• Published 17th Apr 2014
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Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH14: My Little Pony: Time is Magic

“He’s gone… but he didn't tell us how to save her!” AJ yelled, stomping her foot and creating a small crack. She clenched her fist when glanced back at Dash, still writhing and spasming on the ground. Her once loud screams soon became pained whimpers.

Her hands unclenched when she felt a hand on her shoulder. “Calm down, being angry won’t help anything. We have to think of a way for use to get that orb from her without touching it.”

“We can’t use magic, you heard him, if I were to pick it up via magic, it would suck me dry,” Rarity added.

“Personally, ah don’t trust that joker worth a hill’ o beans.”

“Not a joker, a Jester,” Pinkie helpfully added.

“Either way, we need a way to- Dante, what are you doing?”

The others glanced over and saw Dante making his way over to the writhing girl. Without saying anything he reached down and pried the orb out of her hands. Instantly, Dash ceased her pained whimpers, and faded into blissful unconsciousness. Instead, Dante took on the pain, gasping and falling to one knee as he felt the horrible pain that his friend must have felt.

“Dante, what did you do, doesn't that hurt?!”

“N-nah,” he got out, it took some effort but he managed to stand up despite the pain he felt. “Unlike you guys, I’m not a wimp…… I can take it. J-just go fix her up, I….. I’ll take this to the basement. Before anyone could say anything else, Dante’s form exploded with demonic energy, transforming into his demon form. Not wasting any time, Dante ran out of the room at breakneck speed.

Twilight quickly got to work healing Dash. “We have to hurry, he could hurt himself or fall out any second!”

“He took the orb, so she wouldn't have to suffer. Heh, looks like he does have a soft side.” AJ muttered. “Twilight, don’t worry about her right now.”

“What? What are you saying, I need to-”

“She’s tough, she’ll heal on her own. If Dante’s runnin back the way he came-”

“Then he’s going to take the train, we'll be stuck here.”

“I see, we’ll need you to teleport us back. If you use up your magic healing her, we’ll have to wait even longer,” Rarity summarized.

Twilight never wished more in her life that Shia was here, if she were, than she could heal Dash while Twilight teleported them. Reluctantly, she ceased her healing spell and transferred the energy into a teleport spell. AJ moved over and picked up the short girl, lifting her over her shoulder.

With a chant, and a pop, Twilight teleported them all to the location of the entrance to the train ride. Seeing as it had already pulled in, Twilight made the obvious observation. “I think that he’s already been through here. Let’s keep going.”

Another pop, and the girls appeared in the girls appeared on top of what looked like a room filled with broken statues and deceased demons. Some demons writhed on the ground and the life slowly drained from their bodies.

“Jeez, how fast can that guy run!?” Pinkie wondered.

“I’m starting to get tired, if we don’t reach him with this next one, we’ll have to hoof it.”

Twilight casted her backtrack spell once more, appearing on a bridge similar to the one they were stuck on before. This time, however, the bridge had a gigantic hole in the middle of it. They were about to ignore it and move on, until they heard loud whinnies emanate from the hole.

Pinkie, AJ and Rarity, quickly ran over to the hole. As soon as they glanced down, they heard Dante’s voice echo from it. “Too bad there's nobody here to enjoy the show!”

Pinkie’s eye’s began to narrow and she yelled back down in response. “Hey! I was supposed to get to tease the bad guy this time!” she yelled as she dropped down.

“Pinkie!” Twilight yelled, jumping down after here.


Dante glanced up and smiled when he heard a shrill girly voice reply to his taunt. Dropping down, Pinkie somehow landed with neither a sound, nor any sign of pain from falling such a great distance, almost as if she weighed no more than a feather. Once she landed, she quickly put her finger up to Dante’s face. “You’re just lucky that I didn't make you Pinkie promise, or I……. would…..

OHMIGURT IT’S A PONY!” she said when she finally noticed the horse in the room. Said horse was a taller than average stallion with a mane composed of blue flames. His legs were also coated in the same blue flames. Attached to him was a small coach with spiked wheels.

Soon, AJ also landed with a crash, causing a few cracks to appear in the ground, Dash still slung over her shoulder. Twilight eventually followed suit when she floated down on a barrier that she erected under her feet. Both looked concerned at Pinkie who was now trying to pet the horse, only to be continuously burned by the flame.

“Good pony-OW” she said rubbing her hand for the 5th time. “Oh what if I-owww.” She tried to hop on it’s back, only to be bucked to the ground. Pinkie puffed out her cheeks and fumed, almost literally. “I will ride that pony!” she screamed. Reaching into her hair, Pinkie pulled out Laughter's Sake and charged at the horse, who gratefully took on the challenge by charging as well.

Meanwhile, the other’s stood by and watched Pinkie’s conquest.

“Crazy girl just jacked my fight…..” Dante mumbled.

“Well you did say technically that she could.”

“No I don't, hold on,” Dante began to count the heads that were present. “Are we missing someone?”

“Hold on, where’s Rarity,” said AJ

“Up here~”

Looking up, the group saw the white clad girl gently floating down in her own sea blue magical aura. “I’ll only be a second.”

Twilight’s eye’s lit up like she had just discovered what Luna kept in her locked closet. “You’ve learned how to lift yourself with your magic?” she exclaimed.

“Not completely, it’s still very taxing, but I needed to find away down somehow,” she said as her feet finally touched down on the hard cobblestone floor. “Since everyone decided to go on without me,” she muttered inaudibly, slightly down trodden. She recovered quickly when she took a good look at her surroundings. All of it pretty, much resembled a large roman coliseum, complete with audience stands.

“Early roman architecture…. it’s a step up I suppose. What is Diane doing?” she gestured over to the Pink haired girl still fighting the horse.

The girl in question was currently somehow in the air, gently falling while frantically chucking confetti bombs at the horse who had somehow managed to dodge all of them. “Let me ride on your back! Let me pet your mane!! LET ME LOVE YOU!! she screamed.

“I really don’t know….” Twilight admitted,” but from what I can tell, I think that the horse has power over time and space. If I’m right, Pinkie will never be able hit it.”

The group continued to watch the crazy pinkette as she tried a dozen or so different tactics to catch her steed. Ranging from confetti bombs, to even summoning giant jaw breakers. Nothing seemed to work, as the horse would simply either run into a portal in space, or mysteriously dodge it instantly. As soon as she finished her latest attack, the horse did something that nobody expected, it fired missiles from the coach behind it. Surprised, Pinkie took the brunt of the attack, causing her to slide on her back, legs in the air, over too the others.

The others, Dante included, looked down at the girl in concern, she had a few scorch marks and some of her hair was still on fire. She looked like she was having the time of her life.

“Do you, uhh-”

“No!” pinkie screeched. Licking her hand, she quickly put out the small lick of fire in her hair before getting up. Raising her keyblade, it began to glow with an extraordinary amount of power. The girls, knowing what was about to happen, quickly made their way over to the stands far behind them. AJ quickly came back and grabbed a confused Dante.

Pinkie’s keyblade began to glow brighter before almost completely transforming itself.

~3 years ago~

Pinkie lie exhausted on the training grounds of Master Luna’s world. All around her lie dozens of enormous craters that spread themselves around the field. Some distance away, sat the sacred forms of all of Pinkie’s friends, each of them looked like they had just escaped with their lives, with the way they were breathing hard, and how they were covered in dirt and mud.

Pinkie smiled nervously when she noticed the shadowy figure of Master Luna standing at the edge of the largest crater. Her face stoic, and her expression unreadable. She briefly glanced down at Pinkie, then up at the destruction that she caused. Pinkie began to sweat at what she must have been thinking right now.

"Ho….ly…..shit… what the hell have I gotten myself into!?” Luna screamed inside her head. “How the hell did I manage to get students that can use forbidden magic, break the sound barrier, control all of nature, AND use ancient lost techniques. Not to mention that one of them's a complete psychopath! Ok…. take a breath, and calm down… remember what Tia said, I can handle this, just stay calm.” Finally after getting her mind under control, Luna gently floated down to talk to Pinkie, who had, by then, sat up.

“Pinka-I mean, Pinkie Pie….. we really don’t know what to say other than, we are surprised that you would be able to use such a move.”

Pinkie tilted her head slightly. “What do you mean?”

“Well, such a move has been lost to time for generations. Only the old master’s knew of it’s use. Even we cannot do it.”

Pinkie somehow went from sitting on the ground, to cheering in the air. “Wheee, I know a move that you don’t~” she sang. Eventually, her dancing was stopped when Luna bent down to her level and put both of her hands on her shoulders.

“While that is true, it is still a very powerful and dangerous technique. One that we do not know the full capabilities of. I warn you, use it wisely.”

She saluted and Pinkie promised. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! I promise not to use it without reason.”


“This is MY little pony, and he’s going to LOVE ME!” she screamed once her keyblade finished transforming. On her shoulder, was a gigantic pink canon with multiple barrels jutting out from the central cannon, each one filling up with magenta energy. Several sights and scopes jutted from the side over Pinkies eye. The sheer weight of it forced pinkie down on one knee as she took aim. Once the horse was in her sights, the screens that Pinkie gazed through instantly began locking onto it repeatedly. Eventually, the total reached 20. Once it did, each of the barrels began spinning around the central cannon.

“Shotlock: Party Cannon!” she said as her finger pulled the trigger. As soon as she did, all manner of ridiculous things fired from the cannon’s barrels. Ranging from high speed confetti, to pizza slices, to disco balls, to even pink pony plushies. What was worse, was that each one, no matter what it was, completely exploded on contact with anything. Pinkie fired it a total of twenty times, each time shooting out another group of ridiculous items. For example, one shot sent out a bowling ball, a fedora, a tv remote, and giant pencil. Another round shot out a bunch of paper, while another load shot out plates, a ceramic foot, a dozen glass beads a miniature mountain, a small man with a beard, panties, and a speaker.

Needless to say, by the time that all 20 shots had been fired, the entire arena had become so littered in craters, that there might not have been any flat piece of ground anywhere. Eventually, the smoke cleared and Pinkie deconstructed her cannon. Standing in the center of the largest crater stood the horse, breathing heavily.

Twilight and the others slowly peaked their heads out from behind the walls of the audience stands. “Hot damn, that chick is freaking insane…” Dante muttered.

“What the hell! How did that thing survive Pinkie’s cannon!”

Twilight turned to see the rainbow hair of her friend sticking up right next to hers. “Dash, when did you wake up!”

“How can I sleep, and miss what minaswell be the apocalypse. I love it when Pinkie nukes the field!”

AJ smiled and laughed. “Told ya she’d heal, she’s more stubborn than most earthans are!”

“Hold on girls, what’s she doing now.”

Everyone’s eyes turned back to Pinkie who began simply walking up to the stallion. Reaching him, Pinkie slowly reached pet to pet his face, the stallion lowered his head and offered no resistance. Smiling, Pinkie reached up to pat his mane, she initially cringed, but relaxed when she felt no heat coming from it. Through the fire, she could feel his real mane, it was silky soft and amazing to rub her fingers through.

“Well done…”

Pinkie jumped back when a voice pierced through her mind. “Woah, that was weird, I could like, hear you in my head or something. Maybe I’ve finally eaten too many strawberry chocolate chip oatmeal sandwiches…… nahhh,” she giggled.

“You have bested me in combat, my loyalty now lies with you, and you alone.”

“Does that mean that I can ride you now?” exclaimed Pinkie as she began hopping up and down.

“If that is your desire, than I shall grant it.”

Instantly, Pinkie appeared on his back. “Onwards and Upwards, Horsey!”

The horse lifted up it’s front legs and whinnied as he began to gallop around the stadium. “Know this, young one, my name is Geryon, the Timesteed.”

Pinkie put a finger to her chin in thought. “Seems hard to say, I’ll call you Berry Punch… Ohh no, Bonbon, NO WAIT! Black Snootie, Black Snootie!” Pinkie let out a large gasp when an idea struck her upside her poofy head. “Time Turner for sure!”

Geryon sighed. “As you wish.”

After completing a full lap around the large stadium, Time Turner began to glow brilliantly, Pinkie fell to the ground as Time Turner morphed into a small glowing orb that faded into Pinkies body, momentarily giving her a blueish glow.

“From now on, me any my power shall be at your beck and call.” his voice echoed in her mind.

Pinkie cheered, “Yay, now Tigger has a friend!”

Eventually Pinkie decided to skip her way over to her friends once that climbed back over the wall. In her glee, Pinkie didn't notice the falling part of the ceiling that got hit with her cannon, fall right down toward her. Rainbow, however, with her keen eyesight, saw it coming, although, she was still in massive pain from holding the orb before. Even a single twitch from her wings sent pain down her back. It was all she could do to try to alert the others of danger.

“Pinkie Pie!” The others saw her, then saw the rocks, and also screamed out her name.
but it was too late, the rocks had fallen right on top of her. Dash pushed through the pain and lopsidedly made her way over to the large pile of rocks. The others, even Dante also ran over to the pile, each of them trying desperately to move the rocks.

“Wow, a rock party, I haven't had one of those in years!” Everyone turned in the direction of the bubbly voice. They gaped at the sight of the Pink girl, then glomped her when they saw that she was unharmed. Even Dante let out a relieved sigh.

“Pinkie, how did you do that!?” Twilight exclaimed

“Do what?”

“Avoid the rocks!” Dash added.

“The what-ohh right. I can stop time now!” she beamed.

Author's Note:

I just couldn't resist. I got to do three of my four favorite things in this chapter.

Write a Pinkie fight scene
Write Luna again
Introduce the party cannon.

All I can say is HELLZ YEAH! This is now one of my favorite chapters.

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