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Rambling Writer

Our job is not to give readers what they want; our job is to show them things they never imagined. --Walt Williams

More Blog Posts158

  • Sunday
    Death Valley fanart (MAJOR chapter 23 spoilers)

    Lucerna recently contacted me with some fanart for Death Valley. It's of Tallbush in chapter 23.

    And if you've read chapter 23, you, uh, understand why that'd create fanart. Major spoilers!

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  • 4 weeks
    New cover art for How the Tantabus Parses Sleep

    Recently, I decided to commission some new cover art for How the Tantabus Parses Sleep, and I think Harwick did an excellent job of it. I did some resizing and added some text for the actual cover, but I'd be remiss to not show the full version from

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  • 5 weeks
    Urban Wilds art commission (Content warning: blood)

    A while ago, I commissioned Moonatik for some Urban Wilds art, and I think it turned out great. But fair warning: it's pretty bloody, taking place shortly after Amanita kills her two attackers, so only open this post if you're okay with that. (I checked the site's rules, and it fits in the postable "borderline" category".) Got that? Good.

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  • 7 weeks
    New Hinterlands sequel

    I've been working on another sequel to Hinterlands for over a year, and it's finally ready to be published! Check out the continuing adventures of our hapless necromancer and her bounty hunter friend in the great white north:

    TDeath Valley
    Hostile lands. Frigid valleys. Backwater villages. Shadowy forests. Vicious beasts. Gloomy mines. Strange magics. And the nicest pony for miles is a necromancer. A royal investigation of tainted ley lines uncovers dark secrets in the Frozen North.
    Rambling Writer · 131k words  ·  144  1 · 708 views
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  • 8 weeks
    Barcast: Last Call, Last Mini-rounds, I'm on Tap

    As you may have heard, the Barcast interview group is sadly closing its doors. But before they do, they're having one last stream: a series of rapid-fire five-minute interviews this Saturday with as many people as they can manage. And guess who decided to sign up?

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In Which I Tolerate Eclipse: Chapter 21 -- Trails · 11:05am Jun 4th, 2018

It’s morning, and Bella’s packing for the trip to the middle of nowhere. There’s a cold storm coming, so she needs to pack warm clothes. She calls Jacob to tell him she’s ready, but Billy answers instead. He promises to pass the message along and wishes he could be out there with the wolves.

The urge to fight must be a defining characteristic of the Y chromosome. They were all the same.

This kind of stupidity definitely isn’t characteristic of a synergistic effect of two X chromosomes; it’s just Bella.

Alice pulls Bella aside; of course she’s seen Bella decide to get married. She wants to run the wedding and basically guilt-trips Bella into accepting. Yes, Alice is discount Pinkie Pie: on a good day, she’s great, but on a bad day, she’s terrible.

They head out to the clearing. Bella leaves a false trail in the area, getting her scent on everything, and that sounds dirtier than I meant it to be. Because of the nature of the plan, Edward can’t be close to her, to ensure the scent is as strong as possible.

It was gloomy under the trees, and I wished I could walk closer to Edward and hold his hand.

CM + 1

In the process, Bella trips and cuts her hand. After she smears some blood around to strengthen the trail, Edward cleans and bandages the cut. He says he got over Bella’s scent while thinking she was dead because it was so painful.

“But… having experienced the way it feels to think I’ve lost you… my reactions have changed. My entire being shies away from any course that could inspire that kind of pain again.”

Well, that was easy.

Jacob arrives and carries Bella through the forest, separating from Edward. Jacob talks about how Bella hasn’t been down to La Push recently, but Bella says she’s still angry about him kissing her.

“Does that mean that he’s a better kisser that (sic) I am?” Jacob asked, suddenly glum.

“I really couldn’t say, Jake. Edward is the only person I’ve ever kissed.”

“Besides me.”

“But I don’t count that as a kiss, Jacob. I think of it more as an assault.”

“Ouch! That’s cold.”

Holy shit, Bella’s the sane one in this situation!

Jacob goes into his entitled personality, basically saying, “Hey. I know you’ve got a boyfriend and you love him, but try me! I’m loads better.” He keeps going on about how Bella totally loves him, so he should be her girlfriend, not Edward. It’s not that direct, but the implication is blatant. Bella lets slip that she talked Edward into staying with her during the fight; Jacob immediately says that he’ll stay with her, too, acting as a “cell phone” instead of Seth.

The conversation slips into werewolf hierarchy. Apparently, Jacob’s the second in command of the pack, the beta wolf to Sam’s alpha. It’s partially based on lineage, and since Jacob’s great-grandfather was the last alpha, Jacob should technically be the alpha now. However, he didn’t want to step up and take the role from Sam; he never wanted to be a werewolf and he compares it to getting drafted into a war he never knew existed. You know, why couldn’t we have conversations about that instead of who Bella wants to be her boyfriend?

They reach the camp without further incident. Edward’s already there and has set the tent up in preparation for the coming storm.

Clinginess Meter: 34

Twenty-two pages. Twenty-two pages. I’m a broken record complaining about pacing. You know, I think I’ve found a way to immediately improve the story and speed it up: remove Jacob from the love triangle. He can still be a character in the book, but as long as he and Edward aren’t competing for Bella’s affections, we won’t get any parts where they have to bicker with each other over who’s better-suited for her. Heck, maybe Jacob stays in love with her, realizes she’s happy and with Edward, and decides to just let her go. Easy. It’s how I’d do it.

Well, not quite. I wouldn’t have the romance at all. I’d have more vampire fights.

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Comments ( 3 )
Author Interviewer

He keeps going on about how Bella totally loves him, so he should be her girlfriend, not Edward.

Something went wrong here, and I'm loving it.

Holy shit, Bella’s the sane one in this situation!

Stopped clocks and all. Though Bella's more like a neglected page-a-day calendar. Possibly one stuck on February 29th.

Insert "Jacob is a bitch" joke here.

I don't know why I wrote that, but I now refuse to change it.

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