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Discombobulated Soul

As a writer, my expansive vocabulary and thorough knowledge of grammar are my only saving graces. Please help, the world is too vorticose and gyratory!

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On Resolutions Made and Solar Trips Completed · 6:05am January 1st

Happy new year, everypony!

I figure this is as good a time as any to get y'all up to speed on some things. What an exciting event to take part in! What a time to be alive! What an occasion to read the next chapter of Libero...

...yeah, about that last one. It's coming! It's on its way! I've got several hundred words down already!

Needless to say, progress is slow :ajsleepy:. Writer's block was never something I understood before (just, like, sit down and do it!), but it has hit me quite hard recently. Motivation(hah!) is slow, writing feels like laborious work at a time when I'm supposed to relax and be free, all while every last possible other activity looks far more enticing. This is a tired old excuse and one you've all doubtless heard before--for that I apologize, but it's the simple truth.

That said, while there won't be a December chapter for Libero like I'd hoped, I am planning to (hopefully) speed things up in January. In fact, this brings us to our next order of business:

New Year's Resolutions! One of mine is specifically to finish Libero by June 2024. There honestly isn't much story left to tell with that one, at least the main fic. As stated prior, there will probably be several sequels and branches--who knows, I might write something set in G5 for that universe. Assuming I ever start watching it in earnest. There're a lot of ideas and--even if they aren't exactly wholly coherent as of yet--I plan to get them all out in the months and years to come.

...even if progress is slow.

One of my other resolutions (not that anyone probably cares all too much) is to participate in more events, discussions, and story comments throughout this site. I made a similar vow at the beginning of this year--you can take a look at all my contest entries to prove it--and want to keep the ball rolling. I find active participation to be quite rewarding and fun! Of course, my social anxiety makes it hard to engage with people without spiraling into panic and it takes very little to get me to retreat, but hey. What's life without risks, eh?

Now I feel like my future, heavily-burned self is going to read this post and shake his defeated head at my naivete.

Ah, well. Screw you, future me! I made friends by reaching out and I don't plan to stop!

Oh, but I've rambled on long enough at this point, I'm sure. Happy New Year to all, and to all, a good night-when-it's-socially-acceptable-to-stay-up-to-outrageous-hours-and-sleep-in-all-the-following-day!

Comments ( 2 )

Happy New Year! By the way, you posted this blog twice.

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