• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,757 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

Hold the presses

“My request is for the good of Equestria,” Celestia replied coolly. A soft smile on her face. She stood in the atrium of the Equestrian Congress.

It was a grand looking place, having cost her quite a lot of money to build, about twenty years back. The golden and steel caped reliefs of ponies dancing together really appealed to her. It was all horrifyingly expensive, though.

Nearly as expensive as the thousand-year-old tea set that stood by her side.

She smiled as the mare from the magazine ‘Royal Tea’, took a few quick shots of her from the rafters. Giving a smile down in appreciation for the rare artifact from a long extinct civilization.

That made her feel slightly bad.

Around her, representatives and nobles broke into an uproar.

Representatives cried out about the rise of tyranny and how she was returning ancient oppression.

Nobles claimed she was trying to grasp at the crown.

Some others argued in her favor even as the head of the house banged his hammer fruitlessly for order.

A fraction of a second later, she was bathed in the thousands of flashes of magically powered lights. It blanketed her as the news core took a thousand pictures of her.

It was something she had become used to in the last two hundred years, since the infuriating invention.

Still, the pop magazine was something she could have done without.

She tilted her head slightly and raised an eyebrow at one mayor’s particularly venomous rant. A real thorn in her side named Bayleaf.

“Were discrepancies and missing national funds not found in Manehattan account books, Lady Bayleaf? My little ponies of your district want answers.”

“They are not your little ponies, Celestia. They are free ponies!” She coughed before saying much quieter. “Besides, that money was stolen by changeling spies-”

The whole council broke out into a renewed roar.

It was something that had been trotted out again and again to the bemoaning of the public and senators.

No, I wasn’t involved with an unlicensed cuddler. That was a changeling that robbed that bank. Changelings kidnapped my husband and trapped him in a cave. Changeling pretended to be me to accept that bribe. The changelings. The changelings. The changelings.

So many accusations and excuses had come down to this single assertion, one that wasn’t easy to disprove in the public eye.

Never mind the intelligence reports that suggested the dissolution/extinction of the changeling hive. Or the fact that it had been over a year since any changeling had even been detected. OR the mind numbingly painful knowledge that it had been ten years since the changeling invasion.

Ponies still brought up how she had been ‘struck down by the criterion queen’.

“-struck down by the criterion queen!”

No one even reacted to the statement. The pony who had been speaking was called Legal Surge.

Inwardly, she sighed again, remembering the terrible name. Then, she let out a small smile.

“Your hide thanks you that I did not strike her down, Legal. Lest the light of the sun burn you to ash.”

Legal palled as the cameras let forth their cacophony again. His mouth opening and closing a few times.

In the observation booth, Luna allowed herself a full smile. It was good to once again see Celestia baring her teeth towards the nobles and aristocrats. She had been saying for years that they had forgotten what her sister was capable of.


“Threat! A-A threat on my life!” shouted Legal Surge, followed by several ponies jumping to shout their affirmations for a few moments, before another pony stood up.

Iron Hoof, Lord of the Far Lands banged his thick earth pony metal shoe on the podium before him. Brow furrowing, waiting only a moment for the crowd to quiet, before deciding to abandon silencing the room and press forward.

“Celestia, you forget yourself,” he said, drawing himself up. “The power of the sun is indeed yours to command, but it belongs to all Pony kind! Not to mention, to threaten a-”

“The sun belonging to pony kind!?” Luna shouted “Since ancient times it has belonged to the Equestrian crown of Platinum, our sire~”

“The crown which no pony holds, PRINCESS” snarled the Mayor Red Tape of Manehattan. “The ancient law is clear. Two must rule, one Queen and one King!”

“Who would you say should sire with the SUN, Red Tape. Perhaps you would like to try? Do you think you could take the… heat?”

Roars of laughter and the stomping of hooves echoed from her supporters in the council as the
the mayor snarled.

“I am happily married, you-”


The room shook.

For a few brief moments, cameras snapped away at Celestia's loss of control.

Her colorful mane slowed its waving and merged into a blinding bright whiteness. Her already pure white fur began to shine as her eyes locked onto the crowd before her. Brows drawn dangerously low. The room was instantly turned into a sauna.

Then, She spoke. Gone was the motherly tone so many were used to and instead, for a moment, it was like the noon sun had stepped down.

“I have ruled for over a thousand years and have watched this for too long!” She reared up and slammed her hoof down again, shattering her tea set. The cup in her hoof cracking and boiling over, only to turn to gas as it landed on her fur.

The whole room was frozen, save for the news ponies quickly adjusting their exposure and rising for noon day lenses. That is, save for the few who had known what was to come.

“Corruption! Stealing from my ponies!” Her eyes glared at the first pony “Yes, MY little ponies.”

She huffed and breathed hard as the light slowly dimmed.

She slowly turned back into the mare that they had all known.

“Enough, I will hear no more of this foolishness. Come, my sister, let us leave.” Celestia drew her mouth in a line, not flinching as her sister appeared by her side in a quick flash, her mouth and eyes equally aloof.

The two of them looked at each other, then nodded before practically marching toward the exit.

“T-The council has not dismissed you!” shouted Iron Hoof “This is contempt!”

With a flick of her tail, Celestia didn’t look back, only shouting enough to be heard and giving a quick snort.


The two of them traveled down the short hallway as the council burst into another uproar. This one far more chaotic and sincere sounding than the last.

The two of them did not speak, instead choosing to trot right past the normal, small, exit door that everypony usually used.

Instead they went to the giant ceremonial doors. Ones that hadn't been opened for the twenty years that the building had been standing. Nor the three hundred years that it had stood in the old council building.

Celestia and Luna reached out pulling the two large bolts, each three feet long, open with a sound of screeching metal before slamming the doors open and stepping out to another sea of flashing lights.

“What do you think Twilight is calling us for?”

“I don’t know.” Spike frowned as Ponyville came into view. Rarity, his wife clinging to his wide back.

The two of them had been in Canterlot for a grand event in Rarity’s boutique when Spike received a message from Twilight.

Even after all these years Twilight's castle still looked like such an eyesore. Slowly though the nearby buildings were beginning to change to match the resident sovereign’s place of residence. With the rustic elements of ponyville giving way to a particularly colored stones, with crystal overhang. It had started when Twilight had constructed the new Ponyville barracks to house her small unit of a hundred or so personal ‘guards’.

It still irked him how she had been forced to pay for the building personally. Her ability to tax had only been gained recently, after all. After she had purchased the rights from the nearby city of Cloudsdale.

He inwardly groaned again remembering how ‘purchased’ was technically incorrect. She had settled a thousand-year-old debt, that had transferred the right to tax to a Canterlot money house, which then sold the rights to Cloudsdale.

He had heard that the pegasi forum had been kicking itself, ever since Twilight personally quadrupled the county's output.

Flying down through a large opening patio on the castle’s second floor, he skidded to a stop.

After letting Rarity slide off, they went through the short passage of rooms, before stopping in the main corridor. He then walked over to the nearby doors, opening them to the throne room.

“After you my lady.” Spike said giving a low almost mocking bow.

“Thank you, my knight.” Rarity giggled swatting him on the nose.

The rest of their group of friends, sans Twilight, who had been together through so much, sat around the table chatting.

“Hiya Rarity! Spike! It's so, so, so good to see you again!” Pinkie burst suddenly. “Did you get the gifts I sent you?”

“Yes, Pinkie dear.” Rarity said, trotting up with Spike and sitting at the table. “Though I don’t know how you wrapped a cupcake without crushing it… nor why it was still warm, now that I think about it.”

Pinkie zoomed across the room to her side, leaning in with squinting eyes.

“Because I’m getting eeeven better.” She said, waving her hoof into the middle distance.

Spike laughed, getting a jab from Rarity to the ribs, to which he simply gave her mane a quick lick.


Everypony laughed as Rarity pulled out her emergency brush and began to comb.

“Don’t do that!”

“Hey Rare, what goes around comes around.” Rainbow said resting on a cloud floating above the table.

“Plus, you did marry him.” Fluttershy said with a small smile.

“I did, didn’t I.” Rarity laughed looking up at Spike who couldn't help, but blush at her small smile.

He coughed. “So, do any of you know why Twilight wanted us to rush here?”

Each started to give a negative, but before they could finish, a flash of purple brought Twilight into existence standing on the table.

“Spike! Girls! You're here! That's great!”

She grinned broadly, as she reached out with her magic.

Chalkboards, piles of data tables and the jar containing a small sample of Mordanes magic all began to be summoned.

Floating over a chart, she began gibbering away, talking about magical fluxes and timetables.

Rainbow was the first to react, zooming up to her and booping the princess on the nose, and by doing so, breaking her concentration.

“Ah!” Twilight fell down, letting everything drop around her.

“Twilight! Cool that big brain of yours. We can’t keep up!”

Twilight blinked a few times, as the others gave their confirmations, before her cheeks blushed slightly as she rubbed her hoof against the back of her head.

“Goodness,” said Fluttershy. “It’s been a long time since we’ve seen you this excited.”

“Yeah, just tell us everything from the beginning, okay Twi?” Spike said.

“Okay.” she paused and took a moment to do the breathing technique Cadence had taught her. “The beginning.”

Then teleported again, but now, onto the table.

“What I’m about to tell you has been classified as top secret for the last two months. You cannot tell anypony outside of this room.”

“Whatever you say Twilight.” Pinkie said immediately making a show of mining zippering her mouth shut, as everyone gave their confirmations.

“As you know… I had great difficulty dealing with Mordane’s betrayal and death.”

Each of the listeners winced.

“Twilight…” Spike whispered, starting to worry.

“Just wait.” Twilight stopped in front of the dragon, reaching up with her magic to grab both sides of his face and turn it to make him look into her eyes. Then she gave him a smile. “I’m okay. Just let me finish.”


“Now.” She said turning back toward the others. “As I was saying, I couldn’t let Mordane death go. I was obsessed.”

She took a moment to sigh.

“It was… really getting unhealthy. Eventually though, Discord gave me an offer…”

“When he showed you… that? ” Fluttershy whispered.

“Yes, when Discord showed me his death.” She paused taking a moment to give them a reassuring smile “I was stunned, overwhelmed even. I noticed the light had been far too bright. Running the calculations, I determined it was possible that Mordane had cast a teleportation spell instead of being destroyed.”

The room froze.

Spike felt a metal trap slam shut gripping his heart.

Twilight smiled continuing her story for them to hear.

“But there was no way to be sure, so I used this.” She said floating up the small jar “A bit of Mordanes magic to build a detector… and one month later, I had a signal.”

“Mordane alive?” Spike croaked.

Ripples like spindly fingers ran down Spikes chest and into his stomach where it twisted in him.





Twilight took in a deep breath closing her eyes before giving a small smile.

“Yes, Mordane is alive.”

The whole room rushed into activity at once.

Fluttershy gasped and covered her mouth as small tears tipped her eyes. Acting as if she could hold in the feeling, that had rushed from inside of her.

Applejack’s mouth fell open.

Rarity frowned.

Pinkie’s smile faded as her mouth opened slightly.

Rainbow froze mid flight.


The girls shouted.

“How could this be~!?” Rarity gasped “How am I going to tell Sweetie Belle!?”

Twilight started out first with a deeply detailed and technical explanation, only to be cut off when Spike held up his claw.

“Twilight, you're doing it again.”

Twilight stopped midway through marking out an energy curve on a chalkboard. She looked back over the shoulder blushing slightly.

“Oh… “She turned back around and sat down, setting aside her extra-long ‘extreme’ ruler “Mordane masked his teleport spell inside of a compression wave and drain spell. The energy from the storm was used to fuel a long-range spell.”

“Uh… And, where did he go?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight grinned before flashing away and appearing again with a large map.

“Hmmmmm, there.”

She pointed with her hoof while flying.

“Uh, Twilight.” Rainbow dash asked, “What map is this?”

“A world map.” she said cocking her head to the side before face hoofing, “Sorry, I forget most ponies only deal with an Equestrian map. The territories belonging to Equestria would be about… that.”

She made a glowing square appear over the map.

“Oh my.” Rarity said covering her hoof. “That's rather… small.”

“Ah’ can’t believe it.” Applejack frowned. “Ah’ always thought Equestria was a lot bigger.”

“Uhh… Twilight?” Spike said, already knowing about the global position of Equestria “You’re saying that Mordane is beyond the southern lands?”

“Yes.” She nodded as she said it, giving them a strained smile.

“THOSE southern lands.” he said with a scowl. “That place is terrible… Violent. And the only thing I know about them is that they used to be a part of the old Equestria.”

Old Equestria?” Rarity asked quietly, covering her mouth.

“Pre-Nightmare moon.” Twilight replied. Her friends though still looked confused. So, using a beam from her horn she created a large glowing space over the landmass where Equestria was. It extended to beyond the small square map she showed.

“Equestria used to be much, much bigger. Prance, Germaneigh… most of the current nations and city states of ponies, used to be under the aliarchy alliance. This includes the lands beyond the great divide. In fact, that is where the capital used to be.” she turned about to the group “Equestria has declined for a very long time to get to its current borders. That only stopped recently with Luna’s return.”

“Indeed.” All the ponies looked back as Discord entered through the door.

The ponies all winced as he did. Discords face no longer contained the mania that seemed to animate him for the years that they had known him. Nor did he pull the same kind of tricks he had before.

Fluttershy took the air and fluttered over to him.

“Oh, you shouldn’t be out of bed.”

“It’s quite alright dear. I feel stronger today. Those meals you have been making have done wonders.”

“Here, take a seat.” she gestured to her own chair.

His magic had taken a particularly sharp decline since showing Twilight the past.

As he sat down Rainbow looked away frowning, uncertain what to think of him, or this new information.

“Old Equestrian alliance.” Discord began after taking a moment to settle into his chair. “It was founded by the Princesses, oh about two thousand six hundred years ago. After the Unity war of the ancient kingdoms.”

“Discord…” Twilight spoke up. “What do you mean Unity war? Are you talking about the war uniting the three tribes and bringing on the wendigos?”

“Wendigos?” He blinked eyes furrowing. “Oh, those old things. Dangerous pests. Artifacts of lost souls torn asunder in the war, coming back to wreak havoc. Tartarus cursed things nearly starved us out.”

“Discord…” Fluttershy whispered, eyes wet with worry. “Are you feeling well?”

The calm expression on Discord’s face gave way to a small grin, as he looked back at the mare. “Oh, quite well Fluttershy. Just under the weather. Haven’t been feeling like my chaotic self lately.”

Turning back to Twilight his eyes seeming to look for something before a small glint flashed.

He threw back his head leaning into Fluttershy much like Rarity on her fainting couch.

“Oh, I remember those times. Wonderful Chaos! Sombra’s rebellion, The Second Great Griffin Succession War, and even the Nightmare War.” he paused and scratched his chin as if remembering something. “Or as they used to call it before my reign and Celly’s scrubbing, the Two Queens War.”

Twilight stopped her notetaking and looked at Discord, cocking her head to the side questioningly.

“I’ve never heard that name, why did they call it the Two Queens War?” She asked. “There was only one queen, Nightmare Moon.”

“Oh?” Discord said as his clawed hand raked through Fluttershy’s hair. “Well the war started after the disappearance of… a certain pony. The kingdom fell into disarray.”

Discords eyes grew distant again as he looked off toward the window.

“All that chaos. It drove Celestia and Luna ragged. The tension was high, and the alliance was on shaky ground.” He frowned. “Then I came. And from my chaos, they came out as rulers of Equestria. I rolled in chaos for… well, even I don’t know how long. The line of succession was broken, everything was in upheaval and so Celestia reached for the queens’ crown.”

“Now hold on a moment.” Spoke up Applejack with a frown. “How would you know this, you were in stone!”

“Yeah, come on Discord, at least keep your story straight.” Rainbow laughed as she flew lazily over.

“As I have told you before.” He said. “I was awake the whole-time and... aware. That isn’t important though. What is important was what happened when Celestia bucked tradition and reached for the crown.”

“She wouldn't!” Twilights shout rang out. Her brow furrowed.

“Oh?” Discord replied, grinning like a snake. “Is that what you think?”

“Yes!” Twilight declared “Celestia is no tyrant.”

“I have to agree with Twilight, Discord.” Rarity cut in. “Celestia would never be so... underhoofed.”

Spike reached over and patted Twilight’s wing. She looked at him, her tense face softening. Spike stepped forward with a heavy footstep and looked down on Discord.

“Celestia is like a second mother to me and Twilight. You shouldn’t make such jokes as that.”

Discord stopped petting the worried looking Fluttershy. He drew himself up and looked at Spike on an even level.

“I’ve told plenty of jokes, but that isn’t one. Celestia was declared queen a year after I was turned to stone. If you don’t believe me then just ask her yourself.” he grinned before taking to the air wobbling. He flew slowly up toward the window. Before turning back and shouting “Ask her about the ‘silent dreams’, she’ll know what that means.”

Twilight fumed as Discord flew out of the castle. Her friends taking the time to comfort her and ask questions about Mordane.

But even as she answered and spent time with them, she still couldn’t take what Discord had said from her mind.

Luna slid into the bath with a sigh. She floated off her regalia and at the same time a plastic bottle of bubble soap towards her.

She sat in the extra, extra-large bath, (some might even call it a pool), placed in an isolated wing between her and Celestia’s tower.

It was their usual meeting place when they had more than an hour to celebrate, or relax. Several servants had prepared a large table of food that could easily be picked up with magic, for them to float over and a wide range of bottled drinks.

A series of clever holes even allowed live music to be played from several rooms over with sound only going one way.

‘Celestia has truly outdone herself’ Luna thought. ‘A full orchestra for a private meeting? Full service? What happened, did she figure out how to raise our mother from the dead?’

It had been...decades since she had seen Celestia indulge in such luxury.

Even now she was listening to Evening Inclines Nachosic, 1st movement as she slipped deep into the water enraptured.

“Ink Well, tell them to play George Fredric Hoofdel - The Arrival." Luna heard Celestia whisper. Luna’s ear twitched as her music stopped and a hooffull of seconds later the song began to play.

She opened her eyes and watched as Celestia practically pranced to the tube, while floating a bottle of bubbling cherry Goofe. A true smile on her face as she gave a winning smile barely hinging at the edge underneath. Her hair was tied up in trestles.

Luna raised only a single eyebrow.

“Fancy meeting you here sister.” Celestia giggled as she shimmied into the tub.

“Your joke is rather blunt sister; its lack of grace seems to reflect your contents this evening.”

Celestia elected to respond with a flick of her tail giving Luna a small splash as she slipped fully into the water.

“Duke Chapping Hides just passed an official motion, to have me put on leave.” Celestia snorted. “It should be up for vote in parliament in three days.”

Luna barked with her own laughter.

“Putting YOU on leave. Even if they had the legal right, even if the crown was under their council, even if it was WE who personally owned most of the capital city, they might as well shut the whole government down if they were to make such a move.”

“It doesn’t matter. They will not get the chance.”

She smiled and took a sip of her drink, smiling as the music came to an end.

“Moo-zart 5th?” she asked looking back at the butler who nods before trotting off to tell the orchestra the correction.

“I do not know that one.” Luna said.

“Oh, you would love her. She was born just over a hundred years ago.”

Luna’s ear twitched as his music started to come through, even with just a few bars she began to smile.

“Really? She is quite good. More classical than I would have imagined would be played so recently.”

“She was a very strange bovine. Very moody, and couldn’t hold on to a single bit. Tended to munch on anything around her. Grass, wood-” Celestia subconsciously reached for her tail “-hair. Also liked to watch water for some reason. Gave her milk a very complex taste. I still think I have some cheese of hers in the basement as well.”

“Truly? I will have to ask for some.” She said with a smile looking at the butler who returned the smile and headed out a different door with his unspoken quest.

“So,” Luna said, charging a spell to heat the water to boiling again. “Enough of Equestrian politics. Tell me, what are we going to do about this male alicorn.”

She grinned.

“One would be foolish to not take opportunities, when they present themselves.”

“Luna, he is over a thousand years my younger.”

“Not mine though, merely a hundred. I still think I have a chance. At least better than you do, sister.”

“Oh, stop it Luna.” she giggled “This is very serious. He is the first alicorn male. We don’t know how that will affect him, or how strong he will be.”

Luna snorted.

“That clout from the council has more of a chance to depose you, sister. His strength may, or may not have a greater potential, but that would be significant only after hundreds of years down the line. Mordane is no Twilight Sparkle. Even if we were to bypass you, he still has essentially no chance of ever catching up, let alone matching her in magical skill, or raw power.”

“We really must speak of this bias you carry, Luna. Stallions may be weaker on average magically, but I would remind you Discor-” She coughed as Luna glared at her “I mean Starswirl’s magic was one of the strongest. His reserves were even bigger than my own.”

“An anomaly against a well-established average. I’ve seen Twilight’s charts on Mordane’s progress, and the projected charts on his ACTUAL progress given he shouldn’t have been able to cast the spell he did. Trust me, Celestia, he is only a danger in what trouble he may cause. I tell you- Sister?” She paused, blinking a few times as her eyes locked onto Celestia face.

“Sister!?” She shot up and started looking around the room, remembering that the butler had left.

Looking back at her sister Luna was almost in a state of panic.

Celestia was frozen, wide eyed. Her mane was beginning to blow harder, sharper, even starting to whip behind her as her pupils turned from distant, to milky then disappeared altogether.

Luna bit her lip, she knew what this was even though she had never been personally present for any before.

Celestia’s prophecy. Said to be a gift from the creator themselves.

Usually the butler, or other attendant would have something to write it down with. It didn’t matter that one hadn’t been heard, in over five hundred years.

But Luna had sent the butler away and was without a pen.

As Celestia opened her mouth Luna bit her lip, looking around wildly before her eyes locked onto a floor tile.

Charging her horn, she recorded as Celestia began to speak.

“When the lost one that lacks purpose, brings together hoof and earth upon the horn of the world, if his destiny shall be made whole. The sky will march against the earth, crown fallen raised again.”

“All hail the king. All hail the king. All hail the king.”

Celestia shuddered and dropped into the water. Luna caught her and set her up.

She touched Celestia's cheek. Eyebrows coming together.

“Sister.” She whispered.

“Huh?” Celestia moaned, eyes fluttering open. Her pupils slowly fading back in. “What happened?”

“A prophecy sister. You had a prophecy.”

The two of their attentions were brought to the main door as a guard forced their way into the chamber.

The pony that rushed through was black as the night. Gray hooves, black feathers and wings.

Mordane’s brother was first through the door, his fellow guard standing uncertain just outside. After all this was the princesses bath.

Even though Luna thought for a moment it was ironic that he had been the first pony to come through considering the prophecy’s most likely message.

“Princess are you alright!?” Flashwing roared, his large black wings extended. His eyes burning bright.

“Flashwing?” Celestia said, giving him a genuine smile. “Well, you certainly know how to make an entrance.”

Mordane’s brother blanched.

“I’m sorry princess. It is just-”

“No, you did well. It was a vision this time, but next time it might not be so. In any case I am fine.”

“A vision?” his eyes widened slightly. “The nobles will be in an uproar when they find out…” he said before snapping to attention. “Not that we will report it your majesty… and if this one was not heard by anypony unwanted.”

“No, this place is already sealed. It is contained…” Her eyes caught the words burned into the floor tile. “Please leave us… actually, make sure that no one speaks of this commotion. I’ll consider what to do with the information after assessing it. Report to my office in two hours.”

“Yes, Princess Celestia.” he bowed straightening his helmet as he stood up again. “Your royal guard will be ready.”

The two sisters took a moment to collect themselves shivering despite the warmth as he left. Their eyes flicked to each other and the floor, then back.

“Didn’t have paper ready?” Celestia asked, a small, forced smile breaking the ice.

Luna laughed and shook her head, leaning in as she embraced her sister.

“Don’t you start.” She giggled “there was little time.”

“Indeed. Well, let me give it a read.” She took a deep breath and stood up, moving to Luna’s side she looked down and read the words along with Luna.

Luna cocked her head and furrowed her brows. Looking back at her sister she saw her fellow princess had drawn her lips into a firm line.

“It's been over a millennium since I’ve been to the horn of the world.” Celestia whispered. “...that place…”

“This prophecy must be about Mordane. He is the only pony I know who could fit it. ‘Lost one’ and the lack of a destiny, or ‘purpose’. Mordane didn’t have a mark when we last saw him.”

“I’ve never seen an ‘If’ in a prophecy before.” Celestia frowned “Are you sure I said that word?”

“Yes,” Luna nodded rereading the lines once again. “Perhaps this answers Deep Thoughts conjecture?”

Celestia’s eyebrow raised slightly, seemingly with the billowing in her mane and Luna’s smile.

“That a mark is chosen by the pony and therefore their destiny with it? That is something I have never heard of before. Many a pony have sadly grown up without marks, but to choose your own? It's magistically impossible, Logically impossible! You cannot CHOOSE a destiny. No pony whose spirit formed within another pony’s magic field would not be already saturated with it. It must be weaved into the worlds greater magic field. To NOT be so, would require for the spirit to form before the body." Celestia said stomping her hoof slightly for emphasis.

“And yet this says that Mordane will choose his destiny.” Luna said. “doesn’t that imply...”

“It does. But won’t I be caught up thinking through a mental twist. Our fate is our own. We are meant for it as much as we choose it.” she frowned “What I wonder is what is ‘hoof and earth’ standing for. I cannot divine anything from it.”

Luna floated over another bottle of wine and two glasses as she simultaneously collected up the fallen ones. After handing Celestia's hers and taking a sip she spoke again, breaking the silence.

“A king?”

“A king.” Celestia replied her mouth drawing into a line. “So Mordane will gain a crown. Should he gain first a mark on the horn of the world.”

“It seems so.”

Their eyes lingered on each other, a mountain of conversation passing between them. Glancing once again at the message Celesta breathed in deeply before stepping out of the water. Then her hair flashed bright white, steam roiled off her.

“I will send a message to Twilight.” Celestia said sipping her drink even as the glass in her grip melted. The hot silicon seeming to have no effect. “At least in a few minutes, before the stone cracks.”

Luna smirked, her eyes beginning to glow as her mane turned to an even darker blue.

In a restaurant that few in Canterlot, or anywhere else could afford; several congressional ponies sat in their large and comfortable chairs.

There was little noise from outside the moderately sized room, cloth panel and expensive yak carpets were accented by the accoutrement that would clearly and most widely state the phrase ‘I get my kicks through hostile takeovers and randomly closing apartment buildings’.

Lady Bayleaf, Legal Surge and Red Tape sat drinking an expensive brew. The stinging smell of hot spice, mixed harshly with the sweet cocoa clung to the air, battling the scent that was combination of ginger and nutmeg. It was from the camel kingdom. On the table laid a spread made with ingredients from all over the world. The ponies themselves were wearing standard Canterlot affair. Three cloaks stuck out from the opulence. They were hung on a hook in a corner, which was worth more than a hundred of such garments.

Lady Bayleaf wore a top hat, a strange choice for a mare, but the height of current fashion in Manehattan nonetheless. She sat smiling softly as she slowly stirred her spiced red tea while pouring in far too much honey.

“The nerve of that mare, walking out of parliament.” Mayor Bayleaf said quietly “I tell you that mare still thinks it’s the second century.”

The mare Red Tape chuckled. While the stallion Legal Surge slammed his hooves against the table.

“If she thinks this expansion of her ‘royal guard’ into a standing Equestrian army under her control will help her-” The stallion took off his large Stetson cowboy hat and whipped his forehead before biting into his pipe, letting out a stream of purple bubbles while he glared. “I’ve been working on extracting Las Pegasus for too long. If she starts to gain political power again I’d be ruined, or worse.”

“Wasn’t it the third century though when the Equestrian army was disbanded?” Red Tape said grinning before gulping down her dark salted coca.

Bayleaf smiled softly.

“Yes.” She bit slowly into a crisp strawberry before speaking, still with a soft smile. “This turn of recent events is disturbing. The decline of Equestria has been long and steady. Even my cousins in Prance, benefited from it seven hundred years ago, when the province broke away. The princess has always been unable to truly act.”

“Not anymore!” Surge took a deep breath of his chosen narcotic. The purple haze oozed out of his lips with magic bolts rushing through it. “Ever since the return of Luna she has taken much off Celestia. The mare now makes visits to cities that are even weeks away from Canterlot!”

He stood and swept away his drunk eyes brimming with rage.

“What does that matter,” snorted Red Tape. “We have her right where we want her. Maintaining the sun and dealing with evil villains.” She slammed back a glass of hard salt water.

“Then get her out of my hair.” grimaced Bayleaf “Extortion used to be so simple before her private investigators started getting around.”

“Don’t even get me started on them,” spat Legal Surge, picking back up his pipe. “My ponies have to run the sheep nearly ragged to avoid them and her royal patrols.”

“And the police are starting to make their bribes higher.” She once again slammed her hooves on the table. “If this keeps going the way it is,” She leaned over and laid against Legal Surges hoof. “I’ll have to go work the streets again.”

Legal Surge snapped back his hoof and snorted. “Good luck, you wouldn’t even be able to pay for your eyeliners.”

Bayleaf grinned. “Oh, it’s not the same as the one you’ve known, dear. It is much better, though I’ll have to tax you for it. And you know what the percentages are.”

“Oh, have you been paying the Business License Fee? As you know they measure by income via unregistered business act,” Red Tape giggled. “I could have my stallions come down for an… audit.”

“And they would find that my stallions have no income, miss Tape.” She smiled. “They live in the home for wayward gentleponies, a charity I set up myself. Giving downtrodden colts the necessities.”

“And these ‘necessities’ include whole apartments, jewelry, and large fine dining, I hear,” Red Tape giggled.

“Anything for my constituents.” Bayleaf smiled softly. Standing up she let the mask slip. Her brow furrowed as a toothy grin broke out on her face.

Seeing her move the other two stood and at the same time the three of them slammed their hooves on the table.

“So.” Bayleaf practically hissed. “The three herdmasters find themselves around the same table.”

“To assume you are my equals” Legal Surge snorted. “I’m of noble blood. You could lose your power with one bad vote and she is nothing but a corrupt bureaucrat. One of hundreds to purchase.”

“I'm not A corrupt bureaucrat.” Grinned Red Tape “I’m THE corrupt bureaucrat. NO piece of paper. No permit, tax form, or anything, gets out without ME allowing it. I am the state.”

“Elections are fine by me. Better to sometimes step back and even more to have those got chosen take the fall for me. Something your bloodline could very much do with Surge.” Bayleaf said eyes looking between the two other ponies, she let the silence stand for a moment. “We all know why we are here.”

“Indeed... Celestia.”

“The princess of the sun.” Red Tape sighed.

“We need to get rid of her, or we are all going to end up in a cell.”

“I am sure you would.” Said a new voice before kicking the door open.

A stallion clad in purple captain’s armor. Eyes focused and brow furrowed walked in looking over the political ponies around him.

“What is this I hear?” He said in a ringtone manner. “A group of miscreants abusing their positions of power? Why if my aunty were to hear, I’d say she would die of heart attack.”

Bayleaf’s grin only seemed to grow more sinister.

“Oh, good Blueblood you’re here. Legal Surge, Red Tape, my… competition, I’d like you to meet an old friend.”

“Captain-prince Blueblood the thirteenth, of the Royal Equestrian Guard.” He bowed giving his award-winning smile “At your service.”

“And if things go right, future commander in chief of the Equestrian military.” Bayleaf said to her shocked companions.

“Blueblood, weren’t you fighting in the desert against the changelings?” Legal surge blinked seeming to realize something before grinning. “The captain of the guard and her own family.”

“Why would he be here.” Red Tape hissed “Though I do wonder. What is it you have to gain?”

“Hrm.” He grunted slipping off his helmet, before slamming it down onto the center of the table.

“Well. I am here to protect the assets of the high houses of the greater Canterlot Nobility. That is to say. The houses both directly tied to me and you in a... not so legal manner.”

He Leaned onto the table, as the others moved to accommodate him, while Bayleaf was first to speak.

“Legal Surge, Red Tape, I give you Prince Blueblood. Fourth herdmaster of the Equestrian underworld.”

The other two ponies said nothing, coming to terms with the news and trying to think how it would fit into their own plans.

“Well then Bayleaf. I don’t have all day. Why did you use your favor to ask me to come down here?”

“Yes, why bring me here. It's a risk to both I and Blueblood being in the same room.”

“I want clear terms.” Red Tape announced. “I give other ponies the run around, I never take it.”

The mare did nothing for a moment before reaching down and opening a black bottle. She poured herself a shot and taken it. Shaking for a moment as something in the air changed. The four ponies’ eyes widened slightly as they feel the music begin to take shape.

The four lean forward again at the same time, slamming their hooves around the helmet.

“Right here, right now,
I put the offer out.
I don’t want to mess around. But. I know. you. see. it.
This has, to end.
This play we are all in.
Out of this drudgery the dyes we hide in”

Bayleaf sweeps her hooves-

"So let's take our typical,
and make it colorful,
and if it's crazy, live a little crazy."
We can stay in seats, then fall,
Kings of broken halls.
Or we can risk it all and see”

She throws her hooves into air-

“Don't. You. Want to get away,
from that same, old, part that mare has us play,
cause we got what we need, so come with us and take a ride.
It’ll take us to the other side.
Because you can just do as you do, or we can do the dream.
Stay in the cage, or you finally will be free.
Oh, damn! Suddenly you’re free to fly!
It’ll take us to the other side.”

Blueblood shook his head-

“Okay, my friend. So you want to cut us in.
Well I hate to tell you, but it just. Won’t. Happen.
So thanks,
But no.
I think I’m good to go,
I think I can speak for them when I say I enjoy the life I’m trapped in
Now, I am just like you, and I don’t like this change of tune.
It really is something. Really it’s something
But I live among the swells, and we don’t want to break that shell.
I’ll have to leave that up to you.”

Legal Surge sings

“Don’t you, know that I'm okay
With this, backtown cowboy I get to play
Cause I got what I need and I don’t want to take the ride,
I don't need to see the other side.
So go and do like you do
I'm good to do like me.
Ain't gonna end up in a cage,
so I don't need to risk my keys
Oh, damn!
Can't you see that you’re playing with fire.
Your plan is just a little too dire."


“Is this how you would spend your days.
Whiskey in the periphery with the dogs and the braves”

Red Tape-

“If we was mixed up with you, it’d be the talk of the town
Disgraced and disrobed
Another gem in the crown.”


“But you would finally live a little,
finally laugh a little.
Just let me give you the freedom to dream
And we will wake them up and cure their aching.
Take our walls and start 'em breaking.
Now that's a deal that seems worth taking.
But I guess I'll leave that up to youuuuuu.”

In silence they stood for a few moments, waiting before Blueblood spoke up.


“Well it's intriguing, but to go would cost me greatly
So what title of this show would I be taking?”


“Fair enough, you would want a piece of all the action.
I’ll make you a landed count,
We can shake and make it happen.”


“I wasn’t born this morning.
King, would be just fine.”


“Why not just dissolve the council and slap us all with crime!”




“landed prince.”



The four shake and sing together

“Don't. You. Want to get away,
from that same old part that mare has us play,
cause we got what we need, so come with us and take a ride.
It’ll take us to the other side.
Because you can just do as you do, or we can do the dream.
Forget the cage, ‘cause we finally can be free.
Oh, damn suddenly we’re free to fly!
We’re going to the other side.
We’re going to the other side.”

Lifting their glasses, they toasted.

“To the other side”

Then drank breaking out in laughter, save for Blueblood who looked at his glass and whispered as the last of the magic slipped away.

“To the other side.”

Looking at the other ponies Bayleaf nodded. Straightening and smiling with confidence from the musical magic.

“And so, she has forced our hooves.” Bayleaf said with a grin. “She may have the ponies love, but we have the power. If she tries to arrest us, then we can turn it against her and strip away the last of the power she has. If not, then we will do it anyway.”

She raised her hoof, with the glass in it.

“Down with the stellar autocracy. And up with the Equestrian Parliament.”

“Here, Here!” The ponies pounded their hooves and partook of drink and merry. The sounds of which never reached outside of the room. Wrapped as they were in silence.

The stage was set, and the actors were in the middle of the play. The crowd was watching in silence. Among many of them you could find small toys and other paraphernalia depicting a winged pony with red eyes.

The brown coated pony dressed as an alicorn thrust his hoof into the air as his prosthetic horn glowed. He wore a gleaming suit of armor with black sculled accents and fastens. His hair waving behind him was dark black and filtered into the black magical glow that surrounded him.

“No Boulder, I will not surrender. I will not snivel and bow.”

“But sir, the battle is lost” Wined another pony wearing hard amber armor. “Your soldiers have fallen. Even your most loyal Stalker.”

“And died well he did. I will remember him for taking that blade. But fear not, he is still here.” ‘Mordane’ grinned gesturing as another pony stumbled out from behind the mound. A knife seeming to jut from his skull “I will not let death have him! Go! Fight on! I will not let anyone die until I have VICTORY!”

The choir sung in haunting toned apocrypha.

“Let us go! Let us go!”

“NO!” Mordane howled.

Mordane’s mother, Sunny fields leaned over far, holding her three daughters. Merry was covering her eyes and trembling slightly, seeming to hope that she would disappear as well. Her mark was a large cake and streamers. Berry’s eyes were transfixed and wide, her mark a small pile of scrolls. Dandelion, formerly Dandy Sweets, had a dandelion in her hair and on her flank as well. She was covering her mouth as her eyes watered along with her mother’s.

His father, Stone, was standing stock still, eyes lingering on the pony representing Stalker. A mixture of disgust, sorrow, and anger warring in his eyes.

Pegasi then began to sweep over the crowd, wearing mock Irona uniforms. They started to shout to ‘get him’ and firing arrows into the mound around Mordane’s feet as some of the ponies wearing more amber armor fell, only to rise with arrows sticking out of them.

“Please, Mordane, you have to surrender.”

“I won’t surrender. I can’t surrender!” the Mordane character shouted. He took to the air, fighting the ponies as they continued to pick off his zombies. “I’ve lost too much! Stalker! My Ponies! I WON'T GIVE IN, IRONA! YOU HEAR ME!? I WON’T GIVE IN!”

He looked around. His eyes grew wide as Irona soldiers surrounded him.

Slowly, they closed in.

“Sir, you have to surrender. You have to- argh!” The actor playing Boulder was cut short as a swords strike cut into him.

“Boulder!?” ‘Mordane’ shouted, his eyes wide in shock for a few moments. His eyes darted around and around again, before furrowing in rage.

“You think you have defeated me!? I won’t lose!” He turned up to face the ceiling, raising both his hooves up high and wings outstretched.


In the back of the stage, a painting of the Lunar Fortress was suddenly played across with lights.

The orchestra built to a crescendo.

Then, a large crash. The lights fall as all the Irona soldiers dive for the floor.

The curtain falls.

Stone kept his three daughters and wife close as they left the theater. He bit his lip as they shuffled toward an alley and out of the thrall of the crowd.

Merry was crying and being comforted by Dandelion. Stone focused on Sunny Fields, embracing her.

“Luna curse it, Stone,” she said through tears. “Mordane’s becoming just like father.”

“Don’t say that,” Stone said. “You know as well as I that you can’t trust plays. Who knows how many fictions that has?”

“But, we do know that he fought a dragon!” Berry squeed. “The whole city is talking about it. Mordane fought a dragon and won!”

“I-I just can’t believe little Mordy has grown up to be so mean.” Merry sniffled. “He was such a cute little colt.”

“Dears, don’t be sad,” Stone said turning to look at them all head-on. “Mordane is an alicorn. He was meant for great things.


Stone’s ears snapped up. Practically jumping, he spun around and sniffed the air. Sunny Fields grabbed her daughters and drew them close as a few dangerous looking sparks leaped out from her mane.

“We need to leave,” he said.


“Let’s go!” Stone shouted and the group of ponies began rushing down the alleyway. Behind them, a few curses were followed by the pounding of hooves.

Ahead of them, another group of ponies stepped out to block the exit, trying to cut them off.

“Left!” Stone shouted, turning the corner. Only to come to an abrupt stop.

Shadows hung low on the walls as the six ponies closed in, stopping to form a half circle around Stone and his family in one corner.

Stone himself planted his hooves firmly into the ground, giving a snort

“Well, come on then,” he said. “What are you waiting for!?”

“They’re waiting for me.” The voice came out of the dark. A large earth pony walked slowly, the light slowly traveling up his body until he was clear to see.

“P-Peddler.” Stone’s eyes widened for a moment, before narrowing again. “How did you know I was here?”

“Been watching you for years, even all out in Equestria. Met your little alicorn babe as well. Cute kid, bit oblivious.” Smut Peddler said, looking over the family.

“Father, who is this?” Merry whispered, her head sticking out.

“Aye, you didn’t tell them about me? Of course, you didn’t.” He sneered. “Didn’t tell little Mordane about his clan either.”

“You're not my brothers,” Stone said softly, and firmly. “I am not part of your clan anymore.”

Smut and the other ponies ears snapped up.

There was a pause, before Smut shook his head.

“Blood mixed until death, Stone. It can’t be undone. Come, the clan masters want to see you. They want to hear about your son.”

The six ponies all stomped together, slowly stepping forward. Each step reverberated the ground like giant weights were being lifted and dropped. Two drew out a metal chain and swooped in.


The ground erupted. Clear across the city of Tietus, the sound of an explosion could be heard as Mordane’s father, Stone Stronghoof, lived up to his wife's family name.

His hooves were sitting in two holes as in front of them a wall of stone had been flung up.

“Dad!?” Shouted Merry, Berry, and Dandelion’s. Their shocked faces starting to take on shadows as a purple light started to gather around their mother’s forehead, sparks covering on a small stub.

“Close your eyes!” Stone shouted, before rearing back and bucking a nearby wall.

A huge cloud of dust filled the area as a beam of powerful light sliced through at neck level, forcing Smut Peddler and his fellow clan members to flinch away and jump back to dodge.

“After them!” Smut Peddler shouted, sending his ponies scrambling into dust as he stood coughing.

In his own puff of smoke, Shop Lifter landed with a small crack on the stonework.

“Told you it wouldn't work.”

“Aye,” Smut Peddler sighed. “He was always the strongest.”

“A-are you sure, my princess? This is the statement you want to make in this, err… political climate?” Times asked, looking at his friend, of so many years.

“I’m sure, my good friend,” she said with a smile. “I’m certain many ponies will appreciate the break from your newspaper’s talking of Mordane’s survival.”

“It's just” he said, ears drooping “You have always been good to me and my family. Ponies are just getting used to the idea of Twilight as an alicorn. If another alicorn is out there, not under your influence… I don’t want to do anything that undermine your legitimacy, my princess.”

Celestia smiled. Leaning down, she gave a soft lingering kiss on the forehead.

“It’s okay, my little pony. It will all be okay.”

Time’s ears raised slightly as he gave a sheepish smile.

“You haven’t given me a kiss like that since I was a little foal.”

“Well, I just wanted to thank you for being concerned for me. Please, go ahead and publish my statements and any other information you have on Mordane. It is okay, trust me.”

“I will.”

Celestia waved as Time left, pausing only at the door to give a deep bow. The guards, of course, pretend to not notice, and if asked would have said his tone was cutting, accusatory even. The Time’s, after all, was the most cutting and revealing paper about Celestia, more than any other media.

He didn't even see the small frown on her sister’s face.

“It is wise of you sister?” she sighed. “To do this, I mean?”

Celestia turned to see her sister, seeming to appear from shadow, a genuine smile rising from seeing her mane. Only ponies that really knew her could tell the difference. The colors tended to shift a little quicker.

“Well, I do feel rather proud of myself. Everything is in place and Mordane’s story is a good place to get the ball rolling.” She looked out the window at the city below. “I just hope that the ponies take it well.”

“Take it well?” Luna scoffed “Sure, many will be riled, especially in the nobility. Though, why would normal ponies not take it well?”

“Because, my dear Luna, in my thousand years of rule, I have learned this lesson well. The public can handle any kind of crisis. Ponies fall at our border and whole towns are lost every day, but that is to be expected.” she sighed. “They can take the expected. It's the unexpected, I fear, that truly leaves an impact.”

In the city of Manehattan, ponies were going about their business. Some shopping, others working, others doing what some might circumscribe as crimes.

“Extra, Extra! Male alicorn still alive! Celestia at fault?”

“What?” said a startled pony in a fitted business suit. Spinning suddenly, they reached into their satchel and pulled out bits. “Give that to me.”

Their eyes scanned rapidly over the paper as another pony trotted up, quickly holding their own paper.

“Have you read this!?”

“Yeah, the male alicorn that saved Ponyville. He’s still alive!”

“And he's in the Southern Lands! He fought those diamond dogs. Maybe he’s the alicorn of fighting!” The mare speaking gasped. “Maybe he is going to attack us!”

“He is!?”

“He lives!”

In the ground section of Las Pegasus, a group of several dozen ponies were giggling with glee.

Their meeting was in the back room of a bar that one of them owned. The shop closed as the group sat, looking over the morning paper before it even came out.

“But, he doesn’t look nothing like the party king,” said another of the ponies over the general murmuring. “An wasn’t he a soldier, or something?”

“No, it says here that he was always an alicorn. They didn’t say that in his obituary. But, he lives!”

“How do we know it was him?”

“How many male alicorns do you think there are?”

“Plus, it says that he became Twilight’s pupil shortly after he vanished. She must have forced him to become her student!”

“The Party king lives!” another giggled with glee, throwing the whole group into an uproar.

The shouts of it were repeated and echoed.

The calls rang out, from Vanhoover to Las Pegasus, from the swamps to the mountains of lands not held by Equestria for centuries.

Mordane was alive.

The first and only male alicorn was alive, and somewhere beyond the crown. Somewhere that hadn’t been touched for over a thousand years.

The question on everyponies lips?

What was he doing?

Author's Note:

From the ashes it does raise, never truly dead it lingers.

New Mordane chapter!

Plus second half coming very soon!

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