• Member Since 27th Aug, 2022
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Discombobulated Soul

As a writer, my expansive vocabulary and thorough knowledge of grammar are my only saving graces. Please help, the world is too vorticose and gyratory!

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Jinglemas! · 3:08am Nov 2nd, 2022

What a delightful event! The idea of passing around stories in Secret Santa fashion is something that only this wonderful site could come up with. I am ecstatic to participate in this event and stretch my writing horizons in unforeseeable directions!

I'd like to encourage anyone reading this to consider participating. Truly, it's a simple equation: The more participants, the more fun had by all those involved! (And the more work for those who run the event, but that's beside the point.) What better way to celebrate Christmas--or perhaps I should say Hearth's Warming Eve-- than giving the gift of a horse word request?

And no, It's not too early for the holiday season. The second Halloween's over, it's fair game. No, no one cares about Thanksgiving. Most of us don't even celebrate it, after all.

In any case, I look forward to this event and the celebratory spirit it will bring. I have indeed been considering future participation in writing contests and the like. I feel that this will be a good introduction to that sort of occurrence, and it will likely serve as a worthy prelude for others comparable to myself with regards to their experience in such matters.

Happy early holidays!


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