• Published 17th Apr 2014
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Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH6.1: Looking Back...

“Ah’m gonna drive and that's final”

“Like hell you will”

“Rachelle, language please! If you drive then we will most likely crash into some horrid uncultured wasteland with a terrible name…….like philadelphia or something.” Rarity said, waving of some disgusting thought that she conjured.

“I don’t think you should drive…” Shy muttered from the corner seat.

“See even Shia don’t think that you should drive Rainbow” AJ argued gesturing over to the shy girl.

Dash leveled a glare at her before pointing dramatically “Traiter!!!”


“And you” She continued turning her glare and finger toward the hat wearer. “Don’t call me Rainbow!” She hollered as she pounced on her target, turning the argument into a cartoon style dustball rumble, rolling around the admittedly large cockpit of the ship.

It was also at this point that Twilight had entered the room, almost stumbling at the sight of her friends rolling around in an extremely immature manner. She turned her shocked face toward Rarity who shrugged and then to Shy who hid behind her hair in her natural ‘tree like’ state.

After standing dumbstruck for a few more minutes she decided that she had enough. Nodding over to Rarity she screamed out. “Stop!!” which signalled Rarity to telekinetically separate the two, stopping them mid-rumble.

“Now I know that you don’t hate each other’s guts…….yet, so why are you all fighting?”


“ONE!” Twilight yelled over the loud mixture of voices. “At a time please….” She finished with a palm over her face.

The two looked towards one another for a brief second before one began.

“I/AH WANNA DRIVE!!”......or both.

After thinking this over for a few seconds Twi responded. “Do either of you know how to drive this thing?”

Both of the floating friends acted simultaneously, both opening their mouths to respond, and both promptly closing them after actually thinking about it.

Hearing no answer Twilight continued. “Thought so, where’s Pinkie, it’s her ship so she’ll drive for us.” She motioned for Rarity to drop the duo.

“Ow,” Dash groaned as she rubbed her sore behind. Rarity’s release had been too sudden, and she had been too close to the floor to hover, so she fell on her butt. “She went to go stock the fridge with whatever Luna didn't eat, and then some.”

“Gift from Master Luna” Twilight answered quickly as she almost ran over to AJ and whispered into the taller girls ear. AJ gave a smirk and nodded in agreement.

“Pinkie!” Twilight called out, and in a matter of seconds, the Pink girl appeared in a flash next to her.

Twilight held out the artifact, her face becoming decidedly serious. “This is a precious artifact given to us by Master Luna. It can only be used in emergencies. I want to trust you to keep it safe. Ok?”

Pinkie’s eyes grew three sizes as her mouth fell open in awe. Someone trusted her with responsibility, truly it was a dream come true. “Really? Me?” Pinkie dashed over and gave Twilight a back breakingly tight hug that lasted all of 10 seconds.

Gingerly taking the object into her hands completely careful in every way. Extremely carefully, and extremely fast she stuffed the object down her shirt with no bulging to be seen.


The moment Twilight called out, AJ dashed over and grabbed Pinkie and restrained her harms. Pinkie began to panic and giggle as Twilight proceeded to rummage through her shirt apparently looking for something. Pinkie’s bra became entirely visible as Twilight pulled her shirt up and looked fervently for the artifact.

“Woah…..hot...” muttered Dash as her face turned beet red.

“Oh…….my” Shy muttered, her face matching the color of her hair as she covered her eyes.

I NEED AN ADULT!!” Pinkie screamed through her laughter.

“Darling, I would like to believe that we are adults, but Twilight, I didn't know that you thought of Diane in this particular way? Rarity declared even as her own face grew tinted.

Faltering in her search and blushing herself, Twilight quickly pulled her friends shirt down. “N-no it’s not like that! Don’t you always wonder where these things go? She always does this, stuffing things in weird places only for them to disappear and reappear later.”

Dash struggled to contain her laughter at the innuendo that clearly went over her friends head.

“Do you guys know that I have NEVER seen her summon her keyblade the same way as us, no flash, no nothing. It’s always her pulling it from her shirt or pants, out of thin air, or we blink and it’s like she had it from the beginning. It makes no sense.” Twilight said frantically.

Pinkie’s laughter had begun to die out by this point. “But *hahaaa* I thought I explained it to you.”

Twilight turned and leveled a finger at her “Your explanations are invalid!”

“Now now darling, please calm down, we’ve all discussed this. We agreed that it’s due to the power of her keyblade, like your magic or my telekinesis.” Rarity said in a calming tone.

But our keyblades only serve to amplify our natural powers, or give us new ones. Pinkie has been able to do this the exact same way as when we meet. No it’s something else that I can’t understand, and it’s driving me nuts.” Twilight looked over at AJ with pleading eyes.

AJ let Pinkie down as she walked over to Twilight and put a hand on her shoulder. “Hun, you, of all people should know that yah can’t hope to understand everything. If yah haven't figured it out in 18 years then yer not gonna figure it out now. Pinkie’s just one of those things that we don’t understand, just trust.”

Twilight's eye began to twitch. “That’s one explanation.”

“Can we go now?" Demanded Dash

Twilight looked back toward where she guessed the kitchen was. “Are we stocked up on supplies?”

Pinkie nodded enthusiastically.

“Then I guess we are. Everyone to your seats. Pinkie it’s your ship so you drive.” Twilight commanded with a small smile.

Pinkie beamed in excitement as she nodded and dashed over to the dashboard that Dash wanted so desperately to sit at. The moment she sat down a mark on the top of the screen began to bright pink. She began to push all sorts of random buttons, confirming Twilight's guess on the fact the only she could really fly it.

The action had been repeated when the other three sat down as well. When AJ sat down next to Pinkie as the co driver, a mark at the top of the screen glowed orange. When Dash sat at the weapons section, eagerly getting familiar with the many buttons and levers, her own mark glowing red. Shy, who had already been seated, turned back to the screen in front of her a small smile gracing her features as she sat Angel down on the console in front of her. Rarity sat gingerly at the navigators chair, flipping her hair and leaning back. Her mark glowed brilliantly as well. Twilight sat down in the commander's chair in the middle of the circle, failing to hide her own excitement. Her mark glowed as brightly as the ones next to it.

Twilight noticed an empty space next to her, as if there was meant to be a chair there as well, so looked at it for a second but didn't give it anymore thought as she turned back to her screen.

All of the marks glowing caused a voice to ring out. “6 wielders of harmony detected…..” It was a woman's voice, one which Twilight recognized as an old friend of Pinkie’s, one that the other 6 really couldn't become friends with due to her completely monotone personality and love of rocks. Twilight realized that Pinkie must have missed her a lot to set her voice as the computer.

“Wielders of Harmony?” Dash questioned.

“I thought it sounded cool.” Pinkie responded.

“Would you like to take off now?”

Twilight answered. “Yes please!”

“Affirmative, time to rock and roll!”

Before anyone could question that sentence, the ship shuddered as the lights from the 6 marks spread to other areas of the ship, powering it up completely. The ship began to hover into the air, preparing to blast toward a new world. As if all thinking the same thing, each of them glanced out of the window closest to them, now high enough to see the entire land including the house that they have all lived at for so long.

Dash thought back to the time that she challenged Luna to a fight when they had first arrived.


“Fight me!” a young Rainbow dash yelled out across the clearing.

“Huh?” a befuddled Luna responded.

“You heard me! Fight me, you wanna be my teacher then you prove that you’re stronger than me…….like he did.” Dash ranted, the last part more of a whisper to herself.

“Dash what are you saying, she saved our lives-”

“It’s ok Twilight Sparkle it is fine.” Luna interrupted. Smirking she pulled out two bells. “I was hoping that i’d get to try this out.” she thought as she fangirled inside. “If you can either land a hit on us or take one or both of these bells, then you win, you have one hour, and all of you can participate. You can go when I say-”

“Nah, you guys stay back. I got this thing solo! Bring it!” Dash bragged. She quickly charged at the blue clad women in speeds that surprised even Luna. She sent out a combination of punches and kicks that were all dodged or blocked, but it was a distraction, because as soon as she thought she saw an opening Dash instantly reached out reached out for the bells that Luna had tied to her belt.

In a flash Dash felt her armed pinned against her back in a painful position on the ground, Luna’s face leaning over her, smirk and all. “Your speed is impressive”

“Yeah, I know that, so what?”

“However, speed isn't always what matters most in a fight, strategy and cunning are needed, as well as patience. You didnt even let us finish, we were going to say to wait until we said ‘go’”

Dash blushed as she realized what just happened, and at the realization that her friends had began to laugh at her.

“From now on you will refer to us as Master Luna, deal?”

“Yea sure fine” Dash muttered as Luna released her hold and she rubbed her sore arm.


Pinkie reminisced about her first night in that new world, the night she cried in her Masters arms.


It wasn't until nighttime that Pinkie could stop laughing at the mere thought of Dash’s farce of a fight. The mere look on her face as Luna pinned her sent her into hysterics. Eventually Pinkie managed to calm down enough to lie down on her bed and inspect her surroundings, looking around she noticed that the walls had a sort of drab color to it, slate gray she surmised.

“Gray…..just like her-”

No she couldn't think about it right now, she had to stay positive, she was on a whole other world now. New places, new people, new master,......new friends…..she liked new things...didn't she. Briefly she remembered a conversation that she had with her, how she said she had a fondness for old things.

“NO!” Pinkie said audibly. Realizing that lying on her back wasn't helping her, she jumped up and grabbed the pink paint that she had Luna bring her, and began to paint the walls. If she couldn't be alone with her thoughts than she would just work her body instead, thats what earthans were meant to do after all. They weren't creatures of profound thought like mages, nor beings of carfree flight like avians. Earthans were meant to work and labor, taking pleasure and satisfaction in a job well done. Of course Pinkie realized that she was a slight exception, leaning more toward the free spirited avian than the hard working earthan. Of course she did work hard, but that was only when she wanted to see her friends smile.

“....To make her smile…...She rarely smiles, but when she did…...”

Pinkie shook and bit her lip as she dropped the paint brush, not caring that it just made a stain on the ground.

“Hi i’m Pinkie Pie who are you?

“I’m Maud Pie…….why are you hanging out my window?”

“Ohhhhh we have the same last name!”

“I guess we do”

“We should have a party and invite our friends”

“.....I don’t have any friends….”

“Yes you do, i’m your friend now!”

“But we just met-

“Friend hug!”


“So this is gravel? Its so gray! I Love it!”

“Your room…..is so colorful….I’m jealous”

“Please don’t tell anyone!!”

“Your secret's safe with me Pinkie”

“Even if my friends aren't your friends, you still have me!”


“I never thought someone like me......could have a friend like you Pinkie.”

“Happy Birthday Maud!!”

“Hehee your mom calls us sisters!”

“I wouldn't mind it if you were my sister”

“Maud!! Where are you!! “There are monsters everywhere!”



She snapped out of her thoughts as she felt a soft hand grasp her shoulder, turning she looked up at the face of her new teacher. Suddenly she realized that her eyes were watering, she turned around, quickly wiped them and slapped on a convincingly fake smile before turning back to her.

Luna was not convinced. “We need not have to enter your dreams to know that you are troubled, young Pinkamena Pie.” For once Pinkie didn't flinch at the use of her full name.

“Troubled, silly master…i’m not…….troubled.” Pinkie said as her mask began to break. Suddenly Luna leaned down on one knee and held her close.

“You recently lost someone very dear, and very close. While Twilight Sparkle’s brother may still be out there, you're world is gone, destroyed with it’s residents. You must hurt more than anyone here. It is ok young one, it is only you and me right now, so you don’t have to be laughter, you may let it out.

Let it out she did, for a long time she wailed and sobbed, confessing how much she misses her dear friend and sister. The strange girl who never went outside, always played with rocks, and almost never smiled. She was the only gray in her bright pink world…...and Pinkie loved her so much.


Rarity thought back to the first time she made dresses for her friends. She could also remember the embarrassment.


“I did it!” 13 year old Rarity cheered as she held up the finished product. A bright pink dress that she had sewed for her friends Pinkie. “Perfect for a night out on the town.”

Finally after a full year, Luna had decided to let the 6 of them leave their home and visit the town some distance away. Of course they had snuck out sometime before, but this was official, and they would dress as such.

“Now, Twilight likes the color purple so this bright purple scarf should go perfectly with these purple slippers.”

Rarity continued to talk to herself, oblivious to the 5 pairs of eyes watching her through the open doorway.

“Wooowee she’s really going at it.” AJ whispered.

“Their so ugly though”

“Dash please!” Twilight whispered harshly

“She’s working so hard though”

“But Shy look, would you wear that? Be honest!”

Shia stood for a second before meekly shaking her head.

“Why do they all look like footie pajamas?” Pinkie said narrowing her eyes in suspicion. “Ohhh Are having a sleepover afterwards??” Pinkie exclaimed only to have the others shush her and cover her mouth.

“She’s right though, it does look like she’s really excited.”

The 5 all glanced at each other and nodded in unsaid confirmation before retreating from the doorway.

The next day they all had the joy of seeing Rarity’s finished products. Each one of them flinched and Dash audibly gaged. Thank goodness that she had left to go talk to Luna.

In front of them stood 5 ensembles that looked more like what Pinkie called footie pajamas. One was a purple mish-mash of clothing all badly sewn together, two mismatched gloves, fluffy slippers, a tie, and a hat sewn on the back of the shirt.

The next one was fluffy beyond belief, pink feathers covered every inch of the suit, from head to toe complete with a pink version of the same slippers.

The one next to that had been an overstuffed yellow sweater that even if the boniest fingered nun poked, you it wouldn't bother ya none.

AJ’s looked like the most stereotypical southern outfit imaginable. Overalls, sewn to rainboots with a straw hat placed on the top, thankfully unsewn for a change. In the pockets Aj could make out a certain box, how Rarity got her hand on that was anyones guess.

Rainbow Dash’s was perhaps the worst. It almost looked like Rarity had forgotten exactly what colors the rainbow had been made of, because just about every color had been incorporated into the outfit, making it the largest despite Dash being the smallest of the group. A clown suit would have made for a better getup.

Rarity finally came back into the room along with Luna, who briefly looked at the suits and then at the girls, grinned and left out the same door. If one listened closely, or had ears, they could hear uncontrollable laughter come from the hallway.

“I wonder what she found so funny, but girls how do you like my first dresses ever! I was so excited I stayed up all night making them” Rarity exclaimed, her eyes glittering in excitement.

Twilight was the first to speak. “Rarity….umm wasn't your mother a famous designer? Didnt you take lessons?” She asked hesitantly.

“Why yes darling, but…...I must confess, this was my first time using an actual sewing machine. Personally I don’t think it shows. So? What do you think?”

The girls all nervously glanced at each other before giving various amounts of agreement. Complete with nods and half hearted cheers.

“Oh, thats wonderful! Please, get dressed so we can go!”

“Wheres yer clothes?”

“AJ…..darling, i’m already wearing it.” Rarity spun around to bring attention to her long white, one piece, strapped dress and flats. “Nothing wrong with the usual afterall.”

Everybody leveled righteous glares at her. Only Pinkie spoke out.

“Are you trolling us?”

The day on the town had proved……...interesting. Ok, everybody laughed, literally everybody. Some people threw money at them like they were some kind of street performers. Others simply laughed without restraint, much to Raritys confusion. She began to believe that they were laughing at her because she was the odd one out. Eventually the town’s fashion industry decided to make a personal appearance and personally berated every facet of every outfit before storming off fashionably. Needless to say, Rarity took it pretty hard.

“Why didn't they tell me that they hated theehehehemmmm” Rarity bawled into Luna’s chest.

“They probably saw how hard you worked, they did not want to let your efforts be in vain.

“Bu-but even so, they should have told me *sniff* that my designs were terrible, at least then we wouldn't have been a laughing stalk.

“They are your friends, they knew that your dresses were terrible but they wore them anyway regardless of their feelings. Your friends will always be there to stand by you, this serves as an example of their loyalty.” Luna said softly as she patted her students frazzled hair.


“I guess that I was a little too eager, I didn't pay attention to the designs. Agh I can’t believe I used slippers back then!”

Author's Note:

Almost finished with the cover art, I procrastinate and get side tracked a lot.

I know I should advance the plot now but I couldn't lose this opportunity for past building and context introduction, but I swear that the next chapter is the last one. From there the action picks up.

On this upside I finally got like 10 whole followers!!........*sigh* :ajsleepy: really thought i'd have more by now. But whatever, maybe my new story will be a hit, only time will tell :scootangel: Next chapter hits tomorrow as well as the first chapter for my new story

As always, Criticism, likes and faves are appreciated.

12/20/14 edit: Oh God! I was such an idiot! Why did I think I was being clever with Maud's scene. Someone shoot past me!

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