• Published 17th Apr 2014
  • 6,105 Views, 472 Comments

Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH12: SSStylish

“Spiders,” Rarity began, almost cowering in fear behind Twilight, “why did it have to be spiders!”

She was, of course, referring to the pack of Arachne; demon spiders with blade-like forearms, that had ambushed the girls and Dante.

The group scattered to avoid being caught in their webs and lethal attacks. AJ and Dash had taken two opposite corners, Pinkie hopped around the area, serving more as a distraction to some of the extra Arachne. Rarity joined Twilight near the door, and Dante, like the showboat he was, took center stage.

“Don’t worry about it,” teased Dante, “just stomp on ‘em with your designer shoes.”

“Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope!” she screamed, head covering her head.

“Jeez, what’s up with her, they’re just spiders,” he said, casually knocking one back.

Dash answered first as she maneuvered herself over to Dante since she had finished off her end. “She once found a spider in her underwear drawer. She’s had a fear of em’ since. Heck, she wouldn't even wear underwear for 3 weeks,” she said, almost falling out laughing.

This lapse in defence almost got her head bitten off if it weren't for Dante’s experience in laughing while fighting. He turned on his heel and sliced down the spider that was rushing her.

“W-wait, doesn't she wear a skirt!?” he said, snickering as he turned and unleashed a hail of bullets at a few spiders.

“That’s the funny part!”

Rarity could only blush in embarrassment as she attempted to make herself even smaller.

Dante couldn't hold it in anymore, he ceased his firing and almost fell out laughing next to Dash, leaving them both wide open for two spiders to rush them. Only to be stopped by Twilight’s quick spellcasting.

“Guy’s focus, I can’t be protecting you guys and Rarity. Get up!” she ordered.

Dash and Dante complied, picking themselves up and continuing the fight.

“So, is this a regular thing for you?” asked Dash as she arced past, slaying 4 more Arachne.

“What, being a badass, having hot girls around me or slaying demons?” answered Dante, stylishly dispatching several demons with relative ease.

“I’ll let you guess which one I’m talking about”

“I wouldn't,” he smirked.

“Will you two quit flirtin’ and focus on killing the pack of varmint's that’s surrounding us!” said AJ, violently crushing several of the accursed hell spawn.

“I agree, they just keep coming,” added Twilight, expertly exploiting the enemies aversion to fire by setting dozens of them ablaze.

“Don’t worry, you’ll know when it ends, trust me,” said Dante

“I really don’t want to, but ok, when?” said Twilight setting fire to several more hell spawn.

“You see that door back there?” he said, pointing Ebony towards a brown door behind Twilight. On it, lie a red, green and blue wheel of some sort, but the entire thing was covered with a layer of flowing red plasma. If one looked closely they could see faces moving along it’s frame. “I would get away from it if I were you.”

“And why should-”


Twilight was cut off by a shrill scream coming from behind her. Looking back her eyes widened as she witnessed a red ethereal hand emerging from the door, reaching out for them. In Rarity’s defense she had tried to fight against the oncoming hand by frantically throwing keyblades at it, but it seemed to have no effect. Twilight, determining that it was impervious to damage, quickly teleported them a few yards away, near AJ, just before it could grab them.

“What in the world was that?” screamed Rarity.

“No, clue, “Dante admitted, keeping a few spiders at bay with his gun shots. “One of the towers defenses, a demonic spell, or just some sick joke by a messed up clown. The only thing I know, is that it will go away if you do one thing.”


“Shut up and kill everything in this room.” Dante exclaimed his point by using rushing forward and impaling the enemies that he was shooting.

Taking his advice, Rarity stood up beside Twilight and readied her weapon, she wanted to leave this dreadful room as soon as possible. However, she happened to glance over at the Arachne that AJ had just crushed, and before she could blanch in disgust, it suddenly faded into dozens of much smaller Arachne.

Rarity instantly fell back into her previous fetal posture.

“Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, no, no, no, no, no, nononononono NO I will not fight such disgusting creatures. They’re nasty and creepy and ugly and-”

While Rarity continued to describe the reasons why she would not even let her keyblade touch them, the others only rolled their eyes as they eliminated the rest of the demons.

As the last Arachne faded into dust, the group looked toward the red clad door just in time to see the ethereal hand reach out as it cracked and faded away, leaving the entrance finally accessible. Twilight interrupted Rarity’s rant to tell her that everything was fine.

“Well done, friends. Let us continue,” she said as she gently made her way to the door, acting as if nothing had happened.

“Jeez, you could at least say thanks since you did nothing,” Dash grumbled.

Just as she she reached for the door to push it open a surviving Arachne took her by surprise and attempted to attack her, causing her to scream in fear.

“Rarity!” the group yelled rushing forward, but by the time they made it over to her, Rarity had already dispatched of the demon by flicking it to the ground and repeatedly bashing it with Gem Finder in a way that would’ve made Shia faint.



After a few more minutes, the group finally managed to pull Rarity away from her personal little crater. They left the room only to enter a larger room complete with the same drab brown color as before, except now with water falls!

The group looked around, taking in almost every detail. Rarity’s face fell as her eyes were immediately drawn to the only source of contrasting color, which happened to be a door on the wall a short distance away. Covering it was an ethereal wall similar to the previous one.

“Oh no, not again…” she despaired as she frantically searched for more spiders.

Dante calmed her by placing a hand on her shoulder. “Chill, look it’s blue, that means that there’s some sort of stupid puzzle that we have to solve.”

Rainbow deadpanned at the mention of a mental workout. “What is this, a video game? Why is there a puzzle in a demon tower anyway?”

“I don’t know,” said Twilight, “but it probably has something to do with those over there.” Twilight gestured to the center of the room that held a single beam of light that had been bounced off of various mirrors. In front of that, stood a large stone with writing engraved on it.

Seeing a chance to put her mental abilities to the test, Twilight excitedly ran toward the stone, leaving the others behind.

AJ, seeing her chance, decided to finally get the answers that her violet haired friend apparently had forgotten.

“So, Dante was it?” this got Dante’s, Pinkie’s and Rainbow’s attention, as they were bored while Twilight had gone to solve the puzzle and Rarity left to study the local architecture of the fairly large room.


“So, who are you anyway, an’ whats goin on in this here tower?”

“Yeah, I’d like to know that too.”

Dante smirked as he took a seat on the ground, crossing his legs in front of him, his arms behind his head, and leaning his back against the wall. “Do you girls want to know the legend of Sparda?”

“The legend of the who now?”

“The legend goes like this: There was once a demon who hated being a demon, rebelled against the rest and sealed them and himself inside the demon world.”

Dash deadpanned. “That can’t be how it really goes, it’s supposed to be a legend right, it sounds like a history lesson.”

“Hold on, Skittles, that wasn't the legend. Let’s call that a prologue. Like I said, he sealed the gate to hell up tight…… well as tight as it can be with demons spilling through all the time. Anyway, before he sealed it away, he had two sons. The older son sided with demons while the other embraced his human side. The older son craves his father’s power for no other reason than to be the strongest. To do that, he needs to get 4 things.” Dante raised his fist and began to count off.

“Force Edge, the sword which is said to house all of Sparda’s power. This tower, which is the key to finding the gate to where the sword lies, and my half of our mother’s amulet which is the key to opening the gate itself.”

“What’s the fourth thing?” asked AJ.

“Oh that? Well he’ll need to get through me to get my amulet,” he said proudly.

Rainbow flew up and looked over the taller man. “Doesn't he already have it?”

Dante said nothing, but his proud posture seemed to sag a bit.

“That varmint already beat ya an’ took it didn’t he?” she smirked.

“N-no, he only borrowed it! I’m goin to get it back right now!” exclaimed Dante, crossing his arms.

Rainbow rolled around in her laughter, which in turn caused Pinkie to laugh as well. “You got your ass kicked by your big brother!”

“Whatever, he got in a lucky shot. My turn, who are you all anyway?”

Pinkie was the first to pop up and start speaking. “My name’s Pinkamena Diane Pie,” she began to point to each of her friends, “That’s Jackie Apple, we call her Applejack or AJ-”

She tipped her hat, “Howdy.”

“-that’s Twilight-”

Twilight didn't notice the gesture, still muttering to herself, “....the image sunken in….”


Rarity didn't hear her, as she was still too focused on analyzing the structures around her. “......terribly horrid and too much gothic style. Was this tower built by the color-blind?”

“And that’s Rachelle but don’t call her that or she’ll get upset.” Pinkie leaned in and moved a hand to cover her mouth. “She’s mad with us right now,” she whispered.

Dante mimicked her action. “Why?”

“She’s in denial.”

“Over what?”

“Nothing!” Rainbow finished.

“Well, whatever, it’’s not my business-.”

“Phoowie, she’s just being butthurt and stubborn, and won’t accept what her own eyes’er tellin’ her.”

Dash put herself right in the cowgirls face. “Well, you’re just being a heartless jerk who doesn't believe in her friends!”

“Wha-heartless!? Why you-”

Before the fight could escalate any faster, Dante decided to end it by shooting his black gun Ebony into the air several times, causing everyone near him to hold the sides of their heads, or crouch down in alarm.

“Alright, that’s enough. I’m not here to babysit, so if you’re going to fight get away from me, and do it somewhere else,” he sighed.

“Babysit?” Dash began with an offended look, “You're not that much older than we-” Dash was cut off by the new feeling of cold black steel being sat on her forehead.

“True, but I’m the one with the gun, and I don’t like people who talk more than I do. So shut up, and calm down...... unless you want me to add more red to that hair of yours.”

Dash, having seen what the guns could do, backed down without protest. Grumbling to herself she decided to go see what Twilight was up to.

“Wow, that was scary,” mumbled Pinkie.

“Chill, I wasn't really gonna shoot her,” said Dante, re holstering him gun, “and I don’t know what’s going on here, but-”

“Oh, you want to know?” began Pinkie with a bright smile, “Well, it all started about 10 years ago when-”

Dante could only groan as Pinkie began rattling off about their past and AJ could only giggle at his frustration.


“Kay’ guys,” called Twilight, grabbing the attention of the rest of the group and interrupting Pinkie’s story, “I figured it out, we can move on now!”

“Finally,” Dante mumbled, picking himself off of his seat on the ground. While the mage decided to take her sweet time solving the puzzle, the pink one decided to gabber on about her life story. Truthfully, Dante couldn't make out half of what she said due to the speed at which she said it, and the fact that she only took a breath every 3 minutes, but he was confident that he could pick out a few key details.

“Took you long enough,” said Dash as she flew up next to her. “It can’t have been that hard.”

“Oh, it wasn't, all you have to do is move these two mirror and it’s solved. I just wanted to try out every combination first,” she admitted sheepishly, “I wanted to see if their was an extra passageway.”

“Was there?” asked AJ.

Taking a page from one of friends Twi hid her blush behind her hair. “No.”


Twilight quickly lifted her head in an attempt to defend herself. “But, don’t you know that feeling of when something’s just too easy? I wanted to make sure that we weren't missing anything, like a secret item or something!

……-Chirp-…..this time there was a small chirping cricket interrupting the silence.

Twilight groaned. “Let’s just go.”


As the group walked down the passageway leading from the puzzle room, Twilight took this moment to hang back with Dante.

“So, I heard yelling and gunshots, what happened.”

“Skittles and Redneck were fighting again,” he answered in a bored tone.

Twilight let loose a guilty chuckle at the nicknames for her friends. “Don’t call them that, they have names. Anyway, they were probably arguing over Spike.”

“Who?” he said with the barest of attentions paid.

“My brother, who went missing several years ago.”

“Is that so.”

“Yeah, but he showed up recently, or at least someone that looked like him. He fought us, took our friend, and threatened to kill me.”

“Yeah, sounds about right.”

“You don’t sound surprised.”

“Well that’s what my brother just did to me,” he smirked. “Cept, I know it was him. He fought me, stabbed me, took our mothers amulet, and left me for dead…. and that was a few hours ago. Some party that was.”

Twilight was aghast. “That’s horrible, why are you so calm, he could have killed you!?”

Dante actually looked somewhat serious. “I don’t know, all I know is that I’m going to get my moms necklace back.”

“What does he need it for?”

“Open a demon gate to hell to take Sparda’s power.”


“I know right? Talk about greedy.”

“You’re going to stop him right?”

“Nah, I’m just gonna take the amulet and leave.”

“But, he’s going to destroy the world, just to gain power!”

“Not my problem.”

Twilight stood in front of Dante with a determined frown on her face. She raised her hand in front of him and summoned Magical Element. “If you won’t stop him, then I will.”

Dante looked down at the blade in front of him, memories flashing through his head. He smirked, “Oh really? What are you going to do, make him sparkle in the sun?” he teased.

“Wha- you- I!” she fumed until Dante interrupted her by flicking her on the head as he walked past.

“You really are her student aren't you.” he mumbled.


“Chill, I was joking. I am going to stop him.”

“Oh,” she said, slightly embarrassed. “Well…… good.”

“NO! Absolutely not!”

Both Dante and Twilight’s attention were directed at the white clad girl in front of them. Twilight rushed forward to meet the rest of the group.

“Rarity, what’s wrong?”

“Jacqueline says that we have to go back into that spider infested storage room for some stupid item.”

“We have to ta’ get past this here door! So calm your biscuits, and come on!”

“Absolutely not, I would rather stay here than go back in that horrid room!”

‘Alright let’s go,” said Dante turning to leave.

“Alright, I wanna fight something anyway.”

“Kay, don’t go gettin lost out here.”

“Okie dokie lokie!”

“Rarity, are you sure you want to stay out here?” asked a concerned Twilight

Rarity paused as she realized that they had actually decided to leave her behind without so much as an offer to stay with her. “O-of course, Darling, I shall be perfectly fine on my own.”

“Ok, then. We’ll be back as soon as possible, so don’t go anywhere and don’t talk to anyone!” she warned as she left with the others.

“I’ll be fine, there are no demons out here and I will stay right here. Go get the item.”

Twilight nodded as she looked back once before running to catch up with Dante and the others.

Rarity looked around, continuously studying the area around her. Needless to say it was partially in ruins. That was to be expected as it was probably centuries old and who knows how tall. But what mainly caught her attention, was the fact that this area in contrast to the areas before it was enormous. She knew that they were underground, but even so, she could see the subterranean lake below her stretching out for miles. Demonic magic? or some kind of underground passageway. Either way Rarity didn't know whether to be impressed or appalled.

Her viewing was interrupted by the sound of quiet laughter. She looked around, but was unable to find it’s source.

“Twilight,” she called out around her, “are you still here? I told you to go help the others.”

The laughter only grew louder after her message. Rarity realized that she didn't sound like any of her friends and readied her weapon. “Who, and where are you!”

“Woah there,” said the voice, still dripping with stray laughs. “Put your toy down, I’m not here to fight you.”

“Then come out and stop with the, frankly quite disturbing, laughter.”

“If it’s disturbing you then it’s working. But fine, have it your way, you usually do anyway from what I’m told.”

Just then, in front of Rarity, emerged the familiar image of the green haired, green eyed, black robed women from before. Her face reminded Rarity of burnt coal wearing cheap lipstick. Her voice oozed with nothing but condescension.

“Oh, look who’s all alone once again. Did you’re friends finally get tired of you after all this time?”

This brought Rarity’s attention off of the woman's utterly hideous hair. “Excuse you, Chrysalis, was it? My friends are merely away completing a task.”

Chrysalis flipped her hair, much to Rarity’s disgust. “Yes, without you, it seems.”

“Your point?”

“It just looks like to me, they all left without giving you a second thought.”

Rarity had a hard time denying that, it did seem like they were eager to leave. “So what,” she huffed, “they just wanted to go and defeat those horrid demons and retrieve the item we need.”

“Or just to get away from you,” she shot back immediately.

“Of course not! My friends love me.”

“That’s not what Spike told me.”

Rarity instantly pointed her keyblade directly at the women. “What have you done with him, you witch!”

“Oh put that thing away,” she whispered into Rarity’s ear, causing her to jump several feet forward in alarm. “Well, someone’s touchy. I’m sorry did I invade your personal space?”

"How did she get behind me!? She didn't teleport, Is she just that fast?" thought Rarity as she regained her composure and stance.

“Anyway, I’m in a hurry, do you know how hard it was to find you all here?”

“What? Have you come to take me like you did Shia?”

“Oh please,” she scoffed, “someone like you isn't worth my time, plus that’s not my role anyway.”

“Then, why are you here?”

“Nothing serious, just making sure that this doesn't happen again.”

“What-mghff” Her sentence was interrupted by a gloved hand reached out from behind her and covered her mouth. Rarity’s eyes widened when a lock of green hair floated into her field of vision, and she realized that the woman wasn't in front of her anymore.

“Shh, this will only hurt for a bit,” whispered Chrysalis in to her ear, her hand muffling all of Rarity’s screams.


“-ty” a small muffled voice rang out.


The voice seemed to be getting louder.


Rarity’s eyes burst open at the sound of Twilight’s voice. Looking around, she could see all of her friends concerned faces, and the green sight of Twilights cure spell. She wasn't as good as Shy but she did have some practice on it.

“Thank the makers, you’re alright!”

“What happened,” asked an extremely worried, and uncharacteristically serious Pinkie Pie.

“Shucks, you had us goin there for a second, girl.”

“You look effed up!”

It was Dash’s comment that elicited a reaction from the injured girl as she bolted up and looked into the nearest mirror, which just happened to be in her pocket. Thankfully, what she said was mostly exaggeration, the only thing that looked different was a few strands of hair out of place, and some dirt and dust on her clothes from laying on the ground.

“I-I’m fine,” she said hesitantly still feeling slightly dazed.

“We know, but still, what happened?” asked Dash.

“I…… I don’t remember, I was out here, admiring the scenery…… and then nothing.”

Twilight sent a glare over to Dante. “Did your brother do this?”

“Chill, Twilly if she isn't cut to ribbons,then no, it wasn't him. Plus, Virgil wouldn't hurt someone unless they got in his way somehow.” he said, holding his hands up in defence. He did have an idea though. “Could it have been that annoying ass clown?” he wondered.

“Well, either way, are you sure you’re not hurt? I cast cure just in case.”

“I’m completely fine Twilight, thank you.”

“Alright then, let’s move on then.”

After helping the mage to her feet the group started down the path they were headed. On that path they walked under what looked like a second story to a building that used to be there, but only half remained after all of the centuries. On a whim, Dash decided to fly over it to see if there was anything interesting. What she found was way more than what she expected.

“Holy crap! Guys, check this out!”

“Everyone looked up to see Dash descending back down with what looked like a large Rifle, it had a shortened barrel, a wood handguard where they bipod usually is, and a carry handle in front of the magazine housing for easy mobility while shooting. The word Spiral was etched onto the side.

“Whooowee, that looks like one heck of a gun ya got there!”

Dash waved the large gun in front of Dante’s face. “Look, now I have a gun!”

Dante responded by pulling out a silver arm cannon with a dragons head in front of the mouth, it’s entire frame radiated demonic energy. “I have a laser gun. You’re point?”

Dash once again backed down as Dante put Artemis away and took the gun from the grumbling rainbow headed girl. “Looks like a minor devil arm. It’s got infinite ammo, and high penetration bullets,” he smirked, “just like me”.

“Don’t get any Ideas, I found it, so it’s mine!” said Dash, jumping to eye level with him.

“Here,” he said, giving it to the girl. “I’m not a sniping guy, I want my targets to know when I’m coming,” he said, winking to the girls who all either groaned or facepalmed. Pinkie seemed to be the only one who didn't get the joke, and Dash was too busy aiming her new weapon around.

The group moved on after Pinkie made it so that Rainbow could summon Spiral whenever she wanted by setting it as a summon mark on the back of her hand. The group moved on to the sealed door from before. Twilight inserted the key item that they had to backtrack for, causing the door to open for them. Feeling a strong demonic presence Dante choose to enter first.

Inside, the group entered what could likely be called an large old stage or opera room. Along the sides of the room were dozens of candles and drapes, and in front was a large stage complete with scarlet curtains. Their sightseeing was interrupted by hundreds of bats flying past them as they gathered together to form a figure. After a few seconds, a woman emerged from the clump of darkness. She wore what seemed like half of a black ball gown, completely covering her lower section but leaving everything up top exposed. Her bright crimson hair fell down to just barely cover her chest.

She looked around at her many visitors. “Hmm, welcome, to Nevan’s playroom,” she said, her voice and tone not unlike that of a succubus; smooth and alluringly seductive.

Most of the girls took a step back and readied their weapons. Rarity was about to say something when Dante smirked and strode right up to this woman.

“Dante stop, what are you doing?” warned Twilight.

Dante ignored her as Nevan decided to meet him halfway. Being the same height, she was able to look him right in the eye. “I take it that this is your first time here?” she asked her voice still soothingly seductive.

“Yeah, it is,” he said looking her up and down.

“Dante, you can bang her later, let’s just kill her and go!” yelled Dash as she and the others readied their keyblades.

“Hold on, you never know, she could be nice,” he said before turning back to the free chested beauty. “You’ll be nice to us, won’t you?”

She merely smiled and sat her hand on his chest. “Of course, I’ll treat you and your friends so nicely, you’ll never ever want to leave.”

Dante pulled up his pants, increased his swag level, and pulled out his sword for all to see. “Now that’s, what I’m talking about!”

Nevan smiled, turned, and strut back up to the stage at the front of the room. “Then,” she said breathily turning to face the group, Twilight noted that; A. she could see her breath, and B, there was electricity running through it. “let’s get started shall we?”

Nevan summoned hundreds of bats to surround her as she prepared to fight. Twilight was proved right in her observation when she saw how much purple lightning coursed through the bats that surrounded her. Something that Pinkie Pie must have missed when she instantly rushed forward to give the first swing.

“Pinkie, wait!” she called out.

“First-aggghhhhgh!” she screamed as her keyblade connected and lightning coursed through her, flinging her backwards.

“The bats surrounding her act as an electrified shield, you won’t be able to touch her like that!”

Nevan smiled. “Clever girl, you are correct, I control lightning and thunder. I am Nevan the Lightning Witch. I shall help you, if you can defeat me,” she said as she sent numerous bats out in the open to attack and distract her foes.

“Why the hell not. I knew some rubber would come in handy today, just wish I brought some!” Dante said as he began to shoot some of the bats in the air.

“Dash, use your en-lightning to help Rarity and I break her shield. Dante, you and AJ wait until she’s defenseless, but until then help Pinkie keep the bats away from us!” said Twilight taking the lead and yelling out orders.

“Whatever you say, Twilly,” answered Dante as he hung back, still shooting bats out of the air. He didn't see any flaws in her plan so he didnt complain.

The others also followed through. Twilight was the first to act by beginning to cast several water and fire spells in her direction, making sure not to use any lightning based spells. Rarity also acted by shooting several summoned keyblades at her to chip at her defences. Nevan took all of the damage in stride as her shield held fast. What she didn't expect, was for someone to attack her head on like Dash did.

She turned as she felt her bat shield take a hit to the side, catching sight of a slightly short flying rainbow haired girl giving strike after strike to her now rapidly dissipating defense.

“What? How are you not affected?” she screamed.

“You’re not the only one who can control lightning!” she answered, preparing to deliver a downward strike. Nevan deftly moved out of the way when she realized that her weapon was, in fact, infused with lightning as well.

“Well then, take this.” she said as she sent a large number of electrified clumps of energy at her opponent. Rainbow either bated them aside or dodged them entirely. Twilight merely blocked with a magic shield.

What they did not block was the large columns of lightning that bore down around them. The bats were only a distraction as they were all electrocuted by the sudden bolts of lightning from above. Twilight was able to adapt by turning her shield into a dome before it could strike a second time, and Dash recovered by adjusting her flight to dodge both the bats, and the thunderbolts. Nevan decided that she had underestimated these children, it was time to get creative.

"Fine, let’s see you block this!” Lifting her dress to expose a pale leg, she stomped on the ground in order to run electricity throughout the entire floor, shocking everyone except Dash, who instead, had briefly distracted by the attack, and as a consequence, got struck by lightning from above.

Nevan laughed crazily as she watched them squirm against the lightning coursing through them. “Awww, is that all you’ve all got? I thought you would at least last longer than- wait, what are you doing?” she stopped when she noticed Dante smiling at her.

“Why was he smiling, he should be in pain,” she thought as she looked around. The others were also recovering. She looked down, and saw that she was still spreading the lightning around. Then she saw it, on the wall next to Dante, was his sword, stuck into it, attracting all the lightning to it like an impromptu rod, even the bolt that struck Dash was attracted to it.

She looked down and her eyes widened when she noticed the one with wings coming right at her, she raised her shield only to realize that there was only a small amount left. Dash swung her blade from below and knocked out the last bit of her electric defence.

“NOW!” yelled Twilight.

“Right!” answered AJ.

Dante, seeing as his weapon was as of right now out of reach, decided to work with something else. In a flash of wind in flame, a red and blue pair of uniquely shaped scimitars appeared in Dante's hands.

“Hello, master!” said the red one.

“It’s been some time!” said the blue one.

“Silence!” yelled Dante and he ran forward to join AJ in the final attack.

“Dante!” yelled AJ. Jumping into the air she slammed her keyblade down onto the ground in front of Nevan, causing a pillar of earth the slam into her from below, pushing her into the air.

“Right!” he answered as he met Nevan in the air. He ferociously swung Agni and Rudra, striking and slashing Nevan multiple times before pulling them over his head, and spinning them like a wheel all the way to the ground in a torrent of wind and fire, with Nevan falling to the ground just behind him, ending the battle.

Injured, Nevan tried to stand, only to fall back into Dante’s waiting arms.

Nevan looked up the dashing man in red. “My, you’re sweet,” she said before lunging for his throat.

“Dante!” the girls yelled.

Nevan didn't get very far as Dante immediately shot her in the stomach, causing her to fall backwards once more. “You’d think so, wouldn't ya?” he said as he admired his silver gun, checking the barrel for any blood.

Nevan chuckled weakly as she gave a smile to her murderer. “Fine, I’ll help you and your little friends,” she said looking him over. Her voice once again dripping with seductive charm. “Your father was a handsome devil you know.”

Dante began to roll his eyes, only to be stopped as she pulled his gaze back to her. “But, you’re no slouch yourself handsome.” With that, she fell limp, and began to emit a bright light that caused everyone to shield their eyes.

When everyone opened their eyes, they widened at the sight of what was in Dante’s arms now. A bright purple, literally electric guitar that radiated demonic energy. It’s very strings were charged with the lightning that coursed through it.

Dante looked over his new weapon, then out toward the girls off stage in front of him. He smirked, jumped, and swung his hand down to play a chord on his new toy. Pillars of fireworks somehow exploded behind him as he pointed out at his crowd. “Welcome Yall!"

Most of the girls started cheering as Dante began to rock out stylishly on Nevan. Playing chord after chord of heavy rock, and singing the lyrics to go with it.

The flinch in your eye calls your bluff!
Feel free to die when you've had enough!
Useless cause is breaking your back!
Your life will end when you attack!

Dante rocked even harder, kicking his legs out, flinging his jacket, spinning, and even playing behind his head.

Make your move!
Make your stand!
Make the win!
(Ha..) Like you can!

To everyone’s surprise, Dante flung the guitar out in front of him, causing it to transform into a wicked scythe that he swung around like a master while still singing the whole time. Everyone was in awe of his skill with a weapon that he had literally just got.

See the war!
See me rule!
See the mirror!
You’ll see a fool!

As he sung these last lyrics, Dante transformed Nevan back into a guitar, playing his final chord before running forward and sliding on his knees to the edge of the stage. And, as the final notes rang out, and the fireworks faded, he fell backwards, laughing the entire time.

Author's Note:

Wazzzzuuuppp I'm back from my vaycay. As much is it is a vaycay to write three stories for a contest, only to scrap one and rewrite another.

But I digress. How do you all like the DMC section so far. I'm trying to wrap most things up in as few chapters as possible but still get chapters out regularly. Eventually I will get around to writing Days long Past as well as another prequel to this story that involves Luna. But that will become apparent in the next chapter.

I'd also like the thank everyone who's still reading this story, cuz y'all just the greatest. My new editor forced be to go back to chapter one and stare at the toilet for a while. Only then I realized that you all actually had to read that, which only made me more grateful.

One last thing, how do you like the picture thing I did, I like it better than trying to describe every little reference to the game most of you probably never played.

Likes/ Comments/Favs/ or Follows are greatly appreciated.

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