’t happen.

Ivy really felt sour about this though. After all, her and the other ponies had dropped everything to throw their lots in with Mordane. Sure this early it could really pay off, but considering he had already lost one army…

She shook her head. No, that time he had been a simple mercenary, not a noble with the name Stronghoof!

Her bed was one of many cots stacked in rows. It was incredibly uncomfortable and hot in the room. Several ponies were already asleep while the others were grumbling still.

“-don’t even know if Mordane is still alive-”

Tired and sore she was able to eventually sink into a deep sleep.


The following morning she awoke, just as every other morning on the ship before.


One Eye paraded in, shouting up a storm, and following them up onto the top deck.

First was push ups. Followed by jogging. Then jumping.

It went on for two to three hours normally, before the first fight of the day. After the first fight, they received a short break.

During the fighting, One Eye had been particularly rough. Apparently Trixie had decided to pour the alcohol over the side of the ship. The two of them were currently arguing as Charon sat reading a book.

As the recruits sat down, they began to discuss their favorite topic, grumbling about the conditions on the ship.

“Son of a whorse, is what he is. I just think he gets a kick out of beating us.” “What did we do, to deserve this treatment?” “I am thinking they just wanted to use us, to get rid of that crowd.”

Ivy didn’t participate, but in many ways she was starting to agree. It wasn’t like she was unused to the kinds of things ponies would do.

“I said it last night and I’ll say it again. Is Stronghoof even still alive? We haven’t seen him and he was in a pretty bad shape.”

“Aye, that dragon did a number on him.”

Suddenly one of the earth pony stallions stood up.

“Well I ain’t going to put up with this, if there is no job in it. I want to hear that from Stronghoof myself first.” He motioned to the door currently unwatched “Who is with me?”

Ivy’s heart started to beat faster​ as most of the ponies agreed, her and another agreed after a few moments, when they could see where this was going. These ponies were tired of how they were treated. So as a group they stood and began to move toward the door. They quickly drew the attention of the two bickering ponies.

“Hey!” One Eye shouted “Where do you think you're​ going?! We haven’t had our sparring!”

“You ponies get away from there! If you want to see Mordane you can speak to Trixie!” Trixie shouted.

The lead stallion spun on his hooves. His face was beet red as he stalked toward the two.

“We are here to be hired by Stronghoof, not by either of you!”

“Yeah!” the crowd bellowed

“You can’t, Mordane is resting.” Trixie said.

“Ain’t he already dead?”Asked one of the recruits. “I mean, he fought a dragon…”

“What? he's dead?” Asked One Eye, miss hearing the pony “ Then this ship is mine!”

“Like Tartarus it is!” Shouted the lead stallion “Get him!”

The other recruits lunged at Trixie and One Eye, but Ivy hung back, her head spinning. This was too much, too fast.

“Mutiny! The Great and Powerful Trixie will put you down!”

“Oh you wanna fight?!”

Trixie let loose a blast of energy into the group as One Eye Charged. Ponies struck back and sailors ran below deck.

What do I do!?

Ivy’s panicked eyes swung back to the door. She rushed to it, but stopped in front. What if the alicorn really didn’t want to be disturbed? What if he really was very sick and couldn’t help?

It was just like when she was back in the city. Her mother hoofing over a small pile of gold, asking if she was sure of this. If she was sure she wanted banishment.

She had felt the same, after being thrown out of the mercenary guild for being too small and saw the poster for Mordane's fight.

And once more, when she had stood at the boat dock and thought if she wanted to go, and pursue a childlike dream.

I can’t stop here.

She grabbed the door latch and barged in.


Mordane blinked, his ear twitched at the sound of ponies fighting and his eyes focused on the mare who stepped into the room.

Her coat was light green and mane was the color of bone. She wore no clothes of any kind and so, he could see her well defined muscles, and long feathers on her wings.

She was by any definition a paragon of a pegasus.

“To be frank, if you're here to kill me I might just let you.”

The mare blinked, her first statement catching in her throat.

Mordane smiled and pushed off the bed, he took to the air with his hoof on his scabbard. Sliding smoothly to hover he pulled out the blade with him. He barely had enough room with only a hoof clearance over his head.

“Although, boredom isn't that bad.”

“N-No! I-”

“Pray tell.” Mordane said, tentatively touching down onto the floor a few feet in front of her, his wings still outstretched “Why is a sailor coming in here?”

The mare's mouth fell open, but with a quick shake of her head she spoke.

“Sire, I am not a sailor. I am a recruit.”

Mordane frowned and tilted his head.

“Recruit for what?”

Ivy froze.

It took a few seconds for her to understand what he had said. When she did, her heart began to quicken and her face flushed. She opened her mouth, but stopped.

He doesn’t know.

He didn’t know about them at all and had nothing to do with their treatment. She saw the genuine curiosity in his eyes and decided to explain.

“Sire,” she bowed down to him “Upon your leaving of the city of Tietus there was a large crowd waiting to see you. To have them break off, your follower One Eye… made it seem you were seeking soldiers and that those of us who wanted to join you should push others off the dock. He then said that those who wanted to join you must also immediately come onto the ship. Me and five others were the only ones who came and were accepted.”

‘I...see” Mordane said lowering his blade resting the tip on the ground. “And the fighting outside?”

“The treatment of the recruits has lead to rising tensions with them.”

“And what was your treatment.” Mordane looked over at the door, eyes narrowing slightly.

“Hard exercise under the direction of One Eye, followed by brutal beatings every day called fight training. Meals consisting of only tak. To be frank, we were left drifting blind on a hot updraft mid flight sir.”

Ivy continued to stare at Mordane's hooves, not sure how the pony would react to the news, laugh, or shout? She didn’t know. Instead she focused on his broken leg and wraps around his body. Even now she could feel a breeze as he continued to use his wings to support most of his weight. It was at this moment, she realized how weak he really was right now. At the same time she was shocked at the level of control he was exercising and will to accomplish this feat.

“That is greatly disturbing news and something that only I can repair… What is your name.”

“Ivy Green, my lord.” She said quickly.

“You have done well Ivy. I must go out into that maelstrom now and speak. I will need your hoof to do that.”

“It is yours.” She looked up. “Just tell me what to do.”

“Rise and lend me your shoulder,” Mordane said floating down and letting his damaged left forehoof hang over her shoulder. “Assist me out the door.”

Ivy nodded as she felt the sweaty hoof draped over her. Noting just how tiring the whole thing was to him. She also felt a thrill as he grabbed his scabbard from the door, sheathed the blade and hung it on her.

“You might not know how to use it yet, but just stab at them if I order you to.”

A few moments later they slipped through the door and out onto the deck.

The deckspace was chaos. The five other recruits had cornered One Eye and Trixie. Small fires had broken out on the ship, along with a dozen scorch marks. Mordane took a moment to take a deep breath.

”Stop!” The use of the royal voice shook Ivy. The crowd of ponies froze, before turning toward him.

“Mordane! What are you doing up!?”

“Doing what must be done!” he barked. “You there, recruits! Come here, speak to me.”

“Oh I’ll speak to you all right.” growled the lead stallion turning and coming toward them. “I’ll speak to you with a hoof-”

Quickly, with only a bit of shaking, Ivy drew the blade Mordane had given her and pointed it at the stallion, stopping his advance. Mordane took the opportunity to speak, before he could decide what to do.

“Attacking me would be a waste I would think, as I would only be forced to kill you.” Mordane said nonchalantly. “Also I would be unable to inform you that One Eye’s training was both unauthorized and stupid”!

Mordane glared over at One Eye whose ears folded back at the sudden roar toward him.

“Well...uh” the lead stallion said “We still want an answer. If you’ll still hire us.”

Mordane looked at him and then at the other ponies who started to gather around before frowning.

“I think not yet.” Mordane snapped. “ I don't know if you are worthy. After I train you, if you still wish to stay. Then yes.” His eyes narrowed.

“What of the abuse?” One of the other ponies spoke up.

“Foolish. You are on tak, no beans for muscle building, no vegetables for hard work. You're not in the condition to begin physical training.” He looked back at One Eye “ And if you want any future work from me, I expect you to start running around the ship until you drop!”

One Eye blinked and frowned, but as everyone watched he sighed and turned to take off.

“And don't you go and command my soldiers unless I tell you!” He turned to Charon. “ Why are my soldiers eating tak?”

“Supply shortages.” the creature said from his position up above Mordane on the cabin roof. “I stocked for only the crew and us. One Eye was already a stretch on our regular supplies plus your rather… unexpectedly large consumption amount.”

Mordane deadpanned before shaking his head.

“That is rather small margin even for a two week trip Charon.”

The creature nodded.

“Indeed. I will make notes to prevent such mistakes in the future.”

“Okay you recruits… There will be no physical training until we reach the land again and become settled. Until then I am going to focus on teaching you how to behave like guards. Even though I’m not yet going to teach you how to fight like ones. For now, go below and get some rest.”

The group gave Mordane their respects and made their way down to the hold for a much needed rest.

“Trixie.” Mordane said quietly. “Come talk to me later.”

Trixie flinched, but then stood up straight and nodded her head.

“As for now, put the fires you started out before we lose our only ship.” He turned to One Eye who was passing for the first time. “ Keep it up One Eye and we will be even.”

“Yeah yeah” One Eye shouted “I get it! I bucked up.”

Mordane motioned for Ivy to take him back to his room and bed. It took a few minutes, but quickly she was lowering the sweating pony back down. Her ears laying flat. He took up a position with his back to the window, resting on a spacer between them.

“Bloody hell.” Mordane said. “A pony can’t even spend a few weeks recovering without a full mutiny. Would you mind pouring me a glass of water.”

Ivy nodded and stepped over to the desk next to his bed to do so, before coming back over and hoofing it to him.

“Thank you.” Mordane took a moment to drink the glass, emptying its entire contents. Ivy watched him finish, trying to think of what to say. She had so many questions to ask. A dozen, or more that had been bouncing around in her head. What his plans where. If she had a place in those plans.

She was of stern stuff though, all three of her parents had taught her to be that way. So even as the tension strengthened to near bursting in her she stayed silent.

Finally Mordane finished his glass and placed it on the table’s edge.

“So, Ivy Green. You barge into my room then drag me to face a group of furious ponies.” He smiled wickedly at her. “Tell me, what is it you wish as a reward?”

Ivy knelt before him. Her wings, spread parallel with the floor.

“To serve you my lord.”

“And why do you wish to do that?” Mordane asked tilting his head to one side. “I was a slave, not over a week ago.”

“And a lord now.” The mare replied, swallowing.

“Actually, my current rank only grant me a title of nobility. No land, no castles. That means I am not a lord. My proper title would be ‘Sir’ in line with a knight, though I’m more of a courtier. I believe though this is something that is likely to change, but I'm not certain. After all, I am a brute of ‘low birth’.”

“You are an alicorn. Nopony can say that you are of low birth.” Ivy said firmly.

Mordane stopped smiling. He really looked at the mare then. He took note of uncombed fur. Kept only to the minimum of cut so as to not allow for tangling. It reminded him of how Big Mac and other earth ponies cut it. The small cuts and simple mane told of a life of farming, or at least living in a remote town. She was certainly no seapony, now that he looked at her. She didn’t seem at home enough.

“You were a farmer, yes?”

“Y-Yes.” Ivy said. “Though I was taught to fight by my fly father.”

“Fly father?” Mordane asked.

“My pegasus father. He… well, he and my two parents had a strained relationship, but I was still taught pegasi ways, by him.”

“Though not raised by them. Your muscles are too defined for that.”

“Yes...” She swallowed. “I worked the field with my parents most of the time.”

“Hard work, for a pegasi.”

“Yes, it was.” She looked up at Mordane. He looked at her in silence for a few more moments, before speaking again.

“Why do you wish to serve me?” His tone left no room for obfuscation. Ivy knew that if he found her wanting, she would be gone well before they reached land. So she took a moment to think as to why she had decided to follow him before answering.

“I… admire you sir. After I saw you fighting the dragon…” She swallowed again. “I thought about the life that I was probably going to have in Tietus. Safe, reliable work as a dock worker and then I thought about what might be, if I followed you. You might actually change the world. You're an alicorn! What greater adventure could I hope for besides following you?”

Mordane deliberately reached out and placed his hoof on the blade he gave her before drawing it. He looked up and down the blade as he spoke again.

“Ponies that follow me die. Are you willing to trust my judgement, obey my words, fight my battles and perhaps die?” His eyes focused on her again. “Are you willing to become my knight?”

Ivy took a moment and breathed.

“Yes, I swear it.”

Mordane placed his blade on her shoulder and said.

“Then I Mordane Stronghoof claim you as my own.”


Mordane waited in the room alone. He had already released Ivy to rest, telling her to come with the other ponies tomorrow. He stretched and tried to doze off but a feeling in the back of his mind wouldn’t allow him, despite how drained he felt and how much his magical channels hurt.

Once again his mind went back to the arena. His blood was on fire. The roaring of power as it coursed through his veins out of every pour. It was only while thinking back that he could remember the pain. In the moment he had felt nothing. Instead he had looked into that dragon's eyes...

“Tell my son of me...tell Spike.”

Mordane frowned again. He doubted he would ever see Spike again and even if he did he would probably be at his throat, but there had been that spell, reaching out to find him.

If that spell was from Celestia...

A cold tried to close around his stomach but he would have none of it. The fire burning there wouldn't let the fear grip him again.

Even if it was Celestia it would be a few years before Twilight Sparkle would be knocking on his door.

That lead him back to Trixie.

Trixie Lulamoon. Former show performer who stopped in Ponyville that one time and threw a bag of garbage at Twilight's castle. I think she summoned an Ursa, or something, Twilight told me. It's a bit fuzzy. What I care about…

Mordane frowned.

The door suddenly swung open. Mordane tensed up but relaxed when he saw it was Trixie, she was carrying a pitcher of water. The mare marched across the room and carefully poured it into his near empty pitcher.

She then set the empty pitcher down and moved to a few feet in front of Mordane before turning to face him and going silent.

She stood there waiting, but Mordane declined to speak. Instead he sat silent, staring at her.

Soon she began to fidget and before long her blank face began to contort slightly.

“Well? Are you not going to say anything?” Trixie barked her eyes lighting up.

“Are you just going to sit there and glare at Trixie?”

Mordane raised an eyebrow. He kept the rest of his face expressionless as Trixie's turned slightly red.

“Trixie has been trying to keep your ship together! Trying to let you rest and handle minor matters.” She furrowed her eyebrows as Mordane still stared at her saying nothing “Would you have them in here? Messing with your rest? You-...You have to look well when we arrive at Herridon.”

Trixie grew silent. This was not how she had envisioned this going. Mordane was just sitting there as she defended herself. The flame in her chest began to fade as the expected blows did not come. She wanted to apologise, but would not let herself be so shamed. Instead choosing to puff out her chest and glare at Mordane as if to say ‘do your worst’.

Mordane sat still for a few more moments then leaned back against the mast. He had considered shouting her down, placating her, or just telling her to get out. Today though he was feeling particularly cruel. He would talk to her about the truth.

“You know… I didn’t meet you for the first time in that cage.”

Trixie deflated slightly, she frowned but then quickly put back up her defences before Mordane continued.

“I was once a student of Twilight Sparkle, yes THAT Twilight Sparkle.”

Trixie inhaled sharply and her eyes seemed to want to burn a hole through him but she kept her peace.

“You?”She spat.

Mordane nodded confirming for a third time. He gave her a bit to process and try to remember him. It was unlikely, he had been on the edge of her crowd.

“I remember years ago when you came to town. I was there you know.”

“Trixie had the right to be in that town! How was I supposed to know those colts would take me at face value!”

Mordane didn’t respond and only frowned at her for a few moments before taking a moment to take another sip of water.

“You look so much different now since then, you're thinner for one. It took me a few days to recognize you. Twilight told me about what happened to you afterward a few years later. It was one of her moral lessons” Mordane chuckled “ A lesson on pride.”

Trixie stiffened up and seemed to be waiting for the blow to come.

“I disagreed with her though, you were in the right.”

“What?”Trixie's mask cracked, Mordane could see her try to make sense of his statement, it just didn’t gel with what she was expecting and so would be discombobulated for a few moments. As such he pressed forward.

“You did have every right to be there and why should a performer be expected to be responsible for colts too young to understand what an act is. Sure you went a bit too far claiming to have defeated an Ursa Major, but that doesn’t equate to you being responsible for the actions of a few idiotic colts. Twilight said that you ‘promised too much’.” Mordane took another sip of water.

“Personally I think you lost due to fear.”

Trixie frowned again and opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off.

“Your fear blinded you to the fact that you held all the cards, You resigned yourself to defeat and let others decide what the story was. Why did you do that?”

“Trixie had no choice, those ponies would have accused her, it was better to just… just-”

“Bow.” Mordane cut in. “ Bow out. Why didn’t you accuse those colts? Lament their stupidity. Shout about how you were an entertainer? At any point you could have acted to prevent the tarnishing of your name, allowing what ponies believed to be formed without your input, then you wouldn’t have become destitute and you wouldn’t have left Equestria in desperation. Trying to run from your past,” He leaned forward. “Well it looks like it found you.”

Trixie was shaking slightly. Not sure what to think, she had always assumed he didn’t know her past, but here he was.

“Now, the mutiny.” Mordane said. “First, you should not have recruited them,”

Trixie tried to respond, but Mordane wouldn’t let her.

“I don’t care how it happened, once it did, you should have commanded them and seen to their needs, not in my name, but your own. Instead you left things to fester, concerned with your petty anger with me.”

“You invaded my mind!” Trixie cried.

“And I may one day demand your life!” Mordane roared back “I told you, life with me is not safe, I’ve already lost ponies Trixie. If you don’t start acting smarter then you’ll end up joining that short list.”

He took a drink again and coughed for a moment before setting back down the glass.

“Do you know why you failed to control One Eye?”

“No.”She whispered.

“You used my name, instead of standing on your own. You let fear overcome you and so you distanced yourself from them. Instead of taking efforts to endear yourself. You're an entertainer, that is your specialty. If you had then you could have gone to One Eye with confidence and he would have seen that you were worthy to speak for me and listened.”

Mordane locked eyes with Trixie.

“You are not ready to lead, or speak for me Trixie.”

Trixie deflated. It had been the worst that she feared. Her eyes dulled as she felt the weight settled on her. Turning she spoke out.

“I will...stay in the ship's hold until we arrive at Herridon… I-”

“Trixie” Mordane said just barely loud enough for her to hear “I did not say you could leave.”

Trixie froze before turning slowly back to face him, her eyes beginning to water.

“You’re smart Trixie, you're pretty and you understand ponies. You're a survivor. One day I think you will be happy.” He looked down at the floor. “I think that you can grow into somepony who can really help me.”

He smiled slightly and looked back at her.

“You’re mine Trixie and I won’t throw you aside for your mistakes, to do so would be foolish as I’ve already paid for them.”

Trixie started to cry in streams. Her whole frame was shaking as she unconsciously came closer to him.

Reaching out Mordane scoops her close with his wings and hugs her.

“I won’t abandon you Trixie.”

The mare finally broke down sobbing and embraced him. She sat there crying and telling him what had happened over the last week. How she had been afraid. How she had started to use her name again and how ponies started to defy her. Mordane conforted her, offering small corrections to her stream of consciousness as they went, he stared off into space.

An hour later she left, going to take a day off. Soon Ivy would be showing up. Then he have his cot carried out onto the deck to supervise the ponies training. And to socialize. He would also need to speak with Charon about supplies and then to One Eye about his judgement. He wasn’t too worried about One Eye, that pony cared only about fighting and wasn’t one for considering the weakness of others.

It seemed he would only have a short time alone.

Carefully he reached with a wing and opened the desk drawer, reaching in he pulled out a couple of sheets of paper.

On them was drawings, one was of a steam engine, another of a basic water pump.

The last had no equivalent counterpart on Equis. As he picked up the pencil in his wing he looked at the long straight tube. A copper coil setup for electricity generation, antenna and receiver.

Putting pen to paper he began to draw a circuit diagram of a radio transmitter.