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Rambling Writer

Our job is not to give readers what they want; our job is to show them things they never imagined. --Walt Williams

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 15 -- Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock · 10:33am Jul 6th, 2018

Snide phrase that connects back to the chapter title in some way.

While Jacob and Seth are on patrol, Jacob wonders why the Cullens just don’t take Bella somewhere else, away from Sam. Seth says he’s already asked that; the Cullens have too many medical supplies to transport easily, and collecting them takes a lot of time. This debate takes two whole pages. I hate this book.

Although she’s still not great — she’s running a fever, alternating between hot and cold — Bella’s been feeling better, well enough to talk with Charlie on the phone. Jacob’s shocked by this, wondering why they’re getting Charlie’s hopes up before Bella becomes a vampire. Seth suspects Edward’s thinking the same way. Seth also says Bella asked Jacob to stop by. When he arrives, Bella’s in one of her cold phases, so Jacob reluctantly sits next to her to warm her up with his body heat.

Jacob asks Bella about the due date for the baby. She’s not sure; with all the complications in the pregnancy, it’s hard to tell the baby’s development. Based on how quickly her stomach is growing, however, she guesses that it’ll be four days. Seriously, can’t they do a C-section, just in case? Jacob has a very clingy monologue; I’m bolding the relevant sections.

Funny how having a deadline made it harder to think about leaving, or having her leave.

I was glad Seth’d brought that up, so I knew they were staying here. It would be intolerable, wondering if they were to go, to take away one or two or three of those four days. My four days.

Also funny how, even knowing that it was almost over, the hold she had on me only got harder to break. Almost like it was related to her expanding belly — as if by getting bigger, she was gaining gravitational force.

For a minute I tried to look at her from a distance, to separate myself from the pull. I knew it wasn’t my imagination that my need for her was stronger than ever. Why was that? Because she was dying? Or knowing that even if she didn’t, still — best case scenario — she’d be changing into something else that I wouldn’t know or understand?

CM + 3

Bella thanks Jacob for coming over and he asks her why she wants him around, when Seth could do the same job just as easily. Bella says Jacob feels like family. Oh, dang, she’s still indecisive about which guy to choose. Jacob rebuffs her; since being around her only brings him pain, a better answer, he claims, would be, “Jacob, I get a kick out of your pain.” At least, it’d be easier. Bella tries to reassure Jacob that he belongs, but falls asleep in exhaustion.

Jacob confronts Edward about Bella calling Charlie. They both agree that it’s a terrible idea, but Edward doesn’t want Bella to do anything that makes her unhappy. BECAUSE BELLA IS ALL THAT MATTERS. She even hopes to see Charlie after she gets turned, once she has enough control over herself. She’s going to let him draw his own conclusions about what’s happening to her once he sees how she’s changed and isn’t age. Bella really can’t make any of her own decisions, can she? The reason that’s going to be given for her absence as she gets her taste for blood under control is that she needs to go to a special hospital on the other side of the world.

Jacob thinks a little more and suspects that Edward’s being so nice to her because he doesn’t think she’ll survive the birth. Jacob asks what happens during it.

”From what little research we’ve been able to do, it would appear the creatures use their own teeth to escape the womb,” he whispered.

DO A C-SECTION, FOR FUCK’S SAKE! Bella’s still human. She’s not indestructible. You can cut her open. All this drama is pointless.

Bella wakes up when the baby stretches, causing her pain. As Carlisle checks up on her, she comments that the baby’s rapid growth reminds her of Jacob. This prompts Carlisle to notice other similarities.

”You know that I was wondering about the fetus’s genetic makeup, Jacob. About his chromosomes.”

“What of it?”

“Well, taking your similarities into consideration-”

“Similarities?” I growled, not appreciating the plural.

“The accelerated growth, and the fact that Alice cannot see either of you.”

I felt my face go blank. I’d forgotten about that other one.

“Well, I wonder if that means that we have an answer. If the similarities are gene-deep.”

“Twenty-four pairs,” Edward muttered under his breath.

Oh no. No. You ARE implying what I thought you were implying. Jacob’s going to- It’s so fucked up I can’t say it. No no no. And it’s not twenty-four pairs of chromosomes! It’s twenty-three pairs and two half-pairs! You can’t stick two erasers together and make a pencil!

The vampires start talking about genetics while Jacob shifts gears so abruptly you can hear the transmission screaming and suspects that the Cullens are going to get the baby out of Bella by ripping her womb open with their teeth. Pleasant. C-section. Now.

Clinginess Meter: 29 x 2

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Comments ( 3 )

Snide phrase that connects back to the chapter title in some way.

“Waiting for this book to end”?

Author Interviewer

Yaknow, if this had been any other book, I'd be accusing the author of not understanding how women or pregnancy or anything works.

But I'm pretty sure Stephanie Meyer is a ladyperson. c.c What do.

Just being a woman doesn't confer knowledge of biology (basic though it may be). Seriously, the whole "men don't change" hand-wave bullshit still bugs me.

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