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Discombobulated Soul

As a writer, my expansive vocabulary and thorough knowledge of grammar are my only saving graces. Please help, the world is too vorticose and gyratory!

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A Commission Has Been Finalized And I Insist You Take A Moment To LOOK AT THIS INCREDIBLE IMAGE!! · 6:22am Feb 22nd, 2023

Wow! I'm still in shock from this picture, but I'll try my best to write out a sufficiently comprehensible blog about it.

No promises, though.

Enormous thanks go to Naiya The Brony for accepting my commission and being patient enough to deal with my strangeness. I'm sure this picture was quite the challenge (due in large part because I was terrible in explaining it) but, nevertheless, it came out perfectly. I could not possibly be more pleased with how this ended! It's just not feasible!

And Naiya was great to work with, as well. Very kind and extremely honest when issues with pricing arose.

Oh, yes, the image itself, right. It's a scene that readers of my story 'Libero' might recognize. The main character, Darkest Knight, is chased by a hydra through Ponyville. It almost gets him before Bon Bon (or, shall we say, Special Agent Sweetie Drops) arrives and effortlessly K.O.s it with a series of blows. That's not the important part, though: What's even better is what occurs afterward, which we see here.

Cuddling ponies ruthlessly injecting us with serotonin and dopamine! What's not to like? And the Elements of Harmony's rainbow laser in the background is just the icing on the cake.

Careful readers (so, like, me and no one else) will notice the discrepancy in Knight's coat color. It is actually dyed pink from a failed attempt to wash his own blood away at this point in time. The choice was made deliberately, because I personally felt that having his true coat color was more important to me than being accurate to the story. Several more miniature choices like that were made, so that the image itself came out looking its best. I must say that I'm unbelievably happy with the results.

This is incredible!

I was not prepared for the raw impact this had on me. Seeing my painstakingly designed character shown so vividly before my eyes was an experience I might even describe as life-changing. Maybe I'm just not used to this kind of thing, but you have to realize that my emotional attachment to Darkest Knight is much higher than is probably healthy.

...yes, I know that that's probably hard to believe with how often I beat the guy up, but I really do want to see him improve. Every choice I make in Libero is ultimately to propel him towards healing.

This picture communicates that so, so well, and that's probably why it hits me so powerfully. We're seeing the very basis of a story put into art. The heart of Libero is being viciously shown before our eyes. The narrative I have slaved over for months (even a year now, because the ideas for this story first entered my head at around that time) is there. It's there! How wild is that?

Or maybe I'm reading too far into things and my attempts at being 'deep' are yet more meaningless nonsense. This would certainly not be the first time.

Still, I have been affected by this nonetheless, so there's that. I want to thank Naiya once more for his incredible work, and I'd advise anyone considering a commission to check him out.

I believe that's all for now.


Comments ( 8 )

Link to artists please?

Thanks. Might get it commission for a bat pony and her savors for a group photo.

I would heavily suggest that you do! Naiya's work is splendid, and, as I said, he's absolutely wonderful to work with.

Really, can you give me an example perhaps?

And does he perhaps have a deviantart page?

I wouldn't know about deviantart, since I don't ever use that platform myself. Something about the way it runs just isn't too compatible with my less-than-stellar internet.

As for an example of how great Naiya is? I don't especially know what you mean by that, but you do sort of have this blog right up there that spends several paragraphs praising his work. He sought clarification from me at every possible spot along the way, ensuring the final product turned out exactly the way I wanted it to.

Plus, he was rather tolerant of my gushing about my pony story, so that's a point in his favor.

Very honest about pricing concerns, even when it looked like I might have had to cancel the commission. I actually originally ordered a comic strip with a ridiculous amount of panels (twenty, I think it was?) detailing the entire lead-up to this depicted scene, but together we were able to turn this into something more manageable for both of us.

Does that answer your request?

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